比特币etf跟合约的区别在哪 比特币etf跟合约的区别大吗

『壹』 比特币ETF与比特币ETN有什么不同




『贰』 比特币etf是什么意思


ETF是Exchange Traded Funds的缩写,中文名叫做“交易所交易基金”,是一种在交易所上市交易的、基金份额可变的开放式基金。

一旦比特币ETF获得许可,预期的大量法币资本涌入市场,不仅其价格将迅速做出反应,同时对于比特币的风评将产生积极印象。据IT时代报道,技术智库IronWood的CEO Michael Strutton预测,一旦比特币ETF放开,将为比特币市场带来840亿-3360亿美元的资金量,可以将比特币价格推高至4.4万美金一枚。

『叁』 ETP与ETF的区别详细介绍一下什么是ETP

ETF 和 ETP 为机构投资者和合格投资者进军加密货币领域提供了便利,降低了风险。只不过,ETF 是基金,而 ETP 是债券,ETF 因此要接受更为严格的监管。
ETF的全文是 Exchange Traded Funds,即交易平台交易基金。按字面理解,就是可以在交易平台交易的基金,简单说就是追踪大盘走势的一篮子标的。 你可以把 ETF 当作是一篮子股票,它们是根据一些指示股票走势的指数选的,比如标普 500,它记录了 500 家公司股票的整体走势。那么,ETF 里的一篮子股票就是这 500 家公司的股票。 需要提出的一点是,你实际上并不直接拥有那 500 只股票, 你拥有的是一个凭证,来证明你拥有这个 ETF。最著名的 ETF 是 SPY ETF,它是全球最大的交易平台交易基金,跟踪的就是标准普尔 500 股市指数的总体水平。
比特币 ETF 就是基于比特币的 ETF。如果你购买了比特币 ETF,你就相当于间接投资了比特币,拥有的是可以交易的比特币基金,而并非直接拥有比特币。但是,你买比特币 ETF 和直接买比特币,在收益上没有任何区别,因为比特币 ETF 追踪的就是比特币的价格,比特币涨了,这个 ETF 也就涨了,反之亦然。 ETF 不过就是换了一种投资比特币的方式而已。唯一的区别是我们不用再去担心比特币会不会被盗了,不再担心把比特币存放在哪里了,也无需走繁琐的程序。
2. ETP
ETP 的全文是 Exchange Traded Procts,即交易平台交易产品。 ETP 是交易平台上市的开放式投资产品,衍生定价,并像股票一样在全国性交易平台进行日间交易和结算。它被归类为优先结构债务证券。基本上说,它们在价值上与其它证券、大宗商品或者指数挂钩。 ETP 是被动投资,旨在通过跟踪基础基准指数来复制特定市场的表现,它的收益在大部分时间会优于主动投资产品。 瑞士证券交易平台 SIX 对 ETP 如此定义:ETP 是有抵押物的,不赚取利息的不记名债务证券,可以以基本或通过杠杆方式复制基础资产(通常来自大宗商品)。与 ETF 一样,它们在多个做市商领域进行日内交易,但从法律上来讲,它们不是基金。 以瑞士证券交易平台在 2018 年 11 月推出的第一个全球多加密货币 ETP 为例,Amun ETP 基于 Amun Crypto Basket Index,该指数跟踪市场资本化和流动性方面五种最佳加密货币的表现。上市之初,该指数的构成如下:BTC(49.7%),XRP(25.4%),ETH(16.7%),LTC(3%)和 BCH(5.2%)。
瑞士金融监管机构 Finma 的发言人称:“区分 ETP 与 ETF 是很重要的,因为 ETP 不受《集体投资计划法案(Cisa)》的约束。” 从概念上讲,Amun ETP 在某种程度上类似于 ETF,它们都允许机构投资者和经认可的散户投资者投资数字资产,而无需保管方,也无需面对其他监管障碍。 但是,为了增加美国证券交易委员会(SEC)批准 ETF 的机会,提出 ETF 产品申请的公司必须证明,加密货币期货市场足够稳定,这也是 SEC 多次拒绝批准比特币 ETF 的理由。对于 ETP,则没有这样的要求,因为美国已有 ETP 产品,诸如 Grayscale Investment 推出的 Bitcoin Investment Trust。

『肆』 比特币ETF是什么

ETF的全称是 Exchange Traded Fund,中文翻译为交易平台交易基金。它是一种遵循基础资产或一篮子资产的价格行为在交易所上市交易的、基金份额可变的一种开放式基金。一些ETF以现金为支持资产,而另一些则用实物资产本身作为支撑。ETF是在金融市场非常受欢迎的一种金融衍生品。
简单来说,比特币 ETF 追踪的就是比特币的价格 ,比特币 ETF 的价格涨了那么比特币的价格就涨了;相反若比特币的价格降低了,那么比特币 ETF 的价格就下降了。比特币和比特币ETF的区别在于我们不用担心自己钱包里的比特币会被黑客盗走,不用担心自己的比特币应该存放在什么地方。这是在技术层面上的一种促进作用,购买了比特币 ETF 我们就不用再去学习如何在电脑上操作比特币了。

『伍』 比特币申请etf是什么意思









『陆』 比特币ETF与比特币ETN有什么不同











第三,不同于 ETF 采用一篮子股票申赎,ETN采用现金申赎,还会受到一些限制导致时效性不高。这种非实物申赎特性决定了其套利效率不如 ETF,因此 折溢价率一般高于 ETF。



ETN入场后, 比特币市场反响如何?


KKM Financial的创始人兼首席执行官Jeff Kilburg解释说,比特币价格会持续波动下去,直到ETF的申请有了最终答复,ETN并没有太大影响力。


也有观点认为,想让ETN产品具有更多的竞争力,投资者们就需要说服他们的经纪账户供应商在其平台上提供比特币ETN服务。据不少投资者反应,他们的经纪账户供应商表示目前还不支持CXBTF(Bitcoin Tracker One的交易代码)的交易,又或者是需要执行更加复杂繁琐的步骤来进行交易。


虽然美国投资者现在可以通过ETN 以及一些机构交易所进行比特币投资, 但比特币仍未达到新的高度。大多数的加密货币市场投资者仍希望监管机构能批准比特币ETF进入美国市场,因为他们认为这将促进比特币被华尔街在内的更多主流资金采用,并且将引起大规模的价格上涨。加之SEC继续考虑各种比特币ETF的申请,因此对于可能通过的ETF,还有很多的炒作点和兴奋点。

『柒』 etp产品是什么意思

ETP 的全文是 Exchange Traded Procts,即交易平台交易产品。 ETP 是交易平台上市的开放式投资产品,衍生定价,并像股票一样在全国性交易平台进行日间交易和结算。它被归类为优先结构债务证券。

ETP 的全文是 Exchange Traded Procts,即交易平台交易产品。 ETP 是交易平台上市的开放式投资产品,衍生定价,并像股票一样在全国性交易平台进行日间交易和结算。它被归类为优先结构债务证券。基本上说,它们在价值上与其它证券、大宗商品或者指数挂钩。 ETP 是被动投资,旨在通过跟踪基础基准指数来复制特定市场的表现,它的收益在大部分时间会优于主动投资产品。 瑞士证券交易平台 SIX 对 ETP 如此定义:ETP 是有抵押物的,不赚取利息的不记名债务证券,可以以基本或通过杠杆方式复制基础资产(通常来自大宗商品)。与 ETF 一样,它们在多个做市商领域进行日内交易,但从法律上来讲,它们不是基金。 以瑞士证券交易平台在 2018 年 11 月推出的第一个全球多加密货币 ETP 为例,Amun ETP 基于 Amun Crypto Basket Index,该指数跟踪市场资本化和流动性方面五种最佳加密货币的表现。上市之初,该指数的构成如下:BTC(49.7%),XRP(25.4%),ETH(16.7%),LTC(3%)和 BCH(5.2%)。

ETF的全文是 Exchange Traded Funds,即交易平台交易基金。按字面理解,就是可以在交易平台交易的基金,简单说就是追踪大盘走势的一篮子标的。 你可以把 ETF 当作是一篮子股票,它们是根据一些指示股票走势的指数选的,比如标普 500,它记录了 500 家公司股票的整体走势。那么,ETF 里的一篮子股票就是这 500 家公司的股票。 需要提出的一点是,你实际上并不直接拥有那 500 只股票, 你拥有的是一个凭证,来证明你拥有这个 ETF。最著名的 ETF 是 SPY ETF,它是全球最大的交易平台交易基金,跟踪的就是标准普尔 500 股市指数的总体水平。
比特币 ETF 就是基于比特币的 ETF。如果你购买了比特币 ETF,你就相当于间接投资了比特币,拥有的是可以交易的比特币基金,而并非直接拥有比特币。但是,你买比特币 ETF 和直接买比特币,在收益上没有任何区别,因为比特币 ETF 追踪的就是比特币的价格,比特币涨了,这个 ETF 也就涨了,反之亦然。 ETF 不过就是换了一种投资比特币的方式而已。唯一的区别是我们不用再去担心比特币会不会被盗了,不再担心把比特币存放在哪里了,也无需走繁琐的程序。

『捌』 比特币期权和比特币交割合约有什么区别


『玖』 比特币ETF基金比合约好在哪里








『拾』 比特币期权和比特币合约有什么不一样


『一』 What is the difference between Bitcoin ETF and Bitcoin ETN?

Bitcoin ETN refers to the transaction note of the Bitcoin exchange, which allows users to participate by tracking the price trend of the entire market. During the entire investment process, there is no need to consider the security of Bitcoin, but the price rise and fall within a period of time are needed to fulfill the original financial commitment.

I didn’t know much about this information at the time. Later, my friends went to the training courses of Yingfu Financial College and listened to their lectures. They said that Bitcoin ETF is more like a kind of ordinary investment, with a fixed It is established based on the price index and is also established using a trust model. It is divided into three entities: promoter, trustee and custodian. After signing the contract, each will perform corresponding responsibilities.

Now that the first batch of Bitcoin ETFs has been issued, it will greatly change the public's overall view of the regulatory risks of crypto assets, thereby having a certain positive impact on Bitcoin.

『二』What does Bitcoin ETF mean?

Bitcoin ETF, like Bitcoin futures, is also a financial investment product. Compared with direct investment in Bitcoin futures, Bitcoin ETFs cannot bring more benefits to investors, but Bitcoin ETFs can provide investors with a safer and more convenient transaction method and can attract more investors and funds.

1. Bitcoin ETF
Bitcoin ETF, simply put, is an ETF that uses Bitcoin as a means. Before that, it is necessary to popularize the concept of ETF.
ETF is the abbreviation of Exchange Traded Funds. The Chinese name is "Exchange Traded Fund". It is an open-end fund with variable fund shares that is listed and traded on the exchange.
ETF is a special type of index fund, which mainly includes stock ETFs, bond ETFs, commodity ETFs, currency ETFs and other types.
Bitcoin ETF, like Bitcoin futures, is also a financial investment product. Compared with direct investment in Bitcoin futures, Bitcoin ETFs cannot bring more benefits to investors, but Bitcoin ETFs can provide investors with a safer and more convenient transaction method and can attract more investors and funds.
However, the approval conditions for ETFs are stricter than those for futures. In 2017, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) repeatedly rejected the listing applications of Bitcoin ETFs from many institutions.
It is reported that the ETF application submitted by the Winklevoss brothers, the founders of Gemini Exchange, was rejected, but the industry's enthusiasm for Bitcoin ETFs has not diminished.

2. Impact of ETF
Judging from the current opinions of experts and the public, the impact that the SEC will have if the Bitcoin ETF is listed is still positive. On the one hand, it can make the encryption market safer. On the other hand, it can lower the threshold for Bitcoin transactions, thereby allowing a large amount of capital to flow in and accelerate the development of the digital currency industry.
Once comparedThe Bitcoin ETF is licensed and a large amount of legal currency capital is expected to flood into the market. Not only will its price respond quickly, but it will also have a positive impression on Bitcoin's risk assessment. According to IT Times, Michael Strutton, CEO of technology think tank IronWood, predicts that once the Bitcoin ETF is liberalized, it will bring 84 billion to 336 billion US dollars in funds to the Bitcoin market, which can push the price of Bitcoin to 44,000 US dollars. pieces.
Currently, Yuan Yuming, president of Huobi Research Institute, said that the main reason for previous rejections of Bitcoin ETFs was that the price of Bitcoin itself was too volatile and there was a risk of insufficient liquidity. In addition, there may also be concerns about market manipulation. This time these risks still exist, but they may be reduced with regulatory regulations, but no one can say for sure.
He pointed out that if the Bitcoin ETF is approved, it will bring many positive impacts.
Firstly, it will lower the threshold for Bitcoin transactions and bring a large amount of funds to the Bitcoin trading market
Secondly, it will also accelerate the development of the digital currency industry, such as promoting asset custody
Thirdly , ETF is equivalent to telling the public that officials have recognized Bitcoin as a legal asset class, changing people's overall view on the regulatory risks of digital currencies, which will accelerate the public's acceptance of digital currencies represented by Bitcoin.
In addition, when trading through the ETF channel, large transfers may be detected and frozen by the bank. Moreover, authoritative exchanges also provide credit endorsements, which improves users’ information on the security of their funds.
In short, Bitcoin ETF has been given high hopes, but whether the advantages of the stable development of the virtual currency market outweigh the disadvantages require further research and verification.

『三』The difference between ETP and ETF. Let me introduce in detail what ETP is

ETF and ETP provide convenience for institutional investors and qualified investors to enter the field of cryptocurrency. Risk is reduced. However, ETFs are funds, while ETPs are bonds, so ETFs are subject to more stringent supervision.
1. Bitcoin ETF
The full text of ETF is Exchange Traded Funds, which is a trading platform trading fund. Literally understood, it is a fund that can be traded on a trading platform. Simply put, it is a basket of targets that tracks the trend of the market. You can think of an ETF as a basket of stocks that are selected based on some index that indicates stock movements, such as the S&P 500, which records the overall movement of the stocks of 500 companies. So, the basket of stocks in the ETF is the stocks of these 500 companies. One point that needs to be made is that you don't actually own those 500 stocks directly, you have a certificate to prove that you own the ETF. The most famous ETF is the SPY ETF, which is the world's largest exchange-traded fund and tracks the S&P 500 stock market index.overall level of numbers.
Bitcoin ETF is an ETF based on Bitcoin. If you buy a Bitcoin ETF, you are investing in Bitcoin indirectly. You own a Bitcoin fund that can be traded, rather than owning Bitcoin directly. However, there is no difference in income between buying a Bitcoin ETF and buying Bitcoin directly, because the Bitcoin ETF tracks the price of Bitcoin. When Bitcoin goes up, the ETF will also go up, and vice versa. ETFs are just another way to invest in Bitcoin. The only difference is that we no longer have to worry about whether the Bitcoin will be stolen, no longer worry about where to store the Bitcoin, and there is no need to go through cumbersome procedures.
2. ETP
The full text of ETP is Exchange Traded Procts, which is the trading platform trading products. ETPs are open-ended investment products listed on trading platforms, derivatively priced, and day traded and settled on national trading platforms like stocks. It is classified as a senior structured debt security. Basically, they are linked in value to other securities, commodities or indices. ETPs are passive investments designed to replicate the performance of a specific market by tracking an underlying benchmark index, and their returns will outperform active investment products most of the time. Swiss securities trading platform SIX defines ETPs as follows: ETPs are collateralized, non-interest-earning bearer debt securities that replicate an underlying asset (usually derived from commodities) on a fundamental or leveraged basis. Like ETFs, they are day traded across multiple market makers, but legally they are not funds. Take for example the first global multi-crypto ETP launched by the Swiss stock exchange in November 2018, the Amun ETP is based on the Amun Crypto Basket Index, which tracks the performance of the five best cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization and liquidity. At the beginning of the listing, the composition of the index was as follows: BTC (49.7%), XRP (25.4%), ETH (16.7%), LTC (3%), and BCH (5.2%).
A spokesman for Swiss financial regulator Finma said: "It is important to distinguish ETPs from ETFs, as ETPs are not subject to the Collective Investment Schemes Act (Cisa)." Conceptually, Amun ETP Similar to ETFs, they both allow institutional investors and accredited retail investors to invest in digital assets without the need for a custodian and without facing other regulatory hurdles. However, in order to increase the chances of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approving an ETF, companies applying for ETF products must prove that the cryptocurrency futures market is stable enough, which is why the SEC has repeatedly refused to approve a Bitcoin ETF. For ETP, there is noSuch a requirement is because there are already ETP products in the United States, such as the Bitcoin Investment Trust launched by Grayscale Investment.

『四』 What is Bitcoin ETF

The full name of ETF is Exchange Traded Fund, which is translated into Chinese as trading platform trading fund. It is an open-end fund with variable fund shares that is listed and traded on the exchange following the price behavior of the underlying assets or a basket of assets. Some ETFs are backed by cash, while others are backed by the physical assets themselves. ETF is a very popular financial derivative in the financial market.
To put it simply, Bitcoin ETF tracks the price of Bitcoin. If the price of Bitcoin ETF rises, the price of Bitcoin will rise. On the contrary, if the price of Bitcoin falls, then the price of Bitcoin ETF will rise. Just dropped. The difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin ETFs is that we don’t have to worry about the Bitcoins in our wallets being stolen by hackers, and we don’t have to worry about where our Bitcoins should be stored. This is a promotion on a technical level. By buying a Bitcoin ETF, we no longer have to learn how to operate Bitcoin on a computer.

『五』What does it mean to apply for an ETF in Bitcoin?

ETF, the full name is "traded open-end index fund", is a kind of fund shares that are listed and traded on the exchange. Become an open-end fund. Investors can not only purchase or redeem fund shares from fund management companies, but also buy and sell ETF shares on the exchange at market prices

ETFs are special types of index funds: stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies . ETF is a consignment of Bitcoin spot by Bitcoin holders to a fund company. Then the fund company relies on this to publicly issue fund shares on the exchange and sell them to various investors. In addition, banks and brokers will be responsible for underwriting.

To put it simply, Bitcoin ETF is to securitize Bitcoin and turn it into an open-ended fund product that can be purchased on the exchange.

Successful application for Bitcoin ETF means:

1. Successful application for Bitcoin ETF will first lower the threshold for Bitcoin transactions and bring a large amount of money to the Bitcoin trading market. funds.

2. It will accelerate the development of the cryptocurrency industry and will also have a certain promotion effect on asset custody.

3. ETFs are equivalent to telling the public that officials have recognized Bitcoin as a legal asset class, changing people’s overall view of the regulatory risks of cryptocurrency, which will accelerate the public’s acceptance of Bitcoin as a representative of cryptocurrency.

The launch of any ETF product will naturally stimulate the market for its underlying product, because on the one hand, the underlying product is the most suitable for hedging ETF price fluctuations, on the other hand, ETF subscription and redemption must involve buyingSell ​​physical Bitcoin. If this 15th application is approved, it will be a healthy development, and the market will have more demand for derivatives, such as ETF options.

『Lu』 What is the difference between Bitcoin ETF and Bitcoin ETN?

What is Bitcoin ETN? Bitcoin ETN is a Bitcoin exchange-traded note (bond)

ETN, an exchange-traded bond or an exchange-traded note, is an unsecured claim in which the issuing institution promises to invest in the bond upon expiration. The investor repays a certain amount to the holder. The repayment amount is based on a specific market index, minus necessary expenses. Fixed interest is not paid, and the principal is not guaranteed.

Bitcoin ETN is a Bitcoin exchange-traded note (bond) that allows users to participate in investment by tracking the price trend of Bitcoin. What the user holds is a commitment to redeem funds according to the rise and fall of its price index over a period of time. , and it is also a very efficient hedging tool.

After investors purchase Bitcoin ETN, they do not need to hold Bitcoin directly. The company will hold Bitcoin on behalf of investors, thus reducing investors’ investment risks. As an investment tool, it greatly Broadening the channels for institutional investors to enter cryptocurrency investment.

Can’t tell the difference between Bitcoin ETN and ETF?

So, Bitcoin ETN and Bitcoin ETF are completely different. What are the similarities and differences between them?

The similarities between Bitcoin ETN and ETF products are: investors can invest in Bitcoin without directly holding Bitcoin; secondly, given the characteristics of cryptocurrency price fluctuations, both solve This alleviates investors' concerns when investing in cryptocurrency; secondly, both can effectively attract more investors and bring more capital inflows; at the same time, both have the credit endorsement of traditional financial institutions, which greatly reduces investors’ investment risks.

There are also differences between the two:

First, unlike ETFs, ETNs are bond trading instruments, guaranteed by the issuer and not supported by other assets. The issuer is usually a bank rather than an asset pool, it is more like a debt instrument backed by a bank or any other reputable issuing institution.

Second, Bitcoin ETN allows users to participate in investment by tracking price trends. What users hold is a commitment to redeem funds according to the rise and fall of its price index over a period of time. The Bitcoin ETF is a trading open-end index fund established with the Bitcoin price index in a certain market as the target index, similar to a gold ETF. In addition to ETF investors as trust beneficiaries, there are also three important entities including the sponsor, trustee and custodian. They will sign a trust contract and perform their respective responsibilities in accordance with the contract.

Thirdly, unlike ETFs that use a basket of stocks for redemption, ETNs use cash for redemption, which is subject to some restrictions and is not timely. This non-physical redemption feature determines that its arbitrage efficiency is not as good as that of ETFs, so the discount and premium rates are generally higher than those of ETFs.

Produced by ETNThe successful entry of the product into the U.S. market will make it easier for investors holding U.S. dollars to invest in Bitcoin-related products, which will undoubtedly increase the attractiveness of digital currencies as investment assets.

The listing of cryptocurrency ETNs on regulatory exchanges fully demonstrates the official recognition of Bitcoin as a legal asset class. In addition, as an investment tool, it greatly expands the channels for institutional investment to enter cryptocurrency investment. .

After ETN entered the market, what was the response of the Bitcoin market?

Everyone once thought that when ETFs were passed and a large number of institutional investors entered the market, the price of Bitcoin would soar. ETN is considered a "soft" alternative to the coveted Bitcoin ETF. ETN allows U.S. dollar holders to invest in Bitcoin without holding Bitcoin. It stands to reason that this should be a big move that can drive the market. The incident actually caused little market response, and it did not attract many American investors and the Wall Street capital they sought. This is a strange phenomenon.

Jeff Kilburg, founder and CEO of KKM Financial, explained that Bitcoin prices will continue to fluctuate until the ETF application has a final answer, and ETN will not have much influence.

Bart Smith, head of the digital asset department of Susquehanna International Group, a global investment market giant, is optimistic about this. He said that ETN has had a certain influence on the market, but it is far less than that of ETFs. explosive force.

There is also a view that in order for ETN products to be more competitive, investors need to convince their brokerage account providers to provide Bitcoin ETN services on their platforms. According to reports from many investors, their brokerage account providers currently do not support CXBTF (Bitcoin Tracker One’s trading code) transactions, or they need to perform more complicated and cumbersome steps to conduct transactions.

ETN is not regulated by the SEC, nor is it registered with the SEC, so its influence is far less than that of ETFs.

Although U.S. investors can now invest in Bitcoin through ETNs and some institutional exchanges, Bitcoin has yet to reach new heights. Most investors in the cryptocurrency market still hope that regulators will approve Bitcoin ETFs to enter the U.S. market, because they believe this will promote the adoption of Bitcoin by more mainstream funds, including Wall Street, and will cause large-scale price increases. In addition, the SEC continues to consider applications for various Bitcoin ETFs, so there is still a lot of hype and excitement about ETFs that may pass.

『撒』What does etp product mean?

The full text of ETP is Exchange Traded Procts, that is, trading platform trading products. ETPs are open-ended investment products listed on trading platforms, derivatively priced, and day traded and settled on national trading platforms like stocks. it is classifiedare senior structured debt securities.

1. What is ETP?
The full text of ETP is Exchange Traded Procts, that is, trading platform trading products. ETPs are open-ended investment products listed on trading platforms, derivatively priced, and day traded and settled on national trading platforms like stocks. It is classified as a senior structured debt security. Basically, they are linked in value to other securities, commodities or indices. ETPs are passive investments designed to replicate the performance of a specific market by tracking an underlying benchmark index, and their returns will outperform active investment products most of the time. Swiss securities trading platform SIX defines ETPs as follows: ETPs are collateralized, non-interest-earning bearer debt securities that replicate an underlying asset (usually derived from commodities) on a fundamental or leveraged basis. Like ETFs, they are day traded across multiple market makers, but legally they are not funds. Take for example the first global multi-crypto ETP launched by the Swiss stock exchange in November 2018, the Amun ETP is based on the Amun Crypto Basket Index, which tracks the performance of the five best cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization and liquidity. At the beginning of the listing, the composition of the index was as follows: BTC (49.7%), XRP (25.4%), ETH (16.7%), LTC (3%), and BCH (5.2%).

2. What is ETF?
The full text of ETF is Exchange Traded Funds, which is a trading platform trading fund. Literally understood, it is a fund that can be traded on a trading platform. Simply put, it is a basket of targets that tracks the trend of the market. You can think of an ETF as a basket of stocks that are selected based on some index that indicates stock movements, such as the S&P 500, which records the overall movement of the stocks of 500 companies. So, the basket of stocks in the ETF is the stocks of these 500 companies. One point that needs to be made is that you don't actually own those 500 stocks directly, you have a certificate to prove that you own the ETF. The best-known ETF is the SPY ETF, the world's largest exchange-traded fund that tracks the overall S&P 500 stock market index.
Bitcoin ETF is an ETF based on Bitcoin. If you buy a Bitcoin ETF, you are investing in Bitcoin indirectly. You own a Bitcoin fund that can be traded, rather than owning Bitcoin directly. However, there is no difference in income between buying a Bitcoin ETF and buying Bitcoin directly, because the Bitcoin ETF tracks the price of Bitcoin. When Bitcoin goes up, the ETF will also go up, and vice versa. ETF is just a different way to invest in BitcoinThat’s all. The only difference is that we no longer have to worry about whether the Bitcoin will be stolen, no longer worry about where to store the Bitcoin, and there is no need to go through cumbersome procedures.

『8』What is the difference between Bitcoin options and Bitcoin delivery contracts

This one is still more popular than what you are speculating on now. But it is still a little difficult for dad to compare.

『九』 What is better about Bitcoin ETF funds than contracts

The epidemic has caused huge harm to the world, not only to life safety and public health, but also to the global economy and a huge hit to financial markets. According to the IMF's latest forecast, the global economy may shrink by more than 3% in 2020, with developed countries generally experiencing negative growth, while China and India may only be able to maintain normal growth.

Faced with such a large-scale disaster that is more serious than any economic crisis in history, the most common means to help struggling workers and businesses are the government's issuance of national bonds and the central bank's money printing. The United States has launched three rounds of fiscal stimulus policies, with a total stimulus scale of more than 2.1 trillion U.S. dollars. The fourth round of 484 billion U.S. dollars of stimulus is about to be launched. These four rounds of quantitative easing will reach 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars, accounting for about 19 years of U.S. GDP. 12%. This is an appalling figure, equivalent to a 89% discount on everyone’s wealth.

In China, the amount of water released by the central bank will only be larger than that in the United States, probably 50% higher. The United States releases water, and people all over the world share the responsibility. Since the RMB has not yet fulfilled its mission as a global currency, most of China’s losses will be borne by the Chinese people. In other words, if the United States releases water, the Chinese people will bear part of it, and if China releases water, the Chinese people will bear the majority, so wealth will be reduced or increased. It is imperative to give up holding cash and find a safe investment channel and high-quality safe-haven assets.

Traditional safe-haven investment assets include treasury bonds, gold, funds, etc. However, this financial crisis is so severe that traditional safe-haven assets are no longer enough to ensure that property does not depreciate. Bitoffer analyst Lucian believes that Bitcoin ETF funds may be the best safe-haven assets at this stage.

First of all, Bitcoin is known as "digital gold", and Bitcoin exists in a decentralized blockchain and is almost impossible to lose (unless you forget the private key), which is better than hiding it in a safe at home. Gold is safer; secondly, Bitcoin is easy to carry, can be transferred for payment, and has more and wider uses than gold. On the one hand, it is the value storage function of digital gold, and on the other hand, it is the payment and circulation function of currency. What is even more rare is that the price of Bitcoin is seriously underestimated and will continue to rise in the future. Therefore, Bitcoin is a better safe-haven investment asset than gold. .

The Bitcoin ETF fund is the best tool that can amplify Bitcoin returns. Why do you say that? Although contracts can also amplify Bitcoin returns, contracts are prone to liquidation. Once price volatility is high, contract liquidation will cause investors to lose money.Lost everything. Bitcoin ETF funds are different. Through the dynamic position adjustment mechanism, ETF funds do not have the risk of liquidation. Moreover, through the continuous rise of the net value of the fund, they can continue to earn income with income. The earlier you buy, the greater the income will be. The lowest 3 times, up to 17 times the income.

For example, if you buy a Bitcoin for $10,000, you will earn twice as much if the spot price rises. However, ETF funds do not have to worry about liquidation. The minimum profit is 3 times and the maximum profit is 17 times. That is to say, if Bitcoin rises, Double that, and the ETF fund earns $170,000.

『Shi』What is the difference between Bitcoin options and Bitcoin contracts?

Bitcoin contracts are futures. Futures and options are essentially derivatives of Bitcoin, and It is also a spot hedging tool! But generally speaking, options are better than futures, and we can make comparisons based on several points.
First of all, if the current price of Bitcoin is 8,000 US dollars, when Bitcoin rises from 8,000 to 8,500 US dollars.
1. Buy spot and make $500
2. Buy call options and make $500
3. How to make $500 in futures?
For example, if you use a principal of 500 US dollars, open 20 times leverage, and increase the price by 5%, you can earn 500 US dollars.
When the returns of the three are the same, we find that the option investment has the lowest principal and the risk is also the lowest.
Spot, you need to invest 9,000 US dollars
Futures, you need to invest 500 US dollars
Options, you need to invest 5 US dollars
So, in my opinion, the BTC options launched by Bitoffer will have great The biggest advantage is that there is no deposit and no handling fees. This is the best thing.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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