比特币合约不同季度套利一样吗 比特币合约不同季度套利区别

Ⅰ 国内不同比特币交易所之间存在套利的可能吗有哪些技术难点


Ⅱ 什么是比特币套利交易


Ⅲ 套利有哪些种类,套利分为哪几类








Ⅳ 国内不同比特币交易所之间存在套利的可能吗都有哪些技术难点


Ⅳ 那些年,比特币套利的时光






1. 大部分的交易所因为法律问题关闭了注册;
2. 比特币的转账链(两个交易所之间)需要 5 到 60 分钟(这个耗时跟比特币的原理有关)——这段时间的价格波动足以消磨掉大部分的利润;
3. 当时最大的价差在中美交易所之间,但是人民币管制,导致资金不能回流,市场之间流动性差。

1. 争取找到可以注册的交易所,当时比特币交易所多入牛毛,总有继续让人注册的。
2. 如果交易所之间价差够大,就不怕这 5-60 分钟的波动了——大概率我们会有盈利。
3. 有很多办法可以找到换汇渠道,这一点应该有希望解决。


当时找不到可以直接美元买入的网站,但是人民币有很多交易所,最大的是比特币中国(btcchina)。我们搜索了很久,发现了一个网站叫做 Local BTC,大概思路就是你可以预定比特币,然后形成潜在交易后,网站帮你冻结卖家一部分比特币,等你转账后,这部分比特币就归你了。相当于 Local BTC 承担了一个支付宝的功能。

第一笔交易我们买了 0.94 比特币,这数字太难忘了。这一单交易赚了30%,高兴得不要不要的。解决了实际操作问题,我们就需要找在美国可以大量购买比特币的地方。Local BTC 上面都是零售商,数量太小,而美国最大的几个交易所,比如 Mt. Gox 都关闭了注册。这时候我们发现加拿大的交易所 Virt Ex 有可能注册,但是要注册公司,正当我们准备去加拿大注册公司的时候,我们发现国内的比特币玩家用已经在疯狂地挤压现有的利润空间。当时两地的比特币价差长期维持在 30%-50%,于是很多国内有美国交易所账户的比特币玩家,大量买入比特币,在中国卖掉后在淘宝用 8:1 的汇率换回美金(当时中美汇率已经是 6.2X 了),继续套利,这让两边价差迅速缩减。我们感觉等不到我们办好加拿大账户利润空间就不会存在了。

这件事在没有出路的时候,我们的数据告诉了一个转机。仔细分析了一下,发现人民币的几个交易所:BTC China、火币网、Okcoin 之间经常也有不小的价差,而且三个开户都很方便。同时国内的交易所率先开始提供借入比特币的功能,这让我们开始设想是否可以就做人民币交易所之间的套利。

那么是直接在价格低的交易所买入,然后直接转账去价格高的交易所,再卖出吗?这看起来很简单,但是同样你需要承受那个 5-60 分钟的转账价格波动,因为你没有对冲。

这时罗曼想出了一个新的套利方法。就是在两个不同市场分别买入和卖出相同数量的比特币,一旦价差拉大的时候,就同时卖出和买入相同数量的比特币,完成套利。然后等待两个交易所的价差收窄即可。可是最核心的问题是,有时候两个交易所价格不会真的逆转,比如 BTC China 长期比火币网价格高,这时候怎么办?这时候你要算出两边价差的平均水平了,在价差浮动的时候来回买入卖出。这个买入卖出的过程有可能是亏损的,但总体是盈利的。

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Ⅵ bitoffer期权怎么与合约对冲套利







Ⅶ 币圈合约稳定套利的方法

套利( spreads): 指同时买进和卖出两张不同种类的期货合约.交易者买进自认为是"便宜的"合约,同时卖出那些"高价的"合约,从两合约价格间的变动关系中获.套期保值,是指企业为规避外汇风险、利率风险、商品价格风险.月份相同或相近原则 该原则要求投资者在进行套期保值操作时,所选用期货合约的.
一、区块链的确是大势所趋,投资区块链可以从以下几个方面进行:1、进入区块链行业. 2、与区块链相半而生的是数字货币市场,各种数字货币如比特币、以太坊、莱特币等.
(1) 不抛补套利。即利用两国资金市场的利率差异,把短期资金从低利率的市场调到高利率的市场投放,以获取利差收益。
(2) 抛补套利。即套利者在把短期资金从甲地调到乙地套利的同时,利用远期外汇交易避免汇率变动的风险。套利活动会改变不同资金市场的供求关系,使各地短期资金的利率趋于一致,使货币的近期汇率与远期汇率的差价缩小,并使资金市场的利率差与外汇市场的汇率差价之间保持均衡,从而在客观上加强了国际金融市场的一体化。

Ⅷ 比特币期货季度合约和当周合约差价很大 什么原因


Ⅸ BTC比特币期货合约怎么玩,能赚钱吗


Ⅰ Is arbitrage possible between different domestic Bitcoin exchanges? What are the technical difficulties?

Of course it is possible. Prices change rapidly, and there will be price differences due to accidental fluctuations. Where there are price differences, there will be arbitrage. The instantaneous price difference we see is the result of arbitrage by others.
There are two difficulties:
1. A large amount of funds is required. The reason is that only large funds can make considerable returns, and only large funds have the ability to place deposits in various accounts. Buy this box and sell that box. You can refer to the fact that there was no handling fee for transfers using Alipay (Yue Bao) before. This was because Tianhong’s large amount of funds were stored in various banks and the result was daily hedging by customers. And this kind of business can only be completed with large funds.
2. Speed. Arbitrage opportunities are fleeting, so you have to be fast to seize them. The reason why Everbright's ETFs were able to make arbitrage before, and why they were able to inject such a large amount of funds into the market in a short period of time after an own mistake, is no other than Kuaier. It is said that in order to compete for this safe means of arbitrage, competitors have reached the point of "competing at physical distances."

Ⅱ What is Bitcoin arbitrage trading?

Just run if you make money. If you need a download address, I can provide it

Ⅲ What are the types of arbitrage and what are the categories of arbitrage? Several categories

Give a few examples of arbitrage activities

1. Digital currency arbitrage

Compared with the arbitrage in the currency circle, the earliest ones are BTC, ETH transfer, because the prices of digital currencies on various exchanges at home and abroad are different, a new business was born - "digital currency transfer", which is to move Bitcoin between different exchanges. , earn price arbitrage.

After China banned Bitcoin and RMB transactions on September 4, 2017, prices on domestic exchanges plummeted. At the lowest, domestic prices were only 80% of overseas prices, which created huge arbitrage space. 3,500 knives abroad, equivalent to 3,200 knives domestically, the return on the principal of 200,000 can reach 50% on the same day, and there are many people who can double their income with leverage.

The benefits of digital currency transfer are large, but the disadvantage is that the funds must be large-scale. If the funds are small, the handling fees will be relatively high, and you will not be able to earn enough profits. Therefore, many private groups have emerged to organize large-scale brick-moving. The monthly income of small funds can also be maintained at 100-200%.

There are also many arbitrage projects that require high professionalism and capital, such as offline subscription of convertible bonds/payable bonds, hierarchical fund arbitrage, etc., which have certain thresholds , not suitable for retail investors to participate. Taken together, digital currency trading is more suitable for ordinary people, and it is also an important way to upgrade wealth. The recent stability of the Bitcoin market is an excellent opportunity for arbitrage through trading. Ordinary people will achieve a class jump by seizing one or two opportunities.

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IV Is arbitrage possible between different domestic Bitcoin exchanges? What are the technical difficulties?

Theoretically, arbitrage is possible.
DifficultThe point is that when you withdraw cash (bitcoin or cash) from the exchange, it does not arrive in real time. While you are waiting for the deposit to arrive (more than ten minutes), the market prices on both sides may reverse.

IV Those Years, the Time of Bitcoin Arbitrage

Bitcoin has been a hot topic in the past two or three years, although the Greyhound Sports team has not participated in Bitcoin speculation. But Jason's good friend Roy at Berkeley was a good player. At the end of the European Cup, Jason finally persuaded Roy to share his experience in Bitcoin arbitrage over the past few years.

Roy and Greyhound Sports guarantee that the story is true, but we are not responsible for the losses of those who are interested in carrying out related investment speculation through the inspiration of this story.

(The following is Roy’s first-person narrative:)

I started paying attention to Bitcoin around 2011. At that time, I met Michael, a drunk classmate, in the school bar. Michael told me that he I spent 10,000 US dollars to buy 1,000 Bitcoins, and now I have made 10 times the profit. He also talked about the significance of Bitcoin for deflation and inflation, as well as his bullish investment opportunities in Bitcoin.

My interest comes from the statistics of Bitcoin price changes, so I wrote some crawlers to capture data in my spare time. While I was crawling data in the house, my good friend Roman came to visit me. , Roman liked to do transactions by himself, so I told him about the Bitcoin in my hand. It turned out that Roman was more enthusiastic than me. A few days later, he called me and said that the price difference between the exchanges was too big. Why was no one taking advantage? I said nonchalantly that it might be due to some trading restrictions. So, the two of us began to study how to arbitrage, and we also discovered the real reasons for the huge price difference:

1. Most exchanges have closed their registrations due to legal issues;
2. Bit The currency transfer chain (between two exchanges) takes 5 to 60 minutes (this time is related to the principle of Bitcoin) - the price fluctuations during this period are enough to consume most of the profits;
3. At that time, the largest price difference was between the Chinese and American exchanges. However, RMB controls prevented funds from flowing back and the liquidity between markets was poor.

In response to these three problems, we came up with countermeasures at that time:
1. Try to find an exchange that can be registered. At that time, there were so many Bitcoin exchanges that there were always people who continued to register. .
2. If the price difference between exchanges is large enough, we won’t be afraid of the 5-60 minute fluctuations - there is a high probability that we will make a profit.
3. There are many ways to find currency exchange channels, and this should be hopefully solved.

So we entered the practical stage.

At that time, there was no website where you could directly buy US dollars, but there were many exchanges for RMB, the largest being Bitcoin China (btcchina). We searched for a long time and found a website called Local BTC.The general idea is that you can reserve Bitcoins, and then after a potential transaction is formed, the website will help you freeze a portion of the seller's Bitcoins. After you transfer the money, this part of the Bitcoins will belong to you. It is equivalent to Local BTC assuming the function of Alipay.

The first transaction we bought was 0.94 Bitcoin, which is an unforgettable number. I made a profit of 30% on this transaction, and I couldn't be happier. Having solved the practical problem, we need to find places in the United States where we can buy Bitcoin in large quantities. Local BTC is full of retailers, and the number is too small. Several of the largest exchanges in the United States, such as Mt. Gox, have closed their registrations. At this time, we discovered that it was possible to register the Canadian exchange Virt Ex, but it required registering a company. Just as we were preparing to go to Canada to register the company, we found that domestic Bitcoin players were already frantically squeezing existing profit margins. At that time, the Bitcoin price difference between the two places remained at 30%-50% for a long time. Therefore, many domestic Bitcoin players with American exchange accounts bought a large amount of Bitcoins, sold them in China, and exchanged them back on Taobao at an exchange rate of 8:1. The US dollar (the exchange rate between China and the United States was already 6.2X at the time) continued to arbitrage, which caused the price difference between the two sides to shrink rapidly. We feel that the profit margin will not exist until we can successfully open a Canadian account.

When there was no way out, our data showed a turning point. After careful analysis, I found that there are often considerable price differences between several RMB exchanges: BTC China, Huobi, and Okcoin, and it is very convenient to open accounts on all three. At the same time, domestic exchanges took the lead in providing the function of borrowing Bitcoins, which made us start to wonder whether we could do arbitrage between RMB exchanges.

Then buy it directly on an exchange with a low price, then transfer it directly to an exchange with a high price, and then sell it? This seems simple, but again you need to live with that 5-60 minute transfer price swing because you’re not hedging.

At this time Roman came up with a new arbitrage method. It means buying and selling the same amount of Bitcoin in two different markets respectively. Once the price difference widens, the same amount of Bitcoin is sold and bought at the same time to complete arbitrage. Then just wait for the price difference between the two exchanges to narrow. But the core problem is that sometimes the prices of the two exchanges will not really reverse. For example, the price of BTC China is higher than that of Huobi for a long time. What should we do at this time? At this time, you need to calculate the average level of the price difference between the two sides, and buy and sell back and forth when the price difference fluctuates. This process of buying and selling may result in losses, but overall it is profitable.

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Ⅵ How to hedge and arbitrage bitoffer options with contracts

For example, the current price of Bitcoin is 10,000 US dollars

1. Suppose you use 10,000 yuan to open a long position with 20 times leverage
2. At the same time, open 5 bearish positions (4 hours) on BitOffer Option hedging (cost of 250 US dollars)

The first type, when Bitcoin rises by 500 US dollars, the increase is 5%

1. Go long with 20 times leverage, and the contract doubles , that is, earning 10,000 yuan
2. The put option loses principal, which is 250 US dollars (1,750 yuan)
3. 10,000-1,750=8,250 yuan (net profit)

Chapter Two, when Bitcoin drops by 500 US dollars, the drop is 5%

1. Going long with 20 times leverage, the contract is liquidated, and the loss is 10,000 yuan
2. 5 put options make a profit of 2,500 U.S. dollars, that is, 17,500 yuan
3. 17,500-10,000-1,750=5,750 yuan (net profit)

Ⅶ Stable arbitrage method for currency circle contracts

Arbitrage (spreads) : Refers to buying and selling two different types of futures contracts at the same time. Traders buy contracts that they think are "cheap" and sell those "high-priced" contracts at the same time, and gain from the changing relationship between the prices of the two contracts. Hedging refers to the principle that enterprises avoid foreign exchange risks, interest rate risks, and commodity price risks. The months are the same or similar. This principle requires investors to choose futures contracts when performing hedging operations.
Extended information
1. Blockchain is indeed a general trend. Investing in blockchain can be carried out from the following aspects: 1. Entering the blockchain industry. 2. Half-way with blockchain is the digital currency market, various digital currencies Such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.
2. The currency circle contract can be played, but the currency circle does not recommend newcomers to the currency circle to play contracts, mainly because newcomers have not experienced the ups and downs of the currency circle and have limited psychological endurance. .
When making contracts, first of all, you must have a stable mentality. After losing money, you must not be like a headless fly. You must learn to review the market and sum up the lessons; secondly, you must not be too greedy and know how to make a profit; you must know how to stop losses in time and do not reverse. potential operation. Fourth, watch more and move less when trading sideways. Find the correct position to enter the market. Here’s a little tip: if the index has been falling for a long time and is currently in a sideways market, and the index keeps falling and does not reach the previous low, it means that the previous low is a support level, which is an opportunity to go long; the same is true when it rises. If it keeps rising but cannot reach the previous high, it is an opportunity to go short.
3. Arbitrage is also called "interest arbitrage". There are two main forms:
(1) Arbitrage without selling and covering. That is to take advantage of the interest rate difference in the capital markets of the two countries to transfer short-term funds from the low-interest market to the high-interest market to obtain interest rate differentials.
(2) Cover arbitrage. That is, arbitrageurs use forward foreign exchange transactions to avoid the risk of exchange rate changes while transferring short-term funds from place A to place B for arbitrage. arbitrageThe movement will change the supply and demand relationship in different capital markets, make the interest rates of short-term funds in various places more consistent, narrow the difference between the currency's recent exchange rate and the forward exchange rate, and maintain a balance between the interest rate difference in the capital market and the exchange rate difference in the foreign exchange market. , thus objectively strengthening the integration of the international financial market.

Ⅷ Why is there a huge price difference between the quarterly Bitcoin futures contract and the current week’s contract?

Same question, wait for the answer from the master downstairs!

Ⅸ How to play BTC futures contracts, can you make money

You can make money, but you are also likely to lose money. The risk of the contract is still very high, at least more risky than normal currency speculation. It's big, but the benefits are also considerable. You can study and observe it on the exchange now, and take a look before deciding whether to enter the market

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 比特币最低价是什么时候根据行情数据显示,最近24小时BTC合约大单成交2.19亿美元,其中买单1.19亿美元,卖单1亿美元。比特币的历史最低价格出现在2013年07月06日,最低价跌到了437.