元宇宙 泡沫 元宇宙概念引爆科技

⑴ 《元宇宙产业自律公约》发布,其中有哪些具体规定

《元宇宙产业自律公约》发布了以下规定:激发新技术创新活力,推动产学研深度融合,提升主创新能力 ;加强对元宇宙的行业监管,推动守正创新;抵制恶意炒作行为,有序运行元宇宙, 预防泡沫经济;强化主体责任,引导公众理性参与,打击以“元宇宙”为噱头的各类骗局; 探索绿色低碳发展模式,带动数字经济与中国发展深度融合。该《公约》一定会促使元宇宙向着更加稳健状态发展,但是还需要人们坚守《公约》。


⑵ 如何看待元宇宙即兴评述


⑶ 央视警惕“元宇宙”新型骗局,关于“元宇宙”的骗局有哪些


⑷ 元宇宙炒房热,一块地贵过北京别墅,你如何看待这种现象





⑸ 元宇宙炒房热,一块地贵过北京别墅,元宇宙概念到底是不是“智商税”



⑹ 元宇宙产业自律公约发布,其中有哪些内容值得关注



⑺ 为什么我觉得元宇宙是个骗局






⑻ 多家元宇宙概念公司被监管部门问询,我们应该如何理性看待元宇宙












数字孪生了真么久,还是To B收入模型;


⑼ 元宇宙产业自律公约发布,公约中规定了些什么


⑽ 《元宇宙产业自律公约》发布,这对该行业有哪些积极影响


【元宇宙产业自律公约抵制炒作 多只港股概念股大跌】周一,港股元宇宙概念板块罕见大跌,多家个股“跌势汹汹”。富途牛牛行情软件显示,截至2月21日收盘,港股元宇宙概念板块跌幅达4.33%,其中心动公司当日大跌11.79%、哔哩哔哩跌幅近10%;快手跌超7%。引人注意的是,当日中国移动通信联合会元宇宙产业委员会(以下简称“中国移联元宇宙产业委”)发布元宇宙产业自律公约,提出坚决抵制利用元宇宙热点概念进行资本炒作。在此之前,银保监会官网于上周五发布风险提示,提出防范以“元宇宙”名义进行的非法集资,剑指编造虚假元宇宙投资项目等乱象。

⑴ The "Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention" was released. What are the specific provisions?

The "Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention" released the following provisions: Stimulate the vitality of new technology innovation and promote the depth of industry, academia and research Integrate and enhance the main innovation capabilities; strengthen the industry supervision of the Metaverse and promote integrity and innovation; resist malicious speculation, operate the Metaverse in an orderly manner, and prevent the bubble economy; strengthen the main responsibility, guide the public to participate rationally, and combat the "Metaverse" as a various gimmicks and scams; explore green and low-carbon development models and promote the deep integration of the digital economy with China's development. This "Convention" will definitely promote the development of the metaverse into a more stable state, but people still need to stick to the "Convention".

Therefore, it is very undesirable to talk about the Metaverse without the real economy. The development of the Metaverse cannot be separated from the support of the real economy. The promulgation of this Convention undoubtedly points out the future development path for the development of the Metaverse.

⑵ How to view the impromptu comment on the Metaverse

The summary seems to be a commentator from the People’s Daily who satirized many companies in recent times for taking advantage of the hot topics of the Metaverse, creating bubbles, and saying that "everything can be in the Metaverse" , timely cooling down and reminding investors. If you make a fuss by cutting off the beginning and ending, it will be taken out of context.

⑶ CCTV is wary of new scams in the "Metaverse". What are the scams about the "Metaverse"

There are many scams, and there are many regional chain games, all of which are page games, and behind them are The industry chain is particularly serious. When playing games, you need to convert the money in your hand into virtual currency, and usually a commission will be taken.

⑷ There is a craze for real estate speculation in the Metaverse, and a piece of land is more expensive than a villa in Beijing. What do you think of this phenomenon?

I think the technology to realize the Metaverse is not yet mature. One should not blindly pursue the virtual land of the Metaverse.

At present, the concept of the Metaverse is very popular at home and abroad. Many companies have launched their preliminary metaverse projects, which has triggered a rush to buy and snap up these metaverse virtual lands. I personally oppose this blind pursuit of virtual land. On the one hand, it will take a long time and financial investment to truly realize the metaverse. On the other hand, Yuanverse’s virtual land transactions have not received relevant government approval, and there may be a risk of financial bubbles.

One: I think the technology of the Metaverse is not yet mature.

Although the popularity of the metaverse concept has led many people to believe that it will be a new trend in the information industry era. I personally also very much support many companies joining hands to help the establishment and development of the Metaverse. However, many related technologies related to the Metaverse are not yet mature, and it is still too early to establish a true Metaverse. Therefore, I personally do not agree with the virtual land transaction of the Metaverse at this time.

⑸ Yuanverse real estate speculation is booming. A piece of land is more expensive than a villa in Beijing. Is the concept of Yuanverse an "IQ tax"?

The "Yuanverse" explosion started by Liu Yexi red queen,The interactive topic related to the Metaverse continues to rise, and has even entered the field of "real estate speculation". The value of a piece of virtual land is also frighteningly high. As a medium that combines the virtual world and the real world, the Metaverse has not yet been experienced by ordinary people. After arriving at Welfare, it turns into harvesting amaranth in the real world and then trading in the virtual world? People can't help but wonder, is the Metaverse an opportunity and a challenge, or is it an IQ tax?

According to a previous report by the People's Daily, regarding the "Yuanverse real estate speculation" incident, it was bluntly emphasized that there are many products in the virtual world called the Yuanverse, and all a company needs to do is Decline, the virtual goods purchased by investors will eventually go bankrupt, and there are almost no similar experiences and lessons. Whether the Metaverse is a capital opportunity or a scam that is cut off from leeks, everyone may want to wait and see, but what we should be aware of is that in this world, The virtual space, anchored in the speculative nature of making quick money, may be a "bubble" that bursts immediately.

⑹ The Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention is released, what contents are worth paying attention to

Conducting fraud under the banner of Metaverse blockchain games. There are also many people who use the Metaverse game as a gimmick to deceive consumers and investors. These actors often take measures to induce victims to recharge large amounts of legal currency in the game in exchange for virtual currency, and use virtual currency to purchase in-game props (such as equipment, etc.) for investment. However, since my country prohibits the circulation between legal currency and virtual currency, the relevant activities are clearly identified as unapproved illegal public financing activities. Therefore, investing in the above manner is clearly illegal. In addition, the perpetrators may also take this opportunity to abscond with the money, and since all investments are made online, it is difficult to obtain compensation afterwards.

Engage in disguised illegal profit-making activities of virtual currencies in the virtual world. This kind of behavior is similar to the above-mentioned behavior, which is false propaganda to induce the public to invest and manage money. But the difference is that the perpetrator has absolute control over the virtual currency he claims and can obtain illegal profits through a series of operations. Therefore, it is essentially a crime of fraud, and of course it also constitutes a crime of fraud. At the same time, as mentioned above, if this kind of behavior meets the four specific characteristics, it also constitutes fund-raising fraud.

⑺ Why do I think the Metaverse is a scam

The Metaverse is a typical fallacy and a lie that disturbs people’s hearts.

Universe is defined in a physical sense as all space and time (collectively referred to as space-time) and its connotations, Including all forms of energy, such as electromagnetic radiation, ordinary matter, dark matter, dark energy, etc. Ordinary matter includes planets, satellites, stars, galaxies, galaxy clusters, and intergalactic matter. The universe also includes physical laws that affect matter and energy, such as conservation laws, classical mechanics, relativity, etc.

The Big Bang theory is a modern cosmological description of the evolution of the universe. According to estimates from this theory, space and time appeared together after the Big Bang 13.799±0.21 billion years ago. As the universe expanded,With expansion, the energy and matter that originally existed become less dense. The initial accelerated expansion is called the inflationary period, after which the four known fundamental forces separate.

The universe gradually cooled and continued to expand, allowing the first subatomic particles and simple atoms to form. Dark matter gradually accumulates and forms foam-like structures, large-scale fiber-like structures and cosmic voids under the influence of gravity. Huge molecular clouds of hydrogen and helium were gradually attracted to where dark matter was densest, forming the first galaxies, stars, planets, everything.

Space itself is constantly expanding, so celestial objects 46.5 billion light-years away from Earth can currently be seen because these lights were closer to Earth than they are today when they were produced 13.8 billion years ago.

⑻ Many Metaverse concept companies have been asked by regulatory authorities about how we should treat the Metaverse rationally

There is a difference between looking at investment rationally and looking at the industry rationally.

Some listed companies that are performing well at this stage have nothing to do with whether the fundamentals related to the Metaverse are good or not.

Mostly. . . . If the price falls a lot in the early stage, there will be fewer influential institutions, so it will be easier to pull it up, and the power to smash the market will be smaller.

This has the same meaning as what I said about hydrogen energy before. The long-term development direction is suddenly a popular concept at the moment, and good growth has little to do with fundamentals. Don't try to use fundamentals to choose investment targets, and don't really believe in business logic when the market reaches its peak.

Is it an important development direction? Yes

The significance of Yuanshi to investment and industry is to "unify" the relatively scattered investment concepts in the past few years.

Digital twins, AR/VR/MR hardware, digital currency, etc.

Under the big concept of the metaverse, many things can be done more logically.

How are the fundamentals? Not so good

There have been no significant changes in the above-mentioned industries in the past few months, let alone performance.

No one consciously purchased AR/VR/MR equipment during Double Eleven, right? Apple has been talking about it for a long time, and it is now expected to be launched in the first half of next year. (Those who invest in hardware logic should think about this logic.)

Digital twins have been around for a long time, but they are still To B income models;

Digital currency. . . . . . . Not to mention

⑼ The Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention was released, what is stipulated in the convention

The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires the production of content. , economic system, user experience and physical world content have undergone a large number of transformations. However, the development of the metaverse is orderly and followable. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms with the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols.

⑽ The release of the "Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention" will have a positive impact on the industry

The release of the "Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention" will have a positive impact on the industry The bank’s positive impacts include:

[Yuanverse Industry Self-Discipline Pact to Resist Hype, Many Hong Kong Concept Stocks Slumped] On Monday, the Yuanverse concept sector of Hong Kong stocks rarely fell sharply, and many stocks fell sharply. Futu Niu Niu market software shows that as of the close on February 21, the Yuan Universe concept sector of Hong Kong stocks fell by 4.33%. Among them, Central Dongdong Company fell by 11.79% that day, Bilibili fell by nearly 10%, and Kuaishou fell by more than 7%. What is noteworthy is that on that day, the Metaverse Industry Committee of the China Mobile Communications Federation (hereinafter referred to as the "China Mobile Alliance Metaverse Industry Committee") issued the Metaverse Industry Self-Discipline Convention, proposing to resolutely resist capital speculation using the hot concept of the Metaverse. Prior to this, the official website of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a risk warning last Friday, proposing to prevent illegal fund-raising in the name of "Metaverse" and pointing out the fabrication of false Metaverse investment projects and other chaos.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

㈠ 陈筱国泰君安薪酬作为国泰君安证券研究所传媒首席分析师薪资不会低。具体属于内部体系无法得知。传媒首席分析师陈筱表示元宇宙大幕拉开,线下文体有望蓄势待发。随着腾讯,字节跳动,Facebook(Meta