比特币矿机场现在能运行吗知乎 比特币矿机场现在能运行吗最新消息

1. 比特币的矿机被关停,GEC的矿机会关吗

你好 很高兴回答你的问题
QKL123 数据显示,当前比特币全网平均算力129.52EH/s,相比历史最高点197.61EH/s (5月13日)已经跌去34%。
同时据OKLink数据显示,AntPool、Poolin、Huobi Pool等具有中国背景的排名全球前十的比特币矿池算力急剧下降,近24小时算力下降幅度分别是21.05%、16.45%、31.19%。
比特币等矿机被集体断电 四川今日关闭所有矿场【摘要】
你好 很高兴回答你的问题
QKL123 数据显示,当前比特币全网平均算力129.52EH/s,相比历史最高点197.61EH/s (5月13日)已经跌去34%。
同时据OKLink数据显示,AntPool、Poolin、Huobi Pool等具有中国背景的排名全球前十的比特币矿池算力急剧下降,近24小时算力下降幅度分别是21.05%、16.45%、31.19%。
比特币等矿机被集体断电 四川今日关闭所有矿场【回答】

2. 比特币矿机运行的矿场到底合法吗


3. 比特币矿机可以玩游戏吗

现在买电脑挖矿基本上是挖不到比特币,更别谈挣钱了。如果在两年之前还行,那时候币价低,挖矿的人少,人们把比特币当做是一种游戏,但随着币价的上涨,人们开始使用显卡挖矿,俗称烧显卡,但后来,人们又发现ASIC矿机挖矿的速度更快,于是,GPU、CPU挖矿逐渐退出了历史舞台,ASIC矿机一统天下。现在挖矿是非常专业的事情,挖矿的成本已经接近甚至超过了币价。散户挖矿基本上无利可图。挖矿逐渐走向了集中化。 建议你不要想挖矿了,如果对比特币感兴趣可以买点比特币或者买个低算力的矿机,俗称USB矿机,和U盘大小差不多,去体验一下挖矿就行了。

4. 现在还能挖矿比特币吗


5. 比特币挖矿机怎么运行的



6. 比特币矿机大部分关停后比特币还能运作吗


7. 我是个小白 现在比特币还能玩吗


8. 比特币挖矿机现在还能挖到币吗


9. 比特币矿机怎么运行的


10. 现在比特币还可以挖矿吗一天可以挖多少比特币

1. Bitcoin mining machines have been shut down. Will GEC’s mining machines be shut down?

Hello, I am happy to answer your questions
Not long ago, Sichuan announced a crackdown on Bitcoin, etc. In digital currency mining, there are reports that at midnight on June 20, all mines in Sichuan were collectively cut off power, and Bitcoin miners who had no time to transfer suffered huge losses as a result.
It is reported that Sichuan is the largest gathering place of Bitcoin miners in China and even the world, with approximately 8 million loads being used for cryptocurrency mining.
Industry insiders said, “With the withdrawal of mining in Sichuan, the most tragic moment for miners is ushered in for the first time in the history of blockchain. Only the future will know how far-reaching the historical significance of this time is.”
QKL123 data shows that the current average computing power of the entire Bitcoin network is 129.52EH/s, which has dropped 34% from the historical high of 197.61EH/s (May 13).
At the same time, according to OKLink data, the computing power of the top ten Bitcoin mining pools with Chinese backgrounds such as AntPool, Poolin, and Huobi Pool has dropped sharply. In the past 24 hours, the computing power has dropped by 21.05%, 16.45%, 31.19%.
A few days ago, a notice was circulated on the Internet about the closure of virtual currency mining projects in Sichuan. The document showed that cities (states) had completed the screening, cleanup and inspection of 26 suspected key virtual currency mining projects in the province before June 20. Shut down work and require power generation companies to immediately stop supplying power to virtual currency mining projects and report self-examination and rectification before June 25. In addition, city (state) governments are also required to conduct dragnet investigations and immediately shut down mining projects discovered.
Bitcoin and other mining machines have been collectively powered off. Sichuan has closed all mines today [Abstract]
Bitcoin mining machines have been shut down. Will GEC’s mining machines be shut down? [Question]
Hello I am happy to answer your question
Not long ago, Sichuan announced a crackdown on Bitcoin and other digital currency mining. It was reported that at 0:00 on June 20, all mines in Sichuan were collectively cut off power. Bitcoin miners who were too late to move suffered huge losses as a result. loss.
It is reported that Sichuan is the largest gathering place of Bitcoin miners in China and even the world, with approximately 8 million loads being used for cryptocurrency mining.
Industry insiders said, “With the withdrawal of mining in Sichuan, the most tragic moment for miners is ushered in for the first time in the history of blockchain. Only the future will know how far-reaching the historical significance of this time is.”
QKL123 data shows that the current average computing power of the entire Bitcoin network is 129.52EH/s, which has dropped 34% from the historical high of 197.61EH/s (May 13).
At the same time, according to OKLink data, the computing power of the world's top ten Bitcoin mining pools with Chinese backgrounds, such as AntPool, Poolin, and Huobi Pool, has dropped sharply. In the past 24 hours, the computing power has dropped by 21.05% and 16.45% respectively.%, 31.19%.
A few days ago, a notice was circulated on the Internet about the closure of virtual currency mining projects in Sichuan. The document showed that cities (states) had completed the screening, cleanup and inspection of 26 suspected key virtual currency mining projects in the province before June 20. Shut down work and require power generation companies to immediately stop supplying power to virtual currency mining projects and report self-examination and rectification before June 25. In addition, city (state) governments are also required to conduct dragnet investigations and immediately shut down mining projects discovered.
Bitcoin and other mining machines were collectively powered off. Sichuan closed all mines today [Answer]
I am concerned about the future of GEC, can you tell me [Question]
GEC has been running for more than 4 years , has made countless billionaires, but there are always articles saying that it is a pyramid scheme. What do you think [Ask a question]
GEC’s philosophy is to be environmentally friendly, and the consensus is getting higher and higher [Ask a question]
Digital currency is the future development trend. GEC digital currency is not a capital basin project to attract people to invest. GEC mathematical currency, also known as environmentally friendly digital currency, is a digital currency issued by the International Environmental Protection Foundation. It calls on all mankind to protect the earth's ecological environment, so that everyone has a certain economic foundation to contribute to creating a green ecological earth. Use the issuance Promote the situation of environmentally friendly digital currencies and let more people participate! [Answer]

2. Is the mine run by the Bitcoin mining machine legal?

There is no accurate answer. Now we recognize technology and not hype. Some places are looking for it

3. Can Bitcoin mining machines play games?

Nowadays, if you buy a computer for mining, you basically cannot mine Bitcoin, let alone make money. If it was okay two years ago, when the currency price was low and there were few people mining, people regarded Bitcoin as a game. But as the currency price rose, people began to use graphics cards for mining, commonly known as burning graphics cards, but Later, people discovered that ASIC mining machines can mine faster. As a result, GPU and CPU mining gradually withdrew from the stage of history, and ASIC mining machines dominated the world. Mining is now a very professional matter, and the cost of mining has approached or even exceeded the currency price. Retail mining is basically unprofitable. Mining is gradually moving towards centralization. It is recommended that you stop thinking about mining. If you are interested in Bitcoin, you can buy some Bitcoins or buy a mining machine with low computing power, commonly known as a USB mining machine, which is about the same size as a USB flash drive. Just go and experience mining.

4. Can I still mine Bitcoin now?

As a blockchain researcher, I often encounter many new people asking this question. In fact, if you want to own a Bitcoin, there are two main ways. The first is to purchase it directly from the corresponding digital currency exchange; the second is to mine and obtain Bitcoin yourself.
Let’s talk about mining first. Mining is currently the main way to obtain Bitcoin, but the current threshold for mining is relatively high. If you choose to mine by yourself, you first need to understand certain technologies and then download the Bitcoin clientOn the other hand, follow the online Bitcoin mining tutorials to mine yourself.
However, please note that in theory, Bitcoin can still be mined using computers or graphics cards. However, due to the development of mining in recent years, the current computing power of Bitcoin’s entire network is extremely terrifying (exceeding supercomputers) , so if you want a computer or graphics card for mining, you basically can’t mine Bitcoin. If you want to mine Bitcoin, you still need to buy a mining machine. The better mainstream mining machines on the market now cost tens of thousands. Of course, there are also cheap second-hand mining machines, but these second-hand mining machines are obsolete mining machines, and the electricity cost for mining is relatively high.
As for the second direct purchase method, digital currency exchanges are places that specialize in Bitcoin transactions. If you want to own a Bitcoin, just use money to purchase it there. However, it should be noted that there are currently many digital currency exchanges on the market, and many small exchanges specialize in cutting off users and taking losses from them. Therefore, when choosing an exchange, it is best to focus on the top exchanges. For example, I have been using Hufu, one of the leading exchanges in China, for the past two years and it is still very stable and safe.

5. How does a Bitcoin mining machine work?

When mining Bitcoin, the first thing to pay attention to is computing power, power consumption, and stable performance. Computing power,

Bitcoin mining is compared with problem-solving speed, so it is self-evident how important speed is; power consumption is directly related to efficiency, that is, cost expenditure; stable performance, mainly Look at the stability of the computing power when the operating frequency remains unchanged.

6. Can Bitcoin still operate after most of the Bitcoin mining machines are shut down?

Brother, stop it, Bitcoin is a virtual currency. It has no value. It is just a group of people speculating on cutting leeks. Don’t have any illusions about virtual currency.

7. I am a novice, can I still play with Bitcoin?

The country bans Bitcoin trading platforms to prevent Chinese people from speculating in Bitcoin, but it supports mining Bitcoin because Bitcoin It is the most high-end and marketable digital currency in the world. As long as you own Bitcoin, you are equivalent to having a lot of wealth. Now the only way to obtain Bitcoin is to produce Bitcoin through a Bitcoin mining machine. Currently, Bitcoin is produced on the market. The most high-end mining machines include Whatsminer M3 Antminer S9 and so on. 70% of the Bitcoin mining machines used in the world come from China, so the Chinese have the most high-end Bitcoin mining machine production technology.

8. Can Bitcoin mining machines still mine coins?

Thank you.
The answer is yes. Bitcoin does not have a centralized issuer, but is generated by the calculation of network nodes. Anyone may participate in the creation of Bitcoin. But Bitcoins are not issued in unlimited quantities. According to calculations, by 2140, the total number of Bitcoins will reach the upper limit - 21 million. Recently, according to data from Blockchain.info, unless unexpected events occur, the 17 millionth Bitcoin is likely to be mined in the future.come out.
It should be clear that every newly mined Bitcoin block will generate 12.5 new Bitcoins. A new block will appear in the Bitcoin blockchain every 10 minutes, so every day Dating generates 1800 new Bitcoins. Since the reward is cut in half for every 210,000 blocks generated, mining becomes increasingly difficult, but this does not mean that Bitcoin mining machines can no longer mine Bitcoins. It also needs to be clear that Bitcoin will not stop running when the 21 millionth Bitcoin is generated, so even if the 1,700th Bitcoin will be mined, there are still 4 million Bitcoins waiting to be mined. Dig out. Even though it is getting more and more difficult to mine Bitcoin, it is not impossible, and it is said that new routing machines that originally mined digital gold will soon launch the function of mining Bitcoin. Compared with professional machines that can easily mine thousands of Bitcoin mining machines, machines with new routing are more affordable and have lower mining difficulty.
In the future, we believe that although Bitcoin has come a long way, Bitcoin still has further to go.

9. How does a Bitcoin mining machine work?

Mining is a process that increases the currency supply of Bitcoin. It also protects the security of the Bitcoin system and prevents fraudulent transactions. Miners They provide computing power to the Bitcoin network in exchange for the opportunity to receive Bitcoin rewards.

10. Is it still possible to mine Bitcoin? How many Bitcoins can be mined in a day?

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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