比特币永续合约20倍和10倍的区别是什么 比特币永续合约20倍和10倍的区别在哪

『壹』 永续合约是什么意思,能不能说简单点









『贰』 比特币永续合约怎么样


『叁』 OKEX永续合约和普通合约交易相比有什么不同



买卖风险:很多新手有投资股票的经验,自认为是老鸟,但是在这里你要把自己当做新人,菜鸟,要学习。Okex的合约交易杠杠风险很大,也可以设置触发价格,但是在暴跌的时候会出现来不及成交的情况,比方你开了多仓,设定的某个价格触发平仓止损比方说10块钱吧,但是价格瞬间从10.5跌倒9块的时候,有可能你设置的10块钱触发价格是无法成交的,因为跌的太快了,这个主要是合约的流动性的问题了,所以这点要清楚,做合约一定要选流动性好的,在okex上可以选择像 btc,eth,eos等这些主流的合约来做,BTG、XRP、BCH流动性就比较差一点,自己去拿捏吧。


那止损的策略呢,也是一样的,分成几个批次,还是以上面的合约为例,在100元的价格做多100份合约,那设置止损的价格是亏损15% 和30%的时候止损,因为我们上面讲到,价格波动1%是很随机的,如果波动1%,你开的是10倍杠杆的,你的合约收益也会对应波动10% ,当然也有一些是通过支撑位和压力位置来做止损止盈,我们后面再讲。

『肆』 比特币合约交易是什么










『伍』 什么是永续合约永续合约与定期合约的区别是什么








-每8小时结算:通过每8小时结算(香 港时间04:00、12:00和20:00),将未实现盈亏转为实现盈亏,提高资金使用灵活性;

-阶梯维持保证金率制度:维持保证金率即用户维持当前仓位所需的最低保证金率。当保证金率低于维持保证金率时,即触发爆仓或强制部分减仓。对于不同仓位大小的用户,实行阶梯维持保证金率制度,即,用户的持仓 仓位越大,维持保证金率越高,用户可选的最高杠杆倍数越低;

-强制部分平仓:对于持仓 仓位较大,处于level 3及以上档位的用户,当保证金率低于当前档位维持保证金率,但高于最低档位维持保证金率时,不会直接将全部仓位爆仓。系统将计算将仓位降低两个档位所需减仓张数,进行部分减仓。成功降档后,如果保证金率满足新档位的维持保证金率要求,部分减仓停止;如果依然不满足新档位的维持保证金率要求,将继续循环部分减仓流程。逐仓模式下,强制部分减仓过程中,该仓位被冻结无法进行相关操作;全仓模式下,强制部分减仓过程中,永续合约该币种账户被冻结无法进行相关操作。

『陆』 比特币永续合约中的收益率是怎么计算的

就是收益率 = 收益 / 开仓时所需保证金。

『柒』 什么是比特币永续合约


『捌』 比特币期权和永续合约那些有什么区别


『玖』 合约交易和永续合约交易有差别吗


KuMEX 是KuCoin 旗下的数字货币衍生品平台,目前支持比特币永续及交割合约。还挺好用的。

『一』 What does a perpetual contract mean? Can you make it simpler?

A perpetual contract is a new type of contract that evolved from a traditional futures contract.

Compared with futures contracts, perpetual contracts have no expiration or settlement date. They are more like a margin spot market. Therefore its trading price is relatively close to the underlying reference index price.

Because the perpetual contract has no delivery date, it is more suitable for long-term positions. That is to say, as long as the position opened by the user is not liquidated and forcibly closed, it will never be closed passively. As long as your pending order is not withdrawn voluntarily, it will be retained forever until the transaction is completed.

(1) The difference between 20 times and 10 times the Bitcoin perpetual contract Extended reading:

The absence of a delivery date means that the perpetual contract There is no mandatory constraint on the price, so it becomes a gambling tool. In order to avoid this situation, the perpetual contract has the following provisions:

1. At a certain moment, when the futures price is greater than and significantly deviates from the spot price, the long side needs to pay the short side.

2. At a certain moment, when the futures price is less than and significantly deviates from the spot price, the short party needs to pay the long party.

3. The greater the deviation, the higher the payment rate.

『二』What about Bitcoin Perpetual Contracts

Bitcoin has four main characteristics: no centralized issuer, limited total amount, no geographical restrictions on use, and anonymity. Although Bitcoin is called "currency", because it is not issued by a monetary authority, it does not have monetary attributes such as legality and compulsory, and it is not a currency in the true sense. By nature, Bitcoin should be a specific virtual commodity that does not have the same legal status as currency and cannot and should not be used as currency in the market.

『三』 What is the difference between OKEX perpetual contract and ordinary contract trading?

The contract trading launched by Okex is the most enjoyable transaction so far. Margin trading allows users to Small gain is big, but at the same time the risk is doubled, high risk and high return. What are the things that newbies need to pay attention to when starting to do contract trading?

Newbies are advised to do 10 times the contract at the beginning, not 20 times

Leverage risk: This is easy to understand, for example, if you use 10 times the leverage If you open a trade and the price drops by 2%, your loss will be magnified 10 times, resulting in a loss of 20%. Moreover, these transactions are not as volatile as stocks. The 1% or 2% increase or decrease is very random, and it is possible The big boss of the platform, Dazhuang, is happy today. After a wave of crazy selling, the price has plummeted, so novices must have a corresponding understanding of the risks of this leverage.
Trading risks: Many novices have experience in investing in stocks and consider themselves veterans, but here you have to treat yourself as a newcomer, a rookie, and need to learn. Okex’s contract trading leverage is very risky, andYou can set a trigger price, but when there is a sharp decline, there will be situations where it is too late to complete the transaction. For example, if you open a long position and set a certain price to trigger the closing stop loss, let's say 10 yuan, but the price instantly drops from 10.5 to 9 yuan. When the price drops, it is possible that the trigger price of 10 yuan you set cannot be traded because it falls too fast. This is mainly a problem of the liquidity of the contract, so you must be clear about this. When making a contract, you must choose a contract with good liquidity. Yes, on okex, you can choose mainstream contracts such as btc, eth, eos, etc. BTG, XRP, and BCH have less liquidity, so you can make up your own mind.

Opening strategy: The contract trading here is actually a zero-sum game. When you make money, someone is losing money. If you want to make money here, just You know how to operate contract transactions better than most people. One thing that novices must pay attention to is position control. It is recommended that novices who have just started trading contracts should not put too much money in it. A few thousand to ten thousand yuan is enough. Yes, the contract does not require a lot of money to play. Let’s talk about opening a position. For example, if your capital is 10,000 yuan, it is recommended that you divide the position into 4-6 parts, and trade 1 part at a time. In this way, even if you make a wrong judgment on the transaction and stop the loss in time, your loss will not be very big. Big, of course I will talk about the stop loss strategy later. Position control determines your profits. Making money is nothing more than minimizing your trading losses and maximizing your profits. In addition, okex's contracts have 10x and 20x leverage. It is recommended to use 10x leverage. 20x leverage can easily lead to liquidation, and the risk is too great.

Selling strategy: Here we should talk about the strategy of closing positions, which can be divided into two situations, one is selling with stop profit and the other is selling with stop loss. Take profit selling. After the profit reaches a certain level, it is recommended to sell in batches. In a price range, sell a batch at a corresponding price. For example, you were long 100 contracts when the contract price was 100 yuan, and now it has increased. When it reaches 150 yuan, the profit-taking range can be set to 130-140. 10 contracts are sold at 131 yuan, 10 contracts are sold at 132... 10 contracts are sold at 140 yuan. The purpose of this setting is to say that if the price continues to rise, there will be no If the price you set is triggered, then your contract will continue to make money; if the price drops and half of the contracts are triggered, and half of the contracts are not triggered, and then the price stops falling and rises, then the other half of your contracts can still make money. , and your price cost is very low, and your mentality will be twice as good as what you are buying now; if the price reverses and falls, and all the contracts you set are triggered, it proves that the trend of this market has also reversed, so you can consider Make new contracts, or take a break to observe and wait for new opportunities.
The stop-loss strategy is also the same. It is divided into several batches. Let’s take the above contract as an example. If you go long 100 contracts at a price of 100 yuan, then the stop-loss price will be a loss of 15%. and stop loss at 30%, because as we mentioned above, the price fluctuation of 1% is very random.Yes, if the fluctuation is 1%, and you are opening a 10 times leverage, your contract income will also fluctuate by 10%. Of course, there are also some stop-loss and stop-profit measures based on support and pressure levels, which we will talk about later.
Position strategy: Control the position. This is something that almost everyone who makes contracts needs to know. Because the position is not well controlled, it is easy to liquidate the position. We are here to make money by playing contracts, not to pay tuition. , not for charity. The position strategy mentioned here can be divided into two situations. When the trend is unclear, a small position is used. Even if the loss is small, it is still a small amount of money; when the trend is obvious, a half position or a heavy position operation is used. This is what we call unilateral market conditions. , we must attack with heavy positions, because we want to make a lot of money in this part.
Building strategy: Many veterans who have been in the stock market for many years will cover their positions when stocks fall to reduce the cost of buying. However, this is not recommended in currency market transactions because the fluctuations are too high. Coupled with the leverage amplification, the position will be liquidated in minutes. It is recommended here for novices that when the contract in your hand is already profitable, you can add positions in batches. You can refer to the position opening strategy to add positions. In a losing contract, you must, must, never add a margin, learn to stop losses, and would rather cut off your profits and reopen a position than increase a position in a losing contract.

『四』What is Bitcoin contract trading

Similar to futures contracts, it is a trading method proposed by BitStar.

The leverage performance of the Bitcoin virtual contract is the stability of the leverage at the level of legal currency income: if you invest $100, the income you can get = $100 * the rise and fall of Bitcoin * fixed leverage multiple.

Suppose the current price is 500USD/BTC, and an investor buys one BTC at the current price with a principal of 500USD. At this time, the investor can go long 50 BTC virtual contracts.

If the price of BTC rises to US$750 at this time, an increase of 50%, the investor's contract income will be 3.3333 BTC. After selling at the current price, he can get US$2,500, and the income will be 5 times of his principal investment. .

Bitcoin futures offered by Bitcoin exchanges are usually traded in Bitcoin. Futures are opposite to spot goods. Spot goods are real commodities that can be paid and delivered in one hand. Futures are not actually "goods". They are an agreement (contract) that promises to deliver "goods" (subject matter) at a time in the future - a futures contract. .

(4) The difference between Bitcoin perpetual contract 20 times and 10 times Extended reading:

A futures contract is an agreement in which a buyer agrees to receive an asset at a specific price after a specified period of time, and a seller agrees to deliver an asset at a specified price after a specified period of time. The price that both parties agree to use for future transactions is called the futures price.

The specified date on which both parties must conduct transactions in the future is called the settlement date or delivery date. The asset that both parties agree to exchange is called the "subject"". If an investor takes a position in the market by buying a futures contract (that is, agreeing to buy at a future date), it is called a long position or going long on futures.

On the contrary, if the investor takes A position is to sell a futures contract (that is, to assume the contract responsibility of selling in the future), which is called a short position or shorting on futures.

『五』What is a perpetual contract? What is the difference between a perpetual contract and a fixed-term contract? What

Hello, it is recommended to use 58coin’s perpetual contract. Click this invitation link to register and get a discount on handling fees. 58coin is the first currency-based perpetual contract in the Asia-Pacific region and the first USDT-based perpetual contract in the world. The renewal contract is not only the first one to go online, but also holds 80% of the market position so far. You can register and experience it.

USDT perpetual contract is a digital currency with USDT as the pricing unit and settlement unit. Contract. At present, the USDT perpetual contract supports two-way trading of BTC/USDT, EOS/USDT and other contracts, and provides multiple leverages. The purpose is to allow the situation of the spot market to be replicated under high leverage conditions. The contract will not be settled and can be anchored through The established mechanism closely follows the index price of the underlying reference.

USDT is the pricing unit and settlement unit. You do not need to hold other digital currencies. You only need to hold USDT as one digital currency to trade BTC/USDT, etc. Multiple digital currency contracts, this basically eliminates the losses in the multi-currency conversion process. Of course, your profits are also settled in USDT. Your USDT contract account will only have USDT as an asset.

The main difference between perpetual contracts and fixed-term contracts is:

-Expiration date: Each delivery contract has a fixed expiration and delivery date, and the delivery price is the index-weighted average price one hour before delivery; Perpetual contracts have no expiry and delivery date and will never expire;

-Funding fees: Since there is no expiration and delivery date, perpetual contracts need to use a "funding fee mechanism" to anchor the contract price to the spot Price;

-Mark price: The perpetual contract uses the mark price to calculate the user’s unrealized profit and loss, effectively reducing unnecessary frequent liquidation during market fluctuations;

-Every 8 Hourly settlement: Through settlement every 8 hours (Hong Kong time 04:00, 12:00 and 20:00), unrealized profits and losses are converted into realized profits and losses, improving the flexibility of fund use;

-Ladder maintenance Margin rate system: The maintenance margin rate is the minimum margin rate required by users to maintain their current positions. When the margin rate is lower than the maintenance margin rate, a liquidation or forced partial reduction of positions is triggered. For users with different position sizes, a tiered maintenance margin rate is implemented system, that is, the larger the user's position, the higher the maintenance margin rate, and the lower the maximum leverage multiple that the user can select;

-Forced partial liquidation: For larger positions, at levelFor users with level 3 and above, when the margin rate is lower than the current level maintenance margin rate but higher than the lowest level maintenance margin rate, all positions will not be liquidated directly. The system will calculate the number of positions required to reduce the position by two levels and perform partial reduction. After a successful downgrade, if the margin rate meets the maintenance margin rate requirements of the new level, partial position reduction will stop; if it still does not meet the maintenance margin rate requirements of the new level, the partial reduction process will continue. In the isolated position mode, during the process of forced partial position reduction, the position is frozen and relevant operations cannot be performed; in the cross margin mode, during the process of forced partial position reduction, the currency account of the perpetual contract is frozen and relevant operations cannot be performed.

『Lu』 How is the rate of return in the Bitcoin perpetual contract calculated?

It is the rate of return = income / margin required when opening a position.

『撒』 What is Bitcoin Perpetual Contract

Bitcoin Perpetual Contract
Perpetual contract is an innovative financial derivative , is an upgrade based on traditional futures contracts. Unlike traditional futures contracts, which have delivery dates, the market is easy to be manipulated, with characteristics such as killing shorts, killing longs, and liquidating positions at fixed points. Perpetual contracts have no delivery date and are a new type of digital currency derivatives. They are between traditional spot and futures contracts. Traders can buy long or sell short, which can effectively avoid the risk of contract expiration. The risk of post-term swaps is a financial investment product that is extremely suitable for digital currency derivatives.

『8』What are the differences between Bitcoin options and perpetual contracts?

Bitcoin trading is not legal in China yet, and transactions are all done on overseas platforms.

『玖』 Is there any difference between contract trading and perpetual contract trading?

Perpetual contracts are developed on the basis of delivery contracts. The biggest feature is that there is no delivery date. If you hold it all the time, contract trading is more suitable for long-term investors, and it can also save handling fees caused by delivery. Perpetual contracts have flexible leverage multiples to choose from.

KuMEX is a digital currency derivatives platform owned by KuCoin. It currently supports Bitcoin perpetual and delivery contracts. It's quite useful.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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