币圈有哪些以环境保护为项目的币种 环保币区块链

㈠ GEC环保币是骗人的吗

2017年我们推出一个基于区块链技术的数字货币的项目:环保创业币(Green entrepreneurship coin),环保创业币(Green entrepreneurship coin)发行速率按照等比数列,每五年减少一半,最终达到总量约80亿个,全球人均1枚的数量能更为快速的普及,实现全球流通,让其数字货币的价值及作用真正的体现。

世界环保创业基金会致力于通过赞助环保创业项目,支持世界环保行业发展,从而可持续地促进解决世界环境问题。 自成立以来,基金会通过“项目资助”、“机构资助”、“大学生绿色大使计划”等形式,为有志于环保创业的青年领导者提供综合能力建设;在中国多所高校进行环保宣传,资助青年团队的环保行动。
面对日趋严重的环境污染及天然资源短缺的问题,世界环保创业基金会,本着环保的愿景和使命,承诺与社会各界人士一起支持环保,以实际行动推动世界有序发展。 基金会将大力支持及推动各个环保创业项目,教育及呼吁公众支持及参与社会环境改善,共同探索未来环保发展的方向,努力建设一个绿色地球。

㈡ 币圈的朋友们有什么好项目发一个吧


㈢ 币圈交易所有哪些

usdt、usd、USDC、TUSD、PAX 这几个你可以理解为美元,基本汇率与美元是1:1上下浮动不大

㈣ 币圈目前比较火热的项目有什么


㈤ 关于币圈,有哪些是需要我们了解的










㈥ 现在币圈出金有哪些选择


从技术上来说,这类币和以太坊等相比,无太大优势。一个程序员可以用半天时间,做出一个新的类似比特币的东西。从比特币的市值在整体数字货币市场的占比看,比特币的市值在上涨,但占比在下降。说明货币类的币的增长是滞后于整体的增长的。这类币适合做保值投资。基础公链类是分为3种,分别是开发类公链、协议类公链、基础设施公链。开发类公链指基于该公链,可以快速开发DAPP应用。例如以太坊ETH、小蚁NEO、Lisk、Arch阿希币、量子链Qtum以及EOS等。这类公链的价值主要体现在降低了DAPP的开发门槛,提供了高效的开发工具。这类项目主要特点是具有智能合约,我们称之为区块链2.0。协议类公链是对开发类公链的补充,属于公链生态系统的重要组成部分。例如雷电RDN是对以太坊的补充,通过了雷电RDN解决以太坊的交易拥堵以及交易费用问题。例如路印,是解决去中心化的交易撮合问题。通过路印协议,可以降低交易撮合成本,防范交易所跑路风险。这类币有雷电RDN、IOTA、恒星币XLM、0x协议、SmartMesh、CyberMiles等。基础设施公链指提供计算、存储、网络带宽等基础能力的项目。这类项目的主要代表是存储类项目,例如IPFS、Storj、Siacoin等。 算力类项目如Golem、Elastic Project(XEL)、SONM、iEx.ec等。这类项目的特点是通过代币激励,鼓励用户贡献基础资源,形成去中心化的存储网络,计算网络。应用类的项目比较多,这类项目一般是关注某一个领域的业务方向。例如做社交、身份识别、支付、内容版权、交易市场、游戏、直播等业务方向。应用类的项目一般是基于该领域的业务痛点,使用区块链解决。这类项目的价值主要体现在业务落地以及实际产生的商业价值。目前区块链领域还处于早期阶段,基础设施不完善,应用类项目的风险要大于公链类项目。目前应用类项目既考验团队的技术实力还考验团队的业务落地以及市场推广能力,并且大部分应用类项目解决的问题是不需要使用区块链技术的。

㈦ 虚拟货币有哪些GEc环保币是合法吗


㈧ 2019年币圈有否有所转变有哪些靠谱的社区项目


㈨ 环保币流通的安全性高吗














Is GEC Environmental Coin a scam?

The World Environmental Entrepreneurship Foundation was established in Hong Kong in 2015. It is committed to supporting the development of the world's environmental protection industry by sponsoring environmental entrepreneurship projects, so as to Continuously promote the solution of world environmental problems.
In 2016, we moved the foundation headquarters to Geneva, and through "project funding", "institutional funding", "college student green ambassador program" and other forms, we provide comprehensive capacity building for young leaders who are interested in environmental protection entrepreneurship, and work with People from all walks of life work together to support environmental protection, educate and call on the public to support and participate in social environmental improvement, jointly explore the future direction of environmental protection development, and strive to build a green earth.
In 2017, we launched a digital currency project based on blockchain technology: Green entrepreneurship coin. The issuance rate of Green entrepreneurship coin is based on a geometric sequence, which is reduced by half every five years. Eventually reaching a total of about 8 billion, the number of one per capita in the world can be more quickly popularized, achieving global circulation, and truly reflecting the value and role of digital currency.
In the face of increasingly serious environmental pollution and natural resource shortages, the World Environmental Entrepreneurship Foundation is committed to providing more opportunities for young people and companies who care about and love the environment and are willing to start their own businesses to achieve practical results. Action promotes the orderly development of the world.
Mission and Vision
We believe that positive actions will bring about changes;
We will present the environmental entrepreneurship projects we support to the public to enhance the whole society’s awareness and understanding of the problem in a positive way;
br />We support executable environmentally friendly entrepreneurial projects;
When promoting projects, we will fully respect democracy and seek solutions that are fair to different regions and classes around the world.

World Environmental Entrepreneurship Foundation is committed to supporting the development of the world's environmental industry by sponsoring environmental entrepreneurship projects, thereby sustainably promoting the solution of world environmental problems. Since its establishment, the foundation has provided comprehensive capacity building for young leaders who are interested in environmental entrepreneurship through "project funding", "institutional funding", "college student green ambassador program" and other forms; it has carried out environmental protection publicity in many universities in China and funded Environmental action by youth teams.
In the face of increasingly serious environmental pollution and natural resource shortages, the World Environmental Protection Entrepreneurship Foundation, based on the vision and mission of environmental protection, promises to work with people from all walks of life to support environmental protection and promote it with practical actions The world develops in an orderly manner. The foundation will vigorously support and promote various environmental protection entrepreneurial projects, educate and call on the public to support and participate in social environmental improvement, jointly explore the direction of future environmental protection development, and strive to build a green earth.

㈡ Friends in the currency circle, if you have any good projects, please post one

I entered the market before the digital currency was traded on the secondary market.People

What are the currency exchanges?

Have you ever bought and sold stocks?
Stocks are in legal currency.
In principle, in the currency circle, other currencies can be bought and sold in units of any currency.
So there will be various currency pairs.
usdt, usd, USDC, TUSD, and PAX can be understood as U.S. dollars. The basic exchange rate with the U.S. dollar is 1:1 and does not fluctuate much
btc/usdt, this is a Bitcoin usdt currency pair , Bitcoin price in usdt.
eos/btc, this is an eos price in btc.

㈣ What are the hot projects in the currency circle at the moment?

The super-computing small currency beast exchange has been very popular recently, which can trade various currencies and can also use the computing power to mine SPT coins. , accomplishes multiple things with one stone, and is worth participating in. (Feiyu)

㈤ What do we need to know about the currency circle?

If you have just entered the currency circle and are about to start buying digital currency, don’t worry, calm down first. Take a look at the following content, I guess it will be helpful to you.

1. What is a digital currency wallet
Many people say that a digital currency wallet is used to store digital currency. Generally speaking, there is no problem with this understanding, but in fact, a digital currency wallet is used to store digital currency. It is not a digital currency, but a tool for holding keys (private keys and public keys). With the key, you can have control over the digital currency at the corresponding address. You can accept the digital currency payment address generated in the wallet. When others transfer digital currency to you, you can also transfer the digital currency you own to others. Generally speaking, it can be understood as being used to store and trade digital currencies.

2. The structure of digital currency wallet
1. Address:
The wallet address is a string of characters used to transfer money. The wallet address can be understood as a bank card number. Tell anyone that anyone who knows your wallet address can transfer digital currency to your wallet address. Different digital currency addresses are also different. For example, the addresses of EOS and BTC are different.
2. Private key
The private key is a random number generated by the system through a cryptographic algorithm based on the random factors in the user environment. It can be thought of as a bank card password. For each transaction, the payer must issue a private key and the signature generated by the private key.
3. Public key
The public key is generated from the private key and appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address and is mainly used to generate the address.
4. Password
When creating a wallet, you need to set a password. The main uses of the password are: 1. The payment password when transferring money; 2. The password needs to be verified when importing the wallet. Passwords are actively set by users, but are much less secure than private keys. The password mainly plays the role of double protection.
5. Mnemonic phrase
The mnemonic phrase is another form of private key, and its function is equivalent to the private key.The mnemonic key is usually composed of 12-15 or more English words. The private key can be found through the mnemonic phrase and the wallet can be restored. Therefore, the mnemonic phrase is very important. Most wallets will prompt the user to back up the mnemonic phrase. in order to restore the wallet.

3. Classification of digital currency wallets
Can be roughly divided into two categories, hot wallets (online wallets) and cold wallets (offline wallets)
(1) Hot wallets:
Also known as online wallet, it includes light wallet and heavy wallet (full node wallet). Wallets that need to be connected to the Internet can directly perform transaction operations.
1. Light wallet:
Does not store the complete blockchain, only saves data related to itself. It is small in size and can be run on mobile phones, computers, web pages, etc.
Advantages and disadvantages: Does not occupy memory, supports a variety of digital assets, good user experience, quick to get started with novices, but transaction verification is slightly slow

2. Heavy wallet (full node wallet)
Maintains all blockchain data, is completely decentralized, and synchronizes all data. It has better privacy and can verify the validity of transaction data locally.
The advantages and disadvantages of hot wallets: better privacy and faster verification of information, but data needs to be synchronized before each use, takes up a lot of hard drive space, and does not support multiple digital currency transactions.
(2) Cold wallet:
A cold wallet is a wallet that is not connected to the Internet, also called an offline wallet; such as professional hardware equipment, or writing the private key (mnemonic phrase) on paper.
1. Hardware wallet
Hardware wallet uses professional hardware to store digital currency, and stores the private key of digital assets in a separate chip, which is isolated from the Internet and can be plugged and played.
2. Paper Wallet
Write the private key on paper and store it, then delete it

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cold Wallet: It is relatively safe, but it is very troublesome to create a wallet and make transactions. It is difficult for novices to operate, and wallet prices are relatively expensive, generally ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of yuan. If you don’t have a large amount of digital assets, you don’t need to consider it.

4. How to choose a digital currency wallet
Light wallets are simpler and more convenient to use, generally support multiple currencies, and are generally suitable for newbies in the currency circle or for transactions and storage. Not a big user. For example, geekwallet
Hardware wallets are not connected to the Internet and are more secure, but the operations are relatively complex and are generally suitable for users with large transactions and storage volumes.

5. Precautions when using digital currency wallets

1. Keep your password well. Once lost, it cannot be retrieved. However, you can reset your password through a mnemonic phrase (provided you keep the mnemonic phrase safely).
2. Keep the private key well. The owner of the private key is the real owner of Bitcoin.
3. Keep the mnemonic phrase well. Once someone else gets the mnemonic phrase, they can transfer all the blockchain assets in the wallet corresponding to the mnemonic phrase.

㈥What are the options for withdrawing money from the currency circle now?

Currency category, as the name suggests, is a pure electronic currency project represented by Bitcoin. Such projects include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Cash, NEM, Dogecoin, Bytecoin, Dogecoin, etc. We call this type of currency blockchain 1.0. The primary value of such coins is as electronic cash. Taking Bitcoin as an example, there are a large number of merchants around the world that support Bitcoin payments. There is no essential difference between coins other than Bitcoin and Bitcoin. It is just that some optimizations have been made in terms of the total number of coins, transaction time, encryption algorithm and anonymity. For example, compared with Bitcoin, Litecoin has adjusted the total amount of coins, optimized the encryption algorithm of workload proof, and shortened the transaction confirmation time.

Technically speaking, this type of currency does not have much advantages compared to Ethereum and others. A programmer can create a new thing like Bitcoin in half a day. Judging from the proportion of Bitcoin's market value in the overall digital currency market, Bitcoin's market value is rising, but its proportion is declining. This shows that the growth of currency coins lags behind the overall growth. This type of currency is suitable for value-preserving investment. Basic public chains are divided into three types, namely development public chains, protocol public chains, and infrastructure public chains. The development public chain refers to the rapid development of DAPP applications based on this public chain. For example, Ethereum ETH, Xiaoyi NEO, Lisk, Arch, Qtum and EOS, etc. The value of this type of public chain is mainly reflected in lowering the development threshold of DAPP and providing efficient development tools. The main feature of this type of project is that it has smart contracts, which we call blockchain 2.0. The protocol public chain is a supplement to the development public chain and is an important part of the public chain ecosystem. For example, Raiden RDN is a supplement to Ethereum. It solves Ethereum's transaction congestion and transaction fee problems through Raiden RDN. For example, Loopring solves the problem of decentralized transaction matching. Through the Loopring protocol, transaction matching costs can be reduced and the risk of exchanges running away can be prevented. Such coins include Raiden RDN, IOTA, Stellar XLM, 0x Protocol, SmartMesh, CyberMiles, etc. Infrastructure public chains refer to projects that provide basic capabilities such as computing, storage, and network bandwidth. The main representatives of this type of projects are storage projects, such as IPFS, Storj, Siacoin, etc. Computing power projects such as Golem, Elastic Project (XEL), SONM, iEx.ec, etc. The characteristic of this type of project is to encourage users to contribute basic resources through token incentives to form a decentralized storage network and computing network. There are many application projects, and these projects generally focus on the business direction of a certain field. For example, social networking, identity recognition, payment, content copyright, trading market, games, live broadcast and other business directions. Application projects are generally based on business pain points in this field and are solved using blockchain. The value of such projects is mainly reflected in business implementation and the actual commercial value generated. At present, the blockchain field is still in its early stages, and the infrastructureImperfect, the risk of application projects is greater than that of public chain projects. At present, application projects not only test the team's technical strength but also test the team's business implementation and marketing capabilities, and most of the problems solved by application projects do not require the use of blockchain technology.
In today's currency circle, the first choice for long-term holding of valuable and promising digital currencies is the basic chain project. The digital currencies of the basic chain are the familiar Bitcoin and Ethereum. Of course, there are also ADA, AE, and ONT that we are optimistic about. The basic chain is the foundation of the application of blockchain technology. Only when the project progresses smoothly can there be a large amount of financial support. Only by investing in money can there be profit margins in the long run. Except for the currencies introduced above, other currencies are "scum" at this stage, because the increase of small currencies does not have strong supervision and is more casual. If the publisher wants to suddenly go long or short, it will affect the current currency. The direction of planting, and the possibility of cutting leeks and running away with small coins will be greater and more unsafe. ADA, AE, ABT, and ONT are all new currencies in the past two years. The growth rate is not stable yet, so you can choose to hold a small amount. During this period, bank cards for currency speculation and gold withdrawals were frozen. So try not to withdraw money. If you really want to withdraw money, I suggest you just discuss it internally with your friends, or you may ask the platform's key account manager for help, as there is a special channel. Of course, this also tells us that we must force ourselves to become rich. Don’t even think about going out until you earn dozens of BTC! Of course, most people don’t need to withdraw money after losing money. Once a large-scale card freeze occurs on a trading platform, it will not only cause asset losses, but more importantly, it will directly dampen investors' enthusiasm for continuing to invest in cryptocurrency. In the current environment, the "wave of frozen cards" is coming fiercely. Investors need to understand the following two points:
1. Why are bank cards frozen? There are two main reasons why bank cards are frozen: one is bank freezing, and the other is judicial freezing. Bank freezing is mainly because the bank believes that the user's behavior has triggered the bank's risk control system. The judicial freeze was mainly due to the funds involved and black money. The currency circle is now in a stage of rapid development and is filled with all kinds of black interests. It is very likely that the user's funds will be actively or passively involved in the "black industry chain" in a certain link of OTC deposits and withdrawals, but the user himself may not know it. Once this happens, all payment media of the user will be frozen.
2. 2. What can retail investors do to avoid having their funds frozen? The best method currently is not to deposit or withdraw money. If it is really necessary, try to choose a Blue Shield merchant and insist on checking the real-name qualifications to ensure that the real-name information is consistent. In addition, it is best to use a dedicated card when withdrawing money. Even if it is frozen in the future, the impact will not be big.

㈦ What are the virtual currencies? Are GEc environmental coins legal?

What are the virtual currencies? Gec, are eco-friendly coins legal? There are currently too many virtual currencies in the entire Internet, such as Bitcoin tmk and so on

㈧ Will there be any changes in the currency circle in 2019? What are the reliable community projects

Super energy at the bottom EES will help you achieve financial freedom.

㈨ Is the circulation of environmentally friendly coins highly safe?

Recently, it is understood that a new type of hoop scam has begun to sweep the digital currency market. The new "GEC environmentally friendly currency" trading model has been widely spread. This model is based on the " "Ecological and environmental protection", "zero investment", "zero risk" and "high return" are used as labels, and by attracting people to join, the offline development capital chain is pulled down. Industry experts point out that environmentally friendly coins can basically be classified as circle coins. The appearance of the disk circle is virtual currency, and the core is a capital disk. The income of the predecessors comes from the funds of the latecomers. This model is not only suspected of being a disguised ICO, but also a pyramid scheme.

"'GEC Environmental Coin' has become popular, and now it is all over the community." Mr. Li, a novice investor in the currency circle, told reporters, "After Bitcoin surged, many friends around me When investing in "GEC Environmental Coin", I also wanted to take advantage of this market trend to make a fortune, so I paid attention to this platform. I had never heard of this new transaction model before."

The reporter found that in QQ community In the group, there are hundreds of search results using the keyword "GEC environmental coin". These groups are of various categories, including novice registration groups, investment exchange groups, team battle groups, and entrepreneurship promotion groups. The labels of these groups are all linked to "ecological and environmental protection" and "environmental protection of business". In addition, some group labels are clearly marked with terms such as "zero investment", "zero risk", and "will become a mainstream digital currency in the future".

The reporter learned from Mr. Li that the "GEC Environmental Coin" is easy to register and can be operated through WeChat. It automatically runs mining 24 hours a day and has a high yield. The initial transaction price is US$0.01. The platform regulates the increase of GEC based on the daily transaction data of the trading center to ensure the stable rise of GEC. It is expected that the value of GEC will increase by a minimum of 50 times within 30 days, a minimum increase of 100 times within 90 days, and a minimum increase of 1,000 times within a year.

There are endless discussions on “GEC Environmental Coin” in major forums. Is “GEC Environmental Coin” really so popular? Investor Xiao Lu (pseudonym) raised questions. According to him, he came into contact with this project in February 2019 and started trying it purely out of curiosity. However, the source code of the "GEC Environmental Coin" has not been published online since its release. , only builds one website, and the official website of "GEC Environmental Coin" is displayed as the World Environmental Protection Entrepreneurship Foundation. The website's URL ends in cc. The website's server is registered in Geneva, overseas, but it has always claimed to be established in Hong Kong.

According to the official website of "GEC Environmental Coin" provided by the recommender of "GEC Environmental Coin", it is shown as the official website of the World Environmental Entrepreneurship Foundation, which was established in Hong Kong in 2015. In response to Xiaolu’s doubts, the reporter saw on the official website of the World Environmental Entrepreneurship Foundation that the domain name of the platform is http://www.green-entrepreneurship.cc/, and the registered address is No. 14, rue Durona, 1204 District, Geneva. Explanation of cc domain name, Security Alliance Reporting CenterAs mentioned in a previous article, considering that the actual usage rate of cc domain names in China is about 10%, it is not an exaggeration to say that cc domain names are the favorites of scammers. When the reporter called the official website of "GEC Environmental Coin", the phone number was displayed as a Swiss number, and after the call was connected, a beep was heard, and a Chinese voice prompt said "The number you dialed is currently on a call." As of press time, the phone could not be reached.

The introduction of the official website also mentioned that "GEC Environmental Coin" is an open source software designed and released by the World Environmental Protection Entrepreneurship Foundation. It is a P2P digital currency. The issuance of "GEC Environmental Coin" The number is based on the global population per capita. There is a constant issuance of 8 billion GEC environmental entrepreneurship coins that will never be issued. The issuance rate is based on a geometric sequence and is reduced by half every five years. It is expected that the "GEC environmental coins" will be mined in 2180.

Do high returns only rise or not fall?

In order to verify Xiaolu’s statement, the reporter contacted a recommender of “GEC Environmental Coin” as an investment novice. According to the recommender, novices need an invitation code to register. After successful registration, the platform Investors will be divided into their respective unions based on the invitation code. Only real-name authentication can be conducted. Investors who pass the authentication will receive a mining machine and 2.1 "environmental coins". Through operation, they can mine the mining machine and receive coins. The operation mode of selling money again makes profit.

According to the information provided by the above-mentioned "GEC Environmental Coin" recommender, a hypothetical investor invites A to purchase a mining machine. At this time, A's mining machine will be connected to the investor's mining machine. The algorithm provides investors with 5% computing power income. When A obtains a certain amount of "GEC environmental coins", investors will receive 5% of "GEC environmental coins". Investors can also continue to invite B, C or more people to purchase mining machines and form a mining machine network to obtain more computing power benefits. " GEC Environmental Coin" to open a more advanced mining machine or wait for the appreciation of "GEC Environmental Coin".

According to the instructor of this group, digital currencies represented by Bitcoin have been rising rapidly in recent times, and the "GEC Environmental Coin" has also experienced a qualitative leap, from the issuance price of US$0.01 to Now the actual price of $26 has increased nearly 3,000 times. After going online in February 2017, the platform promised to increase 50 times a month and 1,000 times a year. The "GEC Environmental Coin" currently only rises but does not fall. It is relatively easy to cash out. You only need to make a payment and upload a screenshot to withdraw cash.

As for the currency value of "GEC Environmental Coin", which only rises but never falls, senior blockchain expert He Nanye believes that there is no such phenomenon. He pointed out that the price of any asset, whether it is a commodity or an investment product, will always remain unchanged. It fluctuates around value, so prices will always fluctuate, and there will be inevitableAt the same time, only through the rise and fall of prices can asset transactions become more active and asset prices more reflect the true value. Similarly, in a Bitcoin-like world, there is no virtual currency transaction that only rises but never falls. Once supply and demand, development costs, macro and micro environments, and regulatory policies change, its price will inevitably fluctuate violently. Claiming that it will only rise but not fall is often the main means of attracting customers, and it is also the main deception to attract ordinary investors into the game. As more and more people participate, the chain will eventually break, causing most people's wealth to dissipate instantly, leaving an ending similar to previous P2P and asset exchanges.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

❶ 玩比特币合约你亏了多少钱我没有玩过比特币,所以我没有亏钱,但是我们这里有人投了10万块钱,全亏了。❷ 比特币合约最低一仓多少钱这个好像看平台的,有的平台是300、500等等都不一定的,主要还是看平