币圈补仓简单理解 币圈补涨是什么意思

A. 币圈集体崩盘,有多少钱被蒸发掉了



B. 币圈崩盘无眠,50万人爆仓400亿,手中有币的人该怎么办





C. 最近币圈的暴跌真正的原因是什么










D. 币圈otc没有了咋办

1、 在中国的OTC圈,赵东算是一个先行者。“赵东在OTC圈的口碑还算不错,他是那批‘币圈大佬’中最早做OTC的,也是圈内最知名的OTC商家之一。
2、 ”王方对一本区块链表示。公开资料显示,和早年的其他币圈大佬一样,赵东炒过币,开过矿场,但都以失败告终。炒币爆仓一度让他欠下6000万元的债务。而他最终得以翻身,靠的就是OTC交易。

E. 币圈内的一些专业术语是什么













Proofof Work,是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多。


Proofof Stake,根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在POS模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关。




时间戳是指字符串或编码信息用于辨识记录下来的时间日期。国际标准为ISO 8601。






















楔入式侧链技术(pegged sidechains),它将实现比特币和其他数字资产在多个区块链间的转移,这就意味着用户们在使用他们已有资产的情况下,就可以访问新的加密货币系统。



































K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。













F. 币圈苍天饶过谁爆仓


G. 币圈k线图怎么看涨跌



H. 币圈薄饼什么意思

一、币圈指关注或者投资虚拟加密数字货币的人形成的圈子,大饼指的是比特币。比特币的概念最初由中本聪在 2009 年提出,是一种点对点,去中心化的数字资产。共2100万枚,预计2140年发行完毕,具有极强的稀缺性,不过国内不能进行比特币交易。 比特币支持全世界7*24小时交易,可以在任意一台接入互联网的电脑上买卖,不管身处何方,任何人都可以挖掘、购买、出售或收取比特币,并且在交易过程中外人无法辨认用户身份信息。
二、比特币具有的特点包括去中心化、无隐藏成本、专属所有权、跨平台挖掘等。由于比特币完全依赖P2P网络,无发行中心,所以外部无法关闭它,值得一提的是,比特币兑换现金的价格如过山车一般起伏,很多人投资时出现亏损。 比特币进行交易时和电子邮件的电子现金有很多的相似之处,交易比特币时双方需要“比特币钱包”和“比特币地址”。汇款方通过电脑或智能手机,按收款方地址将比特币直接付给对方。
三、比特币是股市中第一家上市的公司,中本聪属于该公司的创始人。中本聪家开发了比特币系统,中本聪作为其创始人,他自然能够获得更多的股份。比特币的总数将不会超过2100万,让我们假设比特币公司拥有2100万股。在中国投资圈里,有一个术语叫做““画大饼“”,也就是说,想要获得融资的人,将描述他们所做事情的巨大前景,让投资者相信他们的项目的潜力,然后从投资者那里得到真正的黄金白银。此过程称之为推出。 以此推算,融资者和投资者相继向其他投资者宣传其项目,方便继续退出。目前本世纪最大的饼属于比特币。

I. 币圈什么是TS20通道


J. 币圈门头沟是啥意思

链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

A. The collective collapse of the currency circle, how much money was evaporated

From the data point of view, trillions of dollars were evaporated in one trading day, and countless people liquidated their positions. During this period, something big happened again in the currency circle. Due to repeated negative news, the currency market was shaken, and the prices of various virtual currencies plummeted, with the highest currency falling by more than 30%. Platform data shows that on the day the currency circle plummeted, the entire virtual currency market evaporated by 2 trillion, and more than 200,000 people had liquidated their positions. It can also be seen from the exchanges in various currency circles that investors in the currency circle are crying. Many investors have lost almost all their wealth. Overnight, the currency circle changed from a myth of wealth creation to a place where leeks gather. But the good news is that the price of Bitcoin, the largest and most popular currency, has begun to recover.

This operation caused chaos in the currency circle, and the price of Bitcoin plummeted. In China, many official agencies have stated that they prohibit the trading of virtual currencies in the country, and define virtual currencies as virtual network commodities, not currency, and cannot be used for payment. Although there has long been no virtual currency trading platform in China, this policy will still have a considerable impact on Chinese people who invest in virtual currencies.

B. The currency circle is collapsing and 500,000 people have no sleep. 500,000 people have liquidated their positions with 40 billion. What should people who have coins do? The news of the liquidation of 40 billion positions has aroused heated discussions among netizens and caused a stir on the Internet. So, how should people with coins in their hands deal with such a situation? First of all, if you buy spot rather than contracts, then I suggest waiting for the rebound to wait until the high point to cash out. Second, if you are reluctant to cut the meat, you can also buy some short positions to hedge the risk, so that at least the money in your hand will not decrease. Third, I suggest that if it can come out, it should be cashed out as soon as possible. Because banks are now no longer allowing withdrawals in RMB, the money will probably be wasted after it is fully implemented. So what is the specific situation? Let me share my opinion with you.

1. Technical level

From a timely perspective, there will generally be a counterattack after a sharp decline. If you are deeply trapped now, you can wait for the bottom-hunting funds to raise the stock price before shipping, so as to reduce some of your losses.

The above are my opinions on this issue. They are purely personal opinions and are for reference only. If you have any different opinions, you can leave a message in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

C. What is the real reason for the recent plunge in the currency circle?

Recently, the emerging cryptocurrency Dogecoin’s plunge has attracted a lot of attention. In this round of cryptocurrency In the plummet caused by the "big market" Bitcoin, Dogecoin continued to plummet; it fell to a minimum of 0.4 US dollars per coin, and was almost cut in half. As for the reasons for this currency circle’s collapse, HuiChacha has some small insights:

1. The demand for the currency circle has decreased.

Under the spreading trend of the epidemic, there have been fewer transactions around the world, people have become conservative, and total social consumption has decreased significantly. At this time, transactions settled with Bitcoin and others have decreased significantly, demand has decreased, and prices will fall.

2. The risk of price collapse is high.

Affected by capital speculation, virtual currency prices have risen and fallen sharply, making it difficult for ordinary investors to predict and easily causing liquidation losses. Historically, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have suddenly plummeted at their peaks. It happened more than ten times. Behind the recent crazy rise and then plunge of Dogecoin is a "leek-cutting game" in which capital predators represented by "Musk" harvest ordinary investors.

3. Virtual currency has no intrinsic value and the risk is very high.

Virtual currencies essentially do not have currency transaction functions and are not recognized by any country in the world. The current sharp rise in the price of cryptocurrency is mainly due to speculation caused by market speculation. Once countries around the world explicitly deny these The value of virtual currencies that are not controlled by the state will instantly become worthless, and the virtual currencies held by the majority of investors will also be completely locked up.

Although Dogecoin is currently the fourth largest cryptocurrency with a market value of US$68 billion; second only to Bitcoin, Ethereum and Binance Coin. It may be the "asset" with the largest increase among "financial assets" in recent years. However, the reason why people cannot establish faith is because the market has not yet reached a certain consensus and they cannot figure out what role Dogecoin will play in the future. From an investment perspective, to be honest, it is quite worrying for this kind of cryptocurrency that is not very practical and mainly relies on financial attributes to tell stories.

From an investment perspective, cryptocurrency is very promising, but please invest with caution. I will not blindly follow Dogecoin, let alone have faith; Dogecoin is just like Musk said, "It is a fun collectible" or "a joke."

D. What to do if OTC in the currency circle disappears

You don’t have to worry about this. If there is demand, there will be a market. The currency circle will only become a currency circle for a small number of people and a second-tier exchange. All have no effect. Early currency enthusiasts should know that a few years ago, many platforms in the currency circle did not have the function of OTC deposits and withdrawals of fiat currencies. At that time, users who wanted to buy and sell digital currencies had to do so through over-the-counter transactions. Later, considering the user convenience of the trading platform, Major platforms have only begun to integrate OTC legal currency trading functions. For example, Binance did not have an OTC function before. Many users who wanted to trade purchased Usdt or other currencies over the counter and transferred them to Binance for trading. So even if Binance and Huobi cannot OTC, there will be other methods. The market needs constant optimization and improvement to develop better!
Many international payment institutions support OTC. Currently, Binance and Huobi have withdrawn, but they can still be sold. Among the three major exchanges, only the OK (OUYi) platform has not withdrawn. You can use OK, try your best. Choose word of mouthGood merchant. Cryptocurrency can buy a car, a house, coffee, anything you want. There are now many international payment institutions such as PayPal, Visa, and Bitpay that support cryptocurrency payments, so don’t worry, the future will definitely be currency-based. What you need to do is to accumulate more coins and wait for the new era to continue.
The currency circle refers to the circle formed by people who pay attention to or invest in virtual encrypted digital currencies; OTC refers to the over-the-counter trading platform for the purchase and sale of virtual encrypted digital currencies. During OTC transactions, users usually temporarily store digital assets on the platform and conduct transactions through pending orders. The biggest difference is that the buying and selling methods and processes of digital currencies are agreed upon and carried out by both parties themselves, without going through the platform. The so-called OTC refers to transactions completed through one-on-one private negotiations between buyers and sellers outside the exchange. In layman's terms, it means "pay money with one hand and coins with the other hand." In addition, most major exchanges and wallets also have their own OTC trading areas. Here, OTC merchants can directly trade with currency speculators.
Extended information:
1. In China's OTC circle, Zhao Dong is considered a pioneer. "Zhao Dong has a pretty good reputation in the OTC circle. He was the first to do OTC among the 'big guys in the currency circle' and is also one of the most well-known OTC merchants in the circle.
2." Wang Fang said to a book Blockchain representation. Public information shows that, like other big names in the currency circle in the early years, Zhao Dong speculated in coins and opened a mine, but all ended in failure. He once owed a debt of 60 million yuan due to currency speculation and liquidation. And he was finally able to turn over, relying on OTC trading.

E. What are some professional terms in the currency circle

26 explanations of common terms in the blockchain industry

1. Blockchain——Blockchain

Blockchain is a new application model of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm. is a shared distributed ledger where transactions are permanently recorded through appended blocks.

2. Block——Block

In the Bitcoin network, data will be permanently recorded in the form of files. We call these files blocks. A block is a set of records of some or all of the latest Bitcoin transactions that have not been recorded by other previous blocks.

3. Node - A copy of the ledger operated by participants in the blockchain network.

4. Decentralization

Decentralization is a phenomenon or structure that must appear or exist in a system with many nodes or in a group with many individuals. The influence between nodes will form a non-linear causal relationship through the network.

5. Consensus mechanism

The consensus mechanism is to complete the verification and confirmation of transactions in a very short time through the voting of special nodes; for a transaction, if the interests are irrelevant If several nodes can reach a consensus, we can think that the entire network hasThis can also lead to consensus.

6. Pow - Proof of Work

Proof of Work refers to how much currency you get, depending on the workload you contribute to mining. The better the computer performance, the more money will be allocated to you. There will be more mines.

7. PoS - Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake, a system of interest distribution based on the amount and time of currency you hold. In POS mode, your "mining" The income is proportional to your currency age and has nothing to do with the computing performance of your computer.

8. Smart Contract

Smart contract is a computer protocol designed to spread, verify or execute contracts in an information-based manner. Smart contracts allow trusted transactions to be made without third parties, which are traceable and irreversible.

9. Timestamp

Timestamp refers to a string or encoded information used to identify the recorded time and date. The international standard is ISO 8601.

10. Turing completeness

Turing completeness refers to the ability of a machine to perform any calculation that any other programmable computer can perform.

11. Dapp - decentralized application

It is an open source application that runs automatically and stores its data on the blockchain in the form of cryptocurrency tokens. Form incentives and operate with a protocol that displays proof of value.

12. DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization

It can be thought of as a company that operates without any human intervention and hands all forms of control to a set of uncontrollable entities. Broken business rules.

13. PrivateKey - Private Key

A private key is a string of data that allows you to access a token in a specific wallet. They, as cryptocurrencies, are hidden except from the owner of the address.

14. PublicKey——Public key

It appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address of the currency, so it can be used as a certificate for owning the address of the currency.

15. Mining machine

A computing device or software that attempts to create blocks and add them to the blockchain. In a blockchain network, when a new valid block is created, the system will generally automatically give the block creator (mining machine) a certain number of tokens as a reward.

16. Mining pool

It is a fully automatic mining platform that allows miners to contribute their own computing power to mine together to create blocks and obtain block rewards. And the profits are distributed according to the proportion of computing power contribution (that is, the mining machine is connected to the mining pool - provides computing power - obtains income).

17. Public chain

A completely open blockchain refers to a fully open blockchain that can be read by anyone, anyone can send transactions, and transactions can be effectively confirmed. People around the world can participate in system maintenance, and anyone can read and write data through transactions or mining.

18. PrivateThere is a chain

A blockchain where write permission is only for a certain organization or a specific few objects. Read permissions can be open to the outside world, or restricted to any degree.

19. Alliance chain

The consensus mechanism is a blockchain jointly controlled by a number of designated institutions.

20. Sidechains

Pegged sidechains technology will enable the transfer of Bitcoin and other digital assets between multiple blockchains. This This means that users can access the new cryptocurrency system while using their existing assets.

21. Cross-chain technology

Cross-chain technology can be understood as a bridge connecting various blockchains. Its main application is to realize Atom transactions, asset conversion, and partitioning between blockchains. Information exchange within the blockchain, or solving Oracle problems, etc.

22. Hard fork

The blockchain has a permanent divergence. After the new consensus rules are released, some nodes that have not been upgraded cannot verify the blocks produced by the upgraded nodes. Usually a hard fork happens.

23. Soft fork

When the new consensus rules are released, nodes that have not been upgraded will produce illegal blocks because they do not know the new consensus rules, which will cause Temporary forks.

24. Hash——Hash value

Generally translated as "hash", there are also direct transliterations as "hash". Simply put, it is a function that compresses a message of any length into a message digest of a fixed length.

25. Main chain

The term main chain comes from the main network (relative to the test network), which is an independent blockchain network that is officially online.

For those who don’t understand the “jargon” of the currency circle, come and learn it quickly:

1. What is legal currency?

Legal currency is legal tender, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

2. What is token?

Token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and an inherent and intrinsic value;

The second is cryptocurrency. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the token are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network, so that It can be verified anytime and anywhere.

3. What is position building?

Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader’s new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

4. What is Stud??

Cryptocurrency stud means investing all the principal.

5. What is an airdrop?

Airdrops are currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

6. What is lock-up?

Lock position generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a new position opposite to their original position. Its name is Butterfly Flying Double.

7. What is candy?

Cryptocurrency candies are digital coins that are distributed to users for free when various digital currencies are first issued and ICO. They are a kind of momentum and promotion for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

8. What is a break?

Break refers to falling below, and hair refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

9. What is private equity?

Cryptocurrency private placement is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

10. How do you look at the K-line chart?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, Yin-Yang lines, stick lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

11. What is hedging?

Generally, hedging is to conduct two transactions at the same time that are related to the market, opposite in direction, of equal quantity, and with profits and losses offsetting. In the futures contract market, buy positions of the same quantity but in different directions. When the direction is determined, close the position in the opposite direction and retain the positive direction to gain profits.

12. What is a position?

Position is a market agreement that commits to buying and selling the initial position of a contract. Those who buy the contract are long and are in a position to expect an increase; those who sell the contract are short and are in a position to expect a decrease.

13. What are the benefits?

Good news: It refers to news that a currency has received mainstream media attention, or that a certain technology application has made breakthrough progress, which is conducive to stimulating price increases. This is called good news.

14. What are the disadvantages?

Bad news: news that causes currency prices to fall, such as Bitcoin technical problems, central bank suppression, etc.

15. What is rebound?

The price adjustment phenomenon in which currency prices rebound due to falling too fast in a downward trend. The recovery is smaller than the decline.

16. What is leverage?

Leveraged trading, as the name suggests, is to use small amounts of funds to invest several times the original amount, in the hope of obtaining multiple returns or losses relative to the fluctuations in the investment target.

F. Who will be spared by the currency circle liquidation

The currency circle liquidation refers to when investors invest in currencies, investorsIf the available balance in your margin account is negative, it means a liquidation. In actual operations, liquidation usually occurs in futures contracts or digital contracts.
There are two situations of liquidation. 1. Long liquidation: The principle of long orders is to be bullish on the market outlook. Borrow money to buy first, then sell at a higher price to earn the difference, then repay the borrowed funds, and the remainder is profit. If a long position encounters a falling market and the loss amount reaches the account margin limit, the position will be forced to be liquidated and the account assets will be cleared. For example, if you think the market outlook is going to rise at a certain price, you open a long position 10 times, that is, the long amount is ten times the margin. Your margin is 10,000 U. Going long ten times is equivalent to the exchange lending you 90,000 U. , and your principal is only 10,000, and the remaining 90,000 is borrowed. In order to prevent you from repaying it, the exchange will forcefully take back the 90,000 lent to you, and because your 10,000 has already been lost, the account does not have The money is lost and returns to zero. This is a long position liquidation. 2. Short position liquidation: The principle of a short order is to be bearish on the market outlook. First, borrow the currency and sell it. If the price drops, buy the same currency at a low price and return it to the borrower. The remaining money is the profit. If the short order encounters a rising market and the money you previously borrowed to sell the currency is not enough to buy back the same number of coins at a high price and return it, you will be forced to buy and return it. At this time, the currency price is higher than the opening price, and your principal plus the loan will be Jincai can only buy back the same number of coins and return them. After returning the coins, your money is gone. For example, if you are 10 times short on a certain currency at a price of 10,000 U, your margin is 10,000 U, which is equivalent to the exchange lending you 9 coins worth 90,000 U plus one of yours worth 10,000 U. You sell 10 coins in total first, then buy 9 coins at a low price after the price drops and return them to the lender, and the rest is profit. But when the currency price increased by 11%, the currency price was 11,100 U. The 100,000 U you sold before could only buy you 9 coins at this time, but the exchange had previously borrowed 9 coins from you. At this time, the most you could get You can only afford 9 coins. In order to prevent the currency price from continuing to rise, the exchange will force you to buy 9 coins with the 100,000 U you spent to open a short position and buy 9 coins because your account is not enough to buy 9 coins and return them. Take it back. At this time, your principal is gone. This is a short position liquidation.
Five things you must know in the currency circle: 1. Don’t be greedy, don’t speculate on trends, don’t fantasize, don’t take risks, and seek stability. Greed is a taboo in current currency circle trading; you must have a logical analysis of market trends. , analysis of regular conditions and market psychology, rather than guessing; don’t have too many illusions about the market and profits, because the trading market is very realistic. To make more or less, you must maintain a normal mentality, especially in the learning stage. Don't be greedy for too much, and work steadily to gain greater benefits from your investment. 2. Learn how to keep your principal. As the saying goes, it is easier to start a business than to keep it. In currency trading, as long as you keep your principal and maintain a good mentality and spirit, it is only a matter of time before you invest and make money. In the spot market, we must keep three firsts in mind: safety first, capital preservation first, and survival first. 3. If you are in a bad mood or in poor condition, stop reading the tape and get back to a good state first. People will have joys and sorrows, and people's emotions will affect their state, as well.Affects currency trading and investment analysis behavior. Therefore, when you are not in a good mood, you need to adjust yourself immediately and take a break from reading the market to avoid increasing operational errors. To do this, you must maintain a good mental state so that you will have full energy to pursue success. 4. Don’t be eager for quick success and be far-sighted. Everyone knows that haste makes waste. If you want to make quick money with small bets and big gains, this investment concept is wrong when you first get started. The currency circle is an international market and a permanent market, so it is not a casino or a cash machine. We must strive for victory in a stable manner, be optimistic about market changes, and take one step at a time. Therefore, when investing, you need to have a far-sighted vision, clear goals, and a solid foundation, and accumulate learning experience step by step. In fact, learning and improvement in the digital currency trading market will be faster than learning and improving in the stock market. 5. Be as calm as water and concentrate without being distracted. In trading, leverage trading is to magnify risks and benefits. Therefore, you must be 200% focused when trading. To effectively concentrate, you must have Peaceful environment and body care. The more critical the moment, the more important it is to stay calm, not blindly follow the trend, and maintain a calm heart.

G. How to look at the rise and fall of the currency circle K-line chart

How to look at the rise and fall of the currency circle K-line chart: look at Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang represent the trend. In the currency exchange and analysis software, green is the positive line and red is the negative line. The positive line is rising and the negative line is falling. If the closing price is higher than the opening price, it means that the bulls have the upper hand, and the positive line means that the price will rise in the next stage and can continue to rise with inertia. In turn, the same is true for the negative line's downward momentum.

Expand knowledge on futures K-line chart
The trend cycle of K-line is the shortest one-minute K-line and the longest is the annual line. However, the most commonly used K-line in actual combat is the short-period K-line. Minute line, daily line.
The K-line chart in the futures market contains four data, namely the opening price, the highest price, the lowest price, and the closing price. All K-lines are centered around these four data, reflecting the general situation and price. information.
In futures investment transactions, there may be a 5-minute false breakthrough K-line pattern. After all, the 5-minute K-line appears as many as 48 times in a day, so futures investors must be able to identify this false breakthrough pattern. skills.
Common K-line patterns can be divided into reversal patterns, consolidation patterns, gaps and trend lines, etc. In actual combat, the more common false breakthrough signals include the three red soldiers, the big positive line, the reversal cross star, the big negative line, etc.
In futures real trading, if it is a short-term bullish trend, the 5-minute K-line frequently appears with a long lower shadow line, indicating that short-term downward false breakthroughs occur many times, and investors It is easy to open a position in the wrong direction, so investors should pay attention to the 5-minute K-line operation signals that induce long or short positions to avoid huge losses during operations.
There are several ways to identify false breakthroughs of the 5-minute futures price K-line. For example, the signal of a false breakthrough of the 5-minute K-line can basically be one or two times, and the form is usually a reversal cross.Star, big positive line, big negative line, etc.; for true trend judgment, you can start to open futures contracts following the trend after the two false breakthroughs of futures prices are completed.
When analyzing the futures K-line chart, it should be noted that if the two short trends occur when the bullish pull-up force is insufficient, it means that investors can make profits from short-selling operations; if a positive line appears at the top of a false breakthrough, it is a sign of The best selling point for an unprecedented upward false breakout.

H. What does Biquan Pancake mean?

Biquan Pancake refers to PancakeSwap. From a technical perspective, decentralized exchanges implement transactions through smart contracts on the chain; from a governance perspective, the governance of decentralized exchanges is open and community-driven. .
Extended information
About Bitcoin
1. The currency circle refers to the circle formed by people who pay attention to or invest in virtual encrypted digital currencies. The big pie refers to Bitcoin. The concept of Bitcoin was originally proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. It is a peer-to-peer, decentralized digital asset. A total of 21 million coins are expected to be issued in 2140. They are extremely scarce, but Bitcoin transactions cannot be conducted domestically. Bitcoin supports 7*24-hour transactions around the world and can be bought and sold on any computer connected to the Internet. No matter where you are, anyone can mine, buy, sell or collect Bitcoin, and outsiders cannot during the transaction process. Identify user identity information.
2. The characteristics of Bitcoin include decentralization, no hidden costs, exclusive ownership, cross-platform mining, etc. Since Bitcoin completely relies on the P2P network and has no issuance center, it cannot be closed externally. It is worth mentioning that the price of converting Bitcoin to cash fluctuates like a roller coaster, and many people suffer losses when investing. There are many similarities between Bitcoin transactions and e-mail electronic cash. When trading Bitcoins, both parties need a "Bitcoin wallet" and a "Bitcoin address." The remitter pays Bitcoin directly to the other party according to the recipient's address through a computer or smartphone.
3. Bitcoin is the first company listed on the stock market, and Satoshi Nakamoto is the founder of the company. Satoshi Nakamoto’s family developed the Bitcoin system. As its founder, Satoshi Nakamoto will naturally be able to obtain more shares. The total number of Bitcoins will not exceed 21 million, let us assume that the Bitcoin company owns 21 million shares. In Chinese investment circles, there is a term called "drawing a big pie", which means that people who want to obtain financing will describe the great prospects of what they are doing to convince investors of the potential of their projects, and then Get real gold and silver from investors. This process is called rollout. Extrapolating from this, financiers and investors successively promote their projects to other investors to facilitate further exits. The biggest pie of this century currently belongs to Bitcoin.

I. What is the TS20 channel in the currency circle

Summary RC20USDT is a stablecoin jointly issued by TRON and Tether. Compared with the old stablecoin (Omni-USDT and ERC20-USDT, etc.), TRC20-USDT has been greatly optimized in terms of transfer fees and transaction confirmation speed.

J. What does Biquan Mentougou mean?

What is "Mentougou"? "Mentougou" is the Chinese translation of MT.Gox, and MT.Gox is a Bitcoin exchange located in Tokyo, Japan. It started Bitcoin trading business as early as 2010 and was one of the earliest platforms to participate in this business. Due to its early participation and few competitors, it became the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world at that time, and its trading volume accounted for 80% of the world's total. Many Chinese Bitcoin users first did business on MT.Gox. Trading, MT.Gox was all the rage for a while.
In February 2014, MT.Gox announced on its website that it would cease trading and subsequently filed for bankruptcy. A document circulated on the Internet revealed the direct reason for its collapse: due to the attack, a total of 744,000 Bitcoins were stolen, and this loss went undetected for many years! According to the price of Bitcoin at that time, the value of these stolen Bitcoins was approximately US$350 million. If we look at our current Bitcoin price, the value of 750,000 Bitcoins is approximately US$6.6 billion!
No matter what the reason is, these 744,000 Bitcoins no longer belong to the users of "Mentougou". What’s incredible is who got the stolen coins in the end? Is it really impossible to trace the whereabouts of transactions through the blockchain? Decentralized technology has been defeated by centralized exchanges.
The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot of the "Smart Learning Workshop 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning, Construction and Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. workstation. The professional position is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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