比特币不支持智能合约怎么办 比特币不支持智能合约吗

Ⅰ 比特币期权怎么玩


Ⅱ 比特币现金是否能超越以太坊呢匿


Ⅲ 比特币合约不亏钱的方法


Ⅳ 巴菲特为什么说比特币是泡沫




以太坊的联合创始人Joe Lubin曾经表示过“如果能够吸引足够多的人相信虚拟货币的价值,那么虚拟货币就能够快速让社会认可其价值。就像美元一样,美元的价值是基于人们对美国政府的信任。”但实际上美元作为货币是受法律、社会等监管的,换言之美元等传统货币是具有公信力的。而且数字货币的现金流最终来源还是货币持有者所付出的传统货币,所以Joe Lubin的看法是片面的。


狗狗币的联合创始人Jackson Palmer也表示过:“当你看到虚拟货币价格疯涨,最终这就是泡沫的体现,人们将会损失很多钱。”


比特币现金是比特币的首个分叉,被称为“比特币耶稣”的Roger Ver在过去几年中让比特币社区感到愤怒,因为其一直在支持受到争议的硬分叉。而另外一个合作人名为Calvin Ayre是一位亿万富翁,创立了一个互联网赌博和娱乐帝国。因为这二人的身份,让比特币现金出现的动机备受质疑。


另外BCH为了解决交易速度问题,不惜牺牲中心化,莱特币创始人也抨击BCH仅仅是PayPal 2.0而已。而在BCH分叉后,Roger Ver也开始疯狂抨击比特币,无止境的为BCH背书。







Ⅳ 比特币支持智能合约吗

不支持 比特币只能点对点传输目前

Ⅵ 智能合约是什么

智能合约"(smart contract)这个术语至少可以追溯到1995年,是由多产的跨领域法律学者尼克·萨博(Nick Szabo)提出来的。他在发表在自己的网站的几篇文章中提到了智能合约的理念。他的定义如下:
协议是技术实现(technical implementation),在这个基础上,合约承诺被实现,或者合约承诺实现被记录下来。选择哪个协议取决于许多因素,最重要的因素是在合约履行期间,被交易资产的本质。

Ⅶ 比特币,区块链和ICO分别是什么 有什么区别


Ⅷ 比特币合约交易什么意思




Ⅰ How to play Bitcoin options

Isn’t it more than 1000 times? I have experienced the Bitoffer option simulation, and it is 2000 times. Because the current price of Bitcoin is 8000 US dollars, it only costs 4 US dollars to open an option, which can be equivalent to a full Bitcoin, equivalent to 2000 times leverage, and the maximum risk is 4 US dollars< /p>

II Can Bitcoin Cash surpass Ethereum?

Bitcoin and Ethereum have different rules, so are their trading and investment methods also different? Ethereum has long been known as a strong competitor to Bitcoin. Until Andreas Antonopoulos (author of "Mastering Bitcoin") claimed that Ethereum is no longer a competitor of Bitcoin, which triggered a heated discussion on social networks. People started making comparisons between the two and discussing how the two digital currencies differed in terms of investing and trading. Bitcoin Ethereum Ethereum’s Trading Potential Chris Burniske, analyst and head of blockchain products at ARK Investment Management, said that Bitcoin is used as a store of value, while Ethereum, which relies on the Ethereum network to execute smart contracts, is considered a cryptocurrency. a trading tool. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum systems are built on the basis of the blockchain, in which transactions are publicly recorded, making currency and asset transactions more convenient and favorable, eliminating cumbersome middlemen. In December 2015, the price of Ethereum was less than $1. Now it has risen to $15, an increase of nearly 15 times in just 6 months. This achievement is attributed to Ethereum, whose financial contracts are entirely executed by software, a feature that attracts a large number of users to invest. With the previous example of Ethereum, the success of DAO () is not surprising. This crowdfunding platform powered by Ethereum has raised nearly $150 million from more than 10,000 anonymous users. Each participant is given the right to vote, and they can allocate funds, select projects, and receive a certain level of dividend rewards once the investment project is successful. Ethereum and Bitcoin have different user bases. There are currently 670 Bitcoin ATMs in the world, and thousands of points of sale support Bitcoin payments. Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum has yet to make a name for itself in the field of electronic payments. The current main use of Ethereum is to support the Ethereum network (such as DAO) to run programs. David Duccini, executive director of the StrengthinNumbersFoundation, said: User expectations for Ethereum are different from Bitcoin. Both cryptocurrencies can be traded for speculation, but Ethereum’s original function was to power applications. Therefore, users need enough Ethereum to run their APP. This is also the problem facing DAO - unless DAO can continuously generate new Ethereum coins, this paid platform will face the risk of outage.

Ⅲ How to not lose money on Bitcoin contracts

Any investment risk and return coexist. If you don’t want the risk, there will naturally be no return.

IV Why does BuffettCalling Bitcoin a bubble

Since the emergence of blockchain technology, except for the sentence "Blockchain is the greatest invention after the Internet", what really makes people excited is not the revolutionary nature of the technology, but the revolutionary nature of the technology. With wild price swings, Bitcoin has gone from a futuristic technology to a fantasy of getting rich overnight. "Stock God" Buffett also recently expressed his views on Bitcoin: "You cannot determine the price of Bitcoin because this asset cannot create value?? From this perspective, it is an out-and-out bubble. ”

Bitcoin is a brand new technology and a virtual currency. It does not have storage value like gold, because gold actually exists and cannot be fabricated out of thin air, so the scarcity of gold is certain. But as a virtual currency, people have the ability to create more Bitcoins. For example, the crazy ICO before. This is a test of human greed, especially because of the decentralized nature of the blockchain, it is in an unregulated environment and is difficult to be supervised by law or an authority like the assets in our conventional understanding. .

Virtual currencies are intangible and the operations behind them are opaque, but it seems that investors don’t care. Although Bitcoin was worthless a few years ago, the unit price of Bitcoin exceeded US$19,000 in early December this year, which is approximately RMB 120,000. The biggest reason for Bitcoin's continuous rise is that more and more investors who have been exposed to Bitcoin are afraid of missing out on investment opportunities.

Joe Lubin, co-founder of Ethereum, once said, “If enough people can be attracted to believe in the value of virtual currency, then virtual currency can quickly allow society to recognize its value. Just like the U.S. dollar, the U.S. dollar The value of the U.S. dollar is based on people's trust in the U.S. government." But in fact, the U.S. dollar as a currency is subject to legal and social supervision. In other words, the U.S. dollar and other traditional currencies have credibility. Moreover, the ultimate source of cash flow from digital currencies is the traditional currency paid by currency holders, so Joe Lubin’s view is one-sided.

The greed of human nature has turned Bitcoin and blockchain from a revolutionary technology to a simple investment method, and everyone's identity has also changed from "followers" to "coin speculators" By". No one cares about the development of blockchain technology anymore, which is actually a departure from Satoshi Nakamoto’s original vision for Bitcoin, which was a “peer-to-peer electronic cash system” designed for “payments” rather than “reserves” to maintain value. currency".

Jackson Palmer, the co-founder of Dogecoin, also said: "When you see the price of virtual currency skyrocketing, in the end this is the manifestation of a bubble, and people will lose a lot of money."

After intense discussions in the Bitcoin community, numerous forks, namely IFO, were born due to differences of opinion. The most famous of them are Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin Gold (BTG) and Bitcoin Unlimited (BCX).

Bitcoin Cash is the first fork of BitcoinRoger Ver, known as “Bitcoin Jesus,” has made the Bitcoin community angry over the past few years because of his support for controversial hard forks. Another partner, Calvin Ayre, is a billionaire who founded an Internet gambling and entertainment empire. Because of the identities of these two people, the motives for the emergence of Bitcoin Cash have been questioned.

In addition, unlike Bitcoin, which is operated by a Bitcoin core team, Bitcoin Cash is operated by as many as 7 teams through competition, and its official claim is that BCH has no influence on its development during the development process. Interested people and teams can join the developer sequence. BCH may encounter greater disagreements and turmoil than Bitcoin in the future.

In addition, in order to solve the problem of transaction speed, BCH did not hesitate to sacrifice centralization. The founder of Litecoin also criticized BCH as just PayPal 2.0. After the BCH fork, Roger Ver also began to criticize Bitcoin crazily and endlessly endorsed BCH.

The Bitcoin Gold (BTG) fork was led by the Hong Kong mining company LightningASIC. BTG did not solve the core expansion problem of Bitcoin at all. The block size was maintained at 1M, and it only changed the mining process. The mining algorithm supports GPU mining, lacks replay protection, and uses an extremely unstable EDA emergency difficulty adjustment mechanism. BTG hopes to solve the problem of excessive concentration of mining computing power, but in fact its core purpose may just be to make it easier for users to mine.

BCX is different from all forks that have appeared so far. First of all, its team has been completely anonymous so far. Unlike the other two forked coins above, the identity and obvious motives behind it are clear. Differently, this anonymous team only appeared in the hope of "realizing Satoshi Nakamoto's vision without compromise."

Judging from the official BCX features, BCX is currently the most mature and comprehensive solution. It did not directly expand the block to 8M like BCH, but chose to be more mature. 2M size to solve the problem of "too large blocks leading to orphan blocks". The difficulty adjustment directly selects DAA, avoiding the detour taken by BCH. User privacy protection has also chosen the currently safer and more complete zero-knowledge proof. Lightning network, unique address format, replay protection and other functions are also supported.

The most important thing is that BCX supports smart contracts and specifically explains the role of smart contracts on its official website. It can establish an efficient and mature system for the circulation of digital assets and can support various functions on its chain. Class applications, application fields are also extremely wide, such as copyright, bills, payment, games, supply chain, Internet of Things, etc., which can all be implemented on the BCX chain. It can be seen that the purpose of BCX is to truly apply blockchain technology to help other traditional industries achieve decentralization and realize the decentralized society in Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision.

Between ideals and interests, most people may choose interests. This is also true in the Bitcoin community.There are no exceptions, but this does not affect the very few projects like BCX that strive for their ideals. What exactly can BCX do? Let’s look forward to the official launch of the BCX mainnet on January 15, 2018.

The original text comes from the steemit forum. The copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, please contact us for deletion.

IV Does Bitcoin support smart contracts

Bitcoin does not support point-to-point transmission at present

VI What is a smart contract

Smart The term "smart contract" dates back to at least 1995 and was coined by the prolific interdisciplinary legal scholar Nick Szabo. He mentioned smart contracts in several articles published on his website. The concept of contract. His definition is as follows:
"A smart contract is a set of promises defined in digital form, including an agreement on which contract participants can execute these promises. "
Let's explore what his definition means in more detail.
A set of commitments refers to the (often mutual) rights and obligations agreed upon by the parties to a contract. These commitments define Understand the nature and purpose of the contract. Take a sales contract as a typical example. The seller promises to deliver the goods, and the buyer promises to pay a reasonable price.
Digital form
Digital form means that the contract must be written in a computer-readable format in the code. This is necessary because as long as the participants reach an agreement, the rights and obligations established by the smart contract are executed by a computer or computer network.
Further explanation:
(1 ) reaches an agreement
When do the participants of a smart contract reach an agreement? The answer depends on the specific smart contract implementation. Generally speaking, when the participants commit to the execution of the contract by installing the contract on the contract host platform, The contract is discovered.
(2) Contract execution
The true meaning of "execution" also depends on implementation. Generally speaking, execution means active implementation through technical means.
(3) Computer-readable code
In addition, the specific "digital form" required by the contract is very dependent on the protocol that the parties agree to use.
The protocol is a technical implementation (technical implementation), on this basis On, the contractual promise is fulfilled, or the fulfillment of the contractual promise is recorded. Which agreement is chosen depends on many factors, the most important of which is the nature of the assets being traded during the performance of the contract.
Again, take the sales contract as an example. Assume that the parties agree to pay the price in Bitcoin. The protocol chosen will obviously be the Bitcoin protocol, on which the smart contract is implemented. Therefore, the "digits" that the contract must use"Form" is the Bitcoin Script Language. The Bitcoin Script Language is a non-Turing complete, imperative, stack-based programming language, similar to Forth.

Ⅶ Bitcoin, Blockchain and What are the differences between ICOs

Bitcoin is a virtual digital currency proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. It is characterized by the fact that there is no centralized issuing institution, the total amount is fixed at 21 million, and It is not a one-time issuance, it needs to be mined by miners. Because it is a decentralized structure, trust needs to rely on cryptography and consensus mechanism technology to achieve.
Blockchain is a general technology derived from Bitcoin , it implements a decentralized database model. Bitcoin can be classified as blockchain 1.0 because it has no concept of smart contracts. The key technologies of blockchain include cryptography encryption and decryption and consensus mechanism. Blockchain is generally used To combine with specific business logic, this requires relying on smart contracts, which provide an execution mode free from human interference.
ICO initial coin offering, derived from the concept of initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market, It is the first time a blockchain project issues tokens, raises Bitcoins, and solves general digital currencies such as Ethereum.

ⅧWhat does Bitcoin contract trading mean?

Contract trading is a transaction on Bitcoin The collective name for Litecoin futures contract trading.
In June 2013, 796 Exchange took the lead in the Bitcoin industry to develop the Bitcoin weekly delivery standard futures-T+0 two-way trading virtual commodity pledged barter contract (contract transaction).
The emergence of contract trading ended the previous history of Bitcoin not being able to short-sell, and opened the prelude to the development and prosperity of the Bitcoin derivatives market.

Warm reminder: The above information is for reference only. It does not represent any advice.

Response time: 2020-12-16. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
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