币圈资治通鉴公众号怎么样 币圈资治通鉴

A. 资治通鉴的主要成就是什么啊(赶着要啊)


B. 资治通鉴是怎样被后人保存下来的


2. 清章钰《胡刻通鉴正文校宋记述略》认定是南宋光宗以前的刻本,《藏园群书经眼录》认定是南宋初期的建本,即号为景祐本者。
2. 明弘治元年至嘉靖三十八年刻并版本。
3. 元刻明修补本:明天启刻本,陈仁锡评阅,附刻刘恕《外纪》、胡三省《辨误》、薛应旆《宋元通鉴》与《甲子会要》,陈仁锡序;陈仁锡评阅本,明天启六年白口本,附薛应旆《宋元通鉴》,有墨印眉批朱笔圈点。
2. 清同治十年湖北崇文书局本。
3. 清光绪十四年上海蜚英馆石印本。该版本附毕沅《续资治通鉴》。
1. 民国元年:涵芬楼铅印本。附《通鉴释文》十二卷。
3. 上海国学整理社刊本。
4. 影印宋刻本,《四部丛刊》初编,民国十八年商务印书馆影印。《四库备要》,民国二十五年铅印。


C. 《资治通鉴》哪个版本的最好

历代《资治通鉴》的版本 (一)宋本: 1、 余姚官刻本:南宋高宗绍兴三年(1133年)由两浙东路茶盐司公使库下绍兴府余姚县重刻本孝宗朝或稍后印本,南宋的建、鄂、蜀诸种版本,都是直接或间接地来自于这一版本。 2、 清章钰《胡刻通鉴正文校宋记述略》认定是南宋光宗以前的刻本,《藏园群书经眼录》认定是南宋初期的建本,即号为景祐本者。 (二)明刊本: 1、 明代正德嘉靖年间兴文署原版归入南雍,历朝多次修补。 2、 明弘治元年至嘉靖三十八年刻并版本 3、 元刻明修补本:明天启刻本,陈仁锡评阅,附刻刘恕《外纪》、胡三省《辨误》、薛应旆《宋元通鉴》与《甲子会要》,陈仁锡序;陈仁锡评阅本,明天启六年白口本,附薛应旆《宋元通鉴》,有墨印眉批朱笔圈点。 (三)清刻本: 1、 胡克家本:清仁宗嘉庆二十一年(1816年),胡克家仿刻兴文署本;清仁宗嘉庆二十一年,胡克家原刻印本,清同治八年江苏书局修补本。 2、 清同治十年湖北崇文书局本。 3、 清光绪十四年上海蜚英馆石印本。该版本附毕沅《续资治通鉴》。 (四)民国刊本: 1、 民国元年:涵芬楼铅印本。附《通鉴释文》十二卷。 2、 百衲本:书题作《百衲本宋本资治通鉴》,民国八年商务印书馆附设图书馆影印本。 3、 上海国学整理社刊本。 4、 影印宋刻本,《四部丛刊》初编,民国十八年商务印书馆影印。《四库备要》,民国二十五年铅印。 注:胡三省《资治通鉴音注》的注本最为人称道,现为最通行版本。白话版推荐:柏杨版--白话译本资治通鉴

D. 资治通鉴有多少内容、书有厚和薄

作品版本编辑宋本1.余姚官刻本:南宋高宗绍兴三年(1133年)由两浙东路茶盐司公使库下绍兴府余姚县重刻本孝宗朝或稍后印本,南宋的建、鄂、蜀诸种版本,都是直接或间接地来自于这一版本。2. 清章钰《胡刻通鉴正文校宋记述略》认定是南宋光宗以前的刻本,《藏园群书经眼录》认定是南宋初期的建本,即号为景祐本者。明刊本1.明代正德嘉靖年间兴文署原版归入南雍,历朝多次修补。资治通鉴 2. 明弘治元年至嘉靖三十八年刻并版本。3. 元刻明修补本:明天启刻本,陈仁锡评阅,附刻刘恕《外纪》、胡三省《辨误》、薛应旆《宋元通鉴》与《甲子会要》,陈仁锡序;陈仁锡评阅本,明天启六年白口本,附薛应旆《宋元通鉴》,有墨印眉批朱笔圈点。清刻本1.胡克家本:清仁宗嘉庆二十一年(1816年),胡克家仿刻兴文署本;清仁宗嘉庆二十一年,胡克家原刻印本,清同治八年江苏书局修补本。2. 清同治十年湖北崇文书局本。3. 清光绪十四年上海蜚英馆石印本。该版本附毕沅《续资治通鉴》。民国刊本资治通鉴 1. 民国元年:涵芬楼铅印本。附《通鉴释文》十二卷。2.百衲本:书题作《百衲本宋本资治通鉴》,民国八年商务印书馆附设图书馆影印本。3. 上海国学整理社刊本。4. 影印宋刻本,《四部丛刊》初编,民国十八年商务印书馆影印。《四库备要》,民国二十五年铅印。注:胡三省《资治通鉴音注》的注本最为人称道,现为最通行版本。翻译本(台湾)黄锦鋐等译《文白对照全译资治通鉴》(新世界出版社出版,2008年,没有古人的夹注)沈志华、张宏儒主编《资治通鉴文白对照》(中华书局出版,2009年)链接还有更详细的内容,http://ke..com/link?url=-CowfKu2xQBlktFyITeE4VKAkgeRn__

E. 怎么样看《资治通鉴》才能收获最大


F. 资治通鉴中讲了哪几个朝代的历史


G. <<资治通鉴>> 历代版本有哪些

1、 余姚官刻本:南宋高宗绍兴三年(1133年)由两浙东路茶盐司公使库下绍兴府余姚县重刻本孝宗朝或稍后印本,南宋的建、鄂、蜀诸种版本,都是直接或间接地来自于这一版本。
2、 清章钰《胡刻通鉴正文校宋记述略》认定是南宋光宗以前的刻本,《藏园群书经眼录》认定是南宋初期的建本,即号为景祐本者。
1、 明代正德嘉靖年间兴文署原版归入南雍,历朝多次修补。
2、 明弘治元年至嘉靖三十八年刻并版本
3、 元刻明修补本:明天启刻本,陈仁锡评阅,附刻刘恕《外纪》、胡三省《辨误》、薛应旆《宋元通鉴》与《甲子会要》,陈仁锡序;陈仁锡评阅本,明天启六年白口本,附薛应旆《宋元通鉴》,有墨印眉批朱笔圈点。
1、 胡克家本:清仁宗嘉庆二十一年(1816年),胡克家仿刻兴文署本;清仁宗嘉庆二十一年,胡克家原刻印本,清同治八年江苏书局修补本。
2、 清同治十年湖北崇文书局本。
3、 清光绪十四年上海蜚英馆石印本。该版本附毕沅《续资治通鉴》。
1、 民国元年:涵芬楼铅印本。附《通鉴释文》十二卷。
2、 百衲本:书题作《百衲本宋本资治通鉴》,民国八年商务印书馆附设图书馆影印本。
3、 上海国学整理社刊本。
4、 影印宋刻本,《四部丛刊》初编,民国十八年商务印书馆影印。《四库备要》,民国二十五年铅印。

H. 《资治通鉴》有哪些版本哪一本最好


A. What are the main achievements of Zizhi Tongjian (rush to get it)

"Zi Zhi Tongjian" is the first in the history of Chinese historical document compilation The chronological general history fully embodies Sima Guang's comprehensive view of literature and methodology. His unique document compilation method, scientific and unique compilation style, and historical thinking of seeking truth and testing credibility have left endless inspiration and reference for future generations. It is comprehensive in its entirety and has a grand and thoughtful content. It is unprecedented and a swan song for historians. It is a rare textbook for studying literature and philology.

B. How did Zizhi Tongjian come to be used by later generations? The Zizhi Tongjian preserved by people was engraved in different versions at different times, thus being preserved. But there are still imperfections in it. After "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" was written, in the eighth year of Yuanfeng, Fan Zuyu, Sima Kang, Huang Tingjian, Zhang Shunmin and others were ordered to redo the correction. In the first year of Yuanyou (1086), the correction was completed and sent to Hangzhou for engraving. The seventh year of Yuanyou was published. World. Jin Yuanyou is no longer visible. In the second year of Shaoxing, Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty (1132), Yuyao reprinted the edition, but most of it was incomplete. Zhonghua Book Company republished it based on the Yuan edition reprinted by Hu Ke's family in the Qing Dynasty, corrected it with punctuation, and republished it. This is the best version of "Tongjian".

Song version
1. Yuyao official engraving: In the third year of Shaoxing, Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty (1133), it was reprinted in Yuyao County, Shaoxing Prefecture, by the envoy of the Tea and Salt Company on Liangzhe East Road. are derived directly or indirectly from this version.
2. Zhang Yu of the Qing Dynasty's "Hu Ke Tongjian's Zhengwen Review of the Song Dynasty" was identified as a printed edition before Guangzong of the Southern Song Dynasty, and "Zangyuan Qunshu Jingyan Lu" was identified as a built edition in the early Southern Song Dynasty, that is, it was named Jingyou's edition.
Ming publication
1. During the Jiajing period of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty, the original version of the Xingwen Administration was transferred to Nanyong, and it was repaired many times in the past dynasties.
2. The edition was engraved and compiled from the first year of Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty to the thirty-eighth year of Jiajing.
3. Corrected version of Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty: Tomorrow Qi edition, reviewed by Chen Renxi, with engraved Liu Shu's "Waiji", Hu Sansheng's "Discrimination of Errors", Xue Yingyi's "Tongjian of Song and Yuan Dynasty" and "Jiazi Huiyao", preface by Chen Renxi; Chen Renxi's critical edition, Tomorrow Qi A white-coloured version dated six years ago, attached to Xue Yingyi's "Tongjian of the Song and Yuan Dynasties", with ink stamps and eyebrow markings and red pen circles.
1. The Hu Ke family version: the Hu Ke family imitated the Xingwen Administration version in the 21st year of the Jiaqing reign of Renzong in the Qing Dynasty (1816).
2. In the 10th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty, Hubei Chongwen Bureau.
3. Lithographed version from the Shanghai Feiying Museum in the 14th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. This edition is accompanied by Bi Yuan's "Xuzizhi Tongjian".
Republic of China edition
1. The first year of the Republic of China: Hanfenlou printed version. Twelve volumes of "Tongjian Shiwen" are attached.
2. Baini version: The title of the book is "Baini version of Song Ben Zi Zhi Tong Jian", a photocopy of the library attached to the Commercial Press in the 8th year of the Republic of China.
3. Shanghai Chinese Studies Collation Society.
4. Photocopy of the Song Dynasty edition, the first edition of "Sibu Congkan"Editor, photocopied by the Commercial Press in the 18th year of the Republic of China. "Siku Bei Yao", printed in the 25th year of the Republic of China.
The influence of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian":
"Zi Zhi Tong Jian" is a famous historical work in ancient China, which has always been valued and read by people. This book was edited by Sima Guang of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the Northern Song Dynasty, after a long period of melee since the Middle Tang Dynasty, the country achieved national unification, restored and developed the social economy, and prospered academic culture; at the same time, there were many internal affairs, ineffective military control, "poverty and weakness", and an unstable situation. This is a lively era, but also a very depressed era, an era of progress, but also a weak era. At that time, monarchs, generals and ministers, people with lofty ideals and benevolent people, and ordinary people were mostly thinking about how to live and looking for a way out. Therefore, there are those who advocate ruling the world with "Judo" and say that the laws of the ancestors are immutable; there are those who are determined to reform and implement reforms; there are those who live in poverty and are forced to take risks and rebel. People who have mastered cultural knowledge, especially historians such as Ouyang Xiu, Sima Guang, Fan Zuyu, etc., often face reality and review history, trying to summarize historical experience and lessons, and learn from history, in order to help govern the country and stabilize the country, and better solve problems. The reality is contradictory. Among them, Sima Guang's editor-in-chief "Tongjian" had the most prominent and representative purpose. It is named after "learning from the rise and fall of the past life and examining the gains and losses of today".
Sima Guang's thoughts, models and methods of document organization in "Zizhi Tongjian" not only produced fruitful results and enriched the theory of Chinese classical philology, but also had a profound impact on the development of philology.

"Zizhi Tongjian" (often shortened to "Tongjian") is a multi-volume chronological history book edited by Sima Guang of the Northern Song Dynasty. It has a total of 294 volumes and took 19 years to complete. It mainly uses time as the outline and events as the purpose. It starts from the 23rd year of King Weilie of Zhou Dynasty (403 BC) to the sixth year of Zhou Shizong's Xiande six years after the Five Dynasties (959 AD) when he conquered Huainan, covering 16 dynasties and 1362 years. History.
Zi Zhi Tong Jian is China's first chronological general history and occupies a very important position in Chinese official history books.

C. Which version of "Zizhi Tongjian" is the best

The versions of "Zi Zhi Tongjian" in the past dynasties (1) Song version: 1. Yuyao official version: Southern Song Dynasty Gao In the third year of Zong's reign in Shaoxing (1133), the Liangzhe East Road Tea and Salt Company's envoy in Yuyao County, Shaoxing Prefecture reprinted the Xiaozong Dynasty or later version. The Jian, E, and Shu versions of the Southern Song Dynasty all came directly or indirectly from for this version. 2. "Hu Ke Tongjian Zhengwen's Compilation of the Song Dynasty" written by Zhang Yu of the Qing Dynasty was identified as the engraving before Guangzong of the Southern Song Dynasty, and "Zangyuan Qunshu Jingyan Lu" was identified as the original edition of the early Southern Song Dynasty, that is, it was named Jingyou. (2) Ming edition: 1. The original version of the Xingwen Department in the Zhengde and Jiajing years of the Ming Dynasty was assigned to Nanyong, and has been repaired many times in the past dynasties. 2. Consolidated editions engraved from the first year of Hongzhi to the thirty-eighth year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty 3. The revised edition of the Yuan engraved edition: Tomorrow's edition, reviewed by Chen Renxi, with engraved editions of Liu Shu's "Waiji", Hu Sansheng's "Discrimination of Errors", and Xue Yingyi's "Tongjian of the Song and Yuan Dynasties" 》 and "Jiazi Hui Yao", preface by Chen Renxi; Chen Renxi's critical edition, Baikou edition in the sixth year of Qi tomorrow, attached to Xue Yingyi's "Tongjian of the Song and Yuan Dynasties", there are ink stamps, eyebrow markings and red pen circles. (3) Qing Dynasty Engraved Editions: 1. Hu Ke’s Family Edition: In the 21st year of Emperor Renzong’s Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1816), the Hu Ke family imitated the Xingwen Administration version; in the 21st year of the Emperor Renzong’s Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty, the original engraving edition by the Hu Ke family was published by Jiangsu Book Company in the eighth year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty. Patch copy. 2. Hubei Chongwen Bureau Edition in the 10th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty. 3. Lithographed copy from Shanghai Feiying Museum in the 14th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. This edition is accompanied by Bi Yuan's "Xuzizhi Tongjian". (4) Editions of the Republic of China: 1. The first year of the Republic of China: Printed edition of Hanfenlou. Twelve volumes of "Tongjian Shiwen" are attached. 2. Baini edition: The title of the book is "Baini edition of Song Ben Zi Zhi Tong Jian", a photocopy of the library attached to the Commercial Press in the 8th year of the Republic of China. 3. Shanghai Chinese Studies Collation Society. 4. Photocopy of the Song Dynasty edition, the first edition of "Four Bu Series", photocopied by the Commercial Press in the 18th year of the Republic of China. "Siku Bei Yao", printed in the 25th year of the Republic of China. Note: The annotated version of Hu Sansheng's "Zi Zhi Tong Jian Yin Zhu" is the most praised and is now the most popular version. Recommended vernacular version: Boyang Edition--the vernacular translation of Zizhi Tongjian

D. How much content does Zizhi Tongjian have and whether the book is thick or thin

"Zi Zhi Tongjian" The book has 294 volumes and about 3 million words. The content of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" is mainly about politics, military and ethnic relations, as well as economic, cultural and historical figures evaluation. The description of class policy serves as a warning to future generations.
Work version editing Song version 1. Yuyao official engraving: In the third year of Shaoxing, Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty (1133), it was reprinted in Yuyao County, Shaoxing Prefecture, by the envoy of the Tea and Salt Company on Liangzhe East Road. are derived directly or indirectly from this version. 2. Zhang Yu of the Qing Dynasty's "Hu Ke Tongjian's Zhengwen Review of the Song Dynasty" was identified as a printed edition before Guangzong of the Southern Song Dynasty, and "Zangyuan Qunshu Jingyan Lu" was identified as a built edition in the early Southern Song Dynasty, that is, it was named Jingyou's edition. Ming published version 1. During the Jiajing period of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty, the original version of the Xingwen Administration was transferred to Nanyong, and it was repaired many times in the past dynasties. Zizhi Tongjian 2. The edition was engraved and compiled from the first year of Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty to the thirty-eighth year of Jiajing. 3. Corrected version of Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty: Tomorrow Qi edition, reviewed by Chen Renxi, with engraved Liu Shu's "Waiji", Hu Sansheng's "Discrimination of Errors", Xue Yingyi's "Tongjian of Song and Yuan Dynasty" and "Jiazi Huiyao", preface by Chen Renxi; Chen Renxi's critical edition, Tomorrow Qi A white-coloured version dated six years ago, attached to Xue Yingyi's "Tongjian of the Song and Yuan Dynasties", with ink stamps and eyebrow markings and red pen circles. Qing Dynasty engraved version 1. The Hu Ke family version: the Hu Ke family imitated the Xingwen Administration version in the 21st year of the Jiaqing reign of Renzong in the Qing Dynasty (1816). 2. In the 10th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty, Hubei Chongwen Bureau. 3. Lithographed version from the Shanghai Feiying Museum in the 14th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. This edition is accompanied by Bi Yuan's "Xuzizhi Tongjian". The Republic of China’s Journal of Capital Governance 1. The first year of the Republic of China: Hanfenlou printed version. Twelve volumes of "Tongjian Shiwen" are attached. 2. Baini version: The title of the book is "Baini version of Song Ben Zi Zhi Tong Jian", a photocopy of the library attached to the Commercial Press in the 8th year of the Republic of China. 3. Shanghai Chinese Studies Collation Society. 4. Photocopy of Song Dynasty edition, first edition of "Four Parts Series", photocopied by The Commercial Press in the 18th year of the Republic of Chinaprint. "Siku Bei Yao", printed in the 25th year of the Republic of China. Note: The annotated version of Hu Sansheng's "Zi Zhi Tong Jian Yin Zhu" is the most praised and is now the most popular version. Translated version (Taiwan) Huang Jinhong and others translated "Wenbai Comparative Translation of Zizhi Tongjian" (published by New World Press, 2008, without ancient annotations) Shen Zhihua and Zhang Hongru edited "Zi Zhi Tongjian Wenbai Comparison" (Zhonghua Bookstore Publishing, 2009) The link has more detailed content, http://ke..com/link?url=-CowfKu2xQBlktFyITEE4VKAkgeRn__

E. How to gain the most from reading "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"

"Zi Zhi Tong Jian" is a must-read for readers of literature and history, and its value needs no further elaboration. But how to read such a big book?
You can first read "Introduction to Zizhi Tongjian" by Mr. Chai Degeng.
"Introduction" is a booklet, which is a popular reading for beginners. This is the transcript of a lecture given by Mr. Chai Degeng in 1963. The lectures are profound and simple, and are incomparable with many prestigious "Tongjianxue" works since the 1980s. When reading this book, I feel like I was being taught by someone personally. The essence of the academic methods taught by teachers and teachers is some experience and understanding of reading. This is generally not found anywhere, so it is particularly worthy of cherishing.
The ninth section is "How to read "Tongjian". An overview follows.
1. Basic method:
First of all, "It's not about turning over the book, but reading, that is, reading sentence by sentence." [Reading, not reading] but not reading line by line.
The key points in the process of reciting (in fact, the current punctuation notebooks can also be punctuated in the same way, and there are some errors in the text and annotations in the punctuation notebooks). Important or interesting content should be circled (can be replaced by underlining).
During the process of reciting, the mind should be free and think more. Can't catch up on tasks.
"Tongjian Geography", "Dictionary of Place Names", and "Atlas of China" [I can be lazy today and use the eight-volume "Historical Atlas of China". You can even use the electronic version of 2CD, which will improve the query efficiency a lot〕
Third, the whole thing should be read at least three times:
The first time: finish sentence by sentence, add eyebrows to mark the title . [This will naturally slow down the speed, read carefully, and have an overview and understanding, and read solidly] You should have ten lines per eye, not ten lines per eye.
Second pass: Check official history (mainly biographies) to check the information. During the verification, you can understand the calligraphy of "Tongjian" and gain a richer and more comprehensive understanding of history.
Third time: Have your own opinions and comments on "Tongjian".
Banknote cards are used to organize and save data conveniently and to deepen understanding. [Book writing is a very meaningful thing, not only for organizing information, but also for intensive reading of important passages. Chaoshu is actually the most intensive reading, even more so thanWhere to recite. Reading is reading line by line, reading is reading sentence by sentence, and writing is writing word by word. Many subtleties are often discovered and understood in writing. 〕
The above is my summary of Section 9 of "Introduction".
Mr. Chai came from Mr. Chen Yuan’s sect. Intensive reading of important classics and tracing the sources of historical materials are the entry-level methods of scholarship that Mr. Chen Yuan strongly advocates for postgraduate students.
Why don’t you think too much about it the first time you read it? Mr. Chen Yuan said: "People who have little education are good at making comments." In my experience, when I read it for the first time that day, I also added some comments and textual research. When I read it again, most of them are superficial and ridiculous, and they think they are original. It is often caused by ignorance or misunderstanding of the meaning of the text.
Mr. Chen Yuan talked about verifying previous works: "First, check whether the basis is correct: similarities and differences in versions, order of records, traditional and simplified citations; second, check whether the citations are sufficient; third, check whether there are errors in the narrative: Names of people, places, years, numbers, official names; 4. See whether the judgment is correct." This can be used as a reference.

F. Which dynasties’ history is mentioned in Zizhi Tongjian

A long chronicle history book edited by Sima Guang of the Northern Song Dynasty, with a total of 294 volumes and took 19 years. The recorded history was written from the 23rd year of King Weilie of Zhou Dynasty (403 BC) to the Sixth Year of Emperor Xiande of Later Zhou Dynasty (959 AD) when he conquered Huainan, covering 16 dynasties and a total of 1363 years of records. Detailed history. It is a chronological general history of China and plays an extremely important role in Chinese history books.
"Zizhi Tongjian" has 294 volumes, about more than 3 million words, and "Kaoyi" and "Catalog" have 30 volumes each. The historical period recorded in "Zizhi Tongjian" starts from the 23rd year of King Weilie of the Zhou Dynasty (403 BC) to the 6th year of Xiande of the Later Zhou Dynasty (959), a total of 1361 years. The whole book is divided into sixteen epochs according to dynasties, namely "Zhou Ji" in five volumes, "Qin Ji" in three volumes, "Han Ji" in 60 volumes, "Wei Ji" in ten volumes, "Jin Ji" in 40 volumes, and "Song Ji". "Sixteen volumes of "Qi Ji", 22 volumes of "Liang Ji", ten volumes of "Chen Ji", eight volumes of "Sui Ji", 81 volumes of "Tang Ji", and six volumes of "Hou Liang Ji" , "Records of the Later Tang Dynasty" in eight volumes, "Records of the Later Jin Dynasty" in six volumes, "Records of the Later Han Dynasty" in four volumes, and "Records of the Later Zhou Dynasty" in five volumes.

G. <> What are the versions of the past dynasties

The versions of "Zizhi Tongjian" in the past dynasties
(1) Song version:
1. Yuyao official engraving: In the third year of Shaoxing (1133), the third year of Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, it was reprinted in Yuyao County, Shaoxing Prefecture by the envoy of the Tea and Salt Company on Liangzhe East Road. version, all come directly or indirectly from this version.
2. Qing Zhangyu's "Hu Ke Tongjian Zhengwen's Compilation of the Song Dynasty" is identified as a printed edition before Guangzong of the Southern Song Dynasty, and "Zangyuan Qunshu Jingyan Lu" is identified as a built edition in the early Southern Song Dynasty, that is, it is the original version of Jingyou. .
(2) Ming Dynasty edition:
1. The original version of the Xingwen Bureau during the Zhengde and Jiajing years of the Ming Dynasty returned toAfter entering Nanyong, it was repaired many times in the past dynasties.
2. Combined editions engraved from the first year of Hongzhi to the thirty-eighth year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty
3. The revised edition of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty: Tomorrow's Qi edition, reviewed by Chen Renxi, with engraved editions of Liu Shu's "Waiji" and Hu Sansheng's "Discrimination of Errors", Xue Yingzuo's "Tongjian of the Song and Yuan Dynasties" and "Jiazi Huiyao", prefaced by Chen Renxi; Chen Renxi's critical edition, the white version of the sixth year of Qi tomorrow, attached to Xue Yingzuo's "Tongjian of the Song and Yuan Dynasties", with ink and eyebrow markings and red pen circles.
(3) Qing Dynasty Engraved Edition:
1. Hu Ke’s Family Edition: In the 21st year of Emperor Renzong’s Jiaqing Period in the Qing Dynasty (1816), the Hu Ke Family imitated the Xingwen Administration Edition; in the 21st year of Emperor Renzong’s Jiaqing Period in the Qing Dynasty, the Hu Ke Family Original Edition was engraved This edition was revised by Jiangsu Book Company in the 8th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty.
2. Hubei Chongwen Bureau Edition in the 10th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty.
3. Lithographed copy from Shanghai Feiying Museum in the 14th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. This edition is accompanied by Bi Yuan's "Xuzizhi Tongjian".
(4) Publications of the Republic of China:
1. The first year of the Republic of China: Printed version of Hanfenlou. Twelve volumes of "Tongjian Shiwen" are attached.
2. Baini edition: The title of the book is "Baini edition of Song Ben Zi Zhi Tong Jian", a photocopy of the library attached to the Commercial Press in the 8th year of the Republic of China.
3. Shanghai Chinese Studies Collation Society.
4. Photocopy of the Song Dynasty edition, the first edition of "Four Bu Series", photocopied by the Commercial Press in the 18th year of the Republic of China. "Siku Bei Yao", printed in the 25th year of the Republic of China.
Note: The annotated version of Hu Sansheng's "Zi Zhi Tong Jian Yin Zhu" is the most praised and is now the most popular version.

H. Which editions of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" are there and which one is the best

Summary: At present, the best one is Zhonghua Book Company

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