矿池提币到以太坊长时间未到账怎么办 矿池提币到以太坊长时间未到账怎么回事

㈠ 交易所显示转账以太坊代币成功,但是91token钱包没有到账

可以前往 Etherscan 查询交易是否成功 https://etherscan.io(imToken 支持以太系并且符合 ERC-20 标准的代币),视频教程:https://v.qq.com/x/page/z0517hhjoz5.html

一些交易所虽然提示交易成功, 只是代表交易所已发送该交易信息到链上, 接下来需要等待矿工打包, 矿工打包成功确认该交易后, 才可认定为该交易成功, 如果你已联系了交易所确定该交易已经发出, 但是未在 Etherscan 上查询到该交易的信息, 那么即代表矿工还未打包该次交易

如果已经距离交易所发币过了很久的时间, 并且在 Etherscan 上依然查询不到该交易的任何信息, 那么有可能这条交易已经被遗弃, 请及时联系发币的交易所或发币的第三方平台, 再重新发送一次交易

如果在 Etherscan 上查询到该交易记录, 但是未在 91token 当中显示, 那么你可以在资产页下拉刷新,若刷新依旧没有(token 首先要打开一键添加资产的开关),或者尝试切换钱包;网络慢的情况,尝试切换到移动网络

㈡ 以太坊提现到帐了,钱包怎么还是0








㈢ 火币生态链提币点成以太坊通道啦没有到账怎么办

㈣ 交易所提币到WaykiChain钱包长时间未到账


㈤ 以太坊提现到帐了,钱包怎么还是0


㈥ 币安通道转到了以太坊没有收到币怎么补救




㈦ Rightbtc提币不到账怎么办


㈧ heco提币多久到账


㈨ 跨行转账整整8天了仍未到帐,也没退款




㈠ The exchange shows that the transfer of Ethereum tokens was successful, but the 91token wallet did not arrive

Withdrawals from the exchange need to be reviewed. First confirm that the exchange has issued the transaction. If the exchange has not issued the For transactions, please go to the trading platform and contact the relevant staff
You can go to Etherscan to check whether the transaction is successful https://etherscan.io (imToken supports Ether-based tokens that comply with the ERC-20 standard), video tutorial: https: //v.qq.com/x/page/z0517hhjoz5.html

Although some exchanges prompt that the transaction is successful, it only means that the exchange has sent the transaction information to the chain, and then needs to wait for the miners to package it. , the transaction can be considered successful only after the miner has successfully packaged and confirmed the transaction. If you have contacted the exchange to confirm that the transaction has been sent, but have not found the transaction information on Etherscan, it means that the miner has not packaged the transaction. transaction

If a long time has passed since the exchange issued the currency, and you still cannot find any information about the transaction on Etherscan, then it is possible that the transaction has been abandoned, please contact us in time The exchange that issued the currency or the third-party platform that issued the currency resend the transaction

If the transaction record is queried on Etherscan, but it is not displayed in 91token, then you can drop down on the asset page Refresh, if the refresh still does not work (the token must first turn on the switch of one-click asset addition), or try to switch wallet; if the network is slow, try to switch to mobile network

ㅡ The Ethereum withdrawal has been credited to the wallet. Why is it still 0

Hello, I have seen your question and am sorting out the answer. Please wait a moment ~ [Abstract]

I have withdrawn money from Ethereum, what’s wrong with my wallet? Or 0? [Ask a question]

Hello, I have seen your question and I am sorting out the answer. Please wait a moment~ [Answer]

There are two possibilities, one may not be available on the platform To transfer coins to you, you need to consult customer service. The second wallet problem failed to receive your response. I mentioned this situation before on the ZB platform. The platform customer service said there was a problem with the wallet and then refunded it to my original account. [Answer]

The platform customer service did not even have to ask [Ask a question]

I called and the payment was successfully collected [Ask a question]

Is there something wrong with the system? [Answer]


< /p>

㈣ The currency withdrawal from the exchange to the WaykiChain wallet has not arrived for a long time

1. First of all, the withdrawal of currency from the trading platform needs to be reviewed.To verify, you must first confirm whether the trading platform has issued the transaction. If not, please go to the trading platform and contact the relevant personnel; 2. Secondly, although some trading platforms prompt that the transaction is successful, it only means that the trading platform has sent the transaction information to the public chain. Next, you need to wait for the miner to package the transaction. Only after the miner successfully packages and confirms the transaction can the transaction be deemed successful. If you do not find the transaction information on the block explorer, it means that the miner has not packaged the transaction. 3. If it has been a long time since the currency was issued on the trading platform and you still cannot find any information about the transaction on the block browser, then it is possible that the transaction has been abandoned. Please contact the transaction that issued the currency in time. The platform resends the transaction. 4. Finally, if the transaction record has been queried on the block explorer, but is not displayed in WaykiChain, you can try to refresh the asset page and check whether the network is normal, and you can try to switch the network.

㈤ I have withdrawn money from Ethereum, but my wallet is still 0.

There are two possibilities. One is that the platform did not transfer coins to you, so you need to consult customer service. The second wallet problem failed to receive your response. I mentioned this situation before on the ZB platform. The platform customer service said there was a problem with the wallet and then refunded it to my original account.

㈥ What to do if the Binance channel is transferred to Ethereum and the coins are not received?

If the Ethereum withdrawal cannot be made, you should first confirm whether the platform is under review or the coins have been transferred. If it is under review , waiting for platform review. If the currency has been transferred, please check on the block.

There are two reasons for failure to withdraw Ethereum coins. The first type is that Ethereum investors withdraw Ethereum on an exchange platform, but find that eth has not been received; The second type is that some investors have paid the corresponding purchase price and handling fees as prompted during the purchase transaction of Ethereum, but found that Ethereum has not received the withdrawal. [Abstract]
How to remedy the problem of not receiving coins after transferring to Ethereum from Binance channel [Question]
If Ethereum cannot withdraw coins, you should first confirm whether the platform is under review or the coins have been transferred. If it is under review , waiting for platform review. If the currency has been transferred, please check on the block.

There are two reasons for failure to withdraw Ethereum coins. The first type is that Ethereum investors withdraw Ethereum on an exchange platform, but find that eth has not been received; The second type is that some investors have paid the corresponding purchase price and handling fees as prompted during the purchase transaction of Ethereum, but found that Ethereum has not received the withdrawal. 【Answer】
I am in TIt has been almost three hours since I transferred the USDT from the Binance channel of my P wallet to the Ethereum channel of the Panda Exchange, but it has not arrived. The Binance channel of my TP wallet has shown that the transfer was successful. How should I remedy the situation? ? Thank you【Question】
? ? ? ? ? 【Question】
Is it today? [Answer]
Today is Saturday, there is a delay in withdrawals [Answer]

㈦ What should I do if the Rightbtc withdrawal fails?

The RIGHTBTC trading platform should close down and the only option is to recharge It’s difficult to withdraw money and give birth to a child. It’s been four days since I applied for a withdrawal and it’s still under review. I contacted customer service many times and the answer was TMD’s official answer, which is just not working. I applied to cancel the withdrawal and it was canceled in a few minutes. , I advise friends who have not yet traded on R.net to stay away from R.net. Friends who have already traded on R.net, pay attention to the risks of the platform, and switch as soon as possible!

㈧ How long does it take for heco withdrawals to arrive?

It takes approximately two hours. Because the general withdrawal time of Huobi Network is 10-60 minutes, the specific time of withdrawing coins depends on the confirmation speed of the network block. This confirmation is not completed by Huobi Network, but is confirmed by the miners of the network block. , because to withdraw coins to other platforms, you need to contact other platforms specifically to know the exact time
Extended information:
1. Bitcoin withdrawal means that the user mentions the Bitcoin on the platform to his own wallet, ensuring that the Bitcoin Coin security. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency that does not rely on the issuance of a specific currency institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations based on a specific algorithm. Its total quantity is very limited and it is extremely scarce.
2. Bitcoin does not have a centralized issuer and can be bought and sold on any computer connected to the Internet. No matter where you are, anyone can mine, buy, sell or collect, and outsiders cannot identify it during the transaction. User identity information supports global 7*24-hour transactions, and domestic Bitcoin transactions are not allowed.
3. The process of mining Bitcoin is called mining. It usually goes through these steps, which are preparation, finding a mining pool, registering a mining pool account, setting up a mining pool account, and downloading a Bitcoin miner ( Software), Bitcoin mining machine configuration; after the above steps, you can mine.
4. Digital currency, referred to as DIGICCY, is an unregulated, digital currency that is not issued by central banks or authorities, nor is it linked to legal tender. However, because it is accepted by the public, it can be used as a means of payment, or as a means of payment. Transfer, storage or transaction in electronic form. It is worth mentioning that digital currency uses blockchain technology.
5. Online banking, also known as Internet banking, online banking or electronic banking, is a virtual counter set up by banks on the Internet. Banks use network technology to provide customers with account opening, account cancellation, inquiry, reconciliation, Traditional services such as intra-bank transfers, inter-bank transfers, credit, online securities, investment and financial management, enable customers to safely and conveniently manage current and time deposits, checks, credit cards and personal investments without leaving home.
6. Bank of China has established a homepage on the international Internet and is the first to publish information on the Internet. At present, financial institutions such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, CITIC Industrial Bank, Minsheng Bank, China Merchants Bank, China Pacific Insurance Company, and China Life Insurance Company have all set up websites on the international Internet.
7. E-wallet is a commonly used payment tool in e-commerce shopping (especially small-amount shopping). E-wallet users usually have accounts in banks. When using an electronic wallet, first install the corresponding application software, and then use the electronic wallet service system to input the electronic currency in your account. When a payment occurs, users simply click on the corresponding item on their computer. The system is equipped with a functional management module for electronic money and electronic wallets, called the electronic money wallet manager. Users can use it to change passwords or confidentiality methods, and use it to view accounts, lists and other data of electronic currency receipts and payments in their bank accounts. The system also provides an electronic transaction recorder. Customers can learn about their shopping records by querying the recorder.

㈨ It has been 8 days since the inter-bank transfer has not arrived, nor has there been a refund

After we transfer, sometimes the transfer does not arrive for a long time. Many users are very worried. I was anxious and even thought my coins were lost. Tokenview received a request for help from a user nicknamed Harbor. The email stated that the user lost USDT when making a USDT transfer. The user provided the withdrawal address, transaction ID, receiving address, transfer amount and transfer time, and asked if it could be retrieved.

First of all, we need to determine the reason why the account has not been received. Generally speaking, there are four reasons why the transfer does not arrive:
1. The address is filled in incorrectly
2. The network is congested and the transfer has not yet been received
3. The number of confirmations has not reached the standard and the transfer has not yet been received.
4. The transaction fee was insufficient and the transaction was returned
We will analyze it one by one. If it is the first case, the address is incorrect. There are roughly two types of incorrect address filling. The first case is that the address type is incorrectly filled in, or the format is wrong. In this case, the transfer may not proceed smoothly, and the corresponding wallet software will prompt. If the transaction cannot be initiated, there will be no coin loss. However, it is not impossible to initiate a transaction if the type is filled in incorrectly. For example, if we withdraw USDT-OMNI to USDT-ERC20, the coins will be lost, and the lost coins cannot be retrieved. The second situation is that the address is the corresponding address on the chain, but it is filled in as someone else's address by mistake. In this case, the transaction will be initiated smoothly. After the transaction is uploaded to the chain, based on the irreversible characteristics of the blockchain, no one can withdraw the transaction unless the recipient transfers the currency back to the original address for some reason.
How to determine whether the receiving address is filled in incorrectly? We copy the transaction ID, or directly copy our transfer address, and enter it through the Tokenview block browser.line query. By querying the transaction ID provided by the user, we can find that the user made a Huobi withdrawal operation, and the transfer address does not match the transfer address provided by the user. That is to say, for some reason, the user will USDT was transferred to the wrong address.

In this case, the transaction will be irreversible unless the holder who changed the receiving address is willing to return this "magic fortune" to the original route. However, due to the anonymity of the blockchain, except for the exchange deposit and withdrawal addresses marked by Tokenview and some large addresses, we cannot locate the owners of the other BTC and USDT addresses through address hashes. Therefore, it can be said that here In this case, the chances of recovering the coins are slim.
The second situation is network congestion. In this case, all we can do is wait for the transaction to be packaged and uploaded to the chain. We can see if the transaction exists in the Pending transaction pool on tokenview.com. For example: https://btc.tokenview.com/cn/pending.
The third situation generally occurs when depositing coins on the trading platform. When a transaction is uploaded to the chain, the number of confirmations is 1. However, different exchanges have different requirements for the number of confirmations. For example, most of the confirmation numbers for Bitcoin require 6 before the recharge is confirmed, while for Ethereum it is 12. . We can query the number of transactions through tokenview.com. If the number of transactions has not reached the requirement, we still need to wait patiently.
The last situation is that the handling fee is insufficient and the transaction is returned. In this case the transaction will fail. Take Ethereum transfers as an example. If the handling fee is insufficient, the handling fee will be deducted from this transaction and the ETH will be returned to the transfer address. There will be no coin loss.
We have already introduced several situations in which the transfer does not arrive. The most important thing is that everyone must double-check whether the transaction address is filled in correctly before transferring money. If you are transferring USDT, be sure to confirm its USDT type. Is it OMNI, ERC20, or TRC20? Avoid the accident of filling in the wrong type and losing coins, thus causing losses.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 币圈四大交易所币安网(Binance)、火币网(Huobi)、OKEX、k网拓展资料:1、币安网是由前okcoin创始人赵长鹏(CZ)领导干部的一群数字货币发烧友建立而成的一个潜心区块链财产的平台