怎么推广区块链币圈赚钱 如何推广区块链

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❶ How to promote blockchain more effectively

Lapan is the best promotion. . .

❷ In addition to advertising in the currency circle, what other ways to promote blockchain projects

There was a previous data saying that there are 3 million small leeks in China, so everyone is fighting for these three hundred Ten thousand, few people see the other billion people. It is far from enough to only promote it on internal media such as Golden Finance, Babbitt, and Coin World! Break out of the currency circle and set your sights on the billions of potential customers, and you might get unexpected surprises. Chain Leader Club is a blockchain vertical industry service platform with rich practical experience in blockchain promotion. You can try it!

❸ Where can blockchain projects be promoted and how to quickly promote blockchain

Blockchain projects must be available on search engines because users will search and search for information through the Internet. , for a more detailed understanding

If it is a new project, a few photos of Mr. Mao can be promoted online for more than half a year. As long as the competition is not big, you can use this method. If competition is high, bidding will work. They also have good rankings

❹ What are the reliable marketing and promotion methods of blockchain, or intelligent marketing platforms?

Blockchain marketing and promotion in outer city circles:
When a blockchain project is first launched, it is a great opportunity for brand promotion. Promoting the project together with the brand can not only enhance the brand awareness of the blockchain, but also greatly attract users to pay attention to the project application.
There are currently 10,000+ blockchain people in the outer circle of the city. If you want to do blockchain advertising, then try the outer circle of the city!

❺ Is there any good way to promote blockchain digital currency?

Blockchain digital currency, I suggest you not to promote it, because it is not very profitable and the risk is too high

❻ How to promote current blockchain games

1. Explode groups

The so-called group explosion is to constantly engage in various social groups Publish news about your game here, with an access link. This is the stupidest method, but in fact, it is also the most effective. According to reports from multiple teams, their earliest source of traffic is recruiting people through the community.

The operation of group bombing is very simple, as long as you have the ability to execute it tirelessly and a thick enough skin. But there are also some tips and precautions that can help the group bombing be more effective.

2. Brush the rankings

Brushing the rankings is a very important method for early mobile game promotion, and it can also be used in blockchain games. However, there is a big difference in the specific operations.

The reason why mobile games hit the charts is because many users use the charts to decide which games to download, which is a huge source of traffic. However, there is currently no such influential list in the blockchain field. The only well-known one currently is dappradar.com. This list counts the current popularity of various applications on Ethereum and has a certain degree of influence in the industry.visibility and reference value.

3. Soft articles

Soft articles are really a very old marketing method, so much so that they are increasingly ignored in the marketing system. But it can exist for a long time, which shows that its effect is still there. Especially in the initial stage of blockchain games, a good soft article is likely to bring surprises.

4. Navigation website

There are already navigation websites for blockchain games. As far as I know, there are two, one is NetEase The game channel’s blockchain game column collects all chains; the other is a personal website py178.com, which only collects games in the LinkToken ecosystem. It is not yet known how effective the traffic diversion of these navigation stations is, but if the cost is not high, you can give it a try.

As for how to promote current blockchain games, the editor of Qingteng will share with you here. If you have a strong interest in game modeling, I hope this article can help you. If you want to know more about game modeling skills and materials, you can click on other articles on this site to learn.

❼ What are the commonly used methods to promote blockchain

In fact, there are quite a few. This mainly depends on whether you are promoting a blockchain project, a blockchain application, or an exchange. . Different entities have different promotion methods.
Conventional promotion methods include the following:
1. Filling in basic information on the Internet, information coverage
It means various post bars, knowing various coverages, and letting others search for what you have;
br />2. Website SEO optimization
Enable your website to be included and recognized by the Internet, and continuously optimize and increase its weight;
3. Community formation
Set up your own community and continuously Expand the size of the community to increase your influence;
4. High PR
Go to some news sources for endorsement;
5. Professional community promotion
It is relatively rare now. Only blockchain communities such as Babbitt, Biyuan Community, and Lobbying Community are doing well and can publish more articles.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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