龙珠超次元乱战所有宇宙 龙珠超次元乱战是什么

A. 龙珠超次元乱战的介绍


B. 七龙珠af漫画主要内容

· 同人漫画不是以出版社的名义发行,而是以个人╱社团(Circle)名义发行。 内容
· 在普通的书店是买不到同人志的。购买同人志要到同人志专卖店或者委托书店…
· 同人志售价比较贵。通常一本数十页的同人本售价为300与500日元之间。
· 发行数量少。通常不会再版。总的来说,龙珠AF漫画始终是一部同人作品,虽然不是鸟山明大师的作品,但也值得一看!


翟寇翟寇(zaiko xiro)
日本名字 ザイコー
日本名字 ライラ
七龙珠AF《七龙珠AF》的确沸沸扬扬,据说是继《七龙珠》、《七龙珠Z》和《七龙珠GT》之后的又一部续集。但网络的“七龙珠贴吧”经过众多《七龙珠》爱好者的调查、分析与讨论之后,已经证实了:《七龙珠AF》不是鸟山名的作品,虽然有一些宣传画,但是否会有完整版出现还是未知数[实际最开始发表AF的是一个网命叫PVG的人],即便真的诞生了《AF》,也不属于《七龙珠》系列的。从最下面提供的官方网站即可看出,日本集英社只承认《七龙珠》、《七龙珠Z》与《七龙珠GT》,根本就没有提到《七龙珠AF》,可见这部作品的确是不属于龙珠系列的。AF即是After Future的意思,故事会由鸟山明最后作品GT之后1 5年开始。

C. 乐平参加龙珠超次元大乱斗了吗



D. 龙珠超次元乱战

你直接上网络上搜索 龙珠超次元乱战-网络 然后在网络里最下面有官网 那里是一出新的立刻更新

E. 龙珠超次元乱战:第3宇宙全体赛亚人为什么只有巴达克一个赛亚人参赛


F. 龙珠超次元乱战的特别篇

第二部特别篇:由 Gothax 绘画,从204页开始到212页结束(即第10话),讲述12宇宙,特兰克斯与人造人16号的故事。
第三部特别篇:由Abertocubatas绘画。你们将会看到布罗利故事的续篇,这次不再是剧场版的概要了。从237页开始到261页结束(即第12话),该篇故事发生于4、16、18 、20宇宙。
第五部特别篇:由 Chibi Dam'z 和 Stef84作画,Chick Dam's 和 DBZtmk 上色。讲述17宇宙,沙鲁如何屠杀主角等人的故事。从334页开始到353页结束(即第16话)。
第十部特别篇:该篇故事发生于1 、10宇宙(即第25话),讲述界王神们是如何消灭宇宙中的恶势力与隐患,造就无风无浪的宇宙的故事。

G. 龙珠超次元乱战的故事内容


H. 龙珠超次元乱战的设定发展


I. 龙珠高维时空篇的出场人物

1、灭霸(神战力 49800)
2、无限手套灭霸(神战力 1049800)
3、吞星(神战力 15800)
4、伽娜塔(神战力 3800)
5、复仇者联盟钢铁侠 绿巨人 鹰眼黑寡妇美国队长雷神绯红女巫快银 幻视 绿殇
翟寇(神战力 28800)
雷格(神战力 20000)
米拉(神战力 12000)
托娃(神战力 6000)
凯(神战力 800)

蛾摩拉(神战力 10500)
索多玛(神战力 21000)
卡卡罗特(神战力 9800)
贝吉塔(神战力 7000)
短笛(神战力 4000)
比鲁斯(神战力 11000)
维斯(神战力 22000)
白金维斯(神战力 ???)
一星龙(神战力 8800)
超级一星龙(神战力 17600)

羊小飞(神战力 1280)

J. 龙珠超次元乱战人物列表的设定变更


A. Introduction to Dragon Ball Super Dimension Chaos

"Dragon Ball Super Dimension Chaos" is a fan comic based on the work "Dragon Ball" written by Akira Toriyama. However, this work was not created by Japanese comic fans, but by a Frenchman. But the concept of this work is also very exquisite, perfectly combining the original characters with the parallel universe theory. Not only is it interesting to watch, but it also has gimmicks, and it is a masterpiece that cannot be missed. Due to the character limit, the character introduction part has been moved to the Dragon Ball Super Dimension Chaos character list entry. Please understand.

B. Main contents of Dragon Ball AF comics

The latest cover of Dragon Ball AF comics
[Edit this paragraph] Dragon Ball AF comics
Previous Dragon Ball AF, which caused a lot of commotion in the United States, finally disappeared in the rejection of Dragon Ball fans!
However, since 2007, Toyble, a doujin artist from Japan, has made Dragon Ball AF manga. The comic is still titled "Dragon Ball AF", but in terms of plot content, it is almost completely different from the previous American novel/script version of AF that was circulated on the Internet. Therefore, the comic version of Dragon Ball AF and the previous AF can be said to be two different versions. One AF is not the other AF!
The comic story takes place a few years after Wukong flew away with Shenlong in Dragon Ball GT (because the comics did not mention it, the specific time is unknown and to be determined. But it is estimated to be 5 years later.), Zhai, the third son of Sun Wukong Kou (Sai ​​Gao) and the King of the West invaded the earth. The earth warriors fought hard to resist, but Wukong has not yet appeared. . . . . . Content
In terms of painting style, it follows the painting style of Dragon Ball GT, which is quite similar to that of Master Akira Toriyama. The author Toyble's painting skills are also at the top level.
Super Saiyan 5 exists in the comics, and the highest is only 5!
The comic author toyble has published some comics on his blog. The complete comic book version of Dragon Ball AF will be sold in Japan on December 29, 2008.
As for copyright issues, fan comics can be distributed in Japan and other places. The differences between doujinshi and ordinary comics are as follows:
· Fan comics are not published in the name of a publishing house, but in the name of a publisher. Issued in the name of an individual/group (Circle). Content
· You can’t buy doujinshi in ordinary bookstores. To buy doujinshi, you have to go to doujinshi specialty stores or commissioned bookstores...
· Doujinshi are relatively expensive. Usually a fanbook with dozens of pages sells for between 300 and 500 yen.
· Small number of releases. Usually not reprinted. In general, the Dragon Ball AF manga is always a fan work. Although it is not the work of Master Akira Toriyama, it is still worth reading!
Comics Catalog:
Chapter 1: Not yetThe Coming Soldiers
Chapter 2: Another World
Chapter 3: Laila’s Miscalculation
Chapter 4: Unknown

Character introduction

Zaiko His son, a few years after Wukong and Shenlong flew away, he and his mother came to the earth. The earth warriors fought hard, but he defeated the earth warriors with his own tyrannical strength. He seemed to be invincible. Therefore, Kaiowashin, with the cooperation of Gohan, began to seal him with the Z-Sword with the determination to die, but failed under the influence of Western Kaiowashin. Kaiowashin, who was healed by Dandy, began the second round. Seal.
Western Kaiojin Laila
Japanese name ライラ
The only female Kaiojin among the Kaiojins, she was the first Kaiojin killed by Buu. In AF, she did not die after being injured by a demon. She wandered in the universe for thousands of years and was rescued by someone (probably Gerdo Frieza's father), with the goal of ruling the entire universe. Due to his ambition, he and Gerdo gave birth to Frieza and Gula. However, after Frieza was defeated by Goku, she thought Frieza was a failure and decided to contact Goku and gave birth to their son Zhai Kou. But Wukong didn't know about Zhai Kou. Many years later, she and Zhai Kou still came to Earth with the ambition to rule the entire universe
[Edit this paragraph] Dragon Ball AF
Dragon Ball AF "Dragon Ball AF" is indeed a hot topic, and it is said that it is the sequel to "Dragon Ball" and "Dragon Ball AF" Another sequel after "Dragon Ball Z" and "Dragon Ball GT". However, after the investigation, analysis and discussion of many "Dragon Ball" fans on the Internet's "Dragon Ball Post Bar", it has been confirmed that "Dragon Ball AF" is not the work of Toriyama. Although there are some promotional posters, whether there will be a full version is still It is unknown [actually the person who originally published AF was a person named PVG], even if "AF" is really born, it will not belong to the "Dragon Ball" series. It can be seen from the official website provided at the bottom that Shueisha only recognizes "Dragon Ball", "Dragon Ball Z" and "Dragon Ball GT", and does not mention "Dragon Ball AF" at all. It can be seen that this work does not belong to the Dragon Ball series. of. AF means After Future, and the story will begin 15 years after Akira Toriyama's last work GT.

C. Did Leping participate in Dragon Ball Super Dimension Chaos

There are different universes in the comic "Dragon Ball Super Dimension Chaos"
The Dragon Ball story we know happened In Universe 18, there is no Leping among the members of Universe 7 participating in this competition

Universe 9: Leping is an artificial human who participated in the competition (In this universe, Leping and Bulma are married, and Trunks in this universe is the child of Bulma and Leping. )

D. Dragon Ball Super Dimension Chaos

You can go directly to the Internet and search for Dragon Ball Super Dimension Chaos - Internet, and then there is the official website at the bottom of the network, where there will be a new one as soon as it is released. Update

E. Dragon Ball Super Dimension Battle: Of all the Saiyans in Universe 3, why is only Bardock participating?

Others have given up, go to the official website to see You already know, it has been updated to page 530 recently

F. The special chapter of Dragon Ball Super Dimension Battle

The first special chapter: Revealing the secrets of other parallel worlds pungent. Starting from page 168 to the end of page 179 (i.e. Chapter 8), a flashback is used to show everyone how the plot of the animated movie is combined with the story of DBM after slight changes. Tells the story of the legendary Super Saiyan-Broly, which takes place in universes 4, 6, 16, 17, 18, and 20. (Authors of this article: stef84 and Albertocubas)
The second special chapter: drawn by Gothax, starting from page 204 and ending at page 212 (i.e. Chapter 10), telling about 12 universes, Trunks and Android 16 No.'s story.
Part Three Special: Painted by Abertocubas. You're going to see a continuation of Broly's story, this time no longer a synopsis of the theatrical version. Starting on page 237 and ending on page 261 (i.e. Chapter 12), this story takes place in universes 4, 16, 18, and 20.
The fourth special episode: Created by POF, this episode is very funny and also lets everyone know what kind of universe the powerful Sunbra comes from. Starting from
page 286 and ending on page 309 (i.e. Chapter 14), this story takes place in Universe 16.
The fifth special episode: Art by Chibi Dam'z and Stef84, colors by Chick Dam's and DBZtmk. It tells the story of how Cell massacred the protagonist and others in Universe 17. It starts on page 334 and ends on page 353 (i.e. Chapter 16).
The sixth special episode: The victory of the BoJack family in Universe 6 (i.e. Chapter 18). Starting from page 378, it tells the story of how BoJack's family massacred Gohan and others (Wukong did not help in time).
The seventh special chapter: This story takes place in Universe 3 (i.e. Chapter 20), starting from page 425 and ending on page 449. It tells the story of how Bardock obtained the power of precognition and began to resist Frieza.
Eighth Special Chapter: This story takes place in Universe 3 (i.e. Chapter 21), starting from page 450 and ending on page 474. It tells the story of Bardock becoming king and destroying Frieza.
The ninth special chapter: This story takes place in Universe 7 (i.e. Chapter 23), starting from page 499 and ending on page 522, telling the story of the NamekiansThe story of how a clan resisted Frieza's invasion by assimilating into one.
Special Chapter 10: This story takes place in universes 1 and 10 (i.e. Chapter 25). It tells how the Kaiōshin destroyed the evil forces and hidden dangers in the universe and created a universe without wind and waves. story.
The eleventh special episode: The story of this film takes place in universes 12, 14, and 15 (i.e., Chapter 32). It tells the story of a future world ravaged by artificial humans and attacked by Babidi's gang. Gohan was lucky enough to eliminate Babidi's gang.
Part 12 Special: This story takes place in Universe 16 (i.e. Chapter 34) and tells the story of how Vegito destroyed Majin Buu without splitting up.
The Thirteenth Special Chapter: This story takes place in the eighth universe (i.e. Chapter 37). It tells the story of Krillin's journey to Namek after killing Vegeta on Earth. In the end, they and their party Everyone (excluding Goku who started late) was killed by Frieza.
The fourteenth special chapter: This story takes place in Universe 7 (i.e. Chapter 41). It continues the story of Gascaco (continued from Chapter 23?) and tells the story of Gascaco getting rid of harm to the people. Destroy Gullah and King Gerdo, and live on an original planet. Vegeta and Qiu Yi were released, but Qiu Yi was quickly killed by Vegeta. At the end of the story, Vegeta transformed into a Super Saiyan after some training and destroyed the Ginyu Special Forces, but he desperately found that this power was too far behind Gascaco.
The fifteenth special episode: tells the origin of BoJack and his gang (i.e. Chapter 43). The background setting of BoJack in Chaos is that of a prisoner on a planet who was transformed to fight the frozen demon. However, after gaining great power, BoJack rebelled and killed the scientist who transformed him and the captain of the transformed warriors. He recruited many transformed warriors as his subordinates and began to harm the universe...
Special Chapter 16: This story takes place In the fourth universe (i.e. Chapter 45), it is told that after Big Buu successfully prevented Vegeta from taking off Fat Buu in his body, he defeated and absorbed all the Z fighters (possibly including God Gebit who was turned into chocolate and eaten). Become Super Buu, a man of uncertain good and evil.
Special Chapter 17: This story takes place in the Thirteenth Universe (i.e. Chapter 47) and tells the story of Kakarot’s life on Earth without amnesia. This Kakarot is killing people everywhere on the earth, and Kame Sennin takes Xiaolin to find the murderer. Although he briefly became friends with Krillin, Kakarot, who remembered his mission to kill, killed Kame Sennin who wanted to help him after a fierce fight. Krillin vows to defeat Kakarot.
Special Chapter 18: This story takes place in many universes (i.e. Chapter 48) and tells the story of Gu La’s battle with Goku on Earth. Of course, it’s different from the theatrical version. The opening chapter talks about the conflict between Gula and Frieza in the past. As the story continues, the number of universes involved is also decreasing, probably because the frozen demons in some universes were eliminated by people other than the Z warriors (such as the one in the first and tenth universes, Destroyed by Kaioshin, and the third universe's Destroyed by Yu Kaioshin). The Saiyans led by Bardock were destroyed by Gascaco in Universe 7, the fifth universe may be destroyed in XXI) or has defeated the Z warriors to dominate the universe (eighth universe), Gula failed to fight Goku. The synopsis establishes that Universe 11's divergence postdates the Gurra Invasion. Gullah was eventually eliminated, and no different universes were created.
The 19th Special Chapter: This chapter takes place in the 13th Universe (i.e. Chapter 50) and tells the story of Raditz living with Kakarot after he successfully brought him back. Raditz is different from the reader's impression of the villain who threatens his younger brother with his nephew's life and immediately reneges on his promise to his younger brother. He shows a tender side that has never appeared in the original work. He helps each other with Xika and makes progress together. ...

G. The story content of Dragon Ball Super Dimension Battle

There is not only one universe, but many exist at the same time. Each universe has its own different development path. But the same cause brings similar results, and it's just small accidents that make one universe different from another. For example, in one universe the sky may be blue, while in another it may be red. In some universes, your planet may have been occupied by aliens, or ruled by other species.
Only the Varugas in one universe discovered the technology to travel to all parallel universes. They united with the Namekians in their universe to hold a super-dimensional martial arts conference. Of course, Sun Wukong, Sun Wuhan, and Bei Gita, Trunks and others were also invited, and what was even more incredible was that they met all kinds of old opponents, Frieza's family, Cell, Buu... and this wonderful story kicked off.

H. The setting development of Dragon Ball Super Dimension Battle

1: The hair color of Sunbra, Bra and Bulma is purple (that is, The color of the manga color page cover), while their hair is blue in the animated version (this is a small BUG that has not been changed in the animation).
2: In universes 16 and 18 (the so-called original universe), the plot after Broly’s appearance is very different from the theatrical version. At the same time, his basic strength has been improved, creating a perfect match for Broly and Bay in the comics. Jeter's draw set the stage. Biochemical BO does not exist in either universe.
3: The Kaio Divine Sword in this work is set to be: it can only be pulled out by a brave man from the lower realm. Therefore Videl, who is much weaker than Kaiojin, can use this weapon. This setting should be because the author wanted to make Kaioshin stronger, so he made this setting that has nothing to do with power to bypass the plot in the original game where Gohan can only pull out the sword in the Super League. Otherwise, Kaioshin will The strongest is no more than Gohan before he unleashed his power. After all, the power level of the Southern Kaiojin who is qualified to be absorbed by Buu is at the same level as Buu, and Gohan before releasing his power is only at the super level two level.
4: The original work did not mention whether the transformation of the frozen demon clan can be restored. The transformation of the frozen demon is not so much a process of increasing power upwards, but rather that the form before transformation is a process of suppressing power downwards, so downward suppression is okay. This work treats the form of King Gerdor as a comparableIn Frieza's second form, he also underwent two transformations in this game. Gula's memories also mention that Gerdo was in his original (fourth) form before giving birth to Frieza. Frieza's undead warrior summoned by Dr. Leckie can transform into Gula's unique giant (fifth) form that cannot be reached by himself. After being enlightened by Super Buu, Gerdo can not only transform into a giant It can further transform into giant body form two, and its body shape becomes close to the third form.
5: Regarding the assimilation of the ultimate Namekians in Universe 7, because the original work did not mention "whether Namekians can be infinitely assimilated", the author used this point to come up with "Can Namekians be assimilated" for the same person, and both can greatly increase their power” idea. Let all Namekians become one.
6: Dapura's strength is set to = Cell's complete body (at the start of Cell's game). In the original work, Sun Wukong initially thought that Dapura and Saru were two brothers, but after reading it, he thought that Dapura was more powerful than imagined.
7: The Kaiojin in the 1st and 10th universe actually killed the frozen demon clan. This goes against the situation of "Kaiou gods attacking forces that want to destroy the universe rather than establish a universe empire." The reason is revealed in the special chapter, because the Kaiowen God of this universe prevented Bibidi from awakening Majin Buu in time. Taking this as an opportunity, they will eradicate all forces that may harm the universe as soon as possible.
8: The fairy beans in the 16 universe. In the original work, no matter how powerful you are, you only need to eat one. Now, the fairy beans depend on the strength. The stronger you need to eat, the more you need to eat. Vegetto simply didn’t have enough to eat, so in the end Kaiowashin found a planet for him to grow fairy beans...
9: Akira Toriyama VS Dr. Leckie - This is a rant from the author, and Dr. Leckie It was set up by Akira Toriyama...so the old bird's power could not affect him...
10:18 The reason why Vegito from the universe was decomposed in Buu's body was because the will of Kaiowen absorbed by Buu was decomposed . Vegito in Universe 16 was not affected because he maintained a protective shield inside Buu's body.
The Great Kaiojin of Universe 11:1 seems to have a strong learning ability, perfectly replicating Gascaco's ability to control Super Buu of Universe 4. Buu's learning ability was probably mastered by absorbing the Great Kaio God Queen.
12: In the chaos, Bardock’s wife is called Hannahcia, an elite warrior among the Saiyans. When Frieza attacked, she had a combat strength of 12,000. In Toriyama Akira’s new work in recent years In "Galaxy Gak·Dragon Ball Special", Bardock's wife is named Jinai. She is a kind-hearted housewife and does not have strong fighting power.
13. In the original work, Vegeta did not know the existence of Gerdo, but he did know it in the special chapter "The Fall of the Empire".

I. Characters appearing in Dragon Ball’s High Dimensional Space-Time Chapter

First Universe - "Marvel"
1. Thanos (God Combat strength 49800)
The first God of Destruction in the universe, adapted from the comics of "Marvel". Has the highest of 12 parallel universesCombat power, due to being bewitched by the mysterious organizer of the 7-dimensional space and time, he wants to summon 12 gods of destruction to find the infinite gems and forge the infinite gloves. He has already appeared.
2. Thanos the Infinity Gauntlet (God's power: 1049800)
Thanos collected 6 infinity stones and successfully forged the Infinity Gauntlet. Not only did his own strength greatly increase, he also had the ability to control time, space, reality, Power of mind, strength, and soul.
3. Galactus (God’s combat power: 15800)
The fourth universe God of Destruction, adapted from the comics of Marvel. Possessing the ability to manipulate the planet, he can change the orbit and gravity of the planet at will, and use the planet as a weapon in the palm of his hand. The weakness is that after using a sure-kill move, your physical strength will drop rapidly, and you must devour the life force of the planet to restore your physical strength. Currently, he is defeated by Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo, and is let go by Goku after his daughter pleads for mercy.
4. Ganata (Godly Combat Power 3800)
The daughter of Galactus, with a kind nature, she begged for mercy after her father was defeated and was let go by Wukong.
5. Avengers, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver Vision, Green Sword
Universe 2 - "Dragon Ball AF"
Zhai Kou (God of War) 28800)
The God of Destruction of the Second Universe, adapted from "Dragon Ball AF", is responsible for assisting Thanos in finding the Infinity Stones, forging the Infinity Gauntlet, and implementing the conspiracy to unify 12 parallel universes. He has already appeared.
The third universe - "Dragon Ball New Era"
Regg (God's combat power 20000)
The third universe God of Destruction, adapted from "Dragon Ball New Era", is responsible for assisting Thanos and implementing The conspiracy to unify 12 parallel universes has now begun.
Universe 4 - "DC"
Gold Superman (Godly Fighting Power???)
Silver Superman (Godly Fighting Power???)
The Flash
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Universe 5 - "Dragon Ball Xenoverse"
Demicula (God Power 24800)< br />The God of Destruction of the Fifth Universe
Mira (God's combat power 12000)
Adapted from "Dragon Ball Xenoverse", he was defeated by Galactus at the beginning, and opened a wormhole in the parallel universe with Donghe. Flee to the seventh universe for help. He is now recovering and will join Beerus later to fight Thanos together.
Tova (Godly Combat Power 6000)
At the beginning, she was defeated by Gomorrah, and she and Mira opened a wormhole in the parallel universe and escaped to the seventh universe for help. Now that he has recovered, he will fight with Beerus to fight Thanos together.
Kai (God's combat power 800)
The 5th Universe Time Kaiowen

Dai Xiaowen (God's combat power 10,000)
2 Demons (God's combat power 998)
Sixth Universe——"Northern Galaxy Travels"
Gomorrah (God's combat power 10500)
The sixth God of Destruction in the universe, adapted from "Dragon Ball North Galaxy Travels", the vanguard of the God of Destruction first defeated Towa, Currently, Beerus is injured, and after being seriously injured by Tova and Mira who have recovered, he is rescued by Sodom, but is captured by Beerus who is not noticed by Sodom, and together with the Super One-Star Dragon Hostage exchange (Tova and Mira)
Sodom (Godly combat power 21000)
One of the three demon kings in the sixth universe, the brother of Gomorrah, with a kind nature. He is neutral to Thanos's plot, but no one is allowed to harm his sister, and if the Legion of Destruction attempts to harm Gomorrah, he will fight back. He is slightly weaker than Weiss and is the son of the great demon King Thrall.
The seventh universe - the main universe of "Dragon Ball"
Kakarot (God's combat power 9800)
The seventh universe Minami Kaioh God (because Minami Kaioh God was killed by Majin Buu After being killed, a vacancy appeared in the God Realm, so Wukong ascended). Although he has been busy working with the God Realm for many years and has neglected his practice, he has now mastered the transformation of the Saiyan God state.
Vegita (God Power 7000)
The God of War of the Seventh Universe is responsible for destroying and stopping the evil forces of the Seventh Universe. Although he has mastered the ability to transform into a Saiyan God, he has not yet encountered any Too strong an opponent. He is planning to help Goku with Piccolo to fight against the God of Destruction, Galactus.
Piccoto (god power 4000)
The creator god of the seventh universe has mastered powerful creativity, regeneration, and magic; he is responsible for helping the beings of the seventh universe rebuild their homes, forge artifacts, and become The God who creates life that benefits the universe.
Beerus (Godly Combat Power 11000)
Whis (Godly Combat Power 22000)
Platinum Whis (Godly Combat Power???)
Whis’ Platinum Transformation Form
Jebit God (Godly Combat Power 400)
Golden Frieza
Old Kaiojin (Godly Combat Power 888)
Yang Xiaofei (Godly Combat Power 1280)< br />Eighth Universe - "Dragon Ball Zero World"
Original Saiyan
Original Saiyan Vegito
Elder Goma
Universe 9 - "Dragon Ball GT"
One-star dragon (god power 8800)
Super one-star dragon ( Divine combat power 17600)
Two-star dragon (divine combat power)
Three-star dragon (divine combat power 4200)
Four-star dragon
Five-star dragon
Six-star dragon
Seven Star Dragon
Universe 10 - "New Dragon Ball AF"
Aize (God's combat power???)
Universe 11 - "Dragon Ball Super Dimension Battle"< br />Dragon Ball Super Dimension Battle
Vegit (God Warforce? ? ? )

Universe 12 - "World of Warcraft"
Universe 13 - "Dragon Ball Battle"
Star God
Universe 14 - "Dragon Ball ZS"
Dragon Ball ZS
Yang Xiaofei (Godly Combat Power 1280)
Universe 15 - "? ? ? ? 》
Universe 16——“? ? ? ? 》
Super Dimension Demon God Group
Zero Realm Lord Gata (Godly Combat Power???)
Adapted from "Dragon Ball Zero Realm Sequel", he is the master of the mysterious Zero Realm in 6-dimensional time and space. See "Dragon Ball Zero World Sequel" for details. Currently, he has joined the mysterious organization of the Supreme Being of the 6-dimensional space-time universe. He will perform very well in this chapter. Thrall (Godly Combat Power???)
Adapted from "Dragon Ball North Galaxy", he is the leader of the three demon kings of the Sixth Universe and the ruler of the Sixth Universe. Currently, he has joined the mysterious organization of the Supreme Being of the 6-dimensional space-time universe.
Araki, the God of Aspects (God’s combat power???)
Adapted from "Dragon Ball New Era", he is the ruler of 12 parallel universes in 5-dimensional space and time, and has far more power than the 12 gods of destruction. Power, has now joined the mysterious organization of the Supreme Being of the 6-dimensional space-time universe.
Living Tribunal (God Power???)
Original Transcendent
Phoenix Force

J. Dragon Ball Super Setting changes in the Dimension War character list

1: Sunbra, Bra and Bulma’s hair color is purple (which is the color of the comic color page cover), while in the animated version their hair is Blue (this is a small BUG that has not been changed in the animation).
2: In the 18th universe (the so-called original universe), the plot after Broly's appearance is very different from the theatrical version. At the same time, his basic strength has been improved, making him a better character for Broly and Vegetto in the comics. The draw laid the groundwork. Biochemical BO does not exist in either universe.
3: The Kaio Divine Sword in this work is set to be: it can only be pulled out by a brave man from the lower realm. Therefore Videl, who is much weaker than Kaiojin, can use this weapon. This setting should be because the author wanted to make Kaioshin stronger, so he made this setting that has nothing to do with power to bypass the plot in the original game where Gohan can only pull out the sword in the Super League. Otherwise, Kaioshin will The strongest is no more than Gohan before he unleashed his power. After all, the power level of the Southern Kaiojin who is qualified to be absorbed by Buu is at the same level as Buu, and Gohan before releasing his power is only at the super level two level.
4: The original work did not mention whether the transformation of the frozen demon clan can be restored. The transformation of the frozen demon is not so much a process of increasing power upwards, but rather that the form before transformation is a process of suppressing power downwards, so downward suppression is okay. This work treats King Gerdo's form as equivalent to Frieza's second form, and has undergone two transformations in this work. Gula's memories also mentioned that Gerdo was in the fourth form before giving birth to Frieza. And GulananCan be suppressed from the fifth form back to the fourth form. By the way, the highest form of King Gerdo and Frieza is the fourth form. As a bonus in the latest update, Frieza's undead warrior summoned by Dr. Leckie can transform into Gula's unique fifth form that cannot be reached by himself.
5: Regarding the assimilation of the ultimate Namekians in Universe 7, because the original work did not mention "whether Namekians can be infinitely assimilated", the author used this point to come up with "Can Namekians be assimilated" for the same person, and both can greatly increase their power” idea. Let all Namekians become one.
6: Dapura's strength is set to = Cell's complete body (at the start of Cell's game). In the original work, Sun Wukong initially thought that Dapura and Saru were two brothers, but after reading it, he thought that Dapura was more powerful than imagined.
7: Kaiohshin in universes 1 and 10 killed the frozen demon clan. This seems to go against the situation of "Kaiou gods attack forces that want to destroy the universe rather than establish a universe empire." The specific situation is unknown.
8: The fairy beans in the 16 universe. In the original work, no matter how powerful you are, you only need to eat one. Now, the fairy beans depend on the strength. The stronger you need to eat, the more you need to eat. Vegetto simply didn’t have enough to eat, so in the end Kaiowashin found a planet for him to grow fairy beans...
9: Akira Toriyama VS Dr. Leckie - This is a rant from the author, and Dr. Leckie It was set up by Akira Toriyama...so the old bird's power could not affect him...
10:18 The reason why Vegito from the universe was decomposed in Buu's body was because the will of Kaiowen absorbed by Buu was decomposed . Vegito in Universe 16 was not affected because he maintained a protective shield inside Buu's body.
The Great Kaiojin of Universe 11:1 seems to have a strong learning ability, perfectly replicating Gascaco's ability to control Super Buu of Universe 4. Buu's learning ability was probably mastered by absorbing the Great Kaio God Queen.
12: In the chaos, Bardock’s wife is called Hannahcia, an elite warrior among the Saiyans. When Frieza attacked, she had a fighting strength of 12,000. In Toriyama Akira’s "Galaxy Plus" In "Dragon Ball Special", Bardock's wife is named Jinai. She is a kind housewife and does not have strong fighting power.
13. In the original work, Vegeta did not know the existence of Gerdo, but he did know it in the special chapter "The Fall of the Empire".

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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