比特币秒合约交易合法吗 比特币秒合约平台

『壹』 秒合约交易什么规则


『贰』 OKEX什么时候上线比特币合约的


『叁』 比特币1元的时候是哪一年


『肆』 那些比特币交易所什么时候能够交易稳定币合约的


『伍』 OKEX比特币永续合约啥时候正式上线的


『陆』 比特币哪一年发行的

比特币(Bitcoin)的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,并于2009年1月3日正式诞生 [1]  。根据中本聪的思路设计发布的开源软件以及建构其上的P2P网络。比特币是一种P2P形式的虚拟的加密数字货币。点对点的传输意味着一个去中心化的支付系统。

『柒』 比特币合约是什么


『捌』 什么是比特币期货合约



标的:又叫基础资产(underlying asset),解释了买卖什么东西的问题。目前比特币期货标的都是比特币价格指数,并且结算和交割价格的产生方法都以这个指数为基础。









『玖』 比特币什么时候开始涨


『拾』 比特币什么时候开始的








『一』 What are the rules for second contract trading

The rules for second contract trading are relatively simple. To put it simply, you must first choose the digital currency to be traded. The short trading time range is 1min, 3min, 5min, and the long is 60min; then risk control, setting the transaction amount within the risk range we can control, setting the profit stop loss, and the most important thing is to conduct technical analysis of currency direction trends. In other words, orders are placed based on analysis in the rising or falling direction within the trading range we set.
What is the second contract trading system?
After the beginning of 2020, the cryptocurrency market began to slowly rebound, especially some major currencies that continued to rise and began to wake up from hibernation. It is amazing how fast the currency circle is. From transaction mining, IEO, and model currencies, Bitcoin has skyrocketed throughout the year in just a few months, and the bull market seems to be ready. There is no shortage of opportunities to make money in the currency world, but they can disappear in the blink of an eye. IEO and model currency have just come to an end, and the next opportunity to make money is here. With the rapid development of digital currency futures, the number of assets held by the public in various forms continues to increase, and the trading methods of virtual currencies have also become diverse. People are increasingly pursuing fast and efficient transaction settlement methods. Therefore, second contracts have also received very high evaluations.
Calculation method of profit and loss:
In contract transactions, the most important part is the calculation of profit and loss of the contract. Taking Huobi as an example, unlike traditional commodity futures, each Huobi contract is not fixed in a fixed number of digital assets, but in a fixed number of U.S. dollars. That is, the dollar value of a contract always remains the same. A BTC contract represents $100 of Bitcoin, with a face value of $10 relative to its patient currency. Due to the leverage effect in contract trading, investment risks are also very high. When the contract price fluctuates in a direction that is unfavorable to investors, forced liquidation, that is, liquidation, is likely to occur.
The price calculation of the second contract is only the price of one point and the expiration of the set time, which means that the price change before settlement has nothing to do with the final result. The returns and risks of electronic options are relatively fixed. The return of a 1% fluctuation is the same as the return of a 10% fluctuation. Our biggest risk is the loss of its investment, without lock-in or greater losses. The platform will settle on time after the set time period expires.

『二』 When did OKEX launch Bitcoin contracts?

This is OKEx’s old product for several years.

『三』 In what year was Bitcoin worth 1 yuan?

When Bitcoin first appeared in 2009, the price was less than 1 cent, and one dollar could be exchanged for 1,300 bits. currency, that is to say, RMB 7 can be exchanged for 1,300 Bitcoins. In 2007, one Bitcoin soared to 130,000 yuan, an increase of 3 million times.

『四』 When will those Bitcoin exchanges be able to trade stablecoin contracts?

Exchanges will not trade stablecoin contracts.

『五』When will the OKEX Bitcoin Perpetual Contract be officially launched?

You have missed this kind of big news. It was a very sensational event at the time.

『Lu』 In which year was Bitcoin issued?

The concept of Bitcoin was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008, and was launched on January 1, 2009. Officially born on March 3 [1] . The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto's ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system.
Unlike all currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a large amount of calculations based on a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction behavior, and uses cryptographic design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation. The decentralized nature of P2P and the algorithm itself ensure that currency value cannot be artificially manipulated by mass production of Bitcoins. Design based on cryptography allows Bitcoin to be transferred or paid only by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other virtual currencies is that its total quantity is very limited and it is extremely scarce.

『撒』What is a Bitcoin contract?

Bitcoin contract, the contract mentioned in it is a non-standard transaction, you can rewrite the Bitoind, BitCoin wallet code or use bitcoinj to generate non-standard transactions , although normal wallets will not accept these non-standard transactions, there are mining pools such as Eligius.st that accept non-standard transactions and can be entered into the block chain, so that some wallet software can handle them normally. Another meaning refers to trading Bitcoin contracts, just like futures trading in the stock market, where you can open long and short positions.

『8』 What is a Bitcoin futures contract?

Bitcoin futures contracts are usually standardized contracts based on the Bitcoin price index.

Bitcoin futures offered by Bitcoin exchanges are usually traded in Bitcoin. Futures are opposite to spot goods. Spot goods are real commodities that can be paid and delivered in one hand. Futures are not actually "goods". They are an agreement (contract) that promises to deliver "goods" (subject matter) at a time in the future - a futures contract. .

Object: Also called underlying asset, it explains the question of what to buy and sell. Currently, the underlying targets of Bitcoin futures are the Bitcoin price index, and the settlement and delivery price generation methods are based on this index.

Handling fees: Unlike stock transactions that require stamp duties, commissions, transfer fees and other fees, futures trading only charges handling fees. Bitcoin futures trading fees include opening fees and closing fees, which are charged when a position is established (such as OKCoin) andCollected when closing a position (such as 796). Bitcoin futures handling fees are generally 0.03% of the total contract value.

Margin: Margin is closely related to another concept - leverage, which generally reflects the level of return and risk in terms of leverage ratio. For example, 796’s newly launched 50 times leverage (i.e. 2% margin) means that investors can purchase 50 Bitcoin futures contracts (i.e. 50 times leverage) by investing 1 Bitcoin;

or From another perspective, 1 Bitcoin invested by an investor is equivalent to 2% of the 50 Bitcoins purchased (i.e. 2% margin ratio).

Through 50 times leverage, the income of futures relative to spot is magnified 50 times. For example, if you buy 1 coin of spot and use 1 coin to buy 50 coins of futures at the same time, assuming that the spot and futures prices If both prices rise by 100%, then the spot price will earn 1 coin, while the futures price will earn 50 coins.

(8) Extended reading on when does the Bitcoin second contract start< /p>

A futures contract is an agreement in which the buyer agrees to receive a certain asset at a specific price after a specified period of time, and the seller agrees to deliver an asset at a specified price after a specified period of time. protocol. The price that both parties agree to use for future transactions is called the futures price.

The specified date on which both parties must conduct transactions in the future is called the settlement date or delivery date. The asset that both parties agree to exchange is called the “subject.” When an investor takes a position in the market by purchasing a futures contract (i.e. agreeing to buy at a future date), it is called a long position or going long on futures.

On the contrary, if the position taken by the investor is to sell a futures contract (that is, to bear the contract responsibility to sell in the future), it is called a short position or shorting on futures.

『九』 When did Bitcoin start to rise?

When the existing economic system collapses, it is the day when Bitcoin rises.
Isn’t this line of thinking just to prevent chaos in the world? No, no, this is an extremely cruel reality. When we look back at the birth of Bitcoin, we will find that the root cause of Bitcoin is that the U.S. subprime mortgage economic crisis magnified to the world, causing chaos in the global economic system. Countries have introduced money printing policies, which gave birth to a currency like Bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of the "Devil King" who shocked the world and cried ghosts and gods, told economists from all over the world that it can actually be played like this.
Bitcoin actually allows people to return to a system where credit is controllable. However, because the thinking is too advanced, the pace is too big and the eggs are broken. Therefore, from the current point of view, Bitcoin is still more similar to safe-haven assets such as gold. This kind of resemblance is only a superficial resemblance. Bitcoin still has many technological advantages, but they are currently unable to be used due to numerous restrictions. Therefore, if Bitcoin wants to rise rapidly, it still has to rely on the "instability" of the economic system.
This has indeed happened before, with the Bank of Cyprus incidentIt has pushed up the skyrocketing price of Bitcoin. Now if there is another "Cyprus Second", I believe Bitcoin will also have a chance.
Is this just a fantasy? No, the financial system at this stage has exposed the seeds of various crises. The Russian economy seems to be collapsing due to the drop in crude oil prices. China’s large pile of local debts cannot be repaid by the government’s desperate interest rate cuts and RRR cuts. European debts The crisis is getting worse... Today's society is already in the information age and network age. A single move can affect the whole body, and a single spark may ignite a powder keg.
The possibility of a rapid economic crisis still exists, but no one knows for sure. Who knows whether the world will transform and be on the fast track for a long time and no longer fall ill? Marx said that economic crises will appear periodically in capitalist society, but when will the next big outbreak be?
Maybe more than ten years later, maybe in the next second, there is no way to judge whether it will be heaven or hell.

『Shi』When did Bitcoin start?

Officially born on January 3, 2009.

Since entering 2015, the future of Bitcoin has become increasingly confusing. On the one hand, Bitcoin's decline against the RMB was as high as 55.55% last year; in 2015, in mid-to-early January alone, Bitcoin's decline against the RMB exceeded 30%.

The value of Bitcoin continues to fall, which to a certain extent reflects the "self-repair" of its value after its "mania". According to statistics, in 2013, the price of Bitcoin against the U.S. dollar rose from 1:13.59 to 1:731, a year-on-year increase of 5300%. This surge driven by speculation has affected the virtual currency attributes that Bitcoin relies on to "settlement and survive".

On the one hand, no country has clearly defined it as a legal currency. On the other hand, the US dollar rose significantly in 2014, and the prices of oil and commodities entered a period of decline accordingly. The price trend of Bitcoin was the same as the latter. Becoming part of the asset allocation of some speculators highlights the fact that its asset attributes are much greater than its monetary attributes.

(10) Extended reading on when does Bitcoin second contract start

Security, credit risk, etc. have also become reasons for the decline in investor confidence. Mt. Gox, once the world's largest Bitcoin exchange, claimed in March last year that it had lost all its assets due to a hacker attack. It was recently revealed that its lost Bitcoins were likely due to internal system manipulation.

The regulatory environment for Bitcoin is not optimistic. Countries such as Russia and Thailand have begun to impose strict controls on it. In addition, the global stock market performed well last year, Bitcoin investment funds have been diverted, and the crazy "mining" "The activity has also rapidly increased the supply of Bitcoin, making it possible for supply to exceed demand in the short term, causing the price of Bitcoin to plummet.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

❶ 什么是比特币期货合约比特币期货合约,通常是以比特币价格指数为标的的标准化合约。比特币交易所提供的比特币期货通常是以比特币进行交易的。期货是与现货相对的,现货是实实在在可以一手交钱一手交货的商品,而