元宇宙 虚拟人 元宇宙虚拟币龙头

㈠ 中国元宇宙概念股龙头


1. 腾讯控股(不过腾讯是港股),如果说国内有一家公司能够成为元宇宙领导者,那么这家公司毫无疑问,最有可能的是腾讯控股,因为元宇宙它的最初形态就是游戏加社交,终极形态是现实世界的完全映射。

2. 字节跳动,准备在科创板上市,国内目前最受年轻人欢迎的互联网平台抖音,头条,西瓜视频。他们的母公司就是字节跳动,在今年四月份字节跳动花一个亿收购了元宇宙的游戏公司代码乾坤,八月份的时候又花90亿收购了国内市场占比超过50%的vr硬件厂商pico,

3. 歌尔股份在2021到2025年期间,全球vr产品的年均增速是41%,ar产品的年均增速是138%,facebook,字节跳动他们要做元宇宙,他们的vr设备代工商都应该逃不过歌尔,因为歌尔在代工领域的市占率超过了80%,上半年歌尔的智能硬件收入已经是达到了112亿,收入占比达到了37%,这也意味着歌尔目前是a股最纯正的虚拟现实元宇宙设备供应商。

4. 全志科技,全志科技是国内唯一的低端vr芯片概念股,它推出的vr虚拟现实专用芯片vr9能够达到70帧每秒的速度,vr 的芯片概念股非常的稀有,高端芯片只有高通和苹果能够做,而中国未来如果想要做山寨版的vr,那么它的芯片就(大概率)由全志科技来进行提供。

5. 新易盛,元宇宙最基础的设施就是算力,为什么现在元宇宙的模型都是乐高模型?因为他们的算力不足,还只能支持简单的这种二维卡通式的图像,未来伴随着算力的提升,支撑虚拟现实内容的创造和体验会有更加真实的建模和交互,那这一块就会让元宇宙的技术,让更多的成年人也能够接受,而在这一块美国的算力龙头是英伟达,中国这一块,我选择的是电信和数通的双市场龙头,新易胜,他是国内少数可攻破800g数据中心,光模块的企业,而且正在打算新建285万只高速光模块的产能,2021年上半年营收同比增长超过了70%.

㈡ 什么是元宇宙概念股票








_1、300052 中青宝:深圳中青宝互动网络股份有限公司(以下简称“中青宝”)成立于2003年,是国内最早从事网络游戏开发、运营及发行为一体游戏公司之一,也是中国首支A股上市游戏公司(股票代码:300052),开创了国内网游公司上市的先河。

2、002241 歌尔股份:歌尔股份有限公司成立于2001年6月,2008年5月在深交所上市,是全球布局的科技创新型企业,主要从事声光电精密零组件及精密结构件、智能整机、高端装备的研发、制造和销售,目前已在多个领域建立了综合竞争力。

_3、002624 完美世界:业务涵盖完美世界游戏、完美世界电竞和完美世界影视三大板块,是我国最大的影游综合体。2004年,完美世界游戏正式创立,其推出的《完美世界》以自主研发的3D引擎和来自《山海经》的中国传统经典内容大获成功。2007年7月,完美世界游戏成功于美国纳斯达克上市。

4、300031 宝通科技:无锡宝通科技股份有限公司成立于2000年,历经近二十年的探索与实践,以百年通工业输送、宝通智能物联、宝强织造为产业协同平台,以“先进输送技术与数字化服务创新中心”为科技孵化载体,坚持科技创新、可持续发展的理念,积极发挥产业链优势,为下游矿产开采、钢铁冶炼、建材水泥、港口码头、火力发电等行业客户提供安全可靠、节能高效、绿色环保、智能互联的工业散货物料输送产品、技术与服务。

_5、300264 佳创视讯:深圳市佳创视讯技术股份有限公司成立于2000年,专注于数字电视系统研发与集成服务,是国内领先的数字电视整体解决方案提供商,也是中国最早投身于数字电视产业的高科技企业之一,于2002年率先在郑州、沈阳两个省会城市建设部署了可规模化运营的数字电视系统。

6、300296 利亚德:利亚德光电股份有限公司前身为北京利亚德电子科技有限公司,成立于1995年8月21日。2010年11月,利亚德光电股份有限公司由有限责任公司整体变更设立股份有限公司。利亚德光电股份有限公司是一家专业从事LED应用产品研发、设计、生产、销售和服务的高新技术企业,致力于为客户提供高效、节能、可靠的LED应用产品及其整体解决方案。

_7、300624 万兴科技:万兴科技集团股份有限公司(300624.SZ)成立于2003年,并于2018年登陆A股创业板,是全球领先的新生代数字创意赋能者,致力于成为全世界范围内有特色、有影响力的百年软件老店。公司面向全球海量新生代互联网用户提供潮流前沿、简单便捷的数字创意软件产品与服务,赋能人们在数字时代与众不同地进行创意表达,帮助每一个新生代创作者将头脑中的灵感变为可见的现实。

_8、300036 超图软件:北京超图软件股份有限公司,具有完全自主知识产权的大型地理信息系统软件平台。包括云GIS平台软件、组件GIS开发平台、移动GIS开发平台、桌面GIS平台、网络客户端GIS开发平台以及相关的空间数据生产、加工和管理工具。

_9、300079 数码视讯:北京数码视讯科技股份有限公司是全球一流的视频技术服务平台公司,由清华科技园及公司核心团队于2000年共同发起成立,2010年在深交所挂牌上市,股票代码为“300079”。公司致力于视频技术、加密技术、5G技术、AI技术等领域,顺应时代发展潮流,历经五个战略发展阶段。

㈢ 元宇宙概念股有哪些










㈣ 掌握元宇宙底层技术,并推出虚拟人组合的上市公司


㈤ 元宇宙虚拟人直播好神奇,企业直播也可以做到吗


㈥ 股市里什么叫元宇宙













㈦ 元宇宙有股票吗

“元宇宙”概念股主要是一些游戏公司的股票。1、近期,国外大型互联网公司为应对流量见顶的现实问题,纷纷表示将建设一个更加真实的虚拟世界以吸引客群,并抛出“元宇宙”概念。 客观来说,“元宇宙”概念确实画了一张行业发展的“大饼”,其将整合多种新技术而产生新型虚实相融的互联网应用和社会形态,基于扩展现实技术提供沉浸式体验,基于数字孪生技术生成现实世界的镜像,将虚拟世界与现实世界在经济系统、社交系统、身份系统上密切融合,可能带来长期投资机会。
3、个人投资者应对当前被热炒的“元宇宙”概念股保持清醒认识,切莫贸然为一个刚刚兴起且不成熟的概念买单。判断行业的成长性,首先要看应用终端是否普及,能否建立虚拟和现实的联系。其次要有真实的内容建设和落地场景。当“元宇宙”终端产品的销量提升,带动终端厂商、代工厂需求提升;内容公司开始提供出其他具有社交属性的内容产品;不断有新技术和公司对“元宇宙”的各个组成部分进行优化时,这个行业才真正开始走向成熟。 “元宇宙”离进入寻常百姓家还很遥远。过多的资金炒作题材概念,不利于资本市场健康发展。监管部门应密切关注市场动态、关注账户联动、关注异常交易,依法依规严肃查处操纵市场行为,净化市场生态。

㈧ 元宇宙虚拟人柳夜熙的服装是哪个公司制作的


㈨ a股元宇宙概念是什么意思

、 “元宇宙”到底是什么?




㈩ 股票中元宇宙概念是什么意思


㈠ The leading concept stocks of China’s Metaverse

The leading concepts of China’s Metaverse are the following five: Tencent Holdings, ByteDance, Goertek, Quanzhi Technology, and Xinyisheng

1. Tencent Holdings (but Tencent is a Hong Kong stock), if there is a domestic company that can become the leader of the Metaverse, then this company is undoubtedly Tencent Holdings, because it is the leader of the Metaverse. The initial form is games plus social interaction, and the ultimate form is a complete reflection of the real world.

2. Bytedance is preparing to be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Douyin, Toutiao and Xigua Video are currently the most popular Internet platforms among young people in China. Their parent company is ByteDance. In April this year, ByteDance spent 100 million to acquire the game company Code Qiankun of Metaverse. In August, it spent 9 billion to acquire a VR hardware manufacturer that accounts for more than 50% of the domestic market. pico,

3. From 2021 to 2025, the average annual growth rate of global VR products is 41%, and the average annual growth rate of ar products is 138%. Facebook, ByteDance, they want In the Yuanverse, their VR equipment OEMs should not be able to escape Goertek, because Goertek’s market share in the OEM field exceeds 80%. In the first half of the year, Goertek’s smart hardware revenue has reached 11.2 billion, accounting for The ratio has reached 37%, which also means that Goertek is currently the purest supplier of virtual reality metaverse equipment in the A-share market.

4. QuanZhi Technology, QuanZhi Technology is the only low-end VR chip concept stock in China. The VR virtual reality dedicated chip VR9 it launched can reach a speed of 70 frames per second. The VR chip concept stock is very High-end chips are rare and only Qualcomm and Apple can make them. If China wants to make a copycat version of VR in the future, its chips will (with a high probability) be provided by Allwinner Technology.

5. Xin Yisheng, the most basic facility of the Metaverse is computing power. Why are the models of the Metaverse now all Lego models? Because their computing power is insufficient, they can only support simple two-dimensional cartoon-like images. In the future, with the improvement of computing power, the creation and experience of virtual reality content will be supported by more realistic modeling and interaction. Then this Together, the technology of Yuanverse will be accepted by more adults. In this area, the computing power leader in the United States is Nvidia. In China, I chose the dual-market leader of Telecom and Datacom, Xinyi Victory, he is one of the few domestic companies that can break through 800g data centers and optical modules, and is planning to build a new production capacity of 2.85 million high-speed optical modules. In the first half of 2021, revenue increased by more than 70% year-on-year.

㈡ What are Metaverse concept stocks

Metaverse concept stocks are stocks related to the Metaverse. Such stocks rely on the theme of "Metaverse" to support their prices. The current Metaverse concept stocks include Zhongqingbao, Shunwang Technology, etc.

The concept of the Metaverse originated from Neal Stephenson's science fiction novel "Avalanche", which depicts aA virtual digital world parallel to the real world. People in the real world have a virtual avatar in this virtual world. People compete with each other to improve their status by controlling this virtual avatar. At present, the most representative definition of the Metaverse is that the Metaverse is an online virtual data world that mirrors the real world. People enter the immersive data world in a virtual way and experience a second life. Metaverse corresponds to domestic cloud gaming, VR and other industries and is the ultimate form of the Internet.

1. Summary of views on the Metaverse:

Technical side of the Metaverse: The technology we currently have is still far from the Metaverse, and there will also be many technical investment opportunities. For example, it includes infrastructure targets, interactive device targets, artificial intelligence targets, etc.; cloud computing targets and 5G communication operator trademarks, etc.

Metaverse business model side: Metaverse will have a great impact on our daily lives. Fields such as social networking, games, and consumption will bring about upgrades and changes in business models.

2. What are the concept stocks of the Metaverse?

What are the concept stocks of the Metaverse

_1, 300052 Zhongqingbao: Shenzhen Zhongqingbao Interactive Network Co., Ltd. ( (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongqingbao") was established in 2003. It is one of the earliest domestic game companies engaged in the development, operation and distribution of online games. It is also the first A-share listed game company in China (stock code: 300052), creating a domestic The first of its kind for an online game company to go public.

2. 002241 Goertek Co., Ltd.: Goertek Co., Ltd. was established in June 2001 and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in May 2008. It is a technological innovation enterprise with a global layout, mainly engaged in acoustic and optical precision components. As well as the research and development, manufacturing and sales of precision structural parts, intelligent machines and high-end equipment, it has now established comprehensive competitiveness in multiple fields.

_3, 002624 Perfect World: Its business covers three major sectors: Perfect World Games, Perfect World E-Sports and Perfect World Film and Television. It is the largest film and game complex in my country. In 2004, Perfect World Games was officially founded. Its "Perfect World" was a great success with its independently developed 3D engine and traditional Chinese classic content from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". In July 2007, Perfect World Games was successfully listed on NASDAQ in the United States.

4. 300031 Baotong Technology: Wuxi Baotong Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2000. After nearly two decades of exploration and practice, it has established its reputation with Centennial Industrial Conveying, Baotong Intelligent IoT, and Baoqiang Weaving. As an industry collaboration platform, with the "Advanced Conveying Technology and Digital Service Innovation Center" as a technology incubation carrier, it adheres to the concepts of technological innovation and sustainable development, actively leverages the advantages of the industrial chain, and provides services for downstream mineral mining, steel smelting, building materials, cement, ports and terminals. , thermal power generation and other industries to provide safe, reliable, energy-saving and efficient, green, environmentally friendly, intelligent and interconnected industrial bulk material transportation products, technologies and services.

_5、300264Jiachuang Video: Shenzhen Jiachuang Video Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2000. It focuses on digital TV system R&D and integration services. It is the leading domestic digital TV overall solution provider and the earliest high-tech company in China to devote itself to the digital TV industry. One of the technology companies, it took the lead in building and deploying digital TV systems capable of large-scale operation in Zhengzhou and Shenyang, the two provincial capital cities, in 2002.

6. 300296 Leyard: Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Beijing Leyard Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. and was established on August 21, 1995. In November 2010, Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. was changed from a limited liability company to a joint stock company. Leyard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, design, production, sales and service of LED application products. It is committed to providing customers with efficient, energy-saving, reliable LED application products and overall solutions.

_7, 300624 Wanxing Technology: Wanxing Technology Group Co., Ltd. (300624.SZ) was founded in 2003 and listed on the A-share GEM in 2018. It is the world's leading new generation digital creative empowerment We are committed to becoming a distinctive and influential century-old software store around the world. The company provides cutting-edge, simple and convenient digital creative software products and services to a large number of new generation Internet users around the world, empowering people to express their creativity differently in the digital age, and helping every new generation of creators turn the inspiration in their minds into visible reality.

_8, 300036 SuperMap Software: Beijing SuperMap Software Co., Ltd. is a large geographic information system software platform with completely independent intellectual property rights. Including cloud GIS platform software, component GIS development platform, mobile GIS development platform, desktop GIS platform, network client GIS development platform and related spatial data production, processing and management tools.

_9, 300079 Digital Video: Beijing Digital Video Technology Co., Ltd. is a world-class video technology service platform company. It was founded in 2000 by Tsinghua Science and Technology Park and the company’s core team. It was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2010. Listed on the stock market, the stock code is "300079". The company is committed to video technology, encryption technology, 5G technology, AI technology and other fields. It follows the development trend of the times and has gone through five strategic development stages.

㈢What are the Metaverse concept stocks?

Answer: There are many Metaverse concept stocks. The following are the three leading stocks of Metaverse concept stocks:

1. Digital Video: Total share capital is 142,900 shares, 126,700 A shares are in circulation, and earnings per share are 0.0541 yuan. The company's accumulation in video, compression and codec can provide the technical foundation for the Yuanverse to realize large-scale applications; on the other hand, the company has the ability to cooperate with platform companies to create platform-level application development, providing a foundation for the digital asset trading of the Yuanverse facility.

2. TianzhouwenChemical: The total share capital is 84,400 shares, with 76,200 A shares in circulation, and earnings per share -1.1000 yuan. Acquired Youai Network and invested in the development of AR and VR interactive games and application projects.

3. Zhongqingbao: Total share capital is 26,300 shares, 26,100 A shares are in circulation, and earnings per share are -0.5200 yuan. The company will launch the Metaverse game "Brew Master", a fantasy-linked virtual and reality simulation business game.

In addition, there are some examples of original universe concept stocks classified according to subdivisions:

In terms of chips, there are Quanzhi Technology, Rockchip Micro, and Beijing Ingenic; in terms of displays: BOE A, Shentianma A, Visionox. In terms of optics: Lant Optical, Lianchuang Electronics, Crystal Optoelectronics, OFILM, Lens Technology, Sunny Optical, United Optoelectronics, China Optics, Fujing Technology, and Yongxin Optics. On the sensor side: Weir shares. In terms of games: Perfect World, Baotong Technology, Shengtian Network, Zhongqingbao, Shunwang Technology, Tianshen Entertainment, Gigabyte, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, and Century Huatong.

Expand knowledge:

The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control , and compete with each other to improve their status. Up to now, it seems that the description is still an advanced future world. Regarding the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a system that enters and enters the world through a brain-computer interface. A virtual world for sensory experience.

The definition given by Roblox includes eight major elements: identity, friends, immersion, low latency, diversification, anytime, anywhere, economic system and civilization. There are many elements, and behind each element, there is a series of explanations. In short, it cannot be explained clearly in one sentence, which just shows the ambiguity of this concept.

㈣ A listed company that masters the underlying technology of the Metaverse and launches a virtual human combination

Abstract https://wap.eastmoney.com/a /202112202218675264.html

㈤ The virtual human live broadcast in the Yuanverse is so amazing. Can corporate live broadcasts also be done?

Yes, it is actually used in corporate annual meetings, new product launches, and roundtable discussions. Metaverse virtual human live broadcasts have appeared in corporate business scenarios, etc. The advantage of this virtual live broadcast is that it can give the live broadcast more freshness and sense of technology, and it can also bring an immersive live broadcast experience to the audience, which to a certain extent improves Impact of corporate activities.

㈥ What is the metaverse in the stock market?

The term metaverse was first proposed by the American writer Neil Stevenson, who wrote a science fiction book at that time. The novel "Snow Crash" coined the term Metaverse. According to his description, in the future we will be in a digitally woven virtual world.In the world, virtual avatars are used to communicate with each other.

In addition, according to the explanation of Wikipedia, the definition of "metaverse" is: in a virtual space that is parallel to the real world and independent of the real world, it is an online virtual world that maps the real world. It is an increasingly real digital virtual world. Through virtual enhanced physical reality, it presents the characteristics of convergence and physical persistence, and is a 3D virtual space based on the future Internet with connected sensing and sharing characteristics.

In layman’s terms, the part of the metaverse involved in our daily lives refers to the use of blockchain, AR/VR, virtual space and other technologies to create a new virtual world.

Metaverse concept stocks refer to stocks involving Metaverse technology or production-related hardware. Their business models will be mainly used in social networking, games, consumption and other fields, which will bring upgrades, changes and even subversion of business models. This also means that this type of concept stocks has great potential in the future, but there is still a long way to go before it can be fully realized.

(6) A-share metaverse virtual human extended reading:

What does concept stock mean?

Concept stocks mean a type of stocks with the same characteristics. Investors usually have great interest and confidence in the future development of concept stocks. Because concept stocks have a strong topical effect, they can attract the close attention of all investors.

In the A-share market, Metaverse concept stocks also performed well, with many related stocks rising one after another. However, although Metaverse concept stocks are good, they are often accompanied by the hype of hot topics. Once the heat passes, the results can be imagined. When investing in stocks, you should still focus on the value of the stock itself. Excessive hype on topics and concepts is still very risky.

Since the Metaverse is a world where virtuality and reality are highly integrated, it will inevitably require high-speed mobile Internet, Internet of Things, and mobile smart terminals to carry it.

In terms of mobile Internet, although China’s 5G mobile Internet has taken a leading position in the world, it is far from complete coverage. There is still a long way to go to achieve the goal of full 5G coverage in all countries around the world. .

The Internet of Things is a network that provides interconnection between everything in the world. In our daily life, we see refrigerators, TVs, air conditioners, weight scales, sweeping robots, etc. connected to the Internet. However, there is still a long way to go before everything in the world is connected to the Internet. There is still a long way to go. In the process of popularizing the Internet of Things, large-scale deployment of IPv6 is a prerequisite. Otherwise, there will simply not be enough addresses for the Internet of Everything. However, the large-scale deployment of IPv6 around the world has just begun.

Mobile intelligent terminal devices are becoming increasingly abundant, and smartphones are highly popular. However, only smartphones are not enough for the mobile intelligent terminal devices required by the Metaverse. In the Metaverse, the collection of all kinds of original information requires mobile phones. Intelligent terminal to achieve.

㈦ Are there stocks in the Metaverse?

The "Metaverse" concept stocks are mainly the stocks of some game companies. 1. Recently, large foreign Internet companies have respondedRegarding the real problem of traffic peaking, many expressed that they would build a more realistic virtual world to attract customers, and launched the concept of "metaverse". Objectively speaking, the "Metaverse" concept does draw a "big pie" for industry development. It will integrate a variety of new technologies to produce new Internet applications and social forms that blend reality and reality, and provide immersive experiences based on extended reality technology. , based on digital twin technology, generates a mirror of the real world and closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, which may bring long-term investment opportunities.
2. Looking back at the "Metaverse" concept stocks that have been hotly speculated in China, we find that most of the companies are game software companies, which are far from the "Metaverse" concept of foreign Internet companies. What is surprising is that when a listed company in the A-share market said it would launch a "Metaverse" concept game, its stock price rose sharply. Could it be that domestic capital’s understanding of the concept of the “Metaverse” is only at the gaming level? A "metaverse" that makes games more realistic may not be able to attract a continued inflow of funds.
3. Individual investors should keep a clear understanding of the currently hotly speculated "Metaverse" concept stocks, and should not rush to pay for a newly emerging and immature concept. To judge the growth of the industry, we must first see whether application terminals are popular and whether the connection between virtual and reality can be established. Secondly, there must be real content construction and landing scenarios. When the sales of "Yuanverse" terminal products increase, the demand for terminal manufacturers and foundries increases; content companies begin to provide other content products with social attributes; new technologies and companies continue to optimize various components of the "Yuanverse" At that time, the industry really began to mature. The "Yuan Universe" is still far away from entering the homes of ordinary people. Too much money speculating on themes and concepts is not conducive to the healthy development of the capital market. Regulatory authorities should pay close attention to market dynamics, account linkage, and abnormal transactions, seriously investigate and deal with market manipulation behaviors in accordance with laws and regulations, and purify the market ecology.

㈧ Which company makes the clothes of Yuanverse virtual person Liu Yexi

Abstract Yayasi Knitting Garment Co., Ltd.

㈨ A-share Yuanverse What does the concept mean?

What exactly is the "Metaverse"?

"Metaverse" is a new 3D traffic environment. Under this new traffic ecology, or the trend of deep digitization, not only social games and entertainment, but also many industries/industries are empowered will also be reformed. The impact of the emergence of the "Metaverse" on social and economic development can be seen in the past transition from a static traffic environment on the PC Internet to a dynamic traffic environment on the mobile Internet (mainly video). On the basis of providing more extreme simulation, immersion, and interactive experience, the core significance of "Metaverse" is to reduce costs and improve efficiency for society, industry, and scientific research.

2. Is there any relationship between the Metaverse and A-shares?

Giants such as Facebook, Microsoft, and NVIDIA are adding more resources to the “metaverse”, marking a further upgrading of the digital world. Integrating blockchain and virtualThe metaverse of games, AR/VR, 5G and other technologies will carry entertainment, social interaction, education and more economic activities, and will gradually be accepted by Generation Z. The development of the "Metaverse" is expected to become the tipping point of 5G traffic. At the same time, it puts forward higher requirements for communication, computing, display and storage. It is destined to be a long evolution process, such as insufficient edge computing power, excessive cost of AR content, distributed storage Low efficiency is a problem that needs to be faced. Therefore, the "Metaverse" DEMO seen in the short term cannot yet support large-scale applications, and A-shares are still dominated by thematic investments, mainly involving games, copyrights and other tracks.

㈩ What does the concept of the metaverse mean in stocks?

Wikipedia’s definition of the metaverse is, “The metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, including all virtual worlds and the Internet. Perhaps containing derivatives of the real world, but different from augmented reality. The metaverse is often used to describe the iterative concept of the future Internet, consisting of persistent, shared, three-dimensional virtual spaces connected into a perceivable virtual universe." .
Metaverse is an integrated application of cutting-edge digital technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, 5G, VR, AR, Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and edge computing.
We can also give a simpler definition to the Metaverse: the Metaverse is the next generation of the Internet, which is also the third generation of the Internet.
In the metaverse era, "Internet of Everything" will gradually move toward "Mutual Trust of Everything", then to "Transaction of Everything" and "Collaboration of Everything". In this process, transactions not only occur between people, but also between people and machines, and between machines and machines. By that time, the industry must be upgraded as a whole, and every link must be fully digitalized.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 元宇宙(Metaverse)中的“元”到底是什么意思,让人一头雾水其实,“元宇宙”的翻译存在问题。meta这个词根,可以翻译成“元”,可以翻译成“超”。“元”指本质,比如meta-data,元数据