中国元宇宙房地产交易平台 元宇宙 地产

A. 你如何看待炒房团杀入元宇宙虚拟房产这一现象





B. 《元宇宙产业自律公约》发布,这对该行业有哪些积极影响


【元宇宙产业自律公约抵制炒作 多只港股概念股大跌】周一,港股元宇宙概念板块罕见大跌,多家个股“跌势汹汹”。富途牛牛行情软件显示,截至2月21日收盘,港股元宇宙概念板块跌幅达4.33%,其中心动公司当日大跌11.79%、哔哩哔哩跌幅近10%;快手跌超7%。引人注意的是,当日中国移动通信联合会元宇宙产业委员会(以下简称“中国移联元宇宙产业委”)发布元宇宙产业自律公约,提出坚决抵制利用元宇宙热点概念进行资本炒作。在此之前,银保监会官网于上周五发布风险提示,提出防范以“元宇宙”名义进行的非法集资,剑指编造虚假元宇宙投资项目等乱象。

C. 元宇宙为什么值得我们反复关注











【广发 证券高级投资顾问 黎衍军,执业证书编号:S0260612110012】

D. 链上会议是不是骗子

Gnosis Safe生态基金会Safe Foundation正寻求以12.5亿美元完成1亿美元融资
产业方面,据消息称,育碧员工仍强烈反对公司的NFT区块链计划,而此前,育碧推出的NFT平台Ubisoft Quartz也受到众多游戏玩家的抵制,而法国工会Solidaires Informatique甚至在社交平台上公开指责NFT相关技术是一种“无用的、昂贵的、破坏生态的技术”,甚至在声明中将之与洗钱等非法行为挂上等号。究其根本,NFT所倡导的资产稀缺性与金融属性与当下游戏行业主流的公平无壁垒观点相悖,部分人士认为赚钱性质会直接对游戏的趣味性带来影响,以育碧公司在《幽灵行动:断点》中发行的 NFT 道具头盔为例,玩家需要通过至少600小时的游戏时间才能领取。此外,该模式会吸引众多投机玩家人为造成游戏内资产的稀缺性。而出于NFT的可交易性,对其的交易与炒作实质上从另一角度提升了游戏费用及游戏门槛。这也不外乎大型PC游戏和主机游戏平台对NFT呈现审慎态度,Steam平台甚至直接推出规定禁止NFT与链游,但育碧方同时也表示将会继续推进NFT游戏计划,后续NFT在大型游戏的走向仍旧成谜。
Part 1产业动态
Coinbase首席人事官LJ Brock宣布,Coinbase今年计划在产品、工程和设计团队扩招多达2000名员工,来扩展现有的产品并构建新产品。
LJ Brock表示,Coinbase还在扩展以包含托管用户生成内容(如NFT)的产品,同时Coinbase钱包的计划也“雄心勃勃”,团队将努力增强其安全性、易用性和可访问性。
上周,游戏巨头育碧(Ubisoft Entertainment)与其许多员工围绕在该公司视频游戏中采用加密的计划之间的冲突加剧。2月10日,育碧在给员工的一封邮件中概述了对使用区块链技术的想法。在公司内部留言板上发布的这一声明引发了数百条来自员工的负面评论。有人说,对于育碧的员工来说,这是“非常尴尬的一天”。自发布育碧Quartz平台以来,该公司一直面临着粉丝和员工的批评。该平台允许射击游戏《幽灵行动》(Ghost Recon)的玩家购买和出售某些作为NFT的设备。去年12月,该公司召开了一次员工会议,为这一计划辩护。此后,尽管内部一片哗然,该公司仍继续推进这一计划。(The Straits Times)
英国世界自然基金会(WWF)在其网站上宣布,它将终止一个旨在通过NFT销售为保护工作提供资金的项目,因为此举引发了大量争议。WWF UK写道:“我们感谢所有通过购买NFT来慷慨支持我们保护工作的人。我们现在已经与合作伙伴就停止此尝试达成一致。我们认识到,NFT是一个备受争议的问题,关于这个新市场,我们都有很多东西需要学习,这就是为什么我们现在将全面评估这项尝试的影响,并思考我们如何才能最好地继续创新,让我们的支持者参与进来。” NFT发布原定于2月3日。这些NFT代表了13种濒危动物物种,如大熊猫、加拉帕戈斯企鹅和克罗斯河大猩猩。该系列总共包括7900个NFT,这与每个物种在野外的实际生存成员数量相对应。据该项目的Discord称,NFT的铸造成本在0.05 ETH(约150美元)至0.25 ETH(约750美元)之间,并将在Polygon上铸造。(The Block)
Part 2政策相关

陀螺科技讯,“元宇宙”首次写入深圳区政府报告,2022年1月21日福田区八届人大第二次会议上的政府工作报告中指出 ,要深入实施数字经济发展三年行动方案,探索建立数字经济监测评价体系,大力发展数字新基建、数字新科技、数字新智造、数字新金融、数字新文化、数字新商贸六大数字产业,积极引进数字经济领军龙头企业和示范项目,推动区块链、量子信息、类脑智能等未来产业的技术转化成果加速落地,多领域拓展数字人民币、元宇宙等技术应用场景,扎实推进深圳数据交易中心建设,打造数字经济发展新高地。

Part 3技术创新

Part 4投融资情况

2月14日,元宇宙社交平台BUD Technologies, Inc.(以下简称“BUD”)宣布完成1500万美元A+轮融资,本轮融资由启明创投领投,老股东源码资本、GGV纪源资本、云九资本超额跟投,穆棉资本担任本轮独家财务顾问。本轮资金将主要用于海外业务研发和增长等方面。
区块链初创公司5ire宣布,已从GEM Global Yield LLC SCS (GGY)获得1亿美元的资本承诺,以寻求IPO申请。此外,在本次注资之前,5ire以1.1亿美元估值完成2100万美元种子轮融资,Alphabit、Marshland Capital、Launchpool Labs、Moonrock Capital等参投。(EconomicTimes.IndiaTimes)
支付和金融基础设施公司Stronghold宣布推出1亿美元投资基金Stronghold Capital,将面向三个核心领域进行投资:被忽视和代表性不足的创始人和基金经理、支付和金融科技生态系统、Web3和区块链生态系统。Stronghold首席执行官兼联合创始人Tammy Camp将担任Stronghold Capital的基金经理。
该基金已经通过Maple Finance的DeFi贷款投资Alameda Research,并投资Precursor Ventures,该公司支持有前途的种子阶段创新者,并正在寻求投资创始人为女性、LGBTQ+或黑人、土著、有色人种(BIPOC)的公司。Stronghold首席执行官Tammy Camp表示,“Stronghold Capital将创造机会开发新产品和商业模式,从而改善每个人的金融基础设施。”(Businesswire)
Gnosis Safe生态基金会Safe Foundation正寻求以12.5亿美元完成1亿美元融资
2 月 16 日,Gnosis Safe 生态基金会 Safe Foundation 正寻求以 12.5 亿美元估值完成 1 亿美元融资,本轮融资目前已得到 6500 万美元融资承诺,1kx、Dragonfly Capital、Coinbase Ventures、Blockchain Capital 和 Zee Prime 参投。本轮融资将用于扩大团队成员,为 Safe Foundation 提供运营资金,并以法定货币的形式提供三年的经济支持。
据悉,本轮融资能否顺利完成,取决于 Gnosis 社区 GIP-29(从 Gnosis Ltd 分拆 Gnosis Safe 项目,建立 SafeDAO 并发布 SAFE Token)提案能否顺利通过,若提案通过,Gnosis Safe 将建立独立的 SafeDAO,并创建一个 SAFE Token 来管理 Gnosis Safe 生态系统和基础设施,同时保护项目的一些关键资产,例如 IP、域名和 GitHub 存储库;若提案未能通过,本次融资则将无法完成。GIP-29 投票预计将于北京时间 2 月 16 日晚关闭。
Part 5行业应用


赞比亚银行与非洲大陆的一些同行一样,希望推出一种数字货币,因为它认为这有可能缩小金融排斥差距并降低交易成本。但是,在启动CBDC之前,央行表示需要了解该研究的结果。央行代理通讯主任Nkatya Kabwe称,研究结果将成为是否在赞比亚引入央行数字货币的政策考虑的一部分。(CoinDesk)
牙买加银行(The Bank of Jamaica)将在今年很快推出其数字货币。牙买加总理安德鲁·霍尔尼斯(Andrew Holness)表示,新计划将为该国的数字支付基础服务,并促进进一步的计划,如金融普惠、提高交易速度和降低公民的银行成本。霍尔尼斯在推特上透露这一消息以及其他几个即将实施的计划。“在2021年成功试点后,牙买加银行将于2022年推出我们自己的数字牙买加元。” 据悉,2021年12月,牙买加银行表示已成功完成发行2.3亿数字牙买加元的试点项目。(Coinquora)

E. “元宇宙”火了,这玩意到底是啥


F. 开发元宇宙有工商备案吗


G. 元宇宙产业自律公约发布,公约中规定了些什么


H. 炒房团“杀入”元宇宙虚拟房产,拿真金白银购入虚拟房产值吗





I. 怎么在元宇宙里买房

摘要2021年9月,天下秀推出自己的元宇宙社交平台“虹宇宙”, 预计发行房屋35万套,价格从8.8元到88元不等。在11月3日第二轮2万套认购过程中,有10多万人注册抢购,在二级交易市场,多个账户被炒到几万块,有一套海岛别墅甚至标价到53万!而闲鱼上的成交价也普遍在1000-3000元之间,远超过认购价格。

A. What do you think about the phenomenon of real estate speculators entering the virtual real estate of the Metaverse?

Personally, I think it is very funny that the real estate speculators invade the virtual real estate of the Metaverse. Many real estate speculators may not even know what the Metaverse is, so they go in and speculate on virtual real estate. They just want to make a fortune by speculating on the success of the Metaverse. You will probably lose everything in the end. The so-called metaverse was originally a science fiction concept. It had been proposed by science fiction writers as early as the 1970s. In the description at that time, humans were connected to a virtual space through special devices to achieve The longevity of life. The currently hyped Metaverse is more like an upgraded version of science fiction works, using technologies such as blockchain to map the economy, social interaction, identity, etc. of real society into virtual society. The Yuanverse has just developed, and it is far from the point where real estate speculators go in to speculate on real estate. Even if the Yuanverse matures, there will not be a situation where real estate speculators form groups to speculate on real estate, which is unique to China. The following is an individual Let’s analyze the phenomenon of real estate speculators entering the virtual real estate of the original universe from this point of view:

1. Carnival of the ignorant

Personally, I feel that the real estate speculators entering the virtual real estate of the original universe is more Like a carnival of ignorance. These real estate speculators with funds do not understand the basic logic of the metaverse. I even personally suspect that they just heard that there was real estate in the original universe, so they rushed in all at once. The ignorant are destined to pay the price for their ignorance.

What do you think of the phenomenon of real estate speculators entering virtual real estate in the Metaverse? Welcome to leave a message for discussion.

B. The release of the "Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention" will have a positive impact on the industry

The release of the "Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention" will have a positive impact on the industry :

[Yuanverse Industry Self-Discipline Pact to Resist Hype and Many Hong Kong Concept Stocks Slumped] On Monday, the Yuanverse concept sector of Hong Kong stocks experienced a rare sharp plunge, and many stocks fell sharply. Futu Niu Niu market software shows that as of the close on February 21, the Yuan Universe concept sector of Hong Kong stocks fell by 4.33%. Among them, Central Dongdong Company fell by 11.79% that day, Bilibili fell by nearly 10%, and Kuaishou fell by more than 7%. What is noteworthy is that on that day, the Metaverse Industry Committee of the China Mobile Communications Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "China Mobile Alliance Metaverse Industry Committee") issued the Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention, proposing to resolutely resist capital speculation using the hot concept of the Metaverse. Prior to this, the official website of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a risk warning last Friday, proposing to prevent illegal fund-raising in the name of "Metaverse" and pointing out the fabrication of false Metaverse investment projects and other chaos.

C. Why the Metaverse deserves our repeated attention

Disk observation

On Wednesday, the index was strong in Shenzhen and weak in Shanghai. The total turnover of the two cities was 1.062467 billion. . From disk observation, the media, electronics, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industries were among the top gainers, while real estate, construction and decoration industries were among the top gainers., steel and other industries were among the top decliners. There were 99 companies in the two cities with daily limit and 13 companies with daily limit, and northbound capital outflows amounted to 1.745 billion. The Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.07% to 3,622.62 points, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.7% to 14,791.33 points, and the Chuang Index rose 0.55% to 3,368.7 points.


On December 21, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee’s Economic Work Conference mentioned “actively seize the digital economy track and comprehensively promote the city’s digital transformation. We should seize the opportunity to deploy green and low-carbon tracks and arrange characteristic parks in a targeted manner to make breakthroughs. Guide enterprises to step up research on important platforms for the interaction between the virtual world and the real society in the future, and make timely arrangements for entry." The market generally believes that "the virtual world and the real society interact “The best landing scenario is the Metaverse, which is equivalent to Shanghai’s official affirmation of the development of the Metaverse. Judging from the market, the industry sectors with the highest gains today are inseparable from the Yuanverse.

In fact, since the birth of the concept of the metaverse, there have been two representative views. One side believes that the metaverse will make the world more involute and make people completely flat in the virtual world. The other side believes that the Metaverse can make the world a better place, but the Metaverse will not completely make people lie down. I personally agree more with the latter. First of all, our entry into the metaverse is not cost-free. We still need to work hard to maintain our identity system when we enter the metaverse. And judging from past experience, entertainment projects such as games and high-definition videos will promote the development of the semiconductor industry, and the Metaverse will be no exception. Metaverse expert Chen Xu mentioned in his "12 Lectures on the Metaverse" an example of reducing the cost of subsequent demolition and renovation in urban construction through pre-simulation of the Metaverse. In fact, the application scenarios of the Metaverse are by no means limited to games and entertainment. It may also empower various industries such as management, education, and work. We believe that the Metaverse application is comparable to the "Internet+" of previous years. At this stage, it can improve social efficiency and its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

However, the Metaverse is still in its early stages of development, and opportunities and risks coexist. We can lay out the concept of the Metaverse from the following three aspects. The first is the "network layer", which is the foundation of the Metaverse, including communication infrastructure equipment companies; the second is the "application layer", which is responsible for realizing the identity recognition and value exchange functions of the Metaverse, mainly including NFT-based blockchain technology company; and finally, the "perception layer", which is responsible for completing the connection between virtual and human sensory perception, including sensors, virtual reality and augmented reality equipment.

Operational strategy

In the short term, the index still needs to fluctuate and consolidate, and the structural market characteristics are obvious. Among them, undervalued and small and medium-sized market capitalization varieties still dominate in terms of equity. It is recommended to use the shock process in December to lay out the market situation at the beginning of next year, and pay attention to the new and old infrastructure industries that were the main line of stable growth logic yesterday, as well as the opportunities in the Metaverse industry mentioned today.

[Guangfa Securities Senior Investment Advisor Li Yanjun, practicing certificate number: S0260612110012]

D. Are on-chain conferences a scam?

Industry trends:
Coinbase plans this year Expand 2,000 employees in product, engineering and design departments
MiHoYo establishes Metaverse brand HoYoverse to create an immersive virtual world experience
Ubisoft employees still strongly oppose the company’s NFT blockchain plan
The "Yuanverse" social software gel was taken off the shelves and new users were suspended
Due to a lot of controversy, the British WWF announced the termination of the NFT project
Policy related:
China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Prevent the use of Illegal fund-raising in the name of “Yuanverse”
Jiangxi issued opinions to accelerate the application of blockchain technology and industrial development
Futian District Government Work Report: Expand the application scenarios of Yuanverse and other technologies in multiple fields
Central Bank: Domestic virtual currency trading and token issuance financing platforms are closed
Jiangxi: Explore the establishment of the Metaverse Alliance and support the planning and construction of the Metaverse Experimental Zone in Nanchang
Zhejiang announced the implementation of differential electricity prices for virtual currency “mining” electricity. Price increase of 0.50 yuan per kilowatt hour
Technical innovation:
Engineers from JPMorgan Chase and other companies: Quantum key distribution network can protect the blockchain from quantum computing attacks
Investment and financing situation:
Metaverse social platform BUD completes US$15 million in Series A+ financing, led by Qiming Venture Partners
Blockchain startup 5ire secures US$100 million in capital commitments from GEM
Stronghold launches US$100 million investment fund to focus on Fintech, Web3 and Blockchain fields
Gnosis Safe Ecological Foundation Safe Foundation is seeking to complete US$100 million in financing with US$1.25 billion
Industry application:
Universiade issues thematic digital collection for the first time
Special attention: digital currency
The Central Bank of Zambia is expected to complete the CBDC study in the fourth quarter
Prime Minister of Jamaica: The Central Bank of Jamaica will launch a digital currency in 2022
Gyro Comments
Policy aspects , this week according to Jiangxi Daily, Jiangxi Province will explore the establishment of the Metaverse Alliance to support Nanchang’s planning and construction of the Metaverse Experimental Zone, and the Jiangxi Science and Technology Department has positioned 2022 as the year of breakthrough in the quality of VR industry development. The province’s VR and related Industrial operating income strives to achieve 80 billion yuan. In fact, Nanchang has already had clues about the development of Metaverse. As early as 2016, Nanchang announced the creation of the world's first city-level VR industry base, and later introduced a number of well-known VR-related fields such as Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent, Microsoft, and Qualcomm. Leading enterprises, and in this year’s 14th Five-Year Plan, Nanchang also clearly mentioned the layout of a VR Science and Technology Innovation City for major technological innovations, aiming to create a leading area for the development of the world’s VR industry. In addition, Nanchang, as the provincial capital of JiangxiAlthough there is still a certain gap between Nanchang and surrounding provincial capitals in terms of economic aggregate, talent and technology, it has a strong industrial foundation in aviation, automobiles, optical equipment, precision instruments and other fields. Coupled with its vigorous promotion of the VR industry, Nanchang has developed in the Yuanverse industry. Already have some head start. Coincidentally, Jiangxi recently issued a special blockchain policy "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Application of Blockchain Technology and Industrial Development in Jiangxi Province". It can be seen that Jiangxi is very determined in fields related to the Yuanverse industry, and whether it can rely on the VR industry to achieve We still have to wait and see about overtaking in the metaverse field.
In terms of application, following the upsurge of digital collections in the Winter Olympics, the first digital collection of the Chengdu Universiade "Universiade Digital Emblem" was officially launched. It is reported that this digital collection is based on the 1:1 model of the Chengdu Universiade emblem. performed on the platform. In recent times, as the popularity of digital collections continues to increase, digital collection trading platforms that mainly provide product construction and matchmaking transactions have also emerged one after another. Not only Internet companies such as BATJ have entered the game, but also Visual China, Tianxiaxiu, and Hainan International Cultural Artworks Trading centers are also being actively launched. Although compared with overseas NFTs, my country's digital collections have stripped away their financial and hype attributes. Currently, most collection platforms have clear prohibitions on secondary sales or transfers. However, there are still some platforms that are gradually opening up the market, such as Whale Explorer. It is proposed that Alipay friends can be added after 180 days, and this Universiade emblem issuance platform is the only one that can directly realize secondary trading of derivatives. However, consumers still need to be reminded that on the one hand, the metadata of digital collections are currently mostly stored in centralized institutions. The scale and technical strength of the institutions are too small, and the control of data security and smart contract vulnerabilities is low, and the risk has also increased sharply; On the other hand, in the current digital collection market, digitality is significantly higher than artistry. There is no perfect price discovery mechanism yet, and restrictions on secondary sales have also directly eliminated its transaction attributes. Currently, high-priced digital collections still need to be purchased and sold. Be on high alert.
In terms of industry, according to sources, Ubisoft employees are still strongly opposed to the company's NFT blockchain plan. Previously, Ubisoft's NFT platform Ubisoft Quartz was also boycotted by many gamers, and the French union Solidaires Informatique even Publicly denounced NFT-related technology on social platforms as a "useless, expensive, ecologically damaging technology" and even equated it with illegal activities such as money laundering in the statement. Fundamentally, the asset scarcity and financial attributes advocated by NFT are contrary to the mainstream view of fairness and no barriers in the current game industry. Some people believe that the nature of making money will directly affect the fun of the game. Based on Ubisoft's "Ghost Recon" Taking the NFT prop helmet released in "Breakpoint" as an example, players need to have at least 600 hours of game time to receive it. In addition, this model will attract many speculative players and artificially create scarcity of in-game assets. Due to the tradability of NFT, its trading and hype have actually increased game fees and game costs from another angle.threshold. This is nothing more than large-scale PC games and console game platforms showing a cautious attitude towards NFT. The Steam platform even directly introduced regulations to ban NFT and chain games. However, Ubisoft also stated that it will continue to promote NFT game plans, and follow-up NFT will be used in large games. Its direction remains a mystery.
Part 1 Industry News
Coinbase plans to hire 2,000 employees in product, engineering and design departments this year
Coinbase Chief People Officer LJ Brock announced that Coinbase plans to hire 2,000 employees in product, engineering and design teams this year up to 2,000 employees to expand existing products and build new ones.
LJ Brock said that Coinbase is also expanding to include products that host user-generated content (such as NFT). At the same time, Coinbase Wallet’s plans are also “ambitious” and the team will work hard to enhance its security, ease of use, and accessibility. sex.
MiHoYo established the metaverse brand HoYoverse to create an immersive virtual world experience
Gyro Technology News, today (February 14), the new brand HoYoverse founded by miHoYo was officially announced.
According to the official website announcement, HoYoverse aims to create and deliver immersive virtual world experiences to players around the world through various entertainment services. Its mission is to create a "grand virtual world driven by content", with games, animations and other entertainment Genres merge here to provide players with a high degree of freedom and immersion.
Ubisoft employees remain vehemently opposed to the company’s NFT blockchain plans
Last week, a conflict broke out between gaming giant Ubisoft Entertainment and many of its employees surrounding plans to adopt encryption in the company’s video games intensified. On February 10, Ubisoft outlined its thoughts on using blockchain technology in an email to employees. The announcement, posted on an internal company message board, prompted hundreds of negative comments from employees. One said it was a "very embarrassing day" for Ubisoft employees. The company has faced criticism from fans and employees alike since launching Ubisoft's Quartz platform. The platform allows players of the shooting game Ghost Recon to buy and sell certain devices as NFTs. In December, the company held a staff meeting to defend the plan. The company has since moved forward with the plan despite internal uproar. (The Straits Times)
The “Yuanverse” social software Jelly voluntarily removed itself from the shelves and suspended the entry of new users
The “Yuanverse” social software Jelly APP fell into trouble after reaching the top spot in the Apple App Store. Rumors suspected of leaking user information. On the evening of the 13th, Jelly APP issued an announcement stating that it had chosen to actively remove the app from the app store and suspend the entry of new users during the large-scale system upgrade period, focusing on improving the existing user experience.
Jelly APP stated in the announcement that in recent days, Jelly has encountered continuous and organized attacks, malicious rumors have been spread on major platforms, and negative reviews have been written by trolls in the app store. In response, Jelly has taken decisive legal action. (Xiaoxiang Morning News)
Due to a lot of controversy, the British WWF announced the termination of the NFT project
The British World Wildlife Fund (WWF) announced on its website that it would terminate a project aimed at selling products through NFT. conservation effort, a move that has generated a great deal of controversy. WWF UK wrote: “We would like to thank everyone who has generously supported our conservation efforts by purchasing NFTs. We have now agreed with our partners to cease this attempt. We recognize that NFTs are a highly contentious issue and regarding this new We all have a lot to learn about the market, which is why we will now fully assess the impact of this endeavor and think about how we can best continue to innovate and keep our supporters engaged." The NFT launch was originally scheduled for 2 March 3rd. These NFTs represent 13 endangered animal species, such as giant pandas, Galapagos penguins, and Cross River gorillas. The collection includes a total of 7,900 NFTs, which corresponds to the actual number of surviving members of each species in the wild. According to the project’s Discord, the minting cost of the NFT ranges from 0.05 ETH (~$150) to 0.25 ETH (~$750) and will be minted on Polygon. (The Block)
Part 2 Policy related
China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Prevent illegal fund-raising in the name of “Yuan Universe”

According to official news, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a notice on preventing illegal fund-raising in the name of “Yuan Universe” Risk warning for illegal fund-raising in the name of "Yuanverse", the specific content is as follows:
Recently, some criminals have taken advantage of the hot spots and absorbed funds under the names of "Yuanshi Investment Project" and "Yuanshi Chain Games", suspected of illegal fund-raising, fraud, etc. Regarding illegal and criminal activities, the relevant techniques and risks are now disclosed as follows:
1. Fabricating false Yuanverse investment projects. Some criminals are speculating on concepts such as game production, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality related to the Metaverse, fabricating and packaging high-tech investment projects with numerous names, publicizing and falsely advertising high profits, and taking the opportunity to absorb public funds, thereby engaging in illegal fund-raising and fraud. and other illegal behavior characteristics.
2. Fraud under the banner of Metaverse blockchain game. Some criminals bundle the concept of "Metaverse" and claim to "make money while playing games" and "short investment cycle and high returns" to trick participants into investing by exchanging virtual currency and purchasing game equipment. This type of game is highly deceptive, and there are risks such as withdrawing money and running away.
3. Maliciously speculating on Yuanverse real estate to make money. Some criminals use the concept of hot spots in the Metaverse to exaggerate expectations of rising virtual real estate prices, artificially creating the illusion of panic buying and luring people into the market for hoarding transactions. You must be wary of the risks of such speculation.
4. Engage in illegal profit-making from Metaverse virtual currency in disguised form. Some don'tThe criminals claim that the virtual currency they issued will be the "currency of the metaverse" in the future, inducing the public to purchase and invest. This type of “virtual currency” is often an air currency spontaneously created by criminals, who mainly make illegal profits through behind-the-scenes means such as manipulating prices and setting withdrawal thresholds.
Jiangxi issued opinions to accelerate the application of blockchain technology and industrial development
According to Nanchang News Network, recently, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Cyberspace Administration of China jointly issued "Jiangxi Province Accelerates the Promotion of Blockchain Technology" "Implementation Opinions on Application and Industrial Development" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which proposes that by 2025, the comprehensive competitiveness of the province's blockchain industry will be comprehensively improved, the ability of independent technological innovation will be greatly enhanced, and the integration and development of the new generation of information technology will be closer , and achieved positive results in empowering the real economy, improving public service supply, and strengthening government governance capabilities. Form a group of well-known competitive enterprises, well-known brands and representative products, and create 2 to 3 blockchain industry development clusters. The "Opinions" clearly define the construction of a famous blockchain park, the cultivation of famous blockchain enterprises, and the creation of famous blockchain products.
Futian District Government Work Report: Expand Metaverse and other technology application scenarios in multiple fields
Gyro Technology News, "Metaverse" was written into the Shenzhen District Government report for the first time, the Eighth People's Congress of Futian District on January 21, 2022 The government work report at the second meeting pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the three-year action plan for the development of the digital economy, explore the establishment of a digital economy monitoring and evaluation system, and vigorously develop new digital infrastructure, new digital technology, new digital manufacturing, digital new finance, The six major digital industries of digital new culture and digital new commerce will actively introduce leading enterprises and demonstration projects in the digital economy, promote the accelerated implementation of technological transformation achievements in future industries such as blockchain, quantum information, and brain-like intelligence, and expand digital renminbi, Technology application scenarios such as Yuan Universe will solidly promote the construction of Shenzhen Data Trading Center and create a new highland for digital economic development.
Central Bank: Close domestic virtual currency trading and token issuance financing platforms
On February 11, the People’s Bank of China released the “China Monetary Policy Implementation Report for the Fourth Quarter of 2021” (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”).

The "Report" pointed out that important results have been achieved in preventing and resolving major financial risks. Focus on rectifying financial chaos and severely crack down on financial illegal and criminal activities. Removal of unlicensed Internet asset management institutions, unlicensed payment institutions, equity crowdfunding platforms, and illegal online mutual aid platforms. All P2P online lending platforms have withdrawn from operations. Close domestic virtual currency trading and token issuance financing platforms. (CCTV Finance)
Jiangxi: Explore the establishment of the Metaverse Alliance to support the planning and construction of the Metaverse Experimental Zone in Nanchang
The Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Province has announced that 2022 will be positioned as the year of breakthrough in the quality of VR industry development. The province’s VR and The operating income of related industries strives to reach 80 billion yuan. Gather the existing scientific and technological innovation platforms, leading enterprises and other innovative forces in the province to explore the establishment of the Metaverse Alliance to build a first-class Metaverse R&D platform in the country, focusing on the four directions of Metaverse hardware entrance, underlying architecture, artificial intelligence, content and scenarios.Standardize the formulation of standards and supervise the production of development tools to reorganize and improve the catalog of key core technologies and "stuck neck" technologies of virtual reality, and carry out exploration of the development priorities and development paths of the Metaverse; support the planning and construction of the Metaverse Experimental Zone in Nanchang, and create a digital economy industry cluster, focusing on Develop key digital economy industries such as VR/AR, artificial intelligence and 5G, and digital cultural creation. (Jiangxi Daily)
Zhejiang announced the implementation of differential electricity prices for virtual currency “mining” electricity, with an increase of 0.50 yuan per kilowatt hour
Recently, the Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued a policy on the implementation of differential electricity prices for virtual currency mining electricity Notice of relevant matters. According to the notice, in order to rectify virtual currency mining activities, further promote energy conservation and emission reduction, and help achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals as scheduled, differential electricity prices will be implemented for virtual currency mining in Zhejiang Province, and the price increase standard is per kilowatt. 0.50 yuan per hour.
In addition, the Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission also requires development and reform departments at all levels to strengthen the dynamic screening of virtual currency mining electricity. For the same power user, if there is a mix of virtual currency mining electricity and other electricity, All electricity consumption will be subject to differential electricity pricing policies. If the policy implementation time is less than one meter reading cycle, it can be determined by multiplying the daily average electricity consumption in the corresponding meter reading cycle by the number of days during which the differential electricity price policy should be implemented. (Official website of Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission)
Part 3 Technological Innovation
Engineers from JPMorgan Chase and other companies: Quantum key distribution network can protect blockchain from quantum computing attacks

From A team of quantum computing engineers from JPMorgan Chase & Co., Toshiba Corp. and Ciena Corp. published a paper stating that they have demonstrated that a newly developed quantum key distribution (QKD) network can be used to protect communications on the blockchain. Quantum key distribution is an ultra-secure two-way communication network powered by quantum physics as a way to protect blockchains from quantum computing attacks. (QKD) Network (metro)
Part 4 Investment and Financing
Metaverse social platform BUD completed $15 million in Series A+ financing, led by Qiming Venture Partners

February 14 , the Metaverse social platform BUD Technologies, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "BUD") announced the completion of a $15 million A+ round of financing. This round of financing was led by Qiming Venture Partners, with existing shareholders Source Code Capital, GGV Capital, and Cloud9 Capital exceeding the amount. Following the investment, Mumian Capital served as the exclusive financial advisor for this round. This round of funds will be mainly used for overseas business research and development and growth.
Blockchain startup 5ire secures $100 million in capital commitments from GEM
Blockchain startup 5ire announced that it has secured $100 million in capital commitments from GEM Global Yield LLC SCS (GGY) to Seeking IPO application. In addition, before this capital injection, 5ire completed a US$21 million seed round of financing at a valuation of US$110 million. Alphabit, Marshland Capital, Launchpool Labs, Moonrock Capital, etc. participated in the investment. (EconomicTimes.IndiaTimes)
Stronghold launches US$100 million investment fund, focusing on financial technology, Web3 and blockchain fields
Payment and financial infrastructure company Stronghold announced the launch of US$100 million investment fund Stronghold Capital, which will target Investing in three core areas: overlooked and underrepresented founders and fund managers, payments and fintech ecosystems, and Web3 and blockchain ecosystems. Stronghold CEO and co-founder Tammy Camp will serve as fund manager at Stronghold Capital.
The fund has invested in Alameda Research through Maple Finance’s DeFi lending and has invested in Precursor Ventures, which supports promising seed-stage innovators and is seeking to invest in founders who are women, LGBTQ+ or Black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC) companies. Stronghold CEO Tammy Camp said, "Stronghold Capital will create opportunities to develop new products and business models that improve financial infrastructure for everyone." (Businesswire)
Gnosis Safe Ecological Foundation Safe Foundation is seeking to raise $1.25 billion Completed US$100 million in financing
On February 16, Gnosis Safe Ecological Foundation Safe Foundation is seeking to complete US$100 million in financing at a valuation of US$1.25 billion. This round of financing has currently received US$65 million in financing commitments, 1kx, Dragonfly Capital, Coinbase Ventures, Blockchain Capital and Zee Prime participated in the investment. This round of funding will be used to expand team members, provide Safe Foundation with operating capital, and provide financial support in the form of fiat currency for three years.
It is reported that whether this round of financing can be successfully completed depends on whether the Gnosis community GIP-29 (split the Gnosis Safe project from Gnosis Ltd, establish SafeDAO and issue SAFE Token) proposal can be successfully passed. If the proposal is passed, Gnosis Safe An independent SafeDAO will be established and a SAFE Token will be created to manage the Gnosis Safe ecosystem and infrastructure while protecting some of the project'sKey assets such as IP, domain names, and GitHub repositories; if the proposal fails, the financing will not be completed. GIP-29 voting is expected to close on the evening of February 16, Beijing time.
Part 5 Industry Application
Universiade releases themed digital collection for the first time

The 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu (referred to as "Chengdu Universiade") will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan in June 2022 hold. In order to let more people share the spirit of the Universiade, the Chengdu Universiade will launch a series of Universiade-themed digital collections. This is the first time in the history of the Universiade that digital cultural and creative products have been issued. Among them, the Chengdu Universiade's first digital collection "Universiade Digital Emblem" has been officially launched. The Universiade digital emblem is modeled 1:1 based on the Chengdu Universiade emblem. It will go on sale at 18:00 on February 14. The price is 19.9 yuan. The global limited edition is 10,000 pieces. It will be sold globally through China's first digital art e-commerce platform. . (Chengdu Daily·Jinguan News)
Special attention: digital currency
The Central Bank of Zambia is expected to complete the CBDC study in the fourth quarter

The Central Bank of Zambia said it is expected to complete the CBDC study in the fourth quarter of 2022. A study was completed in the fourth quarter to explore the benefits of launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The bank, which has been weighing the pros and cons of creating a digital currency, said the results of the study will help determine whether launching a CBDC would be beneficial.
The Bank of Zambia, like some of its peers on the continent, wants to launch a digital currency as it believes it has the potential to close financial exclusion gaps and reduce transaction costs. However, before launching a CBDC, the central bank said it needed to know the results of the study. Nkatya Kabwe, acting director of communications at the central bank, said the findings will form part of policy considerations on whether to introduce a central bank digital currency in Zambia. (CoinDesk)
Prime Minister of Jamaica: Central Bank of Jamaica will launch digital currency in 2022
The Bank of Jamaica will launch its digital currency soon this year. Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness said the new plan will serve the country’s digital payments foundation and facilitate further initiatives such as financial inclusion, increased transaction speeds and lower banking costs for citizens. Holness revealed the news on Twitter along with several other upcoming plans. “Following a successful pilot in 2021, the Bank of Jamaica will launch our own digital Jamaican dollar in 2022.” It is reported that in December 2021, the Bank of Jamaica stated that it had successfully completed a pilot project to issue 230 million digital Jamaican dollars. (Coinquora)

E. “Metaverse” is popular, what is this thing?

Metaverse is linked and created using scientific and technological means, and mirrors the real world and interactive virtual world, a digital living space with a new social system. [12]
The metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires a lot of transformation of content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. [23] It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, and closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system. , and allows each user to perform content production and world editing. [23]
The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. , so far it seems that it still describes an advanced future world. [1] Regarding the "metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a brain-computer system. Interface to enter and gain sensory experience in the virtual world.

F. Is there any industrial and commercial registration for the development of Metaverse?

Is there any industrial and commercial registration?
The popularity of the Metaverse continues to increase, and major Internet companies have become involved in it, including industries such as gaming, social tourism, and even the real estate industry has begun to speculate on housing prices in the Metaverse. From this, it can be seen that companies engaged in Yuanverse business are technology companies, innovative companies and Internet companies.
The Metaverse is a virtual reality world. It is not only suitable for technology companies, but also cultural companies can participate in the Metaverse world.

G. The Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention is released. What is stipulated in the convention?

The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires a thorough understanding of content production and economy. A lot of improvements have been made to the system, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the metaverse is orderly and followable. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms with the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols.

H. The real estate speculators "entered" the virtual real estate of the Yuanverse. Is it worth using real money to buy virtual real estate?

What is the sudden explosion of the Yuanverse? Is it good or bad?

It is a very stupid thing to use real money to purchase virtual real estate.

With the continuous development of society, people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, and technology has played an increasingly important role in our lives. The release of new technological products has greatly changed our daily lives. However, in many people's circles of friends, a word has been used to describe it. This term is called the metaverse. Many people may have heard of this term, but don’t know what it means. In fact, in layman’s terms, it means completing a series of tasks in real life in virtual life.matter.

I hope everyone should have a deep understanding of the concept of the Metaverse before investing. Although many bloggers on the Internet today are touting the Metaverse, after all, this is only a concept in the experimental stage and has not been implemented in our actual lives. There are still many aspects that need to be worked together in the future, so that Let's keep our eyes open and bid farewell to these harmful things.

I. How to buy a house in the Metaverse

Summary In September 2021, Tianxiaxiu launched its own Metaverse social platform "Hong Kong Universe", and it is expected to issue 350,000 houses, with prices Prices range from 8.8 yuan to 88 yuan. During the second round of subscription of 20,000 units on November 3, more than 100,000 people registered to snap up. In the secondary trading market, multiple accounts were sold for tens of thousands of yuan, and an island villa was even priced at 530,000 yuan! The transaction prices on Xianyu are generally between 1,000-3,000 yuan, far exceeding the subscription price.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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