宇宙战舰大和号次元潜艇舰长 宇宙战舰大和号2199次元潜航舰舰长

Ⅰ 关于动漫:宇宙战舰大和号的一个问题,大和号的路线究竟是什么啊,他

歌手 ささきいさお

saraba chikyuu yo tabidatsu fune wa
uchuu senkan YAMATO
uchuu no kanata ISUKANDARU e
unmei seoi ima tobidatsu
kanarazu koko e kaette kuruto
te wo furu hito ni egao de kotae

ginga wo hanare ISUKANDARU e
harubaru nozomu
uchuu senkan YAMATO

saraba chikyuu yo tabidatsu fune wa
uchuu senkan YAMATO
uchuu no kanata ISUKANDARU e
unmei seoi ima tobidatsu
kanarazu koko e kaette kuruto
te wo furu hito ni egao de kotae

ginga wo hanare ISUKANDARU e
harubaru nozomu
uchuu senkan YAMATO

saraba chikyuu yo aisuru hito yo
uchuu senkan YAMATO
chikyuu wo sukuu shimei wo obite
tatakau otoko moeru ROMAN
dareka ga kore wo yaraneba naranu
kitai no hito ga oretachi naraba

ginga wo hanare ISUKANDARU e
harubaru nozomu
uchuu senkan YAMATO

Ⅱ 影片《宇宙战舰大和号》主要剧情。


Ⅲ 求宇宙战舰大和号其他战舰的详细参数


Ⅳ 宇宙战舰大和号2199的角色介绍

沉着冷静,拥有强韧的意志和不屈的斗志。对宇宙拥有丰富的知识,同时拥有老战士和老学者的两种身份。也因如此,比起军人更想作为一名学者探索外宇宙。 古代进
家人、亲属除了哥哥古代守外,包括父亲刚(配音:森田顺平)、母亲纪子(配音:津田匠子)、叔父芳雄(配音:板取政明)、叔母真希(配音:三浦绫乃),但在他14岁时均因游星炸弹攻击而死,因此孑然一身。 森雪
家人有担任外务次官的父亲直之与母亲,但在一年前的事件中亡故。由于直之与土方是老朋友,因此森雪由土方负责监护。 岛大介
由于父亲大吾(阶级为一佐)在与卡米拉斯首度遭遇时战死,因此对卡米拉斯有种强烈的敌忾心。老家是以包括母亲沙织(配音:三浦绫乃)与弟弟次郎(配音:小松未可子)组成的母子家庭。 真田志郎
与古代守为宇宙防卫大学时代的好友(同旧作设定),新见薰则为其学妹。私下好读古代守交给他的中原中也与萩原朔太郎诗集。 德川彦左卫门
机关科/机关长。阶级为三佐。着白橘色制服。爱知县出身,62岁。第二次火星海域海战时,为战舰“雾岛”号机关长。 南部康雄
家人有父亲康造(配音:松本忍)、母亲登纪子(配音:榊原奈绪子)。 相原义一
本作中造型改为眉毛变细、浏海变短。另外还附加了怕鬼的设定。姓名的日文读音未采用旧作企画书与《大和号III》中的“あいはら ぎいち”,而使用旧作本篇与其他作品中所使用的“あいはら よしかず”。
与旧作相同,年老的父母仍在地球等待他归来,但相原在归途中恢复与地球的通讯时,得知了父亲的死讯。 太田健二郎
航海科/气象长,阶级为三尉。大阪府出身,21岁。 佐渡酒造
卫生长,舰医,地位相当于二佐。54岁。新潟县出生。 榎本勇
掌帆长,前任伍长,阶级为曹长。36岁。青森县出生。 新见熏
本作新登场人物,技术科/情报长,阶级为一尉。27岁。东京都出生。拥有心理学博士。兼任心理辅导工作。 山本玲
名字的日文读音,与旧作中的角色山本明相同。 原田真琴
本作新登场人物,卫生科/卫生士,担任旧作由森雪兼任的护士工作。阶级为?(曹长以下,士长以上)。21岁。秋田县出生。 岬百合亚
本作新登场人物,船务科/候补生,森雪的代班人员。阶级为准尉(阶级非两条金线二尉)。17岁。 加藤三郎
战术科/航空队,航空队队长,阶级为二尉。王牌飞行员。北海道出身。23岁。 篠原弘树
本作新登场人物,相当于旧作角色山本明。战术科/航空队,为航空队副队长。阶级为三尉。栃木县出身。24岁。 山崎奖
机关科/应急长,阶级为二尉。熊本县出身。45岁。 薮助治
最后加入次元潜航舰UX-01。 平田一
主计科/主计长。阶级为一尉。著橘色制服。长崎县出身。23岁。 伊东真也
对尤莉夏说:“拜托你把大和号带到伊斯坎达尔,一定要救救地球。” 星名透
本作新登场人物,保安部员。阶级为准尉(阶级非两条金线二尉)。东京都出身。18岁。 岩田新平
战术科/运用员。阶级为三曹。德岛县出身。27岁。 远山清
战术科/运用员。阶级为宙士长。埼玉县出身。23岁。 西条未来
本作新登场人物,船务科/船务士。阶级为一曹(一等宙曹),森雪的职务代理人之一。岛根县出身。20岁。 北野哲也
战术科/宙雷士,古代进的职务代理人之一。阶级为宙士长。宫城县出身。20岁。 AU09/分析者(Analyzer):长岛雄一
与旧作不同的是并非从医院中搬来的机器人,而是最初即以大和号辅助电脑的立场存在,且为能自由行动的独立个体。 古代守 :宫本充 古代进的兄长,属第一舰队的驱逐舰“雪风”号舰长。28岁。阶级为三佐。神奈川县出身。 与旧作不同的是,在大和号到达伊斯坎达尔时早已死亡。但透过伊斯坎达尔的科学力将其记忆保存,成为起动宇宙恢复系统的核心。 部下有副舰长石津一尉(配音:原田晃)等人。 土方龙 :石冢运升 联合国宇宙军・空间防卫总队司令官。56岁。阶级为宙将。东京都出身。 设定上与旧作《再见,宇宙战舰大和号》与《宇宙战舰大和号2》一样,是古代与岛的恩师,以及冲田的友人。本作中反映了这些作品的设定,并有与冲田同台的场景。另外还追加了身为森雪监护人的设定。 藤堂平九郎 :小川真司 地球联邦・远东管区行政长官。“大和计划”本部长。59岁。高知县出身。 性格温厚冷静,对大和计划寄予强烈的期待。并预料到出云计划派会动手干扰,而对星名透下达了密令。 与旧作不同之处是在本片中并非设定成军人,而是文官。 芹泽虎铁 :玄田哲章 联合国宇宙军・远东管区军务局长。55岁。阶级为宙将。茨城县出身。是导致岛大介之父岛大吾(阶级为一佐)在与卡米拉斯首度遭遇时战死的罪魁祸首。 山南修 :江原正士
第一舰队旗舰(雾岛号)舰长。阶级为一佐。48岁。兵库县出身。 旧作能去除放射线的“宇宙清洗器D”在本作中更改为能使行星取回原本面貌的“宇宙回复系统(Cosmo Reverse System)”。
尤莉夏.伊斯坎达尔 :桑岛法子
大和号的其中一个任务,便是排除万难将她送回伊斯坎达尔星。 本作中均设定了各人物的全名(旧作的角色名于本作中则设定为姓氏)。
本作中并且还设定了特别由语言学者监修的卡米拉斯语,在第一章的对话场景台词中加入日文字幕,自第二章之后则以配音(同旧作)与字幕方式并用。分析者曾经借由分析在第9集中修复的卡米拉斯傀儡机器人欧尔塔的语言中枢,试图分析卡米拉斯语,但梅尔达的反应则是“难以理解”。另一方面,卡米拉斯拥有的翻译机(装在颈上)能够自动翻译各式语言给配戴者,也能让配戴者说出让其他听者理解的语言。 一等卡米拉斯人 亚伯特.戴斯拉:山寺宏一


银河方面军司令长官德美尔之妻,在森雪被抓获后全程为她给予照料,她把雪当成是伊斯坎达尔人。 二等卡米拉斯臣民 瓦尔凯.舒兹:岛香裕

Ⅳ 宇宙战舰大和号大结局


Ⅵ 宇宙战舰大和号3的影片简介

中文名:宇宙战舰大和号 3
日文名:宇宙戦舰ヤマト III
英文名:Star Blazers:the Bolar War
首次播出时间:1980年10月11日~1981年4月4日 (全25话) 23世纪初,两个企图称霸银河系的星际国家——比姆拉首相领导的Bolar联邦和迪斯拉总统领导的Galman-Gamilus帝国在交战中,一枚质子导弹误入太阳系。在刮碎了土门龙介父母乘坐的太阳观光船后,导弹射入太阳,导致太阳的核聚变反应加剧,将在1年内发生超新星爆炸,毁灭银河系。

Ⅶ 宇宙战舰大和号2199第二季


Ⅰ Regarding the anime: A question about Space Battleship Yamato, what is the route of Yamato?

Space Battleship Yamato
Singer ささきいさお

saraba chikyuu yo tabidatsu fune wa
uchuu senkan YAMATO
uchuu no kanata ISUKANDARU e
unmei seoi ima tobidatsu
kanarazu koko e kaette kuruto
te wo furu hito ni egao de kotae

ginga wo hanare ISUKANDARU e
harubaru nozomu
uchuu senkan YAMATO

saraba chikyuu yo tabidatsu fune wa
uchuu senkan YAMATO
uchuu no kanata ISUKANDARU e
unmei seoi ima tobidatsu
kanarazu koko e kaette kuruto
te wo furu hito ni egao de kotae

ginga wo hanare ISUKANDARU e
harubaru nozomu
uchuu senkan YAMATO

saraba chikyuu yo aisuru hito yo
uchuu senkan YAMATO
chikyuu wo sukuu shimei wo obite
tatakau otoko moeru ROMAN
dareka ga kore wo yaraneba naranu
kitai no hito ga oretachi naraba

ginga wo hanare ISUKANDARU e
harubaru nozomu
uchuu senkan YAMATO

Ⅱ The main plot of the movie "Space Battleship Yamato".

2199 AD, the earth is on the verge of destruction due to the attack by the mysterious planet Gamilas. The radioactive energy released by the asteroid bombs polluted the surface of the earth. Humanity had no choice but to escape underground and survive. Even the Earth Defense Force's space fleet, the ultimate hope, was completely destroyed in the Battle of Pluto. Just when mankind is in despair, the star Iskandar, which is 148,000 light-years away, brings hope to the earth. The Yamato, equipped with a "wave engine", is slowly starting up and is about to embark on a vast journey of 296,000 light-years back and forth...
Pluto is getting closer and closer. In order to eliminate the impact of the star bomb on the earth, Threatened, the Yamato planned to attack the Pluto base, and the commander of the Pluto base of Garmillas planned to use the latest weapon "reflective satellite cannon" to fight back. The Yamato entered the range of the reflective satellite cannon, but because there were other creatures on Pluto, it was unable to launch a counterattack with the wave cannon. Under the concentrated firepower attack of the reflective satellite cannon, the Yamato's braking device began to produce abnormalities, and finally sank into the depths of Pluto's seafloor...
Due to Yamato's heroic performance in the Battle of Pluto, the asteroid bomb was finally deactivated It has long been a threat to the earth, but it has also attracted the attention of Desra, the president of the Garmillas Empire. After leaving the solar system, the Yamato quickly headed towards Iskandar, but encountered the obstruction of the Desra mine defense line on the way. Faced with such a huge minefield, Captain Okita decided to use the distance between the minefields to directly cross the minefield to save time. Unexpectedly, the group of minefields quietly narrowed the distance and surrounded the Yamato, making the Yamato unable to move. In danger...
The Yamato strives to move forward towards the "Baran Star", the midway point between the Earth and the Large Magellanic Cloud. However, the victorious general Domel of the Garmillas Empire is already in the star field. Deploy heavy troops to wait for work. Domel, who is good at strategizing, uses the Gamila base on the Baran star as bait. On the one hand, he induces the Yamato to attack the base with all his strength. On the other hand, he takes the opportunity to remotely control the fall of the artificial sun orbiting the Baran star. Hit the Yamato directly. After discovering this, the Yamato immediately turned 180 degrees in an attempt to destroy the artificial sun with a wave cannon, but it seemed that it was too late...
After some twists and turns, the Yamato finally arrived at the Large Magellanic Cloud, especially after receiving When Stasia sent out the induction wave, the tense atmosphere in the Yamato ship suddenly dissipated, and the earth was finally saved! Following Stasia's guidance, the Yamato immediately headed towards the star field where Iskandar was located. Unexpectedly, when it was about to reach its destination, the induced radio waves were suddenly interrupted. At this time, what came into view was a twin star composed of two planets. , is that Iskandar? Just as all members of the Yamato were in doubt, a large number of missiles suddenly flew from the direction of Iskandar...

Ⅲ Requesting the detailed parameters of the Space Battleship Yamato and other battleships

< p>Space Battleship Yamato (belonging to the Earth Defense Force Japan)
(animation version) Full length
Full width
Total height
Basic displacement
114 people
Power system
Fluctuation Engine × 1
Auxiliary engine × 2
Has the ability to jump through folded space
One bow wave gun (converging type).
Main gun: 3 48cm [46cm] three-link shock cannon
Secondary gun: 2 20cm [15cm] caliber three-link shock cannon
Smoke missile launcher (8-gun )
Bow missile launchers × 3 × 2, rear × 3 × 2
Both side missile launchers × 16
Multiple 4-unit air-to-air laser cannons< br />Side mine projector
Wave mine projector
Carrier-based aircraft, carrier-based spacecraft:
ZERO fighter
BLACKTIGER mass-produced fighter
HUNT detection spacecraft
Onshore boat
Medium lightning strike boat
Repair boat
Dual-purpose transport ship inside and outside the atmospheric zone
Various exploration boats
Disc-type life-saving machine
Shinano spy boat
Special equipment:
Inflatable false target to deceive the enemy
(live version)
Full length
Full height
Full width
Cruising speed
0.99 times the speed of light/Has the ability to achieve space jumps by folding space, and travels at super-light speed during space jumps.
Shipborne weapons: main battery: 3 3-bracket impact cannons, secondary battery: 2 3-bundle shock cannons. In addition, it is also equipped with a laser cannon group, a six-link missile launcher on the bow, a seven-link missile launcher on the side, rockets, and a chimney missile launcher. The core weapon is the wave cannon.
Because the wave cannon and wave engine use the same energy source. Therefore, space jump cannot be performed within a certain period of time after the wave cannon is fired.
Carrier-based aircraft: Transformable stealth carrier-based aircraft COSMO
Full length
Full height
Full width
Empty weight
1 (two people can ride together)
High mobility carrier-based aircraft COSMO
Full length< br />-
Full height
Full width
Empty weight
1 person (two people can ride together ) Armored transport aircraft
Full length
Full height
Full width
Designed number of passengers
6 (pilot 2)

IV Character introduction of Space Battleship Yamato 2199

Okita Juzo
Voiced by: Takayuki Sugi
Captain of the Yamato.
Commander of the United Nations Space Navy and United Space Fleet. His rank is Zhou Jiang (Admiral). During the Second Naval Battle of Mars, he was the commander of the First Fleet.
Military registration number: EP2161079980F. Born in Fukushima Prefecture, born on December 8, 2141, 57 years old. Blood type is type O Rh+. His son died in the Second Naval Battle of Mars. He suffered from asteroid bomb syndrome (called "cosmic radiation sickness" in the previous work) a few years ago. He has a doctorate in cosmic physics and hopes to visit the outer universe as a scientist rather than a soldier. Finally, he died of illness when Yamato returned to Earth.
Calm and calm, possessing a strong will and unyielding fighting spirit. He has a wealth of knowledge about the universe and has both the identities of a veteran warrior and a veteran scholar. Because of this, he wants to explore the outer universe as a scholar more than as a soldier. Ancient Jin
Voiced by: Daisuke Ono
Tactical Section Officer/Tactical Chief. His rank is Third Lieutenant (Third Class Lieutenant) → First Lieutenant (First Class Lieutenant). He was originally affiliated with the Space Tactics Section of the 7th Space Marine Regiment. Wearing white and red uniforms.
Born in Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, born on July 7, 2178, 20 years old. In this work, the hair type (three-dimensional interpretation), age, and the latitude and longitude of boarding the Yamato have been changed. In the prologue of the story, in order to recover "Amaterasu" during the battle of "Mi", he appeared together with Shima as an important member of "Nemome". Since the original candidate for the Chief of Tactics (his brother Kushiro Kushi) died in the battle, he was appointed as the Chief of Tactics through a wartime special promotion. Different from the hot-blooded character in the old work who often strikes out decisively, he has become more calm and calm (but still retains theSomewhat passionate) character.
Family members and relatives, in addition to his elder brother Komori, include his father Tsuyoshi (dubbed by: Junpei Morita), mother Noriko (dubbed by Takuko Tsuda), uncle Yoshio (dubbed by: Itadori Masaaki), aunt Maki (dubbed by: Miura Aya) Yes), but they were all killed by a star bomb attack when he was 14 years old, so he was alone. Moriyuki
Voiced by: Noriko Kuwashima
Shipping Section Officer/Shipmaster. The rank is third lieutenant → first lieutenant. Wearing yellow uniform.
Military registration number: EP21807298990.
Originally affiliated to Section 9 of the Operations Department of the Staff Supervision Department (the department that proposed the "Yamato Plan"). Born on December 24, 2180. 19 years old.
In this game, he oversees intelligence, electrical surveying, hull degaussing, communications, cryptography, air traffic control, electronic equipment, etc. He also serves as the chief radar operator on the first bridge. No longer as in the old work, they also serve as the life monitor (in this work, the chief accountant) and the nurse (in this case, the health worker). These positions are shared by Yamamoto Rei (accounting department), Harada Makoto (health worker), and Hirata Kazu (accountant). Long) and other roles to share. While attached to the headquarters, he also served as a classroom instructor explaining the current state of the earth to children.
A year ago, he and Yulishia were involved in an accident. They were seriously injured due to terrorist activities and lost their memory.
The family includes his father, Naoyuki, who served as Vice Foreign Minister, and his mother, who died in the incident a year ago. Since Naoyuki and Hijikata are old friends, Moriyuki is under Hijikata's custody. Daisuke Shima
Voice actor: Kenichi Suzumura
Navigation officer/captain. The rank is third lieutenant → first lieutenant (assumed on February 11). Wearing white and green uniforms.
Military registration number: SNV0079091. Formerly affiliated to the Aerospace Operations Section of the 101st Aerospace Airborne Regiment. Born in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture. Born on August 15, 2178, 20 years old. Blood type B.
In this work, the eyebrows have become thinner, the sideburns have become shorter, and the skin color is slightly darker than in ancient times (the same goes for his younger brother Jiro). In addition, the process of boarding the Yamato has also changed from the ancient times. Because the candidate for the captain was killed in the bombing of Camillas, he was appointed as the captain through a wartime special promotion. Compared with the old work, the personality has also become more cheerful.
Since his father Daigo (ranked as Ichizu) died in battle during his first encounter with Camillas, he has a strong sense of hostility towards Camillas. The hometown is a mother-son family composed of mother Saori (voiced by: Miura Ayano) and younger brother Jiro (voiced by: Komatsu Mikako). Shiro Sanada
Voiced by: Yoshitada Otsuka
Technical Section Officer/Technical Chief, and concurrently serves as the deputy captain of the Yamato. His rank is Sanzuo (third-class school). Formerly affiliated to Section 9 of the Operations Department of the Staff Supervision Department. Born in Nagano Prefecture, 29 years old, 180cm tall. Wearing white, blue or purple uniforms.
The shape in this work clearly outlines the thin eyebrows, and the length of the sideburns is also lengthened to both ends of the chin. The character has been changed to be calmer and more serious-faced than in the previous game.
In the old work, both Sanada’s hands and feet were prosthetic limbs.There is no description of prosthetic limbs.
Mamoru is a friend from the Space Defense University in the past (the same setting as the old game), and Kaoru Nimi is his schoolmate. In private, he enjoyed reading the collection of poems by Nakahara Chuuya and Hagiwara Sakutaro given to him by Komomomo. Tokugawa Hikoemon
Voiced by: Mugito
Organization Section/Chief of the Agency. The rank is Sanzuo. Wearing a white-orange uniform. Born in Aichi Prefecture, 62 years old. During the second naval battle in the waters of Mars, he was the commander of the battleship "Kirishima". Yasuo Nanbu
Voiced by: Akabane Kenji
Tactical Section Officer/Artillery Chief. An ancient office agent. The rank is third lieutenant → second lieutenant (second-class captain). Originally affiliated to the headquarters. Born in Tokyo. 21 years old.
The hair style in the old version was similar to that of ancient times, but in this game, it was changed to short hair, and the setting of Xiao Kai of Nanbu Heavy Industries, who built the Yamato, was clarified. It also has additional settings such as being not very good at observing people's emotions, having a strong sense of elites, and having a slight affection for Sen Xue.
The family includes his father Yasuzou (voiced by Shinobu Matsumoto) and his mother Tokiko (voiced by Naoko Sakakihara). Aihara Giichi
Voiced by: Kokubu Kazuto
Shipping Section Officer/Correspondence Chief. The rank is third lieutenant. Born in Iwate Prefecture, 22 years old.
In this work, the shape has been changed to have thinner eyebrows and shorter bangs. In addition, the setting of being afraid of ghosts is also added. The Japanese pronunciation of the name does not use the "あいはら ぎいち" in the old work's planning book and "Yamato III", but uses the "あいはら よしかず" used in the old work and other works.
Same as the old work, his elderly parents are still waiting for his return on Earth, but when Aihara restored communication with Earth on his way back, he learned of his father's death. Kenjiro Ohta
Voiced by: Chiba Yuki
Navigation Section/Meteorological Chief, rank is third lieutenant. Born in Osaka Prefecture, 21 years old. Sado Shuzo
Voiced by: Shigeru Chiba
Chief of health, ship doctor, status equivalent to second sergeant. 54 years old. Born in Niigata Prefecture. Enomoto Isamu
Voiced by: Fujiwara Keiji
Handho captain, former corps commander, rank as Cao captain. 36 years old. Born in Aomori Prefecture. Niimi Kaoru
Voiced by: Hisakawa Aya
The new character in this work is the technical section/intelligence chief, with the rank of first lieutenant. 27 years old. Born in Tokyo. Has a PhD in Psychology. Part-time psychological counseling work. Yamamoto Rei
Voiced by: Rie Tanaka
The new character in this work is a hybrid of Earth and Mars. Her brother Akio Yamamoto, who was a fighter pilot, has died in the war. Tactical Section/Air Force. The unit he was originally affiliated with was the Accounting Section, but he always wanted to transfer to the Air Force but failed. Later, due to the appreciation of the ancients and his own wishes, he was transferred to the Tactical Air Force. The rank is third lieutenant. 19 years old.
The Japanese pronunciation of the name is the same as the character Yamamoto Akira in the old work. Makoto Harada
Voiced by: Rina Sato
The new character in this work, a health department/hygienist, serves as the director of the old workSen Xue's part-time job as a nurse. What is the rank? (Below Cao Zhang, above Sergeant Major). 21 years old. Born in Akita Prefecture. Yuriya Misaki
Voiced by: Aya Uchida
A new character in this work, a shipping department/substitute student, and Moriyuki's replacement. The rank is warrant officer (the rank is not two gold lines and second lieutenant). 17 years old. Saburo Kato
Voiced by: Yoshimasa Hosotani
Tactical Section/Air Force, Captain of the Air Force, ranked as Second Lieutenant. Ace pilot. Born in Hokkaido. 23 years old. Hiroki Shinohara
Voiced by: Daisuke Hirakawa
The new character in this work is equivalent to the character Akira Yamamoto in the old work. Tactical Section/Air Force, serving as the deputy captain of the Air Force. The rank is third lieutenant. Born in Tochigi Prefecture. 24 years old. Yamazaki Award
Voiced by: Dai Tsuchida
Infrastructure Section/Emergency Chief, rank is Second Lieutenant. Born in Kumamoto Prefecture. 45 years old. Yasukeji
Voiced by: Yuichi Nagashima
Unlike the previous work, he is not the one who started the rebellion on the ship. Machinery department/machine management officer, the rank is one Cao. 33 years old. Born in Mie Prefecture. Disciple of Tokugawa Hikoemon.
Finally, the dimensional submarine ship UX-01 was added. Hirata Kazuki
Voiced by: Ise Fumihide
Accounting Section/Comptroller. The rank is First Lieutenant. Wearing orange uniform. Born in Nagasaki Prefecture. 23 years old. Shinya Ito
Voice actor: Toshihiko Seki
A new character in this work, the security minister. The rank is second lieutenant. Born in Shiga Prefecture. 28 years old. Wearing gray uniform. He once colluded with Niimi, Yabu and others to launch a rebellion on the Yamato, but was defeated.
Later died in the battle on the 17th prison planet in episode 21.
Said to Yurisha: "Please bring the Yamato to Iskandar, and you must save the earth." Toru Hoshina
Voiced by: Genki Takagi
New characters in this game, Security officer. The rank is warrant officer (the rank is not two gold lines and second lieutenant). Born in Tokyo. 18 years old. Shinpei Iwata
Voiced by: Koki Harasawa
Tactical Section/Operator. The hierarchy is three Cao. Born in Tokushima Prefecture. 27 years old. Kiyoshi Toyama
Voiced by: Koji Yusa
Tactical Section/Operator. The rank is Chief Zeus. Born in Saitama Prefecture. 23 years old. Miku Saijo
Voiced by: Satomi Moritani
The new character in this work is the Shipping Section/Shipping Officer. His class is Yicao (first-class Zhoucao), one of Senxue's job agents. Born in Shimane Prefecture. 20 years old. Tetsuya Kitano
Voiced by: Ryuichi Makishima
Tactical Section/Zero, one of Shin's agents in ancient times. The rank is Chief Zeus. Born in Miyagi Prefecture. 20 years old. AU09/Analyzer: Yuichi Nagashima
The difference from the previous work is that it is not a robot moved from the hospital, but originally existed as an auxiliary computer on the Yamato and was an independent robot that could move freely.Establish an individual. Ancient Mamoru: Mitsuru Miyamoto is the elder brother of Ancient Mamoru and is the captain of the destroyer "Yukikaze" of the First Fleet. 28 years old. The rank is Sanzuo. Born in Kanagawa Prefecture. Unlike the previous work, Yamato was already dead when it reached Iskandar. But through Iskandar's scientific power, his memory was preserved and became the core of activating the universe recovery system. His subordinates include Vice Captain Ishizu Kazuo (voiced by Akira Harada) and others. Hijikata Dragon: Unsho Ishizuka, commander of the United Nations Space Force and Space Defense Corps. 56 years old. The rank is Zhou Jiang. Born in Tokyo. The setting is the same as the old work "Goodbye, Space Battleship Yamato" and "Space Battleship Yamato 2". He is the mentor of Yujima in ancient times and a friend of Okita. This work reflects the settings of these works and includes scenes with Okita on the same stage. In addition, the setting of being Moriyuki's guardian has been added. Todo Heikuro: Shinji Ogawa, Chief Executive of the Earth Federation and Far East District. Head of the Yamato Project Headquarters. 59 years old. Born in Kochi Prefecture. He has a gentle and calm personality and has strong expectations for Yamato's plan. He also predicted that the Izumo Project Faction would interfere, and issued a secret order to Hoshina Tohru. The difference from the previous work is that this film is not set as a soldier, but as a civilian official. Kotetsu Serizawa: Tetsuaki Genda, Director of Military Affairs of the United Nations Space Force and Far East Region. 55 years old. The rank is Zhou Jiang. Born in Ibaraki Prefecture. He was the main culprit that caused Daisuke Shima's father, Daigo Shima (who had the rank of Isa) to die in battle during his first encounter with Camillas. Osamu Shannan: Masashi Ehara
Captain of the flagship of the First Fleet (Kirishima). Class is a helper. 48 years old. Born in Hyogo Prefecture. The "Cosmic Cleaner D" in the old game that can remove radiation has been changed into the "Cosmo Reverse System" that can restore the planet to its original appearance in this game.
In the past, they used wave energy technology to create the star-destroying weapon Wave Cannon, and used it to build a magnificent interstellar country in the Large Magellanic Cloud. However, in the end they discovered the folly of their actions, so they changed to "saving A civilization with the goal of "all the planets in the universe", and is worshiped by Camillas.
In addition to the earth, envoys have also been sent to the Bemera star system. Like Camillas, this game is also set in the Iskander language.
Sstasia. Iskandar: Kikuko Inoue
Queen of Iskandar. The person Albert Desra loved, the two had an agreement. I got to know each other and understand each other in ancient times.
Sasha. Iskandar
The difference from the previous work is that it does not bring the wave engine design blueprint, but the necessary component to start the wave engine, the "wave core". Death on Mars. "Benefactor of the Earth" - an ancient saying. Stasha mistakes Senxue for Sasha.
Yulisha. Iskandar: Noriko Kuwashima
The new character in this game is the Yaomei (the third princess) of the Iskandar royal family. Converted to human age on earth, it is approximately equivalent to 19 years old.
The story begins one year ago when he came to Earth as the first messenger of Iskandar and gave him the design of the Earth's fluctuation engine.
The appearance and voice are almost identical to Senxue's. The only difference is that Senxue's bangs are parted on the right, while Yulishia's bangs are parted on the left. In terms of hair length, Yurisha is relatively long. Eye color varies.
At the beginning of the story, he and Yuki were attacked by a terrorist attack before departure, and were placed in a deep sleep in the core of the Yamato's automatic navigation device. Later, his consciousness possessed Yuriya for a time, and then he woke up after the Battle of the Seven Color Nebula.
One of the missions of the Yamato is to overcome all difficulties and return her to the planet Iskandar. In this work, the full names of each character are set (the character names in the old work are set as surnames in this work).
Same as the early stage of the story in the old work, the skin color of some characters is not blue, but this is due to the addition of "The planet residents colonized by Camillas were absorbed by the empire. Since they were born in the colony, their skin color is orange. Schutz and Ganz are set as 'secondary citizens'."
This work is also set in the Camillas language specially supervised by linguists. Japanese subtitles are added to the dialogue scenes in the first chapter, and dubbing is used from the second chapter onwards (same as the old work) Used together with subtitle mode. Analysts once tried to analyze the Camillas language by analyzing the language center of the Camillas puppet robot Orta that was repaired in episode 9, but Melda's reaction was "unintelligible". On the other hand, the translator owned by Camillas (mounted on the neck) can automatically translate various languages ​​​​to the wearer, and can also allow the wearer to speak languages ​​that other listeners can understand. First Class Camillas Albert. Desra: Koichi Yamadera

The eternal dictatorial president of the Great Camillas Emperor Planet. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 32 years old. The supreme commander of the entire army.
Looks younger than the old one. After the death of his uncle, Archduke Eric van Dessela, who established the foundation of the Camillas Empire, he unified the empire in a state of civil war by force and became president. In addition to the overwhelming expansion of the empire's territory and military power, it also aims at the unification of Camillas and Iskandar. Finally died in battle.
"That is why I must take action. The sin of sacrificing so many people for the future of the great Camillas is a sin that I will bear forever."
"Protest, protest ...You come to me every time to protest...This is all for you, Stacia."
"To bring the stars to their knees, to bring salvation to this universe, to The one I love."
Redev. Xisi: Akimoto Yosuke
The Vice President of the Great Camillas Emperor Star. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 54 years old. Mainly in internal affairs and administration.
Elke. Demel: Akio Otsuka
Commander of Galaxy Operations. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 38 years old. classAs a general (first-level general). He was originally the defense commander of the Small Magellan Front and was promoted to lieutenant general at that time. He is known as the "Cosmic Wolf". He was defeated in the Battle of the Seven-Colored Star Cluster, and finally died in battle by self-destruction.
Herm. Xie Lik: Ruo Benguifu
Director of the Central Military Forces. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 47 years old. The second most powerful person in military affairs. He was eventually shot for rebellion.
Gal. Diez: Horikatsu Nosuke

The commander-in-chief of the space fleet. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 55 years old.
Melda. Diez: Ito Shizu
The new character in this work is equivalent to the Camillas Army pilot who appeared in the 13th episode of the old work. The 707th Aviation Regiment of the Galaxy Front. This is equivalent to about 19 years old when converted to human age on Earth. The rank is second lieutenant. Gal. Daughter of Deeds. Later, he established a friendly relationship with the Yamato crew.
Wendt. Tallan: Qingshan Rang
Equivalent to Tallan in the old game (the early civil version), in this game it is Gadel. Tallan's brother. Minister of Defense for Munitions. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 42 years old. Finally died in battle.
Gardel. Taran: Kotaro Nakamura
It is also equivalent to Taran in the old work (later military attaché version), in this work it is Winter. Taran's younger brother. Deputy Chief of Staff of the Base Camp. The rank is lieutenant general. This is equivalent to about 40 years old when converted to human age on earth.
Hedem. Kimre: Junpei Morita
Officer of the Guards. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 39 years old. Finally died in battle.
Gremut. Gale: Hirose Masashi
Commander of Galaxy Operations, later demoted to deputy commander. The rank is Major General. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 47 years old. Finally died in battle.
Misela. Celestra: Minori Chihara
The new character in this game is the Minister of Propaganda and Intelligence of Camillas.
Not from Camillas, but from Gilel who have the ability to freely sense things around them.
Wem. Hedren: Tsuji Chihachi
Captain of the 7th Combat Team of the 6th Space Mecha Division. Rank is Major. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 58 years old.
Fomut. Bage: Junichi Suwabe
Served as the first staff officer of the 6th Space Mecha Division. Rank is colonel. When converted to an earthling age, the M movie star cruiser's Ark is confirmed to have survived, and finally formed an alliance fleet with the Yamato to fight against the Comet Empire.
Callis. Craigie: Ridakuya
Captain of the 3rd Zeus Thunder Battle of the 6th Space Mecha Division. Rank is Major. When converted to an Earthling age, he is about 41 years old. He was shot down and died in the final air battle with Ancient Jin.
Wolf. Fracken: Joeji Nakata
Captain of the dimensional submarine ship UX-01. Rank is lieutenant colonel. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 34 years old. Likes to pick up stray people everywhere.
Gore. Heine: Sato Yuki
The deputy captain of the dimensional submarine ship UX-01. Rank is captain. converted to earthHuman age is approximately equivalent to 31 years old.
Paren. Nirgai: Onozuka Takashi
Captain of the Guards. Because he disagreed with Captain Lange's plan to break away from the Yamato, he was shot to death by his own crew.
Milenelle. Linkai: Okamura Akemi
Gileel planet, Misela's comrade. CIA Special Agent. Ranked as lieutenant. This is equivalent to about 18 years old when converted to human age on Earth. He later died in the engine room of the Yamato after his spirit failed to return.
Lyle Gotto: Kiyoshi Kiyoshi
Captain of the DWG-109 Fighter Team
The commander of the fighter team, during the air dogfight with Saburo Kato in the Battle of the Seven-Colored Star Cluster, his teammates informed the aircraft carrier The Balgre was distracted after being sunk, and was eventually shot down by Kato and killed in battle.
Elisa Demel: Takahashi Tomoaki
The wife of Demel, the commander of the Galaxy Front, she took care of Mori Yuki throughout the process after she was captured. She mistook Yuki for Iskandar people. Second Class Camillas Subject Valcai. Schutz: Yu Shimaka
Commander of the Pluto frontline base, the ship died after chasing the Yamato to the surface of the red giant and the bottom of the ship could not withstand the high temperature and exploded. Rank is colonel.
Gelf. Ganz: Yuichi Nagashima
Deputy Commander of Pluto Forward Base. Rank is Major. Finally died in battle.
Wol. Aretra: Daisuke Egawa
Commander of operations at Pluto's forward base. Rank is Major. While covering Schutz's escape, he was sunk by the Yamato and died in battle.
Hilda. Schutz: Miura Ayano
Walke. Daughter of Schutz. This is equivalent to about 13 years old when converted to human age on earth.
Sareluia. Larretta: Uhibiru
Commander of the Jupiter Floating Continent Supply Base. Rank is Major. When converted to human age on earth, this is equivalent to about 36 years old. Finally died in battle.
Vals. Lange: Toru Okawa
Captain of EX178. After escaping from that terrifying space area, he was sunk by Gale's reinforcement fleet and died in battle.
Nolan Oshut
One of the members of the 442nd Special Agent Team, he finally helped Sen Xue escape from Second Barreras, and he himself prevented President Disla from launching the Super Disla Cannon and initiating the self-destruction program. Die in battle.

Ⅳ Finale of Space Battleship Yamato

They went through many difficulties and obtained the radioactive energy removal device. Finally, they returned to Earth. As they cheered, Gamilas' mothership appeared. Visions of the Gamilans board the Yamato, arrogantly stating that they will destroy the Earth. And released an extremely powerful super nuclear bomb. Yamato was already too late. Koshin ordered the fighter planes to destroy the nuclear bomb, but he did not expect that the Yamato would have no fighter planes after the battle. Only the wave cannon is left. The cunning Gamilans sealed the muzzle of the wave cannon during the battle. Once launched, the Yamato will also be destroyed. So Gu Jin asked the crew to evacuate. He will pilot the Yamato and perish together with Gamilas. After farewell, for the first time, and it was also the last time I sat on the captain's console of the Yamato. "The Yamato's wave cannon is charged, 100%" "Target locked, Garmillas missile." "Ready to launch, 5, 4, 3..." Before his eyes appeared the captain who had sacrificed his life for the earth. , crew member and his own brother. And his lover Sen Xue. "2, 1...Snow..." The moment the Yamato hit the missile, the wave cannon fired for the last time. In a blinding explosion, it was all over. The earth is finally reborn. Many years later, Sen Xue, standing on a grassland, took out the photo given to her in ancient times, with a sweet smile on her face.

VI Space Battleship Yamato 3 video introduction

Chinese name: Space Battleship Yamato 3
Japanese name: Space Battleship Yamato III
English name: Star Blazers: the Bolar War
First broadcast time: October 11, 1980 to April 4, 1981 (25 episodes in total) At the beginning of the 23rd century, two interstellar countries attempted to dominate the galaxy - Bimra During the war between the Bolar Federation led by the Prime Minister and the Galman-Gamilus Empire led by President Disra, a proton missile accidentally entered the solar system. After shattering the solar sightseeing boat on which Ryusuke Domon's parents were riding, the missile was shot into the sun, causing the sun's nuclear fusion reaction to intensify, and a supernova explosion will occur within a year, destroying the Milky Way.
While the Earth Federation Government was arguing endlessly, the commander of the Earth Defense Force decided to send the Yamato to find the "Second Earth". The Yamato rescued a Bolar Federation warship on the way and intervened in the war between the two countries. While the Yamato was docked at the port of the Bolar Federation, she refused to join the Bolar Federation and had a grudge with the country because she was dissatisfied with the country's brutal massacre of followers of Sharbant (an ancient peace-loving country).
Admiral Galman Gadir, in order to "surprise" President Disra's birthday, successively appointed the cunning General Dago and General Frachi to launch an intensive offensive against the Yamato. The Yamato was unable to withstand frequent attacks from dimensional submarines and was unfortunately captured.
When Disla learned about his "gift" Yamato, he was furious (in the first two "Yamato" films, the president was an enemy of the people on earth, and was later inspired by the love between Gu and Moriyuki. Influence and reconciliation). After apologizing to the Yamato, the President entertained the Yamato's crew. He introduced the current confrontation situation to the ancient captain, the difficult process of the empire's revival, and his love for the late Queen Iscandar. The crew of the Yamato watched the country's grand military parade and witnessed Galman's missile defense system blocking a Bolar Federation missile. But a proton missile still broke through the defenses, and the Yamato scrambled to destroy it with a wave cannon. Ancient warning to Disra:
"Your defense is not perfect, and it is even more dangerous to have confidence in force."
The president dispatched Major Falaskey to helpHelping the earth solve the solar crisis, unfortunately failed, and the major committed suicide and died in the line of duty. The Yamato had to set off again. Before leaving, President Disra provided a location for a planet with exactly the same natural conditions as Earth. The Yamato arrived there and found that people were frequently hallucinating there. It was later confirmed that this planet was a cosmic life form, and it was guarding the Sharbant Princess Luda.
After Luda boarded the Yamato, Galman's pursuers arrived and demanded Luda be handed over. At this time, the Bolar Federation's troops also came to demand the princess. President Disra ordered the Galman fleet to escort the Yamato. The outnumbered Galman fleet perished together with the Bolar Federation's vanguard.
Luda guided the Yamato to the Sarbanth star and equipped the Yamato with a "fluid cosmic diene cannon" for controlling the sun (I really don't know why this strange name was given). At this time, the pursuers of the Bolar Federation came, and Sharbant himself did not make any resistance or retreat. It turns out that this nation loves peace to the extreme - they would rather be exterminated than go to war. All weapons are sealed in the royal tomb. As Luda said at the end of the play:
"War only leaves sadness."
"Peace is about making up your mind never to fight, and maintaining that determination even if you are killed - that is the same thing as Fighting oneself is more difficult than fighting the enemy."
Yamato carried the device back to Earth's airspace, and when it was about to launch into the sun, it was attacked by the Bolar Federation army; at the same time, President Disra personally led the troops Come for reinforcements. The protective cover of the "Cosmic Diene Cannon" was damaged during the fierce battle and cannot be opened. Ryusuke Domon ignored the bombing by Bolar Federation aircraft and went to the deck for repairs. Unfortunately, he was injured by intensive firepower. In order to cover Tumen and disperse the enemy, pilot Yang Yuwu crashed his plane into the enemy's mobile fortress and died heroically. The president was shocked by the scene in front of him and made a famous exclamation:
"See? Dalan. The boy of the earth... the flower that just made it bloom with blood cannot be allowed to die innocently. Super Dis Fire the cannon!"
...and then use the wave cannon to destroy the mobile fortress.
Domon Ryusuke finally repaired the protective cover opening device, and the ancient captain and Moriyuki joined hands to pull the trigger and fire into the sun. Seeing that the sun's activity suddenly stopped and the earth was saved, Domon Ryusuke collapsed with joy...

Ⅶ Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Season 2

In all likelihood, it is equipped with a floating system, just like the one in Avengers 2, but this one can float for a long time, and the structure may be similar to the second Barreras

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Ⅰ 火爆全网的“元宇宙”到底是什么最近最热门的“元宇宙”概念,其实也根本没大家想的那么高大上。我们普通人所理解的“元宇宙”,可能是黑客帝国那种脑机接入,可以完全近乎真实的虚拟世界。但这属于人类现今科学