传奇4黑矿怎么换币啊 传奇4黑铁矿怎么兑换

1. 传奇4黑铁换币比例









2. 传奇4怎么搬砖赚人民币

2、黑铁能换代币。先讲讲代币。它是40级用黑铁换的,有一个钱包 可以换。这个代币是可以卖的,在 MIR4 中,玩家通过在游戏中“挖掘”一种名为 黑铁的游戏币来挖掘它。可以通过“熔炼”它们来交换称为 DRACO 的实用TOKEN。现在这个传奇4可以说是搬砖界最火的一款游戏 大工作室还有小工作室全部都在搬 这个游戏 其实很简单就是起号然后挖黑铁,挖了黑铁然后换成(DRACO)这个是一个虚拟币这个币的价格现在在0.12左右 前段时间还是0.4 换成这个以后在用这个换成(WEMIX)这个就值钱了这个现在是77一枚 相对应的也是1个d币换1个w币,这样算下来的话是8个d才能换一个w,一个w相当于77,现在挖矿一台按照平均一个窗口俩的话一台电脑基本10开 十个窗口20个 也就才换2.4个 一台电脑才184。
3、目前的汇率是 103976 黑铁 = 1 DRACO。但是,随着游戏中开采的暗铁越来越多,熔炼 DRACO 所需的黑铁数量也会增加。该游戏没有像 MetaMask 这样的加密货币钱包,而是有自己的钱包,称为 WEMIX 钱包,您可以在其中存储和交易您的代币。然后可以通过 Bithumb 交易所将 DRACO 兑换成 WEMIX 代币。目前全天候进行游戏,单号单天可以挖出40万-60万的黑铁,按照目前兑换比例,可以获得4-6个DRACO。DRACO价格波动剧烈,发稿日当天1个DRACO=0.75WEMIX CREDIT,除去手续费也就是1个DRACO=0.7U左右

3. 传奇4黑铁不能换币了

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-10-01

4. 传奇4远古币在哪换材料






5. 传奇4一个虚拟币多少钱!怎么计算

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-10-06

6. 传奇4金币怎么交易

在《传奇 4》中,玩家想要获得 DRACO 币,需要通过采集黑铁来进行冶炼兑换 DRACO 币。 玩家可以根据当天的每个 DRACO 可交换的黑铁比例,再额外花费 1000

7. 传奇4远古币在哪兑换






8. 传奇4金币怎么买


首先我们需要登录传奇四的游戏,进入游戏页面之后,我们点击游戏页面右上方的官方活动,在官方活动中就能看到充值的窗口,然后点击使用现金充值,就能充金币了 ,然后我们就能使用充的金币购买武器装备 。

《传奇4》是娱美德旗下的MMORPG手游。《传奇4》是一款动作格斗游戏,游戏大小为136MB,支持Windows XP/Vista/7系统。


9. 传奇4换的是什么币






10. 传奇4挖矿挖的什么币







1. Legend 4 Black Iron currency exchange ratio

Legendary 4 Black Iron currency exchange ratio is 1:100027. The exchange method is as follows:

Operating device: Dell laptop Computer

Operating system: win10

Operating program: Legend 4

1. First enter the game, as shown in the figure below:

Related information:

Basically, most games do not accept players using game currency to buy and trade equipment resources from each other, but in Legend 4 the official will D coins replace game currency and can be sold on the official platform to gain profit, but D coins are bound to the rare resource black iron.

Black iron ore, which is a consumable in Legend 4, is used in many places. It is not only used in manufacturing equipment or optimizing equipment, but also ensures the stability of the circulation of D coins. .

2. How to earn RMB by moving bricks in Legend 4

1. It can be a part-time income and can be kept at home. 3-5 units are suitable for a single person, 5 units are the best, and the income Stable and impressive, after all, the investment in technology and construction is the same expenditure. If you want to work part-time at home, one person can run 5 computers in the morning and evening. It is a good part-time job. At present, the income is good. Even with the occasional disconnection of the mobile phone and other remote operations, the job is still the same, mainly because the investment cost is not high. , the equipment is a computer + a monitor, the script is a few hundred per month, and the electricity bill is a few hundred. Working part-time at home does not require space rent, and the cost can be recovered in basically one month, and the income is quite good.
2. Black iron can be exchanged for tokens. Let’s talk about tokens first. It can be exchanged for black iron at level 40. There is a wallet that can be exchanged. This token is for sale, and in MIR4 players mine it by "mining" an in-game currency called Black Iron. They can be exchanged for utility TOKENs called DRACOs by "smelting" them. Now Legend 4 can be said to be the hottest game in the brick-moving industry. Big studios and small studios are all moving into this game. In fact, it is very simple. Just start the game and dig up black iron. After digging up black iron, change it to (DRACO). ) This is a virtual currency. The price of this currency is now around 0.12. Some time ago, it was still 0.4. After changing to this, I will exchange this for (WEMIX). This will be valuable. Now it is 77. The corresponding price is 1 D coin for 1. W coins, calculated this way, it takes 8 D to exchange for one W, and one W is equivalent to 77. Now if one mining machine has an average of two windows, then a computer will basically open ten windows for 10 and open 20, so it will only exchange for 2.4 A computer is only 184.
3. The current exchange rate is 103976 black iron = 1 DRACO. However, as more Dark Iron is mined in the game, the amount of Dark Iron required to smelt DRACO increases. The game does not have a cryptocurrency wallet like MetaMask, instead it has its own wallet called WEMIX Wallet where you can storeand trade your tokens. DRACO can then be exchanged for WEMIX tokens via the Bithumb exchange. The game is currently played around the clock, and a single number can mine 400,000-600,000 black iron in a single day. According to the current exchange ratio, 4-6 DRACO can be obtained. The price of DRACO fluctuates violently. On the day of publication, 1 DRACO = 0.75 WEMIX CREDIT. Excluding the handling fee, it is about 1 DRACO = 0.7U

3. Legend 4 Black Iron cannot be exchanged for coins

Consultation record · Answered on 2021-10-01

4. Where can I exchange ancient coins for materials in Legend 4

Players need to collect resources to collect black iron in Legend 4 Come and smelt to exchange for ancient DRACO coins.

Legendary 4MIR4 is newly launched. It is a legendary game that can really make money by moving bricks. You can get DRACO tokens in the game. If you have DRACO tokens, you can exchange them into your personal account. This game is based on traditional mobile games. In addition to the token economy that can be circulated, the internal token Draco can unlock transactions when the account reaches level 40, and one can be replaced for every 100,000 black iron played.

Reputation is a virtual point in the game and a symbol of the prestige of the game. At the same time, it is also a necessary virtual point for getting married and clearing your famous name.

Obtained through the master-apprentice system. During the apprentice's upgrade process from level 22 to level 35, the master can gain a total of 32 reputation points, and the apprentice can gain a total of 19 reputation points. In addition, there is a chance to obtain it by breaking through the Heaven Pass and opening the Heavenly Gift.

The martial arts instructor at Meng Zhong may ask Xiao Min, the assistant at Novice Village, for the location of his apprenticeship. The martial arts instructor can help you become a master and dissolve the master-disciple relationship, check reputation and honor points, and receive and repair medals of honor.

5. How much is a virtual coin in Legend 4! How to calculate it

Consultation record · Answered on 2021-10-06

6. How to trade gold coins in Legend 4

In "Legend 4", if players want to obtain DRACO coins, they need to collect black iron and smelt it to exchange for DRACO coins. Players can spend an additional 1,000 according to the proportion of black iron that can be exchanged for each DRACO on the day

7. Where to exchange ancient coins in Legend 4

Players need to collect resources in Legend 4 Collect black iron to smelt and exchange for ancient DRACO coins.

Legendary 4MIR4 is newly launched. It is a legendary game that can really make money by moving bricks. You can get DRACO tokens in the game. If you have DRACO tokens, you can exchange them into your personal account. This game is based on traditional mobile games. In addition to the token economy that can be circulated, the internal token Draco can unlock transactions when the account reaches level 40, and one can be replaced for every 100,000 black iron played.

Related information:

Basically, most games do not accept players using game currency to buy and trade equipment resources from each other. However, in Legend 4, the official replaces D currency with game currency and sells them on the official platform to gain profit. However, the D currency is bound to Rare resource black iron.

Black iron ore, which is a consumable in Legend 4, is used in many places. It is not only used in manufacturing equipment or optimizing equipment, but also ensures the stability of the circulation of D coins. .

8. How to buy gold coins in Legend 4

You can recharge gold coins in the official activities of Legend 4.

First of all, we need to log in to the game of Legend IV. After entering the game page, we click on the official event in the upper right corner of the game page. In the official event, we can see the recharge window, and then click on recharge with cash. We can recharge gold coins, and then we can use the recharged gold coins to purchase weapons and equipment.

"Legend 4" is an MMORPG mobile game owned by Yumeide. "Legend 4" is an action fighting game with a game size of 136MB and supports Windows XP/Vista/7 systems.

The Chinese version of Legend 4 is a stand-alone version of the Legend game through the online game Legend Edition. The popularity of Xiangbi Legend back then was also unprecedented. "Legend 4" is an ARPG imitating Legend of Legend that a domestic player spent 13 months in 2009. Although it is a DEMO, the game process is basically complete, allowing players to relive the good times of playing Legend.

9. What currency is exchanged for Legend 4

It is Legend 4MIR4.

Legendary 4MIR4 is newly launched. It is a legendary game that can really make money by moving bricks. You can get DRACO tokens in the game. If you have DRACO tokens, you can exchange them into your personal account. This game is based on traditional mobile games. In addition to the token economy that can be circulated, the internal token Draco can unlock transactions when the account reaches level 40, and one can be replaced for every 100,000 black iron played.

Related information:

Basically, most games do not accept players using game currency to purchase and trade equipment resources from each other. , but in Legend 4 the official replaced the game currency with D coins and sold them on the official platform to gain profit, but the D coins were bound to the rare resource black iron.

Black iron ore, which is a consumable in Legend 4, is used in many places. It is not only used in manufacturing equipment or optimizing equipment, but also ensures the stability of the circulation of D coins. .

10. What currency is mined by Legend 4 mining?

Legend 4 mines DRACO coins, referred to as D coins.

"Legend 4" is an MMORPG mobile game owned by Yumeide.

On June 1, 2021, Yumeide released a trailer video for the new profession "Crossbowman" in its MMORPG mobile game "Legend 4".

Update content:

On June 10, 2021, the MMORPG mobile game "Legend 4" owned by Yumede updated the Rubik's Cube and the 7th floor of Flying Summit. The Magic Square and the 7th floor of the Flying Summit are places where powerful monsters above level 130 appear. It is a space specially prepared for players with high combat power.

Adjustments have also been made to the rewards that can be obtained from the Magic Square and the Flying Summit. When players collect in areas above the 4th floor of the Magic Square and Flying Summit, the probability of territorial mushrooms appearing is increased. When players mine or fight on the 5th floor of the Magic Square and Flying Summit, the types of props that can be obtained as rewards are also increased. .

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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