币圈割韭菜新方法 币圈割韭菜是什么意思

① 空气币圈钱是靠的什么套路


② 抖音马财亿割韭菜是什么套路










③ 加密货币市场腥风血雨57万人爆仓443亿,币圈存在哪些套路






④ 比特币又“割韭菜”,谁是真正“幕后玩家”


⑤ 比特币又“割韭菜”20万人爆仓,谁才是真正的“幕后玩家”



⑥ 井通币值得投资吗

1.投资有风险,不能直接判断是否值得投资,井通不只是是一个项目,而是一个系,因为这个创始人割韭菜太牛,并不只发了这一个币,而是发了前前后后十几个币。 井通创始人周沙,笔名井底望天,别看他的笔名这么谦虚,割起韭菜那可一点也不含糊。周沙的个人资料,贵州人,美国国籍,2013年在硅谷开创井通科技公司,在无锡和北京开设分公司,发行多个数字货币,ICT智通链、TCT、SWTC、FST、墨客MOAC、SPC、CALL、大数据DADT、VCC等十几种币。 大部分已经归零或下架,只剩下MOAC和SWTC可以交易。这个周沙绝对是一个割韭菜高手,不只是发行数字货币,还组织资金盘“斯威特联盟”割韭菜5000软妹币。 每个币都是以割韭菜收场,目前他发行的十几个币,只剩下两个币还在流通,只不过已经接近归零了。 剩下的两个币,其中之一就是swtc,这个币号称第一公链,竟然代码提交次数是空白,你就知道这是一个骗子项目了。
2.这个币SWTC 是SWTC公链的原生数字资产,说的好像这个项目真的做了一个公链,准备与其他公链竞争一样, 不管怎么样,这个代币还是上链了,只不过上的是两个小交易所,一个是币赢国际站,一个是满币。 SWTC Coin的应用场景包括但不限于以下方面:增值服务、激励手段、信用质押、跨链跨通证计价单位。同时,SWTC Coin可以保障系统运行的稳定和安全,提高恶意攻击的成本 是不是看上去非常专业,不得不说骗子现在越来越专业,不然怎么能够骗到那么多钱? 我们再看看他剩下另一个还可以交易的币墨客MOAC,走势跟swct一模一样,一路走低,所有进场的都被埋了。 最高价161元,现在剩下0.1元,这是跌了多少?我都不会算了,是跌了1610倍吗?还能不能跌的再狠一点? 这两个虽然接近归零,还是井通发行的最好的两个币,好歹还能在交易所流通,而其他币要么已经归零,或者被交易所下架。 在币圈这个很少有盈利项目的地方,玩的就是共识,玩的就是口碑。
1.19年开始走传销的路线,提供36%的年化收益,是不是相当诱人?但是币价却一路走低,从8厘跌到1厘。 传销盘一般都是先上涨,然后暴跌割韭菜,但是井通币swtc不一样,从头到尾都是下跌。 传销的后进场者一般从市场上买币,但是井通币不一样,直接从创始人的钱包里买币,不管买多少,市场上的币价都不会上涨。通过这种方式创始人出货100多亿swtc,价值5000万人民币。 井底望天割韭菜的套路并不是特别高明,但是他的胆子非常大,敢用国家队的旗号骗人,所以骗了很多人,而且井通发行数字货币,不仅收以太坊,他连法币也敢收,一般项目方发币,只敢收以太坊或比特币,很少有人敢收法币的。
2.创始人井底望天之所以敢如此明目张胆的割韭菜,还有一个重要原因是他的美国国籍,这种人可能只计划在国内割韭菜,赚了钱去美国享受,反正他已经是美国人了。 但是,只要犯法,中国的法律也照样会制裁你。 普通人想要在币圈不被黑心项目方割韭菜,唯一的办法就是只买比特币,长期看比特币跑赢99%的山寨币。

⑦ 币圈的割韭菜是什么意思怎么做才能不被人家割韭菜

割韭菜的意思就是小白刚开始投资,不太懂涨跌套路,看着涨了很多,就担心再不买就又涨了,就高价买进去,结果,买进去不就就大跌,跌的多了,一看亏了,就又卖到,也就是割肉了,就真实地亏了很多。如何避免当韭菜呢?有3点,第一是学习,只有懂套路了,才能不追涨杀跌,第二,选择好的交易所,例如火币网(huobi点pro),比特兔交易所(bitrabbit点com)等,为啥呢?因为好的交易所有几个特性,首先,好的交易所能为用户着想,不把用户当韭菜割,第二好的交易所风控严格,不会上线空气项目垃圾项目,这就避免了你会卖到归零的币子。 第三点就是指买优质项目的币子。希望采纳。

⑧ 疯狂币圈背后:10万瞬间清零,币圈暴跌真正的原因是什么



① What tricks does Air Coin rely on to make money?

Packaging makes you think that this coin has a good prospect, and then it is privately sold. After the market opens, it is thought to be a pull-up, attracting a large number of leeks, and then smashing the market. . Put you inside.

② What is the trick of Ma Caiyi on Douyin to cut leeks

Let me calmly analyze Ma Caiyi’s MLM scam. I also joined his group, and found that I paid I was deceived by a group of street gangsters about IQ tax. I really have no place to put my old face.

First of all, this group of people should be a gang. They are Ma Caiyi, Lao Xiong and Xiaoxiong. They are a group of smart street gangsters who know the weaknesses of human nature. People always like to rely on some big boss. The essence is to get something for nothing, no need to study, and you can make a lot of money by following the big guys. This gives these second-rate street sluts an opportunity to first show off their wealth on Douyin and brag to attract people.

Then you deceive Leecai with erratic values, which is brainwashing. Then you become greedy and want to join the group, and then you are happily deceived. When you join the group, you will be asked to type 3980 to agree to join the group. After joining the group, you will start to be brainwashed. Before joining the group, you will be given the illusion that you will get meat if you join the group. Once you join the group, you will know I have nothing, and I have to pay more if I want to follow the order.

The Air Force is worth 100,000 yuan, and there is a lot of wailing after a big loss. There can be no objections in the group. Once there are objections and doubts, you will be strictly banned, and you will even be removed from the group chat. Some street gangsters will come out to protect Ma Caiyi.

Create an atmosphere where you are isolated. People have the mentality of following the herd, because you cannot add friends to each other in the group. It seems to be an open group, but it is not. You cannot communicate with each other. This is the case with Ma Caiyi A very information-blocked environment was created.

Then use the street gangsters and losers to start brainwashing you with a tough tone, creating the illusion that you are superior and will withdraw you from the group if you don’t accept it, making you afraid and dare not resist. The principle is the same as MLM, that is First, they make you pay the threshold fee to make you unwilling to believe that you have been cheated, and then use the herd mentality to prevent you from resisting, and then build a group with no information.

The information channels are narrowed, trying to control you for a long time, cutting your leeks, what kind of warehouse building class, big fat meat, small fat meat, cutting leeks round by round, follow the orders for half a year, Otherwise, cut the meat. Because there is a threshold fee to join the group, because you pay the price, just like a woman, you spend a lot of money on her, but you are not willing to break up with this woman even if she is terrible.

Why, because the cost is high, breaking up is unbearable pain, so even if you feel that there is something wrong with this person, you still think that if you look again, Ma Caiyi is good, and you will get your money back if you wait. , these scammers have seized on the weaknesses of human nature.

Ma Caiyi drew traffic from Douyin to show off his wealth, set up threshold fees, built a leek-cutting plan, escorted by doglegs, and had group chats with limited information. He planned carefully step by step. He may not know much about financial knowledge, but Understanding of human nature, MLM cutting leeksBut a good hand.

③ In the cryptocurrency market, 570,000 people liquidated their positions for 44.3 billion. What are the tricks in the currency circle?

In the cryptocurrency market, 570,000 people liquidated their positions for 44.3 billion

On the evening of May 19, virtual Currencies continue to plummet. That night, Bitcoin once fell below $31,000, falling 30% in 24 hours, hitting a new low since the end of January this year, falling below the 200-day moving average; (Ethereum) Ethereum fell below the $2,000 mark, falling more than 40%; (Dogecoin ) Dogecoin fell by US$0.3 per piece, falling more than 40% on the day and falling below the 50-day moving average.

In fact, solving these problems is very simple. You must make sure your card has received the money and the payment is correct before you can release the money. Bitcoin is irreversible, don’t let your currency leave you easily, because once it leaves you, it really no longer belongs to you.

In addition, there is another point that everyone needs to pay attention to, that is, when trading on such platforms, you must verify the other party's payment information and perform KYC (identity verification). If the payer's information does not match the information of the person you are dealing with, beware of wire fraud. If you call, the risk level is significantly reduced.

In short, if you are not greedy for money, you will not be cheated, what do you think?

④ Bitcoin is "cutting leeks" again, who are the real "players behind the scenes"

I think it must be those players, so as to carry out a random bid-up in such a market. This will create such a situation.

⑤ Bitcoin "cut leeks" and 200,000 people liquidated their positions. Who is the real "player behind the scenes"?

The total amount of this liquidation reached 13.7 billion yuan. With Bitcoin experiencing two rounds of plummets and so many people standing on the rooftop, there are still so many leeks rushing to be harvested. It’s really hopeless. You will never make money beyond your knowledge. Even if you are lucky enough to make it, you will pay it back based on your strength. You want to touch things that Buffett won't touch. If your position is liquidated, you will ask who is the player behind the scenes. So let me tell you who the players behind the scenes are.

Let me summarize at last. The whole world is asking who is the behind-the-scenes player and who is the behind-the-scenes player. This is different from stock funds. You don’t even know who is behind it, so you dare to start. It can only be said that there must be brave men under heavy rewards. If you want to make money, please make money within the scope of your knowledge. Even the big guys in the currency circle will not touch things. Do you really want to stop touching them? Do you have to become a leek to be considered complete? Bitcoin now has a bad reputation in many countries. Even the richest man in India has asked the country to ban it. What this means is something that ordinary investors cannot control. Cryptocurrencies that exist in the black market can only be suitable for the black market. Do you, an ordinary person, really think that you are qualified to compete with those unscrupulous investors in the black market?

⑥ Is Jingtong Coin worth investing in?

1. Investment is risky, and you cannot directly judge whether it is worth investing. Jingtong is not just a project, but a system, because thisThe founder was so awesome that he didn’t just issue this one coin, but more than a dozen coins. Zhou Sha, the founder of Jingtong, has a pen name: Jing Di Wang Tian. Even though his pen name is so modest, it is not ambiguous at all when he cuts leeks. Zhou Sha’s personal information, Guizhou native, American nationality, founded Jingtong Technology Company in Silicon Valley in 2013, opened branches in Wuxi and Beijing, issued multiple digital currencies, ICT Zhitong Chain, TCT, SWTC, FST, MOAC, SPC , CALL, big data DADT, VCC and more than a dozen currencies. Most of them have been reset to zero or removed from the shelves, leaving only MOAC and SWTC available for trading. This Zhou Sha is definitely a master of cutting leeks. He not only issues digital currency, but also organizes the capital disk "Sweet Alliance" to cut 5,000 soft sister coins from leeks. Every coin ends up cutting leeks. Currently, of the dozen coins he has issued, only two coins are still in circulation, but they are close to zero. One of the remaining two coins is swtc, which is known as the first public chain. However, the number of code submissions is blank. You will know that this is a scammer project.
2. This coin SWTC is the native digital asset of the SWTC public chain. It seems that this project has really made a public chain and is preparing to compete with other public chains. No matter what, this token is still on the chain. It’s just that there are two small exchanges, one is Biying International Station and the other is Manbi. The application scenarios of SWTC Coin include but are not limited to the following aspects: value-added services, incentives, credit pledge, and cross-chain and cross-certificate pricing units. At the same time, SWTC Coin can ensure the stability and security of system operation and increase the cost of malicious attacks. Doesn’t it look very professional? I have to say that scammers are becoming more and more professional now. Otherwise, how could they defraud so much money? Let’s take a look at MOAC, another one of his that can still be traded. The trend is exactly the same as swct, going all the way down, and everyone who entered the market has been buried. The highest price was 161 yuan, and now there is only 0.1 yuan left. How much has it dropped? I don’t even know how to forget it. Has it dropped 1,610 times? Could it have fallen any harder? Although these two are close to zero, they are still the two best coins issued by Jingtong. They are still circulating on the exchange, while other coins have either returned to zero or been removed from the exchange. In the currency circle, where there are few profitable projects, what we play for is consensus and reputation.
Extended information:
In 1.19, I started taking the MLM route and provided an annualized income of 36%. Isn’t it quite tempting? However, the currency price has been falling all the way, from 8% to 1%. MLM stocks usually rise first and then plummet, but Jingtongcoin swtc is different. It falls from beginning to end. Late entrants to MLM generally buy coins from the market, but Jingtong coins are different. They buy coins directly from the founder’s wallet. No matter how much they buy, the price of coins on the market will not rise. In this way, the founder shipped more than 10 billion swtc, worth 50 million yuan. The routine of cutting leeks from the bottom of a well while looking at the sky is not particularly clever, but hisHe was very courageous and dared to use the national team's banner to deceive people, so he deceived many people. Moreover, when Jingtong issued digital currency, he not only accepted Ethereum, but also accepted legal tender. Generally, projects only issue coins and only accept Ethereum or Ethereum. In Bitcoin, few people dare to accept legal currency.
2. Another important reason why the founder Jingdi Wangtian dared to cut leeks so blatantly was his American nationality. This kind of person may only plan to cut leeks at home and go to the United States to enjoy the money he made. Anyway, He is already an American. However, as long as you break the law, China's laws will still punish you. If ordinary people want to avoid being cut off by unscrupulous projects in the currency circle, the only way is to only buy Bitcoin. In the long run, Bitcoin will outperform 99% of altcoins.

⑦ What does "cutting leeks" mean in the currency circle and how to avoid being cut off by others

The meaning of "cutting leeks" is that novices have just started investing and don't know much about the ups and downs. The trick is to see that it has risen a lot, and you are worried that it will rise again if you don't buy it, so you buy it at a high price. As a result, if you buy it, it will fall sharply. If it falls too much, you will sell it again when you see a loss, which is to cut off the meat. Yes, I really lost a lot. How to avoid being a leek? There are three points. The first is to learn. Only when you understand the routine can you not chase the rise and kill the fall. Second, choose a good exchange, such as Huobi (huobi dot pro) and BitRabbit Exchange. (bitrabbit.com) Wait, why? Because a good exchange has several characteristics. First, a good exchange considers users and does not treat users like leeks. Second, the best exchanges have strict risk control and do not treat users like leeks. Air project junk projects will be online, which will prevent you from selling zero coins. The third point is to buy coins for high-quality projects. Hope to adopt.

⑧ Behind the crazy currency circle: 100,000 was cleared instantly, what is the real reason for the currency circle’s collapse

For the current entire virtual currency market, there will be a large-scale The plummeting is because certain problems have arisen in the entire virtual currency market, and governments of various countries are increasingly cracking down on Bitcoin as a whole. Therefore, for the entire Bitcoin market, its overall market size is constantly shrinking. Most institutional investors are cashing out at high levels, so for the entire virtual currency market, it is currently paying attention to a relatively low position.

What’s more important is that governments around the world are increasingly cracking down on Bitcoin. Especially for some developed economies, they have zero tolerance for Bitcoin. Therefore, various policy measures have been used to close the Bitcoin trading platform, so the price of Bitcoin has also dropped significantly.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

❶ 比特币合约交易什么意思合约交易是对比特币莱特币期货合约交易的统称。2013年6月,796交易所在比特币业内率先开发出了比特币周交割标准期货—T+0双向交易虚拟商品作押易货合约(合约交易)。合约交易