宇宙此身元是客意思 宇宙此身元是客,不须怅望家何许

A. 元宇宙什么意思





B. “梦里不知身是客,直把他乡作故乡。”这句诗我记对了吗求作者、原诗和赏析,谢谢!
















C. 梦里不知身是客,醒来方觉是俗人,此生谁都不容易,共扶梅花入红尘,什么意思


D. 新筑场泥镜面平,家家打稻趁霜晴。 笑歌声里轻雷动,一夜连枷响到明。什么意思

新筑场泥镜面平 以镜面比新场 新场应该指的是农民打稻子的地方
家家打稻趁霜晴 家家户户趁着霜后的晴天打稻子 旧时稻子收割了还要人手工打下稻子 不象现在有机器
笑歌声里轻雷动 农民们打稻声 笑声 歌声 如轻雷鸣响
一夜连枷响到明 一夜农民们挥舞连枷直到天亮 响应该指掉下的谷粒的声音

E. 宇宙次元论是什么意思


F. 关于宇宙的诗词



G. “梦里不知身是客”全诗是什么

















H. 我辈情钟,匆匆相见,一笑真难得.明年谁健,梦魂飘荡南北.译文





































































琪树垂珠网,夹阶两旁。绿霄之外,周以玉阑,阑外方是碧落。阶所接亦玉池,中间涌起玉楼三重,千门万户,无非连璐重璧。屋覆金瓦,屋山缀红牙垂榼。 四檐黄帘皆卷,楼中帝座,依约可望。红云自东来,云中虚皇乘玉辂,驾两金龙。侍卫可见者:灵官法服骑而夹侍二人,力士黄麾前导二人,仪剑四人,金围子四 人,夹辂黄幡二人,五色戟带二人,珠幢二人;金龙旗四人,负纳陛而后从二人。云头下垂,将至玉阶,楼前仙官冠帔出迎,方下阶,双舞鹤行前。云驾之旁,又有 红云二:其一,仙官立幢节间,其二,女乐并奏。玉楼之后,又有小玉楼六,其制如前,宝光祥云,前后蔽亏,或隐或现。小案之前,独为金地,亦有仙官自金地下 迎。傍小楼最高处,有飞桥直瑶台,仙人度桥登台以望。名数可纪者,大略如此。若其景趣高妙、碧落浮黎、青冥风露之境,则览者可以神会,不能述于笔端。此画 运思超绝,必梦游帝所者彷佛得之,非世间俗史意匠可到。明窗净几尽卷展玩,恍然便觉身在九霄三景之上,奇事不可以不识。简斋有水府法驾导引歌词,乃倚其 体,作步虚词六章,以遗从善。羽人有不俗者,使歌之于清风明月之下,虽未得仙亦足以豪矣





























I. 元宇宙是什么梗

指沉浸式的虚拟世界,英文Metaverse。这个虚拟世界由VR(虚拟现实)、AR(增强现实)等3D技术和互联网组成。用户可以在元宇宙中感受不一样的人生,或是体验与真实世界完全不同的世界。与现有网络游戏不同的是,元宇宙能给玩家带来更真实的感受,让玩家可以仿佛置身于虚拟世界当中,甚至可以做到无法区分真实与虚拟世界。元宇宙也被吹捧成了互联网的终极形态。 电影《黑客帝国》和《头号玩家》就是元宇宙概念。 元宇宙一词最早出自美国科幻小说《雪崩》。小说中描绘了一个与现实世界平行的虚拟世界,元界(Metaverse)。

J. 梦里不知身是客,不堪回首月明中什么意思

“不堪回首月明中”取自李煜的《虞美人》。“小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中!”放笔呼号,是一声深沉的浩叹。夜阑人静,幽囚在小楼中的人,倚栏远望,对着那一片沉浸在银光中的大地,多少故国之思,凄楚之情,涌上了心头,不忍回首,也不堪回首 "小楼昨夜又东风"更具体印证了春花秋月无法终了的事实。由小楼进而联想到故国, "不堪回首"四字乃心中滴血之语。"月明中"既是呼应起句"春花秋月"之"月",也是将小楼、故国,人生等等统统笼罩在永恒的月色中,则李煜个人之悲哀自然就直逼人类之大悲哀。换头承故国明月,点出物是人非之意。全词到此为止的六句,都是两两对照,写出永恒与无常的巨大反差,表现作者对宇宙与人生关系的思索。但柔弱的李煜已经不可能由此激发出进取的激情,而只能在与生命决绝前,放纵一下悲哀的心情,任凭自己沉溺在这种无边的生命悲歌中,静静地等候人生终曲的奏起。。“故国不堪回首月明中!”他完全以一个失国之君的口吻,直抒亡国之恨,表现出后主任情纵性,无所顾忌的个性,和他那种纯真而深挚的感情。

A. What does the metaverse mean?

The metaverse generally refers to the Metaverse. Metaverse is a collection of virtual time and space, consisting of a series of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the Internet.

Metaverse is composed of Meta and Verse. Meta means transcendence, and verse means universe. Together they usually represent the next stage of the Internet, a virtual reality network supported by AR, VR, 3D and other technologies. world.

The term Metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to to control and compete with each other to improve their status. Up to now, it seems that the description is still an advanced future world.

The definition of the Metaverse given by Roblox includes eight major elements: identity, friends, immersion, low latency, diversification, anytime, anywhere, economic system and civilization. There are many elements, and behind each element, there is a series of explanations. In short, it cannot be explained clearly in one sentence, which just shows the ambiguity of this concept.

B. "In the dream, I didn't know I was a guest, I always regarded this foreign country as my hometown." Did I remember this poem correctly? Please provide the author, original poem and appreciation, thank you!

It was a dream where I didn’t know I was a guest, and I had a moment of pleasure.

From "Lang Tao Sha" by Li Yu of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Original poem:

The rain is gurgling outside the curtain, the spring is fading, and the quilt cannot bear the cold at dawn. In the dream, I didn't know that I was a guest, and I was greedy for pleasure for a while.

Don’t lean on the railing when you are alone. There is no limit to the world. It is easy to say goodbye but difficult to see others. The flowing water and falling flowers are gone in spring, and the world is in heaven and earth.


The gurgling sound of rain came from outside the door curtain, and the rich spring spirit was about to wither. The woven brocade quilt cannot withstand the cold at the fifth watch. Only when you forget that you are a guest in a dream can you enjoy a moment of entertainment.

When the sun goes down, I lean on the railing on a high building and look into the distance alone, because I feel infinite sadness in my heart when I think of the infinite country I had in the past. It is easy to say goodbye to it, but very difficult to see it again. Like the fallen red flowers in the drained river, they return with spring. Comparing the past and present, one is in heaven and the other is on earth.


The first film uses flashbacks, first writing about waking up from the dream and then writing about the dream. First of all, I dreamed about it at the fifth watch. The thin quilt could not stop the invasion of the morning cold. Outside the curtain, there was the constant gurgling of spring rain, and the lonely and scattered waning spring; this situation made him feel even more miserable.

Looking back to recall the events in the dream, I seemed to have forgotten that I was a prisoner in my sleep, and seemed to be still in the gorgeous palace of my motherland, craving for a moment of pleasure. However, after waking up from the dream, I felt doubly painful. . This poem is sincere, sad and moving. It profoundly expresses the poet's pain of country subjugation and prisoner's sorrow, and vividly depicts the artistic image of a subjugated king.

(2) The body of the universe is a guest. Further reading:

The reasons for Li Yu’s subjugation should be analyzed in detail. As far as the Southern Tang Dynasty is concerned, its survival is impossible. Theoretically, the situation and historical development trend of the entire China at that time required the demise of the Southern Tang Dynasty and the reunification of the Northern Song Dynasty; in fact, the Southern Tang Dynasty had been defeated, and Li Yu could not recover even if he had the ability, not to mention that the national policy had long been wrong.

The year before Li Yu succeeded to the throne, his father Li Jing had already surrendered to the Song Dynasty due to the decline of the country's power, and reduced the tribute. The situation of the Song Dynasty's destruction of the Southern Tang Dynasty was determined. When Li Yu succeeded to the throne, he could only adopt a passive policy of maintaining his career.

However, despite the difficulties faced by Li Yushi in the Southern Tang Dynasty, he maintained power for 15 years, and during the days of his captivity, he never forgot his homeland and cared about his homeland. He never wanted to return to the Song Dynasty, and eventually died in a foreign country.

C. In the dream, I didn’t know that I was a guest, but when I woke up, I realized that I was a commoner. This life is not easy for anyone. What does it mean to help plum blossoms enter the mortal world together?

In the dream, I don’t feel that I am a commoner. They are guests from far away. When I wake up from the dream, I realize that I am just an ordinary person. Living in this life is not easy, or we can just support each other and carry the plum blossoms into the long world of mortals.

D. The mud mirror surface of the new construction field is flat, and every family is plowing rice while the frost and weather are clear. There was light thunder in the laughter and singing, and the flails rang all night until dawn. What does it mean

4 fans
This poem is about the scene of threshing millet after harvest in autumn, which means to beat out the rice grains
It expresses the author’s joy for the harvest Praise for labor.
Xinzhuchang mud mirror is flat and mirror-like than Xinchang. In the old days, when rice was harvested, people had to plow the rice by hand. It was not like machines now.
The laughter and singing of farmers beating rice sounded like light thunder
The flails sounded all night and the farmers waved them the next night. Flail until dawn to respond to the sound of falling grains
The general idea: The ground of the newly built yard is as flat as a mirror. Every household takes advantage of the sunny days after the frost to thresh rice. The farmers laugh and sing, and the sound in the yard is like light thunder. The sound was heard all night long by farmers wielding flails to thresh rice until dawn

E. What is the meaning of cosmic dimensionalism

Dimensions can be understood as the dimensions of the universe. The tenth dimensional space is even the tenth dimensional universe.
In M-theory, space has eleven dimensions, but it is thought that six or seven or seven of these directions are curled up into very small dimensions, leaving only three large, almost flat directions. Hawking proposed his universe model, which gave an 11-dimensional space. He believed that to describe the universe, the four unknowns X, Y, Z and T (time) are not enough. Only after adding 11 unknowns can the universe be explained. Lots of structure.
According to physicists, there should be 7 more dimensions. Although there are so many dimensions, these dimensions are invisible and rolled up into themselves and are calledCompressed dimensions. To clarify this idea, let us again use the example of ants in our imagination. We can imagine rolling up the piece of paper on which the ants are walking until it forms a cylinder. If an ant walks along the paper wall, it will eventually return to the starting point. This is an example of compressed dimensions. The above phenomenon will also occur if you can walk along the famous Mobius. Of course, it is three-dimensional, but if you walk along it, you will always return to the starting point. The Mobius strip is compressed from a dimensional perspective. According to physics, it has three dimensions, but anyone walking on it can only recognize one dimension. It's a bit like the man in the picture on the left: going up or down, but never reaching the end. If the ant does not walk along the curved wall of the paper tube, it will never return to its original starting point. This is an example of two dimensions. If you keep walking along it, it is impossible to return to the original starting point.

F. Poems about the universe

[Song Dynasty]
Fan Chengda
The universe is a guest
"Man Jiang Hong" ·稨画西山》
Suddenly it was reported that the pig dragon had overturned the universe
《Inscribed on the legacy of Kaiyuan Tianbao》
The body of the universe is a guest
“Chongjiu ascended to the Heart-Enhancing Pavilion alone”
/>Ze Mo’s fame has touched the universe
"Eight poems sent by Mr. Ci Yunle to Wu Zhongjian"
The fame of the universe has no bones
"Wan Ji South Tower"
Fang Yue
The universe is a boat and I am tired
"The River is Red·Ask about the Yellow Flowers"
Like the universe is tolerant
"In the Mountain"
There is no other universe in the middle
"Sui Wan"
The middle part of the universe honors dogs and sheep
"Inscribed on Qimen Yuewang Temple"
The universe is a cup of scrawled poems
" About Huang Chengzhi's view of Qionghua, I couldn't follow it and replaced the bamboo slips with poems"
The infinite universe bestows poems
"Ciyun Fei Judgment"
Chunlian Universe Kaihuangji
"Ciyun Liangquan County is happy with snow"
Three Thousand Years of Universe in the Book
"Knocking the Corner"
The universe is narrowing and noisy
"Inscription Cai Sheng"
It is a very dust-free thing in the universe
"With Objective Snow"
[Song Dynasty]
Li Zengbo
There is no shadow in the middle of the universe
"Man Jiang Hong·Dang Festival is about to begin"
The universe becomes an illusion Pure Land
"The River is Red·This Year's Xiaoxiang"
The universe is floating
"The completion of Zhongxuan Tower and Wu Shenyuan's preparation of Shen Yun"
[Tang]< br />Du Fu
Zhuge’s fame spreads throughout the universe
“Five Poems about Ancient Relics”
[Song Dynasty]
Taizong of the Song Dynasty
Yi Deqing came to light the universe
"Xiaoyao Ode"
The universe always exists hidden sages
"Xiaoyao Ode"
[Song Dynasty]
Wang Xin
How many feelings about the universe, ancient and modern
"Water Melody Song Top·The grass and trees grow by themselves"
Who knows how far away the universe is in this world
br />"Gift to Master Bulao Shangao of Qimen"
Lv Yan
Driving red oxen to plow the universe
"Seven Words"
There are countless people in the vast universe
[Song Dynasty]
Liu Chenweng
All life in the universe are guests
"Reducing Words Mulan Flower·Why Need Jianzhi" 》
[Song Dynasty]
Chen Zhu
Once thought about the universe
"The Proud Fisherman·The Waves and the Mist Sweep by the Wind"
In the Universe Idle battles are bloody
"The first few chapters of the poems in Ci Yun Shanjun Fan's Luggage are from the two chapters after Dao"
It is not appropriate to look at the universe
"The first few chapters of the poems in Ci rhyme Shan Junfan's Luggage" The last two chapters of Zhang Zidao are single"
All leisure in the universe is divided into tasks
"Five poems composed by Xu Hexuan, the governor of Ciyun City"
The universe is cool and everything wakes up
"Ciyun Di Guan Xiyu "Two Poems"
The ruthless universe is still ancient
"Meishan's family is drunk"
The peace of the universe will eventually come
"Ci Yun Dong Bohe's Two Poems"
I don't know the universe It's windy and cold
"Two Drunk Poems on October 9th"
A lonely and empty universe
"Drunk Pen under the Mid-Autumn Moon"
The universe is narrow and I am wide
"Di Zha's family was drunk and took advantage of the writing"

[Song Dynasty]
Shi Chongxian
Who else is there in the universe
"Ode to a Hundred Rules"
[Song Dynasty]
Chen Pu
The vastness fills the universe
"Looking at Jiangnan/Recalling Jiangnan"
[ Song Dynasty]
Buddha's View
A stick of sandalwood fills the universe
"Seventy-six Poems"
There are countless people in the vast universe
"Thirty-three Ancient Psalms"
There are countless people in the vast universe
"Thirty-three Ode to the Ancients"
[Song Dynasty]
Shi Daoning
A few white clouds create the universe
/>"Sixty-nine Stanzas"
[Song Dynasty]
Shi Yinsu
One blow to hear the universe is wide
"Ninety-eight Ancient Songs"
The universe is wide with one blow
Ninety-eight Ode to the Ancients
A single step in a small universe
"Praise to Subhuti"
[Song Dynasty ]
Shi Zonggao
There is nothing in the empty universe
"One hundred and sixty verses"
There are countless people in the vast universe
"OdeOne Hundred and Twenty One Ancient Poems"
[Song Dynasty]
Shi Zuqin
There are countless people in the vast universe
"Seventy-two Poems"
Modern Nameless
The head is replaced with a new universe
"Tiananmen Poems"
Hou Shanyuan
Dian Hua Lang? Universe Qing
"Yongshou Meijinhua"
Gao Daokuan
Locked Yuan Chuxing Universe
"Su Muzhe·Destroy Wu Zheng"
[Song Dynasty]
Shi Yuanmiao
Who can judge in the vast universe
"Thirty-one Ode to the Ancients"< /p>

G. What is the whole poem "I don't know I am a guest in my dream"

"I don't know I am a guest in my dream" comes from "Lang Tao Sha Ling·" written by Li Yu during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. The rain is gurgling outside the curtain."

"Lang Tao Sha Ling·The gurgling rain outside the curtain"

[Author] Li Yu [Dynasty] Five Dynasties

The rain outside the curtain is gurgling, and the mood of spring is fading. Luo quilt cannot bear the cold at midnight. In the dream, I didn't know that I was a guest, and I was greedy for pleasure for a while.

Don’t lean on the railing when you are alone. There is no limit to the world. It is easy to say goodbye but difficult to see others. The flowing water and falling flowers are gone in spring, and the world is in heaven and earth.

Vernacular Translation:

The gurgling sound of rain could be heard outside the door curtain, and the rich spring feeling was about to wither the brocade quilt that could not withstand the cold at the fifth watch.

Only when you forget that you are a guest in a dream can you enjoy the entertainment for a while.

I am alone on a high building when the sun goes down, leaning on the railing and looking into the distance, because I think of the infinite country I had in the past. It is easy to say goodbye to it, but very difficult to see it again.

Like the withered red flowers of the lost river, they go back together with spring, one is in heaven and the other is on earth.

This word was written shortly before the author's death. Volume 29 of the first volume of Hu Zai's "Tiaoxi Yuyincong Hua" "Western Qing Dynasty Poetry": "After Empress Li of the Southern Tang Dynasty returned to the court, every time she missed the Jiang Kingdom, she thought about her concubines and concubines being scattered, and she was so depressed that she could not talk to herself, and she often wrote long and short sentences. The cloud 'The rain is gurgling outside the curtain...' is full of melancholy thoughts, not long after the next world.

(7) The universe is a guest. Extended reading:

< p>The first part of "Lang Tao Sha Ling·The Gurgling Rain Outside the Curtain" uses flashback, first waking up from the dream and then writing about the dream. First of all, it talks about the dream coming back at the fifth watch, and the thin quilt cannot stop the invasion of the morning cold. Outside the Curtain , is the constant gurgling spring rain, is the lonely and scattered waning spring.

This situation made him feel more miserable. The two sentences "dream", when he went back to recall the things in the dream, it seemed that in his sleep Forgetting that he was a prisoner, he seemed to be still in the gorgeous palace of his motherland, craving for a moment of pleasure. However, after waking up from the dream, "thinking of the shadow of the Jade Tower and Yao Palace, shining in the sky over Qinhuai", I felt doubly painful.

The three sentences in the film echo each other. The saying "Don't lean on the railing alone" is because "leaning on the railing" without seeing the "infinite country" will cause "infinite sadness". "Don't"It is easy to see others, but it is difficult to see others." was a commonly used language at that time. "Yan's Family Instructions: Feng Cao" has the sentence "It is easy to say goodbye, but it is difficult to know others." Cao Pi also said in "Yan Ge Xing" "It is easy to say goodbye, but it is difficult to say goodbye."

However, the "farewell" mentioned by the author does not only refer to the separation between relatives and friends, but mainly the separation from the "infinite country" of the motherland; as for "the difficulty of seeing each other" means that it is impossible to see each other after the fall of the country. The sad feeling of returning to his hometown is the reason why he dare not lean on the railing.

H. We are in love, we meet each other in a hurry, and a smile is so rare. Who will be healthy next year, the dream soul wanders north and south. Translation< /p>

Nian Nujiao
Song Dynasty
Fan Chengda
The frost has fallen in the water town. Looking at the west mountain an inch, the eyebrows are slender and green. The tide of Nanpu leaves the shadow of sails, the sunset is blue and the river is white. Thousands of miles of floating clouds are covered by Scattered by the wind, and accumulated by the wind. Sing in front of me, and the sky will be filled with a cold color.

There will be less and more in the world, and they all come to fame and wealth, like cicada wings. Winning the pavilion and the road will last forever. _Sorrow is like weaving. We are in love, and when we meet in a hurry, a smile is so rare. Whoever is healthy next year will have his dream soul wandering north and south.
Fan Chengda (1126-1193), also known as Zhineng, is known as Shihu layman. Han nationality , native of Wuxian County, Pingjiang (now Suzhou, Jiangsu). Poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. Posthumous title Wenmu. He started from the Jiangxi School, then studied the poetry of the Middle and Late Tang Dynasties, inherited the realism spirit of the New Yuefu of poets such as Bai Juyi, Wang Jian, and Zhang Ji, and finally established his own style. Simple, clear, fresh and charming. Poetry has a wide range of themes, and works that reflect the content of rural social life are the most successful. Together with Yang Wanli, Lu You and You Miao, he is known as the "Four Great ZTE Poets" of the Southern Song Dynasty. ...
Poetry collections include
Manjianghong (winter solstice)
Spring comes into being in cold valleys, the leaves are smoked, and the jade tube blows into the valley. After the new yang, it will be a new year, and the auspicious clouds will be clear and peaceful. Don't wrap your mood with medicine, but add axes in the order of the festival. Smiling strengthens the face, the scenery is not crazy, and it is not vulgar in the end.
The clear day is forever, and the good sleep is ripe. When is the time to finish the affairs outside the house? And Tuan Luan is in the same society, and the laughter and songs belong to each other. Deliberately mediate Yunlu Brewing, and re-report the plum blossom song . Even if you can't, you will live your life drunk, don't be restrained.

Manjianghong (On the day of his birth, Qiu Zongqing sent the king to bring a gift to celebrate his birthday, sit in the middle and compose a poem, and thank him with the next rhyme)
Zhuli I'm cooking, and I've come to ask for information. The princes and elders are here. The seats are full in spring, and the silk thread has not been played all over, but the hair has been waved first. The clouds avoid the benevolent wind and collect the rain, and the sun follows the gentle breeze and diffuses the forest surface. In front of you, I come to visit the white-bearded man. How early is it to decline? br />Thousands of ambitions bring success and fame. Lights spread far and wide, and articles shine brightly. Wash your chest with curling kettles, and the moon and autumn frost dawn. You should recite the dust net in the hall, so the clouds of hundred and incense will surround you. Appreciation and clear words have been more common in ancient times, but less so now. .

Manjianghong (Take a family trip to the West Lake after the rain, the lotus is in full bloom)
There is light thunder outside the willows, a few bursts of rain, and rapid rain. After the thunderstorm, half the river smells of lotus flowers, and the powder is fragrant. .Nong Rui climbs the strips with a smile in spring, and the water splashes from the teachings, and Luo's clothes get wet. Playing in Liangzhou, playing the flute and drum wavesIn the middle, the jumping fish stands.
Mountain reflections, thousands of clouds. It is vast and mighty, and the boat is like a leaf. There are clear water chestnuts and double peach roots. Forget about the wandering land at the end of the world, respect the front and don’t let go of leisure and sorrow. Let the blue tube and the golden wave roll ten feet long, and the long whale sucks it.

The paintings of mountains and rivers are full of desire and wind. The sky is getting farther and farther away, the water and clouds are beginning to calm, and the people in the tower are talking. The moonlight is unpredictable, and the jade rainbow lies horizontally with golden scales dancing. Counting the five lakes, there is only a small boat tonight, chasing the eternity.
Remembering the past, fishermen and woodcutter lovers. We were drunk together, Songjiang Nagisa. Even this year, a cup of Cangpu. This body of the universe is a guest, so there is no need to look homeward. But the Mid-Autumn Festival and the beautiful mountains and rivers are all my land.

Thousands of years old (revisiting Taohuawu)
North City and South Dai. The jade water flows together. In Qingyue, outside the world of mortals. Ten thousand peaches never grow old in spring, but two bamboos face each other in the cold. Looking back, the city was full of bright moon.
Scattered west garden covers. Reduce the Dongyang belt. Personnel changes, the source of flowers is there. Although immortals can be learned, their merits are never too high. If the new wine is good, there will be fish to buy if the boat is in good condition.

Huanxi Sha (Begonia under the Candle)
Sitting in the east wind, Bai Meisheng is born. Wan Hong greeted her with a speechless smile. Apply makeup to wake up and sleep. Wax smoke is light. It's not night in spring when we are collecting locusts. The crimson clouds are thick and pale and the moon is dim. In the dream, I returned to Jinguan City.
Huanxi Sha
The bead curtains were lowered to protect the Qifong. The flowers are red and the candle branches are red. The night is lush with candlelight and flower shadows.
The beautiful land is embroidered, the sky is fragrant in the mist, and the pearls, stars, and moon are in the colorful clouds. There are few spring breezes in the world.

Huanxisha (leave a farewell message at the Xin'an Inn)
Watch off for the end of spring and travel again. The trail before the wind is like a sand gull. I pour a cup of wine and sing in a low voice, Xiao Yanliu. Seeing the moon in the west building makes me drunk in the clear night, and the rain adds sadness to the green waves of Nanpu. Some people love boating without any plan.
Huanxi Sha
Shepu Qiantang is connected by water. The idle clouds are as heavy as the curtain of green. Wushan should be in Biyundong.
The powerless crabapples are swaying in the wind, and the half-sleeping official willows are green. Who is the beauty of spring in front of my eyes?

Huanxisha (at the banquet of Wang Wenming three days after the Lantern Festival)
Both buns come out of Qicong. The makeup is bright and the plum shadows are in the spring breeze. We met when we turned off the lights.
The words in the fish roe note are full of twists and turns, and the words on the dragon incense dial are exquisite. In the Ming Dynasty, the carriages and horses moved from west to east.

Huanxi sand
Hongjinzhang mud, apricot leaves and tartar. Xie An called out to recall those days. Ma Jiao refused to board the ship.
The bamboo fence in Maodian is open to the market, and the crimson skirt and green sleeves cut off the ginger fields. Linping's scenery remains the same.

The greenery in front of Baiyu Hall is sparse. The candle can sing and the song stops to help each other in difficulty. I asked people whether they would like to think about spring or not.
In the dream, the pillow is filled with pink fragrance, and I feel the misty moon filled with music and books. Personal affection is even more so.

Chaozhongcuo (Heavy snow at the beginning of spring on Bingwu, which is the beginning of spring on December 9th)
The east wind blows through Guanshan Mountain at midnight. And the snow reaches the end of the night. It's strange to see that the branches of the plum trees are not warm, but I know that the eyes of the willows are still cold.
Green silk vegetables, silver mud cake bait, and separate cups and plates. Yichun has been victorious, and the title banner will be long.

Being leisurely and healthy is life. Not to mention the good years. Saw itIt's a very autumn moon, and yellow flowers are planted during the Double Ninth Festival.
Wander the scenery, brew wine from the Wapen Society, and enjoy the Shiding Mountain Tea. After eating red lotus-flavored rice, the Nong family will become a fairy family.

Tie a boat to buy wine in Bilianfang. Wine is better than goose yellow. After getting drunk, I fell into a dream in the Western Garden, and the east wind blew the willows and fragrant flowers.
Where the water is floating in the sky, the sunset is like a brocade, just like the hometown of perch. There is a memory of someone's tears, when did they flow to Hengtang.

Begonias are like spring leaves in the snow palace. Qin Nong Qingqing early. The tired guest always feels ashamed of Du, and the good morning brings the pot when he is drunk.
Carefree and carefree, give him back the fishermen and lose to the woodcutter. When will Yi Chu return? The boat will end up in the rivers and lakes.

The sky and the clouds express the autumn light. The leaves are half green and yellow. Cherish the west wind to dispel the heat, and wear light clothes early to avoid the new coolness.
The friendship between old friends lingers on the sick and guests, and we live up to our expectations. A thousand sorrows on the road are easy to disperse, but a smile in front of you is unforgettable.

In spring, a pole fills the water. Fragrant grass and geese fill the shore with green breeze. The painted boat floats around the bay hundreds of times. Hengtang Tower is closer to the front and farther away.
The country of Jiang is very cold and it is late for farming. To the north of the village and to the south of the village, the fields are plowed all over during the Grain Rain. Show the wheat, the hills, the mulberry leaves and the cheap. Take a look and try to harvest new cocoons.

Nan Kezi
In Xiang’s poem, I am still thin, and my heart becomes soft after drinking. In the cool evening, I want to know the autumn with my fan. Lying down, I can see the silvery shadow of the bright river and the flow of heaven and earth.
The crane and the police are quiet at first, and the insects are singing more quietly at night. Jiachen is only a bargain. What more can I ask for than a day of love and romance?

Nan Kezi
Looking at the Plum Blossom Station with regret, and concentrating on Du Ruozhou. There are tall buildings at the bottom of the fragrant clouds. It's a pity that the high-rise building is not close to Mulanzhou.
The two fishes are far away, and the red leaves are autumn. I want to rely on the river to express my sorrow. The river has flowed eastward, but it is willing to flow further west.

Nan Kezi (Chinese Valentine's Day)
The silver river flows across the river, and the golden wind blows slowly. The evening fragrance floats and five clouds fly. Sister Yue is jealous, and her eyebrows are furrowed.
It’s hard to stay in a short night, when the diagonal river is about to fade away. Half sad and half happy is a good time. We met once and fell in love with each other.

Shui Tiao Ge Tou
Details the events of the past ten years and celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival in ten places. This year's new dream is to suddenly reach the top of Yellow Crane's old mountain. Lao Tzu is not a shallow person. This time we will see the Heavenly Sect again, and we will see each other in the south building now and in ancient times. The stars are colorless, and the jade mirror floats alone in the sky.
Collect the smoke of Qin, collect the mist of Chu, and iron the flow of the river. The separation and separation of Guanhe River and the north and south still illuminate the sorrow. I want to see _E'e's cold eyes, her frosty temples, and empty black mink fur when she returns with a smile. I drank wine and asked Toad Rabbit if he was willing to go to Cangzhou.

Shui Diao Ge Tou (composed in nine days in Yanshan)
The envoys of the Han Dynasty who have traveled thousands of miles, shine in the clear autumn on double festivals. Traveling all over the old capital, calling Yu to help Huangliu in the middle of the night. There are few mulberry trees in the northwest, and endless purple and green trees in Taihang, accompanying each other across the ditch. Late in the year, visitors are often sick, and the wind and dew are cold.
For Chongjiu, you must be drunk and don’t worry. The yellow flowers are for me, and they don’t care about the frost on their temples with a smile. The book in my sleeve is close at hand, and there are hundreds of rivers in my eyes. After singing, this life will float. Only the safe letter followed Yan to Nanzhou.

Xijiang Moon
In October, spring is small, and the wind is beautiful twice a year. Yunying spends this evening at Blue Bridge. All flowers and branches are good.
Bai Mei looks up to the sky with pale pink, and six baht steps make the moon raw silk. The world is covered with frost and leaves, but the east wind never grows old.

Xijiang Moon
Northern guests look forward to the happy new year, while Dongjun focuses on the good years. Covering the wind and rain, the sky is cloudy at night. You should be afraid of apricot tips that are light red.
He doesn’t hesitate to stay up late at night in front of the lamp, and learns how to stay cold after the snow. Crystal curtain foil kaleidoscope. Listen to the Xiaojian in the South Tower.

Magpie Bridge Immortal (Qixi Festival)
On a good night with two stars, he is lazy in farming and weaving, so he should be jealous of all the immortals. Sister Juanjuan Yue's eyebrows are full of wrinkles, and she is even more helpless, and the wind is blowing the rain.
Meeting each other hastily, arguing as if we have never seen each other again, disturbing the mood of separation again. The new joy is not as good as the old sorrow, but adds to it, and the new sorrow goes away.

Yinan grass
The reeds on the chrysanthemum beach are covered with frost. There is a long wind and thousands of tall willow trees. For whom does the sky spread out the dim light of the lake? It should be for me, the boat.
I was once drunk with Dongting wine in the orange. Rolling clouds and waves, hanging sails to fight south. Looking back on old travels, Shangshan is no longer lost. There are still people who can remember it.

The smoke in the north and the waves in the south. The snow falls on the fence and the rain falls. I asked about the small bridge, who was crossing it after farewell, but only the stray birds and females came and went.
Looking for the mountains and rivers again to ask if they are well. Sweep the net of firewood and thorns and soil and flowers. Leave the peach to test the light and wind first, and from then on the grass will grow longer.

Qin Louyue
The window screen is thin. The sun wears red curtains and combs. Urgent combing. On a sunny day, magpies are heard on the painted eaves.
Begonia teases Xiaodu. Xiaoyun was at Langgan corner first. Linggan angle. The ground is covered with poplars, and there is a bad wind at night.

Qin Louyue
The bead curtain is narrow. The spring courtyard is surrounded by rolling curtains and flowers. Flowers surround. The day is long, people are quiet, and there are both butterflies.
Bitter before flowering_Golden banana leaves. Guiteng was timid while holding his head while taking a nap. Holding one's head timidly. There is endless leisure and sorrow, and the distant mountains are sloping.

Qin Lou Yue
Xiang Luo Bo. No one notices the width of the belt. No one noticed. The east wind blows and the sun sets, a curtain of flowers falls.
The empty lock swing rope in the West Garden. The curtains are hung down and rolled up in the pool pavilion. Xianchi Pavilion. In the evening, there is incense and the trumpets are blown in the painting building.

Qin Louyue
The shade of the building is missing. The shadow of Lan Qian lies in the east chamber with the moon in it. One day there was wind and dew, and the apricot blossoms were like snow.
Smoke is used to induce leakage. Luo drapery dim lamp rosette. Lantern flower knot. A brief spring dream, the sky is vast in the south of the Yangtze River.

Qin Louyue
Floating clouds gather. Light thunder faintly startled the insects. First awakening of insects. The doves are croaking angrily, and the green poplars are blowing in the wind.
The smoke from the jade furnace is heavy with fragrance. The walls are thick with apricots and swallows. Yanzhi is wet. Where the fancy decorations are missing, the painted buildings and figures stand.

Nian Nujiao
Twin peaks overlap, passing through the wind, sea and rain, the sky is boundless blue. Sister Yue should be happy every year, but the Jade Palace and Qiong Palace are sad and lonely. Who calls Chiyun, the cup is not finished, the night air is cold and colorless. Staring at the blue city, the tall buildings are misty to the northwest.
The heartbroken Gui Lengchan is alone, the good times are like a dream, and I pat the railings again. The servant girl with misty temples and wind asked me, how many times have I seen this evening in this floating world? The moon is clear and the clouds are clear, the past and the present share the same hatred, I will always be a guest. Chanjuan tomorrow night, who in front of you is thinking about Nanmo.

Nian Nujiao
Ten years ago, I was drunk with Beijing flowers and Shu wine, and there were thousands of flowers and calyxes. As soon as I came back, I looked down at Wu. I was in admiration today and yesterday. Strongly leaning on the carved railings, shy of wearing snow hairpins on the temples, I am always afraid of sleeping on the flower branches. Wiping my worried eyes, I kept my promise in the mist.
I heard that Taoist Yan Tuanluan, the light wind turned to night, and the moon fell next to the west building. The spring of Liangzhou is far away. How can you be happy if you don't drink. To indulge in the fragrance of heaven and the beauty of the country, don’t drink in front of the lamp. Where the socks are born, I will give you Heluo.

Nian Nujiao
Wu Bo floats, looking at the moon flowing over half of the river. Drunk and dancing, thirty thousand hectares of sky are bright, no matter how sad and lonely I am. Point out the Qiong Tower, there is a way out, and the whale's back stretches across the east pole. The water clouds are drifting, and the langan is powerless.
Looking back at Cangzhou's family history, there are traces of the immortals in the misty waves fishing. Yixiao was leisurely wandering around, and came to visit Bianzhou for news. Tonight in heaven, here on earth, I am a guest before the wind. The waves are rising in the remaining night, and the fish and dragons are startled to listen to the horizontal flute.

Nian Nujiao
The frost is falling in the water town, looking at the west mountain an inch, shaving the eyebrows across the green. When the tide rises in Nanpu, the shadow of sails goes away, and when the sun sets, the sky is blue and the river is white. Thousands of miles of floating clouds are blown away by the wind, and then accumulated by the wind. After singing in front of you, the sky is filled with a cold color.
In this world, there will be less and more separation, and fame and wealth will come to us all, just like the wings of a cicada. Winning the long pavilion and the carriage road will bring me sorrow through the ages. We are in love, and when we meet in a hurry, a smile is so rare. Whoever is healthy next year will have dreams wandering north and south.

Nian Nujiao (touring Kouhu Lake with Xu Wei)
The lake and mountains are picturesque, with canopies and willow banks on the banks, so don’t scare the fish and birds. The spring is cold and the flowers are not everywhere. First, the plum blossoms are sparse and the flowers are smiling. Three years after a dream, the pine breeze remains the same, but the moonlight never gets old. The neighbors asked each other, this time they really returned.
Wu Shuang, a new figure with green temples, is strong and strong, not afraid of losing his reputation. Thanks to the romantic chariots and horses, they come to find the fragrant clouds and flowers island. It seems that I am a rough man, I don't know my surname, I only want to pour money from the silver bottle. Chasing fame and fortune, no matter how messy the sails are, who is in the sky?

Cherish the separation and fly away
The clouds are easy to disperse and difficult to gather again. Zhe Mo follows each other a hundred steps. Who calls pedestrians to go. Fishermen and woodcutters in the mist of Shihu Lake.
Is it heart-breaking to say goodbye to Xilou again? How many miserable winds and rains. Ximeng Jiangnan Road. The road is long and the dream is short but nowhere to be found.

Dream jade guide
Seeing off travelers, still chasing the road and looking for each other again. Friendship ends at the end of the day, and we sit together at the same table for a long time. From then on, there were suddenly fewer visitors from the south of the Yangtze River. I can't bear to be in a hurry, so I'll stop at Chuanmei Station.
Although the wine pourer is full, it is still very little. Do not shed thousands of tears. He wanted to speak but swallowed his voice, and his heart was sobbed. The lights are dim and the music is colorless. Since we said goodbye, we have completely forgotten each other, even if we forget this evening.

Dream jade guide
We are here together, surrounded by the wind and leaning against the blue sky. When the rain rolls and the clouds fly, there is always Gui'e watching the guests. The flute brings joy to spring, the whole Jincheng is picturesque, and the snow-capped mountains are colorless. A dream only comes true, and it seems like the world is far apart.
After dancing and singing, the materials are revealed and the traces are gone when I look back. Thousands of miles away from Qin and Wu, if you are interested, you should ask for news. I want to return to farming, how can I do it again? Old friends look to the south of the Yangtze River and fold plum blossoms to remember each other.

Like a dream
A guest lives in the painted screen. There are countless colors of water and mountains. The setting sun fills the river with sound. Where can I find a small ferry? Go away. Go away. The gulls and herons scattered across the continent.
Ru Meng Ling
How can two orioles sing? Search everywhere for dense green shade. The weather is moist and my clothes are moist, but I feel sick due to the slight heat. Stop the rain. Stop the rain. Tomorrow will be the Dragon Boat Festival.
Xiaoxuan opened the window today. Rub the blue-dyed green grass. The eaves are poor and windy. The apricot tips are red in the mist.
There are few things to enjoy. Wu Shuang's temples are a bit early. The weather is calm. Infinite spring before your eyes.

Bodhisattva Man (the beginning of spring on Lantern Festival)
The snow forest became cold overnight. The east wind arrives just in front of the lamp. What year is it today? New Year and new moon.
The fragrance of Qicong is separated by the mist. I still remember the crazy guest. Leave a trace of gold_. Noctua looked at each other.

Bodhisattva Man
The spring is bleak in the yellow plum season. Yueluo is fragrant and Wu gauze is thin. Silk rain and bright sun. The willow tips are red but not clear yet.
After being sad and sick. I don’t know how to drink wine. Worry about illness and send you home in spring. Just like when drinking wine.

Linjiang Fairy
The feather fan and towel are fluttering in the wind, and the moon in the east chamber is rising to the rose. Who calls out the new voice? The dragon's whiskers wrap around the flute, and the wild geese fly into the zither.
Tao wrote that the middle-aged man must be a mile away, lingering over the moon and fanning his clothes. After Zhou Lang left, the music appreciation was rare. If you hold wine and listen to me, you will be willing to bring spring back.

Linjiang Fairy
Being discouraged in everything is like a poor official, and the dust is too much. Meeting old friends is like a clear river. It just so happens that the plum blossoms and willows are moving, and I am happy to be born in spring.
Day hastily returns to night, and the moon still needs to fall into the river. Next year I will go to Baiou League. There are three jade trees in the golden boudoir, so I can ask Zixiao Cheng.

Reduced word magnolia
Jade smoke floats. The three mountains of Yinque are connected to the frozen sea. Green sleeves and lanterns. Don't be afraid that the power of drinking will be cold when you are high in the building.
Twin pine frozen folds. It's easy to say goodbye when you suddenly remember the old man. I want to see Oubian. Pressure loss year small fishing boat.

Reduced word magnolia
Removed golden chrysanthemum. The tangerine is fragrant when the new wine is ripe. Who accompanies Fangzun. First ask Meihua to borrow Xiaochun.
A Taoist breaks the precepts. Dye wine and write poems about the golden phoenix belt. Related to illness. Unlike in the New Year, the drinking capacity is wide.

Reduced word magnolia
Bo Jiao’s curly hair. The people in front of Zhongyintang are well-intentioned. I can’t help but spring. The fight is light and cold.
Jianmei’s new song. If you want to break it, you can also connect it with three stacks. Sitting around and having fun. Please forgive me for being the first in line.

Reduced word magnolia
Sleeping soundly with a book on my pillow. Cherish the moonlight to accompany you. The precious duck is golden and cold. The fragrance surrounds the screen and turns around the mountain.
The voice of the chicken is gone. Yaojing jade rope is relatively clear. Dim window screens. But the wind curtain protects the candle flowers.

Reduced word magnolia
Three whites before wax. It still snows in the West Garden in spring. Red and purple flowers late. Borrowed from the east wind and thousands of jade branches.
The decision to return to the field. You should be happy when the wheat rice is cooked. In a tall building. My heart is in a boat in Shanyin.

Partridge Sky
Xiu dances with the silver sable and the little Khitan. The hall was full of guests. From now on, who will be able to look upright again in this curling and brimming place?
It is easy to imitate tears, but difficult to write about sorrow. Bamboo branches are spotted on the Xiaoxiang River. There is no book to post in the blue clouds at dusk, and there is only one wild goose in the mist.

Partridge Sky
Ripples in the West LakeGreen apple. Raise the whip and mourn the mortal world. The peach blossoms smile in the warm sun, and the willows frown slightly in the light and wind.
Zhang Gongshui, Yu Guyun. The passion is like Gui Jiangchun. Cui Hui's scroll and Yao Ji's dream, even if they meet, it is not true.

Partridge Sky
You can see the lush green. There is little Hongying on the secluded threshold of Qulan. Bees are noisy on the wine rack, and swallows are light among the rows of willows.
The spring is beautiful and the guests are gone. The remaining flowers are light and the wine is clear. A cup of wine and Jia Ming's court affairs sent off the setting sun and the moon was born again.

Partridge Sky (Snow Plum)
Press the pistils and whisk the powder into a dough. The fragrance is hard and the cold is chilling. It should be noted that the wind and moon are common, but not like layers of snow.
The spring bun is heavy and the eyebrows are curved at dawn. One branch is slanted and streaked with gold. The red wine is incomprehensible to the cold east wind, and I am surprised that the hairpin head and the jade swallow are dry.

Good things are coming soon
The clouds cover thousands of mountains, and the Jade Tower and the Golden Tower are heartbroken. She must be a young woman from the Gaotang Dynasty, jealous of E Qingjue.
If you don’t let the wine glass get cold at night, your drunken eyes will gradually grow valerian. Why wait for Guihua to look at each other? There are people like the moon.

Good things are about to happen
Last night it was announced that spring was coming, and the plum blossoms were blooming and the snow was falling in Haoling. Let's join hands with beauties to enjoy the beauty together and see who is the most beautiful.
Leaning on the lantern, I remember the sentiments, and I am afraid of the sound of the horn and sob. Fold a branch and wear it diagonally, lining your temples with clouds combing the moon.

Bu Suanzi
The bamboo hall is empty on a cold night, and I wake up hastily from my nap. Silver leaks silently on the steps, with shadows all over the ground.
Where do you know autumn best? The wind is in Wutong Well. He doesn't hesitate to play the jade flute, which makes his clothes wet and cold.

Bu Shuanzi
The clouds press deep into the small bridge, and the heavy door becomes quiet when the moon comes. The cold pistils are sparse branches half-heartedly, and the shadows on the horizontal windows are changing.
Looking back at my hometown spring, it is difficult to recall the past. The fragrance comes into my sleep in the middle of the night, and the stove is cold from now on.

Sandeng Le
A green scale, spanning thousands of miles, the sky hangs down from Wu Chu. There is no one around, and the boat is talking to itself. Towards the floating clouds, down to the west, there are smoked trees in the water village. Where to tie the boat, the waves rise at dusk.
In the south of the Yangtze River, there are countless beautiful mountains behind it. Take advantage of the current, come and go as you please. Sighing to the green lantern alone, a life-long journey. _The pillow dream is cold, and it rains again at night.

The roadside is Hengtang, the wind is blowing, the water is fertile and the sail is full. The eyes are bright and the mind is vast. I asked Tuqiu if he was okay, and the Heavenly Teaching was important. As the trees fall and the fog gathers, the mountains become better.
Crossing the stream gate, I rest my oar, fearing the fish and birds. Counting the years, there are few people who know the old man. Hidden in the mountains and forests, the traces are there, but they have never been swept away. Return to the temples and let the frost, the drunken red is not old.

Today and tomorrow, Pixiuporo and Yunguan will restart. Lead curling, plain empty like washing. In the roller blind, on the pillow, the moon and stars float on the water. The sky mirror is bright at night, and the half window is thousands of miles away.
Pan Tingke and Du Laoda have trees like this. Six years ago, not long ago. Calling a neighbor and saying something old is the same as a new ant. Holding the candle at night, I wonder about my dream.

The square hat protects against the cold and re-inspects the school and the old farm. There are three paths in the wilderness, I don’t know where they are. But under the stage in Gusu, there was Cangran Pingchu. People laughed at this old man and came to visit Gu again.
Kang Wuhu, YuanSelf-owned, Bianzhou Zuwu. Remember the companions of Cangzhou and Baigull. Sighing over the past year, I have failed to live up to my expectations, just like a rainstorm. The lonely evening tide calls me back.

Gloomy flower-growing day. Light rain saves money. The smoke is light and the clouds are thin. The willow trees are all green, but there is still a cold spring.
The sky is green and wet. The horse's head is like a thousand mountains. If you are willing to return all the sentiments. There is no jade cup to bear the cold dew, I will leave it for you to see. The jade cup is the most exquisite peony in an official residence.

Poppy poppies (sending people to look for plum blossoms)
Shuang Yu is very fond of exploring plum news. Side of Riri River Bridge. It would be better for you to have plum blossoms. In the song, Gong has a beautiful smile and beautiful eyebrows.
The sparse branches and cold pistils are less charming. But he is called an old man. Become a quiet neighbor through teaching. Indifferent, speechless, smileless, and frowning.

When the plum blossoms fall, the ice is full. It looks like the Mid-Autumn Festival. Qionglou and Yuyu are as bright as ever. Only Xing'e added ten thousand lanterns.
The queen of Jinjiang City is left with a broken cup. Also take photos of Yinjiang wine. When the east meets the west, we talk about the west. Who knows except Shui Weng and Yue.

Yu Meiren
The jade flute is the same as the cloud. Still blame the golden bottle jelly. Qingming Festival is approaching and snowflakes are falling. Not saying that Haitang is thin and Liusi is cold.
The king and his grandson were drunk on the marmoset curtain. Who is afraid of thin clothes? I'm tired of candlelight, fragrance and mist. It seems that someone is worried and has an eyebrow raised.

Poppy (Red Mignonette)
Who will crush the coral jade. Install Jiaozhi millet. Just like the petite Concubine Wan Qiong. After applying the yellow color on the forehead, you will feel afraid and dirty of the swallow branch.
The fragrance is so refreshing late at night. The wind and dew fall and melt the moon. The flower scene all over the body makes it desolate. The infinite moon and wind and dew are fragrant together.

Drunk and Desolate (New Year's Eve)
Spring City is the best. The wind dances in the twilight forest to encourage the flowers to bloom. The hanging clouds add to the emptiness. Blow in the New Year and have a happy ten months.
The silk is smeared under the shadow of the red lotus root. The season comes with age. No one knows my mood. Only Moth was surprised to see snow on her temples.

The White Jade Tower Steps and Functions
Qishu trees hang down bead nets on both sides of the steps. Beyond the green sky, there is a jade fence, and just outside the fence is the blue sky. The steps are connected by a jade pool, and in the middle rise three layers of jade towers, with thousands of doors and windows, all decorated with jade. The roof is covered with gold tiles, and the roof is decorated with red teeth. The yellow curtains on the four eaves are all rolled up, and the emperor's seat in the building can be seen as promised. The red cloud comes from the east, and the Emperor Xu in the cloud rides on a jade chariot and rides two golden dragons. The guards who can be seen are as follows: two spiritual officials and two attendants riding on horseback, two warriors with yellow spears in the lead, four with ceremonial swords, four with gold fences, two with chariots and yellow banners, two with five-color halberds and belts, and two with beaded banners; There are four people in the Golden Dragon Banner, and there are two people who are responsible for accepting your majesty. The clouds were drooping, and as they approached the jade steps, the immortal officials in front of the building came out with their crowns and robes to greet him. Then he went down the steps and walked forward with two dancing cranes. Next to the clouds, there are two more red clouds: one, the immortal official is standing in the middle of the pillar, and the other is the female music playing. After the Jade Tower, there are six smaller Jade Towers. Their structure is the same as before, with precious light and auspicious clouds covering the front and rear, either hidden or visible. Before the small case, it was the Golden Land alone, and there were also immortal officials coming to greet it from the Golden Land. Near the highest point of the small building, there is a flying bridge that leads to the Yaotai, and the immortal crosses the bridge from the stage to look at it. Those whose names can be remembered are roughly like this. If the scenery is sublime, with clear blue sky, green sky, and windy dew, the viewer will be able to understand it.Can be described in writing. This painting is a masterpiece of thought, and it would be as if it could be obtained by someone who dreamed of traveling to the emperor's place. It cannot be achieved by craftsmen who are familiar with worldly history. With all the scrolls spread out through the bright windows, you suddenly feel that you are above the three scenes in the sky, and you cannot ignore the strange things. Jian Zhai has the lyrics of "Shuifu Fajiaidaoying", which is based on its style and composed of six chapters of Buxu Ci, so as to follow the good. There are some outstanding people among Yu people who sing under the clear breeze and bright moon. Even though they have not become immortals, they are still heroic enough
The realm of Zhuxiao is like the palace of transformation. The Brahma energy merges with all things, and the twelve jade towers are empty. In a piece of precious light.

Bai Yu Lou Bu Xu Ci (Six No. 2)
Fuli Road, Yiyue Taiwei. There are tens of thousands of snow-colored treasure steps, and a white rainbow can be seen from a distance in the world. The building is in the cold weather.
White Jade Tower Buxu Ci (Part 3 of Six)
The strong wind rises, carrying Yuxu Ting on its back. The nine plain smoke has a cold color, and the supporting railing is surrounded by green darkness. Surrounded by thousands of pearl stars.
Bai Yu Lou Bu Fu Ci (fourth of six)
The bell rings, the dragon controls the clouds. There are colorful cages and colorful banners along the road, and red clouds support the streets. Welcome the crane __.
Bai Yu Lou Bu Xu Ci (Six to Five)
Jun Tian plays, the rhyme is full of space and brightness. The exquisite bead net of the Qishu tree is broken, and the fairy wind makes the sound of footsteps. Xianghe eight luan calls.
White Jade Tower Bu Fu Ci (Six of Six)
Outside the building, there is smoke in the chariot road. I leisurely go to the Yuxiao Terrace to watch, and the empty song comes from the beginning of the blue sky. He raised his sleeves and bowed to Feixian.
Frost Sky Dawn Corner (Plum Blossom)
It is clear and windy in the evening. One night of spring power. The sky is pale with sparse flowers, clouds come and go, and there are a few branches of snow.
Victory. Sadness is also inevitable. No one can tell this. There are only two rows of low-flying geese, knowing that people are leaning on them and painting the moon on the building.

Jade House Spring (Peony)
Clouds and water surround the streets. Ten thousand flowers bloom in spring. The fairy road of Lanqiao is not rugged, and it accommodates tired guests with drunken dancing and wild singing.
It is so fragrant that its interpretation of language has attracted people all over the country. Who dares to look for Ziyun if he knows it? There are so many peaches and plums that I can't express them, but I will give them to the immortal family with no pity.

Drunk and down (Begonia)
Horse hoof dust. The spring breeze is filled with joy and joy. It doesn’t matter who owns the bamboo. I only choose red makeup and burn silver candles at high places.
The flowers in Jade Rooster Square are like houses. Under the palace of King Yan, flowers grow into valleys. There is no need to regret singing Guanshan songs. Just for Haitang, also come to Xishu.

Bodhisattva Man (Hibiscus)
Bing Mingyu moisturizes the natural color. Desolation is spelled as West Wind Guest. Refuse to marry Dongfeng. Diligence in the frost and dew.
Green window freshen up late. Laugh at the glass cup. On the dressing table at slanting sun. Come wine red and sleepy.

My eyes are beautiful (it suddenly cleared up in the middle of Pingxiang Road, I was lying in a carriage, very sleepy, and took a nap in a willow pond)
The sun was shining brightly, and purple smoke floated around my feet. Yan Nuan breaks the light fur. The beauty of the sky makes people sleepy, and the energy of flowers makes people intoxicated. They hold their heads in midday dreams.
Spring languor is just like spring pond water, full of sorrow. Rong Rong Xie Xie, the east wind is weak, and it is still wrinkled.

It’s a pity to fly apart (we were saying goodbye to Jiangxi Shuaicao in the boat in Nanpu, and it suddenly snowed heavily at night)
The paintings, halberds, and brocade cars are all elegant. The flutes and drums linger here. Spring waves in Nanpu are at dusk. I will never forget the place where my socks were born.
The flag should not be stationed tomorrow. And sing new lines about heartbreak. The rain rolls away the bead curtain. snowflakeGo with others overnight.

Bodhisattva Man (Xiangdong Post)
A traveler suddenly arrived at Xiangdong Post. The Ming Dynasty was really a guest in Xiaoxiang. Clear blue clouds. When do you meet old friends?
The south of the Yangtze River is like the north of the Great Wall. Farewell letters are rare. First come from the wild geese. That's half of spring.

The river is red (the sails on the Qingjiang River are very fast, I wrote this to drink and sing with the guest opera)
Through the ages, the sound flows eastward, the sound rolls over the ground, and the clouds and waves are like houses. The width is vast, the pole is ten feet long, and it is not as big as the belly of the sail. The night rain comes over the river, the spring water rises, and the strong wind blows from the bow of the boat. It's like that time when Hu Yu disrupted the Huangchuan River and flew swiftly.
Breaking an oath is astonishing. Don't pick up your butt, it's all raw meat. Ren Xia Tian and the ice sea, a cup of wine belongs to each other. The new beetroot sprouts are added to the food, and the strings and phoenix blowing can turn the music. In the world of laughter, there is no silver candle in front of you.

Visit Kinmen (the spring water in the wild pond on Yichun Road is joyful and nostalgic)
The pond water is blue. Still has the color of facial dust. The mud has no strength. The east wind is like cherishing.
Just like getting closer to the side of the stream. There is also a pair of owls. I only owe Liusi thousands of feet. Tie the boat and play the flute in spring.

Qin Louyue (On the cold eclipse day, Hunan promoted Hu Yuangao and listened to the piano at the banquet)
The Xiangjiang River is blue. The old friend was a guest from central Hunan. Visitors from Hunan. The east wind brings back the geese, and the apricot blossoms are cold food.
Wen Wenyue goes to the side of Lanqiao. Wake up to the endless spring in your heart. Spring is endless. The lingering dream of the Ming Dynasty, the horse neighing on the southern road.

Drunk and downcast
Snowy and clear. The pine tips fell lightly. The jade tower is half full of bead foil. A flute of plum blossoms cracks the frozen cloud curtain.
Last year I went hunting at the foot of Lishan Mountain. The bow and knife are wet all over and are still hanging horizontally. I am afraid that the mink fur will be thin this year. It's as cold as last year and people feel better than last year.

Frost Sky Xiaojiao
The young man is arrogant. The robe is decorated with flowers and phoenixes. He was once a wanderer in the capital, riding a horse and flying gold.
The old trip was like a dream. Wu Shuangzhong's temples. How much love and interest flowed into the glass jar.

Drunk and desolate
Qi Wu Fei Jue. The green mist stars in Jianghe River shine brightly and fade away. Burning incense and dragging the bamboo mat to sleep in the clear stream. The long shadows of flowers are playing the sheng, and the pale yellow moon is all over the ground.
The sound of broken bamboo in the good wind is like snow. The third lane of Zhaohua is swallowed by the wind. The hair on the sideburns is folded and the scarf is folded. The coolness fills the north window, and the soft red color is shared.

I send my thoughts to Lin Dian for many years. The hair on the temples has become starry. The fragrance is not as far away as the water, and the returning heart desires to be at peace with the clouds.
Stay drunk for a while, the flowers will fade away forever, and the mountains will be bright after the rain. From now on, you can measure the amount of wine on board the ship, and don’t teach yourself to spend time in love.

Shuilongyin (Shou Liushou)
The immortal's family is in Congxiao, and five clouds and eight scenes come to the outside. The yellow door and the purple door are brilliant, and the wind is sweeping. The cold smoke in Mobei and the harmonious atmosphere in Qiaonan make it easy to talk and laugh. Since returning from Yulin, Taurus has made money again, but looking back, there are few people in the world.
The old home of Tianyu Dantai laughs at the common people and wishes the public a hard time. Spring flowers and autumn leaves are easy to change in the cold, but the pot sky grows well. The news outside the world is filled with phoenixes singing and luan Zhu, dragons and tigers surrounding each other. Thoughts are as high as the heart, and the frosty night is forever, and the dawn is full.

Moon over the River (Yan Ziling Diaoyutai)
There are so many floating lives, so little joy and so much sadnessBelong to each other. Wealth and fame are all determined by destiny, so why bother with servants? In the dust of swallows and bats, in the shadows of chickens and insects, they chase after them when they see them. In the mountains and forests, a few people are really lonely.
Who is like Yan Jun back then, his old friend Long Gun, sleeping alone with a sheep fur in his arms. Try dropping all the fishing rods, you will be restrained in every possible way. There are smokey forests on both sides of the bank, half of the stream is shadowed by mountains, and there is no honor or disgrace here. The remains of the deserted platform have yet to be lamented over.

Yulou Chun
A beautiful woman is incomparable and lonely. Bamboo, rain and pine are bathed in the wind. The green sleeves in the deep mountains are naturally cold, and the jade skin has no grain for a long time at night.
But I am looking for thousands of trees in the mist of the river. The spirit of Taoism and immortality will eventually transcend vulgarity. The crimson skirt and silk sleeves were worn in various dynasties, but only the Sanxian was named Calyx.

Bodhisattva Man (residing in the inner hall of Zhiwan)
Tonglou drum secretly reminds the golden key. There are many scenes of heavy greenness and trivial matters. Call to the sky at night. Five clouds and dim smoke.
The wind is blowing hard on Donghua Road. Warm fans cover the light rain. The fragrant mist hits people's clothes. The forest is full of black branches.

Shui Diao Song (Ren Ri)
From Yuan Day to Ren Ri, there is no cloudy time. The New Year is full of excitement, and people are everywhere. The cry of long live comes from all over the world, a favor comes with the spring, and the light moves the rooster. Shou's territory is close to the Huanhai Sea and directly across the snowy Shanxi.
Recalling Zeng Yu, Xuan Yu Book, holding gold statue. Now thousands of miles away, my soul is flying around five clouds in the sky. I want to see the grand palace and the three-mountain tower, with my fingers in ocher-yellow clothes. This meeting has never happened in ancient times, and it is even more rare in ancient times.

Huanxisha (Jiangcun Road Middle)
Ten miles west, the smell of ripe rice is fragrant. The hibiscus fence is covered with long bamboo strands. The hanging mountain fruit is green and yellow. The thick fog makes the air moist in the autumn morning, and the thin clouds cover the cool afternoon. No need to fly cover to protect military uniform.
Broken array (exorcism)
Wandering in the corners of the sky during the festival, following the wise men under the flowers. It only lacks Shanyin to repair the misfortune, but it has better orchestral music than Orchid Pavilion. The dance skirt is still fragrant. It rains in the tears of bamboo, and there is smoke in the snow with folded tung trees. Arousing the hatred of Du Ling's hungry guests, he was by the Qushui River in Chang'an. Biyun Qianduoshan.
Partridge Sky (composed on the table)
The view of the building is green and red, leaning against the clear sky. I was surprised to see the land surging. The flower shadows in the south garden are a place for music and music, and the pines in the east ridge are the sound of wind and trumpets. Mountains surround the city, and water surrounds the city. The feelings of ancient and modern times outside the sand beside the willow. There are even more flirtatious guests sitting there, and a romantic painting cannot be completed.
Shui Tiao Ge Tou
At the edge of thousands of miles, the shape is better than the Kunwei. Suddenly, I see the old view again, and the mandarin duck tiles are blowing and the flags are flying. Every night the east mountain holds the moon, and every day there is snow on the west mountain, and the white feathers illuminate the sky. The people's words are as bright as the sky, and the children on the road are startled. The bow has been separated. Let's look at the sword. When I lean on Orchid. The vastness is boundless, and it is covered in mist for eternity. The Minjiang River moves in the wilderness, the sky is vast and the sky is covered with clouds, and the sky is white and dim in the middle. The old man is the protector, but he hopes to return from Jade Pass.
Magnolia Flower Man (a gift to Zheng Bochang)
I have not seen the ancients, but you are not the same as Zheng. He even built a mountain house and plowed the valley mouth, which made him famous in the capital. The princes appointed him as Gonggun, and he and Du Lingye were of the same age. I'm happy when a guest comes to my door. Is there any doubt about getting money to buy wine?
In the past, the bridle returned by the willow. The traces are hard to trace. The Taoist priest who cultivates peaches and looks at flowers and talented people will never look back. When I met an old friend and inquired about him, he said that Liu Lang had left without poetry for a long time. Just have an erotic dream, don't think about it when you wake up.

Partridge Sky
The following is written in a formal manner. The sky wind drives the crane to live in Xianzhen.The pomegranate flowers welcome the Dragon Boat Festival on the third day, and the banana leaf celebrates the birthday of Qianchun.
After observing the country’s aspirations, we established our dynasty. Temporarily bothering the master Wu Min. In the Ming Dynasty, no calligraphy or seal scripts were sent for fear of introducing new talismans to carve jade lins.

Dong Xiange
Bicheng scenery, there is heaven and earth in the lake. Yi'e always smiles and keeps on track. I remember that on the peach branch, the golden mother was angry. Looking back, she was still three thousand years old.
It is said that the immortal held the top of his head and was granted immortality. His name is in the book given by Yun Qiong. I am too lazy to go up to the Yuxiaotai, I should be tired of the high cold, and I am floating down, playing in Chicheng. And if you stay in the mountains and rivers as a immortal, don't worry about the dust rising in the sea of ​​Penglai.

Moon over the Xijiang River
The garden of cherry shoots and bamboo shoots is green and dark, and the courtyard of Sophora elm trees is peaceful. Every year, there are high gatherings with Sheng and songs, and colorful actors and actresses come to celebrate the festival.
It is rare to see a healthy body with a smile, and it is very rare to miss a blushing face. He also gave melons and dates as golden lotuses, and the whole house was filled with golden medals.

Linjiang Immortal
Three thousand meritorious deeds are worthy of five blessings, so there is no fake golden elixir for longevity. From teaching, there are seas and fields. Qiongzhi is not old in spring, and the moonlight on the wall is everlasting.
The upper world has always been full of government officials, so why not play in the human world. Every year he gets stronger and stronger. Don't say goodbye to the swaying cup, you are the immortal of wine.

Partridge Sky
The embroidered household was full of auspiciousness. The purple sun rides on the crane and descends into the sky wind. The beauty of the mountains is gone, and the scorching light of June is gone.
The banana leaves are full and the colorful clothes are heavy. Carving talismans and maintaining integrity make people heroic. Sitting in the middle of the palace, the golden mother is happy and happy, and persuades Duke Zhou to be drunk and persuades Duke Lu.

The weather is sunny, looking for yesterday’s dream, and spring is early in the pond. The rain passes over my skirt, and the willow silk wind curls over the water. But I recall last year and today, the peach blossoms looked as good as before. It's strange that this year, I drink too much wine and my silver cup is small.
Whoever advises me, Yushan will fall. Apply finely and renovate. Gradually, the gold is pressed against the brocade, and clouds surround the head of the spray. A pair of green sleeves fly out from the cage cypress, and the curved bow looks like there are few people in the world. For the sake of lingering and the spring scenery accompanying the mountain man, I will retire from old age.

Qing Ping Le
Down to Song to store Pleiades, and the immortals came to Chenbiao. The person who wears this is safe and will never grow old. The scenery of Huaguo will grow well.
The fame spreads far and wide, and the sound of joy spreads all over the country. There is no dew on the grass and trees, and all the peaches and plums are in bloom in the early spring.

Qing Ping Le
There is no need to act lightly, there are many officials in the upper world. The body is like the aura of Chang Zhenlu. Admire the present and past of the world.
After the rain, the curtain rolls into the river, and the red face reflects the beautiful boat. It’s not as long as the mausoleum, the west mountain is as low as the west tower.

I. What is the metaverse?

Refers to the immersive virtual world, the English Metaverse. This virtual world is composed of 3D technologies such as VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and the Internet. Users can experience a different life in the metaverse, or experience a world completely different from the real world. Different from existing online games, the Metaverse can bring players a more realistic experience, allowing players to feel as if they are in a virtual world, and even make it impossible to distinguish between the real and virtual worlds. The Metaverse has also been touted as the ultimate form of the Internet. The movies "The Matrix" and "Ready Player One" are concepts of the Metaverse. The term metaverse first came from the American science fiction novel "Snow Crash". SmallThe story describes a virtual world parallel to the real world, the Metaverse.

J. What is the meaning of "I don't know I am a guest in a dream, I can't bear to look back in the moonlight"

"I don't know I am a guest in a dream" is taken from Li Yu's "Lang Tao Sha". At that time, after Li Yu was captured by Song Dynasty, although he had enough food and clothing, he was mentally tortured and had a deep feeling of displacement. The original great country was lost from his hands. The dignity of the emperor prevented him from easily saying the word "captive", so he implicitly used "guest" to express his feelings instead of the state of the prisoner, so the word "guest" came from this. At this time, Li Yu has become a prisoner of his subordinates. Only in dreams can he forget the fact that he is the subjugated king of the Southern Tang Dynasty and a prisoner of the Song Dynasty. In his dreams, he vaguely remembers his life when he was still an emperor, and can he get a small chance. A moment of joy.
"Can't Look Back in the Moonlight" is taken from Li Yu's "Poppy Lady". "Little building, the east wind blew again last night, the motherland cannot bear to look back in the bright moonlight!" I put out my pen and shouted, it was a deep sigh. It's quiet at night, and the people imprisoned in the small building lean on the railing and look into the distance. Facing the land immersed in silver light, so many thoughts of their homeland and sad feelings come to their hearts. They can't bear to look back, and they can't bear to look back. "The small building "The east wind came back last night" more concretely confirms the fact that the spring flowers and autumn moon will never end. From the small building to the homeland, the four words "cannot bear to look back" are words that bleed in my heart. "Yue Mingzhong" not only echoes the "moon" in the sentence "Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon", but also shrouds the small building, homeland, life, etc. in the eternal moonlight. Therefore, Li Yu's personal sorrow is naturally close to the great sorrow of mankind. . Changing the head to inherit the bright moon of the motherland points out the meaning of right and wrong. The six sentences in the poem up to this point are all contrasted in pairs, creating a huge contrast between eternity and impermanence, expressing the author's thinking on the relationship between the universe and life. But the weak Li Yu can no longer inspire the passion for progress. He can only indulge in his sad mood before making a decision with life, allowing himself to indulge in this boundless life tragedy and quietly waiting for the end of life. Play. . "The motherland cannot bear to look back in the moonlight!" He expressed the hatred of the country's subjugation completely in the tone of a lost king, showing the indulgent and unscrupulous personality of the postmaster, as well as his pure and deep feelings.

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