btc矿池最新消息 btc?

1. 比特币矿池:什么是比特币矿池

矿池是比特币(数字货币)等P2P密码学虚拟货币开采所必须的基础设施,一般是对外开放的团队开采服务器,其存在意义为提升比特币开采稳定性,使矿工薪酬趋于稳定。目前全球算力较大的矿池有鱼池(F2Pool)、蚁池(AntPool)、币网(BW Pool)、国池(BTCC Pool)、BitFury。除了BitFury,其余都来自中国。
















2. 比特币矿池全球排名

ViaBTC(Viabtc Technology Limited)成立于2016年5月,是一家专注于数字货币领域的创新型技术服务公司。凭借强大的技术实力,我们研发了全球领先的比特币矿池,并推出了多个竞争币矿池以及云挖矿合约产品。ViaBTC的含义为“通过比特币”,我们的愿景是“通过比特币,让世界更美好”。

3. 什么是比特币矿池,哪些矿池比较厉害的


比特币挖矿有两个目的。 首先,通过解决数学问题,比特币矿工可以验证交易信息,从而保障比特币支付网络的安全性和可靠性。矿工是确保交易准确且不会出现“双重支付”的人。






4. 比特币矿池是什么意思泽西矿业有多少比特币


5. 比特币矿池有什么差别


PPLNS:(最纯正的组队挖矿)全称Pay Per Last N Shares,意思是说“根据过去的N个股份来支付收益”,这意味着,所有的矿工一旦发现了一个区块,大家将根据每个人自己贡献的股份数量占比来分配区块中的货币。(share就是股份的意思)





DGM:Double Geometric Method. 双几何制. 结合了 PPLNS 和几何奖励类型, 使得矿池运营者能规避一部分风险. 矿池运营者在短期内收取部分挖出的货币, 然后在之後以正规化过的值返还给矿工,像电容充放电, 运气好每 block 少给你点, 运气差多给你点。



6. BTC矿池是什么意思


7. 什么是比特币矿池


8. 比特币矿机是什么





比特币挖矿开始于CPU 或者GPU 这种低成本的硬件,不过随着比特币的流行,挖矿的过程出现较大变化。如今,挖矿活动转移到现场可编程门阵列上来,通过优化可以实现哈希速度,这种模式的挖矿效率非常高。

9. 什么是比特币挖矿

当张三想要通过A账号转账1000元给李四的B账号时:① 张三大吼一声:大家注意啦,我用A账号给李四的B账号转1000块钱。② 张三附近的村民听了确实是张三的声音,并且检查张三的A账号是否有足够余额。③ 检查通过后,村民往自己的账本上写:A账号向B账号转账1000元,并修改余额:A账号余额=3000-1000=2000元,B账号余额=2000+1000=3000元。④ 张三附近的村民把转账告诉较远村民,一传十十传百,直到所有人都知道这笔转账,以此保证所有人账本的一致性。聪明如你一定发现了,在步骤② 如果张三吼了一声,附近村民假装没听到,都不去核实记账,那么这个系统不就停止工作了吗?为解决这个问题,村里商讨后决定,谁第一个确认是张三的声音的会获得500元。于是大家都竖起耳朵,时刻监听村里的每一个动静,真可谓草木皆兵。评论区有人问,这500元是哪儿来的?我这里也简答讲一下。1.比特币平均差不多每10分钟产生一个区块,这个区块能打包的交易数量是有限的,我们就算800笔吧。但是呢,旷工不会平白无故给你打包交易到并广播,所以需要收取手续费。而且,由于交易的人很多,先打包谁的交易也取决于手续费的高低。所以你可以看到,现在比特币火热了,手续费水涨船高。2.我们都知道比特币总量2100万个,发币机制是逐年递减。当旷工第一个成功打包这个区块并广播,并且是最长的链的话,那么他还会获得奖励,目前只有12.5个比特币。最开始是50个,已经衰减2次了。这里当然还有小问题,比如为什么要最长链,怎么确定是最长链,哪些链会被抛弃?如果大家有兴趣再深入说说。以上就是旷工的奖励。2017/12/8更新。在比特币的世界里,大约平均每10分钟会产生一个区块。所有的挖矿计算机都在尝试打包这个区块并提交,而第一个成功生成这个数据块的人,就可以得到一笔比特币报酬。最初,大约每10分钟就可以产生50个比特币的比特币报酬。但是该报酬每4年减半,现在每10分钟比特币网络就可以产生25个比特币。好了,接着上面的故事讲,张三这一吼,惊动了全村的人,大家都纷纷表示自己是第一个听到张三声音的人。这500块钱该给谁呢?于是村里又商讨出新的规定,需要有证据证明这是张三的声音。张三在喊的这一声里带有特定的声波数据,谁先破解出来就给谁。在比特币世界里,这是就是一个新的概念,共识机制。比特币是通过工作量证明的共识机制来决定记账权的,通俗来讲,谁证明了自己的工作量最大,谁就负责记账。工作量大小是通过计算符合某一个标准的比特币区块头的哈希散列值来体现的。区块头通常包含前一个区块的哈希散列值、Merkle根、时间戳、难度目标、以及一个填充的随机值。试图争夺记账权的节点称为挖矿节点,挖矿过程就是求出一个能够填充本区块头的随机值,让区块头的哈希散列值符合某一个标准。

10. btccom矿池怎么样 矿池(是目前最优秀的SHA256算法币种矿池.理由如下:
二. 矿池的存在对比特币来讲有哪些利弊?
1、对采矿权的垄断会使剩余49% 算力的矿池颗粒无收最终导致退出竞争,瞬间破产。矿井池的算力超过50%。如果发动51%的攻击,很容易占据整个网络的所有有效算力。

1. Bitcoin Mining Pool: What is a Bitcoin Mining Pool

A mining pool is the infrastructure necessary for the mining of P2P cryptographic virtual currencies such as Bitcoin (digital currency). It is generally The purpose of the team mining server, which is open to the outside world, is to improve the stability of Bitcoin mining and stabilize miners' salaries. Currently, the mining pools with the largest computing power in the world include F2Pool, AntPool, BW Pool, BTCC Pool, and BitFury. Except for BitFury, the rest are from China.

As more and more people participate in mining, the computing power of the entire Bitcoin network continues to increase, and it is difficult for a single device or a small amount of computing power to mine Bitcoins. At this time, the mining pool was born.

How Bitcoin Mining Pools Work

Mining pools break through geographical limitations and connect the computing power of miners and mining farms scattered around the world to mine together.

The mining pool is responsible for information packaging, and the mines that are connected are responsible for competing for accounting rights.

Since the computing power of many miners is gathered together, the mining pool has a large proportion of computing power and the probability of mining Bitcoin is higher.

For example

Assume that 1 million people participate in Bitcoin mining, the entire network has 400P computing power, and 90% of the miners have less than 1P (1000T) computing power. If you invest in a A 1T mining machine will account for 1/400,000 of the entire network's computing power. In theory, it can mine one block every 400,000 10 minutes on average, which means it takes 7.6 years to mine a block and get 50 bits at once. currency.

So, if I find 9 more miners with 1T computing power mining machines and reach an agreement, there will be a total of 10 of us. If any one of them digs a block, the proportion of each person’s computing power will be calculated. Let's divide it equally, then we are a whole, with a total of 10T computing power, then it takes 0.76 years to mine a block on average, and then the calculation in our hands is 5 Bitcoins mined in 0.76 years. If there are 100 people in the organization, What about 1,000 people, 10,000 people or even 100,000 people?

If there are 100,000 people, then one block can be mined in an average of 100 minutes. As a member of the team, my income will become stable.

This is the basic principle of the mining pool, that is, everyone forms a team to mine Bitcoin. You can refer to the joint buying in the lottery.

Of course, the above is just a simple description of the basic principles and properties of mining pools, and the actual situation will be very complicated.

The mining pool is a fully automatic mining platform, that is, the mining machine is connected to the mining pool - provides computing power - and obtains profits.

The Bitcoin rewards generated by mining in the mining pool will be distributed according to the proportion of computing power contributed by each miner.

Compared with mining alone, joining a mining pool can provide you with more stable income.

Hope this answer is helpful to you

2. Bitcoin mining pool global ranking

1. Ant Mining Pool
Ant Mining Pool is aAn efficient digital currency mining pool, it is committed to providing miners with more user-friendly, complete functions, 67% easier use and Douqiu. Ant Pool provides Bitcoin, Litecoin, and "Ethereum Temple". Mining services for multiple digital currencies, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS, PPLNS, SOLO, etc.
2. Fish Pool
Fish Pool is the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool, founded in Beijing in April 2013 It is the world's leading and China's earliest Bitcoin mining pool; F2Pool has developed into the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Zcash; the mining pool technology continues to maintain its leadership, and its income is open and transparent. The original architecture effectively prevents DDoS attacks.
3. BTC Mining Pool is the world's leading Bitcoin data service provider, mining pool, and wallet solution provider. Since 2015, the team has Starting with industry infrastructure such as block browsers, we are committed to establishing new standards in various subdivisions. The brand can be seen in wallets, mining pools, market prices, information and other fields.
4. ViaBTC
ViaBTC (Viabtc Technology Limited) was established in May 2016. It is an innovative technology service company focusing on the field of digital currency. With strong technical strength, we have developed the world's leading Bitcoin mining pool and launched multiple Alternative currency mining pools and cloud mining contract products. ViaBTC means "through Bitcoin", and our vision is to "make the world a better place through Bitcoin".
5. Dragon Pool
Dragon Pool. Known as The mining pool that understands miners best, provides mining services for Bitcoin and Ethereum.
6. Huobi Mining Pool
Huobi Mining Pool creates a new model of POW and POS mechanisms in the blockchain field, providing users with Provides main chain voting, information, and points financial management services.
7. Bixin Mining Pool
In Bixin Mining Pool, we achieve real-time data updates, reasonable market rates, and convenient and fast payment and mining It has never been so simple.
8. BW Mining Pool
BW Mining Pool is an efficient digital currency mining pool, committed to providing miners with a more friendly interface, more complete functions, more convenient use and For more generous and transparent income, the mining pool provides mining services for multiple digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, and supports multiple payment methods such as PPS and PPLNS.
9. Biyin Mining Pool
Decentralization makes the world a better place. The technical output of the Biyin Mining Pool team serves more than 500,000 mining equipment and more than 100,000 independent miners around the world.
10. Xingzhong Mining Pool
Open and transparent, highly efficient, stable and innovative comprehensive digital currency mining pool, Xingzhong Mining Pool - Bitcoin mining pool, Litecoin, Ethereum mining pool, the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool, high income, top technology Support and Service

3. What are Bitcoin mining pools and which mining pools are more powerful


Mining is perhaps one of the most important components of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Miners need to solve complex mathematical calculation problems to ensure the smooth execution of transactions. These problems are so complex that they are difficult to solve even for extremely powerful computers. Computers need work and luck to solve these mathematical problems, just like miners mining underground. The chance of solving this problem correctly is about one in 13 trillion.

Bitcoin mining serves two purposes. First, by solving mathematical problems, Bitcoin miners can verify transaction information, thereby ensuring the security and reliability of the Bitcoin payment network. Miners are the ones who ensure that transactions are accurate and that no “double spends” occur.

Secondly, when computers solve these complex mathematical problems on the Bitcoin network, the system generates new Bitcoins, similar to the process of mining gold from the ground. This reward is called the "block reward," and its amount is periodically reduced by half after an event called a "halving." The concept of newly mined Bitcoins is an important part of the Bitcoin protocol. The Bitcoins obtained by miners are brand new and have never been circulated before.

Since miners will eventually sell this Bitcoin, this is also an important source of supply and liquidity. As Chainalysis reported, many digital currency exchanges rely on miners to receive Bitcoin and add liquidity to the exchange. Typically, exchanges get about 88% of their Bitcoins from other exchanges, with Bitcoin miners being the largest source of the remaining percentage. As you can imagine, there is fierce competition among exchanges to receive Bitcoin directly from miners.

Zooming further into the map, most mining activity occurs in only 4 provinces. The first two provinces are Xinjiang and Sichuan, which account for nearly 1% of all Bitcoin mining in China. half. Electricity is cheap in these areas and the weather is cold. This helps keep mining profitable and equipment cool during the 24/7 operations of Bitcoin mining.

But this is nothing new for digital currency issuance. For years, China has been a major market for Bitcoin miners due to its cheap electricity and abundant resources. Companies such as Bitmain, f2pool, and Canaan that account for a large portion of the Bitcoin network’s hashrate are all located in China.

Whether this is a negative or a positive message depends on your point of view. But for a decentralized, distributed, permissionless network, geographically spanning multiple entities is healthier for the entire ecosystem.

4. What does Bitcoin mining pool mean? How many Bitcoins does Jersey Mining have?

A mining pool is actually a grouping behavior that gathers the computing power of miners on the network to mine Bitcoin. Form a team of miners and direct everyone to mine together. Once anyone in the team obtains a block (a block is about 25 Bitcoins), the mining pool will distribute it to everyone according to the currency obtained in the block. Every miner who wants to join Bitcoin mining,The first thing to consider is to mine alone or join a mining pool. Mining alone means that the Bitcoins mined belong to the miner himself, and he does not have to share the rewards with others. However, the probability of receiving rewards is greatly reduced. Joining a mining pool for mining means that there is a greater chance of mining. to more Bitcoins.

5. What are the differences between Bitcoin mining pools

The main reason is that the distribution model of the obtained Bitcoins is different: according to the operating mode, the common Bitcoin mining pools are as follows: PPLNS, PPS, DGM, P2Pool, etc.

PPLNS: (the purest team mining) full name Pay Per Last N Shares, which means "pay income based on the past N shares", which means , once all miners discover a block, everyone will distribute the currency in the block according to the proportion of the number of shares each person contributed. (share means shares)

In the PPLNS mode, luck is very important. If the mining pool can discover many blocks in a day, everyone’s dividends will also be very large. If the mining pool ends in a day If no one can discover the block, then everyone will not gain any benefit.

PPS: Pay-Per-Share method---This method pays for each share immediately. The payout comes from the pool’s existing Bitcoin funds, so it can be withdrawn immediately without waiting for the block to be generated or confirmed. This avoids behind-the-scenes manipulation by mining pool operators. This approach reduces the risk for miners but transfers the risk to the mining pool operators. Operators can charge fees to cover possible losses caused by these risks.

In order to solve the situation of PPLNS where sometimes the profit is very high and sometimes there is no profit, PPS adopts a new algorithm. PPS is based on the proportion of your computing power in the mining pool and estimates the minerals that the mining pool can obtain every day, giving you a basically fixed daily income.

How about it? Do you feel that this is a stable job? In fact, in order to avoid the risk of losing money, PPS model mining pools often charge high handling fees of 7%-8%.

DGM: Double Geometric Method. It combines PPLNS and geometric reward types, allowing mining pool operators to avoid some risks. Mining pool operators receive part of the mined currency in the short term. Then it is returned to the miners in a normalized value, like capacitor charging and discharging. If you are lucky, you will be given less points per block, and if you are not lucky, you will be given more points.

175btc: 175btc’s ​​mining nodes work on a shares chain similar to the Bitcoin blockchain. Since there is no center, it will not be subject to DoS attacks. Unlike other existing mining pool technologies---everyThe blocks in which the node works include the bitcoins paid to the owners of the previous shares and the node's own bitcoins. 99% of the reward (50 BTC + transaction fees) will be divided equally among the miners, and the other 0.5% will be awarded to the person who generated the block.

Bitcoin Home website has a detailed introduction.

6. What does a BTC mining pool mean?

Equal to one of the baskets containing BTC🧺

7. What is a Bitcoin mining pool


It is a fully automatic mining platform that allows miners to contribute their own computing power to mine together to create blocks, obtain block rewards, and distribute profits according to the proportion of computing power contribution (i.e. mining machine access Mining pool—providing computing power—earning profits).

8. What is a Bitcoin mining machine?

A Bitcoin mining machine is a computer used to earn Bitcoins. Such computers generally have professional mining chips. It works by burning the graphics card, which consumes a lot of power. Users use a personal computer to download software and then run a specific algorithm. After communicating with a remote server, they can get corresponding Bitcoins. This is one of the ways to obtain Bitcoins.

Mining is actually a competition of performance and equipment. It is a competition between miners for computing power. Miners with more computing power have a greater probability of mining Bitcoin. As the computing power of the entire network increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to mine bits with traditional equipment (CPU, GPU), and people have developed chips specifically for mining. The chip is the core part of the mining machine. The operation of the chip will generate a large amount of heat. In order to dissipate heat, Bitcoin mining machines are generally equipped with heat sinks and fans.

(8) What kind of currency mining pool is btc? Extended reading:

Bitcoin is a virtual currency. The Bitcoin mining system uses computer hardware to mine bits. In the process of mathematical operations carried out by the currency network, miners who provide services can receive a reward. Because the network reward is calculated based on the tasks completed by the miners, the competition for mining is very fierce.

Bitcoin mining began with low-cost hardware such as CPU or GPU. However, with the popularity of Bitcoin, the mining process has changed significantly. Today, mining activities have moved to field programmable gate arrays, which can achieve hash speeds through optimization. The mining efficiency of this model is very high.

9. What is Bitcoin mining

Understand Bitcoin mining in seconds:
1. I now have a name coin with a face value of 100 yuan in my hand. (Bitcoin)
2. I will give it to anyone who follows the official account.
3. But you need to guess the number of the money in the comments. (Mining, randomly fill in values ​​to solve)
Try your best to guess, and you will get 100 yuan in full if you guess correctly - Personal Mining
Pay to recruit some people to guess together - Mine
Gather people you know and don’t know to guess together, and compare the number of guessesExample of allocating the 100 yuan - Mining Pool
The above is a simple analogy. Of course, if you pay attention and guess the number of the 100 yuan in my pocket, I promise to give it to you.
So, what exactly is Bitcoin mining?
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When Zhang San wants to transfer 1,000 yuan to Li Si’s B account through account A: ① Zhang San yells: Everyone, pay attention, I use account A to transfer 1,000 yuan to Li Si’s B account. ② The villagers near Zhang San heard Zhang San’s voice and checked whether Zhang San’s A account had sufficient balance. ③ After passing the inspection, the villager writes in his account book: Account A transfers 1,000 yuan to account B, and modifies the balance: account A balance=3000-1000=2000 yuan, account B balance=2000+1000=3000 yuan. ④ The villagers near Zhang San told the villagers further away about the transfer, and passed it on to others until everyone knew about the transfer, thus ensuring the consistency of everyone's account books. If you are smart, you must have discovered that in step 2, if Zhang San yelled and the nearby villagers pretended not to hear it and did not verify the accounting, wouldn't the system stop working? In order to solve this problem, the village decided after discussion that the first person to confirm the voice of Zhang San would receive 500 yuan. So everyone pricked up their ears and listened to every movement in the village. It can be said that everyone is a soldier. Someone in the comment area asked, where did this 500 yuan come from? Let me briefly explain it here. 1. Bitcoin generates a block almost every 10 minutes on average. The number of transactions that can be packaged in this block is limited. Let’s count 800 transactions. However, Kuangong will not package and broadcast the transaction for you for no reason, so a handling fee is required. Moreover, since there are many people transacting, whose transaction is packaged first also depends on the level of handling fees. So you can see that now that Bitcoin is hot, handling fees are rising. 2. We all know that the total number of Bitcoins is 21 million, and the currency issuance mechanism is decreasing year by year. When Kuang Gong is the first to successfully package the block and broadcast it, and it is the longest chain, then he will also receive a reward, which is currently only 12.5 Bitcoins. It started out at 50 and has already decayed twice. Of course there are still small questions here, such as why the longest chain is needed, how to determine the longest chain, and which chains will be abandoned? If you are interested, please tell me more. These are the rewards for absenteeism. Updated on 2017/12/8. In the Bitcoin world, a block is generated approximately every 10 minutes on average. All mining computers are trying to package this block and submit it, and the first person to successfully generate this data block will get a Bitcoin reward. Initially, Bitcoin rewards of 50 BTC were generated approximately every 10 minutes. But this reward is halved every 4 years, and the Bitcoin network can now generate 25 Bitcoins every 10 minutes. Okay, let’s continue the story above. Zhang San’s roar shocked the whole village. Everyone said that they were the first to hear Zhang San’s roar.Three Voice Man. Who should give this 500 yuan? So the village discussed new regulations, requiring evidence to prove that it was Zhang San's voice. The sound Zhang San shouted contained specific sound wave data, and whoever cracked it first would be given it. In the Bitcoin world, this is a new concept, consensus mechanism. Bitcoin determines the accounting rights through the consensus mechanism of workload proof. Generally speaking, whoever proves that he has the greatest workload will be responsible for accounting. The amount of work is reflected by calculating the hash value of the Bitcoin block header that meets a certain standard. The block header usually contains the hash value of the previous block, the Merkle root, the timestamp, the difficulty target, and a padding random value. Nodes trying to compete for accounting rights are called mining nodes. The mining process is to find a random value that can fill in the header of this block, so that the hash value of the block header meets a certain standard.
Author: Leaf

10. How about btccom mining pool mining pool ( is currently the best SHA256 algorithm currency mining pool. The reasons are as follows:
--The highest BTC computing power mining pool: mining pool BTC computing power from 2018 From around 400P in June 2018, it exceeded 9000P on May 30, 2018. In less than a year, the computing power increased more than 20 times.
--Led by a technical expert, with superior strength and stable performance.
--A variety of auxiliary tools to facilitate mining management (mining pool app + batch management tools) and improve mining efficiency (smart agent + VIP Server + multi-node global layout)
--The best ad-free customer group in the entire network directly communicates with customers through QQ, WeChat, Telegram and other channels. The most professional operators are available more than 16 hours a day to answer questions from users. Various problems encountered in the mine.
--The best income distribution model: FPPS
--The most scientific workload statistics method, which records and counts each share corresponding to its mining difficulty, which is fair.
--The most complete peripheral factory, producing all kinds of exquisite and interesting peripheral products throughout the year, and shipping them to miners from time to time.
--Currently supports SHA256 series mining of multiple currencies such as BTC, BCH, UBTC, etc., and supports one-click switching to the target currency.
--It is reported that other algorithmic currencies will also gradually come online.
Extended information: How to choose an Ethereum mining pool?
Select a mining pool. The first thing to do is to understand the allocation model of the mining pool. The current revenue distribution models of mining pools include: PPS, PPLNS, PPS+, FPPS, etc. The specific end of each mode will not be explained here, you can check it online.
So, for people who mine Ethereum ETH, the common distribution models are PPS andPPLNS distribution mode. If you are pursuing short-term high returns and require immediate results, you can consider a mining pool with a PPS distribution model to obtain income by contributing your own computing power. However, you generally need to pay a higher handling fee, usually 3%-5%. The handling fee, what is left after the mining pool deducts the handling fee is your income.
2. What are the pros and cons of the existence of mining pools for Bitcoin?
The existence of mining pools reduces the difficulty of mining virtual digital currencies such as Bitcoin, lowers the threshold for mining, and truly realizes the concept of Bitcoin mining that everyone can participate in. However, its disadvantages are also very obvious, because the computing power is connected to the mining pool, and as a mining pool, it will control extremely large computing power resources. In the Bitcoin world, computing power represents accounting rights, and computing power represents everything. If the computing power of a single mine reaches more than 50%, it will be easy to launch a 51% attack on Bitcoin and other similar virtual digital currencies. The consequences will be terrible:
1. The monopoly of mining rights will cause the remaining 49% Mining pools with no computing power will eventually withdraw from the competition and go bankrupt instantly. The computing power of the mining pool exceeds 50%. If a 51% attack is launched, it can easily occupy all the effective computing power of the entire network.
2. The monopoly on accounting rights, double payment through 51% attacks, and multiple uses of a sum of money will directly destroy the credit system of Bitcoin. and make its credibility disappear.
3. Monopoly of distribution rights. Because a single mining pool (or an alliance of several mining pools) occupies the computing power of the entire network through a 51% attack, the remaining mining pools can be quickly squeezed out and closed. Because there is no competition, mining pools can allocate their own revenue, charging miners heavy fees and taxes.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 比特币的价值很高,用一台家用电脑24小时挖矿,挖到1个需要多久一般情况下,一台普通家用电脑最多能承受1000H/s的算力,而按照比特币每秒300万次的哈希碰撞数据,如果只是一台普通的家用电脑,即便