2013年币圈牛市回顾 币圈13年牛市

A. 比特币涨破2.8万美元,究竟谁是背后玩家


B. 借来的10万元瞬间清零,有人1小时翻倍,5分钟爆仓,币圈有多疯狂







C. 币圈首富比特币投资收益100倍,他是怎么做到的








D. 几毛一个的比特币价值翻倍,那些拥有比特币的人如今过得怎么样





E. 9年涨了1300万倍中国“比特币”首富李笑来,如今怎样了



F. 李笑来靠比特币套现135亿,全身而退后,为何却说这其实是个骗局


















G. 币圈首富比特币投资100倍,比特币如同股票,普通人如何变成币圈大佬





H. 哪位币圈首富比特币投资收益100倍







I. 有人从比特币致富吗

年轻的百万富翁杰里德·肯纳(Jered Kenna)贾里德·肯纳(Jared Kenna)通过以低至0.20美元的低价购买硬币开始了他的比特币投资。几年后,每个比特币的价值变成了258美元,他卖掉了自己的硬币并发了大财。该男子承认格式化闪存驱动器后损失了近20万美元。

J. 90后“币圈大佬”孙宇晨到底是什么来头

A. Bitcoin rose above US$28,000, who is the player behind it

Traditional institutions bought Bitcoin in large quantities, causing the price of Bitcoin to rise. The underlying reason behind this is the changes in the global macroeconomic situation this year. On the one hand, due to the impact of the epidemic, the global economic recovery will slow down in the next year; on the other hand, European and American central banks have introduced extremely loose monetary policies, pushing up inflation expectations in the financial market. The combined balance sheets of the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan have exceeded US$22 trillion, and we are witnessing the largest global fiscal expansion since World War II. However, this expansion may continue until 2022, because the debt burden is too heavy and interest rates remain low to avoid causing government financial problems. In developed countries, the epidemic has also facilitated the organic coordination of monetary and fiscal policies. Perhaps after the epidemic is over, the global economy begins to recover, Bitcoin begins to be sold in large quantities, and the price of Bitcoin will slowly drop.

B. The borrowed 100,000 yuan was cleared instantly, and someone doubled it in an hour, and the position was liquidated in 5 minutes. How crazy is the currency circle?

The borrowed 100,000 yuan was cleared instantly, and someone Doubling in 1 hour, liquidating the position in 5 minutes

In the crazy currency circle, players are racing against time. Some people have doubled their principal, while others have experienced an instantaneous loss of wealth.

This week, the currency circle has experienced a "bloody storm." Cryptocurrencies lost more than $600 billion last week, according to CoinGecko. Thrilling stories are staged every night, and many people wake up with their accounts wiped out.

However, more people who failed the challenge said they would never play like this again. Some people lamented: Never play with contracts (a kind of game). The price doubled in an hour and cleared again in 5 minutes. It was clearly gambling.

Finally, what I want to say is: Gambling is risky, and gamblers need to be cautious. If you are not careful, you will fall into the accounting pit.

Okay, that’s what I want to share in this issue.

C. The richest man in the currency circle earned 100 times his Bitcoin investment income. How did he do it?

On March 14, the price of a single Bitcoin exceeded US$60,000 for the first time. Changpeng Zhao, the richest man in China’s currency circle and CEO of blockchain trading platform Binance, said on Twitter that he used the money from selling his house in 2014 to buy Bitcoin at a price of $600 and will continue to hold it.

Many people from encrypted digital asset exchanges believe that although the price of Bitcoin continues to rise, investors need to pay close attention to the risk of high volatility in Bitcoin prices. In the past month, Bitcoin has hit new highs many times and then suddenly experienced sharp corrections, putting many highly leveraged investors at risk of liquidation.

In addition, investors also need to pay close attention to the possible price manipulation risk of Bitcoin - due to the insufficient liquidity of Bitcoin, any major Bitcoin investor suddenly sells his positions and makes a profit. Will trigger violent fluctuations in Bitcoin in a short period of timefall.

(3) Extended reading for those who doubled the currency circle in 2013:

The emergence of Bitcoin

The concept of Bitcoin It was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008, and was officially born on January 3, 2009. Based on Satoshi Nakamoto's ideas, open source software was designed and released, and a P2P network was built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.

Unlike all currencies, Bitcoin is not issued by a specific monetary institution. It is generated through extensive calculations based on a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of multiple nodes throughout the P2P network to confirm and record all transactions, and uses cryptographic design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation. The decentralization of P2P and the algorithm itself can ensure that the currency value will not be artificially manipulated by creating a large number of Bitcoins.

D. The value of a few cents of Bitcoin has doubled. How are those who own Bitcoin doing now?

If you go back to seven years ago and choose again If there is an investment opportunity, I will choose to invest in stocks, and then wait for the 2015 bull market to double my assets; I may also invest in real estate, and then wait for the real estate explosion in 2016 to double my assets. But if I chose to invest 10,000 yuan in Bitcoin seven years ago, I could actually own 66.2 billion yuan in 2017, an increase of more than 6 million times!

As we all know, the currency market in 2018 was a tragic year. At the beginning of 2018, the price of Bitcoin was at an all-time high, and the concept of blockchain also began to gain popularity. Many people who were originally outside the circle rushed in to participate in entrepreneurship, employment, and currency buying. The future of the currency market seemed bright. Everyone knows what happened later. The currency price fell again and again. The newly founded blockchain media fell down in droves. Those newcomers who followed the trend and bought coins were trapped in a high position, discussing "Bitcoin" and "District". "Blockchain" voices are getting fewer and fewer. The currency circle allows these new entrants to see what cruelty is.

More than 90% of people are trapped here. Faith is a very strange thing; just like the queen in the American TV series The Last Kingdom, when the Danes gathered to prepare for the attack, she still said - God will punish these people. These pagans speak calmly and calmly.

Last year, all digital currencies and ICO platforms were closed in China, and countries around the world have implemented restrictions. At this time, ordinary holders are very few people willing to sell, and they basically still hold them. This requires a lot of determination. Life problems, currency speculation problems, and various problems may cause you to no longer hold it; these problems cause a lot of trouble, so many people are not living a good life. After half a year, the industry that countries all over the world have entered is "blockchain" and digital currency! In the blockchain game, many countries have made moves, and holders are also waiting and watching.

E. Li Xiaolai, the richest man in China’s “Bitcoin” has increased 13 million times in 9 years. What’s going on now?

In the Internet information age, China is “making wealth” very fast. In a short period of time, In just two decades, Internet companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, and JD.com have produced dozens or even hundreds of billionaires. However, this kind of "creating wealth" is not a real myth. I believe that most people have heard of Bitcoin. According to the author's understanding, at the beginning of Bitcoin's issuance in 2009, 1 US dollar was equivalent to 1,300 Bitcoin is a very cheap virtual currency.

Entrepreneurs like Li Xiaolai, who have made money but never forget to repay society and establish education, are indeed worthy of respect. And his success is by no means accidental. If you don't have a shrewd mind, you won't be able to seize the opportunity to start a business and get rich, right?

F. Li Xiaolai used Bitcoin to cash out 13.5 billion and retreated completely. Why did he say that this was actually a scam?

Faced with materialistic desires, only by seizing the right opportunity can you stand out. In a world filled with desires, only by mastering the art of entry and exit can you escape unscathed. Infinite desire always makes people sink, but also makes people stand out. This requires a person who is both brave and wise, and what such a person does is bound to be extraordinary.

An English teacher became a billionaire. Li Xiaolai, who once called himself the "richest man in Bitcoin" in China, is exactly a brave and wise man facing unlimited desires. He cashed 100,000 Bitcoins into 13.5 billion yuan and escaped... but bluntly called Bitcoin a scam!

A kind of wealth with consensus value

The Internet has gradually developed around the world since the 1990s, and the Internet economy derived from it has given people the possibility to create wealth. Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, Liu Qiangdong, etc. did not make their fortunes by relying on the traditional real estate and energy industries, but relied on the Internet to become rich in the trend of the times. In recent years, the Internet has derived a new product - virtual currency. This product may even make you rich overnight!

Be brave and careful, and escape with 13.53 billion yuan in the Bitcoin wave

From 2013 to 2017, Bitcoin set off a huge wave in China . The value of Bitcoin surged greatly during this period. During this period, Li Xiaolai’s Bitcoin value reached US$1.9341 billion, equivalent to RMB 13.53 billion (the maximum value of one Bitcoin at this time was US$20,300, which converted to RMB 140,000 per coin) ).

In life, we always fail to satisfy our own desires and push ourselves to the limit, which often becomes the Waterloo of life. Li Xiaolai once again keenly sensed the value of Bitcoin. This time he did not hesitate. In the following period, he continued to operate his Bitcoin and successfully cashed out 13.53 billion yuan. Unexpectedly, he disappeared without a trace. In the midst of the Bitcoin craze…

Retired after success, but said it was a scam

Looking at Li Xiaolai’s Bitcoin investment journey, it is not difficult to find that Li Xiaolai’s path to becoming a billionaire was inseparable from his hoarding of coins and seizing The opportunity to start a company, write columns, and publish books helped him invest in Bitcoin—increasing his visibility and influence.

However, what is even more unexpected is that Li Xiaolai actually said this in an interview on the show: "Bitcoin is a scam."; At the same time, he bluntly said in a live broadcast: "No more, no more, that's all It's an outdated thing, you can't buy it, it's all a scam, it's all a scam." As soon as these words came out, it caused an uproar in the Bitcoin investment circle. People were surprised by his remarks and have been wondering where his behavior came from after receiving tens of billions. Is it really a scam?

A more detailed understanding of Li Xiaolai’s behavior of retreating after cashing out is his recording incident. He said in the more than 50-minute recording: "First of all, you must be an Internet celebrity. There is the biggest value in the blockchain called consensus value. What does consensus mean? It is not valuable, but more people believe in it. , it will be valuable in the end... There are too many fools, and the consensus of fools is also a consensus, and will also produce value... Those of us who think we are not fools must also accept this fact."

From his words, we It is not difficult to see that he believes that Bitcoin value is a consensus value. What is consensus value? In short, it means that if everyone knows more about something and agrees more with it, it will generate value. Isn’t it true that Bitcoin has gone from being worthless to becoming valuable? You think smart people are not smart, but they use your ideas to "eat you up."

Stock God Buffett said in an interview: "Bitcoin has no uniqueness at all. Value, basically, it is a scam." As far as the Prime Minister is concerned, let's not call it a scam. But Li Laixiao is really a smart man, he is good at using ordinary phenomena to make money.

To put it simply, it is to purchase a large amount of Bitcoin when the price is low, use Internet blockchain technology, and then use the Internet to spread: open a company, publish a column, publish a book to increase visibility and influence. Cause more people to pursue Bitcoin. With everyone's consensus, things that have no value have value, and waiting to cash out at the climax is like a big "routine".

Pay attention to details and be good at quelling desires

Li Bai's poem says: "When things are done, just brush off your clothes and hide your merit and fame." Li Xiaolai cashed out through clever "operations" time and time again. After tens of billions of Bitcoins, he escaped unscathed. In a situation full of desires, knowing what to do and knowing what to do will help you realize your dream of becoming a rich man. Surprisingly, he finally admitted it was a scam, but he was out. Bitcoin has been on a rollercoaster ride, with its value rising and falling.

As people’s understanding of the truth about Bitcoin deepens and the management of relevant Chinese departments becomes increasinglyPerfect, Bitcoin is no longer crazy in China, and has gradually faded out of the Internet industry. At any time, the extremely common and underappreciated principles around you may become your own, which requires your observation. Desires are unlimited, but human reason is limited and situations are changeable. If you are good at controlling your desires, you may not fall into one pit after another.

G. The richest man in the currency circle invested 100 times in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is like stocks. How can ordinary people become giants in the currency circle?

I think as an ordinary person, we should not think about it. How to become a big man in the currency circle, let alone investing in Bitcoin, because this is a very risky thing, there is no need to put yourself into financial risks because of such things.

Many people will envy the skyrocketing price of Bitcoin and think that if they had bought Bitcoin, they would be multi-millionaires now. However, there are no ifs in life, and there is no so-called regret medicine. We cannot do it because of Bitcoin. The current price is very high, so just thinking about the future price of Bitcoin is a very immature investment concept.

The down payment investment in Bitcoin has already benefited 100 times.

This news makes many people feel particularly excited. Many people think that if they had bought Bitcoin, they would have become multi-millionaires now, but I think this idea is very naive. In other words, , there are very few people who can achieve such an achievement. What you don’t see more are some very miserable people. They failed to invest in Bitcoin and led to financial crisis. At this time, you must also consider it.

H. Which richest man in the cryptocurrency industry earned 100 times his Bitcoin investment?

On March 14, the price of a single Bitcoin exceeded US$60,000 for the first time. Changpeng Zhao, the richest man in China’s currency circle and CEO of blockchain trading platform Binance, said on Twitter that he used the money from selling his house in 2014 to buy Bitcoin at a price of $600 and will continue to hold it.

Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance and CEO of Bijie Technology, once served as the technical director of Bloomberg; later he founded Fuxin Information Technology Co., Ltd. He is not only the founder, but also the president of China. Changpeng Zhao also joined OKCoin as a co-founder and served as CTO. He managed OKCoin's technical team and was responsible for OKCoin's international market team, quickly establishing OKCoin's international influence.

(8) Extended reading for those who doubled in the currency circle in 2013

As the price of Bitcoin rises, investors should pay more attention to the risk of price manipulation:

Many people from encrypted digital asset exchanges believe that although the price of Bitcoin continues to rise, investors need to pay close attention to the risk of high volatility in Bitcoin prices. In the past month, Bitcoin has hit new highs many times and then suddenly experienced sharp corrections, putting many highly leveraged investors at risk of liquidation.

In addition, investors also need to pay close attention to the possible price manipulation risk of Bitcoin-because Bitcoin’s liquidity is not high enough, anyAny major Bitcoin investor who suddenly sells his positions to make a profit will trigger a violent turbulence and decline in Bitcoin within a short period of time.

I. Has anyone gotten rich from Bitcoin?

Young millionaire Jared Kenna Jared Kenna passed on low He started his Bitcoin investment by purchasing the coin at the low price of $0.20. After a few years, the value of each Bitcoin became $258, and he sold his coins and made a fortune. Man admitted to losing nearly $200,000 after formatting flash drive.

J. What is the background of the post-90s "currency boss" Sun Yuchen

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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