塔兰币骗局 塔兰特币寓言

A. 比特币矿机托管收费


B. 吉比特挖矿是不是传销,为什么只能用比特币支付租金


C. 挖比特币真的能赚钱吗

至于成本,每个人都会不同,我们来看看一个平均数:2017年研究机构Elite Fixtures的数据显示,在目前挖矿的115个国家中,委内瑞拉最便宜,为513美元,而韩国是最贵的,为26170美元(所以在韩国挖矿妥妥是脑袋被驴踢了)。

A. Bitcoin mining machine hosting charges

The standards for this charge are different. At present, the mining machine financial plans launched by domestic mining machine manufacturers and trading platforms basically adopt the method of mining machine hosting. You only need to purchase their cloud computing power to mine, and they will complete the equipment installation and deployment. It is very convenient, but a certain handling fee is required as a management fee or a mining machine hosting fee. Of course, there are also some specialized mining machine hosting merchants. You are responsible for purchasing the equipment, and they are responsible for installing mining and hosting your mining machine, but they need to pay a management fee.

B. Is gigabit mining a pyramid scheme? Why can you only use Bitcoin to pay rent?

It is said that the country does not support and does not protect digital currency transaction customers, so if you use digital currency Customers who are defrauded in their transactions are simply doing so to themselves.

C. Can you really make money by mining Bitcoin?

The price of Bitcoin has risen suddenly. The old miners who have left the industry have begun to return, and many newcomers have also emerged. I entered the mining industry, but the price has increased and the difficulty of mining Bitcoin has also increased. How can I make money from mining now?
------Let’s talk about the cost of Bitcoin mining------
If you want to make money in anything, the first thing to consider is the cost. It is worth doing if the benefits are greater than the costs. As for one vote, everyone knows how much Bitcoin costs, so let’s calculate the cost.
1. Mining machine cost: The "numbering" of Bitcoin is a problem-solving process that cannot be calculated by the human brain alone. This requires miners to buy mining machines and keep calculating. The more, the stronger the computing power.
2. Electricity cost: Mining machines are all high-power "power consumers". How much power do they consume? Let’s put it this way, the current power consumption of Bitcoin and Ethereum mining has exceeded that of small countries such as Jordan, Iceland, and Libya, ranking 71st among all countries and regions in the world. The electricity bill is so expensive that you want to cry.
3. Rent of the site where the mining machine is placed: Because the mining machine consumes very much power, the power supply load of ordinary residential buildings cannot be guaranteed at all. Therefore, mining must rent a separate commercial site, and the rent is much more expensive than that of ordinary residential buildings.
4. Operating costs: In order to ensure computing power, high-power mining machines need to work 24 hours a day, which requires someone to maintain them at any time. When there is a problem with the mining machine, it costs money to hire people; at the same time, the mining machine needs to be maintained at all times. The machine is very delicate and will stop working if it is too hot or too cold. This requires air-cooling and water-cooling insulation measures to help the mining machine operate, which is another expense.
5. Mining machine update cost: As Bitcoin is becoming more and more difficult to mine, a machine that was very capable of mining a month ago may not be able to mine anything today, and machines with greater computing power will also be launched on the market at the same time. Mining machine, the original mining machine will become worthless immediately. If you want to maintain the computing power, you need to buy a new mining machine.
The above-mentioned Bitcoin mining costs have a marginal effect, that is, the larger the size, the lower the corresponding cost. Therefore, some very large mines have been built.
The Bitcoins mined in the mine will enter the mining pool.distributed among all participants. Large mining farms will be established in places where labor and electricity are cheap, such as Venezuela, the legendary miners' paradise, or Iceland, which has a suitable climate and cheap electricity.
As for the cost, it will be different for everyone, let’s take a look at an average: 2017 data from the research agency Elite Fixtures shows that among the 115 countries currently mining, Venezuela is the cheapest at $513, while South Korea It is the most expensive, at $26,170 (so mining in South Korea is like being kicked in the head by a donkey).
China’s mining cost is US$3,172, which is relatively low among 115 countries. However, this cost is an average. Large-scale mining farms built on low electricity prices will definitely be much lower. If you are a solo worker Xia, this cost will definitely increase significantly.
In short, if you really want to make money from mining, first of all, unless you are very wealthy and can build a mine with thousands of machines by yourself, it is best to join a mine to mine together. Although mining The coins received must be divided together, but because it can significantly reduce costs and increase computing power, it is still appropriate in the long run.
Secondly, whether you dig by yourself or join a mine, you must choose a place with cheap electricity, preferably a city with rich hydropower resources, because hydropower is currently the cheapest source of power generation in the country.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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