币圈十字星是什么意思? 币圈十字星运用图解

A. 股票k线图绿十子星是什么意思












B. K线图上的红十字星与绿十字星代表什么

一、 股票K线是什么意思?



C. 股价下跌出现绿十字星


D. 请问大家绿十字星收盘是什么意思





E. 绿色十字星什么意思我买的股票绿色十字星。


二、 不同情况下的十字星代表什么含义,对应的操作
1、 上涨/下跌十字星
不管十字星是阳线还是阴线,在实战中,研究的意义不大,因而对于阴线还是阳线的十字星,本质都是多空双方进攻无果,势均力敌,重要的是势均力敌的状态在哪个阶段出现,是上涨状态还是下跌状态, 位置处于高位还是处于低位,因而阳线和阴线不用过多研究,规避损本逐末。当然,除了十字星,我有一个更加准确判断买卖信号的方法,这个炒股必备神器了解下,买卖时机一目了然,点击链接马上领取:【AI辅助决策】买卖时机捕捉神器


F. 股票中红十字星和绿十字星分别代表什么





G. 绿色十字星表示什么


H. 绿色十字星,没量,后期会怎么走

要看该颗十字星 所处的位置,如果处在一个较低的位置,则可能是见底的信号,可适当买入。如果较高的位置,切是在上升途中,那么明天的走势很关键,很可能是上涨中继。总之,这个要具体问题,具体分析,具体对待。

I. 红十字星与绿十字星代表什么


二、 不同情况下的十字星代表什么含义,对应的操作
1、 上涨/下跌十字星
十字星是阳线又或者是阴线,在实战中,研究的意义不大,无论十字星是阴线还是阳线,实际上就是多空双方进攻无果,相持不下,关键的是势均力敌的状态在什么阶段出现,是上涨状态还是下跌状态, 位置处于高位还是处于低位,所以阳线和阴线可不做过多研究,避免本末倒置。当然,除了十字星,我有一个更加准确判断买卖信号的方法,这个炒股必备神器了解下,买卖时机一目了然,点击链接马上领取:【AI辅助决策】买卖时机捕捉神器


J. K线图里的绿色十字和红色十字、白色十字分别表示什么










A. What does the green cross star on the stock K-line chart mean?

The positions of the green cross stars in the stock K-line chart are different, and their meanings are also different.

For example, the low price area that appears at the end of a sustained decline is called

"Star of Hope", which is a signal of bottoming out and rising; the high price area that appears after a sustained rise , called the "evening star", which is a signal of peaking and turning. Cross stars often indicate that the market has reached a turning point, and investors need to pay close attention, adjust their trading strategies in a timely manner, and be prepared for changes.

Based on practical experience, the doji can be divided into small doji; large doji; long lower shadow doji; long upper shadow doji; T-shaped bald doji; inverted T-shaped barefoot doji and One word line, seven categories.

(1) Extended reading on the big green cross star in the currency circle:

The research and judgment skills of the cross star

1. Amount of energy According to the analysis, after the cross star trend appears, whether the market can rise and evolve into a truly strong market with a certain momentum, trading volume is one of the decisive factors.

If the volume can always remain moderately amplified before and after the cross star is formed, the cross star will evolve into a staged bottom form; if the trading volume cannot maintain sustained volume when the cross star trend is formed, it indicates market growth. If funds enter the market in a wait-and-see state with doubts, it will easily form a downward relay pattern.

2. Analyze from the transaction intensive area. The transaction intensive area is an important reference for the market trend, which is used to judge the high and low position of the cross star. The closer the cross star is to the core area of ​​the upper transaction intensive area, the easier it will be to form a downward relay pattern; when the cross star is formed, it will be closer to the core area of ​​the upper transaction intensive area. The farther the formed cross star is from the core area of ​​the upper-end transaction intensive area, the easier it is to form a staged bottom form.

3. From the analysis of market hot spots, if the hot spots tend to be concentrated and maintain a certain degree of continuity and appeal, the hot sectors will effectively form the characteristics of focus, which will lead to the intervention of incremental funds. Having a sense of direction is conducive to gathering market sentiment and funds, so that the market outlook can develop healthily, and the cross star will inevitably develop in the direction of a staged bottom form.

4. From the perspective of market trends, if the stock index is in a trend of repeated fluctuations and bottoming, most of the cross stars that appear are phased bottom forms, and investors can participate appropriately. If the stock index is in a downward channel, most of the cross stars formed in the downward channel are in the form of downward relays, and investors cannot easily buy them.

B. What do the red cross stars and green cross stars on the K-line chart mean?

The closing of the red cross star on the stock K-line chart means that the buying orders are greater than the selling orders, and the green cross star means that the buying orders are greater than the selling orders. It means that the selling orders are greater than the buying orders.
There is a common method for stock trading: look at the stock K-line. The stock market is ever-changing. We can use the K-line to find out some "laws" so that we can better apply them to daily stock operations
Let me explain in detail what the K-line is and teach you how to do it. Analyze it.
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1. What does the stock K-line mean?
The K-line chart is also called a candle chart, Japanese line, Yin-Yang line, etc. We often call it K-line. It was first used to analyze the trend of rice prices. Later, stocks, futures, options and other securities markets have it. a place.
The K-line is mainly composed of entities and shadow lines. It is a line that looks like a column. The part of the shadow line above the real body is called the upper shadow line, and the part below it is called the lower shadow line. The real body is divided into positive line and negative line.
Ps: The shadow line represents the highest and lowest trading price of the day, and the entity represents the opening price and closing price of the day.
There are many ways to represent the positive line, the most commonly used ones are red, white cylinders and black frame hollows, while green, black or blue solid columns are chosen to represent the negative lines,

In addition to the above In these, we will also see the "cross line", that is, the real part becomes a line
In fact, the meaning of the cross line is very simple. You can see from the cross line that the closing price of the day = the opening price.
Understanding the essence of the K-line, we can better grasp the buying and selling points (although there is no way to make specific predictions in the stock market, the K-line also has guiding significance). For novices, it is easiest to master it conveniently of.
Here I would like to remind everyone that K-line analysis is relatively difficult. For novice stock traders, it is recommended to use some auxiliary tools to help you judge whether a stock is worth buying.
For example, in the stock diagnosis link below, if you enter your favorite stock code, it will automatically help you with valuation, analysis of the market situation, etc. I used this method to transition when I first started trading stocks, and it is very convenient: [Free] Test the current valuation position of your stock?
Next, I will tell you some tips on K-line analysis to help you get through this stage of entry.
2. How to use stock K-line for technical analysis?
1. The real line is a negative line
At this time, the trading volume of the stock needs to be analyzed. If the trading volume is not large, it means that the stock price may fall in the short term; if the trading volume is large, then the stock price will probably fall in the long term. .
2. The real line is positive
The real line is positive, which means that the stock price has more momentum to rise. Is it a long-term rise? This can only be judged by combining other indicators.
For example, factors/indicators such as market conditions, industry prospects, valuations, etc. However, due to space issues, we cannot go into details. You can click on the link below to learn: A complete collection of basic stock market knowledge necessary for novices
< br />Response time: 2021-09-07. The latest business changes are subject to the data displayed in the link in the article. Please click to view

C. A green cross appears when the stock price falls.

When a stock falls and a green cross star appears, it may rise, but it does not necessarily rise. If a green cross star appears when a stock is falling, it may be a bottom cross star, but it does not necessarily mean it has bottomed out. It also depends on the market outlook.
A green cross star means that the stock price closed down and closed with a cross star. A cross star means that the opening price and closing price are the same. The closing pattern of the cross star generally results in fierce competition between long and short. The length of the upper and lower shadow lines also has very important guiding significance for the shape. Generally, the longer the shadow line, the more intense the competition between the long and short parties; once the market is confirmed, the trend of the stock price will take longer to develop.
The appearance of a green cross star during the decline represents the balance of long and short forces, and also represents a signal that the trend of individual stocks is about to reverse. The appearance of a cross star during the rise indicates that sellers are about to surpass buyers, and a decline is about to occur. Otherwise, there is a decline. The appearance of a cross star on the way indicates that the trend is about to stabilize and there is a signal that it has bottomed out. However, this alone is not very accurate and can only be used as a reference. Judging the later trend cannot only rely on a certain condition
Extended information
The cross star means that the closing price and opening price of the stock are at the same level. The price may be very similar, there may be no entity on the K line or it may be an extremely small technical form. Generally speaking, this cross star can be divided into yin and yang cross stars, but there is not much difference between the two, because the most important thing is the position of the cross star. For example, a cross star appears in the low-price area at the end of a continuous decline, which is called the "Star of Hope". This is a signal of bottoming out; a cross star appears in the high-price area after a continuous rise, which is called the "Evening Star." , which is a signal of peaking and turning. Doji often indicates that the market has reached a turning point and we need to pay attention. Based on practical experience, the editor divides it into seven categories: small cross, large cross, long lower shadow cross, long upper shadow cross, T-shaped bald cross, inverted T-shaped barefoot cross and one-line cross.
The small cross star refers to the cross star with extremely small K-line amplitude. This kind of cross star mainly appears in the consolidation market, indicating the balance of long and short forces. But if it appears in the early stages of a rise or fall, then this means a temporary correction and the trend will not change. If it occurs in the late stage, it means that the trend will change.
The probability of a large cross star appearing at the end of a sharp and sustained rise or fall is relatively high. This cross star is somewhat similar to the propeller K-line, so it is a signal of market change.
If the long lower shadow cross star is in the middle of the upward trend, it is a temporary rest. If it is in the consolidation zone after a decline, then the stock will rise. However, be careful, you must not make a new low the next day. The stock will fall if it reaches a new low.
If the long upper shadow cross star appears in the middle of the downward trend, it generally means that the downward trend has not changed temporarily; if it appears in the high price area after a continuous rise, the stock price is more likely to turn downward; but if it appears in the upward trend In the middle of the trend, if the stock price reaches a new high the next day, it means that the buying demand is still strong and the stock price will continue to rise. This is mainly the result of the main test market.
The market significance of the T-shaped bald doji is similar to that of the long shadow doji, which often appearsIn cowhide consolidation.
The market significance of the inverted T-shaped barefoot doji is similar to that of the long upper shadow doji. Generally speaking, the top of the doji indicates that the market is about to change.
A one-line line means that the opening price and closing price are the same. It usually appears when the price limit is extremely strong or very weak, indicating that the original trend continues. Sometimes there will be several consecutive limits, shrinking the volume. A price limit means that there will be another price limit the next day. Increased volume at the upper limit indicates increased selling pressure, and increased volume at the lower limit indicates the phenomenon of fund-raising.
In general, the categories of weekly cross stars are the same as those of daily cross stars, but their properties are obviously different from daily cross stars. In most cases, weekly cross stars represent recognition of the original trend, that is, After a short-term rest, the original trend will continue. Of course, in actual practice, it needs to be comprehensively studied and judged by combining the combined form and volume energy formed with other K-lines.

D. What does the green cross star closing mean?

The question "Excuse me, what does the green cross star closing mean?" was inspired by With a high degree of attention, let me share my understanding. Let’s talk about the details below.

1. Doji closing

First of all, let’s talk about what the green doji closing means. The cross star is equivalent to a trip up and down, and finally returns to a position near the opening price. If it is a little bit above the opening price, then it is the red doji opening price, and the next little bit is the green doji. In fact, the difference between the two is not big. This kind of trend usually occurs in a volatile trend, that is, it does not have a clear upward or downward direction, but is in a volatile situation, and this cross star will appear. Usually this cross star does not have a clear guiding role in the direction, so it does not mean much.

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E. What does the green cross star mean? The stock I bought has a green cross star.

Everyone knows that stock price fluctuations are presented in the form of countless K-line connections, so the information presented through changes in K-line shapes plays a huge role in our transactions. Of course, not every K line has guiding significance for our trading. Today I will talk about the cross star line that has strong guiding significance for trading. Before we begin, let me share an important piece of information. The list of bull stocks selected by institutions has been made public. Click the link below to receive it directly: [Top Secret] The list of bull stocks recommended by institutions has been leaked. Get it immediately for a limited time! ! !
1. What is a cross star
A cross star indicates that the opening price and closing price of the price or index within a period are the same or similar, and in terms of form, it appears to have no entity or a very small entity. The "Cross Star" line is very similar to the word "Ten" in textbooks, but in actual combat, we cannot say that it is a Cross Star when it appears as "Ten". Some entities and upper and lower shadow lines are asymmetrical, and it can be considered a Cross Star. , as shown in the figure:

AlthoughThe forms are different, but you only need to understand the basic logic. No matter how the cross star changes, you can definitely master it easily. Under normal circumstances, the K-line pattern is regarded as the result of the bulls and shorts fighting each other to seize the territory. The upper shadow line represents the bulls' attack, and the lower shadow represents the shorts' attack, but no matter which side Attacking, both sides were eventually forced back to their initial positions. So, what is the reason for the diversity of dojis? Because of the attacks of both sides, neither side knew how many meters to attack, and they were attacking in a disorderly manner, but the final result was basically indifferent to the winner. In the absence of a cross star, if you want to know whether the stock in your hand will be dominated by longs and lead to a rise or shorts will lead to a decline in the future, you can directly click on the link below to get the stock diagnosis report immediately: [Free] Take a test Where is your stock currently valued?
2. What does the cross star mean under different circumstances and the corresponding operations
1. Rising/falling cross star
If you encounter the cross star during the rise, you must Be careful, the cross star means evenly matched, but in the process of rising, the bulls have a greater advantage! Now suddenly the bulls and the bears are evenly matched, which shows that the power of the bulls has begun to decrease and the power of the bears has begun to expand. Then the trend is very likely to reverse, let us sell, so be careful. The same is true in reverse. If you encounter a cross star during the decline, you need to buy.
2. High/Low Cross Star
If the rise is higher, the number of cross stars will increase. , indicating that there will be a big change in the market in the future. It is easy to understand that the higher the bulls go, the closer they are to the base camp of the bears, and the easier it is for shorts to hit and lead to a decline. Therefore, if a cross star appears at a high level, you must sell. The probability is very high. The reverse is also true.
3. Increased Volume/Shrinking Doji
Volume energy refers to the activity of trading. Increased volume indicates that the battle between the long and short parties is more intense than usual. The reason for shrinking trading volume is that both parties perform mediocrely, which represents a shrinking doji. , the reference is of little significance, the high-volume cross star is the focus we should pay attention to. However, the volume doji cannot be used alone and needs to be combined with points 1 and 2 above. For example, a high-volume cross star indicates that the bulls are deploying more force to compete for the short side's territory. Unfortunately, I don't get what I want. Therefore, the probability of the bulls succeeding in further attacks in the future is relatively reduced, which means that this is a Stronger sell signal. The reverse is also true.
4. Yang/Yin Doji
Regardless of whether the Doji is a Yang or Yin line, in actual combat, the research is of little significance. Therefore, for the Yin or Yang Doji, the essence is that both the long and short sides are unable to attack. As a result, evenly matched, the important thing is in which stage the evenly matched state occurs, whether it is rising or falling, whether the position is high or low, so there is no need to study too much on the positive line and the negative line, and avoid the loss first. Of course, in addition to the cross star, I have a more accurate way to judge buying and selling signals.Method, learn about this essential tool for stock trading. The buying and selling opportunities are clear at a glance. Click the link to get it immediately: [AI-assisted decision-making] Buying and selling timing capture tool

Response time: 2021-08-27, the latest business changes are in the article The data displayed in the link shall prevail, please click to view

F. What do the red cross stars and green cross stars in stocks represent respectively?

The green among the green cross stars in the stock market represents a low opening, and a cross The star indicates that the opening price and closing price are the same. The closing pattern of the cross star generally results in fierce competition between long and short. If the stock is at a recent high and has a green cross, be careful to move downward. If it is at a low price, it may have to change upward and move higher after closing a red cross. A red cross star closing on the stock K-line indicates that buying orders are greater than selling orders.

The cross star is a special K-line form, which indicates that the opening price and closing price during this time period are the same.

Warm reminder: There are risks in entering the market, please choose carefully.

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G. What does the green cross star mean

The appearance of a cross star at the closing price means that the opening and closing prices of the stock on that day are basically similar, which is a greater manifestation of both bulls and shorts. The appearance of a cross star often proves that the next market is about to come, which can be understood as an early rise in the turn, indicating that there will be a fall. Adopt

H. The green cross star is unpredictable, what will happen in the future

It depends on the position of the cross star. If it is in a lower position, it may It is a signal of bottoming out and can be bought appropriately. If the higher position is on the way up, then tomorrow's trend is very critical, and it is likely to be a relay of the rise. In short, this requires specific issues, specific analysis, and specific treatment.

I. What do the red cross star and the green cross star represent?

The red cross star means that the buying orders are greater than the selling orders at the closing, and the green cross star means that the selling orders are greater than the buying orders.
Everyone knows that connecting countless K lines is the form of stock price fluctuations, so the signals brought by changes in the shape of K lines are of great help to our transactions. Of course, not every K line has guiding significance for our transactions. Now I will give you a detailed explanation of the cross star line that has strong guiding significance for trading. Before we begin, let me share an important piece of information. The list of bull stocks selected by institutions has been made public. Click the link below to receive it directly: [Top Secret] The list of bull stocks recommended by institutions has been leaked. Get it immediately for a limited time! ! !
1. What is a cross star
In a period, the opening price of the price or index is the same as or close to the closing price, which means that a cross star appears. The form shows no entity or it will become an extremely small entity. . "十" characterIt looks similar to the "cross star" in the textbook, but when it comes to actual operation, it doesn't mean that you have to wait until ten appears before you think it is a cross star. Some of the entities and upper and lower shadow lines are asymmetrical. It can be a cross star, as shown in the picture below:

Although the forms are ever-changing, as long as you understand the basic logic, you can easily master it no matter how the cross star changes. Under normal circumstances, the K-line pattern is regarded as the result of the bulls and shorts fighting each other to seize the territory. The upper shadow line means that the bulls have launched an attack, and the lower shadow line means that the bears have launched an attack, but no matter which side Attacking, both sides were eventually forced back to their initial positions. So, what is the reason for the diversity of cross stars? Since both sides attack, they will not discuss how many meters they will attack. This kind of attack is completely disordered, but in the end there will be no distinction. In the absence of a cross star, if you want to know whether the stock in your hand will be dominated by longs and lead to a rise or shorts will lead to a decline in the future, you can directly click on the link below to get the stock diagnosis report immediately: [Free] Take a test Where is your stock currently valued?
2. What does the cross star mean under different circumstances and the corresponding operations
1. Rising/falling doji star
If you encounter a doji star during the rise, you should be careful. The star represents an even tie, but during the rise, it was the bulls who had the upper hand! Now suddenly the bulls and the bears are evenly matched. From this, the power of the bulls begins to retreat, and the advantage of the bears begins to rise. Then the trend is very likely to reverse, and we need to sell, so be careful. The same is true in reverse. If a cross star is encountered during the decline, it is a buy signal.
2. High/Low Cross Stars
If the rise height is higher, the cross stars appear more and more often, indicating that the market will change greatly in the future, which is especially easy to understand. The more bulls go up, That is, the closer you are to the base camp of short sellers, the easier it is to be attacked by short sellers and cause the stock price to fall. Therefore, a high cross star appears, and there is a high possibility of selling. The reverse is also true.
3. Volume increase/shrinkage cross star
Volume energy is a manifestation of the activity of trading. Increased volume means that the battle between long and short parties is more intense than usual. Shrinking volume indicates that both parties are in a cold stage. That is to say, the shrinking doji is not of great significance for reference, and the large-volume doji is the focus we should pay attention to. However, this volume doji cannot be used alone and needs to be combined with points 1 and 2 above. For example, a high volume cross star means that the bulls will use more force to compete for the short side's territory. Unfortunately, this reality is very cruel, so the probability of the bulls succeeding in further attacks in the future is greatly reduced, and this is a stronger sell. Signal. The reverse is also true.
4. Yang/Yin Doji
The cross is either a yang or a yin. In actual combat, the research is of little significance. Regardless of whether the cross is a yin or a yang, it actually means that both the bulls and the shorts are unable to attack. fruit,In a stalemate, the key is at what stage the evenly matched state occurs, whether it is rising or falling, and whether the position is high or low. Therefore, we do not need to do too much research on the positive and negative lines to avoid putting the cart before the horse. Of course, in addition to the cross star, I have a more accurate way to judge buying and selling signals. Understand this essential tool for stock trading, and the buying and selling opportunities will be clear at a glance. Click the link to receive it immediately: [AI-assisted decision-making] Buying and selling timing capture tool

Response time: 2021-09-23. The latest business changes are subject to the data displayed in the link in the article. Please click to view

The green cross, red cross, and white cross in the J. K-line chart represent respectively What

The closing pattern of the cross star is generally fierce competition between long and short. If the stock is at a recent high price and has a green cross, be careful to move downward. If it is at a low price, the closing positive cross may change upward and move higher.

The closing red cross star on the stock K line means that the buying orders are greater than the selling orders;

The green cross star means that the selling orders are greater than the buying orders;

White A cross indicates a balance of buying and selling forces.

Like the trend of the "Doji" graphic in the picture above, this line type is often called a changing cross star, whether it appears in a high price area or a low price area. , can be regarded as top or bottom signals, indicating that the general trend is about to change its original direction.

Overview of the Cross Star Form:

(1) The Cross Star is a special K-line form, which means that the opening price and closing price during this period of time are the same. Represented as a straight line. The emergence of this form shows that the long and short sides are competing fiercely and refuse to give in to each other.

(2) The length of the upper and lower shadow lines also has very important guiding significance for the shape. Usually, the longer the shadow line, the more intense the competition between the long and short parties; once the market is confirmed, the trend development time of the stock price will also be The longer.

(3) Doji usually has two functions: confirming the market and confirming reversal. In both cases, they are called "consolidation doji" and "reversal doji" respectively. The size of the reversal doji is larger than that of the consolidation doji (that is, the upper and lower shadows are longer), and they mostly appear at the top or top. The consolidation cross star shape is smaller, with shorter upper and lower shadows, and mostly appears in the middle of the trend.

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