币圈一代目李笑来 币圈一代目东方韭菜

㈠ 疯狂币圈背后:10万瞬间清零,币圈暴跌真正的原因是什么



㈡ 币圈空投是什么意思

数字货币简称为DIGICCY,是英文“Digital Currency”(数字货币)的缩写,是电子货币形式的替代货币。数字金币和密码货币都属于数字货币(DIGICCY)。

㈢ 币圈项目太多如何判断哪个好












1、UBTC增加native contract功能;



4、gjavac, gsharpc, uvmassembler, uvmpackagegpc 整理代码并在github上开源;



1、AnyBit手机钱包充UB奖UB活动于2018年4月4日北京时间晚8点开始,并于2018年4月15日北京时间晚8点结束。活动期间,下载AnyBit并进行UBTC充值的用户,将会获得1%的奖励,最高奖励1 UBTC。活动仅限前1,000名。


2、UB团队4月9日晚上7点至9点在香港湾仔Genesis Block举行了粉丝见面会,UB基金会董事及项目CEO Wouter van der Schagt先生向到场的粉丝介绍了项目进展及规划。UB的各大粉丝社区(微信群、电报群、QQ群、BeeChat群、微博、Twitter推特等)进行了实时的现场图片推送。






1、对ETH、LTC社区发放UBTC的最后一次快照已经于4月11日完成,并于5月2日对符合条件的地址进行发放。详情请参考UB官网www.ub.com 3月18日在新闻版块的公告。


UnitedBitcoin比特联储简称UB,代码UBTC。UB不只是升级版的比特币,更是领先的全球区块链生态。UB由比特币元老、比特币核心开发人员、区块链领域的泰山北斗Jeff Garzik担任首席科学家及基金会董事。





㈣ 币圈内的一些专业术语是什么













Proofof Work,是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多。


Proofof Stake,根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在POS模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关。




时间戳是指字符串或编码信息用于辨识记录下来的时间日期。国际标准为ISO 8601。






















楔入式侧链技术(pegged sidechains),它将实现比特币和其他数字资产在多个区块链间的转移,这就意味着用户们在使用他们已有资产的情况下,就可以访问新的加密货币系统。



































K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。













㈤ 币圈和链圈的区别是什么

链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

㈥ 币圈是什么意思
























K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。



㈦ 币圈集体崩盘,22万人爆仓,这究竟发生了什么

腥风血雨!币圈集体崩盘,22万人爆仓! 比特币跌破了39000美元关口,24小时跌幅超过了14%,较今年4月创下的历史高点回落了40%。此外,以太坊跌破了2900美元关口,跌幅超17%;币安币、狗狗币等都暴跌约22%。近几天来发生了虚拟货币的崩盘。


㈧ 币圈怎样赚钱呢


㈨ 数字货币和虚拟货币的区别是什么投资币种有哪些



T1:ETH(目前的公链之首,山寨币孕育的底层平台,并且在炒作ETH2.0)EOS(社区共识+DApp可能的大爆发+DeFi也能加入+跌出了极高性价比) ZEC(匿名龙头)

T2:YAS (ubi理念,目前市值低,潜力大)ATOM(也就是cosmos,优势新型公链),XRP(2019跌的基本没涨起来过,所以向上空间还是挺大的)Polkadot DOT(波卡,目标超越以太坊)KSM(波卡先锋)

T3:ADA(有潜力)NEO (上轮牛市1000倍神话),ONT(强庄),IOST (IOST首先目前估值偏低,目前Dapp也在良好发展中)


㈩ difi是什么意思 币圈

XPOT是泰国Win GC集团与印尼的PundiX联合推出的币圈神器,Xpot与IPChain强强联合,Xpot上面所有的应用都基于知产链IP Chain开发。将打通数字资产流通最后一公里。与之匹配使用的是一张类似于银行卡的卡片—Xpass

㈠ Behind the crazy currency circle: 100,000 was cleared instantly, what is the real reason for the currency circle’s collapse

For the current entire virtual currency market, there will be a large-scale crisis at this time The plunge is because certain problems have arisen in the entire virtual currency market, and governments of various countries are increasingly cracking down on Bitcoin as a whole. Therefore, for the entire Bitcoin market, its overall market size is constantly shrinking. Most institutional investors are cashing out at high levels, so for the entire virtual currency market, it is currently focusing on a relatively low position.

What’s more important is that governments around the world are increasingly cracking down on Bitcoin. Especially for some developed economies, they have zero tolerance for Bitcoin. Therefore, various policy measures have been used to close the Bitcoin trading platform, so the price of Bitcoin has also dropped significantly.

㈡ What does the currency circle airdrop mean?

The currency circle airdrop is actually a pie in the sky thing. It means receiving it for free. The airdrop is equivalent to the project party giving away coins for free. The purpose behind such free token distribution is supported by a marketing strategy; it is mainly to allow potential investors to obtain relevant information about the token, and the token team will conduct airdrops according to market conditions.
[Extended information]
The currency circle is a term or concept in the blockchain industry. It is a circle formed by a group of people who pay attention to virtual encrypted digital currencies or issue their own digital currencies to raise funds. Among them, Bitcoin It is a relatively important virtual encrypted digital currency in the currency circle.
Aspects involved in the currency circle:
1. Digital currency
Digital currency is referred to as DIGICCY, which is the abbreviation of "Digital Currency" in English and is an alternative currency in the form of electronic currency. Digital gold coins and cryptocurrency are both digital currencies (DIGICCY).
Digital currency is an unregulated, digital currency that is usually issued and managed by developers and accepted and used by members of specific virtual communities. The European Banking Authority defines virtual currency as: a digital representation of value that is not issued by a central bank or authority and is not linked to a legal currency, but which, because it is accepted by the public, can be used as a means of payment or can be transferred, stored or traded electronically. .
2. Digital currency trading platform
Digital currency trading platform is a platform used to trade digital currencies, such as Huobi.com, Binance.com, etc.
3. Mining
Mining, professional explanation is the process of random collision of computer hash (hash or hash function). To put it simply, the Bitcoin system poses a mathematical problem to see whose mining equipment can solve it first.
IV. Contract Transactions
Contract transactions refer to transactions between buyers and sellers that agree to receive a certain amount of an asset at a specified price at a certain time in the future.
The buying and selling objects of contract trading are standardized contracts formulated by the exchange. The exchange regulationsStandardized information such as product type, transaction time, quantity, etc. is determined. A contract represents the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller.
Types of currencies in the currency circle:
1. First of all, Bitcoin is the first blockchain.
Secondly, after Bitcoin, many new blockchains were created - these blockchains are called altcoins. NEO, Litecoin, and Cardano are solid examples of altcoins.
3. The third main type of cryptocurrency. Examples of these include Civic (CVC), BitDegree (BDG), and WePower (WPR). In addition to the above, the cryptocurrencies that the currency circle pays attention to also include some of the world's top cryptocurrencies.

㈢ There are too many projects in the currency circle, how to judge which one is better

It is said that the currency circle takes one day and the stock market takes one year. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not unreasonable. In recent days, Bitcoin has been After a sharp rise, it fell back slightly today. The currency circle’s bull-bear transition is so fast that no one can match it. However, among the many virtual currencies, how do you find high-quality projects? The editor thinks that it is not surprising that the bull market is in the lead. The point is that the bear market still insists on giving weekly reports, at least for projects with relatively reliable teams. Today, the editor still brings you the weekly progress reports of some high-quality projects. The following is the weekly project progress report for the latest week (2018.4.9~4.15) published by the UBTC team. The specific information is as follows:

Preliminary upgrade of UB smart contracts:

Smart contracts are bits One of the major milestones in the technology roadmap of the Federal Reserve (UB) project. In order to prepare for the implementation of smart contracts on UB, the UB team made some adjustments on April 10, 2018, as follows:

1. The block generation speed was adjusted from 10 minutes to 1 minute;

2. The difficulty adjustment period is adjusted once every 10 blocks;

3. The block reward is adjusted to 1 UBTC;

4. The total amount of UBTC is adjusted from 21 million to 20 million;

5. The maturity period of the reward is 7,200 blocks;

This adjustment requires users to download the latest version of the wallet to ensure that subsequent use is not affected.

Wallet download link: https://www.ub.com/project/wallet

Research and development:

1. UBTC adds native contract function;


2. The UBTC contract function continues to be tested internally and BUGs are fixed;

3. The documentation for testing the UBTC contract function continues to be improved;

4. gjavac, gsharpc, uvmassembler, uvmpackagegpc organizes the code and makes it open source on github;

5. Deploy the contract version public beta chain;


1. AnyBit mobile wallet recharge UB reward UB activity on April 2018It will start at 8pm Beijing time on April 4th and end at 8pm Beijing time on April 15th, 2018. During the event, users who download AnyBit and recharge UBTC will receive a 1% reward, with a maximum reward of 1 UBTC. The event is limited to the first 1,000 people.

The calculation of rewards is based on the UBTC balance at 8pm Beijing time on April 15, 2018. The rewarded UBTC will be uniformly distributed to the corresponding UBTC address on April 16.

2. The UB team held a fan meeting at Genesis Block in Wanchai, Hong Kong from 7 to 9 pm on April 9. Mr. Wouter van der Schagt, director of the UB Foundation and project CEO, introduced the meeting to the fans present. Project progress and planning. UB's major fan communities (WeChat group, Telegram group, QQ group, BeeChat group, Weibo, Twitter, etc.) pushed live pictures in real time.

3. The "UB Global Support Club" Weibo held a comment lottery on April 9 to give away UB customized hats and jackets. Under the supervision and notarization of Weibo’s official lottery tool @微博彩票平台, an enthusiastic fan from Ningbo was lucky enough to be drawn. The fan has already received the prize and posted the picture on Weibo @安style的quietly.

4. On the 14th, the UB team sent representatives to participate in the [Chainge] Blockchain Technology Salon hosted by Babbitt and interacted with the guests present. The salon was held at Yulon International Building, Huli District, Xiamen City.

5. Enthusiastic fans made related emoticons (animations) for UB’s upgrade and adjustment on the 10th and spread them in the WeChat group.

6. The "ub subscription account" WeChat public account will soon launch a daily sign-in lottery function, so stay tuned!

Community distribution:

1. The last snapshot of UBTC distribution to the ETH and LTC communities has been completed on April 11, and will be carried out on May 2 for eligible addresses. issued. For details, please refer to the announcement in the news section of UB’s official website www.ub.com on March 18.

About UBTC:

UnitedBitcoin is referred to as UB, code UBTC. UB is not only an upgraded version of Bitcoin, but also a leading global blockchain ecosystem. UB is led by Jeff Garzik, a Bitcoin veteran, Bitcoin core developer, and Taishan Beidou in the blockchain field, as the chief scientist and foundation director.

UB 100% inherits the Bitcoin blockchain and upgrades and optimizes it. UB’s upgrades and optimizations include expanding the block size to 8MB, supporting SegWit isolation witness, and adding smart contracts and lightning networks, etc.

UB is committed to bringing value to inactive Bitcoin credits. Finally, based on these credits, stable currencies anchored to legal currencies will be issued for use in a broad, fast, efficient, and intelligent business society.

The current UB teamIt has developed AnyBit mobile wallet APP (AnyBit is a decentralized multi-currency wallet APP), Core, Core-QT, Electrum wallet (Electrum is a lightweight wallet that supports multi-signature), and released a complete zone Blockchain explorer.

More than 18 trading platforms around the world support UBTC transactions.

㈣ What are some professional terms in the currency circle

Explanations of 26 common terms in the blockchain industry

1. Blockchain——Blockchain


Blockchain is a new application model of computer technologies such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm. is a shared distributed ledger where transactions are permanently recorded through appended blocks.

2. Block——Block

In the Bitcoin network, data will be permanently recorded in the form of files. We call these files blocks. A block is a set of records of some or all of the latest Bitcoin transactions that have not been recorded by other previous blocks.

3. Node - A copy of the ledger operated by participants in the blockchain network.

4. Decentralization

Decentralization is a phenomenon or structure that must appear or exist in a system with many nodes or in a group with many individuals. The influence between nodes will form a non-linear causal relationship through the network.

5. Consensus mechanism

The consensus mechanism is to complete the verification and confirmation of transactions in a very short time through the voting of special nodes; for a transaction, if the interests are irrelevant If several nodes can reach a consensus, we can think that the entire network can also reach a consensus on this.

6. Pow - Proof of Work

Proof of Work refers to how much currency you get, depending on the workload you contribute to mining. The better the computer performance, the more money will be allocated to you. There will be more mines.

7. PoS - Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake, a system of interest distribution based on the amount and time of currency you hold. In POS mode, your "mining" The income is proportional to your currency age and has nothing to do with the computing performance of your computer.

8. Smart Contract

Smart contract is a computer protocol designed to spread, verify or execute contracts in an information-based manner. Smart contracts allow trusted transactions to be made without third parties, which are traceable and irreversible.

9. Timestamp

Timestamp refers to a string or encoded information used to identify the recorded time and date. The international standard is ISO 8601.

10. Turing completeness

Turing completeness refers to the ability of a machine to perform any calculation that any other programmable computer can perform.

11. Dapp——Decentralized applicationUtility is an open source application that runs automatically, stores its data on the blockchain, is incentivized in the form of cryptocurrency tokens, and operates with a protocol that displays proof of value.

12. DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization

It can be thought of as a company that operates without any human intervention and hands all forms of control to a set of uncontrollable entities. Broken business rules.

13. PrivateKey - Private Key

A private key is a string of data that allows you to access a token in a specific wallet. They, as cryptocurrencies, are hidden except from the owner of the address.

14. PublicKey——Public key

It appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address of the currency, so it can be used as a certificate for owning the address of the currency.

15. Mining machine

A computing device or software that attempts to create blocks and add them to the blockchain. In a blockchain network, when a new valid block is created, the system will generally automatically give the block creator (mining machine) a certain number of tokens as a reward.

16. Mining pool

It is a fully automatic mining platform that allows miners to contribute their own computing power to mine together to create blocks and obtain block rewards. And the profits are distributed according to the proportion of computing power contribution (that is, the mining machine is connected to the mining pool - provides computing power - obtains income).

17. Public chain

A completely open blockchain refers to a fully open blockchain that can be read by anyone, anyone can send transactions, and transactions can be effectively confirmed. People around the world can participate in system maintenance, and anyone can read and write data through transactions or mining.

18. Private chain

A blockchain where write permission is only for a certain organization or a specific few objects. Read permissions can be open to the outside world, or restricted to any degree.

19. Alliance chain

The consensus mechanism is a blockchain jointly controlled by a number of designated institutions.

20. Sidechains

Pegged sidechains technology will enable the transfer of Bitcoin and other digital assets between multiple blockchains. This This means that users can access the new cryptocurrency system while using their existing assets.

21. Cross-chain technology

Cross-chain technology can be understood as a bridge connecting various blockchains. Its main application is to realize Atom transactions, asset conversion, and partitioning between blockchains. Information exchange within the blockchain, or solving Oracle problems, etc.

22. Hard fork

The blockchain has a permanent divergence. After the new consensus rules are released, some nodes that have not been upgraded cannot verify the blocks produced by the upgraded nodes. Usually a hard fork happens.

23. Soft fork

When the new consensus rules were released, there was no upgradeLevel nodes will produce illegal blocks because they do not know the new consensus rules, which will cause temporary forks.

24. Hash——Hash value

Generally translated as "hash", there are also direct transliterations as "hash". Simply put, it is a function that compresses a message of any length into a message digest of a fixed length.

25. Main chain

The term main chain comes from the main network (relative to the test network), which is an independent blockchain network that is officially online.

For those who don’t understand the “jargon” of the currency circle, come and learn it quickly:

1. What is legal currency?

Legal currency is legal tender, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

2. What is token?

Token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and an inherent and intrinsic value;

The second is cryptocurrency. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the token are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network, so that It can be verified anytime and anywhere.

3. What is position building?

Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader’s new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

4. What is stud?

Cryptocurrency stud means investing all the principal.

5. What is an airdrop?

Airdrops are currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

6. What is lock-up?

Lock position generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a new position opposite to their original position. Its name is Butterfly Flying Double.

7. What is candy?

Cryptocurrency candies are digital coins that are distributed to users for free when various digital currencies are first issued and ICO. They are a kind of momentum and promotion for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

8. What is a break?

Break refers to falling below, and hair refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

9. What is private equity?

Cryptocurrency private placement is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

10. How to read the K-line chart?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, Yin-Yang lines, stick lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

11. What is hedging?

Generally, hedging is to conduct two transactions at the same time that are related to the market, opposite in direction, of equal quantity, and with profits and losses offsetting. In the futures contract market, buy positions of the same quantity but in different directions. When the direction is determined, close the position in the opposite direction and retain the positive direction to gain profits.

12. What is a position?

Position is a market agreement that commits to buying and selling the initial position of a contract. Those who buy the contract are long and are in a position to expect an increase; those who sell the contract are short and are in a position to expect a decrease.

13. What are the benefits?

Good news: It refers to news that a currency has received mainstream media attention, or that a certain technology application has made breakthrough progress, which is conducive to stimulating price increases. This is called good news.

14. What are the disadvantages?

Bad news: news that causes currency prices to fall, such as Bitcoin technical problems, central bank suppression, etc.

15. What is rebound?

The price adjustment phenomenon in which currency prices rebound due to falling too fast in a downward trend. The recovery is smaller than the decline.

16. What is leverage?

Leveraged trading, as the name suggests, is to use small amounts of funds to invest several times the original amount, in the hope of obtaining multiple returns or losses relative to the fluctuations in the investment target.

㈤ What is the difference between currency circle and chain circle?

Many people are confused about "chain circle", "coin circle" and "mining circle", but aside from those connections , the essences of the three are actually quite different. In the blockchain ecosystem, it is currently roughly divided into three circles, namely the "chain circle", the "coin circle" and the "mining circle". The three are interrelated, but they are also very different. There is a difference,
Chain Circle - Chain Circle, a representative of the technical school. The threshold is higher than the other two circles. It mainly focuses on the development and application of blockchain technology, so for ordinary people, it is relatively Difficult to get into.
Blockchain can be divided into three stages: private chain, public chain and alliance chain.
Coin circle - the currency circle can be said to be the most colorful circle. Focus on speculation Cryptocurrency is the circle with the lowest entry barrier among the three circles. The main characteristics are currency issuance and speculation. Coins issued based on blockchain technology are mainstream currencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., with less risk. And those issued by ICO Coin is an altcoin, which has certain risks. The hype is due to the lack of supervision in the industry and common background manipulation. Currently, ICO has been banned in our country.
Mining circle - Mining circle is focused on "mining" A circle of people. This mining is different from mining in life, but an act performed to obtain virtual currency rewards. People who participate in mining are called miners.
Mining requires the use of tools. In the early days, mining could be done through ordinary computers. Later, as the number of miners continued to increase, it began to develop into mining machine mining and mining pool mining. Mining requires high costs, such as huge power consumption, and electricity bills are also a large expense.
The threshold of the mining circle is slightly higher than that of the currency circle, but lower than that of the chain circle. Most people have heard of mining, but there are still fewer people who actually participate in mining.
Compared to the chain circle and the currency circle, the mining circle is also affected by the external natural environment, such as damage to the mining machine in the mine.
In the current context, it is meaningless to hype the concept of blockchain. Blockchain practitioners must find ways to contribute value to this society and create wealth instead of evaporating wealth. Therefore, we do not distinguish between currency circles and chain circles. Those who can create value are good circles.
The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot of the "Smart Learning Workshop 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning, Construction and Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. workstation. The professional position is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

㈥What does currency circle mean?

The so-called currency circle is a naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of money-making methods are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation coins, mining, etc.

There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-and-mortar, etc. The legal currency in the currency circle is legal tender, which is issued by the country and the government and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

1. Currency token:

Token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is the digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and a right. An inherent and intrinsic value;

The second is encryption. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the certificate are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to be used in a It flows in the network and can be verified anytime and anywhere.

2. Opening a position in the currency circle:

Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

3. Coin Stud:

Coin Stud means investing all the principal.

4. Airdrop in currency circle:

Airdrop is currently a very popular cryptocurrency.Marketing. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

5. Lock-up in the currency circle:

Lock-up generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a position opposite to their original position. The new position is also called locking, locking, or even euphemistically called butterflies flying together.

6. Coin Circle Candy:

Coin Circle Candy is the digital currency that is released for free to users when various digital currencies are first issued during the ICO. It is the virtual currency project issuer’s contribution to the project. A kind of momentum building and publicity in itself.

7. The currency circle breaks:

Break refers to falling below, and hair refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

8. Coin Circle Private Equity:

Coin Circle Private Equity is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

9. Views on currency circle K-line:

K-line chart (Candlestick Charts) is also called candle chart, Japanese line, Yin and Yang line, bar line, red and black line, etc. Commonly used sayings It is the "K line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

10. Trading in the currency circle:

Buying is to buy digital currency from an exchange with a low currency price, and then sell it to an exchange with a high price.

㈦ The collective collapse of the currency circle, 220,000 people liquidated their positions, what exactly happened

A bloody storm! The currency circle collapsed collectively, and 220,000 people liquidated their positions! Bitcoin fell below the $39,000 mark, falling more than 14% in 24 hours and falling 40% from the all-time high set in April this year. In addition, Ethereum fell below the $2,900 mark, a drop of more than 17%; Binance Coin, Dogecoin, etc. all plummeted by about 22%. A collapse of virtual currencies has occurred in recent days.

Bitcoin is a self-describing digital currency. However, most Bitcoin users use it as a vehicle for speculative investment rather than as a commodity. The fact that the public is increasingly concerned has led to an increase in demand for Bitcoin, while the amount of Bitcoin actually used to purchase goods has remained the same. Trading charts show that many Bitcoin users buy it as a speculative instrument. So there is a risk of collapse.

㈧ How to make money in the currency circle

Regarding digital currency, tell me your own opinions. Listen to it. If you think it doesn’t make sense, just laugh it off.
Currency, as a measure of transaction value, does not necessarily have value in itself. It can only be used as an intermediate unit of measurement. It is as if our country only has the RMB as legal tender, which means that government guarantees have value. If it's like those war-torn areas, you may not be able to buy an egg with ten pounds of currency, and that's why.
Back to digital currency, digital currency, until now, no country has recognized it as its own countryIt seems that last year or the year before last, our country banned some of the circulating currencies. In this case, digital currencies can only be sold at a price higher than the purchase price, so that you can make money. But digital currency itself does not have any value. It is not your ownership of a listed company like stocks. Therefore, if you cannot find anyone to buy a digital currency, it is worthless.
A Ponzi scheme in history, Dutch tulips. When they were the most expensive, one tulip was worth enough to buy a house. When no one bought it, all the tulips were rotten. Added up, they couldn’t be replaced. Have a potato. Therefore, Buffett said that digital currency is a bubble and a scam. This is probably what he thinks.
In addition, there is a saying in the stock market that when the ladies in the wet market start discussing stocks, that is when the stock market reaches its peak. I think this also applies to digital currencies. When many people are discussing how to make money and how to make a lot of money, that is when the risks have accumulated to a great extent. At this time, if you go in, you might be the one trapped.

㈨ What is the difference between digital currency and virtual currency? What are the investment currencies?

What is digital currency?

Digital currency can be used to describe all electronic currencies. A general term that includes virtual currencies and cryptocurrencies. Digital currency is electronic currency that does not exist in any physical form. Because its functions and inherent properties are the same as standard non-legal currency, it can also be referred to as the online version of cash. Digital currencies are intangible and require a device that can be connected to a specific network to use and hold them.

T1: ETH (currently the number one public chain, the underlying platform for altcoins, and hyping ETH2.0) EOS (community consensus + DApp possibility The big explosion + DeFi can also join + it has a very high cost performance) ZEC (anonymous leader)

T2:YAS (ubi concept, current market value is low, potential is high) ATOM (that is, cosmos, a new public chain with advantages), XRP (it has basically not risen after falling in 2019, so there is still a lot of room for upside) Polkadot DOT (Polkadot, aiming to surpass Ethereum) KSM (Polkadot Pioneer)

T3: ADA (potential) NEO (1000 times the myth of the last bull market), ONT (strong banker), IOST (first of all, IOST is currently undervalued, and currently Dapp is also developing well)

Coin There are also platform coins in the circle, which correspond to HT, BNB, and MX.

㈩ What does difi mean?

XPOT is a currency circle artifact jointly launched by Thailand's Win GC Group and Indonesia's PundiX. All are developed based on IP Chain. It will open up the last mile of digital asset circulation. used to matchis a card similar to a bank card—Xpass

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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