币圈越来越荒诞了 币圈经历了哪几个阶段

1. 日记50字十篇

1. 今日,晴,我的心情也是如此的,因为今天姐姐要带我去公园玩 我最喜欢姐姐了,每次去公园玩 都会跟我买好多好吃的 也不会阻止我玩游戏 在旋转木马上 我快乐的像只飞翔的小鸟 2. 今日,微风,妈妈去上班了想每天一样,我也开始写我的日记,我喜欢这项作业,我很快乐,因为我发现写日记时间很有趣的事情 妈妈也是夸奖我写得好. 3.糟糕 ,今天把妈妈的化妆品弄撒了,我本来只是好奇的 没想到犯了大错误,那可是妈妈最心爱的了.怎么办呢?果然妈妈回来,大发雷霆,还打了我一巴掌 4.今天妈妈 上班前把我叫醒了 要知道 妈妈从来都不会这么早叫醒我的 难道还要打我吗 我怕极了.没想到,妈妈说对不起,昨天是妈妈不好,其实我没有怪妈妈 妈妈还是好妈妈! 5.今天,是特别的日子,是妈妈的生日,所以爸爸亲自下厨,其实爸爸的厨艺要比妈妈好呢,只是爸爸比较忙没有时间,今天可以好好地大餐一顿了,我送了妈妈一件礼物,是我给妈妈画的肖像 妈妈可喜欢了 还亲了我 6.妈妈说我自己在家没人照顾,要把我送到奶奶家,我不喜欢去奶奶家,因为奶奶要照看弟弟,他总是哭的,他那么小 ,也不能跟我一起玩,可是就算不情愿,还是去了 7.真是可恶,又被哭声弄醒了,没办法睡懒觉了!昨天夜里他还哭了呢,可是奶奶一点都不怪他,还照顾她,我觉得奶奶都忘记我的存在了,除了每天三餐叫我吃饭 8.哎,又是重复的一天,奶奶还是那样 对我很冷漠,弟弟还是总哭闹,我终于忍不住了,大吼一声,哭什么哭 奶奶严厉的说不许对弟弟这样,他不会说会 当然饿了 尿了就要哭 ,你以前也这样的!我很委屈 9.昨天我把奶奶的话想了想觉得很有道理,所以今天我决定加入照顾弟弟的行列,奶奶也很高兴,说我懂事了,还给妈妈打电话说了这件事,奶奶说妈妈夸奖我呢. 10.今天,我更加熟练地知道怎么照顾弟弟了,他哭得大声就是饿了,我会哄他,然后让奶奶去弄奶粉,哭得小声,就是尿了,我会帮奶奶拿尿不湿,然后看看怎么换 11.我学会换尿布了,以后又可以为奶奶分担了,奶奶一整天都乐得合不拢嘴,一直在夸奖我真乖,我其实只是无聊才想做这些的,不过看奶奶开心,我也很开心 12.奶奶为了奖励我,给我做了红烧排骨,我最喜欢奶奶做的,我觉得奶奶对我也不再冷漠了,奶奶越来越喜欢我,甚至多过了弟弟,我和奶奶,突然觉得弟弟也很可爱了 13.今天,老家的表叔来奶奶家了,我很开心,因为从小我就和表叔最好了,他总是带我玩,还会给我很多好吃的这次又带来了家乡的特产,可惜弟弟吃不了,等他长大,我要分给他 14.家里有客人就是好,连饭菜都变得丰盛了,可是奶奶会很辛苦的,我就担当起了照顾弟弟的重任,我发现弟弟笑起来很可爱,他也总是对我笑,我想他也是喜欢我的 15.表叔回家了,其实还可以多带几天的,只是听说表婶生病了,家里没人照顾,必须回去,我很舍不得表叔的,不过表婶的身体要紧,表婶对我也是很好的. 16.今天是我在奶奶家的最后一天,因为妈妈说奶奶年纪大了 ,我不能呆太久的,可是弟弟呢?我很喜欢和他在一起的,妈妈说弟弟也要被舅舅接走了,舅妈从国外回来了 17.回到家的感觉也是不错的,毕竟是熟悉的味道,我喜欢我的床,特别的舒服,每每躺上去都不想起来,这是爸爸妈妈特意给我挑选的,爸爸妈妈很爱我,我也爱他们. 18.妈妈下班回来,买了很多好吃的,我说是因为很久没看见我么,妈妈说小鬼 才不是呢 是你舅妈舅舅一家要来了,舅妈给我带来了很多外国的糖果,味道特别的好 19.作业,暑假过了一半我才想起来,老师原谅我吧,我真的是玩疯了,不过还好来得急,我今天做了很多呢,我一定会在开学前完成他们的.我相信自己,要给自己加油 20 今天,我起的特别早,妈妈都吃惊了,我说我要写作业,妈妈说我乖,好懂事,让我在家好好学习,少看电视,我做到了,完成了好几项作业,看了一个小时电视 21.今天的生活跟昨天差不多 还是写作业,看电视,不过今天有点偷懒了,只写了一点作业,因为真的很想玩游戏的,妈妈也没有责怪我,说是看我学习辛苦,奖励我了 22.今天我又奋起直追,完成了昨天三倍的作业,然后晚上,邻居哥哥来找我玩了,我们看了一会电视,又玩了会游戏,然后妈妈给我们做了宵夜,还把他送回了家 23 可能是昨天太累了,今天很晚才起床,不过妈妈不知道,要不又要说我了,今天很是懒,不想写作业呢,玩了一天的游戏很累,不过还是在坚持写日记,好像成了我生活的一部分 24.今天,我写了一天的作业,还有一点就完成了,可是头非常的疼,妈妈说让我休息,我躺了好久 ,头才不疼,然后吃了点妈妈做的粥 ,妈妈还让我看电视呢,很累了,就去睡觉了 25, 今天我很开心,因为终于把作业写完了,这段时间没有白白努力,妈妈做了一桌子菜来奖励我,说是要补补脑,让我更聪明,还给我一大块鱼,其实鱼很多次,我不喜欢的 26.写完作业整个人都轻松了,今天约了几个同学去公园玩,没有很多的吃得,没有玩很多的娱乐项目,但是很快乐,我们在一起永远那么快乐,笑的很灿烂像今天的太阳一样 27. 还有几天就开学了,我还没有玩够呢,我跟妈妈说了,妈妈说傻孩子,上学就是你的任务啊 能放假是奖励 你应该开心还有这个奖励啊,我想了想,妈妈说的对 28. 妈妈带我去买开学用的文具,我挑选了很多我喜欢的,然后我们又逛了逛衣服,妈妈看到一件很喜欢的 我也觉得妈妈说起来很美,妈妈很开心的买下了 29. 今天我在抓紧最后的时间玩耍,看了半天的电视,玩了半天了的游戏,晚上还去邻居家玩,邻居阿姨也很好心的送我回来,不过没有宵夜吃,妈妈怕我饿,给我准备了,妈妈真好 30. 终于到了最后一天了,我又要努力学习了,今天我收拾了书包 准备好了要用的书本文具,当然妈妈一直在帮助我收拾,我很开心,这个暑假过的很有意义,相信开学一样会很有意义. 看着写吧

2. 骆驼祥子读后感

骆驼祥子 真实地描绘了北京一个人力车夫的悲惨命运。祥子来自农村,在他拉上租来的洋车以后,立志买一辆车自己拉,做一个独立的劳动者。他年轻力壮,正当生命的黄金时代;又勤苦耐劳,不惜用全部力量去达到这一目的。在强烈的信心的鼓舞和支持下,经过三年的努力,他用自己的血汗换来了一辆洋车。但是没有多久,军阀的乱兵抢走了他的车;接着反动政府的侦探又诈去了他仅有的积蓄,主人躲避特务追踪还使他丢了比较安定的工作;虎妞对他的那种推脱不开的“爱情”又给他的身心都带来磨难。迎着这一个又一个的打击,他作过挣扎,仍然执拗地想用更大的努力来实现自己梦寐以求的生活愿望。但一切都是徒然:用虎妞的积蓄买了一辆车,很快又不得不卖掉以料理虎妞的丧事。他的这一愿望“象个鬼影,永远抓不牢,而空受那些辛苦与委屈”;在经过多次挫折以后,终于完全破灭。他所喜爱的小福子的自杀,吹熄了心中最后一朵希望的火花,他丧失了对于生活的任何企求和信心,从上进好强而沦为自甘堕落:原来那个正直善良的祥子,被生活的磨盘碾得粉碎。这个悲剧有力地揭露了旧社会把人变成鬼的罪行。祥子是一个性格鲜明的普通车夫的形象,在他身上具有劳动人民的许多优良品质。他善良纯朴,热爱劳动,对生活具有骆驼一般的积极和坚韧的精神。平常他好象能忍受一切委屈,但在他的性格中也蕴藏有反抗的要求。他在杨宅的发怒辞职,对车厂主人刘四的报复心情,都可以说明这一点;他一贯要强和奋斗,也正是不安于卑贱的社会地位的一种表现。他不愿听从高妈的话放高利贷,不想贪图刘四的六十辆车,不愿听虎妞的话去做小买卖,都说明他所认为的“有了自己的车就有了一切”,并不是想借此往上爬,买车当车主剥削别人;他所梦想的不过是以自己的劳动求得一种独立自主的生活。这是一种个体劳动者虽然卑微、却是正当的生活愿望。作品描写了他在曹宅被侦探敲去了自己辛苦攒来的积蓄以后,最关心的却是曹先生的委托,就因为曹先生在他看来是一个好人;还描写了他对于老马和小马祖孙两代的关切,表现出他的善良和正直。他的悲剧之所以能够激起读者强烈的同情,除了他的社会地位和不公平的遭遇外,这些性格特点也起了无法磨灭的作用。象这样勤俭和要强的人最后也终于变成了头等的“刺儿头”,走上了堕落的道路,就格外清楚地暴露出不合理的社会腐蚀人们心灵的罪恶。作品写道:“苦人的懒是努力而落了空的自然结果,苦人的耍刺儿含有一些公理。”又说:“人把自己从野兽中提拔出,可是到现在人还把自己的同类驱到野兽里去。祥子还在那文化之城,可是变成了走兽。一点也不是他自己的过错。”老舍正是从这样一种认识出发,怀着对于被侮辱与被损害者的深切同情,写下这个悲剧的。这就使这部作品具有激愤的控诉力量和强烈的批判精神,深深地烙上读者的心坎。









在读完《骆驼祥子》这部老舍笔下具有悲剧色彩的名著之后,我的第一感觉是理想与现实的不相符。祥子一生梦寐以求的洋车终在无数次巅簸坎坷中碎了,散了.的确,理想与现实的不相符造就了无数的遗憾。多少莘莘学子由于家境原因不能升入理想的大学;多少各方面的人才由于内外在的原因不能进入各自专长的领域。光靠幻想,梦是不可能成真的,即使像祥子那样不知疲倦地追求,梦想最终还是破灭了。可以说,这是一个悲剧。同时,祥子最终的堕落与社会之堕落是分割不开的。有些人因出身贫寒,所以为自己的将来而努力奋斗,却无果。这是什么造成的,是残酷的社会。现实社会中,钱似乎能代表一切,什么知识大于金钱,根本是个“假命题”。因此,若想在现实社会中立足,充分的知识、良好的生活背景必不可少。相比之下,后者因素比例更大,所以制造了那么多的遗憾,甚至于悲剧。现实社会中的机遇也决定着理想的实现与否。法拉第小时候家境贫寒,偶然的机遇使皇家学院院长哈维认识了这个聪明好学的孩童,最终使法拉第成为了著名的电磁学家。日本著名商业家松下幸之助刚刚创业曾一度破产,但也是偶然的机遇使他认识了世界名牌公司,使他走向了富裕之路。但是这样的人毕竟只占少数。理想和现实并存才能实现突破,创造历史。 与此同时,作者通过祥子所反映出来的有关人格改变的问题,也给我很深的印象。祥子迫于生活的压力一步一步堕落为社会垃圾,如果环境不是这样恶劣,那么祥子一定不会是这样的。可是事实是这种事情即使是在现在的社会也在不断发生,每天都有很多人为生活所逼,失去了一开始的品格,成为和祥子一样的行尸走肉。很多时候我在想,如果祥子生活在现在的社会里,那么情况一定就不一样了吧?可是事实告诉我,那是不可能的事。因为即使是在现在的社会里,依然有很多问题值得大家去思考,很多事情就象鱼和熊掌那样,不可兼得。而这种问题似乎也越来越多,大多数人和祥子一样,为了生活抛弃品格。当人们惊醒时会发现后悔已经来不及了,只有硬着头皮走下去。所以说,祥子变成后来的样子不是一个偶然,而是一个必然。 其实祥子一开始也在努力地与生活斗争,只是他失败了。而他的失败就败在没有坚持,如果他坚持了,那么事情就不会是这样。可是,事情是没有如果的,当生活开始的那天起就没有了如果,所以我们没有退路,所以我们不能退缩,所以我们只能向前,所以我们要让自己永不后悔

出淤泥而不染 濯清莲而不妖谁又有十足把握做到


这个故事,反映了北平当时劳动人民的生活、命运与遭遇。祥子本是一个对生活充满希望的人,他热爱生活,热爱北平,一系列的挫折使他恨透了整个世界 .

3. 比特币再现“杀猪盘”,是什么原因导致的


4. 比特币“挖矿”到底有多耗电




5. 圣诞节主持人开幕词




合:圣诞--快乐! 主内--平安!




女:昔日,耶稣道成肉身降人间, 今朝,坐在天父右边,替我们祈求。








女:此时此刻,我们的心欢喜快乐,让我们伸出双手,尽情欢呼吧! 接下来有请大家欣赏XXX带给大家的XXX,掌声有请!

6. 比特币触及4.8万美元纪录新高,比特币不断突破记录的主要原因有哪些



7. 暑假日记








------------CHEER 华丽的冒险












------------CHEER 华丽的冒险




8. 写物的作文500字


9. 寒假作业日记20篇650


























------------CHEER 华丽的冒险
























































10. mbi华克金是什么真的赚钱吗


1. Ten 50-word entries in the diary

1. Today, Qing, I am in the same mood, because today my sister is taking me to the park to play. I love my sister the most, every time When I go to the park, I will buy a lot of delicious food for me, and it will not stop me from playing games. On the carousel, I am as happy as a flying bird. 2. Today, Breeze, my mother went to work. Thinking that it is the same every day, I also started to write about myself. I like this homework, I am very happy, because I find it very interesting to write a diary, and my mother also praises me for writing well. 3. Oops, I spilled my mother's makeup today. I was just curious. I thought that I had made a big mistake, which is my mother’s favorite thing. What should I do? Sure enough, my mother came back, got very angry, and slapped me. 4. My mother woke me up before going to work today. You know that my mother is never so early. Did the person who woke me up still hit me? I was so scared. Unexpectedly, my mother said I'm sorry, it was my mother's fault yesterday. In fact, I didn't blame my mother, she was still a good mother! 5. Today is a special day, it belongs to my mother It’s my birthday, so my father cooks by himself. In fact, my father’s cooking skills are better than my mother’s, but my father is too busy and doesn’t have time. Today I can have a good meal. I gave my mother a gift, which I drew for her. Portrait Mom liked it and kissed me 6. Mom said that I had no one to take care of me at home and she wanted to send me to my grandma’s house. I don’t like going to grandma’s house because grandma has to take care of my younger brother. He always cries and he is so young. , and you can’t play with me, but even if you don’t want to, you still go. 7. It’s really disgusting, I was woken up by crying again, and I couldn’t sleep in! He cried last night, but grandma didn’t blame him at all, I also take care of her. I feel that grandma has forgotten my existence. Except for asking me to eat three meals a day. 8. Alas, it is another repeating day. Grandma is still so indifferent to me, and my brother is still crying all the time. I finally can't help it. I yelled, why are you crying? Grandma said sternly not to do this to my brother. He wouldn’t say it, of course he would cry when he was hungry and peed. You were like this before! I feel wronged. 9. Yesterday I thought about what grandma said. I thought it made sense, so today I decided to join the ranks of taking care of my younger brother. My grandma was also very happy and said that I was sensible. She even called my mother to tell her about it. Grandma said that my mother praised me. 10. Today, I am even more I know how to take care of my younger brother proficiently. If he cries loudly, it means he is hungry. I will coax him and then ask grandma to get milk powder. If he cries softly, it means he has peed. I will help grandma get diapers and then see how to change them. 11. I learned how to change diapers, and I can share the burden with my grandma in the future. Grandma was so happy all day long, and kept praising me for being so good. In fact, I just wanted to do this because I was bored, but seeing grandma happy, I Also very happy 12. In order to reward me, my grandma made braised pork ribs for me. I like what grandma makes the most. I feel that grandma is no longer indifferent to me. Grandma likes me more and more, even more than my brother. I and I Grandma, suddenly I feel that my younger brother is also very cute. 13. Today, my cousin from home came to grandmaI am very happy to be home, because I have been best friends with my cousin since I was a child. He always takes me to play and gives me a lot of delicious food. This time I brought specialties from my hometown. It is a pity that my brother can’t eat them. I will wait for him When he grows up, I want to share it with him. 14. It is good to have guests at home, and even the food will be rich, but grandma will be very hard, so I take on the important task of taking care of my younger brother. I find that my younger brother is very cute when he smiles. He always smiles at me, I think he also likes me. 15. My cousin is back home, and I can actually take him with me for a few more days. I just heard that my cousin is sick and there is no one to take care of me at home. I have to go back. I am very reluctant to do so. My cousin's, but my cousin's health is important, and my cousin is very good to me. 16. Today is my last day at grandma's house, because my mother said that grandma is old and I can't stay too long, but what about my brother? ?I like being with him very much. My mother said that my younger brother will also be picked up by his uncle. His aunt has come back from abroad. 17. It feels good to be home. After all, it is a familiar smell. I like my bed, it is special. It's so comfortable that I don't want to get up every time I lie down on it. My parents specially selected this for me. My parents love me very much, and I love them too. 18. My mother came back from work and bought a lot of delicious food. I said it was because I haven't seen it for a long time. Me, what my mother said is that I'm not a kid. It's your aunt and uncle's family who are coming. My aunt brought me a lot of foreign candies, which taste very good. 19. Homework, I didn't remember it until halfway through the summer vacation. Teacher, please forgive me. , I really went crazy, but luckily I came in a hurry, I did a lot today, I will definitely finish them before school starts. I believe in myself, I have to cheer myself up 20 Today, I got up very early, mom I was all surprised. I said I had to do my homework. My mother said that I was good and sensible, and asked me to study hard at home and watch less TV. I did it. I completed several homework assignments and watched TV for an hour. 21. Today’s life is like Yesterday I mostly did my homework and watched TV, but today I was a little lazy and only did a little homework because I really wanted to play games. My mother didn’t blame me. She said she rewarded me because she saw how hard I studied. 22. Today I I worked hard again and completed three times the homework of yesterday. Then in the evening, my neighbor’s brother came to play with me. We watched TV for a while and played some games. Then my mother made us a midnight snack and sent him to school. Back home 23 Maybe I was too tired yesterday and got up very late today, but my mother doesn’t know, or she’s going to accuse me again. I’m very lazy today and don’t want to do my homework. I’m very tired after playing games all day, but I’m still I insist on keeping a diary, and it seems to have become a part of my life. 24. Today, I wrote my homework for the day, and I finished it in a little while, but my head hurt very much. My mother told me to rest. I lay down for a long time, and my head stopped. It hurt, and then I ate some porridge made by my mother. My mother also let me watch TV. I was very tired, so I went to bed. 25. I am very happy today because I finally finished my homework. My hard work during this period was not in vain. My mother did I was given a table of dishes to reward me, saying it was to replenish my brain and make me smarter, and also gave me a big piece of fish. In fact, there were many fish, which I didn’t like. 26. WriteAfter finishing my homework, I felt relaxed. I made an appointment with some classmates to play in the park today. I didn’t have a lot to eat or do a lot of entertainment, but I was very happy. We are always so happy together, and our smiles are as bright as the sun today. Same 27. School starts in a few days, and I haven’t had enough fun yet. I told my mother, and she said, silly boy, going to school is your task. Being able to have a holiday is a reward. You should be happy. And this reward, I think. After thinking about it, my mother was right. 28. My mother took me to buy stationery for the beginning of school. I picked out a lot of things that I liked. Then we went shopping for clothes. My mother saw something that I liked very much. I also thought it was very interesting. Beautiful, my mother was very happy to buy 29. Today I took the last time to play. I watched TV for a long time, played games for a long time, and went to the neighbor's house to play in the evening. The neighbor's aunt was kind enough to send me back. But there was no late-night snack. Mom was afraid that I would be hungry, so she prepared it for me. Mom is so kind. 30. Finally, it’s the last day. I have to study hard again. Today I packed my schoolbag and prepared the books and stationery I need. Of course, Mom They have been helping me clean up. I am very happy. This summer vacation has been very meaningful. I believe it will be very meaningful when the school starts. Read and write

2. After reading Luotuo Xiangzi

Luotuo Xiangzi truly depicts the tragic fate of a rickshaw puller in Beijing. Xiangzi came from the countryside. After he pulled the rented foreign car, he decided to buy a car and pull it himself and become an independent laborer. He is young and strong, in the golden age of his life; he is also hard-working and does not hesitate to use all his strength to achieve this goal. Encouraged and supported by strong confidence, after three years of hard work, he exchanged his own blood and sweat for a foreign car. But not long after, the warlord's rebels robbed his car; and then the reactionary government's detectives defrauded him of his only savings. The master avoided the spy tracking and even lost his relatively stable job; Huniu's kind of attitude towards him The inescapable "love" brought hardships to him both physically and mentally. Faced with these blows one after another, he struggled and still stubbornly wanted to use greater efforts to realize his dream life wishes. But everything was in vain: I bought a car with Huniu’s savings, and soon had to sell it to pay for Huniu’s funeral. His wish was "like a ghost that could never be grasped firmly, and he suffered all the hardships and grievances in vain"; after many setbacks, it was finally completely shattered. The suicide of his beloved Xiao Fuzi extinguished the last spark of hope in his heart. He lost any hope and confidence in life. He went from being motivated and strong to self-willed and degenerate: the original upright and kind-hearted Xiangzi was replaced by the people of life. The millstone crushed it to pieces. This tragedy effectively exposes the old society's crime of turning people into ghosts. Xiangzi is an image of an ordinary coachman with a distinctive personality. He possesses many excellent qualities of the working people. He is kind and simple, loves labor, and has a camel-like positive and tenacious attitude towards life. Normally he seems to be able to endure all grievances, but there is also a need for resistance in his character. His angry resignation at Yang Zhai and his revengeful mood towards Liu Si, the owner of the car factory, can all be said.He understands this; he always wants to be strong and strive, which is also a manifestation of being unsatisfied with his humble social status. He didn't want to listen to Gao Ma's advice on loan sharking, he didn't want to covet Liu Si's sixty cars, and he didn't want to listen to Huniu's advice to do small business. All this shows that what he thinks "if you have your own car, you will have everything" is not He wants to use this to climb up the ladder, buy a car and become a car owner to exploit others; all he dreams of is to use his own labor to achieve an independent life. This is a humble but legitimate life desire of individual workers. The work describes how after he was robbed of his hard-earned savings by detectives at Cao's house, he was most concerned about Mr. Cao's commission because Mr. Cao was a good person in his opinion; it also described his feelings for Lao Ma and The concern of Xiao Ma's grandparents and grandchildren shows his kindness and integrity. The reason why his tragedy can arouse strong sympathy from readers is that in addition to his social status and unfair experience, these character traits also play an indelible role. Such diligent, thrifty and strong people finally turned into top "thorns" and embarked on the path of depravity, which clearly exposed the evil of unreasonable society that corrodes people's souls. The work writes: "The laziness of the poor is the natural result of hard work but failure, and there is some truth in the thorns of the poor." It also said: "Man has lifted himself out of the beast, but until now, man still puts himself The same kind of people were driven into wild beasts. Xiangzi was still in the cultural city, but he turned into a beast. It was not his own fault at all." It is from this understanding that Lao She starts from this understanding, with the intention of treating the insulted and harmed people. I wrote this tragedy with deep sympathy. This gives this work an indignant power of accusation and a strong critical spirit, which is deeply ingrained in the hearts of readers.

I read Lao She’s masterpiece "Camel Xiangzi" during the winter vacation, which tells the story of Xiangzi, a rickshaw driver in old Beijing. Xiangzi has an ideal: to own his own foreign car. So he relied on hard work and perseverance to live frugally and finally got what he wanted. However, the good times did not last long, and soon his foreign car was snatched away by soldiers. But he did not lose heart and relied on his own efforts to buy another foreign car. But he was so unlucky that all his hard-earned savings were robbed again. After repeating this three times, Xiangzi could no longer muster the courage to live. He began to live a game life, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and completely degenerated into the garbage of the city.
This story is a tragedy, a complete tragedy. A person who was once hard-working and persevering and had his own goals ended up becoming a social waste. In the past, Xiangzi was kind and honest, upright and honest, and was as positive and tenacious about life as a camel. People around him all work as monks and ring bells for a day, but Xiangzi is not content with the status quo. He works hard and struggles for a better life. He would rather take great risks to make more money to achieve his goals. the life you want. He constantly pursues success and happiness. However, even so, it did not change his final tragic ending.
Perhaps this is reality, cruel, sad and helpless. Ideals and reality are always full of contradictions. They are often irreconcilable, but at the same time they areexist. Society is a reality. It will not change for one person's ideals, nor will it be perfect. People continue to strive for their ideals, but they may not necessarily succeed in the end. Just like Xiangzi, he worked hard to pursue a better life, but the ending was so tragic.

About a week or two before the exam, I finished reading Lao She’s masterpiece - "Camel Xiangzi".
Perhaps due to lack of knowledge and experience, I haven’t fully understood it yet. I just had a rough look. Although Luotuo Xiangzi worked hard, in the end, there was nothing. I learned about how people lived in the chaotic society at that time.
Luotuo Xiangzi’s justice, his honesty, and his kindness made him get to know many people by mistake, including Hu Niu from friends to husband and wife, police officers who cheated money, and helpful people... •••
In Lao She's works, many characters of the Beijing citizen class appear. Such as small businessmen, small clerks, patrolmen ••••••
The novel is probably through the suffering history of a foreign rickshaw driver, describing how the old society transformed an upright, strong, decent, self-reliant foreign driver from the body to the human body. The process of soul destruction. Luotuo Xiangzi is kind and simple, with a camel-like positive and tenacious attitude toward life. His only wish is to buy a car of his own to pull and work independently. Later, after three years of hard work, he exchanged his hard-earned money for a brand-new foreign car. However, not long after, he was snatched away by soldiers, and then the reactionary government detectives defrauded him of all his savings. Huniu His inescapable 'love' brought him physical and mental suffering. I bought a car with Huniu’s money, but soon I had to sell it to pay for Huniu’s funeral. After many setbacks, his wish was finally shattered. The suicide of his beloved Xiao Fuzi extinguished the last spark of hope in his heart. He lost any begging and confidence in life, and his desire to be strong became a self-satisfied fall. This tragedy effectively exposes the old society's crime of turning people into ghosts. It profoundly reveals the reasons for this tragedy.
The current society is stable and the economy is also developing continuously. As a teenager, there are books to read, and there are people everywhere who support and encourage you. Therefore, we cannot live up to the expectations of New China. At least, we must learn from Luotuo Xiangzi’s enterprising spirit.

"Camel Xiangzi" is the representative work of Mr. Lao She, a "People's Art". The Xiangzi described by Lao She comes from the countryside, with a background in rural China, as well as the simplicity, honesty and stubbornness of farmers. When he settled on the business of pulling cars, he became a "car fan" and wanted to buy his own car. With hard work and perseverance, he spent three years frugally. Finally realizedHe realized his dream and became a self-reliant first-class coachman. During the period of war and chaos in China, there was no room for his imagination. Within half a year, he was kidnapped by deserters and lost his "heart and soul" - a foreign car. He only brought back three camels. Xiangzi was not discouraged. He still stubbornly started from scratch, working harder to make money and save money.

But before he could buy another car this time, all his savings were extorted and robbed by detectives. The dream of buying a car came to nothing again. In order to buy a car, he got married to Huniu. But the good times did not last long. Huniu died of dystocia and lost his favorite little Fuzi. Xiangzi's carriage was empty. From then on I got tired of pulling carts and working. Eventually it becomes urban garbage.

After reading this book, my evaluation of Xiangzi is: Xiangzi is a person who cannot withstand the test of life and loses his life. As the saying goes: "The road is getting longer and longer, so I will search up and down." Why did he stop looking for a new path and become a scum and scum of society? Why doesn't he become the master of life and make a living for himself? I think he was also scared because he was born as a farmer and he couldn't stand the blows that life dealt to him again and again, so he gave up. This is the reason why the characters in the book continue to decline! ! ! !

The "Three Character Classic" of the Southern Song Dynasty has a saying that "people are born with good nature", which shows that people are pure and innocent when they are born, but their temperament changes drastically due to exposure to society. To put it nicely, it means keeping pace with the times. To put it bluntly, it means going with the flow of the world.
There is nothing wrong with man himself; what is wrong is the era in which he lives, which forces him to succumb to the power of the world. Everyone is born equal. Everyone has personality and freedom. No one should not exist, and no one is specially favored by God.
Now that you are here, you have the right to live in this world. Even if you only have a shabby shirt to cover your shame, you can suck the fresh air and enjoy raw food like the richest people in the world. Joy; even if you are illiterate, like the most outstanding politicians in history, you can bathe in the warm sunshine and accept the generous gifts given by the light with a clear conscience; even if you are physically deficient, you can dance with the best Well, like the artist who sings the sweetest songs, he shows off a different flavor on the stage of life, feels the intoxication surrounded by the fragrance of flowers, and accepts the endless applause and cheers after the show ends.
This is a world that cannot stay for too long, so we should bloom like summer flowers and give ourselves a season without regrets!

After reading "Camel Xiangzi"
Xiangzi left a deep impression on me: a real coachman, hard-working and persevering. But his results were tragic.
He came to Peiping with his own hopes and focused on the car pulling industry. After three years of hard work, he finally bought his own car. But in the era of war and chaos, within half a year, Xiangzi's car was snatched by the soldiers and they took back the three-skin camel. Xiangzi did not lose heart and worked hardermake money. Before I even bought the car, the money was snatched away by detectives. In his marriage with Huniu, he paid a lot of price, but finally got his own car again. Huniu died, and Xiangzi's carriage was empty. The blow of life and the passing of Xiao Fuzi made Xiangzi lose confidence in life. He has changed, he eats, drinks, prostitutes, gambles, does everything, sells people to make money, and becomes a complete urban garbage.
The sad ending of the story made me think of the tragic situation of society at that time. Xiangzi, an optimistic and persevering coachman, was tortured by the hateful society and turned into social garbage, like a walking zombie with only one shell. Of course, this is not just a social problem.
For Luotuo Xiangzi. I feel regretful, regretful, and helpless, but I also feel admiration. I admire his optimism and perseverance. It's a pity that he failed to defeat himself and society in the end. In the end, he was defeated and became a burden to society. I feel sad, painful and shameful about this society. Under the influence of society, Xiangzi went through three ups and downs and became garbage. This society is removing garbage, but at the same time producing a large amount of garbage. What ability does this society have? I can only say: This society is a corrupt society and a society without ability. And those who promote social corruption oppress those who are hardworking, those who work hard, and those who persevere. This is the reality of this society: cruel, sad, and helpless.
This book is very satirical. It satirizes that the dark society at that time caused people to experience excessive pressure in life, making people unable to breathe or stand up. And I do think this is not just a social problem. Although the environment plays a role that cannot be ignored at least in changing people, what is more important is our own problems. If Xiangzi finally defeats himself, even if his life is not what he ideally wants, with his own car, he can at least be able to live with peace of mind, have some income, not steal or rob, and maintain his original ideals and Have a goal-oriented mentality and not become the garbage of society.
No matter what kind of society a person lives in, if he has no goals or ideals, gives up easily, always has a negative mentality, does not try, does not fight, he will eventually lose himself easily, lose his direction, and even Fallen. Therefore, we should have ideals, goals, and a positive attitude in order to gain a foothold in society.

Camel Xiangzi" tells the tragic story of Xiangzi, a rickshaw driver in the old city of Beiping, China. Xiangzi came to the city, eager to create a life with his honest labor. With the belief of buying a car, he worked hard to make money, like a spinning top. Finally, Xiangzi got the car he dreamed of. For Xiangzi, he didn't know how many pairs of shoes he wore out in exchange for that car. But fate plays tricks on people, and the cars are taken away one after another, and the fire of Xiangzi's dream is extinguished time and time again. But Xiangzi still refused to give up, kept cheering up and struggled again. Here, I couldn't help but be moved and pity, and moved by Xiangzi's tenacity to persevere and fight for his dreams;I feel pity for Xiangzi who was tortured by his tragic fate and could only be helplessly depressed and disappointed. This taught me: face difficulties with strength and stand up on your own if you fail.
The period from the union with Huniu to Huniu’s final death deeply affected Xiangzi’s soul. In the end, the car was sold, Huniu died, and everything was in vain, just like the beginning. Everything is evaporated like scratches with an eraser, leaving only a few deep marks. But in Xiangzi's heart, a deep mark was left forever. From then on, Xiangzi was full of hostility to the world and began to take revenge on everyone around him. Xiangzi, who used to be loyal, now began to deceive his friends, use them, and steal everything from them. He became cunning, even shameless. He has simply changed into a different person, stealing, robbing and cheating. As long as he can get money, he can do anything. After reading this, I couldn't help but feel sour, disappointed, and even slightly angry. What's disappointing is that Xiangzi didn't persist and was eventually swallowed by darkness; what's angry is that the honest and honest Xiangzi has now done all kinds of things that are harmful to nature. This story of his life is a tragedy, a complete tragedy. A person who was once hard-working and persevering and had his own goals ended up becoming a social waste. In the past, Xiangzi was kind and honest, upright and honest, and was as positive and tenacious about life as a camel. People around him all work as monks and ring bells for a day, but Xiangzi is not content with the status quo. He works hard and struggles for a better life. He would rather take great risks to make more money to achieve his goals. the life you want. He constantly pursues success and happiness. However, even so, it did not change his final tragic ending.
Perhaps this is reality, cruel, sad and helpless. Ideals and reality are always full of contradictions. They are often irreconcilable, but they exist at the same time. Society is a reality. It will not change for one person's ideals, nor will it be perfect. People continue to strive for their ideals, but they may not necessarily succeed in the end. Just like Xiangzi, he worked hard to pursue a better life, but the ending was so tragic.
For Luotuo Xiangzi, I feel sorry, sorry, and helpless, but I also admire him. I admire his past strength and his progress. However, he failed to defeat himself and society in the end, and was defeated after all. Maybe it's because of the extreme darkness of society, maybe it's because of personal factors. In any case, the environment plays a role that cannot be ignored at least in changing people. If the social security at that time was better, Xiangzi might be able to realize his ideals, and maybe he would not become a walking corpse. People cannot live without society, and society determines people. If you cannot handle the relationship between reality and ideals, society and yourself, you are likely to lose your original self.
Human beings are thoughtful animals and should have their own ideals and goals. But it varies from person to person and from society to society. If you are always unable to realize your ideals, you may become a "Xiangzi", degenerate, decline, and hate life. after allThere are only a few people who can persevere throughout their lives. Pursuit itself is a process of constant change. However, this process will be very complicated. People can easily lose themselves. If they lose themselves, they will lose their way and even fall.
Ji still has no regrets.
Xiangzi’s tragedy is the product of the social living environment in which he lives. In a dark society, human power is too small. Xiangzi tried many times to defeat fate on his own, but in the end, he was scarred both physically and mentally. Xiangzi struggled in pain again and again, sinking deeper and deeper. He was gradually twisted and swallowed by the darkness. Xiangzi, who used to be ambitious and full of backbone, now only has greed for money. Under the darkness of society and the temptation of money, Xiangzi lost his backbone. "Money will lead people into a bad society, put aside their noble ideals, and go to hell willingly." Indeed, Xiangzi fought for money for "life", and he chose between "life" and "ideal" "Life", because only "life" is the only thing that the poor can choose. At that time, the life of a poor person might be like the two pointed ends of a date stone - it was lucky to avoid starving to death when he was young; it was very difficult not to starve to death when he was old. At this time, I truly realized that people's destiny is not completely under their control. The protagonist of the story, Xiangzi, fought against life with his tenacious character and persistent attitude, but in the end, fate still effortlessly destroyed Xiangzi.
In a dark society, human nature becomes distorted, and people are full of hatred...

After reading "Camel Xiangzi", a tragic masterpiece written by Lao She, my The first feeling is the inconsistency between ideal and reality. The foreign car that Xiangzi dreamed of all his life was finally broken and scattered in countless ups and downs. Indeed, the discrepancy between ideal and reality has created countless regrets. How many students cannot enter their ideal universities due to family background; how many talents in various fields cannot enter their respective fields of expertise due to internal and external reasons. Dreams cannot come true based on fantasy alone. Even if you pursue it tirelessly like Xiangzi, your dream will eventually be shattered. It can be said that this is a tragedy. At the same time, Xiangzi's final degradation is inseparable from the degradation of society. Some people come from poor backgrounds, so they work hard for their future, but to no avail. What causes this is a cruel society. In the real society, money seems to represent everything. What knowledge is greater than money is simply a "false proposition." Therefore, if you want to gain a foothold in the real society, sufficient knowledge and a good life background are essential. In comparison, the latter factor has a greater proportion, so it has created so many regrets and even tragedies. Opportunities in real society also determine whether ideals are realized or not. Faraday's family was poor when he was a child. By chance, Harvey, the president of the Royal Academy, met this smart and studious child, which eventually made Faraday a famous electromagneticist. The famous Japanese businessman Konosuke Matsushita once went bankrupt when he first started his business, but it was also an accidental opportunity that made him get to know world-famous companies and led him to the road to prosperity. But such people are only a minority after all. Only when ideals and reality coexistAble to achieve breakthroughs and create history. At the same time, I was deeply impressed by the issues related to personality changes reflected by the author through Xiangzi. Under the pressure of life, Xiangzi gradually degenerated into social garbage. If the environment was not so bad, then Xiangzi would not be like this. But the fact is that this kind of thing keeps happening even in today's society. Every day, many people are forced by life, lose their original character, and become the walking dead like Xiangzi. Many times I think, if Xiangzi lived in today's society, the situation must be different, right? But the facts tell me that that is impossible. Because even in today's society, there are still many issues worth thinking about, and many things are like having your cake and eat it too. And this kind of problem seems to be increasing. Most people, like Xiangzi, abandon their character for life. When people wake up, they will find that it is too late to regret, and they have no choice but to bite the bullet and go on. Therefore, it is not an accident that Xiangzi became what he became later, but an inevitable one. In fact, Xiangzi also struggled with life hard at the beginning, but he failed. And his failure was that he didn't persist. If he had persisted, then things wouldn't be like this. However, there are no ifs in things. There are no ifs from the day life begins, so we have no way out, so we cannot retreat, so we can only move forward, so we must let ourselves never regret


The end of the article is a bit cliche, too purposeful, and suspected of pleasing the teacher.
Luotuo Xiangzi’s thoughts after reading
When I met up with my classmates to play in the street and go shopping, my feet hurt from walking. Sometimes I would ride a three-wheeler, and it seemed reasonable for me to give him money to ride. It was also to show off in front of my classmates and pretend to be a master. Now that I think about it, I wish I could burrow underground. When I meet someone begging for food, I always avoid them when I have no money, and pass by without giving them anything to lose face. Sometimes, when I have given money and am in a bad mood, I will angrily curse people with hands and feet for not doing serious things. . I have neither much compassion for the poor nor do I give much to the poor. The poor are lazy and therefore do not live a good life. I have always believed that hard work can bring money and good luck. Just like good deeds are rewarded, bad deeds are rewarded. There will be evil consequences.
I just had a casual attitude, and felt a little ashamed that I had learned nothing and done nothing for most of the summer vacation. I watched Luotuo Xiangzi on the computer, and I just felt unstoppable shame. I tossed and turned when I went to bed at night, wishing I could run to the street to find a beggar to give him money.
I always hate the poor, but I have forgotten what I have been saying about the environment changing the personality. No matter how noble the soul and personality are, it is difficult for us not to bow our heads in a rotten and ugly society. As the book says, we must blame It’s no wonder that there are too many temptations for poor people in the world. I still remember the book that says, “Laziness of poor people is the natural result of hard work but failure. There is some truth in the hard work of poor people.” Should we blame society? As our biology and nature change, we adapt to society, and society is changed by us. Just like this, it isThe vulgarity and depravity of people make society rotten, and it is the rottenness of society that makes people vulgar and degenerate, and finally turns a society that has received moral education into a place where people love to watch people kill.
Xiangzi’s tragedy is caused by society, and society’s tragedy is caused by mediocre people. In such an environment, the two cannot escape the relationship, just like the ecosystem. Xiangzi was too self-respecting at first, but was too self-respecting later. It is best for people to live in a world that is neither black nor white, or to be more ruthless, in the words of a zoologist, the fittest survive and the unfit are eliminated. We can only be tolerant to people who are suffering from hardship.
Who can be sure to emerge from the silt without staining and wash the lotus without being evil?

"Camel Xiangzi" is Lao She's masterpiece and one of the best novels in the history of modern literature.
The work is set in Peiping, old China, and describes the tragic experience of Xiangzi, a rickshaw puller, who was transformed from a human into a "beast". It expresses the author's care and sympathy for the suffering fate of laborers struggling at the lowest level of society, and praises Xiangzi's hard work. The excellent qualities of simplicity, kindness and improvement deeply reveal the reasons for Xiangzi's tragic fate.
The work revolves around the three ups and downs Xiangzi went through when buying a car as the central clue of the plot development, and extends the writing to the vast life field of the urban poor. The relationship between Niu, his peers, etc., depicts a turbulent, terrifying and dark picture of social life. From the social, psychological, cultural and other levels, it shows Xiangzi's journey from being full of hope, to struggling, to mental collapse, and to depravity. A tragic life. Xiangzi was originally a young and robust farmer, loyal and kind-hearted, hard-working and simple, taciturn and perseverant. However, after three ups and downs, his ideals were finally shattered, his character was distorted, and he became a soulless walking dead. Xiangzi's tragedy reflects the physical and spiritual damage caused by the urban deformed civilization disease and ignorant culture to human nature, and embodies the author's artistic thinking and critical examination of the relationship between urban civilization disease and human nature.
The work uses a serious realism creation method and simple and clear language to replace the glib humor that was lost in the past. The work uses a large amount of narrative, lyrical and discussion-based psychological descriptions to tell Xiangzi's painful heartfelt voice condensed with blood and tears. It not only depicts the character's character, but also expresses the author's sincere feelings, which enhances the artistic appeal of the work. The rich local color of Beijing, from language, environment to customs and people, shows the author's increasingly mature and charming artistic style.

This is a thin novel, only 57,000 words, and can be read in a few days. My first feeling after watching it was: It’s not satisfying! It’s so short! But it has profound meaning and endless aftertaste.
Xiangzi was a young coachman in old Beijing in the 1930s. He has an average appearance, is big, runs fast, and is not afraid of hardship. He has an ideal career - pulling cars. He has a goal to pursue - buying a car. After three years of hard work, I finally got a new car of my own. It was during the Anti-Japanese War, Peiping was in chaos, and Xiangzi was caught by the soldiers and worked as a miscellaneous person for no apparent reason. The car, a part of his life, was taken away. haveOne day, the sound of artillery frightened the soldiers in the camp, and they decided to move quickly. Xiangzi took advantage of the chaos and took some camels from the barracks with him and escaped. He sold his camels, collected more than thirty yuan, and returned to the "Renhe Factory" to pull the cart. Huniu, the daughter of factory owner Liu Siye, is over thirty and has yet to find her husband's family because she is too shrewd. Huniu fell in love with Xiangzi and seduced him. Xiangzi fell into her arms. Xiangzi regretted it and was ready to break her up. But Huniu deceived Xiangzi into "having" her, and Xiangzi couldn't let her go, so he finally got married to her. Huniu died in childbirth, and Xiao Fuzi, whom Xiangzi loved, also passed away. Xiangzi lost both his life and wealth.
From then on, Xiangzi hated everyone. He fell into bad habits, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. If you don't pull the cart diligently anymore, you might as well stop pulling the cart. He began to cheat money, borrow money without repaying it, and even betrayed others for money. Xiangzi completely degenerated into a walking corpse.
This story reflects the life, destiny and experiences of the working people in Peiping at that time. Xiangzi was originally a person full of hope for life. He loved life and Peiping. A series of setbacks made him hate the whole world.

3. What is the "pig-killing plate" reproduced by Bitcoin? Reasons

The world of currency circles is always full of "excitement" and uncertainty. Just a few days ago, everyone in the currency circle was cheering for Bitcoin's new high, but within two days, Bitcoin suffered another flash crash. On November 29, a Beijing Business Daily reporter noticed that in the past seven days, the price of Bitcoin has risen from $17,815 on November 22 to $19,500 on November 25, a new high in the past three years. But the good times did not last long. On November 26, Bitcoin fell again like an avalanche, falling by more than 14% during the day.

4. How much electricity does Bitcoin “mining” consume?

At the end of 2021, a criminal gang in Mudanjiang wanted to make money through virtual currency mining. I rented several garages in the community and purchased more than 60 "mining" equipment. However, after digging, I discovered that the "mining" equipment consumed too much power, so I used my brain and purchased transformers, high-voltage cables, etc. equipment, stealing national electric energy by overlapping community incoming lines in order to save electricity costs. But it didn’t take three months before my policemen, who followed the clues, caught me. All mining equipment and illegal gains will be confiscated, and you will also face a large fine and criminal liability.

According to news reports, a company engaged in "data business" in a western province paid only 250,000 yuan in taxes for 2020, but its average monthly electricity consumption was as high as 25 million kilowatt hours. !In the first four months of this year, the tax payment was only 90,000 yuan, but the average monthly electricity consumption was as high as 45 million kilowatt hours, which translates into energy consumption of about 15,000 tons of standard coal. After investigation, it was found that this company was actually a "mining farm." Such a large power loss, but the actual contribution to society is very small. In addition, you may not know that 60% of the world's major mining farms are in China. Therefore, many experts say that this is not a mining business at all, but "digging holes" for our children and grandchildren!

FortunatelyThe country has discovered this situation in time, and clearly proposed to crack down on Bitcoin mining and trading at the Financial Stability and Development Committee meeting of the State Council in May last year. As a result, large domestic mines have moved overseas, and the remaining small mines have also moved from above ground to underground. I believe that under the heavy government crackdown, these mining industries that destroy the ecology and waste electricity will have no escape.

5. Christmas host’s opening speech

Opening speech

Male: Dear brothers and sisters

Female: Dear guests , friends

Together: Christmas - Merry! In the Lord - peace!

Male: Today is an era of building harmony together. The people live in peace in China and like to see the prosperity of the motherland. .

Female: Today is a day of celebration for the whole world. We gather here to feast on God’s love.

Male: In the past, a baby was lying in a manger. Today, he is in charge of everything in the world and is the King of kings;

Female: In the past, Jesus became flesh and came to earth. , today, sitting at the right hand of the Father, praying for us.

Male: He is both God and man, the unity of heaven and man, perfect, the highest realm of life, and an eternal role model.

Female: All his ways are righteous; all his ways are loving.

Male: For the happiness of all mankind, he sacrificed his life and died on the cross to achieve a magnificent salvation.

Female: He was resurrected and ascended to heaven. Live forever and love us forever.

Male: It is this love that makes you willing to give and love others as yourself

Female: It is this love that makes you full of hope and gain eternal life

< p>Male: At this moment, our hearts are full of excitement, let us open our hearts and praise loudly!

Female: At this moment, our hearts are happy, let us stretch out our hands and enjoy Cheers! Next, please appreciate the XXX that XXX brings to you, please give me a round of applause!

6. Bitcoin hit a record high of $48,000, and Bitcoin continues to break records What are the main reasons?

Prior to this, the highest price of Bitcoin was $18,801 set in December 2017. The rise of Bitcoin has been the focus of many participants in the currency community. This year, the rise of Bitcoin has indeed attracted widespread market attention. The price of Bitcoin has soared from new lows to its current highs, rising more than 450%. This increase is really scary. The reason is that with the entire monetary policy open, the impact of the epidemic and the demand for hedging have increased significantly. This factor is also a very important driving force behind Bitcoin’s recent surge.

Within a price range, for now, basically everyone has made a profit in this price range. For those retail investors who have just got on the bus, they are actually cheering, but at the same time they have lingering fears. This comparisonThe breakthrough of Bitcoin actually has little to do with retail investors. Retail investors can only watch silently, because when the bull market is coming, the biggest pain is not having money in hand. Nowadays, the investment threshold of Bitcoin is so high, and retail investors don’t have much willingness. Even if it rises well, it is still an institutional party, and retail investors can only silently shed tears of regret.

7. Summer vacation diary

Summer vacation starts today. Summer vacation is here, but what should you do during the summer vacation? I feel like I want to do something different, but I don’t know where to start and where to end... maybe there is no beginning or end in the first place. Summer vacation is like this, and so is life.
In the eyes of children, society is always full of truth, goodness and beauty, and life is sweet and colorful. In the eyes of adults, society has two sides, including truth, goodness and beauty, as well as fakeness, ugliness and evil. Life has its ups and downs. Why is there such a big difference in the thinking of adults and children? There is only one conclusion: this is the most fundamental difference between maturity and immaturity.
Everything in the world has two sides. The rich experience of adults determines that they see things more comprehensively. In order for children to mature, they must experience some things. Some people say: "Life is a big training ground and a stage for tempering people." On this special stage, everyone will encounter happy things and sad things. Sad things can cause people great pain, while happy things can make people feel good. If people face sad events all day long, they will easily lose confidence and then give up on themselves, become decadent and sinking; if they face happy events all day long, people will be confused by what is in front of them, lack social experience, and be easily deceived. Just as plants cannot lack sunshine and rain, human experience cannot lack happiness and sadness.

One of my favorite things to do during summer vacation is of course watching "Happy Boys". I like Chen Chusheng the most. I think many people like him. Some people like his voice, some like the way he holds the guitar, some like his stories, and some like his personality... I like him, and it seems that I don’t need to because What, it seems to be because of everything about him.
When I saw him again, I was attracted to him because of his voice and the way he sang with his heart while holding the guitar and telling stories through music. I remember when I listened to his singing, The whole person was completely sucked in. It seemed that you had walked into his story, and it seemed that he had walked into the depths of your heart. This feeling was something that no other player present at the time had. When the contestants sing, they simply listen mechanically, but for Chu Sheng, it is listening.
My love for him deepened every game after game. The final was between Chen Chusheng and Su Xing. The fans were divided into two groups, the judges were divided into two groups, and the host seemed to be divided into two groups. After the final results came out, Teacher He mistakenly called Chen Chusheng Su Xing. Chen Chusheng and Su Xing are from completely different worlds. One makes a living by selling box lunches, while the other boy studies abroad. The final champion was ChenChu Sheng, I shouted happily, I won, our Chu Sheng won.
In this world, I believe that everyone’s persistence and efforts will be rewarded.

The hot summer is often a time to test people’s perseverance. Everyone’s perseverance is different, but the door to knowledge is always open. It just depends on whether I am willing to walk in on you in the distance. After passing through the heat, it means that you have embarked on a new starting point. I accidentally read a book today and saw Tong Dizhou's text. Tong Dizhou was very poor at studying, but he worked hard and made reasonable use of his studies in the morning and evening, and he went from last to first. I was greatly inspired by it: No matter what you do, if you want to succeed, you must put in hard work and sweat in order to gain the joy of a bumper harvest. This reminded me of a famous saying: "No pain, no gain." What a good saying, my spirit suddenly lifted, and I found the tonic that my spirit needs. As before, I studied hard again. Every day the teacher took us to the ocean of knowledge and overcame difficulties one after another. Got some wonderful trophies.
It strengthened my belief, tempered my will and the spirit of continuous learning and climbing. Waiting for the next challenge...

Staying at home and doing homework can’t help but feel a bit boring. In addition to reading books or watching TV, playing a few games with my grandparents Cards, have fun. My mother was very harsh on me. She often nagged me in my ear, insisting that I should review Chinese and English, saying, "I'm about to graduate, and I'm still so relaxed when I enter junior high school!" I had no choice but to accept my fate, and finished my homework in just 5 days. half of! Amazing! Although I breathed a sigh of relief during my summer vacation, I was still studying behind closed doors. Alas, unlucky!
Swimming is an indispensable sport for me in summer. A quick jump in the blue waves will make the clear and cool water cool the whole body and soak into the heart. Although I occasionally drank a few sips of water in the swimming pool, it still felt great and refreshing in the pool! In the hot summer, do a few doggystyles and a few breaststrokes for a casual and fashionable feel.
In summer vacation, there is freedom and happiness in the ordinary. What a boring but happy life! hehe.

During the summer vacation, I saw that my mother was always worried and looking back and forth in front of the mirror. I knew that my mother was worried about her gradually getting fatter. distressed. Since the summer vacation, my mother’s clients often treat me to dinner. I don’t know how many calories these things have! Oh, no, after "Dae Jang Geum", my mother fell in love with Korean dramas and watched them every night, and every day until 10 It's past one o'clock. How can I get up early in the morning? My mother gets off work late and has no time to exercise. How can I make my mother lose weight?
I first asked my mother to do aerobics, which was actually broadcasting exercises. She was already out of breath only halfway through the exercise. Next, I asked my mother to do a hula hoop. My mother took the extra-large hula hoop. I saw my mother kicking her legs, bending over, twisting her neck, shaking her hands, and doing every move very seriously.do. After a while, she was sweating profusely. I quickly brought a towel and a water glass, and said with concern: "Okay, okay, that's it for today." Mom wiped her sweat, drank the entire glass of water in one go, and then breathed a sigh of relief.
A week later, my mother stood on stage and said. She shouted in surprise: "I've lost 1 kilogram!" "Yeah! I lost weight successfully!" I cheered.
It turns out that as long as you persist, you will definitely succeed in losing weight.

Went to eat KFC today. As soon as we entered, our family of three immediately divided the work. Dad went to order food, while my mother and I went to find seats. I finally found a seat and sat down. Before my father came, I took another look at the KFC store: the hall was very spacious, the tables and chairs were neat and beautiful, and the facilities were complete. The surrounding walls were covered with children's cartoons and Kendeji pictures. The promotional posters of Deji include refreshing drinks, crispy French fries, fragrant hamburgers, and large chicken drumsticks that are full of flavor, flavor, and taste. Looking at the food in the paintings, my mouth watered with greed. "It's ready to eat!" With my shout of joy, my father came over with a tray full of food. Dad bought me a children's meal. I looked at the plate and wow! It turns out that the children’s meal package also comes with toys! A small and exquisite KFC man is flipping through the oil drum, but every time he has bad luck and always falls into the barrel! Looking at his funny look, I couldn't help but burst out laughing! "Yangyang, if you're not hungry, we'll eat them all!" My mother teased me deliberately. She picked up the hamburger and took a big bite. When I saw it, I became anxious and grabbed the big chicken drumstick with my left hand and the hamburger with my right hand. I started to eat it with a whimpering sound, and after a while, a set of children's set meals was "reimbursed" by me!
When I walked out of the KFC store, the delicious taste of KFC was still lingering in my mouth. I have been thinking in my mind that there are actually many good things abroad that we can learn from.

Today, because of the hot weather, my father took me to the river to play and brought fish in bottles. When we came to the river, my father sat under a big tree to enjoy the cool air. As for me, I played in the river and caught fish.
Suddenly, I saw a shrimp and thought it was a fish, so I impatiently wanted to pick it up, but unexpectedly it ran away. I chased it again, and finally managed to wrap it up with my hands, put it in the bottle, and took a closer look, ah, it turned out to be a shrimp. At this time, I was like a deflated rubber ball, suddenly soft. I thought: It was hard to catch it, so let’s raise it! Then, I caught a few more fish and put them in the bottle to keep company with the shrimps.
I carried the bottle and walked forward proudly, but accidentally stepped on a piece of moss on the stone. Just hearing a "dong" sound, I felt like a drowned rat, covered in water. Moreover, the fish and shrimps in the bottle also took this opportunity to run away, leaving an empty bottle soaked in the water. I picked up the bottle and walked to the shore gloomily. It is true that "if you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice." As a result, I went home wet.
Normally, I am always in school and rarely have close contact with nature.Many things are unfamiliar to me. I will definitely get in touch with nature more when I have the opportunity in the future.

At the end of the long road is a night sky full of stars.
The long journey through the world is filled with too many material temptations. I can’t tell you how much of everything I promised you has yet to come true.
I don’t want to let go, I don’t want to let you go, I don’t want to watch you walk out of my life.
------------CHEER's Gorgeous Adventure
When I woke up this morning, I clearly remembered the face of CHEER in my dream. The whole dream was about running for my life. Later, LOG stood in front of the window and held my hand, telling me that it was okay. Jump down. I am here. Your life is as important as mine. This sentence was still lingering in my mind until I woke up. I think I must miss her a lot. My dear, come back quickly.
I just watched a short film "Searching for the Golden Age", which is a documentary by Mr. Wang Xiaobo. It's actually quite boring. It keeps reliving the writer's past for 27 minutes. What I'm probably interested in is that there are too many videos and works from Wang Xiaobo himself. It’s a bit fun to talk about the origin of this short film. I went to two bookstores today. When I was in the second bookstore, I watched it all afternoon and my waist dropped. When we were about to leave, the staff said they had plates they could give you for free. It was just a computer disk. Out of greed for petty gains, I thought I had a computer at home anyway, so I went to see what the disk was. After searching for a lot of discs, I only found this one that interests me. Speaking of which, it was not in vain. I stood there reading all afternoon with my back aching. There is always something to gain.

Halfway through the summer vacation, I have finished my homework. I wanted to have fun for a few days in the remaining days, but my parents forced me to study. Learn this and do that. If I don't want to, they will ask me if I am proud, and then they will scold me inexplicably, tell me a lot of truths, and say it is for my own good. I really don't know what they think.
I get up in the morning and wash up first. Then, my mother didn't even give me time to have breakfast, and forced me to write my Mathematical Olympiad homework. After I finished it, it was time for lunch. After lunch, my mother didn't let me take a nap, so she asked me to write an essay. , I know it’s time to learn English online. I studied for three or four hours.
After dinner, I went out for a walk and had to take a shower when I came back. Then my father urged me to go to bed early and face a new day.
Hey, the day passed in a blur. At night, I lay in front of my bed, watching the stars blinking freely, and thinking: What meaningful things have I done today? No! I entered a dream, and I was doing homework while dreaming.
The summer vacation I was looking forward to was not like this! It is a combination of work and rest, very bright and sunny. It’s not like before the exam, struggling in the sea of ​​study and suffering in exercises all day long, I don’t want it!
Perhaps in the eyes of parents, summer vacation is a time for learningIt is the prime time for studying, and in the eyes of us primary school students, summer vacation is a day of relaxation.
Mom and Dad, please respect us. I have the final say in my summer vacation.

One day during the summer vacation, accompanied by my father and mother, I walked into the door of the gymnasium. I seemed to be in a wonderful world: in front of the fountain, there were two large basins. The roses are in full bloom proudly, surrounded by hundreds of small roses, competing for beauty. It is really a beautiful scene. The flowers in the east are as white as snow, and the flowers in the west are as golden as gold. Under the sun, the yellow and white complement each other, which is particularly refreshing and pleasant. , next to the fountain, there are also full of elegant, colorful and beautiful roses. The branches are lowered, like a blushing girl. I was still in my reverie. Suddenly, I heard a sound of "Dudu, come here quickly." I was startled. It turned out to be my mother calling me. I ran over like the wind. My mother signed me up for a summer cram school. , including Mathematical Olympiad, Composition and Moderator, I was very happy, because these are my favorites, but the teacher who signed up for the moderator class did not come back, so I did not take it, which was a bit regretful.
No matter it was windy or rainy, or I was still feeling a little unwell, I insisted on attending classes. To be honest, although this summer vacation was quite hard and the study tasks were heavy, there was joy in the hardship. With the encouragement and company of my father and mother, , with the hard training of teachers, I gradually climbed up the wisdom tower of knowledge, walked in the world of wisdom, drank from the fairy spring of wisdom, and tasted the fruit of wisdom...

Today I went to the countryside with my mother and I walked alone on the path in the fields. While walking, a slowly crawling little animal came into my eye.
Looking carefully, it turned out to be a small snail. It occurred to me that I wanted to take a walk with this little snail. So, I had to walk slowly, for fear that this little snail would not be able to keep up. When I took a few steps, I looked back and saw that the little snail was so far away from me.
I pushed behind it, but it still crawled slowly. I urged it, I fooled it, I blamed it, and the snail looked at me with apologetic eyes, as if to say: "I have tried my best!"
Although the snail could not crawl fast, it still crawled. The purpose is to get where you want to go, and to achieve the goals you set for yourself.
What is our goal? How do we accomplish these goals? The snail achieved its goal through its own efforts and never-giving-up spirit. We must learn the spirit of a snail to achieve our goals!
Life often provides enlightenment to people, but life does not take the initiative to deliver "enlightenment" to the door. Life goes on according to its own pattern and rules, and everyone has the right to get inspiration from it. It gives everyone an opportunity, and the question is whether we can discover "enlightenment" from it. A person who is diligent in thinking is, in a sense, a person who is diligently seeking enlightenment------going with unanswered questions.Looking for it, looking for it with all kinds of doubts. Only by thinking about life itself and the various phenomena in life can you receive the gifts of life.

There have been some small things happening around us: classmates sighing because of too much homework; complaining about poor grades; two students fighting for an honor. There were fierce arguments; cutting in line for meals caused public outrage...
We have heard of some of these phenomena, seen them with our own eyes, and some have happened to ourselves. Faced with these, I can attribute it to one reason, namely "inner peace". Just imagine, if we face every day with a peaceful mind and face everything with a smile, there will no longer be anger and impatience in our hearts, but calmness and happiness. This is exactly what "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself" "Harmony.
The salesperson accepted counterfeit money, and she learned her lesson; the car owners went to the coffee shop to discuss compensation matters, and they admired each other's sanity and became friends; the two haters met for a serious talk, but found out that it was a misunderstanding...
We patiently and carefully wrote our homework, and it was all correct; we worked hard and made progress, so we have no regrets; everyone voted, although only one was outstanding, but there were two in our hearts; we lined up, and you will be here in a while. .
As a result, people smile happily when they meet, and friends are found everywhere. An almost ideal harmonious society was quietly established!

Summer vacation, summer, red. I like the color red in summer. Red symbolizes heat. Under the sun, the bright mood seems to be reflected only by red. This season, different colors such as fiery red, pink, and orange are blended into a piece of fabric, which also adds a fashionable beauty to it. I like red because there is always a fire burning in my heart. I love life and everyone around me, and I always like to help people in need. I am outgoing and easily satisfied. I am often overjoyed that I have made a little progress; I am extremely grateful when a small wish of mine is fulfilled; it only takes a few minutes for me to feel sad. Everything, whether at school or at home, gives me a warm feeling. For me, there is no obstacle in life that I cannot overcome, so I am happy every day, and my mood is like a red flame that is always jumping with joy.

During the summer vacation, I watched "Crazy Stone". There is a plot in it that is deeply reflected in my mind and is still fresh in my memory.
There was a man carrying a suitcase who had just gotten off the plane and was waiting for the bus on the side of the road. Suddenly a man rushed over and blindfolded him and asked: "Guess who I am? You have three chances. Think about it before you answer." The blindfolded man said: "Sir, I think you have mistaken the person." "There are still two chances." The blindfolded man thought: This voice is so unfamiliar, he must have recognized the wrong person. The blindfolded man put down his suitcase. At the same time, someone came over to pick up the suitcase, stopped a taxi and left. The blindfolded man said: "Sir, you really recognized the wrong person. Please take your hands away." "Okay, I'll let go. You can't peek." The moment he let go of his hands, the person who covered his eyes disappeared. He was about to pick up the suitcase when he realized that it was missing.
In daily life, sometimes a very random action has very different properties. One is to steal something, the other is to protect a young mind. This made me understand: Our world is not perfect, justice may not be completely rational, and evil may not be excusable. Lies sometimes deceive others and themselves, and lies are sometimes beautiful.

Listen to the news and read the newspapers. It is not uncommon to see sensational things. Some corrupt officials were originally a breeze, but because of their greed, they pushed themselves into the abyss; some bad boys were originally excellent in character and academics, but because they could not withstand the temptation of the colorful world, they fell step by step. And they didn't want to do this in the first place, but just because of a difference of thought, because they lost the willpower to control themselves in an instant, they ruined their future.
Recalling the text we have learned, "Xu Zhongping's Righteousness", we can also feel that a single thought can have a huge impact on people. Xu Zhongping "crossed the river in the summer and was very thirsty". Faced with the temptation of "there are pears" and the influence of "everyone vying to eat (eat) them", he could actually "sit alone under the tree and be at ease", as if he was not moved at all. . Wouldn't he want to eat a pear to quench his thirst under the scorching sun? Wouldn't he feel uncomfortable if he didn't eat? No, neither. He may have a psychological struggle with himself time and time again, he may want to reach out to pick pears several times but then pull back, he may have such a "thought" several times, but no "error" is caused, just because "the pears have no owner, I Does your heart have a master?"
So, before mistakes happen, we should take care of ourselves and not let ourselves be hurt by a single thought - think more about "I have a master in my heart"!

Tagore once said: "Bees sip honey from flowers and say thanks when they leave. But the flamboyant butterfly believes that the flower should thank him." When we interact with others When the relationship is mutually beneficial, both parties should express their gratitude. The earth selflessly provides us with shelter and gives our lonely hearts a home; the earth enthusiastically provides us with energy and makes our hungry stomachs happy. We repay the earth with high-speed development, so that the heart that gives can be harvested.
Friends, family and everyone behind you are a source of support and a source of confidence. They warm our growing hearts with their love without any complaints, and encourage our young hearts with their actions. "Whoever gives me a drop of water, I will give him the entire ocean in return." This is Hua Mei's famous saying. It echoes the old Chinese saying, "A kindness given by a drop of water should be repaid by a spring of water." If, when you encounter difficulties, the person behind you lends a helping hand to you, you should be ten times grateful to help him.
Did you know that every flower and grass is a young heart? when you cruelly strangleWhen these souls long for survival, isn't your heart bleeding? But if you save these souls, do you dare to feel happy? If you violate other people's right to life, God will punish you!
So, when you embrace the whole world with a grateful heart, and repay the whole world with a grateful heart, the true meaning of the world is by your side.

I’m going to my uncle’s house today. A few years ago, I was not afraid of anything at my uncle's house. I could eat and play freely. But now, although they are enthusiastic, they are less innocent and more estranged. They are so polite that they treat me as an outsider. I can only talk seriously, eat seriously, and watch TV seriously. Suddenly, I missed the carefree yelling and screaming, the picky and scrupulous eating, and even the unruly lying on the bed, constantly changing TV channels... They asked me not to Restricted, but my childhood mentality was gone forever.
I began to lament that my childhood was no longer there, that the innocence and simplicity of my childhood were no longer there, that I didn’t know how to cherish what I had... holding my toys, I wandered around the place where my childhood laughter had been, and was immersed in the memories of my childhood. I don’t want to wake up from the memories.

Summer vacation is coming to an end. Where there is a beginning, of course there is an end. When school started, I moved up to another grade, entering the third grade of junior high school. Time flies, time flies... We always have to grow, and go slowly step by step. It's great to be with teachers and classmates again.
School has started, and I want to learn more things, know more about the world, and understand the society better. Everything is interesting and fun, but at the same time, there are a lot of homework and a lot of unfinished books. But going to school is still very good. I like the start of school, and I like to study and play with my classmates at school...
Cicadas also fell asleep, and slept quietly. After being busy, I felt this peaceful summer, this charming Summer nights, enjoying the happy and simple summer vacation life, enjoying, enjoying... remembering, remembering...

Summer vacation starts today. Summer vacation is here, but what should you do during the summer vacation? I feel like I want to do something different, but I don’t know where to start and where to end... maybe there is no beginning or end in the first place. Summer vacation is like this, and so is life.
In the eyes of children, society is always full of truth, goodness and beauty, and life is sweet and colorful. In the eyes of adults, society has two sides, including truth, goodness and beauty, as well as fakeness, ugliness and evil. Life has its ups and downs. Why is there such a big difference in the thinking of adults and children? There is only one conclusion: this is the most fundamental difference between maturity and immaturity.
Everything in the world has two sides. The rich experience of adults determines that they see things more comprehensively. In order for children to mature, they must experience some things. Some people say: "Life is a big training ground and a stage for tempering people." On this special stage, everyone will encounter happiness.things and sad things. Sad things can cause people great pain, while happy things can make people feel good. If people face sad events all day long, they will easily lose confidence and then give up on themselves, become decadent and sinking; if they face happy events all day long, people will be confused by what is in front of them, lack social experience, and be easily deceived. Just as plants cannot lack sunshine and rain, human experience cannot lack happiness and sadness.
The hot summer is often a time that tests people’s perseverance. Everyone’s perseverance is different, but the door to knowledge is always open. It just depends on whether I am willing to walk in on you in the distance. After passing through the heat, it means that you have embarked on a new starting point. I accidentally read a book today and saw Tong Dizhou's text. Tong Dizhou was very poor at studying, but he worked hard and made reasonable use of his studies in the morning and evening, and he went from last to first. I was greatly inspired by it: No matter what you do, if you want to succeed, you must put in hard work and sweat in order to gain the joy of a bumper harvest. This reminded me of a famous saying: "No pain, no gain." What a good saying, my spirit suddenly lifted, and I found the tonic that my spirit needs. As before, I studied hard again. Every day the teacher took us to the ocean of knowledge and overcame difficulties one after another. Got some wonderful trophies.
It strengthened my belief, tempered my will and the spirit of continuous learning and climbing. Waiting for the next challenge...
Today, because of the hot weather, my father took me to the river to play and brought fish in bottles. When we came to the river, my father sat under a big tree to enjoy the cool air. As for me, I played in the river and caught fish.
Suddenly, I saw a shrimp and thought it was a fish, so I impatiently wanted to pick it up, but unexpectedly it ran away. I chased it again, and finally managed to wrap it up with my hands, put it in the bottle, and took a closer look, ah, it turned out to be a shrimp. At this time, I was like a deflated rubber ball, suddenly soft. I thought: It was hard to catch it, so let’s raise it! Then, I caught a few more fish and put them in the bottle to keep company with the shrimps.
I carried the bottle and walked forward proudly, but accidentally stepped on a piece of moss on the stone. Just hearing a "dong" sound, I felt like a drowned rat, covered in water. Moreover, the fish and shrimps in the bottle also took this opportunity to run away, leaving an empty bottle soaked in the water. I picked up the bottle and walked to the shore gloomily. It is true that "if you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice." As a result, I went home wet.
Normally, I am always in school and rarely have close contact with nature. I am very unfamiliar with many things in nature. I will definitely have more contact with nature when I have the opportunity in the future.

At the end of the long road is a night sky full of stars.
The long journey through the world is filled with too many material temptations. I can’t tell you how much of everything I promised you has yet to come true.
I don’t want to let go, I don’t want to let you go, I don’t want to watch you walk out of my life.
------------CHEER Gorgeous Adventure
When I woke up this morning, I clearly remembered the face of CHEER in my dream. The whole dream was about running for my life. Later, LOG stood in front of the window and held my hand, telling me that it was okay. Jump down. I am here. Your life is as important as mine. This sentence was still lingering in my mind until I woke up. I think I must miss her a lot. My dear, come back quickly.
I just watched a short film "Searching for the Golden Age", which is a documentary by Mr. Wang Xiaobo. It's actually quite boring. It keeps reliving the writer's past for 27 minutes. What I'm probably interested in is that there are too many videos and works from Wang Xiaobo himself. It’s a bit fun to talk about the origin of this short film. I went to two bookstores today. When I was in the second bookstore, I watched it all afternoon and my waist dropped. When we were about to leave, the staff said they had plates they could give you for free. It was just a computer disk. Out of greed for petty gains, I thought I had a computer at home anyway, so I went to see what the disk was. After searching for a lot of discs, I only found this one that interests me. Speaking of which, it was not in vain. I stood there reading all afternoon with my back aching. There is always something to gain.

Halfway through the summer vacation, I have finished my homework. I wanted to have fun for a few days in the remaining days, but my parents forced me to study. Learn this and do that. If I don't want to, they will ask me if I am proud, and then they will scold me inexplicably, tell me a lot of truths, and say it is for my own good. I really don't know what they think.
I get up in the morning and wash up first. Then, my mother didn't even give me time to have breakfast, and forced me to write my Mathematical Olympiad homework. After I finished it, it was time for lunch. After lunch, my mother didn't let me take a nap, so she asked me to write an essay. , I know it’s time to learn English online. I studied for three or four hours.
After dinner, I went out for a walk and had to take a shower when I came back. Then my father urged me to go to bed early and face a new day.
Hey, the day passed in a blur. At night, I lay in front of my bed, watching the stars blinking freely, and thinking: What meaningful things have I done today? No! I entered a dream, and I was doing homework while dreaming.
The summer vacation I was looking forward to was not like this! It is a combination of work and rest, very bright and sunny. It’s not like before the exam, struggling in the sea of ​​study and suffering in exercises all day long, I don’t want it!
Perhaps in the eyes of parents, summer vacation is a prime time for learning, but in the eyes of us primary school students, summer vacation is a day of relaxation.
Mom and Dad, please respect us. I have the final say in my summer vacation.

One day during the summer vacation, accompanied by my father and mother, I walked into the door of the gymnasium. I seemed to be in a wonderful world: in front of the fountain, there were two large basins. The roses are in full bloom, surrounded by hundreds of small roses, competing for beauty. It’s really a good show.What a beautiful scene, the flowers in the east are as white as snow, and the flowers in the west are as golden as gold. Under the sun, the yellow and white complement each other, which is especially refreshing and pleasant. The fountain is also full of elegant and colorful roses, with branches She lowered her head like a blushing girl. I was still in my reverie. Suddenly, I heard a sound of "Dudu, come here quickly." I was startled. It turned out to be my mother calling me. I ran over like the wind. My mother signed me up for a summer cram school. , including Mathematical Olympiad, Composition and Moderator, I was very happy, because these are my favorites, but the teacher who signed up for the moderator class did not come back, so I did not take it, which was a bit regretful.
No matter it was windy or rainy, or I was still feeling a little unwell, I insisted on attending classes. To be honest, although this summer vacation was quite hard and the study tasks were heavy, there was joy in the hardship. With the encouragement and company of my father and mother, , with the hard training of teachers, I gradually climbed up the wisdom tower of knowledge, walked in the world of wisdom, drank from the fairy spring of wisdom, and tasted the fruit of wisdom...

Today I went to the countryside with my mother and I walked alone on the path in the fields. While walking, a slowly crawling little animal came into my eye.
Looking carefully, it turned out to be a small snail. It occurred to me that I wanted to take a walk with this little snail. So, I had to walk slowly, for fear that this little snail would not be able to keep up. When I took a few steps, I looked back and saw that the little snail was so far away from me.
I pushed behind it, but it still crawled slowly. I urged it, I fooled it, I blamed it, and the snail looked at me with apologetic eyes, as if to say: "I have tried my best!"
Although the snail could not crawl fast, it still crawled. The purpose is to get where you want to go, and to achieve the goals you set for yourself.
What is our goal? How do we accomplish these goals? The snail achieved its goal through its own efforts and never-giving-up spirit. We must learn the spirit of a snail to achieve our goals!
Life often provides enlightenment to people, but life does not take the initiative to deliver "enlightenment" to the door. Life goes on according to its own pattern and rules, and everyone has the right to get inspiration from it. It gives everyone an opportunity, and the question is whether we can discover "enlightenment" from it. A person who is diligent in thinking is, in a sense, a person who is diligently searching for enlightenment - looking for it with unsolved questions and doubts. Only by thinking about life itself and the various phenomena in life can you receive the gifts of life.

8. 500-word essay on things

My beloved piggy bank
Last summer vacation, my father brought me a cute Mickey Mouse piggy bank from other places on a business trip.
This "Mickey Mouse" wears a beautiful bow on its head, which is so beautiful. It is wearing a sky blue gauze skirt and a pair of small red skirts.Like a ballerina, Mickey Mouse has a pair of sapphire-like eyes that seem to be able to talk. It also has a charming smiling face, and the smile is always so sweet and bright. Since I got it, as soon as I have pocket money, I will stuff it into its belly immediately. Whenever this happens, "Mickey Mouse" will smile and praise me and say: "Thrift is a good boy!" < br />My beloved piggy bank is not only beautiful, but it also helped me get rid of my previous bad habit of spending money randomly. Once, I saw many people on the street eating bunches of red candied haws. Seeing them eating them with such gusto, I salivated and the gluttons crawled out of my stomach, so I really wanted to buy a bunch. I couldn't eat the candied haws, so when I got home, I took out the piggy bank and took out one yuan. At this time, I found that "Mickey Mouse"'s face changed, as if to say: "Little master, have you forgotten? In a few days Today is your mother's birthday. In order to train you and make you a versatile little girl, your mother is frugal. Don't you want to buy some gifts for your mother and give her a surprise on her birthday?" I heard. I was ashamed and put the money back...
My "Mickey Mouse" is not only a sensible and filial elf, but also a generous, generous and caring good partner. Just a few days ago, I heard that a teacher had uremia, and his treatment cost more than 400,000 yuan. For a poor rural teacher, this was an astronomical figure. But if there is no money for medical treatment, this teacher may end his young life at any time. After I learned about this, I felt extremely sad. At that time, I only had one thought: to do my little bit to save this young teacher's life. Without hesitation, she took out all the money in the piggy bank and donated it to the teacher... At this time, "Mickey Mouse" was empty and penniless, but she showed a smile of approval! It seems to be saying: "Little master, you are so good! As long as everyone gives a piece of love, the world can become a beautiful world..."
Ah! Dear "Mickey Mouse", you are really a good partner in my life!

9. Winter vacation homework diary 20 articles 650


Winter vacation starts today. The winter vacation is here, but what should you do during the winter vacation? I feel like I want to do something different, but I don’t know where to start and where to end... maybe there is no beginning or end in the first place. Winter vacation is like this, and so is life.

In the eyes of children, society is always full of truth, goodness and beauty, and life is sweet and colorful. In the eyes of adults, society has two sides, including truth, goodness and beauty, as well as fakeness, ugliness and evil. Life has its ups and downs. Why is there such a big difference in the thinking of adults and children? There is only one conclusion: this is the most fundamental difference between maturity and immaturity.

In the world, everything has two sides. The rich experience of adults determines that they see things more comprehensively. In order for children to mature, they must experienceIssues. Some people say: "Life is a big training ground and a stage for tempering people." On this special stage, everyone will encounter happy things and sad things. Sad things can cause people great pain, while happy things can make people feel good. If people face sad events all day long, they will easily lose confidence and then give up on themselves, become decadent and sinking; if they face happy events all day long, people will be confused by what is in front of them, lack social experience, and be easily deceived. Just as plants cannot lack sunshine and rain, human experience cannot lack happiness and sadness.


One of my favorite things to do during the winter vacation is of course watching "Happy Camp". I like He Jiong the most. I think many people like him. Some people like his voice, some like his humor, some like his stories, and some like his personality... I like him. It seems that there is no need for any reason. It seems because of everything about him.

When I saw him again, I was attracted to him because of his voice and the way he sang with his heart while holding the guitar and telling stories through music. I remember listening to him at that time. When he was hosting, he was completely immersed in it. It seemed that you had walked into his story and his performance. This feeling was not available to any other host present at the time. When the host was presiding, he spoke in a simple and mechanical manner, but for He Jiong, he was as beautiful as nature.


The cold winter is often a time to test people’s perseverance. Everyone’s perseverance is different, but the door to knowledge is always open. It just depends on whether I am willing to walk in on you in the distance. After passing through the cold winter, it means that you have embarked on a new starting point. I accidentally read a book today and saw Tong Dizhou's text. Tong Dizhou was very poor at studying, but he worked hard and made reasonable use of his studies in the morning and evening, and he went from last to first. I was greatly inspired by it: No matter what you do, if you want to succeed, you must put in hard work and sweat in order to gain the joy of a bumper harvest. This reminded me of a famous saying: "No pain, no gain." What a good saying, my spirit suddenly lifted, and I found the tonic that my spirit needs. As before, I studied hard again. Every day the teacher took us to the ocean of knowledge and overcame difficulties one after another. Got some wonderful trophies.

It strengthened my faith, exercised my will and the spirit of continuous learning and climbing. Waiting for the next challenge...


Staying at home and doing homework can’t help but feel a bit boring. Apart from reading books or watching TV, spending time with grandpa Grandma played a few decks of cards for fun. My mother was very harsh on me. She often nagged me in my ear, insisting that I should review Chinese and English, saying, "I'm about to graduate, and I'm still so relaxed when I enter junior high school!" I had no choice but to accept my fate, and finished my homework in just 5 days. half of! Amazing! Although I breathed a sigh of relief during the winter vacation, I still "study behind closed doors", alas.mold!

Winter vacation, there is freedom and happiness in the ordinary. What a boring but happy life! hehe.


During the winter vacation, I saw that my mother was always worried and always looking back and forth in front of the mirror. I knew that my mother was gradually changing for herself. Worried about being fat. Since the winter vacation, my mother’s clients often treat me to dinner. I don’t know how many calories these things have! Oh, no, after "Dae Jang Geum", my mother fell in love with Korean dramas and watched them every night, and every day until 10 It's past one o'clock. How can I get up early in the morning? My mother gets off work late and has no time to exercise. How can I make my mother lose weight?

I first asked my mother to do aerobics, which was actually a radio exercise. She was already out of breath after only doing it halfway. Next, I asked my mother to do the hula hoop. My mother took the extra-large hula hoop. . I saw my mother kicking her legs, bending over, twisting her neck, shaking her hands, doing every action very seriously. After a while, she was sweating profusely. I quickly brought a towel and a water glass, and said with concern: "Okay, okay, that's it for today." Mom wiped her sweat, drank the entire glass of water in one go, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

A week later, my mother stood on the stage and said. She shouted in surprise: "I've lost 1 kilogram!" "Yeah! I lost weight successfully!" I cheered.
It turns out that as long as you persist, you will definitely succeed in losing weight.


Went to eat KFC today. As soon as we entered, our family of three immediately divided the work. Dad went to order food, while my mother and I went to find seats. I finally found a seat and sat down. Before my father came, I took another look at the KFC store: the hall was very spacious, the tables and chairs were neat and beautiful, and the facilities were complete. The surrounding walls were covered with children's cartoons and Kendeji pictures. The promotional posters of Deji include refreshing drinks, crispy French fries, fragrant hamburgers, and large chicken drumsticks that are full of flavor, flavor, and taste. Looking at the food in the paintings, my mouth watered with greed. "It's ready to eat!" With my shout of joy, my father came over with a tray full of food. Dad bought me a children's meal. I looked at the plate and wow! It turns out that the children’s meal package also comes with toys! A small and exquisite KFC man is flipping through the oil drum, but every time he has bad luck and always falls into the barrel! Looking at his funny look, I couldn't help but burst out laughing! "Yangyang, if you're not hungry, we'll eat them all!" My mother teased me deliberately. She picked up the hamburger and took a big bite. When I saw it, I became anxious and grabbed the big chicken drumstick with my left hand and the hamburger with my right hand. I started to eat it with a whimpering sound, and after a while, a set of children's set meals was "reimbursed" by me!

When I walked out of the KFC store, the delicious taste of KFC was still lingering in my mouth. I have been thinking in my mind that there are actually many good things abroad that we can learn from.


Today, my mother and I came to the vegetable market.

I saw countless small vendors in the vegetable market shouting in thick hometown accents. One moment, they heard the shouts of "Selling youtiao" and "Selling youtiao", and the next moment, they heard the shouts of "Selling buns" and "Selling buns". Voice.
We first came to a stall selling fried dough sticks. The seller was a middle-aged woman, about forty years old, with short hair and an apron tied around her waist. The apron was covered in oil stains.
My mother asked her: "How do you sell fried dough sticks?"

She said: "Two yuan and a half a catty."
My mother said: "Weigh two catties for me."< br />She took a white plastic bag, clamped more than ten fried dough sticks with clips, and said, "It's exactly two kilograms."
We arrived at the soy milk stall again, and the soy milk seller was a middle-aged man.
As soon as he saw the guest coming, he greeted him hurriedly and warmly. He asked my mother: "How many bags do you want?"
My mother asked: "How much does a bag cost?"
He replied: "A bag of fifty cents."
Mom said: "Bring me two bags"!
He took the two packed bags, took two straws, put them into the plastic bag together, and handed them to his mother.
After selling breakfast, my mother and I left the vegetable market, but the noise still echoed in my ears

At the end of the long road was a field full of Starry night sky.
The long journey through the world is filled with too many material temptations. I can’t tell you how much of everything I promised you has yet to come true.

I don’t want to let go, I don’t want to let you go, I don’t want to watch you walk out of my life.
------------CHEER's Gorgeous Adventure

When I woke up this morning, I clearly remembered the face of CHEER in my dream. The whole dream was about running for my life. Later, LOG stood in front of the window and held my hand, telling me that it was okay. Jump down. I am here. Your life is as important as mine. This sentence was still lingering in my mind until I woke up. I think I must miss her a lot. My dear, come back quickly.

I just watched a short film "Searching for the Golden Age", which is a documentary by Mr. Wang Xiaobo. It's actually quite boring. It keeps reliving the writer's past for 27 minutes. What I'm probably interested in is that there are too many videos and works from Wang Xiaobo himself. It’s a bit fun to talk about the origin of this short film. I went to two bookstores today. When I was in the second bookstore, I watched it all afternoon and my waist dropped. When we were about to leave, the staff said they had plates they could give you for free. It was just a computer disk. Out of greed for petty gains, I thought I had a computer at home anyway, so I went to see what the disk was. After searching for a lot of discs, I only found this one that interests me. Speaking of which, it was not in vain. I stood there reading all afternoon with my back aching. There is always something to gain.


Winter vacation is already halfway over, and I have already finished my homeworkIt's over. I wanted to have fun for a few days in the remaining days, but my parents forced me to learn this and that. If I didn't want to, they would ask me if I was proud, and then give me a lecture for no reason. , they talked a lot of truths and said they were doing it for my own good. I really don’t know what they were thinking.

I get up in the morning and wash up first. Then, my mother didn't even give me time to have breakfast, and forced me to write my Mathematical Olympiad homework. After I finished it, it was time for lunch. After lunch, my mother didn't let me take a nap, so she asked me to write an essay. , I know it’s time to learn English online. I studied for three or four hours.

After dinner, I went out for a walk and had to take a shower when I came back. Then my father urged me to go to bed early and face the new day.

Hey, the day passed in a blur. At night, I lay in front of my bed, watching the stars blinking freely, and thinking: What meaningful things have I done today? No! I entered a dream, and I was doing homework while dreaming.

The winter vacation I was looking forward to was not like this! It is a combination of work and rest, very bright and sunny. It’s not like before the exam, struggling in the sea of ​​study and suffering in exercises all day long, I don’t want it!

Perhaps in the eyes of parents, winter vacation is a prime time for learning, but in the eyes of us primary school students, winter vacation is a day of relaxation.

Mom and Dad, please respect us. I have the final say in my winter vacation.


One day during the winter vacation, accompanied by my father and mother, I walked into the door of the gymnasium. I seemed to be in a wonderful world: in front of the fountain , two pots of big roses are in full bloom, surrounded by hundreds of small roses, competing for beauty. It is really a beautiful scene. The flowers in the east are as white as snow, and the flowers in the west are as golden as gold. Under the sun, the yellow and white complement each other. It is especially fresh and pleasant. The fountain is full of elegant and colorful roses. The branches are lowered, like a blushing girl. I was still in my reverie. Suddenly, I heard a sound of "Dudu, come here quickly." I was startled. It turned out to be my mother calling me. I ran over like the wind. My mother signed me up for a winter vacation cram school. , including Mathematical Olympiad, Composition and Moderator, I was very happy, because these are my favorites, but the teacher who signed up for the moderator class did not come back, so I did not take it, which was a bit regretful.

No matter it’s windy or rainy, or I’m still feeling a little unwell, I insist on going to class. To be honest, although this winter vacation is more difficult and the study tasks are heavier, there is joy in the hardship. Under the guidance of my father and mother, With the encouragement and companionship, and the hard training of teachers, I gradually climbed up the wisdom tower of knowledge, walked in the world of wisdom, drank from the fairy spring of wisdom, and tasted the fruit of wisdom...

Today I went to the countryside with my mother, and I walked alone on the path in the fields. While walking, a slowly crawling little animal came into my eye.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a small snail. It occurred to me that I wanted to take a walk with this little snail. So, I had to walk slowly, for fear that this little snail would not be able to keep up. When I took a few steps, I looked back and saw that the little snail was so far away from me.

I pushed behind it, but it still crawled slowly. I urged it, I fooled it, I blamed it. The snail looked at me with apologetic eyes, as if to say: "I have tried my best!"

Although the snail can't crawl fast, it still crawls With. The purpose is to get where you want to go, and to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

What is our goal? How do we accomplish these goals? The snail achieved its goal through its own efforts and never-giving-up spirit. We must learn the spirit of a snail to achieve our goals!

Life often provides enlightenment to people, but life does not take the initiative to deliver "enlightenment" to the door. Life goes on according to its own pattern and rules, and everyone has the right to get inspiration from it. It gives everyone an opportunity, and the question is whether we can discover "enlightenment" from it. A person who is diligent in thinking is, in a sense, a person who is diligently searching for enlightenment - looking for it with unsolved questions and doubts. Only by thinking about life itself and the various phenomena in life can you receive the gifts of life.


There have been some small things happening around us: classmates sighing because of too much homework; complaining about poor grades; two students Fighting for an honor; jumping in line to eat and causing public outrage...

Some of these phenomena we have heard of, some have seen with our own eyes, and some have happened to ourselves. . Faced with these, I can attribute it to one reason, namely "inner peace". Just imagine, if we face every day with a peaceful mind and face everything with a smile, there will no longer be anger and impatience in our hearts, but calmness and happiness. This is exactly what "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself" "Harmony.

The salesperson accepted counterfeit money, and she learned her lesson; the car owners went to the coffee shop to discuss compensation matters, and they admired each other's reason and became friends; the two haters met for a serious talk, but found out that it was a misunderstanding...

We patiently and carefully wrote our homework, and it was all correct; we worked hard and made progress, so we have no regrets; everyone voted, and although only one was outstanding, there were two in our hearts; it was arranged Team, you will be here in a moment.

As a result, people smile happily when they meet, and friends are found everywhere. An almost ideal harmonious society was quietly established!


Winter vacation, winter, red. I like winterRed, red symbolizes heat. Under the sun, the bright mood seems to be reflected only by red. This season, different colors such as fiery red, pink, and orange are blended into a piece of fabric, which also adds a fashionable beauty to it. I like red because there is always a fire burning in my heart. I love life and everyone around me, and I always like to help people in need. I am outgoing and easily satisfied. I am often overjoyed that I have made a little progress; I am extremely grateful when a small wish of mine is fulfilled; it only takes a few minutes for me to feel sad. Everything, whether at school or at home, gives me a warm feeling. For me, there is no obstacle in life that I cannot overcome, so I am happy every day, and my mood is like a red flame that is always jumping with joy.

During the winter vacation, I watched "Crazy Stone". There is a plot in it that is deeply reflected in my mind and is still fresh in my memory.

There was a man carrying a suitcase who had just gotten off the plane and was waiting for the bus on the side of the road. Suddenly a man rushed over and blindfolded him and asked: "Guess who I am? You have three chances. Think about it before you answer." The blindfolded man said: "Sir, I think you have mistaken the person." "There are still two chances." The blindfolded man thought: This voice is so unfamiliar, he must have recognized the wrong person. The blindfolded man put down his suitcase. At the same time, someone came over to pick up the suitcase, stopped a taxi and left. The blindfolded person said: "Sir, you really recognized the wrong person, please take your hand away." "Okay, I let go, you can't peek." The moment he let go of his hand, he was blindfolded. The eyes are gone. He was about to pick up the suitcase when he realized that it was missing.

In daily life, sometimes a very random action has very different properties. One is to steal something, the other is to protect a young mind. This made me understand: Our world is not perfect, justice may not be completely rational, and evil may not be excusable. Lies sometimes deceive others and themselves, and lies are sometimes beautiful.


Listen to the news and read the newspapers. It is not uncommon to see sensational things. Some corrupt officials were originally a breeze, but because of their greed, they pushed themselves into the abyss; some bad boys were originally excellent in character and academics, but because they could not withstand the temptation of the colorful world, they fell step by step. And they didn't want to do this in the first place, but just because of a difference of thought, because they lost the willpower to control themselves in an instant, they ruined their future.

Recalling the text we have learned, "Xu Zhongping's Righteousness", we can also feel that a single thought can have a huge impact on people. Xu Zhongping "crossed the river in the cold and was very thirsty". Faced with the temptation of "there are pears" and the influence of "everyone trying to eat (eat) them", he was able to "sit alone under the tree and feel at ease", as if he was not moved at all. . Wouldn't he want to eat a pear to quench his thirst under the scorching sun?Wouldn't he feel uncomfortable if he didn't eat? No, neither. He may have a psychological struggle with himself time and time again, he may want to reach out to pick pears several times but then pull back, he may have such a "thought" several times, but no "error" is caused, just because "the pears have no owner, I Is my heart without a master?"

So, before mistakes happen, we should take care of ourselves and not let ourselves be hurt by a single thought - think more about "I have a master in my heart"!


Tagore once said: "Bees sip honey from flowers and say thanks when they leave. But the flamboyant butterfly believes that the flower should thank him." When we have a mutually beneficial relationship with others, both parties should express gratitude. The earth selflessly provides us with shelter and gives our lonely hearts a home; the earth enthusiastically provides us with energy and makes our hungry stomachs happy. We repay the earth with high-speed development, so that the heart that gives can be harvested.

Friends, family and everyone behind you are the force of support and the backing of confidence. They warm our growing hearts with their love without any complaints, and encourage our young hearts with their actions. "Whoever gives me a drop of water, I will give him the entire ocean in return." This is Hua Mei's famous saying. It echoes the old Chinese saying, "A kindness given by a drop of water should be repaid by a spring of water." If, when you encounter difficulties, the person behind you lends a helping hand to you, you should be ten times grateful to help him.

Did you know that every flower and grass is a young heart? When you cruelly kill these souls eager to survive, isn't your heart bleeding? But if you save these souls, do you dare to feel happy? If you violate other people's right to life, God will punish you!

So, when you embrace the whole world with a grateful heart, when you repay the whole world with a grateful heart, the true meaning of the world is by your side.


I’m going to my uncle’s house today. A few years ago, I was not afraid of anything at my uncle's house. I could eat and play freely. But now, although they are enthusiastic, they are less innocent and more estranged. They are so polite that they treat me as an outsider. I can only talk seriously, eat seriously, and watch TV seriously. Suddenly, I missed the carefree yelling and screaming, the picky and scrupulous eating, and even the unruly lying on the bed, constantly changing TV channels... They asked me not to Restricted, but my childhood mentality was gone forever.

I began to lament that my childhood was no longer there, that the innocence and simplicity of my childhood was no longer there, that I didn’t know how to cherish what I had... holding my toys, I wandered around the place where my childhood laughter had left me, blankly. I'm immersed in childhood memories and don't want to wake up.


Winter vacation is coming to an end. Where there is a beginning, of course there is an end. When school started, I got promoted againWe are in the third grade of junior high school. Time flies, time flies... We always have to grow, slowly and step by step. It's great to be with teachers and classmates again.

School has started, and I want to learn more things, know more about the world, and understand the society better. Everything is interesting and fun, but at the same time, there are a lot of homework and a lot of things to finish. Book. But going to school is still very good. I like the start of school, and I like to study and play with my classmates at school...

Cicadas also fell asleep, and slept quietly. After being busy, I felt the tranquility In winter, on this charming winter night, enjoy the happy and simple winter vacation life, enjoy, enjoy...remember, reminisce...

Everyone in our class during this winter vacation The classmates are all happy because they don’t have to do homework every day, because there is a little less homework, but for the poor people, it makes a huge difference because they have to write a lot of essays, the most is more than 20,000 words, and I also have It’s a lot, 7,000 words, but the winter vacation is fun, so I’m doing my homework now. I’m asking for a few days of rest and play time, so I’m satisfied, but now I may have several days of play time. Because I only have three homework items left, so it’s fast enough! (We have nine homework assignments) The remaining three are also very simple. Reading three books, writing and three essays are now the last ones. This winter vacation, my parents have said that they will not go back to their hometown. They plan to go back to pay homage on the first day of the new year. Guanyin Bodhisattva, I will be back after worshiping Guanyin Bodhisattva. It seems that I don’t need to take the New Year’s money because I have only been back to my hometown for a few hours! Can I go get it? That's impossible. I have to leave after worshiping Guanyin Bodhisattva. How can I have time to ask for new year's money? Although there is no lucky money, I am still happy, because the lucky money is not important. What is important is to live a happy New Year happily.

I am very happy during the winter vacation because I finish my homework quickly, have more time to play, and have more time to rest. Everyone will be happy. No matter how much homework there is, as long as you do it with your heart, it will disappear soon. , without you, you can play and rest. This is a happy winter vacation. Winter vacation is our favorite because it allows us to rest and have enough time to play.


The Spring Festival is here, the Spring Festival is here, it’s so lively to wear new clothes, set off firecrackers, and visit relatives and friends; the children are looking forward to the new year’s money, stuffing their pockets, making dumplings, and pasting Spring Festival couplets Spring Festival is here.

This jingle talks about children looking forward to the Spring Festival. Children like the Spring Festival, because the Spring Festival is the most lively traditional festival for us Han people. We can have a happy, relaxed, fulfilling and full of imagination.
During the Spring Festival, the happiest thing is that many relatives and friends come to my home, and there are also many friends. I can also go to their homes to play. We visit each other and go shopping with them on the streets to buy our favorite toys. , we went to the park to play on the seesaw, rolled on the lawn, and kicked a ball. We got carried away and had so much fun that we never left.

During the Spring Festival,You can also set off fireworks. On New Year's Eve, we met in groups to set off fireworks outdoors. I held the fireworks stick in my hand, and the bold boys came over and lit the fireworks. One by one, the fireworks rose into the sky, fell with the wind, and turned into clouds of smoke. My favorite thing is to watch the "Tiannu Scattering Flowers". After lighting the fuse, the fireworks roar straight into the sky, turning into thousands of colorful and dazzling sparks, decorating the sky beautifully and charmingly. The roar was earth-shattering, and the cheers came one after another. What a happy Spring Festival!

Because we were celebrating the Spring Festival, the teacher would always be merciful and didn’t assign much homework, so I didn’t have to be overwhelmed by homework all the time. I finished the homework in a few days, and You have a lot of time to play freely, and you can do many things you like, such as painting, origami, and riding a bicycle on the riverside road. You feel relaxed and happy!

Of course, New Year's money is indispensable. When I go to a relative's house, each of my seven aunts and eight aunts will give me a bag, and I always come home with a full load; when my relatives come, I will give one hundred to this one and two to that one. One hundred, there is no one who does not enjoy a good harvest. Dad said that you should save the New Year's money. If you save more, you should do meaningful things. I asked what was meaningful. He said that, for example, helping children in poverty-stricken areas go to school, donating to disaster areas, going to college themselves, etc. are all meaningful things. I always listen to my father and don't spend the New Year's money randomly. I always save the money. This happens every year. I will definitely receive lucky money again during the Spring Festival this year. I will save it again. If I save more, I will take it out to do some meaningful things in the future.

Spring Festival happens every year. I look forward to it every year. Another Spring Festival is coming soon. I think this year’s Spring Festival will be as happy, relaxed, fulfilling and full of imagination. Maybe it will be better than in previous years. It makes sense.

10. Is mbi Huakjin really profitable?

The essence of mbi Huakjin is the same as Bitcoin. They are decentralized virtual currencies. Huakjin has It has been characterized as a pyramid scheme fraud by the relevant departments of our country. You will not make any money by investing in Huakejin. Instead, you will be deceived. According to MBI Group, Walker Gold is a digital encrypted asset supported by gold as credit. With the skyrocketing price of Bitcoin, blockchain technology has become a computer technology that people are crazy about, and many products based on blockchain concepts have also emerged. There are various virtual currencies, but without exception, no virtual currency can achieve one thousandth of the achievements of Bitcoin, but more are so-called masters who cut leeks under the banner of blockchain, virtual digital assets, etc., so Taken together, Huakjin is just a tool for harvesting under the cloak of virtual currency.
Due to the freedom of trading in virtual currencies, many domestic investors think they have seen a good investment project. It is more of a speculative behavior than investing in virtual currencies. One after another they have become takeovers, or cut leeks. Therefore, it is impossible to recreate the myth of Bitcoin skyrocketing millions of times. Under the pressure of economic downturn, young people have invested their savings for many years in some so-called projects with huge profits, expecting these projects to skyrocket overnight., and then realize the freedom of wealth in your life. If you invest with this mentality, the result will often be nothing.
In recent years, cases of virtual currency fraud have emerged one after another. Many scammers are committing fraud on the Internet under the banner of blockchain. The reason why scammers are able to succeed repeatedly is that they have captured the eagerness of young people to seek quick success and instant benefits. If you work hard and want to get rich rewards quickly, if you miss Bitcoin, you can no longer miss other currencies. Driven by this mentality, people often choose to turn a blind eye to the trap in front of them, or they know that it is a trap. But fear of missing out and willing to fall into other people's traps, this is the saying, I would rather kill by mistake than let go.
As far as the current currency environment is concerned, it is difficult for other virtual currencies to improve. Even Bitcoin, the first virtual currency, has only a name in the international currency market. No country has included it as a currency. The settlement system is just artificially inflated.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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