以太坊 冷钱包 以太坊冷钱包官方下载

1. 以太坊钱包哪款比较好用,交易平台哪个靠谱


2. 国内如何买到以太坊

很多平台都可以买,不翻 墙的话推荐Ebit

3. 如何购买以太坊,以太坊国内如何购买





可盈可乐隶属于香港CoinCola Limited,由专业的国际化团队研发与运营,专注于为全球用户提供便捷,可依赖的区块链服务。CoinCola汇聚全球用户,致力于打造世界级的区块链资产平台。

在可盈可乐,来自不同国家的人们可以用本国货币购买到比特币。 网站的卖家发布出售比特币的广告,并说明付款方式和汇率。 您可根据广告内容选择直接在线交易。比特币都存放在可盈可乐的网络钱包里,您可以直接进行比特币转账。






















登录ZB交易平台 ,点击页面上放的 “C2C交易”。




商家处理时间9:00 - 21:00。非处理时间的订单会在第二天9:00开始处理,一般接单后24小时内会完成打款。



1) 务必使用刚刚绑定的银行卡转账打款。

2) 备注信息(那个6位数字)一定要填写

3) 务必不要使用支付宝、微信等转账。

4) 对方账号不要填写错误。



4. 冷钱包和助记词是哪里生产的


5. 冷钱包和助记词硬件是怎么做的

可信任的助记词:软件冷钱包可以实现更彻底的去信任(即不需要信任软件开发者),用户可以自行证明其钱包的绝对安全性。在资产安全中,首当其冲的是助记词的安全。而在助记词的安全中,首要确认是助记词生成的随机性。如果您使用了一个作恶的硬件厂商(或者有 bug)的硬件钱包,您可能在第一步就已经陷落了。
目前市场上,虽然主要的冷钱包产品依然是以硬件冷钱包为主,但是它们正在受到软件冷钱包的冲击。硬件冷钱包: Ledger 是最知名的硬件冷钱包方案提供商; Trezor 是另一个知名的硬件冷钱包提供商;软件冷钱包:Ownbit 是最早实现软件冷钱包方案的钱包,也是支持冷钱包币种最多的钱包之一; Parity Signer 是 Parity 出品的以太坊软件冷钱包; 未来 事物发展的方向永远是化繁为简。越来越多的冷钱包正在以软件的方式实现。

6. 以太坊钱包地址在哪里 如何买卖以太坊


7. 以太坊在哪里购买比较稳妥








不足:1.钱包的“发现”模块不够直观。2.只能存放在以太坊平台上开发的代币,像BTC ,NEO 这种自有公链的代币就不能存放,同时那些比特币的分叉币,更不能存放了。










cobo是专业的数字资产管理钱包,帮您安全储存资产,独有 POS 增益助您资产增值,支持包括 ETH、EOS、TRX 在内的超过 20 种数字资产,以及超过 500 种代币。

优点:Cobo安全性在同级中处于领先,使用多重安全验证,冷热分离存储,HSM多重签名,Cobo 通过智能投票、 DPOS 票池、 POS 挖矿的数字资产增益矩阵为您提供稳定收益。



硬件钱包 ,支持ETH、BTC、Zcash等主流币种 , 利用加密芯片技术为用户构建安全解决方案,用于保护用户的数字资产和区块链应用安全上。这是一款专门为消费者设计的硬件比特币钱包,它提供企业级的安全硬件模块,和支持物联网的硬件产品。


硬件钱包 ,支持ETH、BTC、Zcash等主流币种 ;利用加密芯片技术为用户构建安全解决方案,用于保护用户的数字资产和区块链应用安全上。这是一款专门为消费者设计的硬件比特币钱包,它提供企业级的安全硬件模块,和支持物联网的硬件产品。

8. 关于以太坊不同平台的钱包地址的问题


9. 请教,ETH 的冷钱包怎么制作


1. Which Ethereum wallet is easier to use and which trading platform is more reliable?

There is nothing particularly difficult about it, but there are risks everywhere. Try to be cautious.

2. How to buy Ethereum in China

You can buy it on many platforms. If you don’t want to circumvent the firewall, I recommend Ebit

3. How to buy Ethereum, Ethereum How to buy in China

Currently, there are many channels for domestic users to purchase Ethereum. The following is a brief introduction to the commonly used ones:

1. Over-the-counter CoinCola platform

1. About Keying Cola

Keying Cola is an over-the-counter trading platform for trading Bitcoins between individuals.

CoinCola is affiliated to Hong Kong CoinCola Limited. It is developed and operated by a professional international team and focuses on providing convenient and reliable blockchain services to global users. CoinCola brings together global users and is committed to building a world-class blockchain asset platform.

At Keyingcola, people from different countries can buy Bitcoin with their national currencies. Sellers on the site advertise Bitcoin for sale and describe payment methods and exchange rates. You can choose to trade directly online based on the advertising content. Bitcoins are stored in Keyingcola's online wallet, and you can directly transfer Bitcoins.

2. How to buy Ethereum (ETH)

Register a CoinCola account, log in and click on the top bar menu on the homepage "Buy" to enter the ad list page.

Select the appropriate ad from the ad list and click "Buy ETH" to enter the transaction page.

Enter the amount to be purchased or the number of digital coins (please understand the other party’s message information, payment method, and platform transaction instructions before entering), click Buy Now, and an order confirmation will pop up. , click to confirm the purchase after verifying that the information is correct, and enter the order page.

In the chat box of the platform, inquire whether the other party is online according to the template statement, and make offline payment according to the payment information and payment method provided by the other party.

After the offline payment is completed, click to mark the payment completed as soon as possible (please complete this operation within 15 minutes of placing the order to avoid overtime cancellation of the order, resulting in irrecoverable payment) and then Customize the input information in the chat box to confirm payment and ask the seller to confirm receipt and release digital coins.

The progress bar in the top bar shows that the goods have been received, indicating that the digital currency has arrived in the wallet. Make comments based on the seller's behavior, click submit, and complete the transaction.

2. C2C transactions on trading platforms

Regarding C2C transactions on trading platforms, with the rapid increase in the number of trading platforms and competitive pressure, many trading platforms will have their own C2C transactions. Here we compare The large ZB trading platform will be taken as an example to illustrate;

1. What is C2C?

C2C transactions are customer-to-customer transactions, guaranteed by the trading platform. There are many such platforms, such as Huobi, otcbtc, Bitpie OTC, etc., all of which are guaranteed by the platform and are used for transactions between users. We can simply understand it as: the situation when we shop on Taobao is the same as that. If there is a dispute, the platform will arbitrate. As long as the transaction is conducted according to normal procedures, the security of the transaction is guaranteed.

2. ZB’s C2C business

The ZB platform has two options for purchasing through legal currency: QC and USDT. The basic logic is the same, and there are many USDT platforms. Yes, QC is currently a feature of several platforms such as ZB and EXX. Here we focus on QC.

About QC

QC is a kind of token. Currently, the ones on the market that everyone may know more about are USDT and BITCNY. ZB currently has a special area for QC transactions. Simply put, you can use QC to buy all other digital currencies on ZB (BTC, ETH, EOS, etc.). Therefore, after using RMB to recharge to buy QC, you can trade on the ZB site. Coin trading.

Advantages of QC tokens:

The exchange ratio with RMB is 1:1, making it easier to convert.

Using QC to purchase other tokens can be intuitively understood as purchasing in RMB, giving you an intuitive understanding of currency prices.

The payment is received quickly, usually about half an hour. It takes about 2 hours to arrive due to congestion.

The ZB platform is relatively reliable, and ZB’s credibility has been very good in the past.

3. How to operate ZB’s C2C?

Log in to the ZB trading platform and click "C2C Transaction" on the page.

To reach the QC transaction page, you need to bind your bank card first. Then, on the QC buying interface, enter the quantity of QC you want to buy. The current ratio of QC to RMB is 1:1. After entering the purchase amount, click "Buy Now".

After clicking "Buy Now", you will be prompted to complete the payment within 30 minutes. Payment information is also generated. Please note that you must pay according to the prompts.

Official statement:

Merchant processing time is 9:00 - 21:00. Orders placed outside processing hours will be processed starting at 9:00 the next day, and payment will generally be completed within 24 hours after receiving the order.

What this means is that the merchant you pay to will transfer QC coins to your account within 24 hours. According to my experience, the account can usually be received within 2 hours during the day.

Some important points that need to be paid attention to:

1) Be sure to use the bank card you just bound to transfer money.

2) The remark information (the 6-digit number) must be filled in

3) Be sure not to use Alipay, WeChat, etc. to transfer money.

4) Do not fill in the wrong account number of the other party.

About 1-2 hours, you canPlease contact the Service Center to check whether your QC has arrived.

After receiving the money, you can trade in the "QC" area in "Spot Trading". You can select the trading pair you want to buy and place a purchase order.

4. Where are cold wallets and mnemonics produced?

Origin: Switzerland. A cold wallet is an offline wallet. The network cannot access the location where you store your private keys. It is a non-networked wallet. Cold wallets rely on "cold" equipment to ensure the security of digital currency private keys. When not connected to the Internet, they use computers, mobile phones, and small notebooks with private key addresses written on them. For example. Ledger wallet: Bitcoin hardware wallet manufacturer Ledger is one of the technology leaders in the field of digital currency security, providing consumers and businesses with trustworthy hardware. Ledger is a smart card-based Bitcoin hardware wallet that provides the highest level of technological leadership and is both usable and controllable.
Ledger hardware wallet is a multi-functional wallet, a hardware device that securely stores private keys. When viewing the wallet and sending transactions, the hardware wallet needs to be used in conjunction with the software wallet. It also supports safe storage of Bitcoin, Ethereum and platform tokens, Zcash, etc. Its project has been open sourced on Github. Based on its hardware equipment, you can use either the software wallet developed by Ledger or the software wallet developed by other teams. That is, you can use Ledger with the Ethereum web wallet MyEtherWallet or Parity wallet.
Extended information:
1. Advantages and disadvantages of hot wallets and cold wallets:
1. From a security perspective, in comparison, Bitcoin cold wallets are less likely to be hacked. This is also The reason why many regulatory agencies require trading platforms to store users’ crypto assets offline. Since cold wallets cannot be accessed by the network, they avoid the risk of hackers stealing private keys. As long as they are properly stored, they will be safer than hot wallets.
But if we consider convenience, hot wallets under the Internet can conduct asset transactions at any time, making the user experience more convenient and faster. Therefore, for holders with larger assets, using hot and cold wallets together can isolate risks while facilitating operations, and better ensure the security of virtual currency assets.
2. Both cold wallets and hot wallets use wallet addresses to realize digital asset transactions. How to understand the wallet address? We can think of it like you go to a bank to open an account, the bank gives you a card number, and others can transfer money to you through this card number. Generally speaking, the wallet address and the private key appear in pairs. The wallet address is your bank card number, and the corresponding private key is like the password of your bank card number. The wallet address records how many coins you have in that wallet address. You can only use the money on your bank card number if you know the password.
3. The private key, like the wallet address, is a key element in digital asset transactions. Whether you use a cold wallet or a hot wallet to store digital assets, as long as anyone knows your wallet private key, they can transfer it and transfer it at will. Dispose of your digital assets. In short, who hands it?Who is the real owner of the encrypted digital wallet if you hold the private key? So be sure to save them when using your wallet.

5. How the cold wallet and mnemonic hardware are made

Increase flexibility through trusted mnemonic words.
Software cold wallet is different from hardware cold wallet. Software cold wallet uses pure software to realize the cold wallet function. Users need to use two mobile phones, one of which is permanently offline, as a cold wallet to store private keys (mnemonic phrases). The other one is connected to the Internet and used as an observation wallet. Software cold wallets and hardware cold wallets implement the same functions and have similar security levels. But they have some significant differences: software cold wallets can use idle mobile phones with no additional hardware; hardware cold wallets transmit data via data cable or Bluetooth, while software cold wallets scan QR codes.
Trusted mnemonic: Software cold wallet can achieve more complete trustlessness (that is, there is no need to trust the software developer), and users can prove the absolute security of their wallets by themselves. In asset security, the first thing that bears the brunt is the security of mnemonic phrases. In the security of mnemonic words, the first confirmation is the randomness of mnemonic word generation. If you use a hardware wallet from a rogue hardware manufacturer (or a buggy one), you may already be trapped on the first step.
When using a software cold wallet, you can choose to trust the software and let it help you generate a mnemonic phrase. You can also choose not to trust the software and generate the mnemonic phrase yourself elsewhere. Therefore, the security of the mnemonic phrase of software cold wallet is higher than that of hardware cold wallet.
Software cold wallets are more flexible than hardware cold wallets. Generally, software cold wallets can implement more complex functions than hardware cold wallets. The flexibility of software cold wallet also makes it more advantageous in asset recovery. If your hardware wallet is damaged, you need to purchase hardware (from the same manufacturer) for hardware recovery. With software cold wallets, there are no such concerns.
Extended information:
At present, although the main cold wallet products in the market are still hardware cold wallets, they are being impacted by software cold wallets. Hardware cold wallet: Ledger is the most well-known hardware cold wallet solution provider; Trezor is another well-known hardware cold wallet provider; Software cold wallet: Ownbit is the first wallet to implement software cold wallet solution and supports the most cold wallet currencies One of the wallets; Parity Signer is an Ethereum software cold wallet produced by Parity; The direction of future development of things is always to simplify the complex. More and more cold wallets are being implemented in software.

6. Where is the Ethereum wallet address and how to buy and sell Ethereum

The Ethereum wallet address is your bank card number. If you forget the address, you can Use the private key, mnemonic phrase, keystore+password and import it into the wallet to retrieve it. Buying and selling Ethereum is even simpler. You can open an account in Realm Kingdom with $100, and then analyze the price to buy up or down., buying in the right direction means making a profit.

7. Where is it safer to buy Ethereum?

There are many digital currency wallets at present, and the ones with good personal experience are probably the following ones.

Good light wallets include: imtoken, geekwallet, kcash, cobo, etc.

Good hardware wallets include: ledger, Trezor, etc., involving digital currency amounts For larger wallets or long-term holdings, it is generally recommended to use hardware wallets

Let me briefly introduce these light wallets that I personally think are good.

1. imToken:

It is a mobile light wallet App that supports ETH and Ethereum ERC2.0 standard tokens (such as EOS, DGD, SNT, QTUM ).

Advantages: mToken, as an Ethereum series light wallet, supports all tokens of the Ethereum ERC2.0 standard. It can control the mining fee of each coin issuance, set the payment amount, and query transaction records at the same time. It is convenient, has a clean interface, and is easy to operate, so it is suitable for ICO investors who need to receive a variety of ERC2.0 standard tokens and do not trade frequently.

Disadvantages: 1. The "discovery" module of the wallet is not intuitive enough. 2. Only tokens developed on the Ethereum platform can be stored. Tokens with their own public chains such as BTC and NEO cannot be stored, and those forked coins of Bitcoin cannot be stored.

2. Geekwallet

Geekwallet is a simple and convenient light wallet that supports Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), and Ethereum Storage and management of mainstream digital currency assets such as ETH, EOS, USDT, etc. It adopts security mechanisms such as BIP44 mnemonic phrases, local private keys, and offline signatures, as well as dual backup strategies for mobile phones and computers to completely solve the loss of digital currency assets caused by hackers, virus infections, lost mobile phones, forgotten mnemonic phrases, etc. , providing users with one-stop management services for online multi-chain digital assets. The platform also has a flea market, which allows for the purchase and sale of tokens with physical assets on the chain.

Advantages: High security factor, using local private key security mechanism, and dual backup strategy on mobile phones and computers, supporting current mainstream currencies, the platform has a flea market, and physical assets can be uploaded to the chain. Token buying and selling.

Disadvantages: USDT transactions must use 0.0001 BTC as the transaction fee, some small currencies are not supported, the page optimization is good, but the functions are relatively few.

3. kcash

Kcash is also a light wallet that currently supports BTC, ETH, LTC, ETC, ACT and smart wallets based on Ethereum and Achain.A digital currency that can be used as a contract platform. Kcash has cross-chain and cross-contract technology, and the supported currencies are still increasing.

Advantages: As a multi-chain wallet, Kcash supports multiple types of digital currencies and is very friendly to users who invest in multiple series of digital currencies. In addition, Kcash also has the function of sending red envelopes. In the future, it will launch currency transactions, bank card connection and other functions.

Disadvantages: Too many functions lead to poor usability. In addition, there are some issues with the compatibility of the Android version. Some Android models will crash when opening the app.

4. cobo

cobo is a professional digital asset management wallet that helps you store assets safely. The unique POS gain helps you increase the value of your assets. It supports ETH, EOS, and TRX. Including more than 20 digital assets and more than 500 tokens.

Advantages: Cobo’s security is leading in its class, using multiple security verifications, hot and cold separation storage, HSM multi-signature, Cobo’s digital asset gains through smart voting, DPOS vote pool, and POS mining Matrix provides you with stable income.

Disadvantages: The page optimization is poor, the functions are complex and it is difficult to get started, and the Android version also has the problem of crashing.

5. Ledger

Hardware wallet supports ETH, BTC, Zcash and other mainstream currencies, and uses encryption chip technology to build security solutions for users to protect users’ digital Asset and blockchain application security. This is a hardware Bitcoin wallet specifically designed for consumers, which provides enterprise-grade security hardware modules and IoT-enabled hardware products.

6. Ledger

Hardware wallet, supports ETH, BTC, Zcash and other mainstream currencies; uses encryption chip technology to build security solutions for users to protect users’ digital Asset and blockchain application security. This is a hardware Bitcoin wallet specifically designed for consumers, which provides enterprise-grade security hardware modules and IoT-enabled hardware products.

8. Regarding the wallet addresses of different Ethereum platforms

It depends on which specification the address complies with.
It is best to have your own wallet. Some wallets can manage different coins.
The concept of tokens needs to be clarified. To understand English.

9. Please tell me how to make an ETH cold wallet

The console is the configuration interface of the router. Plug in the reverse cable and configure eth through the PC. It means that the Ethernet port is an interface between the intranet and the router. , Ethernet is connected to the router through the eth port

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 比特币为什么价格这么高比特币不依靠特定货币机构发行,它依据特定算法,通过大量的计算产生,比特币经济使用整个P2P网络中众多节点构成的分布式数据库来确认并记录所有的交易行为,并使用密码学的设计来确