币圈妖币 币圈小八

① 小妖尤尤写的<六条>在哪里看啊


























































































































































































② 简单预测比特币未来走势



Bleakley咨询集团首席投资官 Peter Boockvar














PayPal董事会成员 塞萨雷斯





福汇集团旗下专业财经媒体 Daily6z





“大宗商品之王”加特曼通讯社创始人,Dennis Gartman




PayPal董事会成员 塞萨雷斯




盛宝银行分析师 Van-Petersen





投资公司Canaccord Genuity分析师 Michael Graham




Fundstrat共同创办人,比特币超级多头,Tom Lee







加密货币投资公司BlockTower Capital首席投资官 阿里•保罗(Ari Paul)



TenX联合创始人兼总裁Julian Hosp



数据分析机构DataTrekResearch分析师Nick Colas




Cryptos R Us联合创始人,加密货币投资老鸟,George·Tung



Autonomous Research金融科技策略全球主管,Lex Sokolin

“2018 年币圈或迎来新一轮“分叉狂潮”,其分叉最高或达50次!”


③ 王牌对王牌的节目列表





第03期(20160212):超龄喜剧战队 VS 最接地气战队


第05期(20160226):王祖蓝的朋友圈 VS 谢娜的朋友圈

第06期(20160304):80明星学院战队 VS 90偶像学院战队

第07期(20160311):经典巅峰人气偶像队 VS 新生代巅峰人气偶像队

第08期(20160318):喜感爆棚队 VS 颜值爆表队

第09期(20160325):豪爽派美女战队 VS 婉约派美女战队

第10期(20160401):模范夫妻队 VS 荧屏情侣队

第11期(20160408):《爵迹》专场:王爵战队 VS


第01期(20170120):《功夫瑜伽》 VS 《三生三世十里桃花》

第02期(20170129):跑男兄弟 VS TFBOYS

第03期(20170130):新生代喜剧人战队 VS 经典喜剧人战队

第04期(20170210):厨神队 VS 食神队

第05期(20170217):经典喜剧人战队 VS 跨界喜剧人战队

第06期(20170224):后宫逆袭队 VS 后宫得意队

第07期(20170303):青年演员队 VS 经典老戏骨队(上)

第08期(20170310):青年演员队 VS 经典老戏骨队(下)

第09期(20170317):经典武侠队 VS 传奇仙侠队

第10期(20170324):硬汉联盟队 VS 头脑特工队


第12期(20170407):王牌家族战队 VS 地表最强战队























④ 一个人会干什么不重要,重要的你会让别人干什么














十三、“魅力,不是你留给别人美好的第一印象,而是相识多年,别人仍喜欢和你在一起 ;不是你瞬间吸引了别人的目光,而是别人熟悉你以后,依然欣赏你 ;更不是相见恨晚,而是历尽沧桑后由衷的说,认识你真好 。--朋友的魅力,不是相识的早晚,而是相处之后不再走 。”




⑤ 艾可乐 米米拉 小妮子 米朵拉 猪小萌 草莓多 猫小白 桃子夏、FAN小妖、喵哆哆、草莓多 奈奈的小说

Fan小妖:《Angel,你要记得我》 《Baby,你是那颗星》 《花样男子》 《天团见习①②》 《花美男宿舍骚动事件①②③》《噢!似美男啊》《桃色偶像之吻》《绯闻四少美男心》
奈奈:《当时光绽放成花火》《凉音》《浅夜》《向日葵里的爱情乐章》《旋转的命运轮》 《如果夏樱不快乐》《蒲公英和纸飞机的六月》《可不可以不勇敢》《海豚会唱歌》《如若我在你眼里》《烙印时光》《三寸日光》《唯爱暮光》《爱在紫微星》《爱是微澜的记忆》 《一亿颗星星的距离》《晴空》《哭过的天空》等等等等~~~~~

⑥ 斗战神 念珠小妖|统计插件麻烦告诉我

斗战神 罗刹 宝宝选择斗战神新版龙女加点“庄哥,我到了,你在哪呢。”陆宇对庄明道

① Where can I read the written by Xiaoyao Youyou?

Miluo slapped the 5,000 yuan on the table, stared, and twitched his nostrils Zhang Zhang, it seems that I really made him anxious.
Milo yelled at me loudly: "I'll give you this 5,000 yuan, and you use this to bet. If you lose, it's mine, if you win, it's yours! Isn't this enough?"
"No, I Never gamble," I said. When it comes to gambling, I have the principle that I would rather die than surrender. If I had to choose between death and gambling, I would choose death.
However, Milo is the marketing director of a large client. On this trip, I took the three main people in charge of the client. My job is to arrange their itinerary, pay for them, and then use it to their advantage. My innocent and lovely nature makes them happy.

They know me very well and have become friends through work. Even so, they are still customers and cannot be offended. For the return flight tomorrow at noon, Milo suggested playing mahjong all night, but I refused, no matter what, I was unyielding and refused to take hard or soft measures, so Milo's nostrils became one by one.

"I can be a poker player." I said with a firm gaze. This was my final bottom line for giving in. Milo was familiar with my gaze. When the two sides of the company were negotiating the project cost, as long as I With this look, Milo knew that I had reached my bottom line.

Finally, Milo relaxed his shoulders, sighed, and said, "Okay, I'm really impressed by you!"

I arranged the mahjong in a hurry, with two rows up and down, but Still unable to keep up with their speed, Milo was the first to set up and lit a cigarette, so the hotel room felt like a fairyland. This scene seemed familiar, Milo looked solemn, and the TV was playing noisily. The advertisement I creatively designed, the light from the screen reflected on his face, flickering on and off, made me suddenly nervous and my heart hurt inexplicably.

I have a strange feeling. I feel that from the moment I sit on this card table, Milo is no longer Milo, Rui Rui is no longer Rui Rui, and Liu Hao is no longer Liu Hao. , everyone is specious. We know that we know each other, but we feel a strong sense of strangeness and fear deep in our hearts. How can we describe this feeling? I remember one time, my close friend Xiaoru invited me to take a bath in a high-end bathing center. It was my first time to take a bath in a public bath. The moment Xiaoru and I faced each other sincerely, I felt that Xiaoru was not Xiaoru, and I was not I.

The hotel phone beeped and screamed. Rui Rui stood up to answer the phone and said impatiently: "No need!" Rui Rui hated that kind of woman the most.

Rui Rui returned to the card table. The cards had been placed, square and airtight.In the siege, everyone is a dice. If you fall in, you may never come out.

Playing mahjong is an unspoken rule of Milo and his company, and has almost become part of their corporate culture. It is said that when Milo was at his worst, he lost 30,000 yuan in one night.

"A person's true nature can best be seen at the card table"

This is the creed of Milo and his boss, and it is also the creed of my parents. Of course, my parents weren't Milo's bosses.

Small gambling is a pleasure, parents like small gambling, winning or losing is within 50 yuan. My father often said that if I brought my boyfriend home for the first time in the future, as long as he played eight rounds of mahjong with my parents, he would definitely show his true colors.

I don’t know why, but I always feel that my father’s words are vicious. Maybe he doesn’t want his precious daughter to become someone else’s person, right?

The card table is life, winning or losing is unpredictable. Everyone puts on the disguise first and becomes naked.


In fact, I have been able to play mahjong since I was very young. Regarding mahjong, I am basically self-taught.

I don’t know when I started, and I don’t know how I learned it. In short, I learned it, and it’s inexplicable.

However, I have never played mahjong since I was 10 years old, and I have never gambled in any way.

"Six of a kind!" Milo pushed the cards into the center with a snap. In the last round, Liu Hao played six of a kind. I thought about it. Since it was a card racket, it was better not to mess up the cards. In the last round, Rui Rui I was not confused even if I got six, so I was very relieved when Milo got six.

"Confused!" It wasn't me who said it, it was said by a woman on TV, but the voice was very similar to mine. Before I could explain, Milo had already pushed down his cards, so I I had no choice but to show my cards and say: "I am indeed confused."

Obviously, Milo was unhappy. Milo thought I was deliberately teasing him. I will not be confused when someone else offers six. I'm confused. Fortunately, I am a poker player, and winning or losing does not count.

I looked at the TV, and the woman on the TV looked at me too.

Milo picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, so the woman was imprisoned in the TV, but I still felt that she was showing a mysterious smile through the black screen.

"Xiao Sun is very good at beating!" Rui Rui smiled, with two dimples on his face. My palms continued to sweat, and I said uneasily: "I won't blur it next time, otherwise it will be boring for you to play!"

&"It's good to know!" "Milo said angrily. Milo is a very cultivated person outside the card table, very gentleman, and has no leadership airs. How come he changes as soon as he gets to the card table?

My heart He twitched, "Why did it change as soon as I got to the card table?" "

This sentence also seemed familiar.

I also lit a cigarette, so the upper part of the whole room was filled with a layer of evil spirit, and my thoughts The chaos seemed to have returned to a long time ago, or perhaps to a moment in the previous life. It was also so gray and overwhelming, and everyone in the room was red-eyed at gambling.

Milo had already lost 4,500. He remained silent, and every time he touched a card, he nervously touched it with his thumb, as if he wanted to find out the answer to the riddle of such a card like a blind man, as if the card turned into the card he hoped for after such a touch. My dad also likes to draw cards like this, which I don’t understand at all. Wouldn’t it be simpler and faster to just look at the cards?

"Six! Milo carefully threw the cards into the pile, and Liu Hao shouted: "Haha!" Confused again! "Liu Hao has been the banker three times in a row, so Milo and Rui Rui are a little angry.

"Damn it! I have a grudge against Rokujo tonight! I won't throw away six items until I die! "Milo put the cigarette in the ashtray. This was the first time I heard Milo curse someone since I met Milo.

Milo's eyes were red and he was staring straight at something. The hands were shuffling, and my eyes were in a trance for a moment. I saw a woman's hands among them, but they were not mine. I didn't have red nails. However, when I looked closer, the hands were gone again. The tiles are getting faster and faster, and my heart hurts more and more.


This is the most common mahjong tile. The back of the tile is crystal clear emerald green. Cards have been very popular when I was a child. One year when I was a child, my father was obsessed with gambling. Every day after school, my house was filled with smoke. There were four people in the room betting, others watching, and everyone smoking. , I eat, do homework, and sleep amidst the clattering sound of shuffling, and there is also clattering in my dreams.

Sometimes my father will hold me on his lap and let me Draw cards for him, because the cards I usually draw are good cards that Dad needs. If Dad wins because of the cards I draw, he will generously give me ten times more pocket money than usual.

My mother often sits next to my father and watches. Occasionally, when his father goes to the bathroom, she will give him a slap, but this does not mean that she agrees with his father's gambling. Just because she can't control it, she has to obey.

My mother has always been a wise housewife. At first, my father was obsessed with anesthesia.When I was about to die, I spent all night gambling in the basement of my friend's house without eating, drinking, sleeping, or going home. I was completely consumed and turned into a devil. If mom yells, scolds, or overturns their card table, it will only lead to a slap in the face from dad and an intensification of not coming home.

Later, my mother seemed to have figured it out and accepted her fate. She simply let them gamble in my living room and provided tea and simple meals. In this case, dad is at least at home, eating normally, at least within mom's sight, and at least he won't do anything excessive because of gambling, such as risking his house, wife and children like on TV.

This time, I drew the cards early again, and still got six.

"There won't be anyone who fools Liutiao again, right?" Milo held a Liutiao in his hand, his eyes were bloodshot, and Liu Hao showed a mysterious smile, seeming to hint to Milo that he was fooled. Six, and Rui Rui took a sip of water, glanced at the water dispenser, and said nonchalantly: "Ask the waiter to bring another bucket of water."

"***! I don't believe this evil anymore!" He throws out the six pieces, so naturally I won't yell at him, I'm a poker player. I stood up and said, "I'll call for water."

I stood up, touched the cards with my sleeves, and my cards flashed out,

"Ah! It turns out! "Is it Xiao Sun who fooled six numbers, or is it all the same!" Liu Hao laughed loudly, "Xiao Sun is very lucky. If it weren't for the trick, you would have defeated us miserably today!"

I looked pale, My sleeve only knocked over the two cards on the side. The other cards were not pushed by me, but by a pair of hands.

A pair of women’s hands.

A pair of woman's hands with red nails.

It seems that woman only has one pair of hands.

"It's already 12 o'clock, why don't we all go to bed..." I whispered, those hands stimulated a certain nerve fiber deep in my heart, making me tremble.

"No! It's only 12 o'clock, and I said I would stay up all night!" Milo's voice was hoarse from the smoke, "I have to get my copy back!" He had already lost 10,000, he There was no confusion from beginning to end.

I called the waiter and asked for water, stretched my waist, and turned on the TV. I hoped that the sound of the TV could relieve my inner fear. At this moment, I needed the sound from the outside world.

It was probably a video that was played on a loop. When I turned on the TV, the first thing that appeared was the woman’s voice that sounded similar to mine, “It’s blurry!”ot; Then the image appeared, and the woman raised her head and looked at me through the screen. It seemed that she had been waiting in the dark TV screen, waiting for me to turn it on again, waiting to look at me for the second time, her She looks very enchanting, and her hands are painted with blood-red nail polish. Trembling, I turned off the TV and returned to the card table.


For a while, my father always lost. When he lost, he would force my mother to take out her bankbook. After my mother took out her bankbook again and again, she finally stopped. Ken took it, and my mother said that it was the last savings of the family, and it was the foundation for the family to continue to live.

Dad's eyes were red and his face was ferocious, "You won't give it to me, right? You won't give it to me, right? If you don't give it to me, go outside and borrow it! If you can't borrow it, grab it!" After saying this, Dad After overturning the card table, she didn't come back for half a month. Mom asked Dad everywhere about where they were gambling, but no one who knew about it would tell them. Dad said harsh words. If he knew who said it, Who to cut?

My father is a man who fights without his life. It was because of this that my mother married him. Because my mother’s family are all timid and fearful people, my mother longed to be married to a tough man. Protect. However, one day this toughness fell on my mother, and she burst into tears.

I can’t stand to see my mother cry. When she cries, I cry too. When I cry, my mother cries even harder.

The doorbell rang, it was the waiter, a man.

The waiter wore a well-fitting uniform and greeted us with a smile. At that time, I happened to be listening to the cards again, and I still got six numbers, this terrifying six number!

No one had the intention to look at the waiter. The waiter changed the water by himself, stood beside me with a smile, and said in a trained voice: "Hello, the water has been changed. It will be hot in a while. Then you can drink it."

No one paid attention to him. Milo was so angry that he even yelled a little viciously: "What the fuck! I don’t believe it! Liu Jiao!"

"Yeah! Six sticks!" A pair of hands with red nails helped me push down the cards. It was the waiter.

I stared at those hands and the waiter in astonishment. The waiter smiled coyly. Only then did I realize that he smiled a little girly and spoke in a girly way. What is it about men who don't wear nail polish that is perverted?

Milo scolded: "It's your fault!"

The waiter apologized embarrassedly. He seemed to realize that he had talked too much and stood helplessly. On the side, his mouth opened and closed slightly, as if he wanted to explain something, but he felt that no matter how he explained, it was all his fault, so he asked for help.He looked at me and then at Rui Rui.

"Okay, okay! It's not easy for anyone," Rui Rui tried to smooth things over and said to the waiter: "Nothing's wrong with you, just go out!" So the waiter hurriedly backed out and used his Hands with red nails held the door open for us.

Those hands are very white and the nail polish is very red.

Seeing that Milo was already losing, Rui Rui said, "I think it’s better to forget it today. Xiao Sun doesn’t gamble, and it’s not fun to play! I just spent the first half of the night killing time. All the money goes back to its original place. Everyone treats it as entertainment!"

Rui Rui has always been very observant and knows how to take care of other people's emotions, especially those of leaders. Rui Rui is very kind and thoughtful. Sometimes during a break in the planning project communication meeting, he would quietly send me a text message, telling me that if I continued to be stubborn, the leader might give up on the project. At this time, I would make appropriate concessions. Liu Hao, on the other hand, relied on his nepotistic relationship with the upper echelons of the group to speak out and feel confident.

"If you don't want to play, then you won't play. What's the point of returning all the money? You can't afford such a small amount of money?" Liu Hao stretched out his arms and continued to lay out the cards. He was obviously very lucky. I didn’t mean not to play.

Milo also said: "Play! Play! Whoever doesn't play, I will worry about."

So the eight hands shuffled again, and suddenly, Rui Rui He stopped his hand, looked at everyone one by one, then looked around the room, blew out an irregular smoke ring, and said mysteriously, "I always feel like there is a fifth person in this room, and, When Mr. Mi comes out with six tricks, some people cheat. Isn’t it too evil?"

I felt anxious and glanced at Rui Rui. It turned out that I was not the only one who felt this way.

Liu Hao said: "Rui Rui, you bastard, if you don't want to play, don't talk nonsense and scare people!"

Milo didn't even raise his head, it was his turn to play the dealer. , he threw the dice into the mahjong prison and said, "I don't believe in this evil! If I don't tell you to stop, you all have to play along."

"Yes!" Liu Hao added fuel to the fire, "Rui Rui Rui won't play anymore if he wins. He's so unqualified that he has to give Mr. Mi a chance to make a comeback!"

Rui Rui glared at Liu Hao and began to draw cards in silence.


The whole room was filled with a strange atmosphere. Milo focused on the game, looking at the cards that had been dealt and the cards in his hand from time to time, testingRegardless of what kind of cards the probability of cheating is relatively high, Liu Hao was very lucky and won a lot, and seemed to have a tendency to continue winning. He couldn't help but feel proud on his face. Every time he touched a card, he would exaggerate and say: "This is The cards are so good, which one should I throw away?" Every time Liu Hao finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at Milo. I thought if Milo had a beard, he would stand up with anger.

Rui Rui, on the other hand, has not said a word since he said that sentence, and his mind does not seem to be on the game. He looks left and right now, absent-mindedly.

In this way, after a round, it seems that Liu Hao is the only winner on the table.

In order not to mess up the cards, I simply placed the cards in a mess. Every time I touched six, I was frightened. The six vertical lines spread their teeth and claws, like maggots on a corpse. My eyes kept squirming, which made me upset.

This one, miraculously, after I touched three six-bar cards, I touched another one. In fact, I drew six false cards, but of course I still can't call them false. Just when I touched the fourth six, the phone rang sharply. Although the sound was not loud, it startled the four people in the room. Everyone was stunned for a moment. No one moved, it seemed. In expectation the ringing will stop automatically. But the caller seemed to be very persistent, and the buzzing kept ringing, and Rui Rui finally couldn't sit still.

He said: "I'll go listen..."

"Let Xiao Sun go, the other party will definitely die without saying a word when he hears it's a woman." Milo said .

I looked at my cards and hesitated for a moment, worried that the cards would fall over automatically when I left, so I carefully folded the cards up, then picked up a six-in-one card and walked to the phone. , so even if the cards will automatically do a 180-degree turn, as long as they don't know that I have six in my hand, they won't think that I'm confused.

As soon as I walked to the phone, the phone stopped ringing.

"What a bastard!" Milo cursed.

I turned around and the phone rang again. I picked up the receiver. The other party didn't speak. There was no sound in the receiver, not even the tiny noise that an ordinary phone should have. There was dead silence on the other end of the phone. , as if it were a bottomless black hole.

"Is she Miss?" Liu Hao asked maliciously.

"No one said anything." I said tremblingly.

"Ignore her and keep beating!" Milo was impatient.

I said "oh"Just as I was about to hang up, a voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone. It was extremely clear. The voice seemed not to come from the phone, but to my ear.

She said: "Gu Liu Tiao."

The room was very quiet at that time. It seemed that even the heater of the water dispenser had stopped working, so everyone here heard it. That sentence.

After the other party said this, he hung up the phone. The faint "beep" sound coming from the phone became the only soundtrack in the room. My legs softened and I fell down. On the bed, the card in his hand fell on the bed, it was indeed six of a kind.

Rui Rui’s lips trembled slightly.

Liu Hao turned over my cards with a look of disbelief, looked at them, and then looked at the six cards that had fallen on the bed. His face was pale and he was stunned.

Milo's eyes became even redder, and the whites of his eyes were densely covered with bloodshot eyes, and he cursed: "Damn..." However, this scolding was obviously guilty and lacked the confidence.

I was sitting right in front of the TV, and the black-gray TV screen reflected my shadow and changed its shape. I suddenly had a feeling that if I turned on the TV at this moment, the TV would There will definitely still be that woman there, and that woman will still say "confused" and then look at me.

This feeling was terrifying, but like a patient suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, I picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

The woman on the TV did not appear, but a screen of flashing snowflakes, as if covered with white ants, messy.


Milo suddenly slapped the table and cursed: "What the hell are you doing? Keep beating!"

"I I don’t want to fight..." Rui Rui said.

"It seems a bit evil. There won't be a monitor in this room, right?" Liu Hao fully showed his suspicion at this time. He looked at the roof behind my seat. I glanced at other places, and there was nothing that looked like a monitor.

"What are you afraid of!" Milo turned his head and said to me with persistence and perseverance, "Xiao Sun! Unplug the phone line, sit over and keep calling!" He took out a stack of RMB from his pocket and put it on the table, "I risked my life today and lost to the end, but I just don't believe in this evil! When I was a soldier on a mission more than ten years ago, I killed a lot of people. , are you afraid of a shrinking ghost? ***!"

In fact, everyone is pregnantThey suspected something was going on, but no one dared to say the word "ghost". Milo said it so casually, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right! Maybe it's a prank. I'll go to the hotel to settle the score tomorrow morning!" Liu Hao also agreed.

Rui Rui remained silent, mechanically stirring the cards on the table with his hand, obviously he agreed with Milo's words. If it stops now, three big men and a girl will definitely not be able to sleep in the same room. If they go to their own rooms, Rui Rui will definitely fall into a deeper fear. This kind of fear is difficult to talk about. He can't say that he doesn't want to sleep in the same room. Dare you sleep alone?

So it is better for everyone to stay in the same room, and the best excuse to stay in the same room is to continue playing cards.

I also analyzed this, so I sat back obediently and continued playing cards. Despite this, I always felt like there was a pair of eyes staring at me from behind, which made my scalp numb.

The six cards have become a nightmare for four people. No matter who it is, as soon as they touch the six cards, they will play it out as soon as possible, no matter how much they need this card. In terms of attitude towards Liu Jiao, the four people agreed and tacitly understood each other.

I am still playing cards, still absent-minded.

I remember that after my father overturned the card table and ran away from home, he didn’t come back until midnight one day half a month later. I was awakened by my parents' quarrel in my sleep. I was wearing pajamas and standing at the door of the bedroom. I saw my father tearing off my mother's gold earrings from her ears, and then forcefully tore off the wedding ring from my mother's hand. My mother covered her ears and cried loudly, and blood flowed out from between her fingers. I stood at the door and saw my father's eyes were bloodshot, his lips were chapped, and his hair was greasy and messy. At that moment, I felt that my father was not my father.

Dad snatched mom’s jewelry and turned around to leave without even looking at me. I originally expected him to look at me, but no, he didn’t. Those bloodshot eyes covered his face. sight.

My mother cried and said to me: "Go! Follow your dad! Follow your dad! Ask him not to gamble!"

At that time, I thought this was an order. This is an arduous task, it is inevitable, it is a matter of course, and there is no need to think about it. So I put on my slippers and followed my father out the door.

Dad walked to the entrance of the alley, stopped, and without looking back, shouted: "Go back!"

I grabbed the corner of his clothes and said: "No!"< br />
"Go back!" Dad said angrily, while pushing away my hand holding his clothes.

"Mom asked me to follow you." I said, "Dad...don't you want us anymore? "

I saw my father's shoulders shaking slightly, but he still didn't look back. He just gritted his teeth and said, "If I don't win this time, I won't be able to see you again!" You go back and tell your mother, I will definitely win this time! If I still lose, I won’t come back! "

"I don't...Dad...I want to follow you! "I stubbornly grabbed my father's clothes again. This is my temper. I have always been stubborn since I was a child.

In the distance, a woman came over. I couldn't see her face clearly in the darkness. I just remember that she walked up to my father and pulled my hands off his clothes. Those hands were very white in the dark, and the nail polish was very red.

Then my father and that The woman walked out together, and I followed behind, crying. Although I was young and ignorant, I suspected that Dad was not just gambling.

Dad never looked back, but raised his head Legs, kicked me hard backwards, and that kick hit my chest. I sat on the ground, watching my father and the woman walking away, crying so hard.

That was The only time my father used force on me. I have always been his princess since I was a child. I remember when I was a child, my immunity was very poor and I always had a fever and cough. In order to coax me to take licorice tablets, my father stuffed the tablets into a banana and coaxed me. He said, that's a banana core. I refused to eat when I was sick. I was tortured by the pain and cried in the middle of the night. My father stayed up all night. One time, in order to make me happy, he ran to many stores at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. Knocking on the door and walking a long way to buy me my favorite cake.

And now, my dad was completely robbed by gambling and robbed by that woman .


After a few consecutive hands where everyone got six, nothing weird happened anymore, and Milo’s luck also improved, I felt I think it was Milo's righteousness that suppressed the dirty things, or in other words, it was Milo's anger that suppressed those weird hands. No matter what it was, everything seemed to be back to normal, Rui Rui didn't even look around. It seemed that everyone was focused on playing cards and had forgotten the horror just now.

Brand quality is character.

On the card table Everyone has revealed the truest side of their human nature. Milo is usually an elegant gentleman, but in fact he is a rough and straightforward person. Although Rui Rui usually seems to be flattering, he is actually sensitive, kind and has no independent opinions. Liu Hao is in the company I appear to be upright and generous, but at the poker table I can't hide the appearance of a villain.

As for me, I'm just a poker player, an outsider who has nothing to do with winning or losing, so I don't show anything.

I am a card rack!

Card rack!

I suddenly realized that I was not controlling the cards in my hand, nor was I sitting where I was supposed to be, that’s right! I was sitting there playing cards with them, but that was not me, because there was no mirror or any reflective object, but I saw myself sitting there playing cards.

It turns out that I have always been a real poker player!

I raised my head from the card table, glanced at me, and smiled strangely. I didn’t know where I was or where I was. I couldn’t see the real me. I only saw the card table. of me sitting there.

While the four of them were shuffling the cards, Liu Hao touched Xiao Sun's hand intentionally or unintentionally and said, "Xiao Sun, I just noticed that you have red nails!"

Xiao Sun put on an innocent smile that only belonged to me and said: "After dinner, I went back to the room and found it fun, so I put it on for fun. I will wash it off when I get back tomorrow, otherwise I will definitely be laughed at by my colleagues."

Rui Rui also said: "Huh? Really, I never noticed such red nail polish!"

Milo said: "Girls are the most Don't be so ostentatious, especially for a good girl like Xiao Sun!"

I said: "That's not me." But no one heard it. Xiao Sun raised his eyes and looked at me. Milo said: "How am I a good girl? Being stubborn can also be a headache! Isn't that right, Mr. Mi?"

Milo smiled heartily, which confused him again , he said, "It's really a headache! Haha!"

I am indeed very stubborn.

That night, I held my burning chest, stood up, and quietly caught up with my father and the woman. I followed them around and around, and finally came to a dilapidated hut, where my father and the woman were. I opened the curtain and went in. I waited outside for a while, then quietly opened a gap in the curtain and squeezed in.

There were seven or eight people in the room, whether they were gambling or watching, they were all engrossed. No one noticed that I was nestled in the corner, watching my father hand my mother’s jewelry to the woman with hatred on my face. .

Dad did not bet, but watched the woman bet. The woman’s fingers were very nimble. Amidst the sound of shuffling the cards, her hands were ten points of red among the emerald green.

Dad said: "You must help me win it back this time. You are a master of mahjong. After I win it back, I will give you half of it. If I win back my capital, I will never gamble again."< br />
The woman didn’t respond to her father’s words, she just threw out a card and said: "Six!"

The man opposite the woman said: "Confused!"


Xiao Sun said: "Liu Tiao!"

Liu Hao said: "Confused!"

Milo said: "Damn it , it’s started again! This time it’s Xiao Sun’s turn to light up the cannon!"

Rui Rui glanced at Xiao Sun, took a sip of water, and said while shuffling the cards: "Why do I always feel that this house There seems to be someone in there?"

Xiao Sun said: "You are getting nervous again!"

I yelled: "Rui Rui! Rui Rui! Keep talking. ! Keep talking!"

But after Milo glared at Rui Rui, Rui Rui stopped talking. I saw Xiao Sun draw a card. It was clearly three cakes, but somehow it turned into six when she shook it.

Xiao Sun said: "Liu Tiao!"

This time, Rui Rui trembled and said: "It's confusing..."

" Damn it! How come everyone has burned six bars, but I haven't burned six bars at a time?" Milo lit a cigarette.

I saw that the woman clearly drew a fifty thousand card, but somehow after she lit a cigarette, the card turned into six.

The woman said: "Liu Tiao!"

This time, it was the man to the left of the woman who was confused.

The father said anxiously: "Can you play cards?"

The woman said: "Since you don't trust me, why did you invite me to come? That's what playing cards is, 80% of the time It's just luck, skill only accounts for 20%."

Dad sniffed nervously and lit another cigarette for the woman. This is the third father I have seen. This father is not the father who loved me before, nor is he the ferocious father who kicked me just now. The father now is hunched over, without the uprightness of the past, and his eyes are unblinking. He stared intently at the table, and the sound of every card falling stimulated his nerves. His legs trembled slightly, and his whole person looked shrunken, humble, and desperate.

After a while, my mother lost all her jewelry. Everyone wins, only that woman loses, that woman losesYes, that means my dad lost.

"What kind of expert are you?" Dad grabbed the woman's hair, his eyes flashed with despair. The woman's sleeves swung, and several six strips fell out. But dad didn't see it.

"I gave you my wife's jewelry!" Dad's eyes were filled with tears.

The other three men and onlookers rushed up and pulled Dad away.

"Winning and losing are normal, and you can't blame me for that!" one of the men said.

Dad threw away everyone, covered his face with his hands, squatted on the ground and began to cry.

My heart twitched as my father cried.

My father said that if I lose again this time, I will never go home again, so I must find a way to get my mother's ring back and my father back.

"Do you still want to bet?" the woman asked proudly.

Dad stood up. His face had lost its original look, ferocious, desperate and helpless. He stared with scarlet eyes, tremblingly took out a piece of paper from his underwear pocket and handed it to That woman, that woman was about to pick her up, but her father immediately retracted his hand, hesitating again and again.

That piece of paper is the deed of our house.

The woman said impatiently: "You think about it first, I'll go to the toilet!"

I quietly followed the woman to the toilet, and I heard the sound of her excreting happily. , but don’t know what to do. I knew that she was in a group with one, two, or even three other men, and even the whole room was in a group, except for Dad.

Gambling makes one stupid. Dad no longer thinks clearly, but I do! So I have to help daddy!

http://hi..com/%C2%FE%CC%EC%C1%F7%B9%E2%B7%C9%CE%E8/blog/item/8b79020f291fd8ebaa6457a5.html< br />

② Simple prediction of the future trend of Bitcoin

Predictions from various big guys

1. Bad predictions

Peter Boockvar, chief investment officer of Bleakley Consulting Group< /p>

“The price of Bitcoin may fall by 70% to 90% this year.I wouldn’t be surprised if the price of Bitcoin drops to $1,000 to $3,000 over the next year, as Bitcoin is not really relevant in this $19 trillion economy. Any commodity whose price rises parabolically will usually fall back to its starting point. (Secure digital currency trading platform "Bihui")

However, I am not sure whether Bitcoin will fall slowly or plummet suddenly.

The implementation of loose monetary policies by central banks such as the Federal Reserve (Fed) is the main reason for people's enthusiasm for virtual currencies. As interest rates gradually return to normal, virtual currencies will also collapse. Once cracks appear in the virtual currency market, investors' attitudes toward high-risk assets will also change, and the stock market may be hurt. All this depends on market psychology and has nothing to do with the quality of economic fundamentals. "

Emma was so frightened by this first statement that she quickly added a BTC position to calm her panic!


"As a currency, it should be stable. As a store of value, Bitcoin can fluctuate by as much as 25% in a day, which means that using Bitcoin to pay wages is not feasible.

Bitcoin prices are likely to remain at a flat high compared to a rapid crash. The reason why the outcome of Bitcoin may be different is because there is such a factor. Some people, such as dictators, hope to store wealth overseas through Bitcoin.

Despite this, it cannot change the essence that Bitcoin is a typical bubble. It is based on misunderstandings like tulip mania. ”

It seems that using BTC to pay wages is indeed unreliable. But predators are predators, and they have something to say, but they don’t say it clearly. I have an epiphany, you can realize it yourself.

No. Robert Shiller, winner of the Bell Prize in Economics and professor of economics at Yale University

“Bitcoin reminds me of the tulip mania that occurred in the Netherlands in the 1640s. Basically, Bitcoin has no value unless some market participants I believe it is valuable. In comparison, even if gold is not regarded as an investment commodity, it at least has some uses.

To this day, people still pay for tulips, sometimes at very high prices. In comparison, Bitcoin may completely collapse and be forgotten by everyone, but even so, Bitcoin may still It has existed for a long time, even for 100 years."

I don’t understand, thank you!

PayPal board member Cesares

"Bitcoin and Blockchain attracts people's attention because they think it is an 'interesting experiment.'" If it succeeds, it could change the world more than the Internet did.

However, it is possible to fail, and the probability of failure is at least 20%. It is recommended to control the amount of cryptocurrency held within the range of affordable losses.

The main reason why Bitcoin fails is that people tend to Too much money has been invested in Bitcoin, and we can’t afford to lose.”

Raising funds from all over the worldSo much money just for an interesting experiment? Give me back 0.005 BTC!

Dailyfx, a professional financial media owned by FXCM Group

“As the price of Bitcoin failed to rebound to the historical peak hit in December, the price continued to fall. But objectively speaking, although the price of Bitcoin The fluctuation is huge, but it is still not a 50% drop. Looking at the market, the price has obvious support at the 11750/160 level. The price rebounds above or after touching this support level; if the price falls below this point, it may continue to fall in the future. < /p>

The price of Ethereum may break through the current slope area, but since the price touched 1380 in the short term from the December low of 500, it may indicate that the bullish gains have been exhausted. Therefore, if the price does not fall in the later period, there is a high probability of consolidation. The current first support is at 863. If the price still shows an upward trend, it will be a good long opportunity when it pulls back again.

Ripple may be in a high consolidation or downward correction trend in the later period. Since the price fell yesterday It broke the 2.1577 support level and continued to fall. In view of the sudden price increase last month, it is still unknown at what point the current price will fall or stabilize after hitting, so we still need to be cautious when trading Ripple."

The stock review has been changed to the currency review. Brother, please recommend me Kweichow Moutai!

“King of Commodities” Dennis Gartman, founder of Gartman News Agency

“Nothing can make me change my skepticism about Bitcoin. Bitcoin will make everyone involved. Everyone is experiencing disaster, and at the same time, once this happens, investors will flock to the gold market. Bitcoin will fall below $5,000, there is no doubt about it."

It seems that it is still necessary to collect some gold.

2. Positive predictions

PayPal board member Cesares

“The probability of success of Bitcoin and blockchain experiments is more than 50%. But industry participation Investors must be patient, because it will take 5 to 10 years of hard work to achieve solid success.

If the experiment is successful, the world will be very different. By then, one Bitcoin will be worth a million dollars. So by then, most people in the world will hope they can buy Bitcoin in the $14,000 or $20,000 price range."

Also before They said that the probability of failure is at least 20%, and now they say that the probability of success is more than 50%. You have all the good and bad words, so you just owe 1 BTC!

Saxo Bank analyst Van-Petersen

“The price of Bitcoin may reach between US$50,000 and US$100,000 in 2018. Other digital currencies besides Bitcoin are also It's going to go up big.

First of all, you might think that Bitcoin's price has had a proper correction, after all, it's down fifty percent, which is healthy. But we haven't seen that yet. The full effect of futures contracts.

This yearEthereum may overtake Bitcoin, which emerged later but has a more unified leadership position than Bitcoin. ”

This guy was right last time. When Bitcoin was trading below $900 in December 2016, he predicted that Bitcoin would reach $2,000 in 2017. As a result, Bitcoin The currency exceeded US$2,000 in May 2017. However, it is predicted that ETH will exceed BTC. Well, it is not impossible for the second brother to seek power and usurp the throne to kill the boss, but it is difficult.

Analysis by investment company Canaccord Genuity Researcher Michael Graham

“One of our themes is that 2018 will see more institutions entering the cryptocurrency market. The number of institutional-grade investment products related to Bitcoin is increasing. Regulators will approve a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund later this year or early 2019.

I do think that the public will see some crypto IPOs this year, as well as broader blockchain IPOs. ”

Let me break the news! Cboe (Chicago Board Options Exchange) applied for 6 cryptocurrency ETFs at the end of 2017, which may be launched in 2018. What the hell is this? In other words, increase It provides institutional investors with the opportunity to have close contact with cryptocurrencies and opens up channels for professional speculators.

Fundstrat co-founder, Bitcoin super bull, Tom Lee

“Estimating the bottom of Bitcoin It is around US$9,000. If it falls to this level, we will buy strongly. US$9,000 is the best time to enter the market this year.

It is estimated that Bitcoin will rise to US$25,000 by the end of the year, and will reach US$125,000 in 2022.

Bitcoin has experienced ups and downs many times, but each time it always returns to its previous highs, and the lows become good buying opportunities.

Since the middle of 2016, Bitcoin has surged by more than 75% five times, and plummeted by more than 25% six times. Similar rises and falls in the stock market take several years, but in the virtual currency world, it takes a few months. It can be done.

We are also optimistic about 3 virtual currencies. The first is ETH. Ethereum has smart contract functions and has a promising future. It is expected to rise from the current US$1,000 to US$1,900 by the end of this year. The second is ETC, which is a hybrid virtual currency of Bitcoin and Ethereum. It will rise from the current US$25 to US$60 by the end of the year. The third is NEO, a virtual currency developed in China. The price will rise from US$114 to US$225 by the end of the year. "

Tell me! How much did the project party give you? Please help me make an introduction...

Ari Paul, Chief Investment Officer of BlockTower Capital, a cryptocurrency investment company< /p>

“At some point in 2018, Bitcoin prices could be as low as $4,000 and as high as $30,000. ”

Brother, get out of here!

TenX co-founder and president Julian Hosp

“Bitcoin may break through the $60,000 mark in 2018, but it may also fall to the bottom of $5,000, but it is not certain’ Which one will come first, surprise' or 'fright'?"

Gewu um get off +1!

Nick Colas, analyst at DataTrekResearch, a data analysis agency

“Bitcoin’s volatility in 2018 will exceed that in 2017, and the volatility may range from US$6,500 to US$22,000, and both are reasonable valuations. And $14,035 will be a reasonable median. In addition, the price of Bitcoin will collapse 4 times in 2018, and the magnitude of each collapse will be about 40% and above."

There will be 4 more times this year Opportunity to buy dips and add positions...?

The soy sauce

Cryptos R Us co-founder, cryptocurrency investment veteran, George Tung

“Will we see another market value? A virtual currency that surpasses Bitcoin? Yes, I believe it is absolutely possible in the next three to five years. Or as soon as three years, there will be opponents that can compete with Bitcoin."

A three-thousand-year-old little demon wants to kill a seven-thousand-year-old demon? It's still a little tender!

Global Head of Financial Technology Strategy at Autonomous Research, Lex Sokolin

“The currency circle may usher in a new round of “fork frenzy” in 2018, with up to 50 forks! "

Dear, we are here to discuss the price. What do you mean by having a second child?

③ Ace vs. Ace program list

Ace vs. Ace has been broadcast for three seasons so far.

There are 11 issues in the first season:

Issue 01 (20160129): "Running Brothers" VS "Challenger League"

Issue 02 ( 20160205): "Wulin Gaiden" VS "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"

Issue 03 (20160212): Over-age comedy team VS the most down-to-earth team

Issue 04 (20160219): "Journey to the West: Monkey King Fights Three Bone Demons" VS "Monster Hunting"

Issue 05 (20160226): Wang Zulan's circle of friends VS Xie Na's circle of friends

Issue 06 (20160304) ): 80 Star Academy Team VS 90 Idol Academy Team

Issue 07 (20160311): Classic Peak Popular Idol Team VS New Generation Peak Popular Idol Team

Issue 08 (20160318) :The joyful team VS the beautiful team

Issue 09 (20160325): The forthright beauty team VS the graceful beauty team

Issue 10 (20160401): Model Couple Team VS Screen Couple Team

The 11th Issue (20160408): "Jueji" Special: Wang Jue Team VS

A total of 12 issues in the second season:

Issue 01 (20170120): "Kung Fu Yoga" VS "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossom"

Issue 02 (20170129): Running Man Brothers VS TFBOYS

Issue 03 (20170130): New Generation Comedian Team VS Classic Comedian Team

Issue 04 (20170210): God of Cooking Team VS God of Cookery Team

Issue 05 (20170217) : Classic Comedian Team VS Crossover Comedian Team

Issue 06 (20170224): Harem Counterattack Team VS Harem Proud Team

Issue 07 (20170303): Young Actor Team VS Classic Old Drama Team (Part 1)

Issue 08 (20170310): Young Actor Team VS Classic Old Drama Team (Part 2)

Issue 09 (20170317): Classic Wuxia Team VS Legend Xianxia Team

Issue 10 (20170324): Tough Guys Alliance Team VS Inside Out

Issue 11 (20170331): "Troublesome Family" VS "Kidnapper" 》

The 12th issue (20170407): Ace family team VS the strongest team on the surface

The third season has 12 issues:

No. 01 Issue (20180202): Popular Team VS Outstanding Team

Issue 02 (20180209): Chinatown Detective Team VS Ancient Street Smart Team

Issue 03 (20180216): Tianshi Team VS Cute Monster Team

No. 04 (20180219): Spring Festival Gala Evergreen Team VS Spring Festival Gala Time-honored Team

No. 05 (20180223): New Year Show

< p>Issue 06 (20180302): Emperor’s Team VS Concubine’s Team (Part 1)

Issue 07 (20180309): Emperor’s Team VS Concubine’s Team (Part 2)

Issue 08 ( 20180316): Powerful Singers Team VS Divine Comedy Singer Team

Issue 09 (20180323): Fashionable Hot Mom Team VS Charming Strong Women Team (Part 1)

Issue 10 (20180330) ): Fashionable Hot Mom Team VS Charming Strong Women Team (Part 2)

Issue 11 (20180406): Wise Old Boys Team VS Smart Girls Team

Issue 12 (20180413) : Ace Family Team VS Running Man Family Team

Extended information:

"Ace vs. Ace" is a large-scale TV series launched by Zhejiang Satellite TVAn original indoor competitive reality show produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV Program Center.

Each episode of the program revolves around a theme and invites two ace teams. The fixed captains of the two teams will each lead a number of popular IP guests to compete in PK. Through talent competitions and game competitions, the ace will be determined. The trump card in.

"Ace vs. Ace" includes: "Ace vs. Ace Season 1", "Ace vs. Ace Season 2", and "Ace vs. Ace Season 3".

The three fixed captains of "Ace vs. Ace Season 1" are Wang Zulan, Bai Baihe, and Xie Na. The program will premiere on Zhejiang Satellite TV at 20:20 every Friday night starting from January 29, 2016.

The two fixed captains of "Ace Vs Ace Season 2" are Wang Zulan and Wang Yuan, and the ace agent is Song Qian. The program will be broadcast every Friday night at 20:20 on Zhejiang Satellite TV from January 20, 2017 Premiere.

The two fixed captains of "Ace Vs Ace Season 3" are Wang Yuan and Shen Teng, and the two ace agents are Jia Ling and Ouyang Nana. The program will be broadcast every Friday starting from February 2, 2018 It will premiere on Zhejiang Satellite TV at 20:30 p.m.

Each episode of "Ace vs. Ace" revolves around a theme and invites two ace teams. Two fixed captains will each lead a number of popular IP guests for PK battles. Through talent competitions and game competitions, the winner will be determined. Ace among Aces, the program format is "China's most popular ace players showdown".

The confrontational nature of the celebrity guests and IP team of "Ace vs. Ace" makes the duel itself more competitive in a small space. Coupled with the ratings of 500 viewers, the showdown is tense. The feeling came over me.

④ What a person can do is not important, what is important is what you ask others to do

Yes, a person’s ability is limited, he must learn to manage and command, and let everyone help you Dry. There is strength when we all unite together. Let’s take a look at what’s said below. 1. The farthest distance in the world is not love or hate, but the familiar people gradually becoming strangers. There are some things that no matter how hard you try, you just can't go back. I am also afraid that time will tell the truth and all the promises will turn into lies.

2. Meeting is a matter of two people, but leaving is a decision of one person. Meeting is a beginning, but leaving is to meet the next departure. This is a world where leaving is popular, but none of us are good at saying goodbye.

3. The most difficult stage in life is not parting, but an agreement that has been made for many years, but only I came as promised.

4. Wake up~ "The most beautiful thing in the world is to eat meat; the most sincere thing for you is to eat meat. I will never betray or cheat; eat a pound, grow a pound, and always treat each other sincerely." 1. The first condition for self-love is to eat a good meal first, sleep well, and strengthen your body first without asking for any reason. No matter what happens, be kind to yourself.

5. Sometimes a gentle "It doesn't matter" always contains "I really want to do it in a minute"."I will kill you" power.

6. Emotions do not come first, first served. I obviously met you first, but you gave all your gentleness and patience to the people who came after you.

7. The only tacit understanding we have now is to lie quietly in each other's friend list, ignore each other, and live our own lives.

8. If you cannot stand on your own financially, you will have no confidence in your personal dignity, love and Freedom has to be wronged.

Later I gave you your freedom and withdrew from the road with you; talk about sad love, everyone will encounter unforgettable love

9. I once thought that parting meant leaving someone you didn’t love. One day, when I grew up, I realized that there is a kind of parting, which is leaving the person you love. There is a kind of parting, which is wiping away tears and not daring to look back.

10. In this world, everything can be accommodated, except for marriage, which cannot be accommodated. Because what you want is not a certificate, what you want is a life after marriage. From then on Until you get married, you will have decades of life, and you will never be able to face someone who is ready for you any day.

11. Most of the losses in this world are due to We have not become better ourselves, but we expect others to become better others.

12. Generally, people who are well-educated, considerate, mature and sensible at a young age, or have been educated well since childhood, Or there is a lack of love since childhood and no one loves you.

13. “Charm is not the good first impression you leave on others, but the fact that others still like to be with you after knowing you for many years; it is not your instant Attracting other people's attention means that they still appreciate you after they get to know you; it's not that they hate meeting you so late, but that after going through many vicissitudes, they sincerely say that it's great to know you. --The charm of friends is not how early or late they meet, but how they never leave after getting along. ”

14. Maturity is a very painful word. It may not make you gain anything, but it will definitely make you lose something. There is a never-impossible dream living in everyone’s heart. People, knowing that this person will never be possible, are still persistent and unwilling to give up the position of this person in the heart. This is fate. Some people can only bury it in their minds and miss it for the rest of their lives. Maybe this is the so-called forgetfulness. But I miss you so much that I cry.

15. If you are not sincere, don’t be too nice to me, lest I promise you my life but you don’t want it anymore.

16. Don't rush to find a partner, you have to use your own hard work to find the person who is suitable for you.

⑤ Aikola Mimi La Xiao Nizi Midora Pig Xiaomeng Strawberry Duo Cat Xiaobai Taozi Novels by Xia, FAN Xiaoyao, Meow Duoduo, and Strawberry Donana

Ai Keke: "The Invincible Prince", "Scandal Princess Chronicles", "Fashionable Flower Boy Club", "Puzzle Laws of Love", "Settuna's" "The Contracted Bride of the Gorgeous Blood Tribe" "The Legend of Red Sakura of the Gorgeous Blood Tribe of Setsuna" "The Gorgeous Blood Tribe of Setsuna"Scarlet Dream Romance" "Setsuna's Gorgeous Blood Clan: The Red Lotus Dynasty" "Captive My Love" "Pineapple Elf in the Palm" "Orange Angel in the Heart" "Really a Prince" "Really a Werewolf" "Really It's a snowman" "It's really a devil"
Mimila: "214 Degrees of the Dragon Prince ①②③ (co-authored with Xiao Nizi)" "She and Him and Him and Him ①②" "Spitting Bubbles Pao Said I Love You ①②" "Disobedient Grea ①②" "The Wedding Given by Silver Coins" "Lover Underage" "Lover Auction House" "Lover Exchange Student" "Love Sex" "Super Perfect Hurricane Boyfriend" "Super "Monster Cardboard Boyfriend", "Super Idiot Sweetheart Boyfriend", "Love, Countdown to 100", "Looking for Love, Countdown to 100", "Sunny Baby Auspicious Rain" (co-authored with Mucha), "Drag Miss True Heart Palace", "Gothic Prince Heart" "The Palace", "The Star Lovers", "Absolute Sweetheart", "The Seventh First Love"
Xiao Nizi: "214 Degrees of the Dragon Prince ①②③ (co-authored with Mimila)", "Devil's Kiss ①②③", "Dragon" Riichi, you are dead ①②③" Heaven Trilogy: "Exchange Diary from Heaven" "I Met You in Heaven" "If Heaven Was Sad"
"Snow in the Sakura Sky ①②" "The 13th Time I love you ①②" "Morinaga High School Third Year Group Two ①②③" "Moonlight Ties ①②"
"Twenty-one Night·Rose: Twin Flowers" "Twenty-one Night·Rose: Wolf" "One Night·Flower Field of Roses" "Queen·Goodbye Black Swan" "Queen·Polar Red Rose" "Queen·Sakura Snow Prince" "Queen·Queen" (This book should not be released yet)
Uh~~This I don’t know who Midora is, so I’ll omit this one
Zhu Xiaomeng: “Flower Girl and Girl Taming Team” and “Wake Up! "The Twilight King" "Pre-order!" Platinum Earl! "Bayonetta" "Magical Love Forecast" "Maya Pet Shop 1·Nine-Tailed Fox Lovers" "Maya Pet Shop 1·Barbie Lovers" "Maya Pet Shop 1·Ice Lovers" "Under the Roof of Dreams· "Qingxi Chapter"
Strawberry Lots: "The Girl Lost in the Flower Street", "Love Under the Flower Vine", "Hush!" Tell me your wish" "Ding! This is your wish" "Smile, in the name of the goddess of luck" "Smile! With the Soul of His Highness Satan" "Kiss Tarot, Dangerous Lovers"
Cat Noob: "Solomon's Tattoo", "Beautiful Boys' Private Club", "Under the Roof of Dreams", "Beautiful Evil Boy Group - Butterfly Face Scroll" 》
"Beautiful Bad Boys·Pink Quartz Scroll" "Beautiful Bad Boys·Sacred Sakura Scroll" "The Last Sun: Eyes of the Demon, Son of God"
"The Last Sun Chronicles: Traces of Memories, Ties of Blood", "The Last Sun Chronicle: The Peak of Love, the Shore of Hate", "The Last Sun Chronicle: The Silence of God, the Song of Man", "The Incident of Mao Xiaobai's Shadow" and "Cat "Xiaobai's Phantom Trace Incident"
Momo Xia (now signed with Hanabi): "The Seventh Night of Rose ①②③ (co-authored with Xiao Nizi)" "Prague Celebrities Hall" "The Left Cheek of the First Kiss ①②" "Roses Cross", "Meet You in Spring", "Goodbye, Snow Grass Boy" (this should have been written after signing the contract with Hanabi)
Fan Xiaoyao: "Angel, you have to remember me" "Baby, you are the star" "Boys over Flowers" "Team Group Apprentice ①②" "Flower Boy Dormitory Riot Incident ①②③" "Oh! Looks like a handsome man" "Peach Idol Kiss" "The Hearts of the Four Scandal Beauties"
Meow Duoduo: "Don't Kiss Me, Devil King ①②③" "Prince's Love, Limited Edition Not For Sale" "Never Get Tired of Listening, Keeping Love Fresh"
"Romeo Who Exchanged Love" "The Angel of the Next Second" "Smile Mind Telling" "Cassiopeia Love Preview ①②" "The Devil's Healing System"
"The Flower Eats the Beautiful Man" "Her Highness the Princess' Priority" "Your Highness the Guardian Star of Angels" "Your Highness the Heart of Spades" "Required Courses for Dating with the King" "Romeo of Customized Love"
Nana: "When Time Blooms into Fireworks" "Cool Sound" "Light Night" " Love Movement in the Sunflowers" "Spinning Wheel of Fortune" "If Summer Sakura Is Unhappy" "June with Dandelions and Paper Planes" "Can I Not Be Brave" "Dolphins Can Sing" "If I'm in Your Eyes" "Imprinted Time" "Three Inches of Sunlight" "Only Love Twilight" "Love in Purple Stars" "Love is the Memory of Wei Lan" "The Distance of One Hundred Million Stars" "Clear Sky" "The Crying Sky" and so on~~~ approximately Yang Hao, who had just planned to throw these scraps away as rubble, heard Zhang Bo's words and said directly, "One hundred thousand, take it if you want."
What this man said was actually in Chinese.
Baby Battle of God of War Rakshasa chooses the new version of Battle of God of War Dragon Girl to add points. "Brother Zhuang, I'm here, where are you." Lu Yu said to Zhuang Ming
"Of course" Lu Yu responded to Zhang Bo with a smile. , and then took out two bundles of bright red bills from his body. In Myanmar, the RMB is stronger than the kyat and is a hard currency. The 20,000 yuan was taken out by Lu Yulin from the bank as a spare when he got on the plane.
Hearing Zhuang Ming's words, Lu Yu no longer resisted and took over the Louwai Pavilion restaurant. Lu Yu knew that this was not a question of whether to accept the restaurant or not, but a question of his own stance. After taking over this restaurant, he became a member of their side and a member of their circle.
Hearing what Secretary Wang said, Zhao Ru touched her palm, walked up to Lu Yu, and said with a smile, "Your name is Lu Yu, you are a waiter at the club."
"Yes..." Lu Yu listened. Go to the mechanized voice of the memory tuner and immediately choose yes in the sea of ​​consciousness.
Hearing Director Qian’s words, Captain Han’s uneasiness became even more intense. Although Director Qian's voice was calm, Captain Han could hear a hint of forgiveness in it.
I sold myself. Every time I think of this, a nameless pain will appear in Zhao Zizi's heart. I don't hate this kind of woman the most anymore. She doesn't hesitate to sell her body for money.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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