比特币合约资金费率的计算方法 比特币合约资金费率的计算

① 比特币的交易费率是多少





② 比特币的合约收益是怎么算的


③ 季度合约有没有资金费率


④ 数字货币永续合约的资金费率是什么

CoinEx有三个资金费用的收取时间,分别是(HKT) 08:00、16:00、24:00。简单来说,只有在每天8:00、16:00、24:00持有仓位时,用户才需要支付或收取资金费用。如果在费用收取之前平仓,就不需要支付资金费用啦~
资金费率=Clamp(MA(((深度加权买价 + 深度加权卖价)/2-现货指数价格)/现货指数价格 - Interest), a, b)
*深度加权买价 = 在竞买方成交 “保证金影响额” 的平均价格
*深度加权卖价 = 在竞卖方成交 “保证金影响额” 的平均价格

⑤ okex比特币永续合约的资金费用是怎么计算的


⑥ 比特币手续费



1. 筹备你要发送的比特币




2. 阻止大量微额(st)支付冲击网络


3. 数额越大、币龄(age)越高优先级越高

如果你发送金额太小或者是你的比特币刚开采出来不久,那么你的转账就不再免费之列。每一个交易都会分配一个优先级,这个优先级通过币的新旧程度、交易的字节数和交易的数量。具体来说,对于每一个输入(inputs)来讲,客户端会先将比特币的数量乘以这些币在块中存在的时间(币龄,age),然后将所有的乘积加起来除以此次交易的大小(以字节为单位),计算公式:priority = sum(input_value_in_base_units * input_age)/size_in_bytes,计算结果如果小于0.576,那么该交易就必须支付手续费。这也是为什么你在OKCoin比特币提现的时候都要加一个0.0001的原因了,因为OKCoin钱包内的比特币转账频繁,比特币在块中的时间比较短,因此需要支付手续费。如果你确实有大量的小额输入,比如小矿工,又想免费转出,这时候你可以加一个数额大的、币龄大的比特币金额,就会将平均优先级提高,从而可以免费转出比特币。

4. 每千字节的收费

在转账的最后客户端会计算本次转账的大小(以字节为单位),大小一般取决于输入和输出的数额大小,计算公式如下:148 × 输入数额 + 34 × 输出数额 + 10,如果该次转账的大小超过10000字节但是优先级符合免费的标准,那么仍然可以享受免费转账,否则需要支付手续费。每1000字节的费用默认是0.0001BTC,但是你也可以在客户端里进行追加,依次打开选项卡“设置>选项>主要”进行手续费的调整。如果你在设置的手续费小于0.0001BTC按0.0001算。当本条规则适用时将会取代步骤2的规则而不是累加。

⑦ 比特币交易大数据的永续资金费率是什么指标


⑧ 比特币永续合约中的收益率是怎么计算的

就是收益率 = 收益 / 开仓时所需保证金。

① What is the transaction fee of Bitcoin?

OKEx Bitcoin exchange has the lowest handling fee in the world, 0.15%-0.02%, and the platform currency OKB is not TOLL.

In Bybit, for every successful order, the Bybit platform will automatically decide to charge fees or provide rewards based on the order attributes. For the "market makers" of the market: for each successful limit order, the system will give a reward of 0.025% based on the contract value.

For the "price taker" of the market: for each successful market order, the system will charge a fee of 0.075% of the contract value based on the contract value. A Bitcoin transaction worth $5 may pay the same fee as a Bitcoin transaction worth $5,000.

They are measured by "satoshis per byte of data."

② How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times a full contract is equivalent to buying 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin for 100 yuan, which increases your income by ten points. It is 200 yuan (+100). Your account is 300 yuan the next day. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and then increase by ten points, your income will be 600 yuan (+300), and so on.
But if it falls 5 points, your principal is gone, commonly known as liquidation.

③Does the quarterly contract have a funding rate?

Yes. Traditional futures contracts have a delivery date, so the closer to the delivery date, the futures price in the market will naturally move closer to the spot price and eventually remain consistent. But the perpetual contract has no expiry date or settlement date, so how can the price remain consistent with the spot price? The funding rate comes in handy. It is used to anchor the spot price. When the perpetual contract price deviates from the reasonable spread from the spot price, the funding fee will force the deviation back to a reasonable level.
The funding fee is not a fee charged by the exchange, but is paid between the long and short positions, so that the transaction price is close to the spot index price. The positive or negative funding rate determines which party needs to pay. When the funding rate is positive, the long-side user (that is, the buyer of the contract) pays the funding fee to the short-side user (the contract seller); if the funding rate is negative, the short-side user pays the long-side user. When the funding rate is 0, neither the long nor short parties need to pay funding fees to each other.
Take Bitcoin as an example. It is assumed that the price difference between the Bitcoin perpetual contract price and the spot price is between -20 and 20 points, which is reasonable. At this time, Xiao Ming, as the buyer of the contract, maliciously increased the price of the perpetual contract, widening the price difference to 100 points. At 24:00 that day, the actual price difference was too outrageous. At this time, Xiao Ming needed to compensate investors who held short orders (that is, The seller of the contract), and the system will also deduct it from Xiao Ming’s realized gains. Therefore, in the perpetual contract, the higher the price is, the larger the price difference is, and the greater the compensation for the short side will be.
Extended information:
1. The capital expense rate refers to the amount of various expenses of the enterprise and the monthly average of deposits and loansThe balance ratio is an indicator used to measure the cost of using funds of an enterprise. The key role of the funding rate is to narrow the price difference (price regression) between the perpetual contract market and the corresponding spot market.
2. Funding rate and predicted funding rate. In "Contract Details", traders can view the determined funding rate at the next funding rate timestamp (within 8 hours). When the mouse is moved over "Funding Rate", the predicted funding rate will display the predicted funding rate for the next funding rate timestamp (within 16 hours). This predicted funding rate will be updated in real time based on changes in the interest rate and premium index calculated every minute until the next funding rate timestamp.

④ What is the funding rate of digital currency perpetual contracts?

Let’s first introduce the topic with Bitcoin’s perpetual contracts:
Bitcoin’s perpetual contracts Using Bitcoin price as the trading index, how to ensure that the spread between the contract price and the spot price is consistent? Since futures contracts have a delivery date, the closer to the delivery date, the futures price in the market will naturally move closer to the spot price and eventually remain consistent. But a perpetual contract is a special kind of futures contract. Unlike traditional futures, a perpetual contract has no expiration date or settlement date. Does that mean there is no constraint on the price of the perpetual contract, and you can do whatever you want?
At this time, something called "funding cost" comes on the scene ~ it can be used to anchor the spot price. When the perpetual contract price deviates from the reasonable spread between the spot price and the spot price at a certain time, the funding cost will cause this deviation. The price difference was forced back to a reasonable level. Some curious netizens asked:
How does the capital fee bring the price difference back?
Before answering this question, let us explain the concept of CoinEx funding fees.
The funding fee is not a fee charged by the exchange, but is paid between the long and short positions, making the transaction price close to the spot index price. The positive or negative funding rate determines which party needs to pay. To put it simply, CoinEx does not charge any funding fees, and the money is transferred between users.
When the funding rate is positive, the long-side user (that is, the buyer of the contract) pays the short-side user (the contract seller) the funding fee; if the funding rate is negative, the short-side user pays the long-side user. When the funding rate is 0, neither the long nor the short parties need to pay funding fees to each other.
In summary, when a contract is excessively premium, the funding rate is positive and the contract buyer needs to pay a fee to the seller. This mechanism of CoinEx will also narrow the price difference between the contract market and the spot market, thereby returning the price to normal levels and limiting malicious manipulation of contract prices. There is no roller-coaster ride of price spreads rising and falling, so there is no harm.
In order for everyone to understand more intuitively, we will give another example without hesitation, still taking the Bitcoin perpetual contract as an example: Assume that the price difference between the Bitcoin perpetual contract price and the spot price is between -20 and 20 points. Reasonable. At this time, Zhang San, as the buyer of the contract, maliciously increased the price of the perpetual contract.Let the price difference expand to 100 points. At 24:00 that day, the actual price difference is too outrageous. At this time, Zhang San has to compensate investors who hold short orders (that is, the seller of the contract), and the system will also benefit from Zhang San’s realized income. Deductions are made. Therefore, in the perpetual contract, the higher the price is, the larger the price difference is, and the greater the compensation for the short side will be.
How is the funding rate calculated?
CoinEx has three fund fee collection times, namely (HKT) 08:00, 16:00, and 24:00. Simply put, users only need to pay or receive funding fees when holding positions at 8:00, 16:00, and 24:00 every day. If you close your position before fees are collected, you don’t need to pay the funding fee~
As for the current funding rate for each settlement, it is the funding rate calculated one minute before the last settlement time.
The calculation formula is as follows:
Funding rate = Clamp(MA(((depth weighted buying price + depth weighted selling price)/2-spot index price)/spot index price-Interest), a , b)
*MA represents the moving average. CoinEx’s funding rate will be calculated based on the depth-weighted buying and selling price and spot index price within a certain period before each calculation.
*Interest is currently 0
*BTCUSD, BCHUSD, ETHUSD, LTCUSD, BSVUSD, XRPUSD, EOSUSD perpetual contracts: a=-0.1%, b=0.1%
*Depth weighted bid price = The average price of the "margin impact amount" transactions on the bidder
*Depth weighted selling price = The average price of the "margin impact amount" transactions on the bidder
*The margin impact amount refers to a certain number of orders Total value of the order

⑤ How is the funding fee of the okex Bitcoin perpetual contract calculated?

Funding fee = position value * funding rate, when the funding rate is a positive number When the funding rate is negative, the longs pay the shorts. When the funding rate is negative, the shorts pay the longs. Do you understand?

⑥ Bitcoin handling fees

Bitcoin transaction fees are generally: between 0.0001-0.0005BTC. Of course, the amount accepted by each miner and miners' association is different. Sometimes, there is no handling fee for large Bitcoin transactions, such as more than 100 BTC. Small transactions below 0.01 BTC will be charged a certain amount of handling fees. Of course, some Bitcoin clients can set Bitcoin transaction fees. If you set the transaction fee very low, the transaction confirmation time will be very long.
First of all, you should understand that this fee is awarded to miners to encourage miners to continue mining and provide sufficient computing power for Bitcoin to ensure the security of the Bitcoin network. The current main income of minersBTC rewards are obtained by creating new blocks (Blocks), but this reward is halved every 4 years. As time goes by, Bitcoin transaction fees will gradually replace Bitcoin rewards.
Under what circumstances do I need to pay a handling fee? What is the amount?

The Bitcoin system has a series of network rules, including fee rules. This series of rules is also "what the client should do." When you use the Bitcoin client (wallet, Bitcoin-Qt) to send Bitcoins, the entire process is roughly divided into the following steps:

1. Prepare the Bitcoins you want to send

The client is responsible for collecting the Bitcoin balance in your wallet (Bitcoin-Qt) in preparation for payment, because every Bitcoin you receive is stored in your wallet until you spend it.

If you withdraw 3BTC and 2BTC twice from OKCoin, their records in your wallet are independent of each other, that is, one 3BTC and one 2BTC, instead of being merged into 5BTC (the wallet only records the transaction details, The balances are not combined, but you can see the total balance on the wallet interface). As time goes by, your wallet will accumulate many such amounts of Bitcoin. It is conceivable that OKCoin Bitcoin wallet There should be thousands of such records. So when you send Bitcoin, the wallet must decide which of the above records is best for this send.

The bitcoins you get in a transaction are called "inputs", and the bitcoins you spend are called "outputs". There are multiple inputs and outputs in your wallet .

2. Prevent large amounts of micro (st) payments from impacting the network

If you deposit less than 0.01 BTC to the OKCoin Bitcoin trading platform (including changes in funds within your wallet) , you have to pay a handling fee of 0.0001. The wallet has an established rule when preparing your payment amount, which is to try to avoid changes in the amount less than 0.01BTC when preparing the payment amount among many inputs (for example, if you want to recharge 5.005BTC to OKCoin Bitcoin, the wallet If possible, choose 3+2.005 or 1+1+3.005 instead of 5+0.005).

3. The larger the amount and the higher the age of the coin, the higher the priority

If the amount you send is too small or your Bitcoin has just been mined, Then your transfer is no longer free. Each transaction is assigned a priority based on the age of the coin, the number of bytes in the transaction, and the number of transactions. Specifically, for each input, the client will first multiply the number of Bitcoins by the time those coins existed in the block.time (coin age, age), and then add up all the products and divide them by the size of the transaction (in bytes). The calculation formula is: priority = sum(input_value_in_base_units * input_age)/size_in_bytes. If the calculation result is less than 0.576, Then the transaction must pay a handling fee. This is also the reason why you have to add 0.0001 when withdrawing Bitcoin from OKCoin. Because Bitcoin transfers in OKCoin wallet are frequent and the time of Bitcoin in the block is relatively short, so you need to pay a handling fee. If you do have a large amount of small input, such as a small miner, and want to transfer it out for free, then you can add a large amount of Bitcoin with an older currency, which will increase the average priority and allow you to transfer it for free. Out of Bitcoin.

4. Charge per kilobyte

At the end of the transfer, the client will calculate the size of the transfer (in bytes). The size generally depends on the input and the output amount, the calculation formula is as follows: 148 × input amount + 34 × output amount + 10. If the size of the transfer exceeds 10,000 bytes but the priority meets the free standard, you can still enjoy free transfer, otherwise you need to pay Handling fee. The default fee per 1000 bytes is 0.0001 BTC, but you can also add additional fees in the client and open the tab "Settings > Options > Main" to adjust the handling fee. If the handling fee you set is less than 0.0001BTC, it will be calculated as 0.0001. When this rule is applied it will supersede the rule in step 2 rather than being cumulative.

⑦ What is the indicator of the perpetual funding rate of Bitcoin trading big data

OKEx perpetual contract sets delivery at 8:00, 16:00 and 24:00 every day Time, when delivery occurs, if the current funding rate is positive, long position holders at OKEx delivery time will pay a certain amount of funding fees to short position holders, otherwise short position holders will pay long position holders Someone pays a certain amount of funding fees.

⑧ How is the rate of return in Bitcoin perpetual contracts calculated?

It is the rate of return = income / margin required when opening a position.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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