光元宇宙数字藏品 光元宇宙官网

❶ 比亚迪申请元宇宙商标被驳回,申请商标需要符合哪些条件




❷ 继林俊杰购买虚拟土地后,周杰伦也入局元宇宙,普通人该不该入局




❸ 技术已经进化到了什么数据智能时代











SHIB用了10个月从零到100亿USD市值,然后在昨天又回到百亿市值,如果从昨天开始计到200亿估计仅用几天就可以到了。 会不会今年出现一个奇迹:从开始的几乎为零到千亿美金,关键它无前期任何风险投资、无大型资本的支持。很多事就是这样,当你看到它已经到头了,或许它还有可能仅仅是万里长城的第一步,因为可以探索的方向太多了,每一个方向都有巨大广阔的发展空间,类比币安的BNB。

Shytoshi Kusama前段时间曾经宣布,将在ShibaSwap上推出10000个随机生成的NFT。随机生成的NFT收藏品被命名为“Shiboshis”。Shiba Inu生态系统中的新产品发布仅适用于LEASH持有者,销售将在24小时内结束。购买者将能够通过销毁SHIB代币来更改其Shiboshi名称。



以太坊区块浏览器 Etherscan 宣布推出 Ethereum IDM (Input Data Messages)功能,目前已上线 Beta 版本,允许用户为多个地址创建方便查看的聊天历史记录功能。Etherscan 表示,该功能可以用在查看比如此前 Poly Network 遭受攻击时黑客与团队进行的对话。 Etherscan推出的IDM功能非常好,往下做下去,有可能颠覆Discord、Telegram。


国产项目为什么大多数不行,有几点:1.创新不强,大多数是山寨海外,无论是以前的公链,还是现在的DEFI、NFT项目都是如此。2.技术人员的经验和海外相比相差很多。并不是人种的差距,而是开发的时间和项目的经验积累不够,表现出来就是差距。当然教育和工作背景也会制约创新能力。3. 没有适合的生态大环境,无法生长成参天大树。包括法律法规、资本、人才、思想等等综合因素形成的生态环境的制约。其他的因素应该还能列出很多。


❹ 年轻人择业应考虑什么你择业时更看重哪些因素

要确定未来怎么择业,我们可以看如果退回过去,我们可能怎么做。 试想下如果回到十几年前,你已经知道智能手机会像今天这样普及,你会怎么做选择?不少同学会倾向选择移动互联网相关的创业,或者去一些日后可能不断壮大的互联网公司。 了解行业趋势和浪潮,对择业来说很重要。 虽然移动互联网的红利和浪潮早已结束,但是「数字化红利」仍然存在。 前段时间我在知群讲课时,有个同学说,前几年毕业时,自己做了销售,是所有同学中工资最高的。 但是没过几年,他所在的行业不景气了,职业发展遇到瓶颈。 但是当初毕业时的好几个羡慕他的同学,都比他发展得更好。 因为这些同学在毕业的时候,选择了互联网方向。 在知乎上,也有不少问题在问:平面设计师和UI设计师,我该怎么选择?这些同学在择业时,他无法站在行业趋势的角度来思考。 最直观的方式是去了解两个岗位的薪酬待遇,比对各个级别的平面设计师和 UI 设计师的薪资水平,你会发现互联网产品相关的设计师会完全高于平面、广告设计。 原因就是互联网 UI 设计师里「数字化」更近,平面设计师离它更远。 所以,「数字化红利」是什么?回顾人类社会发展历程,我们从农业社会到工业社会中,发生了工业革命。 在这个时代里,人们面临的红利是「机器红利」。 相比了解手工流水线和熟悉手工制作,懂怎么发明、使用、维护机器的人更有竞争力。 两者付出同样的时间和精力,有「机器红利」的人获得的收益更大。 随着工业社会逐渐往信息社会发展,就出现了「数字红利」。 数字红利一直存在,只不过在使用的工具和平台有不断的更替。 以往歌曲发行需要有唱片和碟片承载,现在碟片里的任意一首歌都可以单独收费,也可以通过在平台购买会员去畅听更多的专辑和单曲。 再比如这次北京冬奥会让人眼前一亮的无人驾驶车,让人眼前一亮。 但追溯历史,1769年,法国人N·J·居纽制造了世界上第一辆蒸汽驱动的三轮汽车,时隔两百多年,从人力驾驶的汽车终于在自动驾驶领域成熟起来。 在信息社会里,现实中的事物都变成了一个个数字化的产品,紧密地贴合在我们的生活和工作中。 前段时间流行一个概念叫元宇宙,有的人觉得是噱头,有的人觉得是新的风口,但不可否认的是,整个科技信息领域还在不断前进。 虚拟现实、增强现实、可穿戴科技,甚至是脑机接口,这些基础设施的成熟将会在某一个时间点,构建出新产业和新行业的雏形。 而这些都离不开数字化的红利。 这背后需要的是一些人、一些公司的带动,从技术成熟开始,到引入市场,然后有吸引更多资金和人才进来,形成一个更大的产业。 而整个数字化的进程中,数字化的各种工作都有福利。 所以,这里有一个结论:如果那放在今天,这些工作是什么呢?是互联网里的产品经理、设计师、运营和技术等职业的兴起。 这些职业在十年前都并不多见。 直到现在,不少人仍然对于这些岗位处在一个「只听说过,没学习过」的状态。 那么这些岗位都是干什么的呢?我一个一个来说:我们常常用盖房子来解释产品经理、交互设计、UI 设计、工程师、运营等概念之间的区别。 在互联网、信息世界里盖房子,和在现实当中盖房子,有多相似的地方。 1.产品经理 PM首先,我们为什么要盖一座房子?解决什么问题?盖在哪里?出于什么样的商业考虑?我们的商业目标是什么?如何为这座房子招来合适的住户或者游客?这些问题,在互联网和信息产品中,就是产品设计的问题,通常由产品经理、产品设计师来解决。 为什么要开发微信?它的早期核心用户群体是谁?应该有哪些基础功能?哪些功能是重要的?应该做什么?不应该做什么?在定义产品,做产品设计时,就要先解决这些问题。 2.设计师用户体验 UX:我们已经决定要盖房子,也知道要盖在哪,知道怎么赚钱。 那么,如何让房子更适合人的居住?房前的小径如何方便进出,增加人们交往与偶遇的机会?房间的格局如何,让大人小孩都能各得其乐?窗户朝向如何布局来增加光照?这些问题,在互联网和信息产品中,就是交互设计要考虑的问题,通常由交互设计师来负责解决,在有些公司分得不会太细,也可能会都由一个设计师来整体负责。 视觉设计 UI:再然后,房子的外观看起来什么样,营造出什么样的视觉体验,地板和门应该是什么颜色才能显得「高端大气国际化」?每天我们走进这座房子时,能否待着愉快的心情?或者认为这座房子很漂亮,很上档次?这些问题,在互联网和信息产品中,这是视觉设计要考虑的问题,通常由视觉设计师来负责。 3.工程师从产品到界面都设计好了,需要有工程师来开发实现。 建房子需要什么样的框架?钢筋水泥的指标是什么样的?以后如果还想扩建房子,能否成本尽可能地低?这些设计能否实现?运转起来是不是有效率?这些问题,在互联网和信息产品中,是开发实现需要考虑的问题,由工程师或者说程序员来负责。 程序员还可以分成架构师、前端开发、后端开发等等。 4.运营房子盖好之后,如果盖的是商场,需要找到商家,还要找到顾客,平时还得规划商场里面的内容选品,尽可能让更多的人来买东西。 如果盖的是小区,首先得把房子卖出去,之后还要经营,又变成各种各样生意的经营者。 在互联网和信息产品中,运营就是做这些工作的,就像开发商一样。 只要你往这些职业方向发展,就可以在后续的发展过程中,借助数字化红利,能实现自己更多的职业可能性。 这里又有一个概念:可迁移能力。 产品经理、设计师、运营、程序员这些工作的可迁移能力非常多,这是和传统行业不一样的地方。 在传统行业,你如果从一个行业跳到另一个行业,会是一次很大的转变。 而在互联网和信息产品当中,如果你从一个行业到另一个行业,大部分能力都可以迁移过来。 所以很多人本来在做手机 APP,就直接转过去做汽车相关的工作了,发现大部分核心能力都是一样的。 例如汽车里面的各种应用,和手机里的 APP,其实底层都是类似的。 如果你对于自己的职业发展仍然有困惑,不知道选A方向还是B方向,或者想往互联网的职业方向发展,但是没有头绪,没关系,你可以直接评论或者发私信给我,我来帮你解决。 --我会在每周三,免费分享互联网的工作方法和互联网岗位趋势我是移动互联网的第一批互联网人,做了十几年产品。 目前我在做知群这个职业教育平台,也是知乎的兄弟团队,现在我们的影响力已经很大,各大公司的专家和高管都在知群的平台上给大家做分享,包括知名的产品经理梁宁老师等。 现在有各种造假、不靠谱的培训,我们这样的正规军来做教育,对于行业是好事。

❺ 学VR需要什么基础吗


❶ BYD's application for the Metaverse trademark was rejected. What conditions need to be met to apply for a trademark?

BYD's application for the Metaverse trademark was rejected, and the reason for the rejection was because "Metaverse" is a In the new future digital technology, if this word is used on designated goods, it will cause consumers to misunderstand the product, so it cannot be used as a trademark. So what conditions need to be met to apply for a trademark?

So, when registering a trademark, you must meet the following conditions. First, submit a distinctive trademark; secondly, the registered trademark must not be used that is prohibited by law. logo; finally, the trademark is a similar trademark that is not a registered trademark; if any of the conditions is violated, the trademark cannot be successfully registered.

Nowadays, many people are rushing to register trademarks and declare "sovereignty". Many people take advantage of hot topics in society to register trademarks. For example, the slogan written by the border guard martyr Chen Xiangrong during his lifetime is "Clear love, only for China", someone used it to register a trademark. However, this behavior desecrated the heroic spirit and violated the core socialist values. Therefore, the State Intellectual Property Office rejected the relevant trademark application.

❷ After JJ Lin purchased virtual land, Jay Chou also entered the Metaverse. Should ordinary people join in?

What are the traps of the Metaverse project?

The metaverse has been a very popular topic in recent years. It has been mentioned by many well-known entrepreneurs, the most famous of which is Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook in the United States. He even directly changed the name of his company to the English name of the Metaverse to promote the Metaverse. In fact, many people do not understand what the universe is. Simply put, it uses virtual reality to allow humans to live in the universe. In a new environment.

Moreover, there is still no correct knowledge and understanding of the Metaverse around the world, and no company can stand up and release a product related to the universe. The situation in the future will change rapidly, and the Metaverse is likely to be destroyed in an instant just like its explosion. Therefore, the best way at this time is not to squeeze your head into the field, but to silently learn and watch from the sidelines as a bystander. , when the time is ripe, we can choose different ways to enter the metaverse industry. Only in this way can we ensure that we survive the metaverse craze.

❸ What era of data intelligence has technology evolved to?

Introduction: Technological evolution drives the development of human society , this process is carried out along the direction of gathering, hunting, farming, industry, information, and trust. It is manifested in the first, second, third, and fourth industries. Now the most cutting-edge technology-driven fields of change are now The fourth industry—financial industry. The technological evolution of human society has reached the stage of driving the fourth industry.

The core of the operation of traditional markets is based on the legal system; and decentralizationThe core of the encryption market is the algorithm, and the algorithm is the law. No one or any force can be higher than the algorithm. This is the development trend. If the market is a giant beast, then the giant beast itself is very sensitive and can sense this trend.

There is one thing that feels particularly magical. It is decentralized exchange that suddenly became popular last summer. It seems that as human society develops, it knows in advance that laws and regulations that strictly prohibit centralized trading will be introduced in the subsequent bull market. Moreover, this time interval of six months in advance is particularly accurate, technically preparing for this year's bull market in advance. This kind of exquisite preparation in advance makes people sigh that human society is so magical. The tide of decentralization cannot be stopped.

Technological evolution drives the development of human society. This process is along the lines of gathering, hunting, farming, industry, Progress in the direction of information and trust manifests itself in the first, second, third, and fourth industries. Different from the previous inventions of machines, software development, and Internet applications, the most cutting-edge technology-driven fields of change are now The fourth industry—financial industry. The development of the financial industry is actually driven by new technologies, which is very detrimental to technology latecomers. It can be said that blockchain is the most difficult field to choose. If you do not develop new technologies, you will be passive and controlled by others in the new industry. If it develops, we need to think about how to change from passive to active, at least not controlled by others.

The encryption business is completely different from the Internet. First of all, it is globalized. What we have heard before The "China's Ethereum" basically can't get off the ground, even those that once had a market value of close to 100 billion CNY. Blockchain projects without globalization will definitely have no way out.

As mentioned above, meaningful ideas are: thinking based on "known consensus" Processing, rather than "unknown" or "unconsensus phenomena or pure abstractions". Of course, what is more meaningful is that the thinking processing method of "known consensus" is carried out through logic, mathematics or various methodologies that have been tested.

Sometimes when watching Douyin videos, I would think that in the future metaverse, different people or things would be Just like reality appears in front of you, you can interact with other people or things in any selected background environment. Just like real reality, you can have a virtual you in the future, or you can have N clones to be you. Different jobs you want to do.

Toutiao’s market value may exceed Tencent’s in the future. Tencent's user distribution is far inferior to Tiktok, and Tiktok is global.Now it has acquired a large VR company, engaged in NFT, and developed the metaverse. As for Tencent, most people think that it can win by relying on its original resources. However, many cases in history tell us that this is often not the case. For example, in the battles between traditional bookstores and Amazon PK, MySpace and Facebook, both were established companies with large amounts of resources. The company loses to emerging companies. Although Tiktok is small, it is "stronger in structure". Tencent, even if its policies are liberalized, cannot be as global as Tiktok. Globalization does not mean that you can replace the original habits and inertia of foreign users with your original advantages. On the basis of having nothing to do with politics, pure market operation will not work. , not to mention that it is also restricted by non-market factors such as political laws and regulations in various countries.

Real big players in the currency circle must use authenticity as a guide to action, because billions of dollars are easily available. The funds cannot be untrue. Encryption itself is also real and is inevitable in human evolution. Those who regard encryption as the same thing as uploading and storing thoughts do not understand encryption at all.

In the currency circle, the most feared perspective is the "origin theory". Don't think it is a copycat. , as long as it reaches this level, it will turn into a dragon from a carp. Moreover, SHIB is not the kind of money-spending period in which the initial purpose is to acquire customers, where only 20% of the users can be retained in the end, which is considered a success. In fact, most of the companies that rely purely on money will not succeed in the end. Now it seems that Polygon has insufficient stamina.

SHIB took 10 months to go from zero to 10 billion USD in market capitalization, and then returned to 100 USD yesterday. 100 million market capitalization, if we calculated it from yesterday to 20 billion, it would only take a few days. Will there be a miracle this year: from almost zero at the beginning to hundreds of billions of dollars? The key is that it does not have any early venture capital or large-scale capital support. This is the case with many things. When you see that it has come to an end, maybe it is just the first step of the Great Wall, because there are too many directions to explore, and there is huge and broad space for development in each direction. Analog currency Ann’s BNB.

Shytoshi Kusama announced some time ago that 10,000 randomly generated NFTs will be launched on ShibaSwap. Randomly generated NFT collectibles are named "Shiboshis". New product launches in the Shiba Inu ecosystem are only available to LEASH holders and sales will end within 24 hours. Buyers will be able to change their Shiboshi name by burning SHIB tokens.

Meme+NFT will bring greater capital flow and stimulate the overall bull market. This is another evolution of pure NFT gameplay. I guess it is likely that many "Copycat Dog + NFT" projects will pop up in the future, which can also be considered an upgrade of those Copycat Dogs. Here, it is not NFT+Meme, which already has an obvious effect, but the original Meme project is upgraded with NFT to drive the inflow of capital flow. The stimulation that this may bring is far greater than the NFT+Meme model.

Huobi stopped during this bull market (it is probably more difficult to do Huobi overseas. It is completely different from the era that Binance was in back then. Just like Bitcoin China, it is basically as difficult to do it again.) The last bull market stopped because it used to be the number one domestic exchange. Bitcoin China. What is relatively successful now is Binance, which was founded in the last bull market. In addition to being the de facto largest exchange in the world, Binance has also formed a very powerful decentralized ecosystem by investing in third parties. Binance Smart Chain is currently the blockchain network that ranks first in daily GAS consumption, daily new addresses, and daily daily activity, even though it is an Ethereum side chain.

The Ethereum block explorer Etherscan announced the launch of the Ethereum IDM (Input Data Messages) function, which is now online Beta version that allows users to create easy-to-view chat histories for multiple addresses. Etherscan said that this feature can be used to view conversations between hackers and teams during previous attacks on Poly Network. The IDM function launched by Etherscan is very good. If it continues to be implemented, it may subvert Discord and Telegram.

Not only is it impossible for Dfinity to replace Ethereum, on the contrary, it also needs to be connected with Ethereum, which will stimulate Ethereum. Fang has become larger in terms of asset settlement and storage, and the total amount of asset storage is larger than Bitcoin. To use an analogy, the future relationship between Dfinity and Ethereum is similar to the relationship between WeChat and banks. In the future, decentralized graphic videos and functional social e-commerce entertainment will bring greater user numbers and capital flows.

Why most domestic projects do not work? There are several points: 1. Innovation is not strong, most of them are copycats Overseas, this is true whether it is the previous public chain or the current DEFI and NFT projects. 2. The experience of technical personnel is very different compared with overseas. It is not a racial gap, but a lack of development time and project experience, which shows up as a gap. Of course, education and work background will also restrict innovation ability. 3. Without a suitable ecological environment, it is impossible to grow into a towering tree. Including comprehensive factors such as laws and regulations, capital, talents, ideas, etc.The constraints of the ecological environment formed. There are probably many other factors that can be listed.

I believe that the final climax of the bull market will be like that after September 4, 2017, and it will be as promised after September 24 this year. And arrived. Think about the end of last year, when people were doubting that this bull market would not repeat the four-year cycle, suddenly Bitcoin exceeded the 17-year historical high. Everything was so regular, just like Newton's movement of celestial bodies in the universe.

❹ What should young people consider when choosing a career? What factors do you pay more attention to when choosing a career?

To determine how to choose a career in the future, we can look at what we might do if we went back to the past. Just imagine if you go back more than ten years ago and you already knew that smartphones would be as popular as they are today, what choice would you make? Many students will tend to choose mobile Internet-related entrepreneurship, or go to some Internet companies that may continue to grow in the future. Understanding industry trends and waves is important when choosing a career. Although the dividends and waves of mobile Internet have long ended, the "digital dividend" still exists. When I was giving a lecture at Zhiqun some time ago, a classmate said that when he graduated a few years ago, he worked in sales and had the highest salary among all his classmates. But within a few years, his industry was in recession and his career development encountered a bottleneck. But several of his classmates who envied him when he graduated were faring better than him. Because these students chose the Internet direction when they graduated. On Zhihu, there are also many questions asking: How should I choose between a graphic designer and a UI designer? When these students choose careers, they cannot think from the perspective of industry trends. The most intuitive way is to understand the salary packages of the two positions. Comparing the salary levels of graphic designers and UI designers at various levels, you will find that designers related to Internet products will be completely higher than graphic and advertising designers. The reason is that among Internet UI designers, "digitalization" is closer, while graphic designers are further away from it. So, what is the “digital dividend”? Looking back at the development of human society, we have gone from an agricultural society to an industrial society, and the Industrial Revolution took place. In this era, the dividends people face are "machine dividends." Compared with understanding manual assembly lines and being familiar with hand production, people who know how to invent, use, and maintain machines are more competitive. Both spend the same time and energy, and the person with the "machine bonus" will get greater benefits. As the industrial society gradually develops into an information society, a "digital dividend" appears. Digital dividends have always existed, but the tools and platforms used are constantly changing. In the past, song releases needed to be carried by records and discs. Now any song on the disc can be charged separately, or you can listen to more albums and singles by purchasing a membership on the platform. Another example is the self-driving cars at the Beijing Winter Olympics, which are eye-catching. But looking back on history, in 1769, the Frenchman N.J. Guignaud built the world's first steam-driven three-wheeled car.Human-driven cars are finally coming of age in the field of autonomous driving. In the information society, real things have become digital products that are closely integrated into our lives and work. Some time ago, there was a popular concept called Metaverse. Some people think it is a gimmick, and some people think it is a new trend. However, it is undeniable that the entire scientific and technological information field is still advancing. Virtual reality, augmented reality, wearable technology, and even brain-computer interfaces, the maturity of these infrastructures will build the prototype of new industries and industries at a certain point in time. And these are inseparable from the dividends of digitalization. What is needed behind this is the leadership of some people and companies, from the maturity of the technology to the introduction into the market, and then attracting more funds and talents to form a larger industry. In the entire digitalization process, various digital jobs have benefits. So, here’s a conclusion: If that were the case today, what would those jobs be? It is the rise of product managers, designers, operations and technology professionals in the Internet. None of these careers were common a decade ago. Until now, many people are still in a state of "only hearing about these positions but never learning about them". So what are these positions for? Let me talk about it one by one: We often use building a house to explain the differences between concepts such as product manager, interaction design, UI design, engineer, and operations. Building a house in the Internet and information world is very similar to building a house in reality. 1. Product Manager PM First of all, why do we want to build a house? What problem is solved? Where is the cover? What are the business considerations? What are our business goals? How to attract the right residents or visitors to the house? These problems, in the Internet and information products, are product design problems, which are usually solved by product managers and product designers. Why develop WeChat? Who are its early core user groups? What basic functions should it have? Which features are important? What should be done? What not to do? When defining products and designing products, we must first solve these problems. 2. Designer user experience UX: We have decided to build a house, we know where to build it, and we know how to make money. So, how to make a house more suitable for people to live in? How can the path in front of the house be easily accessible and increase the opportunities for people to communicate and meet by chance? How is the layout of the room so that both adults and children can enjoy themselves? How should windows be positioned to increase light? These issues, in the Internet and information products, are issues that need to be considered in interaction design. Interaction designers are usually responsible for solving them. In some companies, they are not divided too finely, and one designer may be responsible for them all. Visual design UI: Next, what does the appearance of the house look like, what kind of visual experience is created, and what color should the floors and doors be to make it look "high-end and international"? Can we stay in a happy mood every day when we walk into this house? Or think this house is beautiful and classy? These issues, in the Internet and information products, are what visual design should considerThe problem is usually the responsibility of the visual designer. 3. Engineers have designed everything from product to interface, and engineers are needed to develop and implement it. What kind of frame is needed to build a house? What are the indicators of reinforced concrete? If I want to expand the house in the future, can the cost be as low as possible? Can these designs be realized? Does it run efficiently? These issues, in the Internet and information products, are issues that need to be considered during development and implementation, and are the responsibility of engineers or programmers. Programmers can also be divided into architects, front-end developers, back-end developers and so on. 4. After the operation house is built, if it is a shopping mall, you need to find merchants and customers. You also need to plan the content and product selection in the shopping mall to let as many people as possible buy things. If you build a community, you first have to sell the house, and then you have to run it and become the operator of various businesses. In Internet and information products, operations do these jobs, just like developers. As long as you develop in these career directions, you can realize more career possibilities with the help of digital dividends in the subsequent development process. There is another concept here: transferability. Product managers, designers, operations, and programmers have a lot of transferable abilities, which is different from traditional industries. In traditional industries, if you jump from one industry to another, it will be a big change. In the Internet and information products, if you move from one industry to another, most of your capabilities can be transferred. Therefore, many people who were originally working on mobile apps switched directly to car-related work and found that most of the core competencies are the same. For example, the various applications in cars and APPs in mobile phones are actually similar in underlying structure. If you are still confused about your career development, don’t know whether to choose direction A or B, or you want to develop a career in the Internet but have no clue, it doesn’t matter. You can comment directly or send me a private message and I will help you solve it. . --I will share Internet working methods and Internet job trends for free every Wednesday. I am one of the first Internet people in the mobile Internet and have been making products for more than ten years. Currently, I am working on Zhiqun, a vocational education platform, and I am also a brother team of Zhihu. Now our influence has been very great. Experts and executives from major companies share with everyone on Zhiqun’s platform, including well-known Product manager Mr. Liang Ning and others. Nowadays, there are all kinds of fake and unreliable trainings. It is a good thing for the industry that regular troops like us provide education.

❺ What foundation is needed to learn VR?

If you want to learn VR technology, you need to have a certain understanding of computer technology and English basics, so that you can understand commonly used techniques when learning technology. Learn English vocabulary and computer programming languages.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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