武汉城市圈升级版 武汉城市圈百科

㈠ 武汉都市圈包括哪些城市


㈡ 武汉城市圈包括哪几个城市


㈢ 武汉城市圈包括哪几个市


㈣ 武汉城市圈直径有多大


㈤ 武汉城市圈的地形地貌


㈥ 武汉8+1城市圈有那些城市


㈦ 武汉城市圈有哪些城市


㈧ 武汉城市圈的分工机制

“1+8”产业分工◆武汉市:作为城市圈的龙头,发挥其区位、交通、科教、人才及产业基础等方面比较优势,建成为中部崛起的先进制造业基地,高技术产业的研究及产业化基地,以金融、物流、现代商贸、信息、科教、旅游为主的现代服务业基地。◆黄石、鄂州:依托邻近武汉、沿长江和高速公路与铁路的区位及交通优势,重点建成以冶金(钢铁、有色金属)、能源、建材为主的原材料生产基地,与武汉东湖开发区高新产业对接、互补,积极发展生物医药、金属深加工、汽车零部件、专用机械及港口物流业。◆孝感及仙桃、潜江、天门:发挥连接武汉、宜昌、襄阳“金三角”的区位交通优势,重点建成为优势粮、棉、油、畜牧、水产品生产及加工基地,纺织服装工业、以盐化工和石油化工为主的化学工业、汽车零部件、医药、专用机械和生活用纸生产基地。◆咸宁、浠水:发挥区域比较优势,建立绿色农、林、水产品及特色农副产品生产加工基地,和轻纺、机电、中医药等生产基地,以及面向武汉市及城市圈生态旅游、休闲度假基地。 在构建武汉城市圈的战略视野上应具备开放性和远瞻性,可从三各层面逐步扩展武汉城市圈工业与域外经济的融合面。
三是国际融合。在经济全球化和一体化的时代,积极参与世界经济的分工协作,是提高武汉城市圈工业品位,实现高起点跨越式发展的有效方式。 随着水陆空的投入加大,城市圈之间的距离越来越近。在公路方面,将建成以武汉市大外环和环城市圈高速路构成的“两环”,以及由13条以武汉为中心的高速公路和快速路构成的公路主骨架网,形成以武汉为中心,通往城市圈8市市区的“1小时交通圈”。并在城市圈形成仙(桃)潜(江)天(门)、浠(水)鄂(州)黄(石)两个主要的区际环网,并与武汉外环高速连成一体。武汉“出城难”也将逐步化解,武汉将完善出口通道的建设,加快内环到中环和中环到外环的通道建设,实现武汉区域任一点20分钟内到达武汉外环。
计划到2017年,先后建设武汉至黄石、鄂州、浠水、咸宁、孝感、仙桃、潜江、天门等城市的城际铁路专用线,形成城市圈轨道交通网。2013年将率先开通武黄城际、武咸城际、武冈城际,汉孝城际。在民航方面,将加速完成天河机场扩建及配套工程,使之成为华中地区最大国际航空港,而圈内主要城市到天河机场的快速通道的建设,使圈内城市到天河机场都有捷径;水运网则以长江、汉江及其支流组成,打造武汉长江航运中心 。 2008年9月27日上午,湖北省政府召开新闻发布会通报,《武汉城市圈资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验总体方案》已获国务院批复。湖北省省长李鸿忠说,这标志着武汉城市圈“两型社会”改革试验已进入全面实施阶段,对湖北的改革发展具有里程碑意义。
湖北省政府表示,在当前全国开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动之时,《总体方案》得到批复恰逢其时。湖北省将以此为抓手,细化“两型社会”建设的专项措施,加强重点领域和关键环节的改革试验,大力推进经济结构调整和发展方式转变,以实际行动落实科学发展观。 近几年,随着我国区域经济发展步伐的加快,城市圈建设已经成为提升区域经济竞争力的强劲动力和有效方式,其发展问题已经引起政府和经济界的普遍关注。经济一体化的城市圈是推动区域经济发展的主要载体。2002年6月,在湖北省八次党代会上,省委、省政府适时提出了建设武汉城市圈的重要发展战略,并要求充分发挥武汉市的龙头作用,通过城市经济圈建设拉动全省经济快速发展。在随后历年的省政府工作报告中,都将加快推进武汉城市圈建设纳入全省经济社会发展的总体要求和预期目标。建设武汉城市圈,促进城市规模结构合理化和区域经济一体化,开启推动湖北经济发展的动力引擎,不仅能使湖北的发展始终走在中西部的前列,而且对于湖北实现在中部地区率先崛起意义重大。

㈨ 武汉城市圈的范围是

1、城市圈的范围 武汉城市圈包括武汉及其邻近的鄂州、黄石、黄冈、孝感、咸宁、仙桃、潜江、天门等九个城市。但在具体范围的确定上,却有不同的说法。即:可能是泛指市域,也可能仅指市区。前者包括九个城市所辖市县在内,面积5.8万KM2,人口3040万人;后者为九个城市的市区,面积2.03万KM2,人口1520万人。由于城市圈不完全等同于经济圈,城市圈范围的划定应依据城市之间的社会经济联系、基础设施共建共享、资源合理利用,环境保护的综合协调等因素来考虑。一般来说,城市圈范围内应该是城市化程度比较高的地区,参考发展程度相近的南京都市圈、重庆都市圈、苏锡常都市圈的范围并结合我省实际,如按市域划定武汉城市圈,则范围明显过大,城市地域分布过于松散,如按市区划定,则又太小,且地域不完整,割裂了城市间的有机联系,如汉川市,紧邻武汉,处于武汉、仙桃、天门、孝感之间,不但地域相邻,而且经济联系紧密。因此,本文认为武汉城市圈应是以武汉为中心,周边约100KM的地域范围,即除上述9个城市的市区范围外,还应包括汉川、大冶、应城、云梦等市(县)在内,面积约2.45万KM2,人口1640万人。

㈩ 全国资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验区的武汉城市圈

2007年12月7日,国务院正式批准武汉城市圈为“资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验区”。 2008年9月,《武汉城市圈资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验总体方案》获国务院批复。《总体方案》确定改革试验的总体目标是:按照党中央、国务院部署,创新体制机制,增强可持续发展能力,实现区域经济一体化,把武汉城市圈建设成为全国宜居的生态城市圈,重要的先进制造业基地、高新技术产业基地、优质农产品生产加工基地、现代服务业中心和综合交通运输枢纽,成为与沿海三大城市群相呼应、与周边城市群相对接的充满活力的区域性经济中心,成为全国“两型社会”建设的典型示范区。 为充分发挥武汉市的龙头作用,提升武汉城市圈的整体竞争力,加快实现湖北全面建设小康社会进程,现就加快武汉城市圈建设若干问题提出如下意见。

㈠ What cities are included in the Wuhan metropolitan area?

It should be the 1+8 urban area we are talking about now.
Wuhan City Circle, also known as "1+8", takes Wuhan as the center and includes 8 cities around Huangshi, Ezhou, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Xianning, Xiantao, Tianmen and Qianjiang. The construction of urban circles involves many fields such as industry, transportation, education, finance, and tourism. Nine municipal government departments in Hubei took the initiative to dismantle market barriers and build cooperation platforms. The departments of industry and commerce, personnel, and education have committed to establishing an integrated policy framework in terms of market access, talent mobility, children's schooling, and employment of residents to improve the overall competitiveness of the urban area.

㈡ Which cities does Wuhan City Circle include?

8+1: Wuhan City plus Huangshi City, Ezhou City, Xiaogan City, Huanggang City, Xianning City, Xiantao City, Qiantao City Eight cities including Jiang City and Tianmen City.
According to the plan, after 17 years, Wuhan, as the "leader" in the circle, will reach the level of a city in a moderately developed country, with 70% of the population living in the city, and the cities within the city circle will basically form an internal and external rapid rail transit network , highway network, public modern network.
The dense urban area centered on Wuhan has outstanding advantages and complements the advantages of surrounding urban agglomerations with rich resources and outstanding cost competitiveness. It is the area with the most development potential in my country's inland areas. Accelerating the construction and development of Wuhan City Circle will help form a strong growth pole for Hubei's economic development and a core area for economic development in the central region, especially the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Through hard work, it can develop into the fourth largest economic growth pole after the coastal areas.

(iii) Which cities does Wuhan City Circle include?

Wuhan City Circle includes 1 sub-provincial city, 5 prefecture-level cities, 3 provincial-level cities, and 7 prefecture-level cities. The city-level city manages county-level cities and 15 counties.
Members of Wuhan City Circle
They are: Wuhan City, Xiaogan City, Huanggang City, Ezhou City, Huangshi City, Xianning City, Tianmen City, Qianjiang City, and Xiantao City.
Available in other counties and cities:
Huangshi City (including Daye City, Yangxin County)
Xianning City (including Xian'an District, Chibi City, Jiayu County, Tongcheng County, Chongyang County, Tongshan County)
Huanggang City (including Huangzhou District, Macheng City, Wuxue City, Tuanfeng County, Hong'an County, Luotian County, Yingshan County, Xishui County, Qichun County, Huangmei County , Longgan Lake District)
Xiaogan City (including Yingcheng City, Anlu City, Hanchuan City, Xiaochang County, Dawu County, Yunmeng County)
Among them, Observation County (Jingzhou Honghu City, Jingmen Jingshan County, Guangshui City, Suizhou, Jianli County, Jingzhou)

㈣ What is the diameter of Wuhan City Circle

Wuhan City Circle refers to the urban cluster with Wuhan as the center and a radius of 100 kilometers. It includes Wuhan and eight surrounding cities in Hubei Province, including Huangshi, Ezhou, Xiaogan, Huanggang, Xianning, Xiantao, Qianjiang and Tianmen.
This is the area with the densest population, industry, and cities in Hubei, and it is also the area with the greatest development potential and vitality in central my country.area.
B. The various terrains within the territory are beneficial to the diversified management of agricultural production, so the description is wrong and consistent with the meaning of the question;
C. The Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and the Beijing-Kowloon Railway both pass through the city circle, so the description is correct and does not fit the meaning of the question. Meaning;
D. The Wuhan urban area is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and includes part of the Jianghan Plain, one of the nine major commercial grain bases. The description is correct but does not conform to the meaning of the question.
So choose: B.

㈥ What cities are in the Wuhan 8+1 city circle

Including 9 cities: Wuhan, Huangshi, Huanggang, Ezhou, Xiaogan, Xianning, Xiantao, Tianmen and Qianjiang.

㈦ What cities are in the Wuhan city circle?

However, there is good news. The Wuhan-Tianmen Expressway has been put on the agenda. It is an important section of the planned Wuhan Jingtianmen-Yichang Expressway. At present, the project has made breakthrough progress.

(8) The division of labor mechanism in Wuhan city circle

First of all, the positioning of the central city must be established. The current new round of economic growth is led by housing, automobiles, communications, and urban infrastructure construction, driving intermediate industries such as steel, machinery, building materials, and chemicals, and then driving basic industries such as electricity, coal, and oil. This growth pattern happens to cover all the leading industries in Wuhan. It can be said that the development of Wuhan's industry comes at the right time. It is necessary to give full play to the multiplier effect, aggregation effect and diffusion effect of Wuhan City as a regional economic growth pole. Adopt a cluster approach to prioritize the development of modern manufacturing industries with long industrial chains, wide radiating areas, and large driving effects, with automobile manufacturing as the main body, as well as basic industries with metallurgy, petrochemicals, and building materials as the main industries that have a greater support for the urban economy. Utilize the advantages of education, technology, and talent to develop high-tech industries represented by optical fiber, optoelectronic equipment, communication equipment, computers, medicine, etc. Eventually, a modern manufacturing industry group, a basic industry group and a high-tech industry group with its own characteristics will be formed.
"1+8" Industrial Division ◆Wuhan City: As the leader of the city circle, it will give full play to its comparative advantages in location, transportation, science and education, talents and industrial foundation, and build an advanced manufacturing base for the rise of central China, with high technology It is an industrial research and industrialization base and a modern service industry base focusing on finance, logistics, modern commerce, information, science and education, and tourism. ◆Huangshi and Ezhou: Relying on the location and transportation advantages of being adjacent to Wuhan, along the Yangtze River, highways and railways, focusing on building raw material production bases focusing on metallurgy (steel, nonferrous metals), energy, and building materials, and integrating with the high-tech industries of Wuhan East Lake Development Zone Docking and complementing each other, and actively developing biomedicine, metal deep processing, auto parts, special machinery and port logistics industries. ◆Xiaogan, Xiantao, Qianjiang, and Tianmen: take advantage of the location and transportation advantages of the "Golden Triangle" connecting Wuhan, Yichang, and Xiangyang, and focus on building a district with advantages in grain, cotton, oil, and animal husbandry, aquatic products production and processing base, textile and clothing industry, chemical industry mainly including salt chemical industry and petrochemical industry, auto parts, medicine, special machinery and household paper production base. ◆Xianning and Xishui: Give full play to their regional comparative advantages to establish production and processing bases for green agriculture, forestry, aquatic products and specialty agricultural and sideline products, as well as production bases for light textiles, mechanical and electrical products, and traditional Chinese medicine, as well as for ecological tourism and leisure in Wuhan and urban circles. Vacation base. The strategic vision of building Wuhan City Circle should be open and far-sighted, and the integration of Wuhan City Circle industry and overseas economy can be gradually expanded from three levels.
The first is intra-provincial integration. Establish and form a regional economic pattern with Wuhan as the center, Xiangfan and Yichang as the sub-centers, and six major cities such as Huangshi, Shiyan, and Jingzhou as the support, and based on the county economy, competing for development and mutual promotion. Build Xiangfan into an important automobile production base and high-quality agricultural product production and processing base, build Yichang into a world-famous hydropower tourism city and China's largest phosphorus chemical production base, and make the two cities respectively the Qin-Ba Economic Corridor and the center radiating southwestern Hubei and connecting the eastern Chongqing region. City. Support Jingzhou to accelerate the development of light textile and auto parts industries, Jingmen to expand and extend the petrochemical industry chain, Shiyan to build an important commercial vehicle production base in China, and Suizhou to accelerate the development of special vehicles, auto parts and high-tech industries.
The second is domestic integration. The first is integration with central China. A number of competitive urban agglomerations are emerging in central China. Integrated development with central urban agglomerations will form a larger economic circle. This will not only expand the development space of the Wuhan urban agglomeration, but also enhance the development of the central region. level. The second is to participate in domestic economic competition. In terms of the strategic vision of building the Wuhan city circle, we should look eastward and southward to undertake the economic radiation and industrial gradient transfer from the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta.
The third is international integration. In the era of economic globalization and integration, actively participating in the division of labor and cooperation in the world economy is an effective way to improve the industrial grade of Wuhan City Circle and achieve leap-forward development from a high starting point. With increased investment in water, land and air, the distance between urban circles is getting closer and closer. In terms of highways, the "two rings" consisting of Wuhan's outer ring and the city ring expressway will be built, as well as a main highway skeleton network composed of 13 expressways and expressways with Wuhan as the center, forming a road network with Wuhan as the center. Center, a "1-hour traffic circle" leading to the urban areas of 8 cities in the city circle. And two main inter-regional ring networks, Xiang (Tao) Qian (Jiang) Tian (Men) and Xi (Shui) E (zhou) Huang (Shi), have been formed in the urban circle, and are integrated with the Wuhan Outer Ring Expressway. Wuhan's "difficulties in leaving the city" will also be gradually resolved. Wuhan will improve the construction of exit channels, accelerate the construction of channels from the inner ring to the middle ring and the middle ring to the outer ring, and achieve the goal of reaching Wuhan's outer ring from any point in the Wuhan area within 20 minutes.
It is planned to build special intercity railway lines from Wuhan to Huangshi, Ezhou, Xishui, Xianning, Xiaogan, Xiantao, Qianjiang, Tianmen and other cities by 2017 to form a city circle rail transit network. In 2013, Wuhuang intercity, Wuxian intercity, Wugang intercity and Hanxiao intercity will be opened first. In terms of civil aviation, it will accelerateComplete the expansion and supporting projects of Tianhe Airport to make it the largest international airport in central China. The construction of fast passages from major cities in the circle to Tianhe Airport will provide shortcuts from cities in the circle to Tianhe Airport; the water transportation network is based on the Yangtze River, Han River and Its tributaries form the Wuhan Yangtze River Shipping Center. On the morning of September 27, 2008, the Hubei Provincial Government held a press conference to announce that the "Overall Plan for the Comprehensive Supporting Reform Pilot Plan for the Construction of a Resource-Saving and Environment-Friendly Society in the Wuhan Urban Circle" has been approved by the State Council. Li Hongzhong, Governor of Hubei Province, said that this marks that the Wuhan urban area's "two-oriented society" reform experiment has entered the stage of full implementation and is a milestone for Hubei's reform and development.
The "Master Plan" determines that the overall goal of the reform experiment is: in accordance with the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, innovate systems and mechanisms, enhance sustainable development capabilities, achieve regional economic integration, and build the Wuhan urban circle into a livable ecology across the country. The urban circle is an important advanced manufacturing base, high-tech industrial base, high-quality agricultural product production and processing base, modern service industry center and comprehensive transportation hub. It has become a vibrant and dynamic area that echoes the three coastal urban agglomerations and connects with surrounding urban agglomerations. It has become a regional economic center and a typical demonstration area for the construction of "two-oriented society" in the country.
By 2012, energy consumption per unit of regional GDP will be reduced by 23%, chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emissions will be reduced by 10% and 12% respectively, and the water quality compliance rate of centralized drinking water sources will reach over 99%. The water quality standard compliance rate in Class III functional areas of rivers, lakes and reservoirs has reached 90%, and the ambient air quality in major cities has reached the national secondary standard requirements, with more than 310 days of good quality. The proportion of the service industry increased by more than 3 percentage points, and the urbanization rate reached more than 55%.
The State Council requested in its reply that the relevant departments of the State Council should actively support the Wuhan urban area in carrying out relevant special reforms in accordance with the division of responsibilities, and reform matters related to building a resource-saving and environment-friendly city should be prioritized in the Wuhan urban area. Try it first. It is also hoped that Wuhan City Circle will provide experience and demonstration for the country to deepen institutional reform, promote scientific development and promote social harmony.
The Hubei Provincial Government stated that when the country is currently carrying out in-depth study and practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development, the approval of the "Master Plan" is just in time. Hubei Province will use this as a starting point to refine special measures for the construction of a "two-oriented society", strengthen reform experiments in key areas and key links, vigorously promote economic structural adjustment and development mode transformation, and implement the Scientific Outlook on Development with practical actions. In recent years, with the accelerated pace of regional economic development in my country, the construction of urban circles has become a strong driving force and effective way to enhance regional economic competitiveness, and its development issues have attracted widespread attention from the government and economic circles. The economically integrated city circle is the main carrier of promoting regional economic development. In June 2002, at the Eighth Party Congress of Hubei Province, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government promptly proposed an important development strategy for the construction of the Wuhan City Circle, and required that Wuhan City’s leading role be fully utilized to drive the development of the entire province through the construction of the urban economic circle. rapid economic development. In subsequent provincial government work reports, the construction of Wuhan city circle will be accelerated and incorporated into the overall requirements and expected goals of the province's economic and social development. Building the Wuhan City Circle, promoting the rationalization of urban scale structure and regional economic integration, and turning on the power engine to promote Hubei's economic development will not only keep Hubei's development at the forefront of the central and western regions, but also have great significance for Hubei to take the lead in rising in the central region. .
Wuhan City Circle refers to Wuhan and the eight cities of Huangshi, Ezhou, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Xianning, Xiantao, Qianjiang and Tianmen within 100 kilometers of its surroundings, also known as "1+8". This area accounts for 33% of the province's land and 51.6% of the population. It has high urban density, a good economic foundation, and superior environmental and natural conditions. It is the largest urban area in Hubei Province and even the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. In 2004, the Wuhan urban area contributed 59.4% of the province's GDP, 65.3% of its fiscal revenue, absorbed 63.4% of its investments, and carried 62.5% of its total retail sales. It is the core area with the strongest economic strength in Hubei.
Although after planning, marriage, division of labor, finalization, start-up and development, the economy of Wuhan City Circle has grown rapidly and its comprehensive strength has significantly improved. There are gaps in size, urban systems, inter-city connections, industrial development, attractiveness and sustainability.

㈨ The scope of Wuhan City Circle is

1. The scope of the city circle Wuhan City Circle includes Wuhan and its neighboring Ezhou, Huangshi, Huanggang, and Xiaogan , Xianning, Xiantao, Qianjiang, Tianmen and other nine cities. However, there are different opinions on the determination of the specific scope. That is: it may refer to the city in general, or it may only refer to the urban area. The former includes cities and counties under the jurisdiction of nine cities, with an area of ​​58,000 KM2 and a population of 30.4 million people; the latter is the urban area of ​​nine cities, with an area of ​​20,300 KM2 and a population of 15.2 million people. Since the urban circle is not completely equivalent to the economic circle, the delimitation of the urban circle scope should be considered based on factors such as socio-economic connections between cities, co-construction and sharing of infrastructure, rational utilization of resources, and comprehensive coordination of environmental protection. Generally speaking, the scope of the city circle should be areas with a relatively high degree of urbanization. Refer to the scope of the Nanjing Metropolitan Circle, Chongqing Metropolitan Circle, and Suzhou-Wuxi-Changchang Metropolitan Circle with similar development levels and combine it with the actual situation of our province. For example, the Wuhan City Circle is delineated by city area. , the scope is obviously too large, and the urban geographical distribution is too loose. If it is divided by urban area, it is too small, and the area is incomplete, which separates the organic connection between cities. For example, Hanchuan City is close to Wuhan and is located between Wuhan and Xiantao. , Tianmen, and Xiaogan are not only geographically adjacent, but also have close economic ties. Therefore, this article believes that the Wuhan urban circle should be centered on Wuhan and a surrounding area of ​​about 100KM, that is, in addition to the urban areas of the above-mentioned nine cities, it should also include Hanchuan, Daye, Yingcheng, Yunmeng and other cities ( County), it covers an area of ​​about 24,500 KM2 and has a population of 16.4 million.

㈩ Nationwide resource-saving and environmentally friendlyWuhan City Circle in the Comprehensive Supporting Reform Experimental Zone for the Construction of a Model Society

Wuhan City Circle refers to the 100-kilometer radius centered on Wuhan, including Huangshi City, Ezhou City, Xiaogan City, Huanggang City, Xianning City, Xiantao City The area, including 8 small and medium-sized cities including Qianjiang City, Tianmen City and so on, is the largest and densest urban agglomeration in the central economic zone of China and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. However, in determining the specific scope, it may refer to the city in general, or it may only refer to the urban area. It can also include county-level cities such as Hanchuan City, Daye City, and Yingcheng City. It includes urban economic circle, urban tourism circle and urban agricultural circle.
There are currently 1 megacity, 1 large city, 7 medium-sized cities (and 4 small cities) within the Wuhan urban circle. The short-term goal of Wuhan City Circle is to build Wuhan City Circle into one of the important economic growth poles in China's inland areas by 2020. This growth pole is expected to become China’s fourth growth pole.
On December 7, 2007, the State Council officially approved the Wuhan urban area as a "resource-saving and environment-friendly social construction comprehensive supporting reform pilot zone." In September 2008, the "Overall Plan for Comprehensive Supporting Reform Experiments in Building a Resource-Saving and Environment-Friendly Society in Wuhan Urban Circle" was approved by the State Council. The "Master Plan" determines that the overall goals of the reform experiment are: in accordance with the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, innovate systems and mechanisms, enhance sustainable development capabilities, achieve regional economic integration, and build the Wuhan city circle into a livable ecological city circle nationwide. It has become a vibrant regional economy that echoes the three coastal urban agglomerations and is connected to the surrounding urban agglomerations. The center has become a typical demonstration area for the construction of "two-oriented society" in the country. In order to give full play to the leading role of Wuhan City, enhance the overall competitiveness of the Wuhan City Circle, and accelerate the process of building a moderately prosperous society in Hubei in an all-round way, the following opinions are hereby put forward on several issues regarding accelerating the construction of the Wuhan City Circle.
1. Fully understand the significance of accelerating the construction of Wuhan City Circle
1. Accelerating the construction of Wuhan City Circle is a major measure to conform to the trend of economic globalization and regional economic integration. The rise of urban circles with megacities as their core is an inevitable trend in the development of economic globalization and regional economic integration. Accelerate the construction of the Wuhan city circle with Wuhan as the core and Huangshi, Ezhou, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Xianning, Xiantao, Tianmen, and Qianjiang cities, so that it can develop into one of the important economic growth poles in the inland areas of our country. It is the time The solemn mission given.
2. Accelerating the construction of Wuhan city circle is an important way to enhance and enhance regional competitiveness. In 2003, the Wuhan urban area accounted for 33% of the province's land area and 46.34% of the population, and provided 61.1% of the province's GDP, 59.36% of local fiscal revenue, 58.64% of fixed asset investment, and 62.59% of consumer goods. In terms of retail sales, it is the area with the most dense population, industries and cities in Hubei. Actively promote the construction of Wuhan city circle and haveIt is conducive to promoting the optimal allocation of resources and industrial optimization and upgrading, giving better play to Wuhan's leading role, enhancing the overall competitiveness of the city circle, and accelerating the process of regional economic integration.
3. Accelerating the construction of Wuhan city circle is an inevitable requirement for comprehensively promoting Hubei’s industrialization, urbanization and modernization. Wuhan urban area has superior location conditions, good industrial foundation, strong scientific and educational strength, strong comprehensive strength and huge development potential. Accelerating the development of the Wuhan City Circle with Wuhan City as the core will help accelerate Hubei's industrialization, urbanization, and modernization processes, give play to the comprehensive advantages of the central region, realize the rise of the central region, and promote the development of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River Economic Zone and even the entire Yangtze River Economic Belt.
2. Ideas and goals for promoting the construction of Wuhan City Circle
4. Overall ideas and guiding principles for promoting the construction of Wuhan City Circle.
First, adhere to the market mechanism as the leading factor. The construction of Wuhan city circle must fully utilize the market mechanism and rely on the power of the market to achieve the optimal integration of resources and production factors within the city circle. The second is to adhere to economic interests as the link. In economic and technological cooperation within urban circles, we should aim at complementing each other's strengths, achieving win-win results, and joint development, and form a benefit-sharing mechanism that is mutually beneficial and risk-sharing. The third is to insist on taking various types of enterprises as the main body. Fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises and various intermediary organizations to participate in the construction of Wuhan city circle, encourage enterprises to compete in cooperation, grow in competition, and give full play to the main role of enterprises in regional cooperation. The fourth is to adhere to the main line of building an industrial chain. Relying on the characteristic industries and leading enterprises in the city circle, we will strengthen industrial agglomeration and expand regional advantageous industries and famous brand products. Fifth, we must adhere to government regulation as the driving force. While giving full play to the leading role of the market mechanism, the government must effectively promote the development of the Wuhan urban area by setting goals, coordinating planning, formulating policies, and strengthening measures. Sixth, we must adhere to the people-oriented approach, establish a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development concept, and promote the comprehensive economic, social and human development of the Wuhan urban area.
5. Determine the development goals of Wuhan City Circle step by step.
Short-term goals: By 2005, the basic framework for high-speed, networked and integrated transportation facilities in Wuhan city circle will be initially established, the construction of relevant high-speed exit channel projects will be started in an orderly manner, and the information infrastructure in the city circle will reach the domestic advanced level. level; integrate various market resources in the city circle and initially build a regional market framework; initiate cross-regional enterprise reorganization to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure; the economic growth rate of the city circle is 2 to 3 percentage points higher than the average growth rate of the province.
Mid-term goals: By 2010, a pattern of infrastructure integration, industrial integration, and urban-rural integration will be initially formed; basically realize the modernization of the rapid rail transit network, highway network, and public communication network inside and outside the urban circle; form High-tech industry clusters represented by optoelectronics, machinery manufacturing industry clusters focusing on car manufacturing, raw materials and new materials industry clusters, light industry textile and food industry clusters, and agricultural product processing industry clusters; integrating regional cultural resources and cultivating regional superior culture industry,Improve the cultural taste of the urban area; the per capita GDP of the urban area reaches 1,865 US dollars, the per capita disposable income of urban residents is 11,100 yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers is 3,800 yuan; the urbanization rate of Wuhan reaches about 70%, and the urbanization rate of the other eight cities The average reaches about 50%.
Long-term goals: Wuhan City Circle will achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way three years ahead of schedule; take the lead in realizing informatization, industrialization, urbanization and modernization in Hubei and the central region, and become one of the important economic growth poles in my country's inland areas .
3. Strengthen unified planning and promote the integration of infrastructure construction
6. Accelerate the construction of a comprehensive transportation system. Accelerate the construction of roads, railways, waterways, civil aviation and other infrastructure inside and outside the Wuhan urban area, establish a new comprehensive transportation system, and reshape the new advantages of the "nine-province thoroughfare". With the goal of achieving high-speed and network-based construction, we will accelerate the construction of major projects such as the northeastern section of the Wuhan Ring Road, the Wuhan-Xiangfan Expressway, the Suizhou-Yueyang Expressway, the Yangluo Yangtze River Highway Bridge, the Honghu Xintan Dongjing River Highway Bridge, and the Wuhan Expressway For the construction of export highways, we must pay close attention to the preliminary work of the Jingyue Yangtze River Highway Bridge and the Huangshi Yangtze River Second Bridge so that they can start construction as soon as possible and form a silver channel centering on Wuhan City as soon as possible, with the Beijing-Zhuhai and Shanghai-Chengdu National Highway trunk lines and the Western Development Highway Channel ( The Sichuan-Wuhan (Han) line is the main axis of the expressway, connecting cities around Wuhan and reaching surrounding provincial capital cities. We will do a good job in the reconstruction and expansion of national and provincial highways, county and township roads, and the construction of rural roads. With the goal of building Wuhan into the fourth largest railway network center in the country, we will accelerate the construction of Wuhan Tianxingzhou road-rail dual-use Yangtze River Bridge and Wuhan-Jiujiu and Handan-Danzhou railway capacity expansion and speed-up projects, and build new Wuhan and Huangshi trains to high standards. station, and strive for the country to build the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Passenger Dedicated Line and the Shanghai-Hancheng Express Railway as soon as possible to further enhance Wuhan's hub status in the national railway network. Accelerate the construction of urban roads and light rail, so that the light rail will gradually extend to Xiaogan, Ezhou and other places. We will pay close attention to the construction of Wuhan's main highway hub passenger and freight station, the reconstruction and expansion of Wuhan Tianhe Airport, Wuhan Port Area, and Huangshi Port Area, and build the Han River Channel Improvement Project.
7. Accelerate the construction of information infrastructure. In accordance with the overall requirements of the country and the province on accelerating the informatization of the national economy and society, and in a market-oriented manner, we will do a good job in the construction of postal, telecommunications, television, and computer networks, promote the integration of telecommunications, television, and computers, and continuously improve the specialization of urban areas. It is Wuhan City’s important position in the national information network. Taking the promotion of e-government as a breakthrough, we will strengthen the construction of public information platforms, realize inter-city and urban-rural interconnection, and take the lead in making government information public. Continue to focus on the construction of the Wuhan Broadband Information Exchange Center, the Wuhan Municipal Broadband Network Platform and the Internet, strive to develop e-government and e-commerce, build a digital and networked city, and accelerate the informatization process in the city circle.
8. Strengthen energy construction. Build a complete energy supply network. Seize the opportunity of west-to-east power transmission, Three Gorges power transmission, and nationwide interconnection, and use the Wuhan City-Huanggang City-Huangshi City-Xianning City-Wuhan City 500,000-volt ring network as the backbone to do a good job in power transmission.Strengthen the construction of the distribution network and appropriately increase the transmission and distribution voltage level to ensure that electricity can be delivered, delivered and used; seize the opportunities of Sichuan gas export and west-east gas transmission to do a good job in the construction and transformation of urban gas in urban circles , improve the urban gas gasification rate; use the upcoming railways along the river and existing railways to actively strive for transportation capacity, and ensure the growing demand for coal by signing long-term coal purchase contracts; timely start the construction of oil pipelines along the river to undertake overseas crude oil, Ensure the supply of raw materials for petrochemical companies. Strengthen the construction of energy points, especially power points. Huangshi City Coal Mines must focus on increasing production and capacity and coalbed methane exploration and development. Other small coal mines must also improve production efficiency while paying attention to safety and protecting resources; Jianghan Oilfield must stabilize production by improving mining technology. At the same time, we will do a good job in protecting oil wells; gradually promote the construction of new energy and rural energy through demonstration projects, and appropriately accelerate the development of wind resources; in terms of power supply, we will focus on the preliminary work of large-scale power points and nuclear power planned in the urban circle, and start construction in due course . Gradually form multiple energy supply channels and improve the energy supply and security system.
4. Gather industrial clusters and promote the integration of industrial layout
9. Highlight regional characteristics and optimize industrial layout. Focusing on integration and interaction with the core development areas of Wuhan City, we will promote industrial agglomeration with characteristic industrial parks and build three major industrial agglomeration development belts. With Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone as the main radiating pole, promote industrial clusters focusing on optoelectronic information, new materials, bioengineering, new medicines, and environmental protection, and build industrial clusters in Huangshi, Ezhou, Huanggang, and Xianning cities; with Wuhan City The Economic and Technological Development Zone is the main radiating pole, promoting industrial clusters focusing on automobile manufacturing, IT equipment, fine chemicals, light industrial food, export processing, etc., and building industrial agglomeration belts in Xiantao, Qianjiang, and Tianmen City; with the Wujiashan Strait in Wuhan City The Cross-Strait Science and Technology Industrial Park is the main radiation pole, promoting industrial clusters focusing on auto parts, food industry, agricultural product processing, salt, phosphorus chemical industry, etc., and building Xiaogan Industrial Agglomeration Belt. Accelerate the construction of cities such as Huangshi, Xiaogan, and Xiantao City, enhance their development strength, strengthen their complementary docking functions with Wuhan's industrial core areas, and drive other regions to accelerate development.
10. Focus on structural adjustment and adhere to the path of new industrialization. With capital as the link and enterprises as the main body, we insist on using informatization to drive industrialization and industrialization to promote informatization, accelerate the transformation of traditional industries with high and new technologies and advanced practical technologies, strengthen industrial integration, industry integration, and enterprise alliances, and optimize regional resource allocation. Promote the extension of the industrial chain, strengthen the agglomeration of industrial clusters with industrial parks as the carrier, and make regional leading industries, pillar industries and advantageous industries bigger and stronger.
——High-tech industrial cluster. Give full play to Wuhan’s technology, talent and industrial advantages, and rely on the existing industrial base of high-tech industrial parks such as East Lake, Gedian and Cihu to strive to form a number of high-tech industrial clusters with scale, characteristics and competitive advantages. Taking "Wuhan·China Optics Valley" as the main body and focusing on optical communications, laser processing and consumer electronics industries, we will further strengthen WuhanLeading enterprises such as China Post Institute, YOFC, and NEC have accelerated the development of a number of small and medium-sized enterprises. Centrally deploy and develop in development parks such as Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Huangshi Cihu High-tech Zone, and enhance large-scale, specialized production and supporting capabilities, forming a center with Wuhan City and radiating Electronic information industry clusters in Ezhou, Huangshi, Xiaogan and other cities. Promote the strong alliance of advantageous enterprises, accelerate the construction of pharmaceutical industrial parks focusing on Wuhan Miaoshan Pharmaceutical Industrial Park and Ezhou City Gedian Economic and Technological Development Zone, focusing on the development of biomedicine, biopesticides, bioveterinary drugs, biochips, and genetic engineering drugs and new vaccines, synthetic new drugs and modern traditional Chinese medicine products, strengthen technology development and intellectual property protection, and form a bioengineering and new pharmaceutical industry cluster.
——Raw material industry and new material industry cluster. Actively promote the deep processing of steel, extend the industrial chain, focus on supporting the development of key enterprises such as Wuhan Iron and Steel, Yegang, and Hubei Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., accelerate the construction of structural adjustment projects focusing on Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.'s secondary cold rolling, silicon steel transformation, etc., and strive to achieve overall growth of Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. in 3 to 5 years. The equipment has reached the international advanced level and has become a plate and strip steel production base with strong international competitiveness. Make breakthroughs in the development of petrochemical and organic chemical raw materials, speed up the preliminary work of the Wuhan ethylene project, and strive to start construction as soon as possible to fill the gap in the ethylene industry in central my country. By extending the industrial chain, we will vigorously promote the development and deep processing of ethylene downstream products such as synthetic resins, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber and other synthetic materials and organic chemical raw materials. Actively support Huaxin and other building materials companies to carry out technological transformation focusing on energy conservation, consumption reduction and environmental governance, so as to further increase their scale, improve their level, and improve their competitiveness. Increase the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the field of new materials with Wuhan as the focus, and accelerate the development of new automotive materials, optoelectronic information materials, nanomaterials, bioengineering materials, new building materials, fine chemical materials and other products in Wuhan, Ezhou, Cities such as Huangshi, Xiaogan, Xiantao and Qianjiang have formed relatively concentrated new materials and fine chemical industry clusters.
——A machinery manufacturing industry cluster focusing on car manufacturing. Increase efforts to attract investment, with New Dongfeng as the leader and key automobile and spare parts enterprises in Wuhan, Xiaogan and other cities as the main body, focus on the development of sedans, light vehicles and special vehicles, and promote the research and development of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles , increase efforts to attract investment, and improve the auto parts supporting capabilities in urban areas. With Wuchang Shipyard, Qingshan Shipyard, and Nanhua High-Speed ​​Ship Company as the main bodies, we will focus on the development of military and civilian passenger and cargo ships, offshore engineering ships, special transport ships, and key marine equipment, and vigorously develop marine machinery and other supporting products to form a ship manufacturing industry cluster. Accelerate the development of series lasers and the pace of industrialization of complete sets of laser processing equipment, accelerate the pace of mass production of high-performance numerical control systems and equipment, fiber optic sensors and other products, and actively develop large-scale power transmission, transformation, generation and distribution equipment, new environmental protection equipment, and light helicopters , uncooled infrared thermal imaging systems, new intelligent medical and health care equipment and other mechatronics products, we strive to expand the market, expand the industrial scale, and strive to form a mechatronics industry cluster.
——Light industry textile and food industry cluster focusing on tobacco and alcohol. Focusing on the characteristic and advantageous products of tobacco, wine, milk, water and noodles in the urban area, we will implement the premium brand strategy and support leading enterprises such as Wuhan Yan to strengthen resource integration, strengthen collaborative supporting facilities, agglomerate and amplify brand advantages, and develop and expand the food industry. Focus on the development of cultural paper, packaging cardboard and paper products, anti-counterfeiting packaging, color printing packaging and other products, increase the depth of product processing, and gradually form a papermaking and packaging printing industry chain. Make the daily chemical industry bigger and stronger. Taking advantageous enterprises in Wuhan, Huangshi, Ezhou, Xiantao, Tianmen and other cities as leaders, focusing on high-end clothing fabrics, suits, fashionable clothes, knitted underwear, etc., the upstream and downstream products are extended to form a clothing processing chain. Support Han-style clothing enterprises to establish Han-style clothing brands and form Han-style characteristics. Strengthen the resource integration and joint reorganization of leading textile and apparel enterprises, focus on supporting clothing and improving product quality, and accelerate the development of mid-to-high-end clothing fabrics, non-woven fabrics and other accessories and accessories, as well as mid-to-high-end woolen materials, industrial fabrics, linen, silk and other key products , build and develop cotton textile bases in Xiantao and Tianmen cities, and form a textile and clothing advantageous industrial cluster.
11. Give full play to comparative advantages and accelerate the development of modern service industry. First, give full play to Wuhan’s advantages in location, transportation, communications, market facilities and industrial foundation, use modern logistics organization forms, and accelerate the optimization of logistics resource allocation in accordance with the approach of “market orientation, government promotion, enterprise operation, and industry coordination”. Focus on cultivating modern logistics needs. Further accelerate the construction of Wuhan city circle logistics infrastructure platform and logistics public information platform, speed up the formulation and introduction of relevant policies to encourage and support the development of the modern logistics industry, speed up the establishment and improvement of coordination and management mechanisms between the government and its departments to promote the development of the logistics industry, and speed up the establishment and improvement of coordination and management mechanisms among modern logistics enterprises to promote the development of the logistics industry. Collaborative operation mechanism. Accelerate the construction of modern logistics network systems such as modern logistics bases, logistics parks, professional logistics centers, distribution centers, and urban, urban and rural small express delivery systems in the Wuhan urban area. Vigorously cultivate a modern logistics enterprise group with third-party logistics enterprises, cargo owner logistics enterprises, logistics infrastructure enterprises, logistics information enterprises, and logistics equipment manufacturing enterprises as the main body. Efforts will be made to improve the investment and operating environment for logistics enterprises, vigorously introduce well-known modern logistics enterprises at home and abroad, and accelerate the opening of the modern logistics industry in Wuhan City Circle to the outside world. Give full play to the advantages of Wuhan's developed commercial circulation industry and the complete network of the four major commercial listed companies, accelerate the innovation of circulation formats, focus on the development of chain operations and logistics distribution, and actively promote the four major commercial listed companies to extend warehouse supermarkets and convenience supermarkets into the city Each city in the circle has formed a new commercial circulation industry focusing on chain operations and logistics distribution. The second is to make full use of Wuhan’s scientific and educational resources, encourage Wuhan’s colleges and universities, scientific research units and R&D institutions of large enterprises to carry out joint education, scientific and technological exchanges and joint research with surrounding areas, jointly build a technological innovation foundation and a scientific and technological achievement transformation base, and establish Joint laboratories to jointly strive for major national science and technology projects. Encourage Wuhan's scientific research institutions to establish technical service centers for surrounding small and medium-sized enterprises, and encourage Wuhan's scientific researchers to carry out technological development for surrounding enterprises in various ways.Serve. The third is to make full use of the cultural and natural landscape features of the city circle with profound historical and cultural heritage, rivers and lakes, and beautiful mountains and clear waters, strengthen resource integration and joint market development, vigorously develop culture, art, newspaper industry, publishing, and film and television production industries, and build Wuhan as a city The urban tourist area with the city as the core and the two major recreational belts around Wuhan City with eastern and southern Hubei as the main body are based on sightseeing tourism and use special tourism such as Chu culture, revolutionary history and culture, religious culture and humanities and natural landscapes as carriers. Develop the tourism industry in various levels and in various forms, cultivate high-quality tourism brands, expand the scale of tourism output, and form a tourism industry cluster for joint development and common development.
12. With the goal of increasing farmers’ income, accelerate agricultural industrialization. Make full use of Wuhan's large market and large circulation advantages, focus on improving the deep processing level of high-quality agricultural and sideline products, and promote the transformation of advantages and featured product resource advantages into market advantages and brand advantages. Combined with the regional layout planning of superior agricultural products, stable raw material bases will be established in Huangshi, Ezhou, Huanggang, Xiaogan, Xianning, Xiantao, Qianjiang, Tianmen and other cities to improve the variety and quality of agricultural and sideline products and provide high-quality raw materials for the agricultural product processing industry. Cultivate cross-regional leading enterprises, actively develop contract agriculture in accordance with the "company + base + farmer" model, actively promote the extension of industrial chains such as food, textiles, papermaking, bioengineering and new medicines and the docking of agricultural industrialization, and improve the level of deep processing of agricultural and sideline products , accelerate the development of agricultural and sideline products deep processing industry clusters, achieve professional operation and large-scale development. Establish a new relationship between farmers and businesses, apply modern logistics technology, use Wuhan as the marketing center, promote the sales of agricultural products through chain supermarkets and large agricultural and sideline products wholesale markets, and increase the scale and efficiency of agricultural industrialization.
5. Accelerate the construction of a common market and promote regional market integration
13. Further develop and improve the financial market. Give full play to Wuhan's advantages as the location of the central bank, regional branches of many commercial banks, and regional headquarters of securities companies and insurance companies, and promote the construction of Wuhan as a financial center featuring bill markets, insurance markets, property rights trading markets, over-the-counter trading markets, etc. , and gradually achieve docking with the international financial market. In the near future, Wuhan City will be the main body, focusing on integrating state-owned economic resources in the circle, expanding the property rights trading function, integrating the property rights trading markets of various cities, and forming a property rights trading market network with the Wuhan Property Rights Trading Center as the hub. Straighten out the management system of financial institutions, adjust affiliations, and appropriately delegate lending authority. Establish regional financial institutions. Encourage the joint establishment of large-scale securities companies with strong strength, flexible mechanisms and standardized management, guide trust investment and other non-bank financial institutions to carry out cross-regional business, actively develop regional industrial investment funds, securities investment funds and Sino-foreign cooperation funds, and strengthen entrepreneurial venture capital , establish a regional small and medium-sized enterprise loan guarantee fund, and build various forms of small and medium-sized enterprise loan guarantee systems in urban areas. Based on the Wuhan Commercial Bank, we will integrate the resources of various city commercial banks and form a regional banking group to improve the overall financial strength of the city commercial banks in the city circle. Encourage joint-stock commercial banks and securities companies toSecurities and insurance companies took Wuhan as the operation and management center, reorganized small and medium-sized financial institutions in the city circle, and established Wuhan Financial Holding Group. It is necessary to strengthen cooperation between banks and enterprises, actively carry out off-site loan business, and promote regional integration of credit markets. Build and improve bank lending information systems, broaden financing channels, expand transaction scale, and promote the healthy development of the interbank lending market. Taking the construction of the state-supported personal credit credit pilot project in Wuhan as an opportunity, we will accelerate the construction of a social credit system in the city circle, realize the interconnection and sharing of credit information resources in the city circle, and establish an integrity mechanism in the city circle.
14. Further develop and enhance the commodity market. Relying on good location advantages and transportation and other basic advantages, we will improve functions, adjust structures, rationalize layout, and consolidate and develop 3 to 5 national and regional markets with a transaction volume of over 10 billion and high management levels, such as Hanzheng Street Small Commodity Market and Xihanzheng Street Building Materials Market. A large-scale wholesale market for consumer goods and a professional market for important industrial products will further enhance its radiation capabilities. Relying on the large market and industrial comparative advantages, highlighting characteristics and strengthening agglomeration functions, develop regional trading markets for important industrial products such as steel, automobiles and parts, textiles and clothing, optoelectronics and other high-tech products, and improve petroleum, building materials, electromechanical, automobiles, etc. etc. The size of the production means market and the level of information management. Relying on the advantages of resources and information centers, optimize the layout and expand the scale, promote the accelerated development and resource integration of agricultural and sideline products markets such as grain, cotton, oil, vegetables, aquatic products, etc., and build a national large-scale central wholesale market for grain, cotton, etc. in Wuhan and Huanggang Qichun medicinal materials market actively explores and strives to open new trading methods such as futures to expand trading volume and radiation area. Support the construction of logistics and distribution projects for agricultural products in Wuhan, and promote the convenient and fast access of famous, special, high-quality and fresh agricultural products in the urban area to the regional and even national markets.
15. Further promote the integration and integrated development of factor market resources. Accelerate technology market development. Relying on Wuhan's scientific and educational advantages, we will build a regional technological innovation system with Wuhan as the center and a technology market network system connecting the province and the country, promote collaborative research on scientific research projects, resource sharing of scientific and technological achievements, and improve the spread of scientific and technological achievements within the city circle. conversion rate. Further develop talent and labor markets. With Wuhan as the central platform, we will build an integrated human resources market, jointly carry out talent training and exchanges, and vocational skills training, and promote information exchange, network docking, and resource sharing in the talent market and labor market within the city circle. Regulate market access and promote the flow of factors.
6. Coordinate urban and rural development and promote the integration of urban and rural construction
16. Optimize the urban spatial layout structure. Give full play to the role of important transportation trunk lines such as the Yangtze River and Han River, Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Zhuhai and Shanghai-Chengdu in connecting economic connections inside and outside the urban area, and form an east-west development axis with Shanghai-Chengdu and the Yangtze River as the main channels, with the Beijing-Zhuhai and Hanjiang Rivers as the major channels. He Jingguang is the north-south development axis of the large channel. Along these two main development axes, we will accelerate the pace of urban construction, optimize the layout of urban infrastructure construction, and strengthen the agglomeration of industries in accordance with the requirements of building a well-off society in an all-round way.and spread and extend, forming an urban system structure with orderly division of labor at all levels and types of cities, reasonable layout, and coordinated structural development.
17. Clear positioning and optimize urban functional structure. Accelerate the construction of Wuhan's modern manufacturing base and modern financial center, information center, science, education and culture center, trade circulation center, and transportation center, strive to improve Wuhan's comprehensive strength, comprehensive service functions, and agglomeration and radiation capabilities, and strengthen Wuhan's role in regional development The leading role. Strengthen Wuhan’s industrial extension and comprehensive service functions to surrounding cities and enhance its leading role. Surrounding cities should rely on Wuhan City, give full play to the advantages of geographical connection, economic integration, and cultural connectivity, strengthen integration and interaction with Wuhan City and other cities in terms of industrial development, market circulation, etc., increase resource integration, and cultivate development Comparative advantages of differentiated competition, coordination and common development.
18. Accelerate the urbanization process and improve the urban scale structure. In accordance with the principles of overall planning, relative concentration, and adapting measures to local conditions, we will pursue a diversified urbanization path. Accelerate the optimization and upgrading of Wuhan's industrial structure, enhance Wuhan's function as a large central city in central China, and further enhance Wuhan's agglomeration and radiation capabilities. Give better play to the role of Huangshi City as a central city in the eastern Hubei region, optimize the city's functional structure, enhance Huangshi City's economic strength and agglomeration capabilities, and accelerate the pace of Huangshi City's development into an urban circle center. Promote the effective expansion of other cities within the urban circle. Vigorously develop small cities and key central towns, and strive to build cities and towns at all levels into urban areas suitable for investment, entrepreneurship and living through continuous optimization of the investment environment, and effectively undertake the transfer of foreign industries from Wuhan and other places. Strengthen the construction of rural public medical and health systems, improve the quality of life of urban and rural residents, and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. Promote the construction of regional centralized water supply, sewage treatment and other areas where conditions permit.
7. Promote institutional innovation and strengthen government coordination
19. Establish a coordination and promotion mechanism for Wuhan city circle work. A leading group for coordinating the development of the Wuhan City Circle was established. The main leaders of the provincial government serve as the team leader, and the main leaders of each city and the heads of relevant provincial departments are members. They are responsible for the leadership, organization and coordination of the construction of the Wuhan City Circle. The leading group has an office responsible for daily specific organization and coordination work. Establish and improve the mayor's liaison meeting system, hold special working meetings regularly or irregularly, inspect the implementation of major strategies, major policies, and major projects determined by the leading group's working meetings, and propose next-step work tasks and major strategies and projects that need to be studied by the leading group. policy issues. With the leading enterprises in the industry as the core, initiate the establishment of regional industry associations in the city circle, give full play to their industry planning, coordination, consulting and other service functions, and promote cooperation among enterprises in the city circle.
20. Strengthen the planning and coordination of the medium and long-term development of each city. Start the preparation of the spatial integrated development plan of the Wuhan city circle, coordinate the urban system, functional zoning, industrial focus, infrastructure, factor flow, etc. within the city circle, clarify the positioning and division of labor of each city, and achieve complementary advantages; complete the preparation of the overall development plan andAll key special plans shall be submitted to the provincial government for approval and implementation. Each city must speed up the revision and preparation of its own overall development plans and key special plans to achieve planning docking and coordinated development.
21. Strengthen the construction of laws and regulations and standardize market order. Efforts should be made to carefully review the current policies and regulations in the city circle, eliminate restrictions on the cross-regional flow of talents, capital, and resources and discriminatory policies in market access in areas such as industrial and commercial administration, technical supervision, commodity inspection, and administrative fees, and establish The nine-city "soft environment" comprehensive assessment mechanism provides equal competition opportunities and conditions for the development of enterprises within the city circle.
22. Actively explore benefit distribution mechanisms and financial support policies in regional cooperation. According to the principle of who invests and who benefits, coordinate the distribution of interests among cities. Clean up and coordinate preferential policies in local taxes, administrative fees and investment promotion in various cities. Rationally integrate fiscal funds, focus on absorbing private capital, and support pillar industries to become bigger and stronger. Increase the provincial investment in the construction of the four major highways, railways, aviation, and information channels in the urban circle, as well as water, electricity, and gas in industrial parks and industrial concentrated areas, and improve the hard environment for enterprise development in the urban circle. Make full use of foreign government loans and loans from international financial organizations to support infrastructure construction in urban areas. Continue to implement preferential policies for foreign talents and further leverage the government's guiding role in investment in high-tech industries.
23. Actively seek national policy support. Actively strive for national fiscal and tax policies to increase transfer payments to cities in the Wuhan city circle in terms of social security fund adjustment and poverty alleviation fund investment; actively strive for national investment and financing and financial policies, and increase transfer payments to cities within the city circle for highways, Invest in major infrastructure construction such as international airports and disaster prevention and reduction, as well as in science and technology, education, and cultural undertakings; actively strive for national industrial policies and support cities in the transformation of traditional industries, especially the old industrial bases in Wuhan and Huangshi. Support and guide specific projects and manufacturers that are in line with the region's comparative advantages to settle in or enter the region.
24. Accelerate the establishment of a database of key construction projects in the Wuhan urban area and jointly attract investment. Strengthen the construction of e-government platforms and key project databases in various cities to form the sharing and interconnection of business information resources and credit information resources; improve the information disclosure system, and timely publish industrial policies, macroeconomic forecasts, economic policies, economic operations, and major government investments Project bidding and other information. Make full use of international activity platforms such as the Wuhan Expo and Wuhan Fair, jointly plan and design major projects, jointly carry out major internal and external investment activities, coordinate preferential policies for attracting investment in various cities, strengthen the construction of an honest government, establish and improve corporate credit reporting systems, and establish The overall brand image of the city circle.
25. Optimize the investment environment and accelerate the process of economic integration in urban areas. Transform investment control methods, transform project management models, liberalize the field of social investment, and liberalize the approval of non-governmental investment projects. Except for special regulations by the state, all investment fields will be open to the public, break regional, ownership, and industry monopolies, and actively promote the project legal person bidding system to provide investors with opportunities for fair competition.. For recognized major high-tech achievement transformation projects and modern manufacturing projects, implement incentive policies of fee reduction and exemption to reduce their investment costs; establish and improve a new land supply system, prepare land supply plans, and achieve government control over the total amount of construction land and structural adjustment, guiding social funds to focus on urban infrastructure, high-tech industries, and modern manufacturing. Guide large domestic and foreign enterprise groups to set up headquarters, R&D and sales centers or production bases in Wuhan.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 数字货币成交量的K和M是什么意思k代表十万,M代表百万。通常由开发者发行和管理,被特定虚拟社区的成员所接受和使用。欧洲银行业管理局将虚拟货币定义为:价值的数字化表示,不由央行或当局发行,也不与法币