买矿机挖币 买矿机挖币是传销吗

『壹』 挖矿机是具体是怎么运行,挖出比特币需要怎么变现

显卡一般算力在几个G,而专业矿机芯片高达几千G,以目前全球功耗最低的一款芯片BM1387为例,搭载它的蚂蚁矿机S9算力高达14T,墙上功耗仅为1400W ,额定的算力也到达了13.5 TH / s的±5%,电源效率是0.1J/GH + 12%(墙上,AC / DC 93%的效率,25°C的环境温度),额定电压:11.6~13.0V,除此之外在非独立电源情况下,3个算力板可以分别连接到不同的电源,但是每块算力板不能连接多个电源,并保证算力板最后通电。

『贰』 矿机挖币是骗局吗

现在挖币的小平台有很多,花几百元就可以注册一个网站弄一套制度就可以开始了,等加入的人多了,投入的钱多了,到一定时候平台就会卷钱跑人。 挖矿机一般都是骗人的特别是要充值VIP会员才能提现的,或者说一天赚一两百的,这些都是假的。 比特币用家用的普通电脑配置是达不到比特币矿机的要求的。挖一天的电费成本都难赚回来。
1、 算力暴涨: 算力暴涨是挖矿投资最大的风险,算力增加导致挖矿难度增加,导致收益减少,但由于自由市场中,无法避免竞争,算力增加的风险是可以被接受的。
2、 币价下跌: 当币价下跌到一定程度时,挖矿的产出收益小于产生的电费时,就会出现亏损。不过根据测算,电费 5 毛,币价 6000 以下才可能亏本,现在的币价接近 40000.除非有特殊原因短期内币价下跌到 6000 的可能微乎其微。比如监管。
3、 系统风险: 系统风险在比特币这个里面非常常见,最常见的当属于分叉。分叉会导致币价下跌,挖矿收益锐减。不过从目前的情况来看,分叉反而让矿工收益,分叉出来的竞争币也需要矿工的算力来完成铸币和交易的过程,为了争取更多的矿工,竞争币会提供更多的区块奖励及手续费来吸引矿工。风险反而成就了矿工。
4、政策风险: 早期13年的《关于防范比特币风险的通知》到如今的《七部委联合公告》都昭示了数字货币的政策风险,目前国内的政策并不明朗,但比特币是世界的,所以大部分的矿场都认为风险影响不大

『叁』 2018矿机挖币是骗局吗





『肆』 买矿机挖比特币违法吗


法律依据:《中华人民共和国民法典》 第一百四十三条 具备下列条件的民事法律行为有效:




『伍』 为什么挖矿这么赚钱,那些卖矿机的不自己去挖


『陆』 现在买矿机挖币还挣不挣钱


『柒』 矿机挖出的币被别人怎么卖了

『捌』 现在买CEN矿机挖币还挣不挣钱




『玖』 买矿机挖币违法吗


法律依据:《中华人民共和国民法典》第一百四十三条 具备下列条件的民事法律行为有效:(一)行为人具有相应的民事行为能力;(二)意思表示真实;(三)不违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定,不违背公序良俗。

『拾』 为什么挖矿这么赚钱,那些卖矿机的不自己去








『一』How does the mining machine work specifically, and how to cash out Bitcoins?

Mining is definitely the first choice for professional mining machines, and many new children will choose it. Using a graphics card to mine, but graphics card mining is like using "Taiwan Balm" to do a professional thing. It can be done, but the efficiency is definitely not high. When mining Bitcoin, the first thing to pay attention to is the computing power (i.e. mining speed), the second is the power consumption, and the third is stable performance. Computing power, Bitcoin mining is compared to problem-solving speed, so it is self-evident how important speed is; power consumption is directly related to efficiency, that is, cost expenditure; performance stability mainly depends on the operating frequency remaining unchanged. force stability. Just think about it, no one wants the mining machine to lose computing power or even malfunction every now and then. After all, it costs money~
General graphics cards have a computing power of a few G, while professional mining machine chips can reach thousands of G. Take the BM1387, currently the chip with the lowest power consumption in the world, as an example. The Antminer S9 equipped with it has a computing power of up to 14T. The wall power consumption is only 1400W. The rated computing power has also reached ±5% of 13.5 TH/s. The power efficiency is 0.1J/GH + 12% (wall, AC/DC 93% efficiency, 25°C ambient temperature), rated voltage: 11.6~13.0V, in addition to non-independent power supply, 3 calculations The force boards can be connected to different power supplies respectively, but each hash board cannot be connected to multiple power supplies, and the hash board must be powered on at the end.
Among the mining machines, I am personally more optimistic about the Antminer. At the same time, based on the average initial investment cost of Bitcoin, the Antminer S9 can basically fully recover the cost in about five months, and the subsequent income is not Estimate.

『二』Is mining with mining machines a scam?

Mining with mining machines is not a scam. What can become a scam are mining machines and mining pools that exaggerate the computing power of mining machines. When investors buy, that is to say, as long as they choose regular mining machines and mining pools, mining with mining machines is not a scam. First of all, mining machines are real things, such as Bitcoin mining machines, which are deployed The algorithm for mining Bitcoin is used to mine Bitcoin. The higher the computing power of the mining machine, the more Bitcoins can be mined.
There are many small platforms for mining coins now. You can spend a few hundred yuan to register a website and get a system and start. When more people join and more money is invested, the platform will become popular at a certain time. Money runs away. Mining machines are generally deceptive, especially those who require top-up VIP membership to withdraw cash, or those who claim to earn one or two hundred a day, these are all fake. Ordinary home computer configurations for Bitcoin cannot meet the requirements of Bitcoin mining machines. It’s hard to make back the electricity cost of digging for just one day.
Extended information:
1. The surge in computing power: The surge in computing power is the biggest risk in mining investment. The increase in computing power leads to an increase in the difficulty of mining, resulting in a decrease in income. However, due to competition in the free market, computing power cannot be avoided. The risk of increased force is acceptable.
2. The currency price drops: When the currency price drops to a certain level, the output income of mining is less thanWhen electricity bills are incurred, a loss will occur. However, according to calculations, the electricity bill is 5 cents and the currency price is below 6,000 before it is possible to lose money. The current currency price is close to 40,000. Unless there are special reasons, the possibility of the currency price falling to 6,000 in the short term is slim. Such as supervision.
3. System risk: System risk is very common in Bitcoin, and the most common one is fork. Forks will cause currency prices to fall and mining profits to drop sharply. However, judging from the current situation, forks will benefit miners instead. The forked altcoins also require miners’ computing power to complete the minting and transaction process. In order to attract more miners, altcoins will provide more areas. Block rewards and handling fees to attract miners. Risk has made miners successful.
4. Policy risks: From the "Notice on Preventing Bitcoin Risks" in the early 13 years to the "Joint Announcement of Seven Ministries and Commissions" today, the policy risks of digital currencies have been made clear. The current domestic policy is not clear, but Bitcoin It is worldwide, so most mines believe that the risk is not significant

『三』 Is mining with mining machines a scam in 2018?

Is mining with mining machines a scam? .

In recent years, Bitcoin has become a new favorite for investment, and the price of Bitcoin mining machines has also increased. Huge profits have tempted some people to embark on the road of crime. In 2019, the Chongqing Xiushan County Procuratorate approved the arrest of Awei, who committed fraud by selling Bitcoin mining machines.

Bitcoin is a P2P form of digital virtual currency that can be exchanged for the currencies of most countries. In theory, anyone with a computer can participate in Bitcoin mining.

Because an ordinary mining machine on the market costs at least 30,000 yuan, and a more advanced mining machine that consumes less power and has a higher mining speed costs 600,000 yuan. , Buyers with a bargain mentality can easily be fooled.

『四』Is it illegal to buy a mining machine to mine Bitcoin?

Legal analysis: It is not illegal to buy a mining machine to mine Bitcoin. Bitcoin mining is legal in China. The Bitcoin Risk Notice jointly issued by the central bank and five other ministries and commissions clearly defines Bitcoin as a special Internet product that the public can trade freely at their own risk, which is a valid civil legal act.

Legal basis: "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China" Article 143 Civil legal acts are valid if they meet the following conditions:

(1) The actor has corresponding civil acts Ability;

(2) The meaning is true;

(3) It does not violate the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations, and does not violate public order and good customs.

『五』Why is mining so profitable, but those who sell mining machines don’t mine it themselves?

Why is Bitcoin so valuable? It’s the same if the issuer doesn’t sell it himself or others mine it. Yes, only if the demand is high enough can there be a sufficient market. Without a market, it is a piece of shit. Worthless

『Lu』 Can you still make money by buying a mining machine to mine coins?

FIL coins are still rising.It is a good time to buy a mining machine to mine coins. Previous experience has proven that this investment can make money. The amount of income is nothing more than the choice of mining machine. The interstellar ant mining machine technology is supported by Alibaba Cloud. The packaging period is short and the mining The profit return of the machine is relatively high, you can refer to the selection, the original poster, you can search it yourself,

『撒』How did the coins mined by the mining machine be sold by others

< p>『8』 Can you make money by buying a CEN mining machine to mine coins now?

You should be able to make money. You can’t make money unless the cost is higher than the currency price. You can keep it longer and then sell it.

Can I still make money by buying a CEN mining machine to mine coins now? [Question]
I am very happy to serve you😙. It will take about five minutes to sort out and type the answers. Please wait patiently. Teacher Yilu Xingfuer will answer your questions carefully! [Answer]
It should be possible to make money. Only if the cost is higher than the currency price, you won’t be able to make money. You can keep it longer and then sell it.

How about the price of Antminer Z11. RMB 14,000 [Ask]
It’s okay [Answer]

『九』 Is it illegal to buy a mining machine to mine coins?

Legal analysis: It is not illegal. The Bitcoin Risk Notice jointly issued by the People's Bank of China and five other ministries clearly defines Bitcoin as a special Internet commodity that the public can freely buy and sell at their own risk. But it denies the monetary attributes of Bitcoin. There is no legal prohibition on simply purchasing or renting a mining machine for cryptocurrency “mining” by individuals. This is an act of obtaining virtual goods based on personal needs. What needs to be prohibited is “mining” with illegal attributes. "Behavior. The main criminal acts are: 1. Technical illegal grabbing, 2. Theft of power resources, 3. The crime of illegally absorbing public deposits, the crime of fraud or the crime of organizing and leading pyramid schemes, etc. are suspected of illegally absorbing public deposits.

Legal basis: Article 143 of the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China" Civil legal acts are valid if they meet the following conditions: (1) The actor has the corresponding capacity for civil conduct; (2) Expression of intention Be true; (3) Do not violate the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations, and do not violate public order and good customs.

『Shi』 Why is mining so profitable? Those who sell mining machines don’t do it themselves

During the development period of the western United States

Gold mining became a popular industry< /p>

Countless people with the American dream went to the West to pan for gold

Finding gold means making a fortune

But in the end

The gold diggers didn’t get rich

The jeans seller did.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 比特币矿池:什么是比特币矿池矿池是比特币(数字货币)等P2P密码学虚拟货币开采所必须的基础设施,一般是对外开放的团队开采服务器,其存在意义为提升比特币开采稳定性,使矿工薪酬趋于稳定。目前全球算力