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⑴ Big liquidation! 800 million Bitcoin funds were wiped out in 15 minutes, what should retail investors do?

Under such circumstances, most retail investors will definitely be able to take action, but if they are unable to do so, there is no other way. I can hope to see if I can recover.

Some platforms stipulate that the platform losses caused by users’ forced liquidation orders failing to be completed in time are liquidated positions. When liquidated positions occur, the platform Part of the risk reserve will be used first to make up for its own losses, and the rest will need to be shared among all profitable users that week according to a certain proportion to make up for the platform's losses.

⑵ 100,000 people liquidated their Bitcoin positions in the past 24 hours. Is Bitcoin a scam?

< p>Bitcoin is not a scam, but Bitcoin transactions are scarier than a scam.

If you want to find out whether a Bitcoin transaction is a scam, you must first know what Bitcoin is. To find out what Bitcoin is, blockchain technology is a hurdle that cannot be overcome quickly.

Bitcoin has no official supervision. Even if there is a regulatory agency, how will it be regulated? These are all problems. The dealer wants you to rise. Do you think this is difficult for the dealer? If the dealer throws in an extra 100 million yuan on a billion-dollar plate, the price of Bitcoin will rise by 10%. But if you want to increase it by 10%, do you have the ability to prepare 100 million yuan to throw it in?

Of course this is just an analogy. Rich people harvest leeks much faster than we ordinary people can understand. So for stocks, futures, especially things with financial attributes such as Bitcoin, avoid touching them as much as possible. Otherwise, how do you think the rich will harvest you?

⑶ Many people who speculated in Bitcoin have liquidated their positions. What does liquidation mean?

The so-called liquidation means that investors use leverage to invest. When the price of the invested commodity appears, If the price falls below the agreed price, the funder will sell the investor's investment in accordance with the contract to ensure the safety of the funder's funds. For investors, this situation is considered a liquidation, and the investment All the money invested by the people themselves was lost.

Compared with stock investment, Bitcoin investment is much more risky and can definitely be called a real meat grinder. There are no rules to follow in Bitcoin transactions. A rumor in the market may have a great impact on the price of Bitcoin. There are many rumors about Bitcoin in the market, and investors are very concerned about Bitcoin investment. Everyone wants to get a piece of Bitcoin investment.

my country’s financial regulatory agencies have repeatedly warned investors about the risks of investing in virtual currencies, but there are always some people who continue to invest in virtual currencies, hoping to obtain higher returns from virtual currency investments. income. No matter what, the investment risks of Bitcoin are still very high, and investors must pay attention to the investment risks.

⑷ Nearly 200,000 people liquidated their Bitcoin positions in 24 hours, and the currency circleWhy investment fluctuates so much

Because for the current Bitcoin market, many speculators have joined this market, so the investment value of the entire Bitcoin has almost lost most investors Everyone in the Bitcoin market is here to speculate, so for the current entire Bitcoin market, it has become a gambling playground for speculators.

And for some institutional investors, they use various financial means to cause huge fluctuations in the price of the entire Bitcoin. Wave after wave of profits are obtained from the entire price fluctuation, so for most current investors, they do not have enough funds to compete with these institutional investors, so for them, the entire Bitcoin In the process of fluctuation, all their overall profits will be lost.

⑸ Bitcoin explosion! Why did dozens of other mainstream currencies also fall?

I think the entire market is closely related, especially the stock market. There is a saying that if you stand on the wind, pigs will fly. That's vice versa. Then in this industry, Bitcoin is the top one. The leading big man has lost the key price. How can the other juniors who are following him to beg for food and follow Yu Wen can do better? Naturally, they will be pushed down like dominoes. La.

However, I think the high-leverage trading risks provided by Bitcoin to investors are really high. It itself allows investors to raise funds for 10 times or 20 times operations. It even reached a super currency leverage of up to 50 times at one time. Therefore, once such a fatal short-selling attack occurs, investors will be in an embarrassing situation, facing a dilemma of being "slapped in the face". Therefore, it is recommended to be cautious and cautious when investing in this kind of thing.

⑹ What are the reasons for contract liquidation?

Heavy position operation: Since the digital currency leverage is as high as 125 times, the risk-bearing ability of high-leverage heavy position trading is relatively poor. The main reason for liquidation is often investors who are eager for quick success. It is recommended that you choose an appropriate leverage when operating Bitcoin contracts, such as 1-50 times. Remember to choose 125 times leverage in uncertain market conditions, and try to control your positions. When operating on levels 3-5, be sure not to stud.

Frequent operations: Frequent operations are also one of the main factors in contract liquidation. The main reason is that investors want to earn more if they make money, and want to earn back if they lose, so they trade frequently. The reason is: from a psychological point of view, there is no plan, eager to make a profit, placing orders casually and emotionally. In the end, the individual's mentality cannot be controlled, and he starts to place orders one after another, and finally the position is liquidated.

Characteristics of liquidation

Liquidation means that the account equity is negative, which means that not only all the margin is lost but also owed. Under normal circumstances, liquidation will not occur under the daily liquidation system and forced liquidation system.

For example, my country’s stock index futures haveSince its launch, there has never been an incident of traders liquidating their positions. This is because stock index futures have never had a price limit. Once a trader's margin is insufficient and cannot be replenished in time, the futures company will immediately take liquidation measures, which can still maximize the To prevent liquidation from occurring.

⑺ Bitcoin flash crash, 49.3 billion in assets were nearly liquidated, how much loss was caused to investors

First of all, in my opinion, this question is actually equivalent to a false proposition. After the Bitcoin flash crash, nearly 40 billion in funds did suffer losses, but we know that Bitcoin itself is the same as the stock market. It will fall, and then it will also rise sharply, so this is just a short-term market fluctuation. . But we cannot look at Bitcoin from the perspective of stocks. After all, Bitcoin has fallen to the bottom before. So today, let’s discuss with you what losses the Bitcoin flash crash will cause to investors.

Third, how do you view Bitcoin investment?

I have a suggestion under all the answers about Bitcoin, that is, if you are an ordinary family, then never invest in Bitcoin, because although Bitcoin itself is like a stock, , but it does not conform to the objective economic laws of our market. Its scarcity, as well as its privacy and free mobility, are inherently worthless.

⑻ What is Bitcoin liquidation?

Borrow money to buy Bitcoin, and when the price drops to the principal and the Bitcoin bought with borrowed money is only enough to repay the borrowed money, it is Bitcoin Coin liquidation.

Liquidation refers to the situation where the customer's equity in the investor's margin account becomes negative under certain special conditions. If you liquidate your position, the loss will be greater than the margin in your account. The remaining funds after liquidation by the company are the total funds minus your losses, and generally there is still a part left.

The concept of Bitcoin was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008, and was officially born on January 3, 2009. The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto's ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.

Unlike all currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations based on a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses many nodes in the entire P2P network. A distributed database is formed to confirm and record all transaction behaviors, and cryptographic design is used to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation.

⑼ In the past 24 hours, 100,000 Bitcoin users have liquidated their positions. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

In the past 24 hours, 100,000 Bitcoin users have liquidated their positions. , Bitcoin fell below $30,000 per coin, falling more than 5% that day. According to Bitcoin’s real-time data homepage, the entire network exploded to US$42.2545 million (approximately 272 million yuan) in one hour., which exploded to 1.353 billion U.S. dollars (approximately 8.712 billion yuan) in 24 hours, and 94,983 people exploded in the last 24 hours. It is worth mentioning that Bitcoin’s roller coaster market appeared on the 4th. It once plummeted more than 15% in one day, falling more than $3,500 from its peak.

The number of daily active Bitcoin addresses can be seen as the increase in new Bitcoin users. The increase in data represents an increase in new users, which indicates an oversupply and will promote higher prices. There is a certain positive correlation between Bitcoin's network computing power and Bitcoin's price, so if Bitcoin's computing power rises, the probability will skyrocket. A key feature of Bitcoin is that new coins must be discovered or mined before they can be added to circulation. This is unlike fiat currency, where the government can print new banknotes. When a new Bitcoin is mined, a record of it is added to the blockchain, which is essentially a giant ledger that records all Bitcoin transactions. The impact of news. Government policy support and the access of large enterprises will push up the price of Bitcoin.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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