比特币合约推广拘留多久结束 比特币合约推广拘留多久会判刑

『壹』 比特币拘留是属于哪种拘留


『贰』 挖矿违法吗2021


『叁』 比特币合约玩法规则


『肆』 比特币交易会被判刑吗


『伍』 比特币违法么


『陆』 比特币合约平台一般可以维持多久


『柒』 火币网交易数字货币如BTC和usdt进行了买卖,收到黑钱20万被冻结。说这个也是犯罪要拘留我怎么办








『捌』 拉人做比特币合约违法吗


『玖』 男子比特币"挖矿"为何被刑拘



『拾』 比特币推广属于传销吗


『一』What kind of detention is Bitcoin detention?

This is judicial detention.
Judicial detention refers to actions that obstruct litigation activities (such as perjury, storming the court, obstructing witnesses from testifying, concealing and transferring sealed or seized property, and obstructing court staff from executing during civil or administrative litigation or court enforcement). official duties, evading execution), etc., the detention decision made directly by the people's court is a compulsory measure and is based on the Civil Procedure Law or the Administrative Procedure Law.

『二』Is mining illegal in 2021

1. Mining is not illegal: First of all, it must be clear that mining is not illegal. The criminal law does not clearly stipulate that mining is illegal! However, due to high energy consumption, it is not recommended!
2. The industry is not one size fits all: The document names Bitcoin, not the entire cryptocurrency industry. The wording in the document refers to severe punishment, not prohibition. The instructions are not one-size-fits-all, but should target mining pools with financial risks, high energy consumption, money laundering and other behaviors.
3. Encourage green and environmentally friendly technologies: The document clearly states that Bitcoin is a waste of energy-intensive resources, but at the same time encourages investment and financing activities that follow green concepts. fil, chia, and bzz provide green and environmentally friendly solutions without any impact. This is why they mention Bitcoin mining by name and why they do not write to crack down on all digital currency mining. So in the future, people who mine Bitcoin in China will either go abroad or switch to hard drive mining like fil!
4. Don’t grab the status of digital renminbi: Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer cash payment system. Its function is payment. It is a digital currency. It conflicts with digital currency and must be cracked down on. In the storage category, those with real blockchain technology will develop against the trend.
5. Close mines: Bitcoin mining consumes huge amounts of energy, has no actual output, and deviates from the goal of carbon neutrality. All domestic mines under the guise of high-tech may be administratively closed, but for individuals and studios Not affected.
6. Freeze transactions: Legal currency transactions in digital currencies such as Bitcoin endanger financial security. Banks will comprehensively investigate suspicious accounts. If they find "C2C" traders with large amounts or transactions, they will immediately take control measures and report them daily. USDT merchants may face freezing at any time, and individual players may also face freezing if their amounts are large!
7. Close exchanges: Bitcoin trading platforms that provide contract and futures trading services to domestic users are suspected of illegal futures operations and will be severely cracked down on in conjunction with the public security departments and Interpol. For example, exchange contracts such as Matcha and Huobi may stop being provided to domestic users
8. Strictly investigate money laundering channels: Strictly investigate and deal with IDC service providers that provide so-called "return routes" and other services to overseas virtual currency trading platforms.
[Extended information]
Finally about mining: low-key mining with own funds to buy mining machines, no fundraising, no speculation, no financial products; no impact on cloud computing centers, big data centers, Compliant mines, if they have complete procedures for electricity, energy, nuclear registration, environmental protection and fire protection, etc., as long as they operate legally and do not evade taxes, whether they will be accepted or allowed will be determined by the local government.Determine based on energy consumption indicators, land indicators, etc.; thermal power mines are suspended, mainly due to energy consumption and carbon emission issues.

『三』Bitcoin Contract Game Rules

Trading Time
Contract trading is 7*24 hours trading and can only be settled at 16:00 (UTC+8) every Friday Or trading will be interrupted during the delivery period. In the last 10 minutes before delivery of a contract, positions can only be closed but not opened.
Transaction Types
Transaction types are divided into two categories, opening and closing positions. Opening and closing positions are divided into two directions: buying and selling:
Buying long (bullish) means that when the user is bullish or bullish on the index, he or she will buy a certain number of new contracts. Carry out the "buy and open long" operation, and the long position will be increased after successful matching.
Selling to close long positions (long orders closing) refers to the selling contracts that users cover when they are no longer bullish on the future index market, and offset with the currently held buying contracts to offset the exit from the market. Perform the "sell to close long" operation, and the long position will be reduced after successful matching.
Selling short (bearish) means that when the user is bearish or bearish on the index, he or she will newly sell a certain number of certain contracts. Carry out the "sell and open short" operation, and the short position will be increased after the matching is successful.
Buy closing (short closing) refers to the buying contract that the user is no longer bearish about in the future index market and covers it, which is offset by the currently held selling contract and exits the market. Carry out the "buy and close short" operation, and the short position will be reduced after the matching is successful.
Order Method
Limit Price Order: Users need to specify the price and quantity of the order. Limit orders can be used for both opening and closing positions.
Place an order at the counterparty price: If the user chooses to place an order at the counterparty price, the user can only enter the order quantity and cannot enter the order price.
The system will read the latest opponent price at the moment it receives this order (if the user buys, the opponent price is the sell 1 price; if the user sells, the opponent price is the buy 1 price), and places the order. A limit order at this price.
After the user opens a position and completes the transaction, he or she will have a position. Positions of the same type of contract in the same direction will be merged. In a contract account, there can only be a maximum of 6 positions, namely long position on the current week's contract, short position on the current week's contract, long position on the next week's contract, short position on the next week's contract, long position on the quarterly contract, and short position on the quarterly contract.
Order Restrictions
The platform will limit the number of positions held by a single user for a certain period of contract and the number of orders placed for a single opening/closing position to prevent users from manipulating the market.
What is the gameplay of Bitcoin contracts? Through the above introduction, I believe everyone has an understanding of the gameplay of Bitcoin contracts. Bitcoin contracts are not complicated in simple terms. There are two main functions of Bitcoin contracts. One is to hedge the future. Risk, also known as hedging. The other is that because Bitcoin contracts have leverage, they can use small gains to make big gains, and of course, if investors make mistakes in their judgment, losses will also be amplified.
1. What is contract transaction?
Contract trading is actually very simple. It is a two-way transaction. You can buy up (long) or down (short).You can buy and sell at the same time. You can buy one minute and close the position if the order is profitable the next minute. As long as the direction is right, you can make a profit. The contract trading mechanism is relatively flexible, which is also the current trend in digital currency investment.
2. What is a perpetual contract, and what is the difference between it and an ordinary delivery contract?
Perpetual contracts are an innovative financial derivative that are similar to traditional futures contracts. The biggest difference is that perpetual contracts have no expiration date or settlement date, and users can hold positions indefinitely.
In addition, the perpetual contract introduces the concept of spot price index, and through the corresponding mechanism, the price of the perpetual contract returns to the spot index price. Therefore, unlike traditional futures, the price of the perpetual contract does not change most of the time. Too much deviation from the spot price.
Imagine a futures contract on a physical commodity, such as gold. In traditional futures markets, these contracts mark gold’s delivery date. That is, gold should be delivered when the futures contract expires. Since in the traditional futures market, one party is required to actually hold gold, this will result in a "carrying cost" for the futures contract.
Perpetual contracts are essentially the same as delivery contracts. The difference is that delivery contracts have a delivery date. On the delivery date, no matter whether your order is profitable or loss-making, you will be forced to sell. Perpetual contracts can essentially last forever. Yes, you can sell whenever you want, there is no delivery date.
3. What are the advantages of operating perpetual contracts?
Perpetual contracts are not limited by time and have no delivery date. Traders can hold it for a long time to obtain greater investment returns. At the same time, the perpetual contract provides up to 100 times leverage, and traders can flexibly adjust it after opening a position according to trading needs. The platform provides flexible risk protection while ensuring traders the best trading experience.
The automatic position reduction mechanism ensures the interests of traders and is used to determine who is responsible for forced liquidation, effectively ensuring that traders' interests are protected from huge losses caused by high-risk speculators. It adopts a dual price mechanism and uses the mark price as the trigger price for liquidation. The mark price refers to the spot price of the global mainstream trading platform in real time.
Perpetual contracts can only use 1% of the market value of the currency to participate in transactions. This is something that cannot be achieved by hoarding currency, and it takes up very little funds. In other words, based on the BTC price of about $10,000, one BTC can be traded for about $100 on the perpetual contract. The most important thing when operating a contract is the direction and point of buying and selling. The most important thing is that when operating on the perpetual contract platform of a regular exchange, you can enjoy one-on-one guidance every day to help grasp the biggest market trends and avoid the risk of reverse operations.

『四』 Will Bitcoin transactions be punished?

Bitcoin transactions are not punishable.
It is not illegal for individuals to speculate in currencies on their own. It is consistent with the nature of buying and selling stocks and will not be punished. However, if you use the name of reselling Bitcoin to conduct illegal and criminal activities such as money laundering and fraud, you will be suspected of corresponding criminal offenses, such as gambling, etc., and be subject to criminal penalties.
[Extended Information]
Documents issued by the central bank, mutual financial offices and other ministries and commissions are allThere is no definition that it is illegal for individuals to speculate in currencies, but if they open trading platforms in the country and organize people to speculate in currencies, they are suspected of illegal fund-raising and fraud. Therefore, many practitioners set up legal entities abroad to avoid Chinese legal restrictions.
On September 4, 2017, the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Banking Regulatory Commission and other departments issued announcements prohibiting token issuance and financing activities; trading platforms are not allowed to engage in transactions between legal currency, tokens, and "virtual currencies" In the exchange business, you are not allowed to buy or sell tokens or "virtual currencies" or act as a central counterparty, and you are not allowed to provide pricing, information intermediary and other services for tokens or "virtual currencies".
According to my country's current regulations, the buying and selling of Bitcoin is prohibited by financial institutions and trading platforms. Violators will have their APP removed from the shelves and their business licenses revoked. However, individual investment activities are not prohibited. , investors bear their own risks for their actions. The act of buying and selling Bitcoin does not involve crime or criminal penalties, but it may involve administrative penalties.
Bitcoin trading is a 7*24-hour transaction, and transactions will only be interrupted during settlement or delivery at 16:00 (UTC+8) every Friday. In the last 10 minutes before delivery of a contract, positions can only be closed but not opened.
Transaction types are divided into two categories, opening and closing positions. Opening and closing positions are divided into two directions: buying and selling: buying and opening long (bullish) means that when the user is bullish or bullish on the index, he or she will buy a certain number of new contracts. Carry out the "buy and open long" operation, and the long position will be increased after successful matching. Selling to close long positions (closing long positions) refers to the selling contracts that users cover when they are no longer bullish on the future index market, and offset with the currently held buying contracts to offset the exit from the market. Perform the "sell to close long" operation, and the long position will be reduced after successful matching.
Selling short (bearish) means that when the user is bearish or bearish on the index, he or she will newly sell a certain number of certain contracts. Carry out the "sell and open short" operation, and the short position will be increased after the matching is successful.
Buy closing (short closing) refers to the buying contract that the user is no longer bearish about in the future index market and covers it, which is offset by the currently held selling contract and exits the market. Carry out the "buy and close short" operation, and the short position will be reduced after the matching is successful.

『五』Is Bitcoin illegal?

Whether Bitcoin is legal depends on the attitude of the monetary authorities of each country.
The further development of Bitcoin may threaten the interests of traditional currencies. Currency issuers will not give up their rights to a p2p open source algorithm. Therefore, governments are likely to declare Bitcoin illegal.
Once governments declare it illegal, there may be huge price fluctuations in the short term. It could be a crash or it could be a surge. Because the people at the bottom of various countries are obviously resistant to their governments.
At the same time, government bans will lead to the closure of Bitcoin trading platforms. After the trading platform is closed, Bitcoin can only be circulated and cashed out privately, which will have a greater impact on its ability to cash out.
But because of Bitcoin’sIts unique characteristics provide officials from various countries with an excellent channel for accepting bribes, laundering money, and transferring assets overseas. Especially under the general trend of officials from various countries disclosing their assets, Bitcoin provides them with a good way to anonymously hold huge amounts of assets.
From this perspective, there may be officials actively promoting the legalization of Bitcoin.
Or be included in supervision
On May 7, 2013, Beijing time, officials of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC") stated that they were considering whether the online virtual currency "Bitcoin" is applicable to the agency's regulations . The CFTC is the top regulatory agency for the U.S. derivatives industry. Bitcoin is known as a currency independent of traditional authorities, and if it is regulated more, it may bring challenges to Bitcoin supporters.
The CFTC primarily regulates derivatives contracts. Its responsibilities were greatly expanded after the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009, and it also has comprehensive powers to regulate retail foreign exchange traders.
As one of the five CFTC commissioners, Bart Chilton said on Monday that he has asked the commission to consider regulating Bitcoin to determine whether consumers need additional protections when using Bitcoin. [15]
The Hong Kong government has approved the GBL electronic currency trading center to operate virtual currency exchange business. This will be an important milestone in the development of Bitcoin. GBL Virtual Electronic Currency Trading Center has completed the equity change and has the business scope of virtual electronic currency exchange business.

『LU』How long can the Bitcoin contract platform generally last?

Yes, the platform can generally last for at least one year. You can check it out.

『撒』 Huobi traded digital currencies such as BTC and USDT, and received 200,000 black money which was frozen. What should I do if they say this is a crime and I will be detained?

If it constitutes a crime, I will be detained. You can apply for a lawyer.

Everyone who is involved in the currency circle knows that digital currency transactions such as Bitcoin BTC and Tether USDT have certain legal risks. If you are not careful, you may receive black money or even Violate criminal law. If you want to have a stable job in the cryptocurrency industry, you should know how to resolve the criminal risks of digital currency transactions. Otherwise, your account may be frozen today or even detained tomorrow, and you will not have peace of mind.

As the public security organs increase their intensity in cracking down on Internet crimes, the criminal risks of digital currency transactions are also increasing. This should attract the attention of all people in the currency circle. Only by paying attention to resolving digital currency The criminal risks of transactions, legality and compliance, and developing good operating habits can enhance anonymity, prevent and guard against related criminal legal risks, and only then can you go ahead in the long run. What awaits you may be jail time.

Digital currency crime is a new type of cybercrime. Different from traditional crimes, many people do not understand this type of crime and do not understand how to obtain the lightest punishment. The standards for conviction and sentencing of digital currency crimes and How to win innocence and light punishmentPunishment.

Related information

In virtual currency transactions, if the buyer uses Monetary funds are illegal gains from fraud, drugs, pornography, gambling, etc. Once the buyer is caught, the seller of the virtual currency will be involved. If there is evidence that the seller knows that the buyer’s source of funds is illegal, the police may charge him with money laundering, illegal The digital currency seller was detained to assist in the investigation in the name of business crimes, concealment and concealment of criminal proceeds, and common crimes of predicate crimes (including fraud and opening of casinos).

Even arrested, prosecuted and sentenced. Everyone who is involved in the currency circle should pay attention to the resolution of such criminal risks. For example, we handled the online investment fraud case involving more than 20 people named Li from Yantai. The fraud gang used all the defrauded money to buy Bitcoin on the website. According to the police The flow of funds paid by third parties on the investment platform led to the arrest of a Bitcoin seller for fraud.

『8』Is it illegal to solicit people to do Bitcoin contracts?

It is not illegal to do Bitcoin business, but don’t use Bitcoin to do illegal things.
The nature of Bitcoin is clarified, and it is believed that Bitcoin is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory currency attributes, and is not a currency in the true sense. By nature, Bitcoin is a specific virtual commodity that does not have the same legal status as currency and cannot and should not be used as currency in the market. However, Bitcoin trading is a commodity buying and selling behavior on the Internet, and ordinary people have the freedom to participate at their own risk.
In order to avoid over-hyping virtual goods such as Bitcoin in the name of "virtual currency" and damaging public interests and the legal tender status of the RMB, the "Notice" requires financial institutions and payment institutions to correctly use the concept of currency in daily work. Pay attention to strengthening the education of the public's currency knowledge, and incorporate concepts such as a correct understanding of currency, a correct view of virtual goods and virtual currencies, rational investment, reasonable control of investment risks, and maintenance of their own property security into the content of financial knowledge popularization activities, and guide the public to establish correct Monetary concepts and investment ideas.

『九』Why was a man detained for “mining” Bitcoin

According to reports, in April this year, the Hanshan County Power Supply Company discovered during a line inspection that a section of Lintou Town, Hanshan County The line loss of the high-voltage line suddenly increased, exceeding the normal value by nearly 10 times. After a section-by-section investigation, the location of the line loss finally pointed to an abandoned factory building in Lintou Town.

According to reports, after verification by the power department, Mr. Ma frantically stole nearly 150,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity in more than a month. Ma was criminally detained in accordance with the law for the crime of theft. The case is under further investigation.

『Shi』Is the promotion of Bitcoin a pyramid scheme?

The promotion model of Bitcoin
is not a pyramid scheme. Although it is virtual and has no physical object, it can be regarded as a commodity after all. Transactions can also be used for consumption in foreign countries, so it is not considered a pyramid scheme
However, many pyramid schemes use the influence of Bitcoin, and weIt is possible for ordinary people who are not familiar with Bitcoin to conduct pyramid schemes and organize pyramid schemes. Please do not be fooled

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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