filecoin 冷钱包 fil 冷钱包

⑴ fil币是骗局吗

一.联合挖矿 这是最近刚出的一新鲜词,所谓的联合挖矿,在这可以肯定的是,就目前而言,只要打着联合挖矿的名义售卖矿机的可以都归类为资金盘。挖FIL的同时挖CRU,XCH,BZZ,PHA......还有不少公司宣传只需要用户出质押币和GAS的FIL,然后和公司分成的,这种抽成非常高,远远超过全网的数据,其实你要懂一个道理,FIL的机器相对于质押来说,机器是非常便宜的。算下来你自己肯定是不划算的。
二.云算力挖矿 云算力挖矿说白了就是用户租用公司的机器,有些是自己出质押和GAS,首先你要看清楚公司的资质,只要是交易就必须要有合同,而且要看清楚合约条款,有很多都是霸王条款。更不要听表面的宣传和业务员的死缠烂打。有很多公司挖矿APP都是假的,从哪里来的机器给你挖呢,市面上有部分所谓的云矿机都是打着各种高收益的幌子来忽悠一些非专业者,所谓的云矿机,只要跟你把收益说的和实际不符的都是骗人的。
三.实体矿机 买矿机必须选择有实力的大公司 ,考察清楚 ,了解清楚再参与。 稍微有点实力的公司你可以去看一下他们的经营许可证,IDC批文,数据节点等等。但是有人的地方就有江湖,有一些小规模的矿机后 ,就开始销售算力和矿机 ,但是算力存在超卖和一些不规范的操作 ,参与矿工的利益也不能保障他们的利益 。文中不便提及信誉不好的公司。
四、总而言之,FIL本身是非常好的一个投资项目,只是被一些别有用心的人利用做了坏事。但是你只要认清一点,天上不会掉馅饼,只有投机才会上当受骗 ,不贪小便宜的人不会 被骗 ,并且随着社会的发展 ,欺诈行为 不断得到更新,每一个热点 ,每一个伎俩都可以成为骗子的武器大家必须小心,真正想投资一个项目自己花点时间心思去好好了解,这样才能最大限度降低成为韭菜的风险,最后也祝愿各位能在币圈收获自己想要的!

⑵ fil成垃圾币了


⑶ 最好的filecoin冷钱包


⑷ FIL币的钱包咋找回来


⑸ fil币合约地址

在TP钱包增加币的代码,就可以显示了,搜索币的合约地址或者名称/代码,加上,才可以是钱包看到。近期FIL币成交量一度领先币圈,市值也进入前十,占据第八位,FIL币是IPFS上的一个代币,根据行情数据显示,FIL币目前流通市值为106.78亿美元,24小时成交额为36.25亿美元,自发行以来, FIL币历史最高价格达到了237.61美元,投资回报率达到了473.51%,惊人的回报率吸引了大批投资者想要购买FIL币,币安是国际领先的区块链数字资产交易平台,它向全球提供广泛的数字货币交易、区块链教育、区块链项目孵化、区块链资产发行平台、区块链研究院以及区块链公益慈善等服务,目前用户覆盖了全球190多个国家和地区。它以140万单/秒的核心内存撮合技术,是全球加密货币交易速度最快的平台之一,也是全球加密货币交易量最大的平台之一。

⑹ 怎么把fil提到钱包

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-09-26

⑺ 币安转fil到TP钱包,走了fil通道能到账吗


⑻ 把Fil提到EtH钱包怎么办


⑼ fil币国家认可吗

1、从本质上来说,IPFS/Filecoin是合法的。 IPFS,它是文件传输协议。从本质上来讲,作为一个传输技术,IPFS是合法的。毕竟,这个技术它没有任何违法的内容,仅是帮助我们将文件更安全快速地传输。 IPFS,它想做到的就是取代HTTP,成为新时代的网络底层传输协议。那么既然HTTP可以被广泛接受(合法),作为替代品,或者说升级品,IPFS也该是合法的。
2、从功能上来说,IPFS/Filecoin是合法的 。也说到,IPFS是一个传输协议。在功能上,它可以实现:文件快速传输、文件安全存储、文件防篡改、数据价值保护等等,这些都意味着,不仅IPFS本身合法,并且它可以防止非法事情的出现。比如黑客盗取数据。在IPFS中,文件存储是本地存储;IPFS使用分片技术,文件碎片化加密存储。这样就可以成功保护我们的文件遭到黑客的毒手。 这样的功能,我们能说IPFS不合法吗?
事实证明,挖矿本身只要是合规、手续齐全,它就是合法的。国内之前禁的是货币交易,而不是挖矿。而到2021年底,这项禁令也是已经取消,并且国家也在发行自己主权的货币DCEP。所以这点政策风险来说,无需过多担心,只需要担心你选择的IPFS/Filecoin挖矿公司是否合法即可。 其次,工信部和深圳市还组织了IPFS技术研讨会。就IPFS/Filecoin挖矿而言,本身是合法。

⑽ 用在非小号里查的fil的合约地址在tp钱包里火币链钱包中添加fil会有两个币出来,一个hfil,另


⑴ Is fil coin a scam?

Yes, it is a scam. The following is a scam:
1. Joint mining This is a new term that has just come out recently, the so-called joint mining. What is certain is that for now, as long as the minerals are sold in the name of joint mining All machines can be classified as capital disks. While mining FIL, mine CRU, It exceeds the data of the entire network. In fact, you have to understand the truth. Compared with staking, FIL's machines are very cheap. Calculating it yourself, it’s definitely not worth it.
2. Cloud computing power mining Cloud computing power mining means that users rent the company's machines. Some of them provide pledges and GAS themselves. First of all, you must clearly see the company's qualifications. As long as it is a transaction, there must be a contract. And you need to read the terms of the contract clearly, as many of them are overbearing terms. Don't listen to the superficial propaganda and the salespeople's stalking. There are many companies that have fake mining apps. Where do they get the machines to mine for you? Some of the so-called cloud mining machines on the market use various high-yield guise to fool non-professionals. The so-called cloud mining machines are all fake. Mining machines, as long as they tell you that the income is not consistent with the actual situation, it is a lie.
3. Physical mining machines. When buying mining machines, you must choose a large and powerful company, conduct a thorough investigation, and understand clearly before participating. For companies with some strength, you can check their business licenses, IDC approvals, data nodes, etc. But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. After there are some small-scale mining machines, they start to sell computing power and mining machines. However, the computing power is oversold and some irregular operations, and the interests of participating miners cannot protect their interests. It is inappropriate to mention companies with bad reputations in this article.
4. In short, FIL itself is a very good investment project, but it has been used by some people with ulterior motives to do bad things. But as long as you understand clearly, pie will not fall in the sky, only speculation will be deceived, and people who are not greedy for petty gains will not be deceived. And with the development of society, fraudulent behaviors are constantly being updated, every hot spot, every Tricks can become weapons for scammers. You must be careful. If you really want to invest in a project, take the time to understand it carefully. Only in this way can you minimize the risk of becoming a leek. Finally, I wish you all can gain what you want in the currency circle!

⑵ FIL has become a garbage currency

1. Affected by the entire market, the price of FIL currency has plummeted to 80 US dollars, which has shrunk by nearly 2 times. At this time, there are many People began to bet against the FIL coin, and even thought that FIL was "garbage".
2. The decline in FIL price is in line with the project’s expectations and the design goals of Filecoin. This stability has a lot to do with Filecoin’s pledge mechanism. To adjust the closed loop from the perspective of the public, FIL miners generally need to increase their computing power, but the increase in computing power requires mortgage, and since the main source of mortgage coins is the secondary market and the price of FIL drops, the cost of improving computing power will be low, and if you buy more FIL coins, the price will increase. If the currency price of FIL rises, the cost of increasing computing power will be high, and there will be a demand for scalable growth. IPFS mining machine (Fire Thunder God).
3. For ordinary people, safety and stability are the most important. If you are not sure enough, you should choose the most advantageous method. The biggest advantage of mining is that the coins you hold are constantly increasing. , even if the currency price has corrected, the total assets in the future have not shrunk significantly. Even after experiencing a bear market, what will usher in is the joy of asset explosion. Compared with spot currency hoarding, investment in mining will not cause panic and stop losses when the currency price rebounds, nor will it be exited early when the currency price rebounds, making it difficult to grasp all the profits.
Extended information:
1. The decline in FIL price is in line with the expectations of the project and the design goals of Filecoin. This stability has a lot to do with Filecoin’s pledge mechanism. To adjust the closed loop from the perspective of the public, FIL miners generally need to increase their computing power, but the growth of computing power requires mortgage, and since the main source of mortgage coins is the secondary market, the price of FIL decreases, so the cost of improving computing power will be low, buy more The price of FIL currency will increase. If the currency price of FIL rises, the cost of increasing computing power will be high, and there will be a demand for scalable growth. IPFS mining machine (Fire Thunder God).
2. The decline in FIL price is in line with the project’s expectations and the design goals of Filecoin. This stability has a lot to do with Filecoin’s pledge mechanism. To adjust the closed loop from the perspective of the public, FIL miners generally need to increase their computing power, but the growth of computing power requires mortgage, and since the main source of mortgage coins is the secondary market, the price of FIL decreases, so the cost of improving computing power will be low, buy more The price of FIL currency will increase. If the currency price of FIL rises, the cost of increasing computing power will be high, and there will be a demand for scalable growth. IPFS mining machine (Fire Thunder God).

⑶ The best filecoin cold wallet

Hi summary, it is like this:

⑷ How to get the FIL coin wallet back


Summary Hello, I am happy to answer your question. Under normal circumstances, you will form your own wallet by registering your own account based on your actual situation. You can try to log in to the system and click mine. Check your own relevant information.

⑸ fil coin contract address

Add the code of the coin in the TP wallet and it will be displayed. Search for the contract address or name/code of the coin and add it to the wallet to see it. arrive. Recently, the trading volume of FIL coin once led the currency circle, and its market value has also entered the top ten, occupying the eighth place. FIL coin is a token on IPFS. According to market data, the current circulating market value of FIL coin is US$10.678 billion, and its 24-hour transaction volume At 3.625 billion U.S. dollars, the historical highest price of FIL coin has reached since its issuance.237.61 US dollars, the return on investment reached 473.51%. The amazing return rate attracted a large number of investors who wanted to buy FIL coins. Binance is the leading international blockchain digital asset trading platform. It provides a wide range of digital currency transactions to the world. Blockchain education, blockchain project incubation, blockchain asset issuance platform, blockchain research institute, and blockchain charity services currently have users in more than 190 countries and regions around the world. With its core memory matching technology of 1.4 million orders/second, it is one of the fastest cryptocurrency trading platforms in the world and one of the platforms with the largest cryptocurrency trading volume in the world.
OKEX is one of the world's famous digital asset trading platforms. It mainly provides currency and derivatives trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum to global users. OKEx uses advanced technologies such as GSLB, distributed server clusters, distributed storage, high-speed memory trading engines with multi-machine backup, cold wallets, hot wallets with offline private keys, etc., to serve multiple terminals such as Web, mobile, and PC. Provide customers with safe, stable and credible digital asset trading services. At the same time, it continues to improve and upgrade its products and services based on users' suggestions and needs, aiming to serve every user better and better.
Huobi Global is headquartered in Singapore. It is an innovative digital asset trading platform under the Huobi Group that serves professional trading users around the world. It is committed to discovering high-quality innovative digital asset investment opportunities. Currently, it provides currency transactions in hundreds of currencies including BTC, ETH, LTC, and HT, margin transactions and contract transactions in mainstream currencies, and OTC in 19 legal currencies and mainstream currencies including USD and CNY. trade. CoinbasePro is headquartered in the United States and provides users with a secure platform to facilitate users to invest in various digital assets. The CoinbasePro platform interface is simple and easy to use, including real-time order query, charting tools, transaction history and simple order process.

⑹ How to transfer fil to wallet

Consultation record · Answered on 2021-09-26

⑺ Transfer fil to TP wallet from Binance, Can I access the account through the fil channel?

Summary: Try using the tp wallet. Visually, it is the best eos wallet. The main business of imtoken is eth.

⑻ What should I do if I mention Fil to the EtH wallet?

Summary To realize the cash, we need to withdraw the currency to the exchange and sell it through fiat currency transactions. However, there is a more convenient way in the TokenPocket wallet, which is through The flash exchange function of TP wallet converts ETH into EOS, and then realizes it through the currency sale and purchase of EOS.

⑼ Is fil currency recognized by the country?

1. fil is just a data storage technology. The incentive layer fil currency it generates is legal in nature and will of course be recognized by the country;
2. IPFS serves as the InternetThe main function of the underlying technology of the Internet is decentralized distributed storage, which is more efficient, safer, more private, more permanent, and lower cost than the traditional centralized storage HTTP protocol that has been used for more than 20 years. Due to these characteristics, it is only a matter of time before IPFS fills in and replaces the HTTP protocol
Extended information:
1. In essence, IPFS/Filecoin is legal. IPFS, it is a file transfer protocol. Essentially, as a transport technology, IPFS is legal. After all, there is nothing illegal about this technology, it just helps us transfer files more safely and quickly. IPFS, what it wants to do is to replace HTTP and become the underlying network transmission protocol in the new era. So since HTTP can be widely accepted (legal), as a substitute, or upgrade, IPFS should also be legal.
2. Functionally, IPFS/Filecoin is legal. Also mentioned, IPFS is a transport protocol. Functionally, it can achieve: fast file transfer, secure file storage, file tamper resistance, data value protection, etc. These all mean that not only is IPFS itself legal, but it can also prevent illegal things from happening. For example, hackers steal data. In IPFS, file storage is local storage; IPFS uses sharding technology to fragment and encrypt files for storage. This way we can successfully protect our files from hackers. With such a function, can we say that IPFS is illegal?
3. From the perspective of mining, IPFS/Filecoin is legal. For most investors, the key question is whether IPFS/Filecoin mining is legal or not.
Facts have proven that mining itself is legal as long as it is compliant and the procedures are complete. What was previously banned in China was currency transactions, not mining. By the end of 2021, this ban has been lifted, and the country is also issuing its own sovereign currency DCEP. So in terms of policy risks, you don’t need to worry too much. You only need to worry about whether the IPFS/Filecoin mining company you choose is legal. Secondly, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Shenzhen City also organized an IPFS technology seminar. As far as IPFS/Filecoin mining is concerned, it is legal in itself.

⑽ Use the contract address of fil checked in the non-small account and add fil to the Huobi Chain wallet in the tp wallet. Two coins will come out, one is hfil and the other

Summary Add the coin's code to the TP wallet and it will be displayed. Search for the coin's contract address or name/code and add it to the wallet to see it.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 硬件钱包和冷钱包区别区别如下: 硬件钱包:是用于存储加密资产的专用电子设备,其功能就是将私钥存储在内部的芯片内,私钥永远都不会离开设备,因此很安全。 冷钱包:是指私