宝通科技 元宇宙 宝通科技概念

A. 以商业模式卡位元宇宙发展路径的元宇宙标的是那几家公司


B. 元宇宙概念是指哪些股份

元宇宙技术端:像是括基础设施标的、交互设备标的、人工智能标的等、云计算标的以及5G通信运营商标的等。元宇宙商业模式端:元宇宙会对我们日常生活产生很大影响,像是社交、游戏、消费等领域,会带来商业模式的升级更迭。例如300052 中青宝、002241 歌尔股份、002624 完美世界、300031 宝通科技、300264 佳创视讯、300296 利亚德。

300052 中青宝

002241 歌尔股份

002624 完美世界

300031 宝通科技

C. 元宇宙对应的基金有哪些


元宇宙(Metaverse)一词源于作家Neal Stephenson的科幻小说《雪崩》,描述了一个人们以虚拟形象在三维空间中与各种软件进行交互的世界。元宇宙是一个虚拟时空间的集合,由一系列的增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)和互联网(Internet)所组成。






D. 区块链元宇宙什么意思



1.数码视讯(300079),人气龙头-2021年8月31日回复称公司在视频、压缩及编解码上的积累,可以提供超高清视频高倍率无损压缩及编解码为核心的底层基础技术可以为元宇宙实现大规模应用提供技术基石;另一方面,元宇宙领域所形成的大量以NFT为代表的核心数字资产需要流转公司有能力与平台公司合作、打造平台级应用开发,为元宇宙数字资产交易提供基础设施。公司是继微软之后全球第二家具有体感技术全套方案的厂商,拥有多项国内首创技术与专利,所有核心技术均为自主知识产权方案。国内领先的数字电视软件及系统设备提供商,拥有世界上第一个实时360度全景4K解析度的VR视频直播技术,为央视5G网络4K电视传输测试提供设备支撑。公司作为华为战略合作伙伴,负责编码侧设备开发,目前已完成 AVS2,HEVC 格式 8K编码器开发,与华为 8K芯片进行唯一对接适配,并将在 CCBN 展会上公开进行编码效果展示。 公司数字版权目前主要与海思主力芯片做预集成。


3.超图软件(300036),人气龙头-2021年8月19日回复称元宇宙需要建立一个虚拟的、孪生的世界而这个世界是需要把真实的地理空间映射到虚拟空间里边,这需要三维GIS实现地理空间映射。超图三维 GIS和游戏引擎(Unity和Unreal)的打通是元宇宙的地理空间映射的一个抓手。



E. “元宇宙”今年引爆科技圈,元宇宙究竟是什么



F. 元宇宙新概念板块有哪些什么是元宇宙概念股



1.数码视讯,人气龙头-2021年8月31日回复称公司在视频、压缩及编解码上的积累,可以提供超高清视频高倍率无损压缩及编解码为核心的底层基础技术可以为元宇宙实现大规模应用提供技术基石;另一方面,元宇宙领域所形成的大量以NFT为代表的核心数字资产需要流转公司有能力与平台公司合作、打造平台级应用开发,为元宇宙数字资产交易提供基础设施。公司是继微软之后全球第二家具有体感技术全套方案的厂商,拥有多项国内首创技术与专利,所有核心技术均为自主知识产权方案。国内领先的数字电视软件及系统设备提供商,拥有世界上第一个实时360度全景4K解析度的VR视频直播技术,为央视5G网络4K电视传输测试提供设备支撑。公司作为华为战略合作伙伴,负责编码侧设备开发,目前已完成 AVS2,HEVC 格式 8K编码器开发,与华为 8K芯片进行唯一对接适配,并将在 CCBN 展会上公开进行编码效果展示。 公司数字版权目前主要与海思主力芯片做预集成。


3.超图软件,人气龙头-2021年8月19日回复称元宇宙需要建立一个虚拟的、孪生的世界而这个世界是需要把真实的地理空间映射到虚拟空间里边,这需要三维GIS实现地理空间映射。超图三维 GIS和游戏引擎(Unity和Unreal)的打通是元宇宙的地理空间映射的一个抓手。




G. 国内有哪些做元宇宙(Metaverse)的公司







H. 什么是元宇宙概念股,其中包含有哪些股票















I. 元宇宙的股票有哪些


1.数码视讯(300079),人气龙头-2021年8月31日回复称公司在视频、压缩及编解码上的积累,可以提供超高清视频高倍率无损压缩及编解码为核心的底层基础技术可以为元宇宙实现大规模应用提供技术基石;另一方面,元宇宙领域所形成的大量以NFT为代表的核心数字资产需要流转公司有能力与平台公司合作、打造平台级应用开发,为元宇宙数字资产交易提供基础设施。公司是继微软之后全球第二家具有体感技术全套方案的厂商,拥有多项国内首创技术与专利,所有核心技术均为自主知识产权方案。国内领先的数字电视软件及系统设备提供商,拥有世界上第一个实时360度全景4K解析度的VR视频直播技术,为央视5G网络4K电视传输测试提供设备支撑。公司作为华为战略合作伙伴,负责编码侧设备开发,目前已完成 AVS2,HEVC 格式 8K编码器开发,与华为 8K芯片进行唯一对接适配,并将在 CCBN 展会上公开进行编码效果展示。 公司数字版权目前主要与海思主力芯片做预集成。


3.超图软件(300036),人气龙头-2021年8月19日回复称元宇宙需要建立一个虚拟的、孪生的世界而这个世界是需要把真实的地理空间映射到虚拟空间里边,这需要三维GIS实现地理空间映射。超图三维 GIS和游戏引擎(Unity和Unreal)的打通是元宇宙的地理空间映射的一个抓手。




1. 虚拟身份:每个现实世界的人将有一个或多个元宇宙身份。

2. 社交关系:各元宇宙身份之间将产生真实的社交关系。

3. 临场感:低延迟的技术使得现实世界的人能有充足的沉浸感。

4. 开放性:现实世界的人能在任何地点任何时间进入,进入后可自由与世界互动。

5. 经济法律体系:具有独特的经济、法律、安全系统甚至能衍生出不同于现实世界的文明。

J. 国潮山海经元宇宙平台利好那些上市公司


A. Which companies are targeting the Metaverse that use business models to block the development path of the Metaverse

Abstract Recently, the "Metaverse concept" has become popular in the A-share market. The Metaverse concept sector recently launched by Oriental Fortune has shown a surge for four consecutive days. On September 7, the Metaverse concept rose by more than 6%. On the same day, Wanxing Technology, Baotong Technology, Zhongqingbao, Jiachuang Video, Perfect World, SuperMap Software, United Optoelectronics, etc. followed the rise. As of midday on September 8, Wondershare Technology, Perfect World, etc. all maintained gains.

B. What stocks does the Metaverse concept refer to

The technology side of the Metaverse: including infrastructure targets, interactive device targets, artificial intelligence targets, etc., cloud computing targets, and 5G communications Operating trademarks, etc. Metaverse business model side: Metaverse will have a great impact on our daily lives, such as social networking, games, consumption and other fields, and will bring about upgrades and changes in business models. For example, 300052 Zhongqingbao, 002241 Goertek, 002624 Perfect World, 300031 Baotong Technology, 300264 Jiachuang Video, and 300296 Leyard.

300052 Zhongqingbao
Shenzhen Zhongqingbao Interactive Network Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongqingbao") was established in 2003. It is the earliest online game development, operation and distribution company in China. One of the companies, it is also the first A-share listed game company in China (stock code: 300052), pioneering the listing of domestic online game companies.

002241 Goertek Co., Ltd.
Goertek Co., Ltd. was established in June 2001 and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in May 2008. It is a technologically innovative enterprise with a global presence, mainly engaged in acoustic and optical precision components. As well as the research and development, manufacturing and sales of precision structural parts, intelligent machines and high-end equipment, it has now established comprehensive competitiveness in multiple fields.

002624 Perfect World
Our business covers three major sectors: Perfect World Games, Perfect World E-Sports and Perfect World Film and Television. It is the largest film and game complex in my country. In 2004, Perfect World Games was officially founded. Its "Perfect World" was a great success with its independently developed 3D engine and traditional Chinese classic content from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". In July 2007, Perfect World Games was successfully listed on NASDAQ in the United States.

300031 Baotong Technology
Wuxi Baotong Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2000. After nearly two decades of exploration and practice, it has established its reputation with Centennial Industrial Conveying, Baotong Intelligent IoT, and Baoqiang Weaving. As an industry collaboration platform, with the "Advanced Conveying Technology and Digital Service Innovation Center" as a technology incubation carrier, it adheres to the concepts of technological innovation and sustainable development, actively leverages the advantages of the industrial chain, and provides services for downstream mineral mining, steel smelting, building materials, cement, ports and terminals. , thermal power generation and other industries to provide safe, reliable, energy-saving and efficient, green, environmentally friendly, intelligent and interconnected industrial bulk material transportation products, technologies and services.

C. Yuan YuWhat are the funds corresponding to Zhou?

The CSI Animation and Game Index selects listed companies whose main business involves animation, comics, games and other related entertainment industries as constituent stocks. The funds that track the index mainly include China Securities Animation and Game ETF (159869), China National Securities Animation and Game ETF (516010), Huatai-Berry CSI Animation and Game ETF (516770). In addition, the CSI Media Index is also highly correlated. Funds tracking the index include GF CSI Media ETF, Penghua CSI Media ETF, and ICBC Media Index A.

1. What is the Metaverse?
The term Metaverse originates from the science fiction novel "Avalanche" by writer Neal Stephenson, which describes a world where people interact with various software in three-dimensional space using virtual images. The Metaverse is a collection of virtual time and space, consisting of a series of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the Internet.

2. Should you buy funds corresponding to the Yuanverse?
Investors who want to invest in the Yuanverse concept fund must consider whether it meets their own risk tolerance. In addition, they should not concentrate on investing in this track and need to allocate funds in a balanced manner. , thereby reducing certain risks.

3. There are many fund stocks in Yuanverse, such as:

1. Digital Video (300079): The company’s ultra-high-definition codec technology, lossless compression technology, low-latency public Technologies such as network transmission, DRM and complete data transmission security protection can provide underlying technical support for the Metaverse.

2. Zhongqingbao (300052): The company operates and manages the virtual reality world in the game world to build a metaverse by integrating value interaction, content carrying, data network transmission and immersive display.

3. Baotong Technology (300031): The company has a wholly-owned subsidiary Hainan Yuanzhou Technology Co., Ltd., focusing on AR/VR/MR, robots, sensors, new energy mining cards, and high-end equipment Businesses in areas related to growth industries.

D. What does the blockchain metaverse mean?

The "metaverse" is a new Internet application and social form that integrates virtual and real technologies and is based on the expansion of Reality technology provides an immersive experience, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows each user to Conduct content production and world editing.

What are the domestic concept stocks of the Metaverse?
According to the characteristics of the Metaverse, the domestic securities industry has also continued to add stocks that conform to the characteristics of the Metaverse into the concept sector. The current industry leaders include but not Limited to: Digital Video (300079), Baotong Technology (300031), SuperMap Software (300036), Wondershare Technology (300624), Perfectworld(002624).

1. Digital Video (300079), a popular leader - replied on August 31, 2021 that the company’s accumulation in video, compression and codec can provide ultra-high-definition video with high-magnification lossless compression and codec. The core underlying basic technology can provide the technical foundation for large-scale applications of the Metaverse; on the other hand, the large number of core digital assets represented by NFTs formed in the Metaverse field require circulation companies to have the ability to cooperate with platform companies to create platform-level applications. Developed to provide infrastructure for digital asset transactions in the Metaverse. The company is the second manufacturer in the world after Microsoft to have a complete solution for somatosensory technology. It has a number of domestic first-of-its-kind technologies and patents, and all core technologies are independent intellectual property solutions. China's leading digital TV software and system equipment provider has the world's first real-time 360-degree panoramic 4K resolution VR video live broadcast technology, providing equipment support for CCTV's 5G network 4K TV transmission test. As a strategic partner of Huawei, the company is responsible for the development of encoding-side equipment. It has currently completed the development of AVS2 and HEVC format 8K encoders, and has carried out the only docking and adaptation with Huawei 8K chips, and will publicly demonstrate the encoding effects at the CCBN exhibition. The company's digital copyright is currently mainly pre-integrated with HiSilicon's main chips.

2. Baotong Technology (300031), a popular leader - the announcement on August 30, 2021 shows that in terms of the layout of new technologies, the company is actively expanding new businesses in the fields of VR, AR, and MR, as well as combining cloud computing and New models of innovative game business such as Metaverse revolve around new technologies and promote the implementation of emerging technologies in game scenarios.

3. Supermap Software (300036), the most popular one - replied on August 19, 2021 that the Metaverse needs to build a virtual, twin world, and this world needs to map the real geographical space to the virtual world In space, this requires three-dimensional GIS to implement geospatial mapping. The integration of Hypergraph 3D GIS and game engines (Unity and Unreal) is a starting point for geospatial mapping of the Metaverse.

4. Wanxing Technology (300624) responded on August 31, 2021 that the company has built an AI digital creative R&D center to strengthen the research and development of cutting-edge technologies related to video creativity: the attraction of foreign investment to the leading provider of domestic 3D cloud platforms Both domestic and foreign companies work together to actively enhance the company's technical strength in the field of innovation. In the future, the company will continue to delve into digital creativity, continuously improve its business layout in the AR/VR field, and expand the digital creative universe and new creative fields.

5. Perfect World (002624), responded on August 31, 2021, stating that the company’s competitive advantages in multiplayer online role-playing games, deep online entertainment content production capabilities, engines, VR, and AR Solid technology accumulation and profound user awareness in fields such as , AI and so on have built a good first-mover advantage for breakthroughs in next-generation entertainment methods such as the Yuanverse.

E. "Metaverse" has detonated the technology circle this year. What exactly is Metaverse?

Metaverse is the Chinese translation of Metaverse. Meta means transcendence, and verse means universe. The combination of Meta+verse means transcending the universe and virtual world. Regarding the existence of the universe, we can understand the Metaverse as an artificial, virtual space/world that exists outside reality. In the science fiction novel "Avalanche", people can interact in virtual space using avatars. Therefore, some people believe that the novel "Avalanche" is the prototype of the Metaverse, and the so-called Metaverse may be the "ultimate form" of the future development of the Internet.

The prospect of the Metaverse is bright, but the creation of the Metaverse requires a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources, but from a technical perspective, it is still far away. In addition, after the formation of the metaverse, it will inevitably have a huge impact on reality, seriously affecting people's original life order, and requiring the reformulation of various aspects such as laws, ethics, morals, systems, and economic security. All in all, the future of the Metaverse is promising, but you still need to think twice before committing.

F. What are the new concept sectors of the Metaverse? What are Metaverse concept stocks?

The concept of "Metaverse" is closely related to the development of virtual reality technologies such as VR and AR. Large domestic and foreign companies Internet companies are investing in this new track.

What are the Metaverse concept stocks in 2021? List of leading listed companies in the Yuanverse, concept stocks of listed companies related to the Yuanverse

1. Digital video, popular leader-A reply on August 31, 2021 stated that the company’s accumulation in video, compression and codec can provide The underlying basic technology as the core of high-magnification lossless compression and encoding of ultra-high-definition video can provide the technical foundation for the large-scale application of the Metaverse; on the other hand, a large number of core digital assets represented by NFT formed in the Metaverse field require circulation companies Ability to cooperate with platform companies to create platform-level application development and provide infrastructure for Yuanverse digital asset transactions. The company is the second manufacturer in the world after Microsoft to have a complete solution for somatosensory technology. It has a number of domestic first-of-its-kind technologies and patents, and all core technologies are independent intellectual property solutions. China's leading digital TV software and system equipment provider has the world's first real-time 360-degree panoramic 4K resolution VR video live broadcast technology, providing equipment support for CCTV's 5G network 4K TV transmission test. As a strategic partner of Huawei, the company is responsible for the development of encoding-side equipment. It has currently completed the development of AVS2 and HEVC format 8K encoders, and has carried out the only docking and adaptation with Huawei 8K chips, and will publicly demonstrate the encoding effects at the CCBN exhibition. The company's digital copyright is currently mainly pre-integrated with HiSilicon's main chips.

2. Baotong Technology, a popular leader - The announcement on August 30, 2021 shows that in terms of the layout of new technologies, the company is actively expanding new businesses in the fields of VR, AR, and MR, as well as combining cloud computing andNew models of innovative game business such as Metaverse revolve around new technologies and promote the implementation of emerging technologies in game scenarios.

3. SuperGraph Software, the most popular one - Replied on August 19, 2021, saying that the Metaverse needs to build a virtual, twin world, and this world needs to map the real geographical space into the virtual space. This requires three-dimensional GIS to implement geospatial mapping. The integration of Hypergraph 3D GIS and game engines (Unity and Unreal) is a starting point for geospatial mapping of the Metaverse.

4. Wanxing Technology responded on August 31, 2021 that the company has built an AI digital creative R&D center to strengthen the research and development of cutting-edge technologies related to video creativity: foreign investment, domestic 3D cloud platform leading provider Gravity Wave, internal and external cooperation Actively improve the company's technical strength in the field of innovation. In the future, the company will continue to delve into digital creativity, continuously improve its business layout in the AR/VR field, and expand the digital creative universe and new creative fields.

5. Perfect World, responded on August 31, 2021, stating that the company’s competitive advantages in multiplayer online role-playing games, deep online entertainment content production capabilities, engines, VR, AR, AI, etc. Solid technology accumulation in the field and profound user understanding have built a good first-mover advantage for breakthroughs in next-generation entertainment methods such as the Metaverse.

Yuanverse Concept currently has a small number of stocks, and they are basically GEM stocks. More stocks may join this concept sector in the future. Among these stocks, we can find those with larger increases and trends. Intervene stocks with better shape and do it with more overlay concepts, so the probability of continued rise will be greater. Follow me and continue to update hot sector stock information. Sanqi Interactive Entertainment and Century Huatong.

G. What domestic metaverse companies are there?

Silk Road Vision, Perfect World.

Silk Road Vision (300556), Silk Road Vision Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2000 and is headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Silk Road Vision is a national professional digital vision comprehensive service provider.

Perfect World (002624), Perfect World Co., Ltd. was established in 2004. The company’s business covers three major sectors: Perfect World Film and Television, Perfect World Games and Perfect World E-Sports. It is the largest film and game complex in my country. .


Silk Road Vision Company’s CG visual scene comprehensive services are expected to play a core role as a basic builder in building the “Metaverse”. In addition, the company is also trying to enter the field of VRAR digital content development.

Perfect World Company has developed the large-scale sandbox game "My Origin". This game is represented by Tencent. The game supports the online service of thousands of people and uses a fully simulated survival experience. It can build a unique home and rely on imagination. The power to create freely.

H. What are Metaverse concept stocks and what stocks are included in them

Metaverse concept stocks refer to stocks involving Metaverse technology or production-related hardware. Their business models will be mainly used in social networking, games, consumption and other fields, which will bring about upgrades, changes and even subversion of business models. This also means that this type of concept stocks has great potential in the future, but there is still a long way to go before it can be fully realized.

Including 1. Chips: Allwinner Technology, Rockchip, and Beijing Ingenic.

2. Display: BOE A, Shentianma A, Visionox.

3. Optics: Lant Optical, Lianchuang Electronics, Crystal Optoelectronics, OFILM, Lens Technology, Sunny Optical, United Optoelectronics, China Optics, Fujing Technology, and Yongxin Optics.

4. Sensor: Weir Co., Ltd.

5. OEM (ODM/OEM): Goertek, Wingtech Technology, Xinwangda, Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing, Pengding Holdings, Zhaowei Electromechanical, Guoguang Electric, Changying Precision.

6. Storage: GigaDevice Innovation.

7. Packaging: Jingfang Technology, USI.

8. UI/OS: Chuangda.

9. Technical support: Digital Video, Wondershare Technology, SuperMap Software.

10. Games: Perfect World, Baotong Technology, Shengtian Network, Zhongqingbao, Shunwang Technology, Tianshen Entertainment, Gigabit, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, Century Huatong.

Metaverse is a virtual world that uses technological means to link and create, to map and interact with the real world, and to be a digital living space with a new social system.

It integrates a variety of new technologies to create new Internet applications and social forms that integrate reality and reality. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, and is based on block technology. Chain technology builds an economic system, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows each user to produce content and edit the world.

The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires a large number of transformations in content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols.

I. What are the stocks in the Metaverse?

According to the characteristics of the Metaverse, the domestic securities industry has also continued to add stocks that meet the characteristics of the Metaverse into the concept sector. Industry leaders Including but not limited to: Digital Video (300079), Baotong Technology (300031), SuperMap Software (300036), Wondershare Technology (300624), and Perfect World (002624).

1. Digital Video (300079), a popular leader - replied on August 31, 2021 that the company’s accumulation in video, compression and codec can provide ultra-high-definition video with high-magnification lossless compressionThe underlying basic technology of compression and encoding and decoding can provide the technical foundation for the large-scale application of the Metaverse; on the other hand, the large number of core digital assets represented by NFTs formed in the Metaverse field require circulation companies to have the ability to cooperate with platform companies , Create platform-level application development and provide infrastructure for Yuanverse digital asset transactions. The company is the second manufacturer in the world after Microsoft to have a complete solution for somatosensory technology. It has a number of domestic first-of-its-kind technologies and patents, and all core technologies are independent intellectual property solutions. China's leading digital TV software and system equipment provider has the world's first real-time 360-degree panoramic 4K resolution VR video live broadcast technology, providing equipment support for CCTV's 5G network 4K TV transmission test. As a strategic partner of Huawei, the company is responsible for the development of encoding-side equipment. It has currently completed the development of AVS2 and HEVC format 8K encoders, and has carried out the only docking and adaptation with Huawei 8K chips, and will publicly demonstrate the encoding effects at the CCBN exhibition. The company's digital copyright is currently mainly pre-integrated with HiSilicon's main chips.

2. Baotong Technology (300031), a popular leader - the announcement on August 30, 2021 shows that in terms of the layout of new technologies, the company is actively expanding new businesses in the fields of VR, AR, and MR, as well as combining cloud computing and New models of innovative game business such as Metaverse revolve around new technologies and promote the implementation of emerging technologies in game scenarios.

3. Supermap Software (300036), the most popular one - replied on August 19, 2021 that the Metaverse needs to build a virtual, twin world, and this world needs to map the real geographical space to the virtual world In space, this requires three-dimensional GIS to implement geospatial mapping. The integration of Hypergraph 3D GIS and game engines (Unity and Unreal) is a starting point for geospatial mapping of the Metaverse.

4. Wanxing Technology (300624) responded on August 31, 2021 that the company has built an AI digital creative R&D center to strengthen the research and development of cutting-edge technologies related to video creativity: the attraction of foreign investment to the leading provider of domestic 3D cloud platforms Both domestic and foreign companies work together to actively enhance the company's technical strength in the field of innovation. In the future, the company will continue to delve into digital creativity, continuously improve its business layout in the AR/VR field, and expand the digital creative universe and new creative fields.

5. Perfect World (002624), responded on August 31, 2021, stating that the company’s competitive advantages in multiplayer online role-playing games, deep online entertainment content production capabilities, engines, VR, and AR Solid technology accumulation and profound user awareness in fields such as , AI and so on have built a good first-mover advantage for breakthroughs in next-generation entertainment methods such as the Yuanverse.

Extended information: What is the Metaverse?
The Metaverse is a persistent and decentralized online three-dimensional virtual environment. This virtual environment will be able to enter the artificial virtual world through virtual reality glasses, augmented reality glasses, mobile phones, personal computers and electronic game consoles.

Features of the metaverse:
1. Virtual identity: Every person in the real world will have one or more metaverse identities.

2. Social relationships: There will be real social relationships between the identities of each metaverse.

3. Presence: Low-latency technology allows people in the real world to have a sufficient sense of immersion.

4. Openness: People in the real world can enter at any place and at any time, and can freely interact with the world after entering.

5. Economic and legal system: It has a unique economic, legal, and security system that can even derive a civilization that is different from the real world.

J. The Guochao Shanhaijing Metaverse platform is good for those listed companies

Summary Metaverse concept stocks have risen strongly, and Zhongqingbao has hit the daily limit during the session, with an increase of more than 16%. Weekly cumulative gains exceeded 83%; Tom Cat and Baotong Technology rose more than 10%, and Shunwang Technology, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, Kunlun Wanwei, etc. followed suit. Topics related to the Metaverse are quickly breaking out of the circle, with extremely high market attention, and disagreements and consensus coexist.

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