币圈多少钱可以开合约入场券 币圈多少钱可以开合约入场账户

① 在币圈怎么用几千赚几十万








② 玩币圈打新,他用不到三个月时间,把6万本金变成了70万
























③ 币圈合约是什么意思

数字货币中的合约类似于期货合约,它是一种金融衍生品,其交易标的不是实物,而是商品价格的涨跌,可以做多做空,随买随卖,比如说投资者判断某一币种会上涨,就可以买一份上涨合约,如果价格上涨投资就可以获利。 需要注意的是,合约交易一般都会带有杠杆,所以风险会比较大,目前数字货币中最低杠杆是3倍,最高是100倍。
2、合约交易是指买卖双方约定未来某个时间,按指定价格将某种资产的协议进行交易。在数字资产的合约交易中,投资者可以通过判断价格的波动方向。 用户可以在合约交易中通过判断涨跌,选择买入做多,或者卖出做空,来获得上涨或者下跌带来的收益,通俗来说就是可以双向交易,可以买涨也可以买跌,根据趋势即可。 大家都知道合约都是带杠杆的,杠杆的好处就是能将资金最大化的利用,比如100倍杠杆,就是1万U可以当100万U来用。大家可以合理利用杠杆做到小资金大收益。
3、合约的风险问题,很多人对合约和杠杆存在一定的误解,那么合约交易的风险大不大呢,如何控制?风险在任何投资市场都会存在,很多人也会认为合约交易有杠杆,风险很大。 这里再次跟大家说明一下,风险本身不是杠杆,而是存在于投资者,本钱对于风险的认知和控制。没有能力买那么多币种就不要想着一口吃成小胖子。不要动不动就梭哈,分配好仓位。(仓位+风险率+收益率+复利思维的结合,决定你能不能赚到,赚得多还是少的最关键因素)。

④ 炒币新手入门全教程


⑤ 币圈合约怎么操作


⑥ 币圈1000本金合约能赚钱吗













⑦ 币圈期权容易还是合约


⑧ 币圈多少倍合约能玩中长线


⑨ 虚拟币合约交易是什么意思怎样进行虚拟币合约交易



虚拟币种类多样,在国外接受度比较高的虚拟货币有Facebook的F币、网络游戏Second Life的林登币等,在国内比较有代表性的虚拟货币有腾讯Q币、新浪U币、网络币、盛大元宝等。

① How to use a few thousand to make hundreds of thousands in the currency circle

How to make a thousand as quickly as possible in the currency circle from scratch

First of all, you must understand that similar to the Bitcoin and last year’s Shitcoin are very rare in the currency circle that can rise hundreds of thousands of times in half a year or this year. Moreover, the daily rise and fall of these currencies can be said to be like a roller coaster, keeping people awake at night. There are very few people who can actually make money on these currencies. Therefore, investment in the currency circle must be an investment of spare money, otherwise, it will have an extremely negative impact on family and life.

Generally speaking, it may be difficult to choose a currency that can increase hundreds of thousands of times in one or two years. However, when encountering a bull market, it is still easy to encounter currencies that are seven to eight times to dozens of times higher. However, if your principal is too small, for example, you only have a few thousand yuan or ten or twenty thousand yuan to enter the market, then even if you encounter a currency that is seven to eight times or even dozens of times in the bull market, you will only make a profit at most. Even if you have hundreds of thousands, you cannot have wealth and freedom. Therefore, you must earn the first pot of gold as soon as possible, that is - airdrop.

The trend of airdrops in the currency circle should have started with the airdrop of the token uin of the Uinswap project in 2020. At that time, as the first truly decentralized trading platform DEX, the establishment of uinswap not only became The Ethereum chain and even the entire currency circle are the first swap to break away from centralized exchanges such as Binance, which is a milestone in the industry. For the majority of players in the currency circle, more importantly, he airdropped 400 UIN tokens to every player who had any interaction on the platform before 8.31, and the value of this money reached the highest value of 40,000. Multiple RMB. This can be regarded as the first real participant FuDaRan rebate, and it also started the craze of airdrops in the currency circle.

After that, in the past two years, airdrops with higher value such as imtoken wallet token lon airdrop, DYDX airdrop, ENS airdrop, Nation airdrop, etc. have appeared one after another. If you follow it for a long time, If you catch up with the benefits of currency circle projects, you can earn at least hundreds of thousands in the past two years. A friend of mine who is involved in the currency circle has not fallen behind, and he has always sold out when the currency price was not very ideal. He has made more than 400,000 yuan in two years.

There are many airdrop projects in the currency circle. The main meaning of airdrop is to make a big difference with small things, without spending a penny on the project, or spending a little money (usually transaction gas fees or handling fees) ), if you contribute to the project, you may receive large returns. Of course, it is impossible for every project to have a large return. Many projects do not have airdrops (which is equivalent to making contributions in vain), some have but very little, and some are even countered (the final value is not as good as what you spent to get this project) the cost of going out). The main thing is to keep track of market hot spots and not miss every possible opportunity to make money. In this way, your chances of finding your first pot of gold will be very fast. Within one or two years, we will seize two to three major MAO projects.Basically, your first pot of gold in the currency circle will come.

After getting the first pot of gold, wait patiently for the arrival of the next bull market. When the bull market comes, buy 2-3 tokens that are popular in the industry (such as Ethereum), and hold them patiently until you sell them at the end of this bull market. The entire cycle lasts 3-4 years, even if you don’t make a profit. There is a high probability that tens of millions or millions can be stably recorded in the account.

② A newbie in the currency circle, he turned 60,000 principal into 700,000 in less than three months

New acquaintance recently I made a friend, Xiaoyang.

I had a phone call with him for more than an hour last night and had an in-depth chat with each other about new currency creation, contract operations, etc., and we each exchanged our views on friends and circles.

As long as you have an advantage over others at a certain point in a certain field, experience, or methods and skills, you can provide value to others, and this value can be realized.

Xiaoyang is a very typical example. I happened to see him share in Lao Xue’s group that he relied on making new investments in the currency circle and raised his capital from 60,000 yuan to 700,000 yuan. It took less than 3 months. I was curious and added his WeChat account.

After passing it, I scanned his circle of friends and found that he was also running a community called "Get Rich Club", which was interesting.

I have a principle: I generally don’t ask for free things from others. If I am sure that it is valuable to me, I will choose to pay as much as possible. Seeing that Xiaoyang was running a paid community, I thought it was a good opportunity to pay, so I chatted with him, asked about the community, and paid directly to join his group.

I personally agree with the payment for knowledge model. Knowledge is also a commodity, and payment means spending money to buy this commodity. All valuable knowledge products are the result of other people’s hard work. Since you want it, you can spend it. Just buy it with money, it’s normal. Knowledge products are something that only if you spend money to buy them, you will most likely value it, cherish it, and make good use of it, and it will really be meaningful to you, otherwise it will be worthless.

Xiaoyang entered the currency circle earlier than me, entering in 2016. During the bull market in 2017-2018, he also rode several roller coasters. Hearing that I had bought grapefruits for 150 yuan and 120 yuan, he laughed and said that we were both old leeks who were delayed by grapefruits. He immediately felt that we were brothers in distress and sympathized with each other.

Later we talked about the contract operation in the currency circle. We are in the same party. Others say that contracts cannot be touched. We both have the same view. Contracts are just tools. It depends on whether the person who uses them can control them. Well, if it is not used well, it can only be said that the problem lies with the person, not the tool.

Xiaoyang makes contracts, which are U-standard. He heard that I was currency-standard, so he suggested that I try U-standard. He felt that the risk was less than that of currency-standard.

I listened to his suggestion and tried to use the U standard to open a small space last night.one.

It’s really good. U doesn’t need to be converted into the corresponding currency in the spot account. If you are bullish or bearish on a certain currency, you can directly use U to go long or short. You don’t have to worry about converting U into currency later. The problem of currency price fluctuations is gone. Compared with the currency standard, the risk of the U standard is indeed smaller, because the principal, profit and loss are all calculated using U, which is very intuitive and convenient.

The currency circle is a magical circle. The friends you meet in it are most likely to be good. This circle naturally helps to select a group of people, because the people who can enter this circle are themselves Have a certain degree of curiosity, interest in new things, and a bit of adventurous spirit. Moreover, after entering, everyone will continue to be repaired by the market, and the few edges and corners that still exist will be completely smoothed. Over time, the whole person will They are all more humble, more empty-minded, and more eager to learn. Many good friends I know are from the currency circle, and they are indeed excellent.

Xiaoyang is now a veteran in the currency circle. He has slowly formed his own new system. He can predict the possible trend of newly listed coins based on the market conditions and emotions at that time. This In the eyes of many people in the currency circle, it is a great value point.

There are many opportunities in the currency circle, and everyone is looking for opportunities. If you seize a certain opportunity, it is entirely possible to directly achieve a counterattack in life.

A few days ago, when FIL rose from 300 yuan to 600 yuan, I saw a friend in a currency circle group directly making more than 8 million yuan. The initial principal was 150,000 yuan. That day In the group, he rained red envelopes alone. Later he shared that in the last bull market, he failed to seize the 10 million he received. In this bull market, he must seize it, and he really caught it this time.

In the currency circle, there are many stories of making wealth like this.

When communicating with friends, I have always emphasized the importance of capital allocation. There are indeed opportunities to create wealth in the currency circle, but newcomers who have just entered the industry are destined to continue to pay tuition (lose money). Can they do it later? Seize the opportunity that belongs to you and see if you can survive until that day. This circle consumes money and a person's patience.

I have met many friends like Xiaoyang in the currency circle. Many people have their own main business and play this part-time. If they seize the opportunity, they may just quit their main business and start from now on. Choose to be a loser. There are also some people who will choose to continue playing in this circle, and while playing, they will build their own personal brands and even business systems based on it, because the currency circle is a good circle, and the people they know in this circle are also good, and I get to know these people. Yes, many chemical reactions will naturally occur.

Just like me, before I entered the currency circle, I never thought that I would continue to write articles, I never thought that I would enter Ping An, and I never thought that I would do nutrition and health. , these are the chemical reactions that were spawned after I entered the currency circle and met outstanding friends in the corresponding fields and connected with them.

Each of us is somewhatWith similar experiences, we can look back on our past lives. Is it because we met someone at a certain point in the past, experienced something, or just saw a certain picture, and then it changed our entire life? .

Just entering the currency circle, the pace of this change will obviously speed up.

This time I met Xiaoyang, I am looking forward to whether our lives will change in the future...

③ What does the currency circle contract mean?

The contract in digital currency is similar to a futures contract. It is a kind of financial derivative. The object of its transaction is not the physical object, but the rise and fall of the commodity price. It can be long or short, and it can be bought and sold at any time. For example, investors If you judge that a certain currency will rise, you can buy a rising contract. If the price rises, you can make a profit by investing. It should be noted that contract transactions generally carry leverage, so the risk is relatively high. Currently, the minimum leverage in digital currencies is 3 times and the maximum is 100 times.
Extended information:
1. A contract is actually a contract signed with the exchange and a certain deposit is paid. There are two types of contracts, one is the delivery contract and the other is the perpetual contract. The delivery contract has a delivery period. Yes, just like futures, it will be automatically liquidated when the delivery time comes. Perpetual contracts have no time limit. The contract is to buy long and short. When the market goes up, you make money by buying long, and when the market goes down, you make money by buying short, and then add leverage. For trading, the leverage multiple can be freely selected, and different leverage multiples have different risks. The contract is actually optimized on the basis of leverage trading, allowing users to better operate buying and selling. Compared with the spot, the contract has an additional option of short buying (the so-called short buying means buying down), so it is more flexible than the spot. a little.
2. Contract trading refers to an agreement between the buyer and the seller to trade an asset at a specified price at a certain time in the future. In contract trading of digital assets, investors can judge the direction of price fluctuations. Users can judge the rise or fall in contract transactions and choose to buy long or sell short to obtain profits from rising or falling prices. Generally speaking, they can trade in both directions, buying up or down, depending on the trend. That’s it. Everyone knows that contracts are leveraged. The advantage of leverage is that it can maximize the use of funds. For example, with 100 times leverage, 10,000 U can be used as 1 million U. You can make reasonable use of leverage to achieve big profits with small capital.
3. The risk issue of contracts. Many people have certain misunderstandings about contracts and leverage. So are the risks of contract transactions big and how to control them? Risks will exist in any investment market, and many people also think that contract transactions have risks. Leverage is risky. Let me explain to you again that the risk itself is not leverage, but exists in investors' capital perception and control of risk. If you don’t have the ability to buy so many coins, don’t think about becoming a fat man in one bite. Don't be fooled around and allocate your positions well. (The combination of position + risk rate + rate of return + compound interest thinking determines whether you can make money, and the more you make, the more you earn.is the most critical factor of less).

④ A complete tutorial for beginners in currency speculation

1. Estimate prospects and collect opinions
2. Open an electronic wallet for storage
3. Choose different transactions Method
4. Prepare documents and apply for account opening
5. The risk is extremely high and cannot be ignored
[Extended information]
What are the techniques for currency speculation?
1. Use spare money for investment, and avoid borrowing money to speculate in coins—_Invest money + investment energy
2. Strictly screen value coins and make a realistic and reasonable fund allocation plan—_Yanyang Investment Strategy< br>3. Cover-up - It is normal for there to be a correction after entering the market, so funds should be allocated reasonably and intervene in batches.
4. Refuse to fill a full warehouse, allocate positions reasonably, and do not put eggs in one basket to effectively reduce risks.
5. Look in all directions - read more currency news, the latest financial news, know early, understand early, and make money early.
6. Think reversely, do not fight against the dealer or the market, just let nature take its course and follow the trend.
7. When opening a contract, if you are not satisfied with the position, the multiple is 20-50. Do not use 100 leverage easily. You do not seek to get rich overnight, but seek steady profits.
8. Control your own profits - managing your own positions is more important than anything else. If you are not sure, don't operate easily. If you don't operate, there will be no risk and you will not lose money. If you have nothing to do, take a closer look at your assets. Whether there is management and whether it is managed reasonably.
For investors, the most important thing when speculating in currencies is not to follow the trend. There are many novices in the currency circle who have just started speculating in currencies. When I saw in the group, some people said to sell, and if they don’t sell, the price will plummet. Follow the operation immediately. This operation is actually the stupidest, because many people either have no goods at all, or they are fooling newbies in the currency circle, creating panic and making you smash the market, that is, letting you ship at a low price. Some people can't stand the fear and quickly sell all the goods in their hands. After you sell, those people will pick up the goods at a low price. If you sell at a low price, you will lose money. The banker and the people who created panic will buy the goods at a low price. The one who accepts the goods at the lowest price will make money. What others give when speculating on stocks is always just advice. The key is to make your own judgment.

⑤ How to operate the currency circle contract

1. The user decides the long and short direction based on the judgment of the BTC price trend, and selects the contract type based on the length of time. Currently OKEX (https://www.ouyi.xin/) provides three contract types: current week, next week, and quarter.
The current week's contract refers to the contract that is delivered on the Friday closest to the trading day; the next week's contract refers to the contract that is delivered on the second Friday closest to the trading day. The quarterly contract refers to the delivery date being the last Friday of the month closest to the current month among March, June, September and December, and does not coincide with the delivery date of the current week/sub-week/monthly contract.
2. The user chooses the appropriate price and quantity to complete the transaction.
When a user purchases a contract, the required margin is the number of BTC equal to the transaction time and contract value divided by the leverage multiple. Only account rightsOnly when the profit is greater than or equal to the amount of margin required after the transaction is successful can the user proceed with the entrustment operation.
3. Margin
When establishing a contract trading account, users need to select a margin mode. Different margin modes have different trading margin calculation methods and risk control systems. When there are no positions and no pending orders, that is, when the margin of all contracts is 0, the user can change the margin mode.
When using the cross margin mode, the risks and benefits of all positions in the account will be calculated together. Under the cross margin mode, the requirement for opening a position is that the margin rate after opening the position cannot be less than 100%.
When using the isolated margin mode, the margin and income of each contract's two-way position will be calculated independently. Only when the available margin for opening a position is greater than or equal to the amount of margin required for opening a position, the user can make a commission. When using isolated margin, the available margin for opening a position on each contract may be inconsistent.
4. After the transaction is completed, the user holds the position corresponding to the long and short direction.
Under cross margin, the user's account equity will increase or decrease according to the latest transaction price; under cross margin mode, when the user's account equity is under 10 leverage, the contract account equity is less than 10% of the margin, and under 20 times leverage, When the equity of the BTC contract account is less than 20% of the margin, the system will forcefully close the position. Under isolated margin, the unrealized profit and loss of a user's position in a certain direction of a certain contract will increase or decrease based on the latest transaction price, but the margin will not change. When the margin ratio of a user's position in a certain direction of a contract is less than or equal to 10% (10 times leverage) or 20% (20 times leverage), the system will force liquidate the position.

⑥ Can the 1,000 principal contract in the currency circle make money?

Yes. The currency circle is more risky. Most investors enter the currency circle by investing a small amount of money in the bull market, so as long as it drops to 1% (the currency circle generally drops by 1%), if you have just entered the cryptocurrency circle, As a result, one loses all his principal.

You can only make money by selling at a higher price than your purchase price. Only Bitcoin options in the currency circle can win. The most important thing is that we need to know whether we can make money by investing in Bitcoin. NiubiPlus has the vision of "building an ecological comprehensive service community in the currency circle". It is no longer possible to make money by mining Bitcoin in China.

Digital currency wallets are used to store digital currencies, but it’s really hard to say how to make money by investing. Stock amount - principal - transaction fees - stamp duty - other miscellaneous fees. It is recommended not to buy. Only a few people can make money from the currency circle. The currency circle is a virtual economy, and you may run away with your money one day.

There are many people in the currency circle who have their money cleared instantly. Those who start first make money, then the efficiency of making money will be very fast, and they can also make money, that way they can make money.

The currency circle is very chaotic. It is not recommended to start in the currency circle now. You say you can’t make money! I know a few people who actually make money. According to this logic, you can earn 60,000 yuan with 2,000 yuan.

The platform does not want toYou make money, but there is no supervision in the currency circle. There are many ways to make money for you. In fact, you want to defraud others of their principal money. The currency circle can be said to have experienced a "bloody storm."

Maybe people who bought 1,000 coins for only 10 yuan earlier, Bitcoin contracts can make money, but people outside the currency circle may think it is a scam. The currency circle is not big, and currency circle stud means investing all the principal.

There are not a few people who make money, and there are two ways to make money in the currency circle. For example, if your principal is 1W, when the currency market plummets, and as long as your coins are there, your principal will be there.

You can earn 30,000 yuan with 1,000 yuan. Bitcoin can make money. Some people have doubled their principal a hundred times. My principal soared to 100,000 yuan in just three months. The Bitcoin block reward halving and the extension of the Bitcoin supply will further help the cryptocurrency boom.

You can have hundreds of thousands or even millions in one day. It is recommended not to invest in the currency circle. To earn a million a month with a high principal, you can use 10,000 yuan as 1.25 million. With a high principal Making millions a month is because of his large capital.

However, in the so-called currency circle, with 2,000 yuan as the principal, if it has been speculated to 10 million yuan per coin, it is really an exaggeration. In the so-called currency circle, in 2012, Bitcoin The coin price is about 1000+.

There are many ways to speculate in the short-term in the currency circle. It is not very profitable now. In the crazy currency circle, it is just that the projects in the currency circle tend to attract retail investors at the beginning. With the growth rate of Bitcoin and the continuous appreciation of currencies in other currency circles

⑦ Are options in the currency circle easier to be contracts?

Contracts are essentially the same as options. A kind of derivative, and it is also a spot hedging tool! But in general, options are better, and we can compare them based on several points.
First of all, if the current price is 8,000 US dollars, when it rises from 8,000 US dollars to 8,500 US dollars.
1. Spot, get 500 knives
2. Bitoffer options, get 500 knives
3. How to get 500 knives?
For example, use a principal of 500 US dollars, open 20 times, and increase by 5% to get 500 US dollars.
When the returns of the three are the same, we find that the option has the most obvious advantage.
Spot, you need to invest 9,000 dollars
, you need to invest 500 dollars
Options, you need to invest 5 dollars
Q2: Ask, contract delivery

⑧ Currency Circle How many times the contract can play in the medium and long term

In the currency circle, ten times the contract can play the medium and long term. According to the relevant public information inquiry, it is understood that in the currency circle, a contract of ten times or more is considered long-term, and a contract of ten times can be used in the medium and long term.

⑨ What does virtual currency contract trading mean and how to conduct virtual currency contract trading

Virtual currency contract trading is to hold a certain number of coins and then use these coins as guaranteesgold to trade contracts. Suppose you hold 100 coins, you use 100 coins to go long and buy 500 coins. Then these 100 coins become margin, and if there is a reverse fluctuation of 20%, you will lose all the coins you hold. Generally speaking, the effects of contracts and leverage are the same. The only difference is that in margin trading, you only hold stablecoins, but in contract trading, you need to hold the currency you buy or sell as margin.

1. Virtual currency
Virtual currency refers to non-real currency. Well-known virtual currencies include Internet coins of Internet companies, Q coins of Tencent, Q points, point coupons of Shanda, micro coins launched by Sina (used for micro games, Sina reading, etc.), Chivalrous Yuanbao (used for Chivalrous Road games) ), Pattern Silver (used in Bixue Qingtian game), the popular digital currencies in 2013 include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Infinity Coin, Quark Coin, Zeta Coin, Barbeque Coin, Penny Coin (external network), invisible gold bars, Red coins, prime coins. There are hundreds of digital currencies issued around the world. The legends of "Bit Gold, Lite Silver, Infinite Copper, and Penny Aluminum" are popular in the industry.
According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, is not currency in the true sense, and does not have the same legal status as currency. , cannot and should not be used as currency for circulation in the market, and citizens’ investment and trading in virtual currencies are not protected by law.
On the evening of May 18, 2021, the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association, and the China Payment and Clearing Association jointly issued the "Announcement on Preventing the Risks of Speculation in Virtual Currency Transactions." The announcement clearly states that relevant institutions are not allowed to carry out business related to virtual currencies, and reminds consumers to increase their awareness of risk prevention and guard against losses of property and rights

2. Classification of virtual currencies
There are various types of virtual currencies. The virtual currencies with relatively high acceptance abroad include Facebook's F coin, the online game Second Life's Linden coin, etc. The more representative virtual currencies in China include Tencent Q coin, Sina U coin, Internet coin, Shanda Yuanbao, etc.
There are four main categories of virtual currencies on the market: 1. Game currency developed by game operators for players to use as a trading medium in online games; 2. Issued by portal websites or instant messaging tools for this operation A special virtual currency used in cyberspace; 3. An interactive virtual currency that can be used within virtual currency issuing entities and can also be used to purchase goods and services from non-issuing entities; 4. Based on cryptography and modern network P2P technology, through complex A special electronic and digital network cryptocurrency generated by a mathematical algorithm.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 外汇中的杠杆和保证金怎么计算保证金交易中通常用到的杠杆从1:200—1:500之间不等,比较普遍的杠杆比例是1:100。当账户的杠杆是100:1, 买100美元,只需要支付1美元。外汇市场的标准