挖特币矿要投资多少钱才能挖 以特币挖矿赚钱,到底是在干什么?

㈠ 比特币现在的挖矿成本大概多少


㈡ 比特币挖矿一天赚多少 中国比特币矿场是怎么工作的


㈢ 比特币挖矿一天挣多少







㈣ 挖比特币成本高吗多久可以回本


㈤ 听说比特币挖矿挺赚钱,需要矿机,要多少钱,需要什么配置


㈥ 2022比特币的挖矿成本

大概费用在25000 人民币左右,一台蚂蚁矿机价格12000,每天产出0.0011506个比特币,产出一个需要869天,消耗电费13000根据比特币产量减半,矿机价格和折旧,电费不同,成本也在波动.目前比特币的价格是73000人民币
2022 年比特币增长的基本驱动力
比特币在 2021 年的上涨与 2017 年的反弹完全不同。然后 BTC 的价格上涨主要是由于围绕加密货币和 FOMO(害怕错过)的兴奋——害怕错失利润。现在,比特币的增长主要是由于其内在价值、安全性和 2100 万枚硬币的有限供应等基本因素。这就是赋予比特币高价和长期上涨趋势的原因。

让我们来看看哪些因素将为 2022 年的 BTC 火箭提供燃料。

增加对加密货币的采用和使用。根据各种估计,世界上有 1 亿到 2 亿人已经拥有或使用加密货币。在未来几年,这个数字应该会增长,因为支付巨头 PayPal 增加了对数字资产的支持,VISA 和万事达卡支付系统正在致力于加密货币支付的集成,并且在秋季,Twitter 有能力发送 BTC 提示。将军事技术合作融入支付系统的趋势只会越来越大。

而且,当然不要忘记,在 2021 年 9 月,比特币与美元一起成为萨尔瓦多的官方支付手段。或许今年其他发展中国家会效仿萨尔瓦多。无论如何,这个实验表明第一个加密货币可以用于日常计算——这没有根本的障碍。

闪电网络使用的增长。其使用比特币的增长很大程度上得益于闪电网络第二级的解决方案。在过去的一年里,闪电网络中的节点和通道数量增加了一倍多——分别从大约 15,000 个增加到 32,000 个和从 36,000 个增加到 83,800 个。同时,网络总带宽从不到 1000 BTC 增加到近 3300 BTC,网络的美元流动性增加了 5 倍。这种趋势将获得动力,比特币的结算将变得更加普遍。

机构投资增长。大型投资者继续投资比特币。例如,2021 年,MicroStrategy 持有的比特币增加了两倍,目前拥有价值 60 亿美元的 122,477 BTC,特斯拉仍持有年初购买的 43,200 BTC。数十家上市公司宣布购买比特币。最大的比特币信托 Grayscale 拥有 654,885 BTC,折合 322 亿美元,主要参与者可能会继续投资比特币以抵御通货膨胀并降低传统资产的实际盈利能力。比特币筹集的机构资金越多,它的波动性就越小,越可靠。

在传统金融市场中更多地采用加密货币。现有的金融世界越来越接受加密货币市场作为一个独立的资产部门。6 月,美国最大的加密货币交易所 Coinbase 直接在纳斯达克上市,10 月,ProShares 的第一只基于比特币期货的美国比特币 ETF 开始在美国交易。


激活 Taproot 更新。11 月,期待已久的 Taproot 更新在比特币网络上启动——这是自 2017 年 SegWit 以来最重要的更新。更新将网络从使用 ECDSA 数字签名转移到 Schnorr 签名,这加快了复杂多值交易的验证,并提高了网络的隐私性、安全性和可扩展性。所有这些都将简化比特币在日常交易中的使用。有关激活 Taproot 后比特币网络究竟发生了什么变化的信息,请阅读我们单独的文章。

监管采纳。正如我们已经告诉过你的,比特币不能被禁止。大多数监管机构都理解这一点,他们试图将加密货币纳入法律框架,而不是禁止使用军事技术合作的失败尝试。在美国,最大银行的客户已经可以使用加密货币服务,而在德国,Sparkasse 银行集团今年将推出一项服务,将允许 5000 万客户进行加密货币交易。在许多国家,比特币已经是一种成熟的受监管资产。


据彭博社的 John Authors 称,比特币是过去 10 年中最好的通胀对冲资产——自 2011 年以来它的通货紧缩率达到了 99.996%。也就是说,2011 年可以用 1 BTC 购买的东西现在成本约为 0.004 BTC。与此同时,美国消费者价格指数在此期间以美元计算上涨了 28%。

㈦ 比特币挖矿一天赚多少


㈧ 比特币挖矿机能投资吗


㈠ What is the current approximate cost of mining Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network-based anonymous digital currency. Peer-to-peer (peer-to-) has become a kind of scarce resource mining. It is a virtual currency that has recently emerged on the Internet. Chinese name: Bitcoin

㈡ How much does Bitcoin mining make in a day? China Bitcoin Mining How does the field work

In Ordos, 560 kilometers west of Beijing, the scalding heat wave wraps up the wind and sand. The gate is a dividing line, isolating the two worlds, and outside the gate is the landscape of China's typical fourth-tier city development zone , inside the door is a sci-fi scene like the Matrix. Eight large blue-roofed factories are juxtaposed, and tens of thousands of "mining machines" flashing red and green lights roaring in the factory, providing this "mine" day and night. The digital currency Bitcoin is being manufactured independently. This was once the world's largest mining farm, controlling about 4% of the computing power (production capacity) in the Bitcoin world. At its peak, it could mine more than 100,000 Bitcoins a year. In August 2017, the highest price exceeded 30,000 yuan per coin, and the value of Bitcoin was more than 3 billion yuan
Since it was invented by "Satoshi Nakamoto" in 2009, based on the model he built, the computing power of the chip is used , the boring and repetitive process of continuously performing "hash collisions" in the blocks generated by the Bitcoin system to win the accounting rights, and thus obtain the Bitcoins rewarded by the system, is vividly called in the Bitcoin industry As "mining", professionals engaged in this work are called "In the first few years of Bitcoin's operation, an ordinary laptop can play the role of "mining". But the entry of Chinese miners , completely breaking the balance of this situation. With professional mining machines designed and manufactured in China, they staged one after another Bitcoin world computing power arms race, raising the threshold of "mining" tens of thousands of times.

㈢ How much does Bitcoin mining make in a day

About 37 yuan.

Let me introduce it first Let’s talk about the reward mechanism of the Bitcoin system.

Through the system settings, Bitcoin can basically stabilize at an average of one block dug out every 10 minutes. Every time a block is generated Rewards are given to the miners who dig out the block. The miners who dig out the block are called block miners. The block miners will record the legal transactions in the Bitcoin network on the blockchain, so that the miners can receive accounting The handling fee.

The reward for block miners consists of two parts: one is the reward given by the system, called Coinbase reward (also called system issuance reward), The other part is the accounting reward, called the miner fee. The Coinbase reward starts with 50 Bitcoins. Every time the block height reaches an integral multiple of 210,000, the Coinbase reward will be halved. This is what we often hear. Bitcoin mining rewards will be halved in four years.

ObjectThe Coinbase reward in the previous stage was 12.5 Bitcoins. At the current stage, the average reward for miners to dig out a block and the transaction fee received is about 0.1 Bitcoin (not fixed), which means that the average reward for miners to dig out a block is about 12.6 Bitcoins. Bitcoin.

About 99% of miners’ rewards come from the system’s Coinbase rewards. According to the Bitcoin system, one block can be mined every 10 minutes on average. The number of new blocks that can be mined in a day is 144 (60*24/10=144). The current number of Bitcoins that can be mined every day is 1800 BTC (144*12.5 BTC). =1800BTC). Including the mining fee of approximately 0.1 BTC per block, the total reward received by all miners in a day is approximately 1814.4 BTC.

㈣ Is it expensive to mine Bitcoin and how long will it take to get back the money?

Mainly the cost of mining machines and electricity Cost: A second-hand new model of Bitcoin mining machine now costs tens of thousands, and older machines are available for several thousand, but their performance is poor. If we estimate based on the premise that Bitcoin does not plummet, it will be no problem to pay back the money in half a year. Like the energy-carrying platform, I feel that the service is the best. Mining machines and mines are provided in one package, and the income is the most stable. Mining machines and mines have also been audited and verified, and the information is transparent and open. At least you will not be cheated.

㈤ I heard that Bitcoin mining is very profitable. Do you need a mining machine? How much does it cost? What configuration is required?

If you use a home PC to mine, the computing power is too low. You can’t make enough money in a month. The electricity bill is not enough, so a mining machine is needed.
Mining is a technical activity that tests the performance of the computer's CPU and GPU. The machines currently on the market that are optimized and manufactured specifically for the Bitcoin generation calculation algorithm are mining machines. Currently, it costs about 16,000 to buy a state-of-the-art S9 mining machine at 58BTC, and there are also dedicated management services, which can save you all kinds of troubles. If the poster wants to buy a mining machine on a certain treasure and do it himself, I advise you not to mine. You know the reason.

㈥ The mining cost of Bitcoin in 2022

Take getting one Bitcoin as an example.
The approximate cost is about 25,000 RMB. The price of an Antminer is 12,000 RMB. It produces 0.0011506 Bitcoins per day. It takes 869 days to produce one and consumes 13,000 RMB in electricity. According to the halving of Bitcoin production, mining machine prices and depreciation, Electricity bills are different, and costs are also fluctuating. The current price of Bitcoin is 73,000 yuan
The basic driving force for Bitcoin growth in 2022
Bitcoin’s rise in 2021 is completely different from the rebound in 2017. Then the price of BTC increased mainly due to the excitement surrounding cryptocurrencies and FOMO (fear of missing out) – the fear of missing out on profits. Now, Bitcoin’s growth is primarily due to its intrinsic value, security, and limited supply of 21 million coinssupply and other basic factors. This is what gives Bitcoin its high price and long-term upward trend.

Let’s take a look at what factors will fuel the BTC rocket in 2022.

Increase the adoption and use of cryptocurrencies. According to various estimates, 100 million to 200 million people in the world already own or use cryptocurrencies. In the coming years, this number should grow as payments giant PayPal adds support for digital assets, VISA and Mastercard payment systems are working on the integration of cryptocurrency payments, and in the fall, Twitter has the ability to send BTC tips. The trend of integrating military-technical cooperation into payment systems is only growing.

And, of course, don’t forget that in September 2021, Bitcoin became the official means of payment in El Salvador, along with the US dollar. Perhaps other developing countries will follow El Salvador's lead this year. Regardless, this experiment shows that the first cryptocurrency can be used for everyday computing - with no fundamental obstacles.

The growth of Lightning Network usage. Its growth in the use of Bitcoin is largely due to the Lightning Network’s second-level solution. Over the past year, the number of nodes and channels in the Lightning Network has more than doubled—from approximately 15,000 to 32,000 and from 36,000 to 83,800, respectively. At the same time, total network bandwidth increased from less than 1,000 BTC to nearly 3,300 BTC, and the network’s USD liquidity increased 5x. This trend will gain momentum and Bitcoin settlements will become more common.

Institutional investment grows. Large investors continue to invest in Bitcoin. For example, MicroStrategy tripled its Bitcoin holdings in 2021 and now has 122,477 BTC worth $6 billion, and Tesla still holds 43,200 BTC purchased at the beginning of the year. Dozens of public companies announced purchases of Bitcoin. The largest Bitcoin trust, Grayscale, holds 654,885 BTC, equivalent to $32.2 billion, and major players may continue to invest in Bitcoin to protect against inflation and reduce the real profitability of traditional assets. The more institutional funding Bitcoin raises, the less volatile and reliable it becomes.

Growth adoption of cryptocurrencies in traditional financial markets. The existing financial world is increasingly accepting the cryptocurrency market as an independent asset sector. In June, Coinbase, the largest U.S. cryptocurrency exchange, listed directly on Nasdaq, and in October, ProShares’ first U.S. Bitcoin ETF based on Bitcoin futures began trading in the United States.

In 2022, the market is waiting for the emergence of the first spot Bitcoin-ETF.More large cryptocurrency companies may follow Coinbase's lead in going public.

Activate Taproot updates. In November, the long-awaited Taproot update launched on the Bitcoin network—the most significant update since SegWit in 2017. The update moves the network from using ECDSA digital signatures to Schnorr signatures, which speeds up the verification of complex multi-value transactions and improves the privacy, security, and scalability of the network. All of this will simplify the use of Bitcoin in everyday transactions. For information on exactly what happens to the Bitcoin network after activating Taproot, read our separate article.

Regulatory adoption. As we have already told you, Bitcoin cannot be banned. Most regulators understand this and are trying to bring cryptocurrencies into the legal framework, rather than the failed attempt to ban the use of military technology for cooperation. In the United States, clients of the largest banks already have access to cryptocurrency services, while in Germany, Sparkasse banking group will launch a service this year that will allow 50 million customers to trade in cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is already an established regulated asset in many countries.

High inflation. After experiencing high dollar emissions in 2020-2021, the inflation rate in the United States is the highest in nearly 40 years, and has even reached double-digit levels in developing countries. Under these conditions, Bitcoin is an excellent alternative to other financial instruments for protecting savings.

According to Bloomberg’s John Authors, Bitcoin has been the best inflation hedge asset of the past 10 years – it has experienced a deflation rate of 99.996% since 2011. That is, something that could be purchased with 1 BTC in 2011 now costs around 0.004 BTC. Meanwhile, the U.S. consumer price index rose 28% in U.S. dollar terms during the period.

㈦ How much money can you make from Bitcoin mining in a day?

Nowadays, the difficulty of mining is getting more and more difficult, but now everyone is mining together, in the mining pool, and you can do it every day The coins mined can probably be mined around 0.0023. According to the current currency price, if you have cheap electricity, it is still possible

㈧ Can you invest in a Bitcoin mining machine?

Of course you can Well, I just need to do some in-depth research to see how long it will take to get the money back. It is said that Bitcoin is not easy to mine now. You can engage in virtual transactions of Bitcoin, or rent traffic ore and collect rent. Personally, I feel better than mining.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 什么是比特币期货合约比特币期货合约,通常是以比特币价格指数为标的的标准化合约。比特币交易所提供的比特币期货通常是以比特币进行交易的。期货是与现货相对的,现货是实实在在可以一手交钱一手交货的商品,