币圈小江 币圈loot

㈠ 《精舞门2》绵绵(周奇奇)开场穿的衣服


主演:张静初 李晨 徐帆
导演:冯小刚 推荐指数:★★★★★

主演:古天乐 吴彦祖 李冰冰
导演:尔冬升 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:贾登·史密斯 成龙
导演:哈罗德·兹瓦特 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:李连杰 文章 桂纶镁
导演:薛晓路 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:谢霆锋 张家辉 桂纶镁 陆毅 苗圃
导演:林超贤 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:巩俐 约翰·库萨克 周润发
导演:米凯尔·哈弗斯特罗姆 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:郭富城 吴京 舒淇 导演:陈木胜 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 渡边谦 艾伦·佩奇
导演:克里斯托弗·诺兰 推荐指数:★★★★★

主演:汤姆·克鲁斯 卡梅隆·迪亚兹

主演:拉塞尔·克劳 凯特·布兰切特


小情+小调 营造小噱头

主演:田亮 ** 冯德伦 黄圣依
导演:刘镇伟 推荐指数:★★★
主演:黄晓明 张静初 周立波 陈百祥 任贤齐导演:李力持 推荐指数:★★
主演:黄奕 孙兴 谢娜 徐峥
导演:钟少雄 推荐指数:★★
主演:林志玲 孙红雷
导演:李蔚然 推荐指数:★★★
主演:杨千嬅 余文乐 张达明
导演:彭浩翔 推荐指数:★★★★
主演:贺军翔 林心如 爱戴
导演:蔡心 推荐指数:★★
主演:刘烨 高圆圆 李小冉
导演:张杨 推荐指数:★★★★
主演:姚晨 朱雨辰 郭晓冬
导演:鄢颇 肖蔚鸿 推荐指数:★★

㈡ 少林72绝技中,最厉害的是

少林方丈、少林实业公司董事长释 永 信 认为:「少林武术是禅拳一体,禅拳并传,以武悟禅,以禅导拳。所以,少林最高功夫是——抛开七情六欲,私心杂念,将全部身心投入到禅武的境界当中,最终达到你中有我,人中有你的至高境界。」


㈢ 平安扣罗汉眼是什么意思

平安扣也称怀古、罗汉眼,可祛邪免灾,保出入平安。是中国的一款传统玉饰品,从外型看它圆滑变通,符合中国传统文化中的“中庸之道”,古代称之为“壁”,有养身护体之效。在现代,常为情人间互赠之物,取平安之意。平安两字寓意明确,表达了人们朴素美好的愿望。 平安扣外圈是圆的,象征着辽阔天地混沌;内圈也是圆的,象征我们内心的平宁安远。 平安扣的形状很像古时铜钱的形状,据说古铜钱可避邪保平安,可是佩戴铜钱不是很美观,所以在玉器中就出现了平安扣,既美观而且寓意又好。 四季平安扣由单个四季豆荚构成,通常豆荚边上会有蝙蝠出现,平安豆的由来,古时寺庙的和尚通常把这种豆荚作为主菜,久而久之,人们便把四季豆荚称做四季平安豆。 小小一枚平安扣,圆圆的造型寓意圆满幸福。 平安扣是一款很不错的护身平安符,佩戴简洁大方,贴身润肤,护身辟邪,吉祥保平安,有很好的装饰效果,长时佩戴更显透亮水。 平安扣,素而无功之圆形传统佩饰,直径大的不过三五厘米,但却被人们赋予了简单朴实的寓意”平安”。 也许是因为没有烦琐的雕琢表面平滑,而外形大小又像扣子,所以得此名吧。其最早出现的时间我们不得而知,以明清以后的比较多见,而且多为民间饰品。其形制传承至今没有大的变化。现在平安扣也非常受人们喜爱,几乎每个销售饰品的地方都有各种材质的”平安扣“。 对于其由来,好多人认为是由古钱演变而来,我则倾向于源自古代系璧。没错,古人是有把古钱当做吉祥护身之物的现象,比如清康熙通宝中的”罗汉钱”。但古钱是方孔的,自秦始皇统一六国,并统一了货币、度量、文字以后,直至清王朝结束,历经2000多年方孔钱作为主流货币其样式就没改变过。而”平安扣“则是圆孔的,如果源自古钱,那么何不是方孔的呢?而且同样有各种美好寓意的方孔压胜钱(花钱)早已有之。其二,在民间玉饰中也有不少仿方孔钱而制的大小玉佩,但都是带功的,或雕琢吉祥文字、或雕琢吉祥纹饰。也就是说”玉钱”是与”平安扣“不同的两种饰品。 下面再说说”璧”,《尔雅·释器》中指出:”肉倍好谓之璧,好倍肉谓之瑗,肉好若一谓之环。”邢禹疏:”肉,边也,好,孔也,边大倍于孔者名璧。”(”肉”是指从内圈到外圈之间,即环状玉石。”好”是指当中的孔,肉为孔径的两倍便是璧。与此器近似的还有玉瑗,玉环,三者的名称由中心的圆孔大小来决定,大孔者为瑗,小孔者为璧。孔径与玉质部分边沿相等者为环。)而且玉璧有的有文饰,有的是素面无纹的,所以再式样上玉璧先胜一回合。《周礼·春官·大宗伯》记载:”以玉作六器,以礼天地四方:以苍璧礼天,以黄琮礼地,以青圭礼东方,以赤璋礼南方,以白琥礼西方,以玄璜礼北方”。《说文》中释璧:”瑞玉,圆器也。”可见玉璧被古人视为祥瑞之重器。而作为佩饰的系璧尺寸要比作为礼器的玉璧尺寸小,一般认为在10CM以内。以璧为佩饰主要自战国至汉代盛行,由此古人佩系璧由来已久。然在生产力不发达的古代,开采玉石(泛指美石)不是件容易的事情,再加之将璞玉琢成玉璧全靠双手来完成。如此珍贵之物必会被古代皇室帝王垄断独享,所以玉饰品从庙堂走到民间经历了漫长的过程。在这漫长的过程中智慧的劳动人民将其缩小简化,既省材料又省人工,还有美好的寓意在里面,这就变成了能让更多人能拥有的”平安扣“,别且传承至今! 平安扣-佩戴方法 平安扣从外形上看,其外圈是圆的,象征着辽阔天地;内圈也是圆的,象征我们内心的平宁安远。平安扣通体圆滑,与传承中国的传统文化“中庸之道”相符。 中国人爱翡翠,所以翡翠做成的平安扣更深得大众的喜爱。 通常人们把翡翠作为项饰贴身佩戴,护身辟邪,吉祥保平安。佩戴翡翠平安扣没有特殊的忌讳和要求,用一根简单的线绳穿起,或者再穿几颗翡翠小珠子作为装饰,挂于胸前,简洁大方;也可以用黄金、铂金等贵金属镶起,或可点缀细小宝石装饰,再配绳线、金属链佩戴,更添了一丝优雅华贵。 平安扣除了项饰外,还有小巧可爱的平安扣穿成的手链,也有平安扣造型的胸针、耳坠、手机链、钥匙扣等。有车的人为了保人车平安,会将其挂于车内,更有人购买较大型的平安扣挂件装饰于房间内,祈求人宅共平安。 小小的一枚平安扣,蕴含了整个天地,圆圆的造型,寓意平安吉祥,它表达了人们朴素美好的愿望,当心与天地融合,便有了伟大的包容与和谐,同时锁定了平安。因为平安扣的寓意平实、真挚,佩戴没有什么避讳,只要自己喜欢,怎样佩戴都可以。平安扣-故事 平安扣关于这枚翡翠平安扣的故事发生在修武县周庄和马庄一带。 相传解放前夕,马庄青年马恒不幸被国民党抓了壮丁。临行前,他祈求回家给年迈多病的父亲磕个头。马父面对跪在自己跟前的儿子,心如刀绞。知道儿子此劫难逃,马父便从怀里掏出祖传的一枚翡翠平安扣,塞到儿子怀里,仰望苍天,长叹一声,老泪横流。 马恒带着那枚翡翠平安扣入伍之后,也许是苍天垂怜,也许是菩萨显灵,每次开赴战场都能平安回来,相安无事。只有在沁河口拉锯战中,马恒胸前突然中了一枪,打了个趔趄便摔倒在沙滩上。马恒看了看被子弹穿透的棉衣后,又伸手摸出衬衣口袋里的那枚翡翠平安扣一看,大吃一惊,那枚翡翠平安扣被子弹击中裂成两半了。“乖乖,要不是翡翠平安扣挡住子弹,我命休矣!”马恒打了个寒战,双手把那枚翡翠平安扣搂在心口,对它倍加珍惜。 蒋家王朝不得民心,气数已尽,兵败如山倒。临撤离大陆前,身为连长的马恒回家辞行。面对父亲的灵牌和身怀六甲的妻子周氏,马恒泪水涟涟地说:“孩他娘,我这一走,不知何年何月才能回来,你可要多多保重啊。这半个翡翠平安扣留给你作个纪念吧。”言毕,马恒便策马而别。没有人能料到,这一别竟是50年。风云变幻,人生无常。两岸对峙,音信皆无。马恒在台湾50年,虽然升了职,加了薪,又成了家,但无时无刻不在思念故乡的亲人。不久,台妻为他生一男孩。马恒为他取名叫马修武,寓意儿子不忘故土、不忘故乡人。 然而,人算不如天算。当马修武20岁时,马恒身染绝症。临终前,马恒语重心长地对马修武说:“儿呀,我要去见你爷爷了。我死后,你一定要想方设法把我送回老家,把我葬在你爷爷身旁。生,我是马家人;死,我是马家鬼。切记……”言毕,马恒便将另一半翡翠平安扣交于儿子手中,双目圆睁,含恨而去。 生不逢时的马恒去了,儿子却赶上了好年代。为完成父亲的遗愿,马修武带着父亲的骨灰,踏上了寻亲认祖之路。当他抵达修武县马庄见到满头银发的周氏时,周氏贵贱不敢相认。“娘——”马修武“扑通”一声跪在周氏面前,双手托着父亲留给自己的半个翡翠平安扣,泣不成声地说:“您可认得……” 见物如见人。周氏一见那另一半翡翠平安扣,便泪如雨下。随后,周氏又拿出自己保存了半个世纪的那半个翡翠平安扣,接着一把将马修武搂在怀里放声大哭:“儿呀——” 一枚翡翠平安扣,一段人间悲喜情。

㈣ 求求你们了,告诉我点小说里招式的名字吧!最好是原创







































































































































































武当山自古就有 “ 亘古无双胜境,天下第一仙山 ” 之圣誉。相传,黄帝治世,有静乐国太子在武当得道升仙,后,受封为 “ 玄天上帝荡魔天尊 ” ,春秋之老子、尹喜真人均在此山修行,南北朝时,更是隐修此山者四百余人,元、明时的高道张三丰真人亦始创内家拳于武当。


张三丰武功深不可测,他以自悟的拳理结合道家冲虚圆通之道,创出了辉映后世、照耀千古的武当一派武功,被誉为不世出的奇人,堪称武林一代宗师。他不仅是武当内家拳的祖师,也是太极拳的始祖。内家拳又分太极,八卦,形意,太成诸门,而以太极门为主,“ 以静制动,以柔克刚,循环往复,生生不息”——这就是太极 。








1.两仪掌 武当山镇山绝艺。双掌圈动,似虚而实,似柔而刚。这套掌法完全是以柔克刚,以意可敌的内家上乘功夫,奇诡快速,极易抢攻。








1.两仪剑法 武当派两位高手积数十年之力所创,剑法中有阴有阳,亦刚亦柔。出招时,一人迟缓,一人迅捷,姿势虽不雅观,但剑招古朴浑厚,破绽之处实所罕见。斗到紧要处,一人长剑大开大阖、势道雄浑;一人疾趋疾退、剑尖上幻出点点寒星。清虚、成高两位道长曾以此剑法刁难令狐冲,因不能阴阳混而为一,还是败在令狐冲的独孤九剑之下。

2.神门十三剑 武当派祖师张三丰所创。共有一十三记招数,每记招式各不相同,但所刺之处,全是敌人手腕的神门穴。神门穴在手掌后瑞骨之端,敌人中剑后,手掌便再也使不出半点力道。










1.梯云纵 这是武当派名扬天下的轻功绝技。
















































































2.劈石破玉拳 劈石破玉拳原为劈石及破玉两路拳法绝学,可与混元掌互备。





2.混元掌 混元掌缘自剑法,固招数名称多与剑招相符。可与劈石破玉拳互备。









2.夺命连环三仙剑 华山派剑宗的绝技。三剑一气呵成。起始当头直劈;若对方斜身闪开,则圈转长剑,拦腰横削;如果对方还能避开,势必纵身从剑上跃过,则长剑反撩,疾刺对方后心。对方背后不生眼睛,势难躲避。当年玉女峰上大比剑,剑宗弟子以此剑法杀了好几名气宗好手。岳不群在少林寺与令狐冲比剑时,急不择招,竟也使出这种平时为他所鄙薄的剑宗绝技。(见金庸《笑傲江湖》)

3.独孤九剑 独孤求败创立的无敌剑法。分为九个部分,即:总诀式、破剑式、破刀式、破枪式、破鞭式、破索式、破掌式、破箭式、破气式。修习此剑,要旨在“悟”,虽一剑一式亦可变幻无穷,临敌之际将招数忘得越干净越好。传人有风清扬、令狐冲。令狐冲曾以独孤九剑击败田伯光,刺瞎十五名黑道高手的双目,赢过任我行、冲虚道长、岳不群、林平之。(见金庸《笑傲江湖》)







































1.云龙三折 一种轻功,传为昆仑派绝学。练成后高纵上跃,矫若游龙,在腾起之势将竭之时,可以不借助任何物体,仅凭身形在空中打一回旋,便可立即拔高,如是者再,即可盘旋而上达二三十丈。昆仑派轻功据传又有“龙飞九天”一种,语焉不详。








1.无声无色剑招 昆仑派剑法中的绝招。必须两人同使,二人功力相若,内劲相同,当剑招使出,劲力恰恰相反,于是两柄长剑上所生荡激之力、破空之声,一齐相互抵消。故适于夜战,使对方难以听声辨器,不觉间即已白刃加身。昆仑派掌门何太冲与班淑娴夫妇在少林寺英雄大会上败于张无忌之手,竟以此招偷袭正给鲜于通疗毒的无忌,无忌身有护体神功,趋避及时,这两把长剑便将鲜于通钉死地下。(见金庸《倚天屠龙记》)








2.降龙十八掌 亢龙有悔,飞龙在天,见龙在田,鸿渐于陆,潜龙勿用,利涉大川










1.六和刀 呵壁问天,气盖河山,天地乍合,离合无常,和合六出,阴阳隔阂




1.打狗棒法 共有三十六路,乃丐帮祖师爷所开创,历来是前任帮主传后任帮主,决不传外人。此法名字虽然陋俗,但变化精微,招术奇妙。一根颜色碧绿、略长于剑的打狗棒指东打西,凌厉无比。打狗棒法共有绊、劈、缠、戳、挑、引、封、转八诀。使“绊”时,主袭敌人下盘,有如长江大河,绵绵而至,决不容敌人有丝毫喘息时机,一绊不中,二绊续至,连环钩盘。用“缠”则随敌东西,如影随形,借力制敌,不管敌人拿着多么巨大的兵器,那竹棒有如一根坚韧的细藤,缠住了大树之后,任那树粗大几十倍,休想再能摆脱束缚。“转”字诀却相反,或点敌要穴,或刺敌要害,任你挪腾跨跃,那竹棒化作一围碧影,将你全部笼罩其中。“挑”字诀则以“四两拨千斤”,用巧劲化解蛮力。黄蓉接任丐帮帮主时,因匪人挑拨,帮中人众竟然不服,后来她便以此棒法挫败四大长老,令其臣服。(见金庸《射雕英雄传》)






驭兽术 用以指挥各种动物

道听途说 用以打探各种消息

12.逍遥派 是一个很隐密的门派,江湖上很少有人知道这一派。
































㈤ 2010暑期强档电影有那些


主演:张静初 李晨 徐帆
导演:冯小刚 推荐指数:★★★★★

主演:古天乐 吴彦祖 李冰冰
导演:尔冬升 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:贾登·史密斯 成龙
导演:哈罗德·兹瓦特 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:李连杰 文章 桂纶镁
导演:薛晓路 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:谢霆锋 张家辉 桂纶镁 陆毅 苗圃
导演:林超贤 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:巩俐 约翰·库萨克 周润发
导演:米凯尔·哈弗斯特罗姆 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:郭富城 吴京 舒淇 导演:陈木胜 推荐指数:★★★★

主演:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 渡边谦 艾伦·佩奇
导演:克里斯托弗·诺兰 推荐指数:★★★★★

主演:汤姆·克鲁斯 卡梅隆·迪亚兹

主演:拉塞尔·克劳 凯特·布兰切特


小情+小调 营造小噱头

主演:田亮 ** 冯德伦 黄圣依
导演:刘镇伟 推荐指数:★★★
主演:黄晓明 张静初 周立波 陈百祥 任贤齐导演:李力持 推荐指数:★★
主演:黄奕 孙兴 谢娜 徐峥
导演:钟少雄 推荐指数:★★
主演:林志玲 孙红雷
导演:李蔚然 推荐指数:★★★
主演:杨千嬅 余文乐 张达明
导演:彭浩翔 推荐指数:★★★★
主演:贺军翔 林心如 爱戴
导演:蔡心 推荐指数:★★
主演:刘烨 高圆圆 李小冉
导演:张杨 推荐指数:★★★★
主演:姚晨 朱雨辰 郭晓冬
导演:鄢颇 肖蔚鸿 推荐指数:★★

㈥ 2018朋友圈疯转菩萨是什么菩萨












㈠ The clothes worn by Mianmian (Zhou Qiqi) in the opening scene of "Jing Wu Men 2"

Abstract] Nearly 60 movies will be released this year. According to industry insiders, the box office will exceed 2 billion. We present to readers a catalog of 24 interesting Chinese and foreign blockbusters. We hope that everyone can find their favorite movies. This year's summer season is more diverse due to the presence of tear-jerking blockbusters such as "Tangshan Earthquake", and the competition is also high. It will definitely be more tragic.
[Text] I don’t like tears during the summer season. This place has always been a gathering place for popcorn movies, but there are two directors who intend to make the audience cry. One is "Tangshan Earthquake" which is said to have moved everyone in the industry. , the other one is "Ocean Paradise" starring Jet Li, which focuses on autistic children, so this summer, we still have to believe in the power of tears. The audience laughs and cries for the movie, venting their emotions, and experiencing another life with the protagonists in the story. Perhaps this is the meaning of the movie.
Traditional Hong Kong movies, confrontation between police and gangsters
Many people say: "Hong Kong movies are dead." Yes, in the context of the Chinese language, Hong Kong films are dead from the perspective of financing from the mainland and recovering box office revenue from the mainland. But this does not prevent Hong Kong directors from introducing their concepts to the mainland and continuing to use Hong Kong stars to make some "pan-Hong Kong films" with police and gangster themes. "The King of Guns" focuses on two handsome men, Louis Koo and Daniel Wu; while "The Informer" The original cast of "The Witness" interprets a more complex and exciting story. For some reason, there is a lack of Hong Kong films in the summer schedule. It seems that something is missing...
Big-name stars, Sino-US co-production
"Where to go?" "Go to China to make a movie." It feels like it is nothing new for Hollywood stars to come to China to make movies in the past few years, and the type of filming has also changed from shooting in China to a Sino-US co-production. The Western perspective has become a story with a more vivid and profound Chinese interpretation. This summer, Chow Yun-fat, Gong Li, and John Cusack presented the spy blockbuster "Quarter", and the other one was "The Kung Fu Dream" jointly performed by Will Smith, his son, and Jackie Chan. It can be said that it is a series of masterpieces.

This summer's summer season is full of humanistic care due to the release of "Tangshan Earthquake"
"Tangshan Earthquake"
●Released: July 22
Starring: Zhang Jingchu Li Chen Xu Fan
Director: Feng Xiaogang Recommendation Index: ★★★★★
Story: During the Tangshan earthquake in 1976, a mother could only choose to save one of her siblings. The mother finally chose to save the younger brother, but However, the sister miraculously survived and was later adopted by the People's Liberation Army. The family reunited unexpectedly 32 years later. The cracks in their hearts were waiting for them to repair, and painful memories were once again evoked!
Highlights: Feng Xiaogang said that the emotional power of this movie can truly reach the depths of the audience's hearts, making people reflect on the emotional collisions and life-and-death tests between people in the face of disasters. When I saw the little girl waking up from the ruins in the rain in the trailer, the surroundingA scene of casualties, "mother" Xu Fan couldn't help but shed tears when she was crying and being carried away. It is said that during the movie viewing process, some employees who boasted high tears could not suppress their tears. "After several disasters, Chinese audiences urgently needed an outlet to vent their emotions. "Tangshan Earthquake" undoubtedly provided them with this." The space."

"The King of Guns"
●Released: July 2
Starring: Louis Koo, Daniel Wu, and Li Bingbing
Director: Er Dongsheng Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: A fund manager in Hong Kong, Kwan Tomohiro (Louis Koo), won the championship in a practical shooting competition and met the runner-up, police officer Zhuang Ziwei (Daniel Wu). Kwan Tomohiro accidentally encountered a robbery and he shot and killed him continuously. He kidnapped four robbers and became a hero in the eyes of the citizens. In fact, Guan was the mastermind of the matter. Zhuang Ziwei became suspicious of Guan based on the clues, and finally set up a trap to round up Guan.
Highlights: It seems that every summer there are one or two pure Hong Kong police and gangster productions. Director Er Dongsheng believes that the biggest highlight of this drama is the two handsome guys. The "gun king" played by Louis Koo is also At the same time, he has the identity of a fund manager, changing his previous funny image in comedies. As a police officer, Daniel Wu has appeared in another of the most beautiful police uniforms more than ten years after his debut film "Love".
Er Dongsheng himself did not praise the film. He said: "If I were a woman, I would definitely fall in love with the two leading actors." The best choice to watch movies during the holidays, educational and entertaining
"Kung Fu Dream"
●Released: June 22
Starring: Jaden Smith Jackie Chan
Director: Harrow De Zwart Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: An American kid played by Jaden Smith encounters an eccentric kung fu master played by Jackie Chan in Beijing, starting a legendary journey of master and apprentice. Learned the connotation of Chinese Kung Fu.
Highlights: During its release in the United States, this film competed with "Dragon" and earned US$56 million at the box office, US$30 million more than the latter. It seems that the plot of this feature film about kung fu is very interesting. As for summer movies that go beyond pure fight thrills. "Kung Fu Dream" received very high praise from the audience when it was previewed in the United States in January, with a 97% praise rate second only to Will Smith's "Rivals." In the film, Jackie Chan changed his overly playful image in recent films such as "The King of Kung Fu" and became the life mentor of the young protagonist.
Students are on vacation during the summer, so this relaxing work is very suitable for the occasion. This was the reason why "Searching for Jackie Chan", which was just a concept at the time, achieved such high box office.

"Ocean Paradise"
●Released: June 18
Starring: Jet Li Article Gui Lunmei
Director: Xue Xiaolu Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: The film focuses on an ordinary autistic family. Jet Li plays his father Wang Xincheng, and his 22-year-old autistic son Dafu, played by Wen Wen, depends on each other. When Wang Xincheng learned that he was terminally ill and had only a few months to live, how to arrange for his son became his biggest wish...
Highlights: The nephew of the movie star Jet Li once suffered from autism, and Jet Li made great efforts His hard work brought him out of the shadows. Director Xue Xiaolu has been a volunteer for 14 years and created such a touching script. The film uses restrained techniques and every detail to interpret father's love, the most selfless human emotion. Jet Li teaches his son over and over again how to distinguish currency values, how to ride the bus, and even pretends to be a turtle to convince his son who loves swimming that even if his father is no longer alive, Will always be with him. "Ocean Paradise" is hailed as another sensational masterpiece after "Mom Love Me Again".

"The Informant"
●Released: August 26
Starring: Nicholas Tse, Nick Cheung, Kwai Lun-mei, Lu Yi Nursery
Director: Lam Chaoxian Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: "The Informant" tells the story of the police (Nick Cheung) and the informant (Nicholas Tse). The so-called informant is different from an undercover agent. He is looking for someone from a group of bad guys to help the police. For example, although the police and the informant will cooperate, sometimes there will be conflicts. The police may need to sacrifice an informant to solve the case. From trusting each other to being suspicious of each other, can these people be friends? This play explores the story of "betrayal".
Highlights: "The Informant" is once again created by the original cast of "The Witness". Not only the action scenes are greatly upgraded, but the plot also takes a 180-degree turn. Nicholas Tse wants to transform from a policeman into a bald gangster, while Golden Horse Award winner Nicky Cheung Jiahui is just the opposite, from a cold-blooded killer to an upright policeman. Miao Pu, who plays a "vegetative" in "The Witness", will still act as a husband and wife team with Nick Cheung, and Lu Yi will play the role of husband and wife. The gang leader is alert and sharp, and is Nicholas Tse's boss.

"The Spy"
●Released: June 17
Starring: Gong Li, John Cusack, Chow Yun-fat
Director: Mikael Haverst Roma Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: Before the Pearl Harbor incident, an American not only fell in love with a local woman in Shanghai, but also discovered a relationship with the U.S. government while investigating a murder case. The shocking secrets involved...
Highlights: "The Spy" has a typical Hollywood style of "catching people" in the plot arrangement and design, especially in the first half. Near the end of the movie, the love and friendship shown is a little abrupt. Many of the big scene designs in the movie were completed in London and Shanghai, and the scenes are always grand. In the movie, Chow Yun-fat has restored the style of "Hui Wenqiang" in "Shanghai Bund". Although there are not many scenes, he looks like a "soy sauce". Gong Li must change into a cheongsam in every scene, and her figure is still strong.burst.
Bizarre stories, director’s guarantee
Thank God, today’s movies still have directors who are willing to fulfill their fantasies. If the world loses its fantasies, what will happen to mankind? Although, the plot of "Alert" directed by Chen Musheng sounds a bit "terrible", and Aaron Kwok is also a bit too cute after his genetic mutation. Then there is the new work "The Foundation" by the director of "Batman". After searching and integrating all the information, plus the director's interpretation, I am still confused. My only hope is that I will understand it after watching the movie. Fortunately, the directors of these two films have good filmmaking records. Can their consistent credibility be guaranteed?

"City on Alert"
●Released: August 6
Starring: Aaron Kwok, Wu Jing Shu Qi Director: Chen Musheng Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: Aaron Kwok By chance, the clown in a vaudeville troupe strayed into the mountains of Malaysia with his fellow troupe members, including Zou Zhaolong. As a result, he accidentally inhaled the biochemical gas left by the Japanese army during World War II. As a result, his muscles and bones began to change, leading to a lycanthropic phenomenon similar to that of a werewolf. Aaron Kwok was the one who had the least inhalation, so he was the only one who did not mutate. Therefore, he became the target of being hunted by both his companions and the government...
Highlights: "Baby Project" director Chen Musheng's new film "City Alert" " is the first time a mutant movie has been shot in China. Everyone is very worried whether the "mutants" in Chinese movies will be like those in Hollywood, with slime-covered and alien shapes. In addition, Wang Jing's "Future Police" has turned away the audience's appetite for Chinese science fiction films, but Chen Musheng said that everyone does not need to worry about the quality of the film. Judging from the camera, Aaron Kwok's transformation is not as exaggerated as Zou Zhaolong's villain "Mutant Demon", but more cute. The makeup artist wrapped his entire head and put on thick rubber clothes all over his body. He is very fat. Fun.

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio Ken Watanabe Ellen Page
Director: Christopher Nolan Recommendation Index: ★★ ★★★
Story: Judging from the trailer released so far, in the world depicted in "Foundation", humans have discovered a way to enter the dreams of others. The character played by Leonardo DiCaprio is the CEO of a company, but he is also a criminal from a certain perspective, because he makes money by sneaking into other people's dreams and stealing intelligence, but Is all this real? Others are also trying to enter his dream.
Highlights: Genius director Nolan once directed "The Dark Knight." The story of this film is a question that the director has been thinking about repeatedly since he was 16 years old. "I completed the first draft of the script seven or eight years ago, but the story progressed much further than I imagined. It touched on the relationship between real dreams and the half-dream and half-awake state. It has elements of action, but it is far more than action. The film is complex. Because it involves dreams, it is often shot on the beach or under the sea. It goes beyond what people have seen before.The level of fantasy that movies can offer. "Judging from the posters and plots that have been exposed so far, movie fans are really confused and are looking forward to surprises from Nolan.
●Released: July 16

"Dangerous Spy"
Director: James Mangold
Starring: Tom Cruise Cameron Diaz
Recommendation Index: ★★
Highlights: Tom Cruise returns again "Mission: Impossible" route, playing an all-around charming agent, while "Silly Sister" Diaz plays an older innocent young girl who is confused and involved in trouble. It is reported that many of the stunts in the film were performed by Tom himself. So let’s just watch it as an action version of "Grass Sky".

"Robin Hood"
Director: Ridley Scott
Starring: Russell Er Crocker Blanchett
Recommendation index: ★★★★
Highlights: The film focuses on Robin Hood’s life experience before he became a legend and legend, telling how he emerged from the law. The apprentice became a national hero, so this movie is about the "Prequel to Robin Hood". But the biggest highlight of the movie is that the creators of "Gladiator" have joined forces again.

"Dragon Force"
Director: Joe Carnahan
Starring: Bradley Cooper
Recommendation Index: ★★★
Highlights: This film is adapted from the TV series of the same name in the 1980s. It tells the story of four Vietnam War soldiers who were accused of disobeying military orders and were unfairly tried by a military court. Unwilling to do so, they escaped from prison and hid in Los Angeles. Since then, they have become mercenaries, and of course they are also responsible for doing justice.
< br /> "The Prequel of Ip Man"
Director: Qiu Litao
Starring: Du Yuhang, Fan Shaohuang, Huang Yi, Sammo Hung
Recommendation Index: ★★★
Highlights: Donnie Yen beating up foreigners The "Ip Man" series comes first. The biggest highlight of this "Ip Man Prequel" is that Ip Man's son Ye Zhun personally plays the role of Ip Man's master. According to Ye Zhun, Donnie Yen's Wing Chun is not standard. This is his last Authorized to shoot Ip Man at one time.
Small romance + minor tune to create a small gimmick
The most profitable movie in last summer’s summer season was Wong Jing’s work "The Secret Dog", which had a poor reputation, so it gave the market Quite a bad example. This summer, a large number of movies with stars and comedy have sprung up. They seem to have become a good medicine for the market. Spoof and subversion have become the only selling points of these movies. And topics such as comebacks and foul language have The intensive release of character and topical films has also become the biggest dark horse of the summer season.
Strange combinations and creative laughter
We can’t innovate in the plot, but we can innovate in the actors. For example, the actor who has always looked like a star Classmate Tian Liang, have any of you seen him dressing up as a woman to play the role of Guanyin? For exampleEveryone’s beloved handsome boy Feng Delun, do you want to see him turned into a sissy? "The Lotus Out of Water" is such a work. "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance 2" is not afraid that this theme will be remade into various versions. It simply casts Huang Xiaoming, who has been very "secondary" recently, to play the lead role of Tang Bohu, who has both talents and talents in history. It is not only teasing but also ravaging the idol.
Star-studded copycat farce
The so-called star-studded copycat farce should be the originator of Wong Jing. Last year, he made a fool of himself in "The Secret Agent", even though the jokes were not new. Incurring a box office of 100 million, there is still no shortage of such works on the market this year. Of course, "Battle of Shama Town" directed by Li Weiran, who has a background in advertising, still has its own innovative meaning. With the gathering of stars, he created a scumbag Lin Chiling and Sun Honglei. As for "Hee Travels", it is purely a spoof on top of a spoof, no matter how weird it is, I hope it won't tickle the audience again.

"Hibiscus Out of the Water"
●Released: July 6
Starring: Tian Liang** Feng Delun Huang Shengyi
Director: Liu Zhenwei Recommendation Index: ★★★
Story: ** was hurt by her love rival. In order to take revenge, she made up her mind to learn swimming and invited Fang Lishen to be her coach. The two were originally enemies, but later developed into a couple, but encountered Huang Shengyi's intervention.
Highlights: ** became the swimming queen, but Tian Liang became the Guanyin on the water. After Liu Zhenwei tested the waters through "Roboman" and "The Treasure Box", he brought you a shocking story and A shocking combination. Liu Zhenwei said that this movie mainly talks about "girls' whimsical fantasies". He also said with a smile, "The movie will attract young people under the age of 18, and those over 18 should not watch it." He said he hoped the audience would watch it with a young heart.
"Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance 2"
●Released: July 9
Starring: Huang Xiaoming, Zhang Jingchu, Zhou Libo, Chen Baixiang, Ren Xianqi Director: Li Lichi Recommendation Index: ★★
Story: Tang Bohu has been good since childhood After fighting against the injustice, Tang Bohu was sent to Qingfeng Temple to study. Three friends Zhu Zhishan, Wen Zhengming, and Zhou Wenbin took Tang Bohu to the beautiful scenery of the back mountain through a secret passage, and met Qianqian by chance.
Highlights: Huang Xiaoming dances, makes faces, bites shoes, and gets beaten in the film; Zhang Jingchu flies around with wires and suffers a lot. These two Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang who are beyond everyone's impression are really impressive. Broken glasses. At the same time, Huang Xiaoming redefined Tang Bohu's romance: "His talent makes him very romantic, and secondly, his so-called eight wives in history make him feel very romantic."
"Seven Little Arhats"
July 23
Director: Fu Huayang
Starring: Chen Sicheng, Ma Jian, Wang Dongfang
Recommendation index: ★★
Highlights: This is a pure children's comedy theme, for For children in the city, beautyThe beautiful scenery will also arouse their urge to join nature. It can be said to be the kung fu version of "Home Alone".
"Hi Travel Notes"
●Released: July 2nd
Starring: Huang Yi, Sun Xing, Xie Na, Xu Zheng
Director: Zhong Shaoxiong Recommendation Index: ★★
Story: The film Set in the Tang Dynasty, it tells a ridiculous "Journey to the West" story, with some funny elements from "Wulin Gaiden".
Highlights: Wukong in "Westward Journey" once defeated many of the Bull Demon King's generals with a beautiful fart. In "Xi You Ji" starring Xu Zheng, Xie Na, He Jiong and others, this scene was staged again. The party that Xu Zheng, He Jiong and others were on actually used the "human cannon", which was the stinky fart of the cook played by Haitao, to successfully repel the terrible monster. There are also many jokes about "shit" and "slobber" in the film, which are very heavy-handed.
"The Decisive Battle of Shama Town"
Story: The story takes place in Shama Town, a legendary town in the northwest that is lost on the territory of China. A group of well-equipped international thieves are fighting for a little-known treasure. Come here and start a unique bloody battle in the desert with the "treasure protection team" led by Sun Honglei.
Highlights: This film is a bit like "Crazy Stone" back then, following an interlocking routine. The biggest breakthrough in the movie is that Sun Honglei plays a straightforward village chief, and the beautiful Lin Chiling will definitely make you not recognize her after watching the movie. The village girl she plays in the film has rough skin and yellow teeth.
●Released: June 22
Starring: Lin Chiling and Sun Honglei
Director: Li Weiran Recommendation Index: ★★★
"Jing Wu Men 2"
Director: Liu Baoxian
Starring: Chen Bolin, Zhou Qiqi, Lollipop Prince
Recommended index: ★
Highlights: It tells a series of love, hate, separation and reunion that happened in the Encore dance troupe led by Lotte The story, "parkour" and "fighting dance" are the biggest highlights of the film.
It’s shameful to be left behind, but guiltless to fall in love
Comedy romance movies have always been the smallest and most successful genre in the film market. Urban themes always involve love quarrels between handsome men and beautiful women. After the introduction of "Zhiming and Chunjiao" directed by Peng Haoxiang to the mainland, It was changed to Mandarin dubbing and many plots were deleted, but the funnyness was reduced. And a movie with such a vicious name as "You Deserve to Be Single" is a combination of comedy and romance combined with suspense. Summer is always the season of love. It's shameful to be a leftover woman, and it's shameful to be single. You can't fall in love in reality, and you have to watch actors fall out of love in the movie.
"Chi Ming and Chun Jiao"
●Released: June 18
Starring: Miriam Yeung, Shawn Yue and Cheung Tat Ming
Director: Pang Ho-cheung Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: Since the Hong Kong government implemented a total indoor smoking ban, every smoker must follow theHe was driven to the office to smoke in the back alley of a building in the business district. These back alleys became a party place for them during office hours, and the love between Zhiming and Chunjiao slowly grew in such dirty and narrow back alleys.
Highlights: Pang Haoxiang claims that "Chi Ming and Chun Jiao" is his most innocent film since his career in filmmaking. However, the film was classified as a "Category III film" by Hong Kong censorship due to foul language. The film received great acclaim at the Hong Kong Film Festival, with former Academy Awards chairman Man Jun saying that "Pang Ho-cheung's personal talent is fully utilized" in the film.
"You Deserve to Be Single"
●Released: June 13
Starring: He Junxiang and Ruby Lin
Director: Cai Xin Recommendation Index: ★★
Story: told It is the story of three pairs of contemporary urban youths, Xiao Feng and Li Ying, Li Zheng and Fei'er, and Yingzi and her ex-boyfriend. After experiencing many turmoils, they finally became lovers and got married.
Highlights: It is said that this is a scientific and educational film that teaches men how to capture women, a textbook that teaches women to see through men, a "love guide" to win in the present, and a "true love guide" for singles to escape difficulties, love The eighteen martial arts in "You Deserve to Be Single" are meant to be understood clearly, and the thirty-six strategies must be played coolly. This is the love guide that "You Deserve to Be Single" will bring to urban men and women. If you haven't learned this, you can only sigh: "You deserve to be single."
Topic Characters, Li Xiaoran + Yan Po
This summer, Li Xiaoran and Yan Po have new works, but their names are connected together because of a murder case, and their works also have their own highlights.
Among them, "Swinging Engagement" directed by Yan Po is hailed as a fashionable romance film, in which the great beauty Yao Chen shows off her skills as a charlatan. Li Xiaoran broke through the stereotype and played the role of a wife facing her husband's cheating in "Unmanned Driving". She not only supported her husband to go out and pursue true love, but was also good at forbearing, making her a "perfect wife".
"Unmanned Driving"
●Released: July 2
Starring: Liu Ye, Gao Yuanyuan, Li Xiaoran
Director: Zhang Yang Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: One A family whose husband cheated on her, a husband whose family was destroyed and who desperately needed to make money, and a post-80s taxi driver who was intoxicated with beautiful women formed an interconnected story because of a car accident.
Highlights: This is Zhang Yang’s first foray into urban love themes after many years. The heroine Li Xiaoran became a topic of conversation after her boyfriend Yan Po was killed. In the film, she played a wife who faces her cheating husband. Wang Luodan challenged the role of a mute woman for the first time, Ruby Lin played the role of an "unmarried mother", Gao Yuanyuan played the third party, and Liu Ye played a husband who couldn't make a choice. Many young mainland actors have made breakthroughs.
"Swinging Engagement"
●Released: June 13
Starring: Yao Chen, Zhu Yuchen, Guo Xiaodong
Director: Yan Po Xiao Weihong Recommendation Index: ★★
Story: Because not yetThe fiancé Juyuan regrets the marriage, which makes Shunjia, a highly dependent fashion magazine editor, fall into a confusion of losing herself. As her wedding day is approaching, she temporarily grabs Juyuan's friend Junhao, who lives at home, to be her boyfriend.
Highlights: The main selling point of the movie is that Yao Chen grins and plays tricks. Even if he acts coquettishly, it still makes people feel fresh, natural and cute. Before the film was released, director Yan Po was suddenly axed, making the film a hot topic as the incident escalated.
At the same time, the two male protagonists Zhu Yuchen and Guo Xiaodong in the film have also been greatly subverted.
"Toy Story 3"
Recommendation index: ★★★★★
Highlights: Pixar only revolves around the encounters of a group of discarded toys, allowing the audience in front of the screen to recall their own experiences. When you go home, will you think of your old toys?
"Shrek 4"
North American release: May 21
Director: Mike Mitchell
Voiced by: Mike Myers, Cameron Dia Eddie Murphy
Recommendation index: ★★★
Highlights: The prince and the princess lived happily ever after... the perfect ending in the fairy tale, with countless twists and turns, finally It happened to Shrek and Fiona. As the last part of the series, "Shrek 4" has received a mediocre reputation, with many North American viewers feeling "exhausted" by Shrek who is going through a mid-life crisis.

ㅡ Among the 72 Shaolin stunts, the most powerful one is

According to historical documents, Shaolin Kung Fu is a martial arts school with a long history, the most categories, and the largest system. Shaolin Kung Fu is not a "school" or "boxing type" in the general sense, but a broad and profound martial arts system with extremely rich content. According to the category, it can be divided into two categories: freehand and equipment. Weapons can be divided into long weapons, short weapons, soft weapons, etc. According to the techniques, it can be divided into dozens of types such as boxing, stick skills, swordsmanship, and qigong. It began to gradually evolve in the direction of routines, forming numerous routines. According to the boxing records handed down from the Shaolin Temple, there are 552 sets of boxing techniques and equipment routines. In addition, there are 72 unique skills, as well as 156 sets of unique skills such as grappling, fighting, bone removal, acupuncture, and qigong. These contents, according to different categories and difficulty levels, are organically combined into a large and orderly Shaolin Kung Fu system.
Boxing is the foundation of Shaolin Kung Fu. The representative boxing techniques include: Arhat’s Eighteen Hands, Tong-Arm Divine Fist, and Shaolin Drunken Fist. The stick is the most famous weapon in Shaolin Kung Fu. The representative stick techniques include : Shaolin Fenghuo Stick, Shaolin Yaksha Stick, Shaolin Fire Stick, etc.
The sword is one of the weapons often used by Shaolin monks. Representative examples include: Shaolin Kunlun Double Sword, Shaolin Spring and Autumn Broadsword, Shaolin Head-twisting Sword, etc. Sword is a very representative of the eighteen types of Shaolin weapons. One type, representative routines include: Shaolin Qiankun Sword, Shaolin Bodhidharma Sword, Shaolin Jiuguan Sword, Shaolin Eight Immortals Sword, etc.
Shaolin equipment is said to have "eighteen kinds of weapons", and the representative routines are: Shaolin Nine FestivalsWhip, Shaolin mace, Shaolin Qiankun circle, etc.; in addition to boxing techniques and equipment, Shaolin Kung Fu has also formed many unique Kung Fu techniques: such as Boy Kung Fu, Qing Kung Fu, Yi Jin Jing, Acupuncture Points, 18 Grappling Postures, Longevity Kung Fu, Seventy-two stunts, etc.
Shi Yongxin, Abbot of Shaolin and Chairman of Shaolin Industrial Company, believes: "Shaolin martial arts is a combination of Zen and boxing. Zen and boxing are taught together. Zen is learned through martial arts, and boxing is guided by Zen. Therefore, the highest Shaolin Kung Fu is - putting aside the seven emotions and six desires, With selfish thoughts and distractions, devote all your body and mind to the state of Zen martial arts, and finally reach the highest state of me among you and you among others."

Zen Master Shi Dechao
Shaolin Thirty-one Zen Master Shi Dechao, the successor, general manager of Shaolin Food Co., Ltd. and the only successor of 72 stunts, believes: "Martial arts begins with fighting, but ends with the spirit. The spirit of being completely non-utilitarian, non-competitive, and indifferent to fame and fortune is integrated into Shaolin martial arts. . In this way, even if you are breathing, drinking tea, eating and sleeping, you can still practice internal skills. The most profound skill, punching out is compassion."

iii What does it mean to buckle the Arhat's eyes safely

Peace buckle is also called nostalgic and Arhat's Eye, which can dispel evil spirits and avoid disasters, ensuring safe entry and exit. It is a traditional Chinese jade jewelry. It is sleek and flexible in appearance and conforms to the "golden mean" in traditional Chinese culture. It was called "wall" in ancient times and has the effect of nourishing and protecting the body. In modern times, it is often given as a gift between lovers, which means peace. The word "peace" has a clear meaning and expresses people's simple and beautiful wishes. The outer ring of the peace buckle is round, symbolizing the vastness of the world and the chaos; the inner ring is also round, symbolizing our inner peace and tranquility. The shape of the peace buckle is very similar to the shape of ancient copper coins. It is said that ancient copper coins can ward off evil spirits and ensure peace, but wearing copper coins is not very beautiful, so the peace buckle appeared in jade, which is both beautiful and has a good meaning. The Four Seasons Ping An buckle is composed of a single four-season bean pod. There are usually bats appearing on the side of the pod. The origin of the Four Seasons Ping An Bean is that monks in ancient temples usually served this kind of pod as the main dish. Over time, people called the four-season bean pods Four Seasons Ping An Bean. A small safety buckle, its round shape symbolizes complete happiness. The Ping An Buckle is a very good protective and peace amulet. It is simple and elegant to wear. It is close to the body and moisturizes the skin. It protects the body and wards off evil spirits. It is auspicious and safe. It has a good decorative effect and makes the skin more translucent when worn for a long time. The peace buckle is a traditional round ornament with no function. The diameter is only three to five centimeters, but it is endowed with a simple and simple meaning of "peace". Maybe it got this name because it has a smooth surface without cumbersome carvings and its shape is like a button. We don’t know when it first appeared. It is more common after the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and most of them are folk jewelry. Its shape has not changed much since its inheritance. Nowadays, Ping An buckles are also very popular among people. Almost every place that sells jewelry has "Ping An buckles" made of various materials. Regarding its origin, many people believe that it evolved from ancient coins, but I tend to derive from ancient jade. Yes, ancient people used ancient coins as auspicious and protective objects, such as the "Arhat coin" in the Kangxi Tongbao of the Qing Dynasty. But ancient coins have square holes. Since Qin Shihuang unified the six countries and unifiedAfter the introduction of currency, measurement, and writing, until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the style of square hole money as the mainstream currency did not change for more than 2,000 years. The "Peace Buckle" has a round hole. If it comes from ancient coins, then why not have a square hole? And the square hole that also has various beautiful meanings has long been around. Secondly, among the folk jade ornaments, there are also many large and small jade pendants imitating square-hole coins, but they are all with gong, or carved with auspicious characters or auspicious patterns. In other words, "jade coins" are two different kinds of jewelry from "peace buckles". Let’s talk about "bi" next. "Erya Shiqi" points out: "The meat that is twice as good is called Bi, the meat that is twice as good is called Yuan, and the meat that is as good as one is called a ring." Xing Yushu said: "Rou means edge. "Good" refers to the hole, and the jade is called a jade whose side is twice as big as the hole." ("Fulse" refers to the ring-shaped jade from the inner ring to the outer ring. "Good" refers to the hole in the middle, and the flesh is the two sides of the hole diameter. Double is Bi. Similar to this device are jade Yuan and Yuhuan. The names of the three are determined by the size of the round hole in the center. The one with the big hole is Yuan and the one with the small hole is Bi. The hole diameter is equal to the edge of the jade part. (For the ring.) Moreover, some jade bis are decorated with patterns, and some are plain without patterns, so the jade bis are the first to win in terms of style. "Zhou Li Chunguan Da Zongbo" records: "Use jade as six utensils to pay homage to the four directions of heaven and earth: use blue jade to pay homage to the sky, yellow cong to pay homage to the earth, green gui to pay homage to the east, red canopy to pay homage to the south, and white amber to pay homage to the west. Use Xuanhuang to pay homage to the north." "Shuowen" explains the jade: "Auspicious jade is a round object." It can be seen that the jade bi is regarded as an important auspicious weapon by the ancients. The size of the jade used as an ornament is smaller than that of the jade used as a ritual object, and is generally considered to be within 10CM. The use of bi as ornaments was mainly popular from the Warring States Period to the Han Dynasty. Therefore, the ancients have been wearing bi for a long time. However, in ancient times when productivity was underdeveloped, mining jade (generally referred to as beautiful stones) was not an easy task. In addition, carving raw jade into jade bis was all done with hands. Such a precious thing will definitely be monopolized by ancient royal emperors, so jade jewelry has gone through a long process from temples to the people. During this long process, the wise working people reduced and simplified it, saving both materials and labor, and also had a beautiful meaning in it. This became a "safe buckle" that more people can own. Inherited to this day! Ping An Buckle - How to Wear The Ping An Buckle has a round outer ring, symbolizing the vast world; the inner ring is also round, symbolizing our inner peace and tranquility. The Ping An buckle is smooth and smooth, in line with the "golden mean" of traditional Chinese culture. Chinese people love jade, so safety buckles made of jade are even more popular among the public. Usually people wear jadeite as a necklace to protect themselves from evil spirits, bring good luck and ensure peace. There are no special taboos or requirements for wearing an jade safety buckle. You can wear it with a simple string, or wear a few jade beads as decoration, and hang it on your chest, which is simple and elegant; it can also be set with precious metals such as gold and platinum. , or can be embellished with small gemstones, and worn with ropes or metal chains, adding a touch of elegance and luxury. In addition to necklaces, Ping An also has small and cute bracelets made of Ping An buckles, as well as Ping An buckle-shaped brooches, earrings, mobile phone chains, key chains, etc. In order to keep the car safe, people who own cars will putIt is hung in the car, and some people even buy larger safety buckle pendants to decorate in the room, praying for the safety of everyone in the house. A small peace buckle contains the entire heaven and earth. Its round shape means peace and auspiciousness. It expresses people's simple and beautiful wishes. When the heart merges with the heaven and earth, there will be great tolerance and harmony, and at the same time, peace is locked. Because the meaning of the safety buckle is plain and sincere, there is no taboo about wearing it. As long as you like it, you can wear it however you like. Ping An Buckle - Story Ping An Buckle The story about this jade Ping An Buckle takes place in the Zhouzhuang and Mazhuang areas of Xiuwu County. It is said that on the eve of liberation, Ma Heng, a young man from Mazhuang, was unfortunately captured by the Kuomintang. Before leaving, he prayed to go home and kowtow to his old and sick father. Father Ma was heartbroken when he faced his son kneeling in front of him. Knowing that his son could not escape this disaster, Ma's father took out an ancestral jade safety buckle from his arms, stuffed it into his son's arms, looked up at the sky, sighed, and shed tears. After Ma Heng enlisted in the army with the jade safety buckle, maybe it was the mercy of heaven or the appearance of Bodhisattva. Every time he went to the battlefield, he came back safely and in peace. Only during the tug-of-war at the mouth of the Qinhe River, Ma Heng was suddenly shot in the chest, staggered and fell on the beach. After Ma Heng looked at the cotton-padded coat that had been penetrated by the bullet, he reached out and took out the jade safety button in his shirt pocket. He was shocked to see that the jade safety button was hit by the bullet and split into two halves. "My dear, if the jade safety buckle hadn't blocked the bullet, my life would have ended!" Ma Heng shuddered, holding the jade safety buckle to his heart with both hands, cherishing it even more. The Jiang Dynasty was unpopular with the people, their strength was exhausted, and they were defeated like a mountain. Before leaving the mainland, Ma Heng, the company commander, went home to say goodbye. Facing his father's spiritual tablet and his pregnant wife Zhou, Ma Heng said with tears: "My dear mother, I don't know when I will come back when I leave, so you have to take care of me. This half I will keep Jade safely as a souvenir for you." After saying this, Ma Heng rode away. No one could have imagined that the separation would last 50 years. Things are changing and life is unpredictable. There is a confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, and there is no news. Ma Heng has been in Taiwan for 50 years. Although he has been promoted, received a salary increase, and has a family, he still misses his relatives in his hometown all the time. Soon, his Taiwanese wife gave birth to a boy for him. Ma Heng named him Xiu Xiuwu, which means that his son will never forget his hometown or his people. However, it is not as good as God. When Matthew Wu was 20 years old, Ma Heng became terminally ill. Before he died, Ma Heng said to Matthew Wu sincerely: "Son, I'm going to see your grandfather. After I die, you must find ways to send me back to my hometown and bury me next to your grandfather. "Sir, I am Ma Family; death, I am a ghost of the Ma family. Remember..." After saying this, Ma Heng handed the other half of the emerald safety buckle into his son's hands, widened his eyes, and left with hatred. Ma Heng, who was born at the wrong time, passed away, but his son caught up with the good times. In order to fulfill his father's last wish, Matthew Wu took his father's ashes and embarked on the road to find relatives and recognize his ancestors. When he arrived at Mazhuang, Xiuwu County and saw the silver-haired Zhou family, the Zhou family did not dare to recognize each other. "Mother--" Ma Xiuwu plopped down and knelt down in front of Mr. Zhou, holding the half jade safety buckle his father left for him in both hands, and said in tears:"Do you recognize..." Seeing things is like seeing people. When Zhou saw the other half of the jadeite buckle, she burst into tears. Later, Mrs. Zhou took out the half of the jade peace button that she had kept for half a century, then hugged Xiu Wu in her arms and cried loudly: "My son——" An jade peace button, a period of joy and sorrow in the world Affection.

㈣ Please, tell me the name of the moves in the novel! It is best to be original

1 Introduction to the Seventy-Two Special Skills of Shaolin

1. Boxing Techniques

1. Shaolin Luohan Fist: Luohan Fist Like Vajra Palm, it is both an entry-level Shaolin Kung Fu, but when practiced to an advanced level, the most ordinary fists and palms can become the most powerful martial arts. It proves the eternal truth that "great wisdom is like foolishness, and nothing is clever or clumsy."

2. Guangming Quan: When the five major sects gathered in Huangshan, our Buddha Guangming Quan showed its power at Tiandu Peak and won the reputation of "the best fist in the world". Unfortunately, it has been unfortunately lost now. . . . . .

3. Break through the Thirty-three Shaolin Ways of Divine Fist: Luohan Hall specializes in research.

4. Partial Flower Seven Star Boxing: The ultimate trick is the "Seven Star Gathering". Luohan Hall specializes in research.

5. Wearing flowers on the left and right hands: Luohan Tang specializes in this.

6. Shaolin Double Circle Hand: Specialized in Luohan Hall.

7. Big monument smasher: Specialized in Luohan Hall.

8. Paramita Shou: Also known as Shaolin Shou, Luohan Hall specializes in it.

2. Palm Techniques

09. Powerful Vajra Palm: Vajra Palm is one of the basic martial arts of Shaolin Temple. Prajna Hall specializes in research.

10. Prajna Zen Palm: It is known as the "No. 1 Palm of Shaolin" and is specialized in Prajna Zen Palm.

11. Skanda Palm: There are tricks such as "Lingshan worships Buddha" and "Ganges flows into the sea". Prajna Hall specializes in research.

12. The eight types of Shaolin Divine Palms: there are eight types: decomposing palms, closed palms, and heart-splitting palms. Prajna Hall specializes in research.

13. Thousand-Armed Tathagata Palm: Specialized in Prajna Hall.

14. Great Mercy and Great Compassion Qianye Hand: Specialized in Prajna Hall.

15. Shaolin Dragon Spin Palm: Specialized in Prajna Hall.

16. Shaolin Scattered Flower Palm: The wind of the palm pushes the falling petals to attack the enemy. Similar to the "flying flowers and picking leaves" Kung Fu.

17. Shaolin Stone Holding Palm: Shaolin Cotton Palm, which gently holds the stone and turns the fossil into powder.

18. One clap and two scattered palms: Specialized in Prajna Hall.

3. Fingering

19. Cheng Jing Finger: Use stillness to stop and strike later. Damo Academy specializes in research.

20. Moko Zhijue: The trick is "Three Entering Hell". Damo Academy specializes in research.

21. Eliminate worries: The trick is "carefree", which is specially researched by Bodhidharma Academy.

22. Duoluoye Finger: Ten fingers are played in turn, blooming like a polo flower. Damo Academy specializes in research.

23. Formless kalpa refers to: the highest state of formless and formless Buddhism. Damo Academy specializes in research.

24. Flower-twisting finger: Venerable Kasyapa holds flowers like a smile. Damo Academy specializes in research.

25. Great Wisdom has no definite meaning: it comes from the "Great Wisdom Sutra" and is specially studied by Bodhidharma Academy.

26. One-finger Zen Kung Fu: Known as the "No. 1 Finger of Shaolin", it can hurt people from a distance. It requires a profound foundation of Iron Finger Zen Jin Kung Fu.

27. Iron Finger Zen Strength: The basic internal strength of One Finger Zen. When it reaches its peak, the five fingers can be inserted into the stone tablet at will.

4. Grasp methods

28. Shaolin Thirteen Grasps: A set of light grips created by imitating the shapes of thirteen animals such as "dragon, snake, tiger, leopard, crane, monkey, eagle", etc. The grasping method of spiritual movement

29. Nirvana grasping: Specialized in Prajna Hall.

30. Indra’s grasp: Specialized in Prajna Hall.

31. Shaolin Tiger Claw Hand: Specialized in Prajna Hall.

5. Grappling hand

32. Nianhua grappling hand: specially developed by the Discipline Academy.

33. Dragon Claw Grappling Hand: Thirty-six postures in total. Discipline Academy specializes in research.

34. Twelve Dragon Capturing Hands: Specially studied by the Discipline Academy.

6. Sword Technique

35. Bodhidharma Sword Technique: Famous sword moves include "Crossing the River with a Reed" and so on. Damo Academy specializes in research.

7. Sword Technique

36. Bodhi Knife Technique: Specially studied by Bodhi Academy.

37. Breaking the Ring Sword Technique: It is called Breaking the Ring, which means killing on a large scale. Therefore, this set of sword techniques is all offensive, accurate and powerful.

38. Compassion Knife Technique: It is called Compassion, which means compassion. This set of sword techniques has gentle moves and no killing moves, which is the opposite of the Breaking Precept Knife.

39. Wood-burning knife technique: specialized in Bodhi Academy.

8. Staff Technique

40. Demon Subduing Shovel Technique: Prajna Hall specializes in research.

41. Universal Staff: A staff used by the Discipline Academy to punish disciples who violate temple rules. The moves are clever and can always hit the opponent when facing an enemy. But the power is average.

42. The Great Manjusri Rod Technique: Specialized in Bodhi Courtyard.

43. Bodhidharma’s Eight Dharma God Zen Staff Technique: Specially studied by the master.

9. Stick Technique

44. Xiaoyaksha Stick Technique: The ultimate trick is to "protect the world of living beings", derived from the "Vimalakirti Sutra". Luohan HallSpecialize in research.

45. Shaolin Nunchaku: Luohan Hall specializes in research.

46. The Drunk Eight Immortals Stick Technique: The stick technique invented by the Thirteen Stick Monks of Shaolin must be drunk and awake, half drunk and half awake, to have the greatest power.

10. Body Techniques

47. Dragonfly Pointing Water Qinggong Lifting and Vertical Technique: This is a Qinggong used by Shaolin monks when carrying buckets across the river.

48. Nine Figures and Six Sitting Figures: Is meditation also a body method? Hehe, Shaolin disciples have fifty-four meditation postures, each of which can last for twelve hours. That is unimaginable. Who can fathom the depth of this set of movements?

49. Great Movement: Without moving your feet, you can move back a few feet on the ground to avoid the enemy's attack.

11. Internal Strength

50. Arahant Magical Skill: If you practice it to a high level, you will have the appearance of five hundred Arhats. Luohan Hall specializes in research.

51. Subduing the Dragon and Subduing the Elephant Kung Fu: If you practice it to a high level, you can perform the "Buddhist Lion's Roar". Prajna Hall specializes in research.

52. Xin Yi Qi Hunyuan Gong: Also known as "Shaoyang Magic", it is specially studied by Bodhidharma Academy.

53. Bodhicitta: When you practice it to a high level, your mind will be like a clear mirror, and all evil will not invade. It has the effect of detoxifying. Bodhi Academy specializes in research.

54. Bodhidharma Breathing Skill: Specially studied by the Discipline Academy.

55. The magical power of the indestructible body: the first in each academy to specialize in it.

Twelve. Special martial arts

56. Eighteen-hand Arhat God’s Fight: A set of martial arts evolved from the Nine Figures and Six Sitting Techniques. If compared with the Nine Figures and Six Used in conjunction with the sitting method, the moves are strange and often beyond the expectations of the opponent.

57. Shaolin Huaxin Kick: The trick is "Buddha in the Heart", which is specially developed by Bodhidharma Academy.

58. Legs that follow you like a shadow: Specially studied by Damo Academy.

59. Luohan’s deadly marksmanship: Luohan Hall specializes in research.

60. Great Skanda Pestle: Specialized in Prajna Hall. Similar to a hammering technique.

61. Vairocana Whip Technique: Specially studied by the Discipline Academy.

62. Shaolin Yuanyang Pillow: Special hidden weapon skills. Bodhi Academy specializes in research.

63. Shaolin Boy Kung Fu: The foundation of various advanced Shaolin martial arts, and also includes moves against enemies.

64. Shaolin Iron Broom Kung Fu: A martial art practiced by the janitor disciples when sweeping the floor. Is this also a unique Shaolin art? Don't underestimate the disciples who are doing odd jobs. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Shaolin Temple. The old monk Shen Ye who once swept the floors became the number one master in the temple at that time!

65. Ruyi Bone Shrinking Kung Fu: Shaolin disciples can escape from bondage and avoid dangers all because of this skill.

66. Shaolin Breaking Kung Fu: AgainKnown as the Shaolin Iron Sleeve Kung Fu, it involves waving your sleeves to greet the enemy.

67. The cassock demon subduing skill: Shaolin monks can use any item as a weapon. When necessary, he can wield the cassock full of vitality as a weapon, which has extraordinary power.

68. The supreme magical skill of fixing beads to subdue demons: One hundred and eight beads are used to carry supreme infuriating energy and fly out to attack the enemy, which has devastating lethality.

69. Zagama Gong: Who can master the seventy-two unique skills by one person? I'm afraid it's unprecedented and will never happen again. However, if one can study the Za Agama skill intensively, one can often understand various martial arts by analogy and get twice the result with half the effort. There was a Shaolin senior who practiced the

Thirteen unique arts at the same time, because he specialized in Zaagama Gong. Unfortunately it is now lost.

13. Formation

70. Shaolin Vajra Demonic Circle: Dean Bodhidharma specializes in research.

71. One Hundred and Eight Arhat Formations: Specialized in Arhat Hall. (Lost)

72. Eighteen Little Arhat Formation: Specially studied by Arhat Hall.

Most of the above seventy-two arts have been lost, and currently there are only seventeen unique arts that remain.

Shaolin Scriptures

Dharma Yijin Sutra: The treasure of the temple.

Dharma's Marrow Cleansing Sutra: the treasure of the temple.

Taixu Zhenjing (Qi Training): the first elective in each academy.

Tai Xuan Zhen Jing (Shen Shen Training): the first elective in each academy.

Kong Ming Zhen Jing (Lian Jing): the first elective in each academy.

Za Agama Sutra: Major in Sutra Pavilion.

Paramita Heart Sutra: Major in Sutra Pavilion.

In addition to the 72 martial arts books, the Shaolin Temple is also the ancestral home of Buddhism and has numerous Buddhist scriptures and Zen rhythms, such as "Mo Ke Seng Zhi Lu" and "The Great Peacock Sutra" , "Vishya Sutra", "Bodhisattva Sutra", "Sakyamuni Sutra" and so on. There is also a little-known "Longquan Hundred Refiners" in the Sutra Collection Pavilion of Shaolin Temple, which records the methods of forging various sharp-edged swords.

The following are the sources of some Shaolin martial arts. If you are interested, you can read them.

Powerful Vajrapani "Dajra Sutra" Bodhicitta "Bodhisattva Sutra"

Lighting Fist "Great Light Sutra" to remove troubles refers to "There Has Never Been a Sutra"
< br />Prajna Zen Palm "Maha Prajna Sutra" Zagama Gong "Za Agama Sutra"

Hand the flower finger "Li Zhenru Sutra" Moko finger Jue "Mojie Sutra"

Compassionate Knife Technique "Buddha's Prayer Sutra" Twelve Capturing Dragon Hands "Five Dragon Sutra"

General Gate Staff Technique "Shourangama Sutra" Great Wisdom Undefinable Meaning "Great Wisdom Sutra" < br />
Indra grasps the "Western Heaven Sutra" without formCalamity refers to "Void Tibetan Sutra"

Clap two palms together "Nirvana Sutra" Paramita Hand "Paramita Heart Sutra"

2 Emei Sect
< br />The Emei sect, together with Shaolin and Wudang, are the three major sects of Chinese martial arts. It is also a very wide-ranging sect. It is very powerful especially in the southwest area and can be said to be the leader.

The Emei Sect is named after Mount Emei, one of the four famous mountains of Buddhism. It is different from the "Mount Emei" of the Hongmen Tiandihui. The "Mount Emei" of Hongmen comes from the mountain hall. Fictitiously, "Emei" in the Emei sect is a place name and a real reference.

As for the origin of the Emei Sect, according to the boxing records of the Emei Sect:

The founder was originally a Taoist nun who later entered Buddhism. ...At that time, the teacher was good at martial arts and studied various boxing techniques. He considered that each boxing technique was complicated and could not agree on one thing. Women often had different ways of resisting insults, so he explored the boxing intentions of each school) and found a new way to create a boxing technique that was not taken over and became unique...

After thirteen years of practice, he began to achieve great success. The disciples around him learned it and called it Jade Girl Boxing. They were praised by fellow practitioners and called it Sun Emei Boxing. Later, when their disciples went to Mount Emei, they accidentally homophonized it and started to call it Emei Boxing. , the name of this boxing is new, I am afraid you don’t know it, but it is your ambition. The master has nothing to do with the world, it can be used to entertain the body, and it can be used to defend against insults. It is a shame to pass on the name. (According to Meng Xianchao's "Emei Fist (Part 1)", "Wulin" Issue 4, 1986).

It can be seen that Emei was originally a martial arts sect founded by women. At the beginning, it was called Jade Girl Boxing. Later, when the founder became a Buddhist, he also called women "Mo Mei" and the name of the Buddhist holy land. "Emeishan" is named after its double meaning.

The Emei School’s Kung Fu is somewhere between the masculine and feminine styles of Shaolin and Wudang. It is both soft and hard, with internal and external emphasis on each other, and both long and short methods are used. The Sutra of Boxing, which combines both offense and defense, says: "If the boxing does not take over, the spear does not move in circles, and the sword does not follow the tail, then you will reach Emei." "Transform all the laws into one method, and use one method to defeat all the laws." In short, the weak defeat the strong. , using both true and false, and integrating the best of Nanquan, Shaolin, Wudang and other schools from the position of a woman.

From the perspective of religious origin, Emei has both monks and Taoists, with Taoist nuns being the mainstay. Another example is the Emei thorn, the famous weapon of the Emei sect, also known as the jade girl hairpin, which was also modified from the hairpin of women.

A branch of the Emei Sect, according to the "Emei Boxing Book" in the early Qing Dynasty:

A tree blooms with five flowers, and the five flowers and eight leaves support it. The bright Emei moon is full of brilliance. Jianghu. "Wuhua" refers to the five major tribes divided from a geographical perspective:

1. Huangling sect, which is said to have flowed in from Shaanxi;

2. Dianyi sect, originating from eastern Sichuan Fuling was named after the Yi Cave;

3. Qingcheng Sect, named after Qingcheng Mountain, a Taoist resort in eastern Sichuan;

4. Tiefo Sect (Yunding Sect), northern Sichuan More popular;

5. Green Cow Pie. It is named after Qingniu Mountain in Fengdu, eastern Sichuan.

The treasure of the Zhenpai: Emei Nine Yang Magic.

1. Boxing

1. Jade Girl Boxing

2. Rock-breaking and sand-breaking boxing

4. Kung Li Boxing< br />
2. Palm Technique

1. Lingsuo Palm

2. Returning Wind Brushing Willow Palm Technique

3. Fingering

1. Ding Qiankun Finger

2. Guanhong Finger

3. Tiangang Finger Point Method

Four , Capturing hand

1. Nine postures of cutting off the hand

5. Emei thorn

1. Canhong thorn

2. Soul-Chasing Thorn

3. Jade Girl Asking Heart Thorn

6. Sword Technique

1. Jade Girl Suxin Sword Technique
< br />2. Yue Nu’s Ecstasy Sword Technique

3. Emei Ziying Sword Technique

7. Sword Technique

1. Wild Geese Sword Technique
br />
8. Hidden Weapons

1. Phantom Needle

9. Stick Technique

10. Body Technique
1. Walking through the clouds in the falling snow

11. Internal Strength

1. Twelve exercises - heaven, earth, zhi, heart, Dragon, crane, wind, cloud, large, small, quiet, and dark;

2. The six majors of quiet skills are Tiger Step Kung Fu, Heavy Pounding Kung Fu, Earth Shrinking Kung Fu, Hanging Bag Kung Fu, and Finger Point Kung Fu. , Nirvana Kung Fu;

3. Yiyang Zhengqi Jue

4. Resurrection Technique

5. Lingyang Zhenzong Internal Kung Fu
< br />6. The health-preserving exercise of breathing and breathing

7. The Buddhist Zhanling Dharma

8. The Tongzi Kung Fu strengthens the inner and outer strength;

9. Mental Techniques for Subduing Demons

10. Four Universal Skills

12. Special Martial Arts

1. Double Kill with Swords and Seven Seven Four Nineteen Styles - a martial art created by Dugu Yihe, a fallen minister of the Jin Peng Dynasty. When he joined the Emei sect in central Sichuan from the south, he already had profound skills in swordsmanship. After thirty years of painstaking efforts, he actually integrated the swordsmanship's open and closed, strong and fierce skills into the beauty of Emei. Among the unique swordsmanship, he finally created the unique skill of "double kill with swords", which can be used with either a knife or a sword. It is a unique skill in the world.

Dugu Yihe later became the head of the Emei Sword Sect and became famous in the world. Ximen Chuixue went up to the mountain to challenge him for a duel. They were both equal in skill, but Huo Tianqing, the leader of the Tianqin Sect, had ulterior motives and sought out Dugu on the eve of the duel. Yihe competed with his internal strength, and as a result, Dugu Yihe died under Ximen Chuixue's sword due to lack of strength in the final duel. (See Gu Long's "Lu Xiaofeng")

3. Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain has been known as "an unparalleled scenic spot in ancient times and the best fairy mountain in the world" since ancient times. According to legend, during the reign of the Yellow Emperor, the prince of Jingle Kingdom attained Taoism and became an immortal in Wudang. Later, he was named the "Xuantian God and Demon God". In the Spring and Autumn Period, Laozi and Yin Xizhen both practiced in this mountain. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, they even practiced here in seclusion. There are more than 400 people in the mountain, and Zhang Sanfeng, a great Taoist in the Yuan and Ming dynasties, also founded Neijiaquan in Wudang.

The Wudang Sect has a long history and is known as the sect of the inner family. The founder of the sect is Zhang Sanfeng, the "Sloppy Real Man". Zhang Sanfeng’s real name is Zhang Quanyi, also known as Zhang Junbao. Sanfeng is his Taoist name. Zhang Sanfeng originated from Shaolin and is proficient in the five fists and eighteen styles of Shaolin essence. He integrated them into ten sections of Mian Changquan to transform the fighting method. As a method of defense against enemies, the style is very different from Shaolin. Later, he was expelled from the Shaoshi Mountain Gate for violating the rules of the Shaolin Temple. He came to Wudang Mountain to practice with great concentration, and realized the way to overcome strength with softness. Therefore, he became unique and founded the Wudang sect, also known as the inner family.

Zhang Sanfeng’s martial arts are unfathomable. He combined his self-enlightened boxing theory with the Taoist method of breaking through the void and creating a martial arts of the Wudang sect that will shine on future generations and shine through the ages. He is known as an unparalleled miraculous person and is worthy of his reputation. Known as a martial arts master. He is not only the ancestor of Wudang Neijiaquan, but also the ancestor of Tai Chi. Neijiaquan is divided into Tai Chi, Bagua, Xingyi, and Tai Cheng gates, and Tai Chi gate is the main one. "Use stillness to stop, use softness to overcome hardness, and cycle back and forth, endlessly" - this is Tai Chi.

The treasure of the Zhensect: Tai Chi Magic

1. Boxing

1. Tai Chi

2. Wudang Chang Boxing

3. Master the unique art of holding Wudang Mountain. The palms move in circles, which seems empty yet solid, soft yet strong. This set of palm techniques uses softness to overcome hardness, and uses the superior internal skills of the enemy's mind. It is cunning and fast, making it easy to attack.

2. Pure Yang Wuji Palm

3. Fingering

1. Four Symbols Leading the Extreme Finger

4. Capturing Hand

1. Tiger Claw Hand

2. Tiger Claw Execution Hand

5. Sword Technique

1 .Liangyi Sword Technique was created by two masters of the Wudang Sect after decades of effort.Yin and Yang are both strong and soft. When making a move, one is slow and the other is fast. Although the posture is unsightly, the sword moves are simple and vigorous, and flaws are rare. When the fight reaches a critical point, one person's sword opens and closes wide, with a powerful momentum; the other person retreats quickly, and cold stars appear on the tip of the sword. The two Taoist priests Qingxu and Chenggao once used this sword technique to make things difficult for Linghu Chong, but because they could not mix yin and yang into one, they were still defeated by Linghu Chong's Dugu Nine Swords.

2. The Thirteen Swords of Shenmen were created by Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang Sect. There are a total of thirteen moves, each move is different, but the place it stabs is the Shenmen point on the enemy's wrist. The Shenmen point is at the end of the auspicious bone behind the palm. After the enemy is hit by the sword, the palm can no longer exert any strength.

3. Zhenwu Qijiejian

4. Tai Chi Sword Technique

6. Sword Technique

7. Knife Method

1. Bagua Demon Sealing Sword

8. Hidden Weapon

9. Stick Technique

1. Xuantian Stick Technique

10. Shen Technique

1. Tiyun Zong This is the world-famous Qinggong stunt of Wudang Sect.

Tinyun Zong moves’ names: White crane soars into the sky, kite turns over, roc spreads its wings, clouds and mist surround, spirit soars into the sky, heroic spirit makes up the clouds

11. Internal Strength

1. Taixuan Magical Skill

2. Xuanwu True Secret

3. Xuanmen Breathing Skill

12. Special Martial Arts

4. Wutai Mountain

Wutai Mountain is the first of the four famous Buddhist mountains in my country. It is located in Wutai County, Shanxi Province, 230 kilometers away from Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province in the south and Wutaishan Railway Station in the north. 48 kilometers.

Wutai Mountain is composed of five peaks in the east, west, south, north and middle, with a ring base of 250 kilometers. There are two types of temples: Qing Temple and Huang Temple. The Qing Temple houses monks, and the Huang Temple (Tibetan Buddhist temple) houses lamas. There used to be 360 ​​temples in Mount Wutai, and by 1956 there were still 124, including 99 green temples and 25 yellow temples. Bodhisattva Ding Temple is the legendary residence of Manjushri Bodhisattva and is the first of the yellow temples in Mount Wutai.

The treasure of the town sect: Eight Great Sword Manuals

A wonderful book on martial arts written by Zen Master Kuzhu. This book is the treasure of Mount Wutai. The moves and tips of the martial arts contained in it are: The first move is high-minded and the heart is empty: the shape is like a fighting rabbit, circling uncertainly; the second move is rain and wind bullying: the spirit is like catching a mouse, waiting to strike; the third move is frost and snow. : Qi is like a flywheel, circulating endlessly; the fourth posture is pressing the dew and crying smoke: the force is like a rotating axis, going round and round; the fifth posture is sparse and broken on the ground: quiet like mountains, curled up in secrets; the sixth posture is lifting up the dense green sky: Movement is like a river, flowing freely; the seventh posture refers to the sun and expels fog: fast like a tiger whirling, the inside and outside are one; the eighth posture sweeps away the moon and blows the clouds: Jie is like a tornado, connected up and down. The names of each move mainly refer to Yuzhu, which is in line with Zen Master Kuzhu's name and contains profound meaning. The eight series of swordsmanship have unique moves and subtle changes, which are the unique skills of the Wutai School.

1. Boxing

1. Great Compassion Fist

2. Guangming Shen Fist

3. Sitting and Zhaoxin Ming Fei Hua Quan

2. Palm Techniques

1. Qianye Guanyin Palm

2. Golden Light and Moon Shadow Break

3. Fingering techniques

1. Manjushri’s tribulation finger

4. Capturing hand

5. Sword techniques

1 .Serial Demon-Sealing Sword

2. Tai'a Sword Technique

6. Staff Technique

1. Impermanence and Infinite Staff Technique
< br />7. Sword Technique

1. Compassionate Sword Technique

8. Hidden Weapons

9. Stick Technique

1. Subduing Demonic Pestle

2. Fudo Mingwang Pestle

3. Impermanence and Infinite Staff Technique

10. Body Technique
< br />11. Internal Strength

1. Great Phaseless Strength

2. Dragon-Elephant Prajna Strength

3. Sumeru Mountain Power
4. Auspicious Ziyuan Neidan Kung

5. Arhat’s Magic Kung Fu of Subduing Demons

12. Special Martial Arts

5 .Jiuhua Sect

The treasure of the sect: The Complete Book of Jiuhua Fist and Sword

A martial arts book specially drawn by Jiang Nanhe for his senior brother Muxia. The book contains many pictures but few words, covering the boxing, sword, acupuncture and various mysterious martial arts skills taught by the old man Jiuhua. The mute knight brought this book to the blue-eyed fox Geng Liuniang, wanting to marry her and teach Geng Liuniang some of the martial arts in the book. After Geng Liuniang killed the dumb knight, Gao Langqiu obtained this book and practiced martial arts according to it. Gao Langqiu also taught martial arts to Yu Jiaolong, the daughter of Lord Zhengtang Yu, the admiral of the Nine Sects. Yu Jiaolong copied this book again. Later, Li Mubai recovered both sets of books. (See Wang Dulu's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon")

Jiuhua sent books

Martial arts books. Posthumous work by Mr. Jiuhua. This book contains the internal martial arts prescriptions for practicing Qi, Qi Chi Palm, the method of tapping acupuncture points to relieve acupuncture points, the Roaring Dragon Palm, the Great Transformation Technique, the Eighteen Vajra Swords, the Great Centrifugal Restriction, the Vajra Prajna Magic Power and other wonderful martial arts. Mr. Jiuhua relied on this to defeat invincible opponents in the world. His successor Lu Feiyang later became the number one master in martial arts. (See "Golden Gong Heroine" by Xiao Yi)

1. Boxing Techniques

1. Youmingquan

2. Palm Techniques

1. Qichi Palm
< br />2. Roaring Dragon Palm

3. Void Tibet Moving Palm

3. Fingering

1. Ksitigarbha Transformation Finger
br />
4. Grappling Hand

1. Compassionate Grappling Hand

5. Sword Technique

1. Eighteen Diamond Swords

6. Sword Skills

7. Sword Skills

1. Youming Demon Sword

8. Hidden Weapons< br />
9. Stick Technique

10. Body Technique

1. Incarnation Dafa

11. Internal Strength

1. Prajna Zen Kung Fu

2. Lankavatara Infinite Kung Fu

3. Brahma Heart Sutra

Twelve. Special Martial Arts< br />
1. The Great Centrifugal Restriction

6. Huashan Sect

The treasure of the Zhenshu Sect: The Treasure Book of Three Lights Magic Power

Huashan Sect This martial arts secret book is divided into two volumes: upper and lower. The first volume is about the Three Light Sword Techniques, and the second volume is about the Three Lights Fist Techniques and Palm Techniques. Three-light sword technique, three-light boxing technique, and three-light palm technique each have one hundred and eight movements. The first set is "Sunlight Shines to the Sky" with thirty-six movements, the second set is "Moon Halo Covers the Ground" with thirty-six movements, and the third set is " Thirty-six forms of "Starlight".

This "Three Lights Magical Treasure Book" was originally held by the elder brother of the Huashan sect, Zhuiyun Laosou Leng Piaoping, and was later passed on to Leng Huaxin and his wife. The demon shadows, blood shadows, and demon shadows from Xiaoyao Valley in Qionglai Mountain killed Leng Hua and his wife and robbed the second volume of the "Three Lights Magic Treasure Book". After Leng Piaoping's two granddaughters grew up, with the help of their seniors, they went to Xiaoyao Valley to avenge the murder of their parents and regain the "Three Lights Magic Secret Book". (See Yun Zhongyue's "The Legend of Unparalleled Heroes")

Zixia Secret Book

The first magical skill of the Huashan School, the Zixia Gongxin method, is owned by Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan School. . Yue Lingshan stole this book from her father Yue Buqun and gave it to her elder brother Linghu Chong so that he could practice healing. Unexpectedly, it was stolen by Lao Denuo, an agent of the Huashan Sect, and Linghu Chong suffered an unjust injustice. (See Jin Yong's "Swordsman")

1. Boxing

1. Sanguang Boxing

2. Splitting Stone and Breaking Jade Fist Splitting Stone and Breaking Jade Fist It was originally a unique technique for splitting stones and breaking jade, which can be used in conjunction with Hunyuan Palm.

The starting position is earth-shattering, the iron bar crosses the door, and it weighs a thousand poundsFalling to the ground

Next to flowers and willows, Vajra's tail, closed hands, pink stone and broken jade

2. Palm Technique

1. Three Light Palm Technique

2. Hunyuan Palm Hunyuan Palm is derived from swordsmanship, and most of the names of the moves are consistent with sword moves. Can be used in conjunction with the Stone-Splitting Jade Fist.

White clouds come out of Xiu, white rainbow penetrates the sun, clouds break through the Qinling Mountains, green pines are green, and the sky is hanging upside down

Boundless falling trees, high mountains and flowing water, the hall is full of gold and jade, the wind is accompanied by flowing clouds, and the rain is drowned Piaomiao

3. Fingering

1. Dongjin Finger

4. Grappling Hand

1. Seal the tendons Pulse-closure Hand

5. Sword Technique

1. Three Light Sword Technique

2. The Death-Destroying Three Immortal Swords are the unique skills of the Huashan Sect. The three swords were completed in one go. Start with a straight chop to the head; if the opponent leans away, then circle the sword and slash across the waist; if the opponent can still avoid it, he will definitely jump over the sword, then flip the sword back and stab the opponent in the back. There are no eyes behind the opponent's back, so it is difficult to dodge. Back then, during the great sword show on Jade Girl Peak, the Sword Sect disciples killed several Air Sect masters with this sword technique. When Yue Buqun had a sword duel with Linghu Chong in the Shaolin Temple, he was so anxious that he actually used the sword sect's stunt that he usually looked down upon. (See Jin Yong's "Swordsman")

3. Dugu Nine Swords is an invincible swordsmanship created by Dugu Qiubai. It is divided into nine parts, namely: general formula, sword-breaking, knife-breaking, spear-breaking, whip-breaking, rope-breaking, palm-breaking, arrow-breaking, and qi-breaking. The key to practicing this sword is to "enlighten" that even one sword and one stance can be infinitely variable. When facing an enemy, the more you forget the moves, the better. His descendants include Feng Qingyang and Linghu Chong. Linghu Chong once defeated Tian Boguang with the Dugu Nine Swords, blinded the eyes of fifteen underworld masters, and defeated Ren Woxing, Taoist Chongxu, Yue Buqun, and Lin Pingzhi. (See Jin Yong's "Swordsman")

6. Sword Technique

7. Sword Technique

1. Anti-Liangyi Sword Technique
9. Stick Techniques

8. Hidden Weapons

10. Body Techniques


11. Internal Strength

1. Zixia Magical Skill

2. Righteousness Technique

12. Special Martial Arts

Kunlun Sect

The treasure of Zhenlun Sect: Jiulong Feitian Heart Technique

1. Boxing Technique

1. Shenglong Fist

2.Zhentian Fist

3. Qianlong Xingkongquan

2. PalmMethods

1. Hidden Dragon Ascension Palm

2. Levering the Crane to Capture the Dragon

3. Kunlun Palm

3. Fingering techniques

1. Use the crane to capture the dragon finger

4. Capturing hand

1. Like a closed hand
< br />2. Kunlun Ruyi Hand

5. Sword Technique

1. Flying Dragon in the Sky Sword Technique

2. Ten Deadly Quick Sword Techniques Style

3. Ruyi Chain Death Sword

4. Swift Dragon Lightning Sword

6. Sword Technique

7. Sword Techniques

1. Wuji Qianyuan Knife

8. Hidden Weapons

1. Rain of Flowers in the Sky

9. Stick Technique

10. Body Technique

1. Yunlong's three-fold technique is a kind of light skill, which is passed down as the unique skill of Kunlun School. After mastering it, you can jump high and vertically, as powerful as a swimming dragon. When the momentum of the jump is about to be exhausted, you can just spin around in the air with your body shape without using any objects, and you can immediately rise up. If you do this again, you can It circled up to twenty or thirty feet. It is said that the Kunlun School Qinggong also has a kind of "dragon flying to the nine heavens", but the details are not clear.

2. The dragon flies to the nine heavens

3. Walking on the snow without a trace

11. Internal Strength

1. Mysterious Tian Wuji Kung Fu

2. Vajra Prajna Kung Fu

3. Nine Dragons Flying Sky Mental Technique

Twelve. Special Martial Arts

1. The silent and colorless sword move is a unique move in the Kunlun style of swordsmanship. It must be used by two people at the same time. They have similar skills and the same inner strength. When the sword is used, the strength is exactly the opposite. Therefore, the surging force and the sound of breaking through the air on the two long swords cancel each other out. Therefore, it is suitable for night battles, making it difficult for the opponent to hear the sound and distinguish the weapon, and he has been attacked without realizing it. The leaders of the Kunlun Sect, He Taichong and Ban Shuxian, were defeated by Zhang Wuji at the Shaolin Temple Heroes Conference. They used this trick to sneak attack Wuji, who was being treated with poison by Xian Yutong. The long sword then nailed Xian Yutong to the ground. (See Jin Yong's "Eternal Heaven and Slaying the Dragon")

12. Beggar's Gang

1. Boxing

1. Chicken-killing and dog-killing boxing

2. Evil Dog Pounces on Food

3. Four Seas and One Heart Fist

2. Palm Techniques

1. Snake-shaped tricky hand

2. Subduing the Dragon and Eighteen PalmsThe dragon has regrets, the flying dragon is in the sky, the dragon is seen in the field, the dragon is gradually on the land, do not use the hidden dragon, use it to cross the river. Yu Yuan, riding on six dragons

The clouds are dense and there is no rain, and if there is damage, there will be prosperity. The dragons fight in the wild, walking on the frost and ice, the rams touch their skins, and the dragons shake their tails

3. Fingering

4. Capturing hand

1. Dragon catching hand

2. Dog catching hand

5. Sword Techniques

6. Sword Techniques

7. Sword Techniques

1. Liuhe Dao touches the wall and asks the sky, and the energy covers the rivers and mountains. Heaven and earth suddenly come together, separation and union are impermanent, harmony comes out, and Yin and Yang are separated

8. Hidden weapons

1. Huntian stone

9. Stick method< br />
1. There are thirty-six ways to beat the dog stick method, which was created by the founder of the Beggar Clan. It has always been passed down from the previous leader to the next and will never be passed on to outsiders. Although the name of this method is crude and vulgar, the changes are subtle and the techniques are wonderful. A green-colored dog-beating stick slightly longer than a sword was pointed east and west, extremely sharp. There are eight tricks in the dog-beating stick technique: tripping, splitting, entangling, poking, picking, leading, sealing and turning. When "trip" is used, the main attack is on the enemy's lower body, just like the Yangtze River, flowing continuously, never allowing the enemy to have the slightest chance to breathe. If the first trip is missed, the second trip will continue to come, and the hook will be connected. "Tang" is used to follow the enemy's things, like a shadow, and use the enemy's strength to control it. No matter how huge the enemy's weapon is, the bamboo stick is like a tough thin vine. After entangling a big tree, the tree can be made dozens of times thicker. , don't even think about being able to get rid of the shackles again. The "Zhuan" formula is on the contrary. It can point at the enemy's vital points or stab the enemy's vital points. As you move and leap, the bamboo stick turns into a green shadow, covering you completely. The "picking" formula uses "four ounces to move a thousand catties", using clever strength to resolve brute force. When Huang Rong took over as the leader of the Beggar Clan, due to the instigation of the gangsters, the people in the beggars refused to obey. Later, she used the stick method to defeat the four elders and make them surrender. (See Jin Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes")

10. Body Skills

1. Xiaoyaoyou

11. Internal Strength

1. Huntian Kung Fu

12. Special Martial Arts

Animal Control Technique is used to command various animals

Hearsay is used to Inquire about various information

12. Xiaoyao Sect is a very secretive sect, and few people in the world know about this sect.

Lingjiugong and Xingxiuhai are two branches of the Xiaoyao sect, and their martial arts skills are also similar.

1. Boxing

1. Xiaoyao Benliuquan

2. Xiaoyao XinYiquan

3. Xiaoyao Fushenquan

2. Palm techniques

1. Xiaoyao Liuyang Palm

2 .Xiaoyao Luohua Palm

3. Fingering

1. Xiaoyao Tenderness Finger

4. Grappling Hand

1. Xiaoyao's plum-breaking hand

2. Xiaoyao's free hand

5. Sword skills

1. Tianyu Qijian

6. Kick Techniques

1. Xiaoyao Luoyue Kick

7. Knife Techniques

1. Ruyi Chain Knife

8. Hidden Weapons

1. Life and Death Tie

9. Stick Techniques

1 Xiaoyao Ruyi Stick

10 , Body Technique

1. Lingbo Microsteps

2. Moon Shadow Dance Steps

11. Internal Strength

1 .Bei Ming Sheng Kung

2. Eight Desolations and Liuhe Only Oneself Kung Fu

3. Small Phaseless Kung Fu

Twelve. Special Kung Fu
Reference: Forgot

㈤ What are the top movies in the summer of 2010?

Abstract] Nearly 60 movies will be released this year. According to industry insiders, the box office will exceed 2 billion. We present to readers a catalog of 24 interesting Chinese and foreign blockbusters. We hope that everyone can find their favorite movies. This year's summer season is more diverse due to the presence of tear-jerking blockbusters such as "Tangshan Earthquake", and the competition is also high. It will definitely be more tragic.
[Text] I don’t like tears during the summer season. This place has always been a gathering place for popcorn movies, but there are two directors who intend to make the audience cry. One is "Tangshan Earthquake" which is said to have moved everyone in the industry. , the other one is "Ocean Paradise" starring Jet Li, which focuses on autistic children, so this summer, we still have to believe in the power of tears. The audience laughs and cries for the movie, venting their emotions, and experiencing another life with the protagonists in the story. Perhaps this is the meaning of the movie.
Traditional Hong Kong movies, confrontation between police and gangsters
Many people say: "Hong Kong movies are dead." Yes, in the context of the Chinese language, Hong Kong films are dead from the perspective of financing from the mainland and recovering box office revenue from the mainland. But this does not prevent Hong Kong directors from introducing their concepts to the mainland and continuing to use Hong Kong stars to make some "pan-Hong Kong films" with police and gangster themes. "The King of Guns" focuses on two handsome men, Louis Koo and Daniel Wu; while "The Informer" Using the original cast of "The Witness" to interpret a more complex and exciting storyThe story, for some reason, there is a lack of Hong Kong films in the summer season. It seems like something is missing...
Big-name stars, Sino-US co-production
"Where to go?" "Go to China to make a movie." I feel like these In 2006, it was nothing new for Hollywood stars to come to China to shoot movies, and the type of filming has changed from shooting in China to a Sino-US co-production. It has changed from a purely Western perspective to a more vivid and profound Chinese interpretation. s story. This summer, Chow Yun-fat, Gong Li, and John Cusack presented the spy blockbuster "Quarter", and the other one was "The Kung Fu Dream" jointly performed by Will Smith, his son, and Jackie Chan. It can be said that it is a series of masterpieces.

This summer is full of humanistic care due to the release of "Tangshan Earthquake"
"Tangshan Earthquake"
●Released: July 22
Starring: Zhang Jingchu Li Chen Xu Fan
Director: Feng Xiaogang Recommendation Index: ★★★★★
Story: During the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, a mother could only choose to save one of her siblings. The mother finally chose to save the younger brother, but However, the sister miraculously survived and was later adopted by the People's Liberation Army. The family reunited unexpectedly 32 years later. The cracks in their hearts were waiting for them to repair, and painful memories were once again evoked!
What to watch: Feng Xiaogang said that the emotional power of this film can truly reach the depths of the audience's hearts, making people reflect on the emotional collisions and life-and-death tests between people in the face of disasters. "Mother" Xu Fan couldn't help but shed tears when she saw the footage in the trailer of the little girl waking up from the ruins in the rain, surrounded by a scene of casualties, crying and being carried away. It is said that during the movie viewing process, some employees who boasted high tears could not suppress their tears. "After several disasters, Chinese audiences urgently needed an outlet to vent their emotions. "Tangshan Earthquake" undoubtedly provided them with this." The space."

"The King of Guns"
●Released: July 2nd
Starring: Louis Koo, Daniel Wu and Li Bingbing
Director: Er Dongsheng Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: A certain fund manager in Hong Kong, Kwan Tomohiro (Louis Koo), won the championship in a practical shooting competition and met the runner-up, police officer Zhuang Ziwei (Daniel Wu). Kwan Tomohiro accidentally encountered a robbery and he shot and killed him continuously. He kidnapped four robbers and became a hero in the eyes of the citizens. In fact, Guan was the mastermind of the matter. Zhuang Ziwei became suspicious of Guan based on the clues, and finally set up a trap to round up Guan.
What to watch: It seems that every summer there are one or two pure Hong Kong police and gangster productions. Director Er Dongsheng believes that the biggest highlight of this drama is the two handsome guys. The "gun king" played by Louis Koo is also At the same time, he has the identity of a fund manager, changing his previous funny image in comedies. As a police officer, Daniel Wu has appeared in another of the most beautiful police uniforms more than ten years after his debut film "Love".
Er Dongsheng himself did not praise the film. He said: "If I were a woman, I would definitely fall in love with the two leading actors."

The co-produced film "Kung Fu Dream" was released this summer Watching TV during holidaysThe best choice for movies, educational and entertaining
"Kung Fu Dream"
●Released: June 22
Starring: Jaden Smith Jackie Chan
Director: Harold· Zwart Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: An American kid played by Jaden Smith encounters an eccentric kung fu master played by Jackie Chan in Beijing, starting a legendary journey of master and apprentice, and learns The connotation of Chinese Kung Fu.
Highlights: During its release in the United States, the film earned a box office of 56 million U.S. dollars, which was 30 million U.S. dollars more than the latter. It seems that the plot of this feature film about kung fu is very interesting. As for summer movies that go beyond pure fight thrills. "Kung Fu Dream" received very high praise from the audience when it was previewed in the United States in January, with a 97% praise rate second only to Will Smith's "Rivals." In the film, Jackie Chan changed his overly playful image in recent films such as "The King of Kung Fu" and became the life mentor of the young protagonist.
Students are on vacation during the summer, so this relaxing work is very suitable for the occasion. This was the reason why "Searching for Jackie Chan", which was just a concept at the time, achieved such high box office.

"Ocean Paradise"
●Released: June 18
Starring: Jet Li, Wen Gui Lunmei
Director: Xue Xiaolu Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: The film focuses on an ordinary autistic family. Jet Li plays his father Wang Xincheng, and his 22-year-old autistic son Dafu, played by Wen Wen, depends on each other. When Wang Xincheng learned that he was terminally ill and had only a few months to live, how to arrange for his son became his biggest wish...
Highlights: The nephew of the movie star Jet Li once suffered from autism, and Jet Li made great efforts His hard work brought him out of the shadows. Director Xue Xiaolu has been a volunteer for 14 years and created such a touching script. The film uses restrained techniques and every detail to interpret father's love, the most selfless human emotion. Jet Li teaches his son over and over again how to distinguish currency values, how to ride the bus, and even pretends to be a turtle to convince his son who loves swimming that even if his father is no longer alive, Will always be with him. "Ocean Paradise" is hailed as another sensational masterpiece after "Mom Love Me Again".

"The Informant"
●Released: August 26
Starring: Nicholas Tse, Nick Cheung, Kwai Lun-mei, Lu Yi Nursery
Director: Lam Chaoxian Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: "The Informant" tells the story of the police (Nick Cheung) and the informant (Nicholas Tse). The so-called informant is different from an undercover agent. He is looking for someone from a group of bad guys to help the police. For example, although the police and the informant will cooperate, sometimes there will be conflicts. The police may need to sacrifice an informant to solve the case. From trusting each other to being suspicious of each other, can these people be friends? This play explores the story of "betrayal".
What to watch: "The Informant" is once again created by the original cast of "The Witness". Not only the action scenes have been greatly upgraded, but the plot has also been updated.A 180-degree turn. Nicholas Tse wants to transform from a policeman into a bald gangster, while Golden Horse Award winner Nicky Cheung Jiahui is just the opposite, from a cold-blooded killer to an upright policeman. Miao Pu, who plays a "vegetative" in "The Witness", will still act as a husband and wife team with Nick Cheung, and Lu Yi will play the role of husband and wife. The gang leader is alert and sharp, and is Nicholas Tse's boss.

"The Spy"
●Released: June 17
Starring: Gong Li, John Cusack, Chow Yun-fat
Director: Mikael Haverst Roma Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: Before the Pearl Harbor incident, in the process of investigating a murder case, an American not only fell in love with a local woman in Shanghai, but also discovered a relationship with the U.S. government The shocking secrets involved...
What to watch: "The Spy Who" has a typical Hollywood style of "catching people" in the plot arrangement and design, especially in the first half. Near the end of the movie, the love and friendship shown is a little abrupt. Many of the big scene designs in the movie were completed in London and Shanghai, and the scenes are always grand. In the movie, Chow Yun-fat has restored the style of "Hui Wenqiang" in "Shanghai Bund". Although there are not many scenes, he looks like a "soy sauce". Gong Li must change into a cheongsam in every scene, and her figure is still as good as before.
Bizarre stories, director's guarantee
Thank God, today's movies still have directors willing to fulfill their fantasies. If the world loses its fantasies, what will happen to mankind? Although, the plot of "Alert" directed by Chen Musheng sounds a bit "terrible", and Aaron Kwok is also a bit too cute after his genetic mutation. Then there is the new work "The Foundation" by the director of "Batman". After searching and integrating all the information, plus the director's interpretation, I am still confused. My only hope is that I will understand it after watching the movie. Fortunately, the directors of these two films have good filmmaking records. Can their consistent credibility be guaranteed?

"City on Alert"
●Released: August 6
Starring: Aaron Kwok, Wu Jing Shu Qi Director: Chen Musheng Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: Aaron Kwok By chance, the clown in a vaudeville troupe strayed into the mountains of Malaysia with his fellow troupe members, including Zou Zhaolong. As a result, he accidentally inhaled the biochemical gas left by the Japanese army during World War II. As a result, his muscles and bones began to change, leading to a lycanthropic phenomenon similar to that of a werewolf. And Aaron Kwok was the one who inhaled the least, so he was the only one who did not mutate, and he became the target of being hunted by both his companions and the government...
What to watch: "Baby Project" director Chen Musheng's new film "City Alert" " is the first time a mutant movie has been shot in China. Everyone is very worried whether the "mutants" in Chinese movies will be like those in Hollywood, with slime-covered and alien shapes. In addition, Wang Jing's "Future Police" has turned away the audience's appetite for Chinese science fiction films, but Chen Musheng said that everyone does not need to worry about the quality of the film. Judging from the camera, Aaron Kwok's transformation is not as exaggerated as Chou Zhaolong's villain "Mutant Demon", but more cute.The makeup artist covered his entire head and put on thick rubber clothes all over his body, making him look fat and funny.

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio Ken Watanabe Ellen Page
Director: Christopher Nolan Recommendation Index: ★★ ★★★
Story: Judging from the trailer released so far, in the world depicted in "Foundation", humans have discovered a way to enter the dreams of others. The character played by Leonardo DiCaprio is the CEO of a company, but he is also a criminal from a certain perspective, because he makes money by sneaking into other people's dreams and stealing intelligence, but Is all this real? Others are also trying to enter his dream.
What to watch: Genius director Nolan once directed "The Dark Knight." The story of this film is a question that the director has been thinking about repeatedly since he was 16 years old. "I completed the first draft of the script seven or eight years ago, but the story progressed much further than I imagined. It touched on the relationship between real dreams and the half-dream and half-awake state. It has elements of action, but it is far more than action. The film is complex. Because it involves dreams, it is often shot on the beach or under the sea, which exceeds the level of fantasy that people have seen in movies before." Judging from the posters and plots that have been exposed so far, movie fans are really confused. Expect surprises from Nolan.
●Released: July 16

Director: James Mangold
Starring: Tom Cruise Cameron ·Diaz
Recommendation Index: ★★
Highlights: Tom Cruise once again returns to the "Mission: Impossible" route, playing an all-around charming agent, while "Silly Sister" Diaz plays a An older, innocent young woman who is inexplicably involved in disputes. It is reported that many of the stunts in the film were performed by Tom Cruise himself, so let's just watch it as an action version of "Grass and the Sky".

"Robin Hood"
Director: Ridley Scott
Starring: Russell Crockett Blanchett
Recommendation Index: ★ ★★★
Highlights: The film focuses on Robin Hood’s life experience before he became a legend and legend, telling how he transformed from an outlaw to a national hero, so this film is about the “Prequel to Robin Hood”. But the biggest highlight of the film is that the creators of "Gladiator" have joined forces again.

"Dragon Force"
Director: Joe Carnahan
Starring: Bradley Cooper
Recommendation Index: ★★★
What to watch: This film is adapted from the TV series of the same name in the 1980s. It tells the story of four Vietnam War soldiers who were accused of disobeying military orders and were unfairly tried by a military court. Unwilling to do so, they escaped from prison and hid in Los Angeles. After that, they became police officers. As a mercenary, of course he is also responsible for doing chivalry and justice.

"The Prequel of Ip Man"
Director: Qiu Litao
Starring: Du Yuhang, Fan Shaohuang, Huang Yi, Sammo Hung
Recommendation index: ★★★
Highlights: Donnie Yen beat foreigners in the "Ip Man" series first, and the biggest highlight of this "Ip Man Prequel" is that Ip Man's son, Ip Chun, played the role of Ip Man's master. According to Ip Chun, Donnie Yen's Wing Chun was substandard, and this was the last time he authorized filming Ip Man.
Small love + minor tune to create small gimmicks
The most profitable movie in last summer’s season was Wong Jing’s work “The Secret Dog” which had a bad reputation, so it set a rather bad example for the market. effect. This summer, a large number of movies with stars and comedy have sprung up. They seem to be a good medicine for the market. Spoof and subversion have become the only selling points of these movies. The intensive release of topical characters and topical films such as comebacks and foul language has also become the biggest dark horse of the summer season.
Strange combinations, creating hilarious results
We can’t innovate in the plot, but we can innovate in the actors. For example, classmate Tian Liang has always had a star-like appearance. Have any of you ever seen him dress up as a woman to play the role of Guanyin? For example, everyone’s beloved handsome boy Feng Delun, do you want to see him turned into a sissy? "The Lotus Out of Water" is such a work. "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance 2" is not afraid that this theme will be remade into various versions. It simply casts Huang Xiaoming, who has been very "secondary" recently, to play the lead role of Tang Bohu, who has both talents and talents in history. It is not only teasing but also ravaging the idol.
A star-studded copycat farce
The founder of the so-called star-studded copycat farce is probably Wong Jing. Last year, he made a fool of himself in "The Secret Agent", even though the jokes were not new. Incurring a box office of 100 million, there is still no shortage of such works on the market this year. Of course, "Battle of Shama Town" directed by Li Weiran, who has a background in advertising, still has its own innovative meaning. With the gathering of stars, he created a scumbag Lin Chiling and Sun Honglei. As for "Hee Travels", it is purely a spoof on top of a spoof, no matter how weird it is, I hope it won't tickle the audience again.

"Out of the Water"
●Released: July 6
Starring: Tian Liang** Feng Delun Huang Shengyi
Director: Liu Zhenwei Recommendation Index: ★★★
Story: ** was hurt by her love rival. In order to take revenge, she made up her mind to learn swimming and invited Fang Lishen to be her coach. The two were originally enemies, but later developed into a couple, but encountered Huang Shengyi's intervention.
Highlights: ** became the swimming queen, but Tian Liang became the Guanyin on the water. After Liu Zhenwei tested the water through "Roboman" and "The Treasure Box", he brought everyone a shocking story and A shocking combination. Liu Zhenwei said that this movie mainly talks about "girls' whimsical fantasies". He also said with a smile, "The movie will attract young people under the age of 18, and those over 18 should not watch it." He said he hoped the audience would watch it with a young heart.
"Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance 2"
●Released: July 9
Starring: Huang Xiaoming, Zhang Jingchu, Zhou Libo, Chen Baixiang, Ren XianqiDirector: Li Lichi Recommendation Index: ★★
Story: Tang Bohu was fond of fighting injustices since he was a child, and was later sent to Qingfeng Temple by Tang’s mother to study. Three friends Zhu Zhishan, Wen Zhengming, and Zhou Wenbin brought Tang Bohu to the back mountain through a secret passage. We visited beautiful places and met Qianqian by chance.
Highlights: Huang Xiaoming dances, makes faces, bites shoes, and gets beaten in the film; Zhang Jingchu flies around with wires and suffers a lot. These two Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang who are beyond everyone's impression are really impressive. Broken glasses. At the same time, Huang Xiaoming redefined Tang Bohu's romance: "His talent makes him very romantic, and secondly, his so-called eight wives in history make him feel very romantic."
"Seven Little Arhats"
July 23
Director: Fu Huayang
Starring: Chen Sicheng, Ma Jian, Wang Dongfang
Recommendation Index: ★★
Highlights: This is a pure children's comedy theme, for For children in the city, beautiful scenery can also arouse their urge to join nature. It can be said to be the kung fu version of "Home Alone."
"Hi Travels"
●Released: July 2nd
Starring: Huang Yi, Sun Xing, Xie Na, Xu Zheng
Director: Zhong Shaoxiong Recommendation Index: ★★
Story: The film Set in the Tang Dynasty, it tells a ridiculous "Journey to the West" story, with some funny elements from "Wulin Gaiden".
What to watch: Wukong in "Westward Journey" once defeated many of the Bull Demon King's generals with a beautiful fart. In "Xi You Ji" starring Xu Zheng, Xie Na, He Jiong and others, this scene was staged again. The party that Xu Zheng, He Jiong and others were on actually used the "human cannon", which was the stinky fart of the cook played by Haitao, to successfully repel the terrible monster. There are also many jokes about "shit" and "slobber" in the film, which are very heavy-handed.
"The Decisive Battle of Shama Town"
Story: The story takes place in Shama Town, a legendary town in the northwest that is lost on the territory of China. A group of well-equipped international thieves are fighting for a little-known treasure. Come here and start a unique bloody battle in the desert with the "treasure protection team" led by Sun Honglei.
What to watch: This film is a bit like "Crazy Stone" back then, following an interlocking routine. The biggest breakthrough in the movie is that Sun Honglei plays a straightforward village chief, and the beautiful Lin Chiling will definitely make you not recognize her after watching the movie. The village girl she plays in the film has rough skin and yellow teeth.
●Released: June 22
Starring: Lin Chiling and Sun Honglei
Director: Li Weiran Recommendation Index: ★★★
"Jing Wu Men 2"
Director: Liu Baoxian
Starring: Chen Bolin, Zhou Qiqi, Lollipop Prince
Recommendation Index: ★
Highlights: It tells a series of love, hate, separation and reunion that happened in the Encore dance troupe led by Lotte The story, "parkour" and "fighting dance" are the biggest highlights of the film.
Leftover women are shameful and in loveInnocence
Comedy romance movies have always been the most minimalist genre in the film market. Urban themes always involve love quarrels between handsome men and beautiful women. "Zhiming and Chunjiao" directed by Pang Haoxiang was introduced to the mainland and was dubbed into Mandarin, but was later deleted. There are quite a few plots, but the level of comedy is compromised. And a movie with such a vicious name as "You Deserve to Be Single" is a combination of comedy and romance combined with suspense. Summer is always the season of love. It's shameful to be a leftover woman, and it's shameful to be single. You can't fall in love in reality, and you have to watch actors fall out of love in the movie.
"Chi Ming and Chun Jiao"
●Released: June 18
Starring: Miriam Yeung, Shawn Yue and Cheung Tat Ming
Director: Pang Ho-cheung Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: Since the Hong Kong government implemented a total indoor smoking ban, every smoker has been driven from the office to smoke in the back alleys of buildings in commercial districts. These back alleys became a party place for them during office hours, and the love between Zhiming and Chunjiao slowly grew in such dirty and narrow back alleys.
What to watch: Pang Haoxiang claims that "Chi Ming and Chun Jiao" is his most innocent film since his career in filmmaking. However, the film was classified as a "Category III film" by Hong Kong censorship due to foul language. The film received great acclaim at the Hong Kong Film Festival, with former Academy Awards chairman Man Jun saying that "Pang Ho-cheung's personal talent is fully utilized" in the film.
"You Deserve to Be Single"
●Released: June 13
Starring: He Junxiang and Ruby Lin
Director: Cai Xin Recommendation Index: ★★
Story: told It is the story of three pairs of contemporary urban youths, Xiao Feng and Li Ying, Li Zheng and Fei'er, and Yingzi and her ex-boyfriend. After experiencing many turmoils, they finally became lovers and got married.
What to watch: It is said that this is a scientific and educational film that teaches men how to capture women, a textbook that teaches women to see through men, a "love guide" to win in the moment, and a "true love guide" for singles to escape difficulties. The eighteen martial arts in "You Deserve to Be Single" are meant to be understood clearly, and the thirty-six strategies must be played coolly. This is the love guide that "You Deserve to Be Single" will bring to urban men and women. If you haven't learned this, you can only sigh: "You deserve to be single."
Topic Characters, Li Xiaoran + Yan Po
This summer, Li Xiaoran and Yan Po have new works, but their names are connected together because of a murder case, and their works also have their own highlights.
Among them, "Swinging Engagement" directed by Yan Po is hailed as a fashionable romance film, in which the great beauty Yao Chen shows off her skills in showmanship. Li Xiaoran broke through the stereotype and played the role of a wife facing her husband's cheating in "Unmanned Driving". She not only supported her husband to go out and pursue true love, but was also good at forbearing, making her a "perfect wife".
"Unmanned Driving"
●Released: July 2
Starring: Liu Ye, Gao Yuanyuan, Li Xiaoran
Director: Zhang Yang Recommendation Index: ★★★★
Story: One A family where the husband cheated, a husband whose family was destroyed and who desperately needed to make money, a post-80s taxi driver who was intoxicated with beautiful women, because they were in a car togetherdisaster, forming an interconnected story.
What to watch: This is Zhang Yang’s first foray into urban love themes after many years. The heroine Li Xiaoran became a topic of conversation after her boyfriend Yan Po was killed. In the film, she played a wife who faces her cheating husband. Wang Luodan challenged the role of a mute woman for the first time, Ruby Lin played the role of an "unmarried mother", Gao Yuanyuan played the third party, and Liu Ye played a husband who couldn't make a choice. Many young mainland actors have made breakthroughs.
"Swinging Engagement"
●Released: June 13
Starring: Yao Chen, Zhu Yuchen, Guo Xiaodong
Director: Yan Po Xiao Weihong Recommendation Index: ★★
Story: Because When her fiancé Juyuan regrets her marriage, Shunjia, a highly dependent fashion magazine editor, suddenly falls into a confusion of losing herself. As her wedding day approaches, she temporarily grabs Juyuan's friend Junhao, who is living at home, to be her boyfriend.
Highlights: The main selling point of the movie is that Yao Chen grins and plays tricks. Even if he acts coquettishly, it still makes people feel fresh, natural and cute. Before the film was released, director Yan Po was suddenly axed, making the film a hot topic as the incident escalated.
At the same time, the two male protagonists Zhu Yuchen and Guo Xiaodong in the film have also been greatly subverted.
"Toy Story 3"
Recommendation Index: ★★★★★
Highlights: Pixar only revolves around the encounters of a group of discarded toys, allowing the audience in front of the screen to recall their own experiences. When you go home, will you think of your old toys?
"Shrek 4"
North American release: May 21
Director: Mike Mitchell
Voice: Mike Myers, Cameron Dia Eddie Murphy
Recommendation Index: ★★★
Highlights: The prince and the princess lived happily ever after...the perfect ending in the fairy tale, with countless twists and turns, and finally It happened to Shrek and Fiona. As the last part of the series, "Shrek 4" has received a mediocre reputation, with many North American viewers feeling "exhausted" by Shrek who is going through a mid-life crisis.

㈥ What kind of Bodhisattva is the Bodhisattva that went viral in WeChat Moments in 2018?


If the so-called Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in WeChat Moments is a bust of a Buddha, then this kind of Buddha, Bodhisattva, is the bust of an Arhat Never post the image. The sin is huge and the retribution will be huge. If it is not as good as the Dharma itself, will it still have the effect of blessing? Buddha and Bodhisattva statues must be enshrined in pure and solemn full-length images.

When studying Buddhism, we must follow the Buddhist scriptures and the teachings of the great masters, and never read random articles on the Internet

Our whole family should be vegetarian, not kill, and at the same time reverently and sincerely recite Amitabha to our parents. The more the Buddha's name or the Ksitigarbha Sutra, the better. Then release a large number of animals in the name of the parents, do good deeds and accumulate virtue, make offerings to the Three Treasures, and help the parents achieve good fortune.

Master Jingkong---offer the bust of the Buddha and the bust of the Bodhisattva. There is also a place to offer the head of the Buddha and Bodhisattva. If you commit sin in that place, the result will definitely be in hell.

You now have this book, this placeFang annotated the thirty-two pages. I will read the last sentence of the penultimate line to you. "It is not allowed to make busts, as good deeds cannot be compared to others, and they will fall into life and death." I hope everyone will pay attention to this sentence. Nowadays, there are many places where busts of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are enshrined, and there are also places where the heads of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are enshrined. If you commit sin in that place, the result will definitely be in hell. Offering a bust to the Buddha is already a serious sin, and there is no merit in falling into rebirth. Therefore, when painting the image of a Bodhisattva, you must also paint a complete image, and you must also paint a full-length image. You cannot paint a half-length image. Whether it is a seated image or a standing image, the whole body must be painted. Special attention must be paid to this! When we create images of humans, we can create half-length images without any problem, but we cannot create images of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Human statues can be used to create half of the body. Which human statue you choose can be used to create a head, and the rest will be gone. This is the most unlucky thing in our customs and habits. How can we do this if our head has been chopped off? This is not allowed. He said this here to remind all fellow practitioners.

Excerpt from Episode 19 of "Lectures on the Ksitigarbha Sutra"

Master Jingkong --- placed a work of art, a Bodhisattva's head and a Buddha's head, which are the blood of the Buddha's body

In today’s society, we have seen too many of the Five Rebellions and Ten Evil Sins. We have even seen the blood of Buddhas in temples. Where did you see it? I saw the inside of the temple. We went to visit. The living room in the temple was very spacious and elegantly decorated. There was a work of art in that place, a Bodhisattva's head and a Buddha's head, which were made from the blood of the Buddha. What kind of crime would it be to chop off the heads of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas? He didn’t know about the five treasons. He put them there as works of art. It’s not easy for us to speak. If people treat us as guests, and if we speak to others, we will offend others and say that we will fall into hell, we cannot say these words. There is nothing we can do about it. We are very clear and understand it. Therefore, when painting Buddha statues, you cannot draw half-length figures. Where is the lower body of the Buddha? When making and painting Buddha statues, remember to draw the whole body. It doesn't matter whether you are sitting or standing. You must draw the whole body. This is respect, but it doesn't matter for us people to take pictures. I have rarely been to China, but we have seen Yungang Grottoes and Longmen Grottoes on TV. We saw in those videos that many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have lost their heads and hands. Why are all sentient beings in the world suffering such great disasters today? We understand at first glance, the five treasons! Although the Buddha is not alive, if you destroy the image of the Buddha, or even the portrait of the Buddha, if you maliciously destroy and destroy it, it is equivalent to bleeding the Buddha's body. This sin is called "the sin of being reborn" in Buddhist scriptures.

Master Jingkong---Buddha cannot bless anyone. Buddha tells us that everything depends on ourselves. Buddha understands the truth of the world and the universe, and tells us that everything has a certain cause and effect relationship, and what kind of results we want to get. , we must use our own efforts and use the correct method to start from the cause, just like farmers must first plant seeds, fertilize, water, and take care of it carefully, and then after a period of time, we can get the fruits we want.

Master Jingkong --- the Buddha and Bodhisattvas bless you and teach you how to cultivate your cause. What you sow will be what you reap. Wealth, wisdom, health and longevity are what everyone wants. If you want to seek but refuse to sow the cause, where will the result come from?

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

❶ 币圈是什么意思所谓的币圈,即数字货币玩家天然形成的圈子。币圈不大,但是人数也不算少,而且在人群中基本上属于小众异类,但林林总总算是一个圈子,赚钱的人不多,形形色色的赚钱方式也都被迅速地拷贝过来,i