月球元宇宙游戏 月球 宇宙

『壹』 月亮,地球,太阳,星星的关系.神奇的宇宙


『贰』 为什么月亮是人类探索宇宙的第一个星球月球上有什么



『叁』 月球在宇宙中存活了多少年



『肆』 月球的存在,对人类、对宇宙来说意义何在呢




『伍』 月球属于宇宙嘛


『陆』 从月球到多元宇宙这个视频是谁制作的


『柒』 月球`宇宙`太阳、地球排列


『捌』 从月球上看宇宙和地球是什么样子


『玖』 有关月球和宇宙的资料

月球表面有阴暗的部分和明亮的区域。早期的天文学家在观察月球时,以为发暗的地区都有海水覆盖,因此把它们称为“海 ”。著名的有云海、湿海、静海等。而明亮的部分是山脉,那里层峦叠嶂,山脉纵横,到处都是星罗棋布的环形山。位于南极附近的贝利环形山直径295公里,可以把整个海南岛装进去。最深的山是牛顿环形山,深达8788米。除了环形山,月面上也有普通的山脉。高山和深谷叠现,别有一番风光.

月球的轨道平面(白道面)与黄道面(地球的公转轨道平面)保持着5.145 396°的夹角,而月球自转轴则与黄道面的法线成1.5424°的夹角。因为地球并非完美球形,而是在赤道较为隆起,因此白道面在不断进动(即与黄道的交点在顺时针转动),每6793.5天(18.5966年)完成一周。期间,白道面相对于地球赤道面(地球赤道面以23.45°倾斜于黄道面)的夹角会由28.60°(即23.45°+ 5.15°) 至18.30°(即23.45°- 5.15°)之间变化。同样地,月球自转轴与白道面的夹角亦会介乎6.69°(即5.15° + 1.54°)及3.60°(即5.15° - 1.54°)。月球轨道这些变化又会反过来影响地球自转轴的倾角,使它出现±0.002 56°的摆动,称为章动。
月球本身并不发光,只反射太阳光。月球亮度随日、月间角距离和地、月间距离的改变而变化。平均亮度为太阳亮度的1/465000,亮度变化幅度从1/630000至1/375000。满月时亮度平均为 -12.7等(见)。它给大地的照度平均为0.22勒克斯,相当于100瓦电灯在距离21米处的照度。月面不是一个良好的反光体,它的平均反照率只有7%,其余93%均被月球吸收。月海的反照率更低,约为 6%。月面高地和环形山的反照率为17%,看上去山地比月海明亮。月球的亮度随而变化,满月时的亮度比上下弦要大十多倍。
平均轨道半径 384,401千米
轨道偏心率 0.0549
近地点距离 363,300千米
远地点距离 405,500千米
平均公转周期 29.53天
平均公转速度 1.023千米/秒
轨道倾角 在28.58°与18.28°之间变化(与黄道面的交角为5.145°)
升交点赤经 125.08°
近地点辐角 318.15°
默冬章 (repeat phase/day) 19 年
平均月地距离 ~384 400 千米
交点退行周期 18.61 年
近地点运动周期 8.85 年
食年 346.6 天
沙罗周期 (repeat eclipses) 18 年 10/11 天
轨道与黄道的平均倾角 5°9'
月球赤道与黄道的平均倾角 1°32'
赤道直径 3,476.2 千米
两极直径 3,472.0 千米
扁率 0.0012
表面面积 3.976×10^7平方千米
体积 2.199×10^10 立方千米
质量 7.349×10^22 千克
平均密度 水的3.350倍
赤道重力加速度 1.62 m/s2 (地球的1/6)
逃逸速度 2.38千米/秒
自转周期 27天7小时43分11.559秒(同步自转)
自转速度 16.655 米/秒(于赤道)
自转轴倾角 在3.60°与6.69°之间变化 (与黄道的交角为1.5424°)
反照率 0.12
满月时视星等 -12.74
表面温度(t) -233~123℃ (平均-23℃)
大气压 1.3×10-10 千帕月球的自转

『一』 The relationship between the moon, the earth, the sun and the stars. The magical universe

This is a problem of proportional calculation.
For example, if you look at a sphere with a diameter of 10 meters from a distance of 10 meters, its apparent diameter is 60 degrees. If you look at a sphere with a diameter of 100 meters from a distance of 100 meters, the apparent diameter will still be 60 degrees. The former can just cover the latter.
The moon, the sun, and the earth actually have the same relationship.
After many years of evolution, in today’s sky, the moon can just cover the sun, because the distance between the sun and the earth is 400 times that of the moon, and The diameter of the sun is also exactly 400 times that of the moon. On the earth, the moon can completely cover the sun. For this total solar eclipse, the apparent diameter of the moon is 33 minutes and 31 seconds, the apparent diameter of the sun is 31 minutes and 27 seconds, and the eclipse minute reaches 1.08.
In fact, the moon moves away from the earth every 2 months. The moon seen in the dinosaur era was much larger than today. The total solar eclipse at that time could last for more than ten minutes, and there was no annular solar eclipse (because at the lunar apogee can block the sun). But in another billion years, when the moon cannot cover the sun at perigee, we will no longer be able to see a total solar eclipse, only an annular solar eclipse.
As for why there are no stars as big as half a moon, it is because the radius of the planets in the solar system is too small, with an apparent diameter of only a few tenths of a second. The center of perseverance outside the solar system is too far away from the earth, and the nearest one is dozens of light years away. No matter how large it is, it looks very small to us. This is also the principle of covering the sky with one hand (perspective, near big and small).

『二』Why is the moon the first planet for humans to explore the universe? What is on the moon

Since ancient times, you can see the bright moon hanging high when you look up at the stars at night. It is different from other stars in the night sky. It is as cold and bright as white jade, and there is only the sun during the day. The sun's light is too hot to look directly at. In comparison, the moon is more approachable. As the times progress, humans have a deeper understanding of the movement of celestial bodies in the universe, especially the sun and the moon. One brings light and heat to the earth, and the other is the closest planet to the earth. There is no doubt that exploring the moon is the first step for mankind to enter the universe. So why is the moon the first planet humans explored in the universe? What's on the moon?

On the earth, various radio signals form a kind of "pollution" that we cannot see. For scientists, the interference of radio signals on the earth will hinder their exploration. The universe causes huge interference, and on the far side of the moon, the moon's magnetic field can completely shield the messy radio wave interference on the earth. If a radio telescope can be built on the back of the moon, it can help mankind decipher more secrets of the deep universe. Because of signal interference on the earth, radio telescopes cannot obtain useful information in the low-frequency observation segment, and telescopes on the far side of the moon can fill this gap. Such an astronomical telescope may be the key to mankind's discovery of extraterrestrial civilizations, and may evenInformation that helps us understand the origin of the universe and the first stars after its birth. The future moon may be an outpost for human exploration of the universe and the first step in deciphering the secrets of the universe.

『三』How many years has the moon survived in the universe

Through the analysis of lunar rocks, the age of the moon and the earth are the same.
That is about 4.6 billion years.

It is even said that the moon was separated from the earth in a strong dwarf planet impact.

『四』What does the existence of the moon mean to human beings and the universe?

We know that there is a satellite near our earth. This satellite is the moon, and the moon will erupt every day. It rotates around the earth, so we can see the moon at the same time every day, appearing in the night sky. The moon is very beautiful. The white sphere makes many ancient Chinese poets yearn for the moon. There are also many poems praising the moon. Just like what Su Shi sang in his poem: "When will the bright moon come? Ask the sky for wine." What is the significance of the existence of the moon to mankind and the universe? The reasons for this are roughly the following.

3. For the entire universe, one planet will be lost.

The last point is that for the entire universe, one of the planets will be lost. Although it is not painful, one of the thousands of planets is also an important component of the universe.

『五』 The moon belongs to the universe

All spaces in the world belong to the universe

『Lu』 Who made the video From the Moon to the Multiverse?

Answer: The video "From the Moon to the Multiverse" was probably produced by Hugh Everett.

『撒』 Moon, Universe, Sun and Earth Arrangement

Size: Universe, Sun, Earth, Moon
Far and near: Universe, Sun, Earth, because the Moon surrounds the Earth It rotates, so the distance is uncertain.
Hope to adopt it

『8』What does the universe and the earth look like from the moon?

On the moon, because there is no atmospheric interference and no light pollution, it is better to see the universe and the sky. Experience seeing more clearly. But coordinate positioning is much more difficult than on Earth [including at the poles].
Because the earth is larger than the moon, the earth is much larger than the moon when viewed from the earth.
There are many photos of the Earth from outside the Earth, including very beautiful ones. I am not here to be a porter, so please go online for your own convenience.

『九』 Information about the moon and the universe

The moon is also called the lunar moon, commonly known as the moon. It is the Earth's only natural satellite, the closest celestial body to the Earth, and the most thoroughly studied celestial body. The only celestial body that humans have visited in person so far is the moon. The Moon is the most obvious example of a natural satellite. In the solar system, except for Mercury and Venus, all other planets have natural satellites. The moon is approximately 4.6 billion years old. The moon has a crust, mantle, and coreetc. hierarchical structure. The average thickness of the outermost lunar crust is about 60-65 kilometers. Below the lunar crust to a depth of 1,000 kilometers is the lunar mantle, which accounts for most of the moon's volume. Below the lunar mantle is the lunar core. The temperature of the lunar core is about 1,000 degrees, and it is likely to be in a molten state. The diameter of the moon is about 3476 kilometers, which is 3/11 of the earth and 1/400 of the sun. The moon's volume is only 1/49 of the Earth's, and its mass is about 735 billion tons, which is equivalent to about 1/81 of the Earth's mass. The gravity on the moon's surface is almost 1/6 of the Earth's gravity.
The moon's surface has dark parts and bright areas. When early astronomers observed the moon, they thought that the dark areas were covered with sea water, so they called them "sea". The famous ones include the Sea of ​​Clouds, the Sea of ​​Shit, the Sea of ​​Tranquility, etc. The bright part is the mountains, where there are many mountains, criss-crossing mountains, and dotted craters everywhere. Bailey Crater, located near the South Pole, has a diameter of 295 kilometers and can fit the entire Hainan Island into it. The deepest mountain is Newton Crater, which is 8,788 meters deep. In addition to craters, there are also ordinary mountains on the moon. High mountains and deep valleys overlap, creating a unique scenery.
Map of the far side of the moon. The front side of the moon always faces the earth. The reason is the long-term effect of tides. On the other side, most of the far side of the moon cannot be seen from the Earth, except for the area near the edge of the moon that is visible in the middle due to the movement of the scales. In the era before detectors, the far side of the moon has always been an unknown world. One of the distinctive features of the far side of the Moon is that there are almost no maria, the darker lunar surface features. When the man-made probe moves to the far side of the moon, it will not be able to communicate directly with the earth.
The moon orbits the Earth once in about one lunar month, and moves half a degree relative to the background starry sky every hour, which is similar to the apparent diameter of the moon. Unlike other satellites, the Moon's orbital plane is closer to the ecliptic plane than to the Earth's equatorial plane.
Relative to the background starry sky, the time it takes for the moon to orbit the earth (moon revolution) is called a sidereal month; and the time it takes for a new moon to the next new moon (or between two same moon phases) is called For a synodic moon. The synodic moon is longer than the sidereal moon because the earth itself advances a certain distance in its orbit around the sun during the movement of the moon.
Because the moon's rotation period is exactly the same as its revolution period, the earth can only see the same side of the moon always facing the earth. Since the early formation of the Moon, the Earth has been subject to a torque that causes its rotation to slow down. This process is called tidal locking. Therefore, part of the angular momentum of the Earth's rotation is converted into the angular momentum of the Moon's revolution around the Earth. As a result, the Moon moves away from the Earth at a speed of about 38 millimeters per year. At the same time, the Earth's rotation is getting slower and slower, and the length of the day is getting longer by 15 microseconds every year.
The gravitational pull exerted by the moon on the earth is one of the causes of tides. The Moon's orbit around the Earth is a synchronous orbit, and the so-called synchronous rotation is not strictly enforced. Since the Moon's orbit is elliptical, when the Moon is at perigee, its rotation speed cannot keep up with the Earth's orbit.The rotation speed is faster, so we can see the area in the eastern part of the moon that reaches 98 degrees east longitude. On the contrary, when the moon is at apogee, the rotation speed is faster than the revolution speed, so we can see the area in the west of the moon that reaches 98 degrees west longitude. This phenomenon is called meridian movement.

Strictly speaking, the earth and the moon revolve around a common center of mass, which is 4,700 kilometers away from the center of the earth (that is, 2/3 of the earth’s radius). Since the common center of mass is below the Earth's surface, the motion of the Earth around the common center of mass appears to be "rocking." Viewed from above the Earth's North Pole, both the Earth and the Moon rotate in a clockwise direction; the Moon also orbits the Earth in a clockwise direction; and even the Earth orbits the Sun in a clockwise direction.
Many people don't understand why the values ​​of the Moon's orbital inclination and the Moon's rotational axis have changed so much. In fact, the orbital inclination is relative to the central celestial body (i.e. the Earth), while the rotation axis inclination is relative to the satellite.
The moon's orbital plane (the ecliptic plane) maintains an angle of 5.145 396° with the ecliptic plane (the earth's orbital plane), while the moon's rotation axis forms an angle of 1.5424° with the normal to the ecliptic plane. Because the Earth is not a perfect sphere, but rather bulges at the equator, the ecliptic plane is constantly precessing (that is, the intersection with the ecliptic rotates clockwise), completing one cycle every 6793.5 days (18.5966 years). During this period, the angle between the ecliptic plane and the equatorial plane of the Earth (the Earth's equatorial plane is tilted at 23.45° to the ecliptic plane) will change from 28.60° (i.e. 23.45° + 5.15°) to 18.30° (i.e. 23.45°- 5.15°). Similarly, the angle between the moon's axis of rotation and the ecliptic plane will also be between 6.69° (i.e. 5.15° + 1.54°) and 3.60° (i.e. 5.15° - 1.54°). These changes in the moon's orbit will in turn affect the inclination of the earth's rotation axis, causing it to wobble by ±0.002 56°, which is called nutation.
The two intersections of the ecliptic plane and the ecliptic plane are called lunar nodes - the ascending node (north point) refers to the point where the moon passes to the north of the ecliptic plane; the descending node (south point) refers to the point where the moon passes to the north. South of the ecliptic. A solar eclipse occurs when the new moon is exactly on the lunar nodes, and a lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon is exactly on the lunar nodes.
The structure of the far side of the moon is quite different from that of the front side. The maria occupies less area and has more craters. The terrain is uneven and undulating. The longest and shortest lunar radii are located on the far side. Some places are 4 kilometers longer than the average radius of the moon, and some places are 5 kilometers shorter (such as Van de Graaf Depression). No "mass tumors" were found on the back. The moon crust on the back side is thicker than the front side, with a maximum thickness of 150 kilometers, while the thickness of the moon crust on the front side is only about 60 kilometers.
The moon itself does not emit light, it only reflects sunlight. The brightness of the moon changes with the angular distance between the sun and the moon and the distance between the earth and the moon. The average brightness is 1/465000 of the brightness of the sun, and the brightness changes from 1/630000 to 1/375000. The average brightness of a full moon is -12.7 magnitude (see). The average illumination it gives to the earth is 0.22 lux, which is equivalent to the illumination of a 100-watt electric lamp at a distance of 21 meters. The moon is not a good reflector. Its average albedo is only 7%, and the remaining 93% is absorbed by the moon. The albedo of the lunar maria is even lower, around 6%. The albedo of the lunar highlands and craters is 17%, making the mountains appear brighter than the lunar maria. The brightness of the moon changes accordingly, and the brightness of the full moon is more than ten times greater than that of the first and second quarters.
Since there is no atmosphere on the moon, and the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the lunar surface materials are very low, the temperature difference between day and night on the lunar surface is large. During the day, the temperature in places where the sun shines vertically is as high as +127°C; at night, the temperature can drop to -183°C. These values ​​only represent the temperature of the moon's surface. The temperature in the lunar soil can be measured using radio observations. This measurement shows that the temperature in the deeper parts of the lunar soil rarely changes. This is due to the low thermal conductivity of the lunar material.
From the propagation of lunar shock waves, we learned that the moon also has a layered structure such as crust, mantle, and core. The outermost lunar crust is 60 to 65 kilometers thick. Below the lunar crust to a depth of 1,000 kilometers is the lunar mantle, which accounts for most of the moon's volume. Below the lunar mantle is the lunar core. The temperature of the lunar core is about 1,000°C, and it is likely to be molten. It is speculated that it is composed of Fe-Ni-S and eclogite materials.
Average orbital radius 384,401 kilometers
Orbital eccentricity 0.0549
Perigee distance 363,300 kilometers
Apogee distance 405,500 kilometers
Average orbital period 29.53 days
Average Revolution speed 1.023 kilometers/second
Orbital inclination changes between 28.58° and 18.28° (the angle with the ecliptic plane is 5.145°)
Ascending node right ascension 125.08°
Perigee argument 318.15 °
Metonic chapter (repeat phase/day) 19 years
Average moon-earth distance ~384 400 kilometers
Nodal retrograde period 18.61 years
Perigee motion period 8.85 years
Eclipse year 346.6 days
Saros cycles (repeat eclipses) 18 years 10/11 days
The average inclination of the orbit to the ecliptic is 5°9'
The average inclination of the moon's equator to the ecliptic is 1°32 '
Equator diameter 3,476.2 kilometers
Pole diameter 3,472.0 kilometers
Oblateness 0.0012
Surface area 3.976×10^7Square kilometers
Volume 2.199×10^10 cubic kilometers
Mass 7.349×10^22 kilograms
3.350 times the average density of water
Equator gravity acceleration 1.62 m/s2 (Earth 1/6)
Escape velocity 2.38 kilometers/second
Spin period 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.559 seconds (synchronous rotation)
Spin speed 16.655 meters/second (at the equator)
/> The tilt of the rotation axis varies between 3.60° and 6.69° (the angle with the ecliptic is 1.5424°)
Albedo 0.12
Apparent magnitude of the full moon -12.74
Surface temperature (t) -233~123℃ (average -23℃)
Atmospheric pressure 1.3×10-10 kPa Rotation of the moon
The moon rotates while revolving around the earth, with a period of 27.32166 days, which is exactly one sidereal month. So we can't see the far side of the moon. We call this phenomenon "synchronous rotation", and it is almost a universal law in the satellite world. It is generally believed to be the result of the long-term tidal effect of the planet on the satellite. Libra motion is a wonderful phenomenon that allows us to see 59% of the moon. The main reasons are as follows:
1. In different parts of the elliptical orbit, the rotation speed does not match the revolution angular speed.
2. The angle between the white equator and the equator.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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