币圈如果通道没了如何变现呢 币圈如果通道没了如何变现金

Ⅰ 币圈一般去哪个论坛

1. 没有被证监会、银保监会认可的金融是不合法的。随着区块链的概念被提出,开始盛行,在中国就有比特币、莱特币、瑞泰币等,这些的收益被吹得神乎奇乎,听了的人都会眼红,新生幻想,殊不知这只是一个庞氏骗局,就会忽悠投资者请君入瓮,将投资者的资金骗进去之后就是一串数字,有的一买就狂跌,聪明的人还可以止损,有的买进开盘疯涨,投资者不断加入筹码,最终无法套现。
2. 中国对这一块属于灰色地带。中国的股市尚不发达,到现今上证指数也才3400点左右,和美国纳斯达克指数,的恒生指数比起来显得太少了,就连国家承认的交易投资市场都还处于成长阶段,新型的交易自然是不合法的,国家也在大力的监管金融交易市场,防止投资者上当受骗。
3. 收益被吹得过高。股神巴菲特的年收益率平均也才20%,为何只有这么一点,因为他懂得市场投资规律,第一是鸡蛋不能放在一个篮子里面,分散风险,第二是任何不符合常态的收益都是假的。就是收益过度的虚高,投资就是一串数字在跳动,没有监管的法律部门,它想怎么变化就能怎么变化,投资者只会被蒙在鼓里玩弄。
4. 一般一个在发行的时候是由一个团队或者公司发行的,发行数量和周期、方式在白皮书里会说明。比如V神的团队发布了eth,目前流通总数为1亿多一点儿,比特币总发行数量是2100万个等..
5. 比特币的总量为2100万个,2140年挖完,挖矿速度四年减半,目前,比特币已经开采了1300万多一点。比特币由一个叫中本聪的人发明创造,此人在2010年以后消失在了比特币圈,并没有人知道此人是谁。
6. 币好是位于新加坡的一个,它和它的运营团队所坚持的是:严格的审核上币机制,只上有潜力的人气币。这个平台的团队,旨在为提供最佳的用户体验和资产提升的通道,它有这样的承诺,也确实这样做到了。

Ⅱ 币圈崩盘无眠,50万人爆仓400亿,手中有币的人该怎么办





Ⅲ 疯狂币圈背后:10万瞬间清零,币圈未来会何去何从







Ⅳ 币圈集体崩盘,币圈的未来将何去何从





Ⅳ 币圈没有第三方平台能提币兑现吗


Ⅵ 快手金币圈怎么没了,设置也找不到了


Ⅶ 我是币圈会员,会员就得充值,充值后他们咨询通道关闭,我怎样联系到他们

  开通会员后,皇冠没有点亮或特权无法使用的情况,请提供您的开通方式: 如果是通过网银、支付宝等方式需提高需具体单号的截图; 如果您是手机开通,烦请您再提供一下您开通微博会员使用的手机号码(格式如下,开通方式:***,手机号码:***)以及已成功扣费的短信截图,以私信方式@微博客服 进行反馈,以便我们核实为您联系相关工作人员处理。

Ⅷ 币圈关闭otc如何交易

1、提币到钱包通常比较简单,只需要生成自己的钱包地址,将 OTCBTC 中存留的币发送到新的钱包地址即可。但是,对于 EOS 用户来说就比较麻烦了,特别是没有使用过 EOS 钱包的用户,因为 EOS 账号创建并不像 BTC 或 ETH 那样简单,可以任意生成链上可用的钱包地址,EOS 账号生成需要拥有 EOS 的用户去发送一笔交易来创建,同时需要抵押网络带宽(net),计算资源(cpu)和购买内存(ram),而对于账号的规则也有特殊的限制,长度必须为12(包含字母和数字),且数字只能是1~5之间的数字,这些,对于新手来说,创建起来及其不便。
1. 出入金要准备专卡专用,资金流动是会感染的,互相转账,只会导致自己的卡全部被冻结,给自己图增烦恼,并且,切勿使用工资卡,这样出金被冻结后,不仅影响到自己的生活还会影响到工作。
2. 使用银行卡去做出金准备前,应该先测试一下自己的银行卡是否仍然可以正常使用,不要事后拍断大腿,小心使得万年船。
3. 在交易所进行交易时,我们有的时候会发现盘一价格和其他价格比特别突出,这种情况的商家,一般都来路不正,虽然交易所有对商家的审核和平台风控尽责的义务,还是会被人抓住可乘之机,反洗钱是银行都解决不了的问题,我们也不能强加给交易所。
4. 对于商家的筛选,一般来说,时间越久的商家越安全,能在这个市场活下去的肯定都有两把刷子,和这类商家交易,能极大的降低风险,这大概是属于中年男人的稳健吧,千万别为了贪图价格去和那些新认证的商家交易。
5. 一切交易都应在OK和币安该类大平台去交易,出现问题可以随时联系他们调证和协助警方配合解决,切勿在微信和场外群交易,不然出了问题可能自己会背上这个年纪不该有的罪名。
6. 法币交易后,千万不要提现金,物理隔离很容易导致上门,警察叔叔询问你的时候,会让自己很被动。
7. 最后一个就是关于解冻的,当发现自己的银行卡被冻结时,应当先耐心等待三天,如果三天后还是没有解冻,建议大家应该主动积极的去联系警方,一般来说,有正经工作并且行为良好的币友们,还是很容易解冻的,除此之外还有一个办法,就是退钱,如果在涉案金额不多并且自己急需解冻的前提下,退钱其实也是一个比较不错的解决办法(前提是退钱不应以退赃的名义去处理)
这些就是OTC交易小白们经常会踩的坑,大家在交易的时候,注意一些完全可以规避掉很多风险。想要不被冻,就尽量减少otc交易的次数,再有是选择风控严谨的平台,这样会大大减少冻卡的可能性。 如果不小心被冻,要积极配合调查,主动提供信息自证清白。

Ⅸ 币圈崩盘,币圈未来会何去何从







Ⅹ 币圈将来会不会随着政策监管而消失币圈未来几年会怎么样发展


Ⅰ Which forum do you usually go to in the currency circle?

telegram, qq, weixin, Babbitt Forum, Twitter, Zhihu, Knowledge Planet, Tieba. . . There are many communication platforms
1. Finance that is not recognized by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission is illegal. As the concept of blockchain was proposed and began to become popular, there are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ritecoin, etc. in China. The benefits of these are boasted to be miraculous, and everyone who listens will be jealous and have new fantasies, but they don’t know it. This is just a Ponzi scheme, which will trick investors into inviting you into the trap. After defrauding investors' funds, there will be a series of numbers. Some will plummet as soon as you buy them. Smart people can stop losses, and some will skyrocket after they are bought. , investors continue to add chips, and ultimately cannot cash out.
2. China belongs to a gray area in this area. China's stock market is still underdeveloped. The Shanghai Composite Index is only around 3,400 points today, which is too small compared with the US Nasdaq Index and the Hang Seng Index. Even the state-recognized trading and investment market is still in the growth stage. New The transactions are naturally illegal, and the state is also vigorously supervising the financial trading market to prevent investors from being deceived.
3. Earnings were overinflated. The average annual return rate of stock god Buffett is only 20%. Why is it only this little? Because he understands the rules of market investment. First, eggs cannot be put in one basket to diversify risks. Second, any return that does not conform to the norm is false. of. It means that the income is excessively high, and investment is just a bunch of numbers jumping around. Without a regulatory legal department, it can change as it wants, and investors will only be kept in the dark and played with.
4. Generally, a token is issued by a team or company at the time of issuance. The number, cycle, and method of issuance will be explained in the white paper. For example, Buterin's team released eth. The current total circulation is a little over 100 million, the total number of Bitcoins issued is 21 million, etc...
If we say that the person who can manipulate the currency price or influence the currency price to a certain extent is As for the banker, as long as you have money, you can buy a large amount through the exchange to raise the price and sell it at a high level to collect leeks. Then there are many bankers.
So businessmen or business groups with relatively large funds, account holders with more coins, etc.
5. The total number of Bitcoins is 21 million, which will be mined in 2140, and the mining speed will be halved in four years. , currently, a little over 13 million Bitcoins have been mined. Bitcoin was invented by a person named Satoshi Nakamoto. This person disappeared from the Bitcoin circle after 2010, and no one knows who he is.
The graphics card mines Bitcoin. This was possible in the past, but now there is almost no profit from mining with the graphics card. Of course, it is okay if your electricity is free. The graphics card mining you mentioned is the second stage of Bitcoin mining. The first stage is to use CPU mining, which is an ordinary computer. The second stage is the graphics card mining you mentioned, commonly known as graphics card burning. At present, the ASIC mining machine has entered the third stage of mining. At this stage, the computing power is extremely high and the mining income is very high.Low, the mining cost is almost close to or even exceeds the currency price. Nowadays, the profitability of mining in large mines mainly depends on the energy consumption of mining machines and the advantages of electricity prices
6. Bihao is a company located in Singapore. What it and its operation team insist on is: a strict review and listing mechanism. Only popular coins with potential are listed. The team of this platform aims to provide the best user experience and a channel for asset improvement. It has such a promise, and it has indeed done so.

Ⅱ The currency circle collapsed and there was no sleep. 500,000 people blew up their positions with 40 billion. What should people who have coins do? The news of "40 billion warehouse" has aroused heated discussions among netizens and caused a stir on the Internet. So, how should people with coins in their hands deal with such a situation? First of all, if you buy spot rather than contracts, then I suggest waiting for the rebound to wait until the high point to cash out. Second, if you are reluctant to cut the meat, you can also buy some short positions to hedge the risk, so that at least the money in your hand will not decrease. Third, I suggest that if it can come out, it should be cashed out as soon as possible. Because banks are now no longer allowing withdrawals in RMB, the money will probably be wasted after it is fully implemented. So what is the specific situation? Let me share my opinion with you.

1. Technical level

From a timely perspective, there will generally be a counterattack after a sharp decline. If you are deeply trapped now, you can wait for the bottom-hunting funds to raise the stock price before shipping, so as to reduce some of your losses.

The above are my opinions on this issue. They are purely personal opinions and are for reference only. If you have any different opinions, you can leave a message in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

Ⅲ Behind the crazy currency circle: 100,000 was cleared in an instant, where will the currency circle go in the future?

The currency circle will not develop much in the future, and the entire market will become calm, with many investments Investors will not enter the currency circle to participate in speculation.

The cryptocurrency market is very hot. Many people have heard stories about people who bought coins and became rich overnight. However, the sudden wealth is accompanied by a sharp decline. Many people enter the cryptocurrency market and encounter problems before they make much money. When it plummets, you lose all your principal. Many people in the currency circle lost their money instantly, and countless people had their positions liquidated.

Behind the madness of the currency circle, there are the shadows of capital predators stirring up the situation. The plummeting prices are affected by regulatory authorities, and the future of the currency circle is very unclear.

3. Cryptocurrencies will fragment and many air coins will disappear.

Cryptocurrencies are divided into mainstream coins and air coins. Among them, mainstream coins are supported by various projects and have strong capital behind them. Air coins are pure money-making games. After many people buy them, the final outcome is to clear them up. zero. After the cryptocurrency plummets, this trend will become more obvious, and many air coins will disappear.

The currency circle will not become a mainstream investment market in the future.There will be fewer and fewer ordinary people using cryptocurrency. If you have any other opinions on this, please leave a message for discussion.

IV The collective collapse of the currency circle, where will the future of the currency circle go?

Recently, a piece of news about the "collective collapse of the currency circle" has triggered heated discussions among netizens. There was a lot of fuss. So, where will the future of the currency circle go? I think there are three possibilities. The first possibility is to usher in strong supervision. Because the current virtual currency market is unregulated, this allows Musk to manipulate the market at will. Second, the bubble bursts. As the main rise begins to decline, people's enthusiasm for virtual currencies will be greatly reduced. The third is to continue to maintain the status quo. It should rise and fall, and continue to harvest leeks. So what is the specific situation? Let me share my opinion with you.

1. Strong supervision

The first possibility is to usher in strong supervision. This time virtual currency encountered a strong crackdown from the domestic government because it always experienced sharp rises and falls, which led to many people liquidating their positions and losing property. In order to prevent more people from liquidating their positions, the government has chosen to take decisive measures. In the future, fewer Chinese people will participate in virtual currency transactions. If Musk's behavior of manipulating the market were regulated, he would have been arrested and interrogated or even fined ten times.

The above are my opinions on this issue. They are purely personal opinions and are for reference only. If you have any different opinions, you can leave a message in the comment area and let’s discuss it together.

IV If there is no third-party platform in the currency circle, can I withdraw and cash out the coins?

Is there no third-party platform in the currency circle? Can I withdraw and cash out the coins? You must have a third platform to withdraw money, otherwise where can you withdraw it?

VI Why is the Kuaishou Gold Coin Circle gone and the settings can’t be found?

Summary Hello, I am Hongyu Consulting Teacher. I am honored to answer your questions. Your question is here I have seen it,

Ⅶ I am a member of the currency circle, and members have to recharge. After recharging, their consultation channel is closed, how can I contact them?

After opening the membership, the crown does not click If it is activated or the privileges cannot be used, please provide your activation method: If it is through online banking, Alipay, etc., you need to add a screenshot of the specific order number; If you activate via mobile phone, please provide the account you used to activate Weibo membership Mobile phone number (the format is as follows, activation method: ***, mobile phone number: ***) and a screenshot of the SMS that has been successfully deducted, send feedback via private message @Weibo server so that we can verify and contact the relevant staff for processing.

ⅧHow to trade OTC when the currency circle is closed

1. Withdrawing coins to the wallet is usually relatively simple. You only need to generate your own wallet address and send the coins saved in OTCBTC to the new wallet. Just the address. However, it is more troublesome for EOS users, especially those who have not used EOS wallets, soCreating an EOS account is not as simple as BTC or ETH. You can generate any wallet address available on the chain. EOS account generation requires users with EOS to send a transaction to create it. At the same time, it requires mortgage network bandwidth (net) and computing resources. (cpu) and purchase memory (ram), and there are special restrictions on the account rules. The length must be 12 (including letters and numbers), and the numbers can only be numbers between 1 and 5. These are for novices , which is extremely inconvenient to create.
2. Since domestic exchanges have closed channels for direct purchases of digital currencies with fiat currencies in September 2017, over-the-counter (OTC) transactions have become the main way for people to enter the currency circle. However, as the transaction volume increases, many criminals launder money through OTC. Once these funds from unknown sources interact with you, your bank card may be frozen.
3. In fact, since April this year, some people in the cryptocurrency community have said that their bank cards bound to the exchange have been frozen and cannot be used. In June, frozen cards became a common phenomenon, not only including OTC merchants, but also spreading to ordinary individual users. The recent wave of "frozen cards" originated from the "Decision of the Ministry of Public Security on Modifications" that came into effect on September 1, 2020. This "Decision" is understood to mean the decentralization of the power to freeze cards, that is, "the public security in these locations can have long-arm jurisdiction over any location where illegal fraud is involved."
Extended information:
Here is for everyone Let’s talk about the precautions for OTC transactions:
1. Prepare a dedicated card for deposits and withdrawals. The flow of funds will be contagious. Transferring funds to each other will only cause all of your cards to be frozen, which will add trouble to yourself. Moreover, do not Do not use salary cards. If your withdrawal is frozen, it will not only affect your life but also your work.
2. Before using a bank card to make deposit preparations, you should first test whether your bank card can still be used normally. Don't break your thigh afterwards, or be careful.
3. When trading on the exchange, we sometimes find that the ratio between the first price and other prices is particularly prominent. Merchants in this situation generally have bad backgrounds, although the exchange has audits of merchants and platform risks. People may still take advantage of their responsibilities. Anti-money laundering is a problem that even banks cannot solve, and we cannot impose it on exchanges.
4. Regarding the selection of merchants, generally speaking, the longer the merchants are, the safer they are. Anyone who can survive in this market must have two skills. Trading with such merchants can greatly reduce the risk. This is probably It's the stability of a middle-aged man. Don't deal with newly certified merchants just for the sake of price.
5. All transactions should be conducted on large platforms such as OK and Binance. If there is a problem, you can contact them at any time to verify and assist the police in solving the problem. Do not trade on WeChat and off-site groups, otherwise you may encounter problems yourself. He will be charged with crimes that should not be expected at his age.
6. After legal currency transactions, do not withdraw cash and maintain physical isolation.It can easily lead to a visit to your door, and the police will make you very passive when questioning you.
7. The last one is about unfreezing. When you find that your bank card has been frozen, you should wait patiently for three days. If it is still not unfrozen after three days, it is recommended that you contact the police proactively. Generally speaking, It is still easy for currency friends who have serious jobs and good behavior to unfreeze. In addition, there is another way, which is to refund the money. If the amount involved is not large and you urgently need to unfreeze, refunding the money is actually a relatively easy way. A good solution (provided that the refund should not be handled in the name of returning stolen goods)
These are the pitfalls that novices in OTC trading often step on. When trading, you can avoid a lot of risks by paying attention to a few things. If you want to avoid being frozen, try to reduce the number of OTC transactions, and choose a platform with strict risk control. This will greatly reduce the possibility of card freezing. If you are accidentally frozen, you must actively cooperate with the investigation and proactively provide information to prove your innocence.

Ⅸ The currency circle collapses. Where will the currency circle go in the future?

The currency circle collapses. It will be difficult for the currency circle to return to its original hot scene in the future. People who enter this market for speculation cannot There will be too many and many cryptocurrencies will disappear.

After the birth of cryptocurrency, due to artificial hype, the price has been soaring, especially Bitcoin, which has risen to tens of thousands. Many people were seduced by the idea of ​​getting rich overnight and entered the cryptocurrency speculation market, buying a large amount of cryptocurrency in the hope that they would become rich overnight. However, before many people had time to get rich overnight, the crash came first, and the cryptocurrency industry suffered heavy losses overnight. Many people liquidated their positions and were eliminated, and the collapse of the currency circle became a hot topic.

The future of cryptocurrencies headed by Bitcoin has become a question on many people’s minds.

3. If cryptocurrencies plummet, the market will gradually shrink, and a large number of cryptocurrencies will disappear in the future.

After the popularity of cryptocurrency, many people issued various air coins in order to make money. These air coins were worthless and did not even have actual projects behind them. Therefore, when the currency circle plummeted, the price of this type of currency dropped all the way. , some cryptocurrencies have even been cleared. Many cryptocurrencies will disappear in the currency circle in the future, and people will no longer see them.

The collapse of the currency circle has led people to clearly realize that the currency circle is not suitable for investment and that the currency circle will not develop in the future. If you have any other opinions on this, please leave a message for discussion.

X Will the currency circle disappear in the future due to policy regulation? How will the currency circle develop in the next few years?

No, because the issuance of Bitcoin itself is going to Centralized, this is to facilitate some cross-border remittances or transactions. Plus its handling fee is relatively low. It has been more than ten years since Bitcoin was issued, and its development seems to be getting better and better. Everyone's acceptance of Bitcoin is also constantly increasing. In addition, the price of Bitcoin has also been turbulent recently. First, it experienced a drop of $40,000. After the mark, the correction quickly began, and the temperature suddenly increased rapidly, but the price fluctuations were still large.Yes, this requires a lot of mental endurance to accept, so the heart needs to be very strong.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

❶ 奇亚币还能涨起来吗很难1、奇亚币在P盘后完全依赖硬盘容量挖矿的加密货币,一度冲上了接近2000美元的高位,也让矿工们趋之若鹜,纷纷购买大容量硬盘挖矿。甚至一度让大容量的SSD以及HDD断货涨价,2