币圈神段子 币圈笑话

Ⅰ 校园暴力的小品或剧本,或是事件也行























































































































































Ⅱ 现在比刘德华年纪小的人为什么不爱看电视了呢


Ⅲ 小沈阳如今已经被去除小品界,他到底得罪了什么人




Ⅳ 你怎么评价赵本山




Ⅳ 恩,我是个中学生,想写一个类似何炅和MARY的"超幸福鞋垫"类似的小品,请帮我提供点经典的广告词


Ⅵ 为什么越来越多的小品演员不再上春晚了


Ⅶ 女孩子泰迪狗取什么名字最好听可爱的


Ⅷ 一代小品王赵本山涉严重违法,13亿影视项目黄了!你怎么看




Ⅸ 小品碰瓷的所有台词

【宋】:嘿嘿.... 大路朝天各走半边,我的人生格言是在哪里跌倒就在哪里睡一觉,因为我是一个很 敬业很专业的人。我的母亲曾告诉我这样一句话 说一个不会炒菜的厨师根本就不是一个好司机。

哎,具体我是干什么的呢?别着急,马上就知道。我的设备需要一样一样的往外拿啊。别着急,哎 这箱需要密码,别着急,大家一定要注意。别着急,哼,别着急,你们猜不到的。别着急我的报纸呢在这儿。哎,走你 (吹口哨)

【文】:ONE TWO 三

【宋】:啊 哎呀
















【宋】:你 火焰山呐 烫脚啊 站着 立正 坐下 过来




【宋】:我看你都没人形啦 你把我踩了怎么办

【文】:那咱们俩就去医院 拍个片呗



【宋】:我就知道你挺忙的 刚才你过来的时候我就猜到 你肯定要踩到我 所以呢大爷把片子都拍好啦 你看啊 这张呢 是小腿骨粉碎性的骨折 拿错了这是碰大货车时用的 啊 这张是 脑瓜门往下 尾 巴跟往上 粉碎性骨折

【文】:妈呀 太神奇了 我的一脚把你踩成无脊椎动物啦

【宋】:你别跟我贫嘴 你说这事该怎么办 拿钱吧




【宋】:那太好啦 我这儿有移动POS机

【文】:不 大爷啊 你这个设备是不是为我量身订做的呀

【宋】:大爷纯专业 明白不


【宋】:那个 要发票不 《开文具还说洗浴?》




【宋】:bu ling bu ling bu ling bu ling 不灵 不灵 什么 什么玩意儿 大明星美容会所 主营项目丰胸提 臀 玩儿呢

【文】:大爷我告诉你 这个呢是我店里的卡


【文】:银行卡你为什么不早说呢 没有

【宋】:你没有你在这跟我扯啥呀 赶快打电话让人送钱来





【文】:大爷 你仔细看 能不能看出我是干什么的

【宋】:你愿意干什么干什么 拿钱

【文】:我告诉你我是健美操教练 一节课正好是一千 我今天给你打个八折 也就是八百块钱 咱俩就算 两清了




【文】:不学你得看 看了就收费 我绝对不会白踩你一脚 音乐 走

【宋】:哎 哎


【宋】:不是 哎 不是不是 停 哎呀妈呀停 哎停停停停停


【宋】:停停 走 不要钱了 走 另外走之前我问你一个问题 你到底是男人还是女人

【文】:妈呀你怎么可以当这么多人的面问我这样的问题 我只能送你五个字 我真讨厌你


【文】:呸 哎呀

【宋】:出师不利呀 这一出门就碰上一个这样的 下面一个能是什么样的呢 让我们拭目以待 {杨冰上 场}

【杨】:{唱}你是我的眼 我却看不到你的从前



【宋】:哎呀 哎呀


【宋】:哎呀 哎呀




【宋】:哎 压着我脚啦




【宋】:你啥眼神 啊你再看看

【杨】:啊 这回压着啦








【杨】:嘿嘿嘿 那我这陪你钱呗

【宋】:看见没看见 这是办事的人 碰了就抓紧给钱谁也不耽误谁时间 你既然这么坦诚呢我就给你介绍 一下我的收费标准


【宋】:我这一般呐搭脚边儿伍佰元 上脚面儿一千块 过脚面儿一千五 今儿看你态度这么好我算你半搭 不搭 八百块 额 合理不



【杨】:我太能接受了 我前天让人碰一回 赔人一千呢 嘿嘿嘿

【宋】:你看我为什么这么便宜呢 因为我这是薄利多销


【宋】:知道不 我这儿走量 见利就走





【杨】:哎 不是不是 你这么的大爷 你听我说啊


【杨】:我这个人呢 是特别讲诚信的


【杨】:我呢 你给我点时间


【杨】:我肯定不走 你呢配合我一下 你一动别动咱俩就在这儿 一会儿我把钱挣够了我就给你 行不行


【杨】:妥了 你就等我一会儿

【宋】:但你别让我干活 你明白不



【杨】:谢谢 好人一生平安 谢谢

【宋】:停吧 你别拉啦 干啥呢


【宋】:这么挣我用你啊 这给钱是冲我给的知道不 不是你拉的好是我长得太可怜啦 咱们不这么闹行不 行 我给你二百块钱你快走吧


【宋】:我看出来啦 我是碰瓷的 你是专门碰碰瓷的啊

【杨】:你啊你听我说啊 这钱呢我今天也 也不给你了 你也别给我了 你这行啊有风险 是不 是 你有一 天啦你腿被人打折的时候呢 然后你来找我来 是不是 我给你留个名片 你这块啊 人少 你上小广 场那边人特别多


【杨】:我就在那儿拉胡扯 你就在哪儿跪着 咱俩一天挣八百块钱像玩儿似的 啊



【宋】:啊 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀 碰一个走道的 碰个骑车的 今儿这点是够呛了 我看能不能来个豪车啥让我 撞一下啊 {娇娇开车上} 哎 哎




【宋】:哎呀还往前开 哎呀还开 哎呀








【宋】:哎呀 女司机吧


【宋】:哎呀 哎呀我的妈呀 哎 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀 哎呀等会儿


【宋】:别动 你别出来 彩排这没压着 你回去


【宋】:哎呀 出来吧



【娇】:啊 喔 我的天呐{用英文说买噶的}

【宋】:没轧着 压着了




【宋】:你看我的腿都已经掰到这儿了 再大点掰就掰折了

【娇】:叔叔啊{用英文说安可啊} 我是刚刚从香港来到这里呀



【宋】:哦 黑龙江鹤岗的啊


【宋】:你抓紧时间你看你把大爷给撞了 那你就给钱呗

【娇】:我 我没带人民币啊


【娇】:我出门很匆忙的 港币

【宋】:要赖账 年轻人不靠谱啊少跟我扯着没有用的



【娇】:哎 我的天呐{用英文说买噶的}



【宋】:哎 现场已经做好了啊

【娇】:哎 哦

【宋】:你们这些年轻人呐 我跟你说实话知道不 我呢谁都信不着 别跟我扯那没用的 走你 特写啊 啊 好


【宋】:哎 非常专业

【娇】:叔叔{用英文说安可} 你真的太有国际范啊 好时尚哦{用英文说好可翻身咯}

【宋】:你看你这孩子长不长心啊 我都撞成这样你还说我不翻身 我怎么翻身

【娇】:我是说你碰瓷好专业哦 叔叔啊{用英文说安可啊} 我觉得我们这样沟通起来真的很有 问题的 {用英文说插包的}

【宋】:不是问题{用英文说不是插包}你都快把我气的起包啦 你这样吧你抓紧找一个能跟我沟通明白 的人 让他带钱来 来办这事啊 大陆有朋友没




【宋】:吓唬谁呢 还UFC 他愿意什么C什么C 有能力让他送我归西

【娇】:叔叔啊 {用英文说安可啊} 但是就你这样子三秒钟就KO你了

【宋】:哎呀 你别拿KOKO吓唬我 他来了就OK啦


【宋】:快去吧 这些年轻人办事不靠谱 哎呀

【娇】:喂 老公啊 我遇到麻烦他碰瓷啊 你快点来现场 快来帮忙啊 OKOKOK


【娇】:哦 叔叔啊{用英文说安可啊}但是我还是要提醒你一句啊 我老公来的时候呢 你千万不要看他的 眼睛啊 他有职业病的 他在圈内大家都叫他小野兽啊 你看他眼睛的时候他就以为你是在挑衅他 分分钟就KO你了



【宋】:我怎么就不信呢 让他给我打残 全身上下都打骨折 下辈子我有地

【田】:呀 谁是碰瓷的啊 谁是碰瓷的啊 {与观众对视}


【田】:{向观众发难}看我干啥 啊 是不是挑战我 信不信我KO你 啊 怎么的 啊



【娇】:哎呀你 不是他啊 老公你快点 快认输啊 拍他三下啊 快


【娇】:你认错人了老公啊 碰瓷的在你后面呢

【娇】:啊 不要啊老公

【田】:为什么这么看我 啊 嚯 嚯 嚯

【娇】:啊 老公啊 你虎啊 撒开我啊 快点

【田】:啊 怎么啦

【娇】:这虎儿 我是碰瓷的吗


【娇】:哎呀老公啊 碰瓷的在你后面啊

【田】:啊 亲爱的 不好意思 我又失控了 我告诉过你不要看我眼睛

【娇】:在你后面 在你后面呢






【宋】:我都没动地方 就在这儿呢

【田】:来 从圈里出来

【宋】:我 不能出这个圈



【田】:是不是欺负我媳妇是香港的 啊

【宋】:我 我有证据





【田】:这是你吗 你是不是懵我 这是你吗

【宋】:你看这整的没用的 这怎么不说我呢 我刚才这不没戴眼镜吗 你你 你看那是不是我 你自己瞅一 眼 哎 哎 哎 哎

【娇】:哎 老公啊 [哎赶紧来人啦]


【杨】:哎 哎 哎停


【杨】:停 停 停 停 行了 停 哎呀 哎呀哎呀 停

【宋】:哎呀 你个损粗 我腰啊

【杨】:告诉你啥呀 他腰不好 你使那么大劲干啥呀


































杨树林,本名杨冰,1986年出生于辽宁省铁岭市,中国内地男演员,喜剧表演艺术家赵本山先生的第22位弟子 。

2009年,在民国喜剧《关东大先生》中扮演贝勒爷身旁侍卫,可爱善良、多才多谋多策的"小墩子 " 。







2017年,参演北京卫视春晚小品《幸福快递》 。同年1月,作为常驻嘉宾参加音乐喜剧综艺秀《厉害了!我的歌》。在该节目中,杨树林和李玉刚联袂演唱《一人饮酒醉》,节目播出半个月,视频总播放量已经突破一亿 。



Ⅹ 关于法律小品的剧本!很急,悬赏分100


Ⅰ A sketch or script about campus violence, or an incident will also work

A sketch about campus violence, a story about a failed robbery and a beautiful story in the end:

"Campus" Anti-Violence Sketch - Robbery"

Mechanical Science and Engineering Sun Chaochao

Characters: Brother A and B and three of his subordinates. A couple Bingding. A tough female man. Two security guards.

Two sophomore college students appeared. B pulls A and runs away. (Background music, you are the wind and I am the sand)

A: Hey, (the music stops) look around, how can we walk on this road? (pulls the hand apart), this deserted place Xiao Shulin, you don’t have any plans for me, do you? (Shyly) I am a good-looking man from a good family.

B: What are you thinking of? (patting A’s head) We’re almost late. Why don’t we take a walk? Look at you like that (look with disdain). With a beer belly and bow legs, who would like you? . Go quickly. Otherwise you will be late.

A: Stomp your feet, sissy. Orchid pointed and said, "Hate, you...you are shameless, you...dirty, you are telling the truth, wuwu, then follow up.

Background music (Let's watch the meteor shower)


The Four Campus King Kongs appear. (Slow motion, imitating F4)

The music stops.

The leader: (Imitating Stephen Chow's movements in Kung Fu) Stop, My classmates and brothers, my hands are itchy recently and I want to go online, but I don’t have any money, so I borrow some money to spend. (Like a ruffian)

A: Hurry and hold on to your schoolbag , no...no money. Hiding behind B.

B: I...I have no money either. Run

B pulled A and wanted to run away, but was stopped by the other three People surrounded.

The music started, tragic music. The two were besieged. Slow motion. (Wensong style girl fist)

During the melee, B saw the body of the leader knife, B was pushed down, and B fell to the ground and fainted. A had no choice but to abandon the bag and half-helped B.

(After the four kings got the bag, they left the scene happily)

< p>A: He took out his handkerchief and cried sweetly. Brother, brother, please wake up, touch A’s face, and say: There is nothing I can do. Without you, innocence is of no use! There was a look on his face as if he was ready to die. Then he tried to Do artificial respiration. The music starts (I do)

B: Jump up quickly, oh, what are you doing, what are you doing. Run to the front, all the sisters and sisters here, I am still single, attribute It is absolutely normal. He stepped back and looked at A with disgust.

A: (embarrassed) Brother, brother, you are not dead. I thought you were dead. Haha.

< p>Why should B die? Didn’t you see that man had a big thing on his waist? Fortunately I was smart, otherwise he would have really died. (Arms on hips proudly)

A: (Plop, Kneeling on the ground) Brother, my life has been saved, but what can I do with the money? My dad fought against bricks for a month to earn me a month’s living expenses and then it’s gone. Oh, ah, heaven, ah, bigEarth.

B: Okay, stop being so arrogant, what are you doing with useless things. This way I have an idea. Not only have we been robbed once, we are considered experienced. Why don't the two of us rob others? In this way, we can make up for the money that was robbed, and we can also subsidize our family. Why not do it.

A: Stand up and say righteously, Brother, point at B, you...why are you so...smart? B: That's A:, with a firm look on his face, he said, OK, it's settled, just watch, someone will come later, who will I rob, please see clearly. B: OK.

The mighty man comes on stage: he walks on stage and shows off his muscles in front of two people A and B. A, embarrassed, holds his pockets and looks at the sky.

B: Smiling evilly, hey, come on.

A: It’s a shame to say that you can’t do it.

B: Haha, aren’t you ruthless? (A pushes B down)

A: When you see the man coming, you quickly do pee. Tell B to shut up.

Wait for the man to come to the other side.

B: Haha. Brother, you are quite cowardly.

A: Who is scared? I won’t be scared. Come with me.

B: Okay, I’ll watch.

A: Walk up and pat the man on the shoulder.

The man turned his head, A ran away, and the man and B looked at each other.

The man glared angrily, while the man smiled in embarrassment.

The man was fierce: What are you doing?

B: Hahaha. How embarrassing,

Man: Embarrassing, why did you hit me?

Helpless. Shaking his head, he took out a money bag from his shoe. Ju Lou said, hey hey hey, your wallet fell out of your pocket.

Man: I looked B up and down, my ```

B: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

The man grabbed the money bag: Thank you. He was about to put it in his pocket, but found that there was no pocket

B and the man looked at each other and smiled. The man put his money bag under his arm. He smiled and left.

B was making gestures from behind, wanting to hit the man. Then he turned around and shouted to Jia, "Come here."

A ran over. B: I’ll just turn around once and take a stroll.

A said; (with a look of hatred for steel) Brother, what are you doing? Isn’t it robbery? Why did you pay me back? He's taller and stronger, so how could he be so scared? I promised you the experience, but why didn’t I grab it? Let’s do it this way. When someone comes, I’ll rob it for you to see. I’ll rob whoever comes, just watch.

B: OK, OK, I’ll watch.

A girl skipped by.

A: Yell, stop.

The girl seemed not to hear and walked over.

A said awkwardly: That girl, eh, come back soon.

B: Sneer, why aren’t you ruthless?

A: No, the girl didn’t hear it.

B: (laughing), you can’t, you have to look at me when dealing with girls.

A: OK, come on.

Yi tidied himself up and acted like a ruffian. Shouting, beauty, come here.

The girl and the previous guy appear. B was immediately frightened.

Hanzi: You...you.... Call me girlfriend, tell me, is it you? B looks at A with an innocent face

A: Put it in your pocket, yes, it’s you.

Man: What’s the point of calling me your girlfriend?

A: What's the matter? Tell me

B smiled apologetically: Hey hey hey, it's so embarrassing. Hey, isn't this Girls' Day? He gave the girl money (touched all over his body and took it out) 100 yuan)

Go buy flowers. Happy Girls' Day. Hehehehehehehe.

Hanzi: Oh, that’s right. I hugged the girl and thanked her brother.

B: Thank you, brother. After speaking, he covered his mouth.

(The man, the girl exits.)

A: Hey hey hey, brother, now there is no money left. Be happy.

A: Hey, I just figured it out. We can’t rob a man, nor can we rob a woman who has a boyfriend. If we have the ability, let’s do this. Let’s rob the old, weak, sick and disabled. .

A: Seriously, brother, what are you talking about? Give B a push with your fist. You have some backbone. I appreciate it.

B: Yes, I’ve thought it through. Let’s take care of the lone girl now, hahaha.

A weak-looking girl appeared with a package in her hand.

A: Hey, big brother, big brother, here is a girl. He looks weak, otherwise we would rob him.

B: I’m sorry. Just as he was about to take action, he turned to A and said, “Go take a look around first.”

A: I found out that no one told B, so I reported to the elder brother that no one was there

B: I’m sorry, let’s take a look.

B walked over and the girl suddenly took out a knife from her bag

A: What is going on?

B: I’m all confused.

Girl: Stop talking nonsense and give me the money. Threatened with knife.

B: No, eldest sister, calm down, eldest sister, I really have no money.

Girl: Dui A, how about you.

A: No, I am a poor student. I usually don’t have much money, so I took out a one-yuan coin.

Girl: I will kill him if he doesn’t take the money

A: Well, I have no money.

B: Hey, that’s not what you had in your pocket just now.

A: Brother, (covers his pocket) Brother, you want to touch my money.

B: Yes

A: Brother, others don’t know, don’t you know? This money, this money is what I will pay for eating wontons tomorrow.

B: Hey. How embarrassing. No, alas. Which is more important, me or eating wontons? ’

A goes away

B: Why are you going?

A: I am thinking about it. B, come back, I still have to think about this nonsense

A: Brother, don’t force me.In my heart, you and wonton are both very important. Come on, brother, let me analyze it for you.

The wontons are soft and can fill my stomach. Right. And you, big brother... react to. Wontons are important.

B: Hey, hey, so embarrassing. Come and kill me quickly

Girl: Okay, you two, don’t do this to me. There is no money, right? If there is no money, I will do it. 1, 2

B: Wait, sister, it seems I can’t escape this disaster. Before I die, can I say a few words to my brother? Wutou pondered, you idiot, my eldest brother may not be able to escape the disaster. I hope I can still be friends with you in the next life.

A: He, brother...brother.

B: Brother...Brother...(repeat) (sad background music) A pulls B out in slow motion, and then stabs himself with a knife. Fall to the ground.

The music stops.

Girl: Kicked A with her foot. What are you doing? What are you doing? I didn’t move either, oh my god, why don’t you do this in slow motion? , you are. A and B giggle. B: It’s so embarrassing.

Girl: I understand. You want to die for him, right? Then I will help you. Yeah

A: Wait a minute, eldest sister, I have something to say to my brother. Brother, I will still be your brother in the next life.

B: Brother

A: He, brother.

(Repeat) (Sad music in the background) Slow motion A pulls B out and then tries to stab himself with a knife. The girl collapsed, took out two knives, and placed them on his necks.

The music stops.

Girl: Stop, now you two are satisfied.

A: This is fair.

Girl: I’ll send you two on your way.

Four Diamonds: Stop.

The Four King Kongs come on stage. (Meteor Shower Theme Song)

The Four King Kongs: I planted this tree, I planted this mountain, if I want to live from now on, I will leave money to buy the road.

A and B: No, no, what’s going on, it’s him again.

Girl: Brother, the dragon in the sky covers the tiger in the earth.

Big Brother: Chicken stewed with mushrooms.

The girl and her eldest brother spin in circles together. Fellow colleagues (background music. Finally waiting for you). Embrace.

Big brother: Just be reasonable when you come out to hang out. Since you are not with him for a while, just leave.

The girl turned around and spoke to A and B. I am leaving.

A: Walk slowly. Darling

B: Walk slowly, brother and sister.

Brother; what did you say?

Girl; Hey, you heard wrong.

Eldest brother: darling, younger brother and sister. You go back to me.

A and B: Celebrating gestures.

The girl went back aggrieved.

The Four King Kongs were collecting money...

Two students wearing red vests, Bing Ding, passed by.

Bing stepped forward and said: I just said in the woods Nothing good will happen here. Someone is stealing money, go and help.

Ding Lazhu: You are stupid. There are so many people. If there are knives, I would feel so bad if they hurt you.

C said: What should we do?

Ding: Mysterious theory. Just a few numbers. 85095110,

C: Hi, isn’t that the security office’s alarm number? You fight or I fight. Ding was about to answer, but C said I would fight.

Bingding exits.

Two security guards came up and said. No movement allowed. I am the security guard of our college. I am responsible for the personal and property safety of our entire college and all students. With our security here, we will not let you people infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of the students.

Security: Are you okay, classmate? Here’s your money.

A and B are fine: Thank you, uncle,

The police and prisoners exited.

A: Brother, we are both safe now. Haha

B: Haha. Two idiots. Should we still grab it?

A: No, no, I won’t steal it.

B: In the future.

A: I won’t steal it in the future either.

B: Uh-huh. , like an old master, a child can be taught, go to class.

While exiting, he said, Brother, do you think we can still catch up?

Yes, definitely. If you make a mistake, it is always good to correct it promptly.

The actor in the red vest appears. We want to remind everyone that school violence must be eradicated. Correcting your mentality is the most important thing.

School is my home. Safety protection depends on everyone.

Ⅱ Why don’t people younger than Andy Lau like to watch TV now?

Andy Lau is one of the four kings known to everyone, and his name is well-known at home and abroad. He is a famous actor and singer so he is very famous. Lu Han is a young actor and is very famous in the entertainment industry. He is also very talented in singing. So both of them are very famous.

III Xiao Shenyang has now been removed from the sketch world. Who has he offended?

Xiao Shenyang has now been removed from the sketch world. Who has he offended?

I don’t think Xiao Shenyang offended anyone, because Xiao Shenyang’s style may be like this. He became very popular after attending the Spring Festival Gala. Even an hour after the Spring Festival Gala, he Maybe all our people are familiar with his image, so many people, and the image he created is very popular. Some people are obsessed with it and think that Xiao Shenyang is one, so many people praise him and let him act in TV series. He sang and all kinds of things.

The above is my answer to this question. I hope my answer can be helpful to everyone. Friends who like it can like and follow it in the comment area below. I will actively interact with everyone.

Ⅳ How do you evaluate Zhao Benshan?

Personally, I think Zhao Benshan is the well-deserved king of sketches. Although since "Yesterday, Today, Only after tomorrow" did he start winning first prize for his sketches every year.Although this has something to do with the death of teacher Zhao Lirong and Chen Peisi not attending the Spring Festival Gala. But starting from 2000, people’s greatest expectation for the Spring Festival Gala was Zhao Benshan. Besides laughter, his sketches from 1999 to 2008 also brought us some thoughts. Some of them described the current situation of society, such as the loneliness of lonely old people; some of them satirized the literary and art world. , like a sketch about a rooster laying eggs. The classic lines will become the buzzwords of the year, instead of making Internet buzzwords into skits like now.

?, only Zhao Benshan. Teacher Pan Changjiang also commented that he is the real king of sketches.

The turning point was in 2009. That year, Song Dandan and Fan Wei didn’t want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, and Zhao Benshan couldn’t find a partner (in response to a reporter’s question, he said that Fan Wei was now a big player and would play He stopped answering the phone. The two stopped cooperating from that year on, and then they began to boldly use all apprentices. It can also be said that Xiao Shenyang's popularity also benefited from the retirement of his predecessors. Starting in 2009, Zhao Benshan would bring his apprentices to the Spring Festival Gala for three consecutive years. It was also from this time on that the quality of the sketches dropped sharply, and the jokes tended to be vulgar. The sketches themselves had nothing to think about, they just tickled you and made you laugh. . (But other people's sketches were better, so the first prize for sketches was still given in three years)
It can be said that Zhao Benshan's works in the past three years have made him somewhat unsafe. One is that he has health problems, and the fields that Benshan Media is involved in More and more, it can be said that Uncle Benshan is a little distracted. There is also the decline of traditional sketch and folk art programs. A large number of sketch actors have begun to transform into film and television actors, and Zhao Benshan cannot find a capable partner.

IV Well, I am a middle school student and want to write a sketch similar to He Jiong and MARY's "Super Happy Insole". Please help me provide some classic advertising slogans

### #National sales lead for six years, the insoles together can stink twice around the earth

Ⅵ Why are more and more sketch actors no longer attending the Spring Festival Gala?

Because of the current entertainment form in the entertainment industry There are many, such as talk shows, cross talk, and many folk art programs that are quite exciting, and sketches do not play a major role

Ⅶ What is the most cute and cute name for a girl’s teddy dog?

Choose the name you like, just make it smooth.

Ⅷ Zhao Benshan, the king of sketches of the generation, was involved in serious violations of the law, and the 1.3 billion film and television project went bankrupt! What do you think?

Since 2013, Zhao Benshan announced his official withdrawal from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage and his permanent withdrawal from the sketch world. Since then, he has rarely been seen on the screen. Zhao Benshan, the king of sketches of the generation, was suspected of serious violations, and his company's film and television projects worth 1.3 billion were in vain. The building that was once the anchor of the Spring Festival Gala is about to collapse, revealing the inside story of Benshan Media’s decline.

Wang Sicong

The day after he scolded Zhao Benshan, the opening scene of someone hitting his head with a wine bottle happened. Later, Wang Sicong's ""Crazy words" reached Zhao Benshan's ears, and he only responded lightly: "Children, don't talk nonsense."

Ⅸ All the lines in the sketch

[Song Dynasty]: Hehe... We walk half way up the road. My motto in life is to sleep wherever I fall, because I am a very dedicated and professional person. My mother once told me that a person can't cook. The chef is not a good driver at all.

Hey, what exactly do I do? Don’t worry, I’ll know it soon. I need to get all the equipment out. Don’t worry, hey, this box needs Password, don't worry, everyone must pay attention. Don't worry, hum, don't worry, you can't guess it. Don't worry, my newspaper is here. Hey, let's go (whistle)

[Text ]: ONE TWO Three

[Song]: Oops

[Article]: Oh my god

[Song]: Oops

[Article]: Me

[Song]: Wow

[Article]: What the hell, uncle, what the hell, uncle

[Song]: Step on me Waist

[Article]: Oh my god, it’s so amazing

[Song]: Ah

[Article]: I step on your waist

[Song]: Ah

[Wen]: Then why don’t I feel anything?

[Song]: Look at your shame

[Article]: You scared me to death

[Song]: If you had feelings, you would have trampled me to death

[Article]: Why are you talking so scary?

[Song]: Your feet are hot at the Flame Mountain. Stand at attention and sit down.

[Text]: What's wrong, sir?

[Song]: You Look what you look like

[Article]: Mermaid

[Song]: I don’t think you have a human shape. What if you stepped on me?

[Article]: Then let’s go to the hospital to take a photo

[Song]: Are you busy?

[Article]: Quite busy

[Song]: I knew you were very busy. When you came here just now, I guessed that you were going to step on me, so I took all the pictures. Look, this one is a comminuted fracture of the lower leg bone. Wrong, this is used when hitting a big truck. This picture shows a comminuted fracture of the head from the bottom to the tail and up.

[Article]: Oh my god, it’s so amazing. I’ll trample you to nothing with my kick. Vertebrates

[Song]: Don’t talk nonsense to me. Tell me what to do about this. Get the money.

[文]: I didn’t bring any money

[Song]: Do you have a card?

[Wen]: Do you have a card?

[Song]: That’s great. I have a mobile POS machine here

[ Wen]: No, uncle, is this equipment tailor-made for me?

[Song]: I am purely professional, do you understand?

[文]: Ah

[Song]: Do you want an invoice? "When you open stationery, do you also say bathing?"

[文]: No

[Song Dynasty]: Don’t take the invoice and take the card

[Wen]: Give it

[Song Dynasty]: bu ling bu ling bu ling bu ling. It doesn’t work. What the hell? The main project of the Children’s Star Beauty Club is breast enlargement and butt lift

[文]: Uncle, let me tell you, this is a card from my store

[Song]: I want it Bank card

[Text]: Why didn’t you tell me about the bank card earlier? No

[Song]: You don’t have one. What are you talking about here? Hurry up and call someone to send money. Come

[文]: Don’t you just want money

[Song]: Yes

[文]: How much is it

< p>[Song]: Eight hundred

[Wen]: Uncle, if you look carefully, can you tell what I do?

[Song]: What do you want to do for money


【文】: Let me tell you that I am an aerobics instructor. One class costs exactly one thousand yuan. I will give you a 20% discount today, which is eight hundred yuan. Let’s settle everything

[Song]: What are you doing?

[Wen]: Teach you aerobics

[Song]: I don’t want to learn

[Wen]: If you don’t want to learn, you have to take a look and then charge me. I will never step on your music in vain

[Song]: Hey

[Article]: Wow

< p>[Song]: No, no, no, stop, oh, my God, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

[文]: No,

[Song]: Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Before I leave, let me ask you a question. Are you a man or a woman?

【文】: Oh my god, how can you ask me such a question in front of so many people? I can only give you five words. I really hate you

[Song]: There are so many people who hate me, who do you think is the boss?

[Article]: Bahhhh

[Song]: Shishi It's not good to meet someone like this when you go out. What will the next one be like? Let's wait and see {Yang Bing comes on}

[Yang]: {Singing} You are my eyes but I can't see them To your past

[Song]: Ah

[Yang]: Ah

[Song]: Oops

[Yang] ]: Ouch

[Song]: Ouch

[Yang]: Ouch

[Song]: Ouch

[Yang] : What’s up

[Song]: Hey, you’re pressing on my foot

[Yang]: I’m pressing on your foot

[Song]: On your own Take a look

[Yang]: It’s not suppressed

[Song]: What’s your look?Look again

[Yang]: Ah, it’s suppressed this time

[Song]: It’s suppressed, right?

[Yang]: Oops

[Song]: What should I do if you hold me down?

[Yang]: Uncle

[Song]: Ah

[Yang] 】: Are you a porcelain person?

[Song]: Ah

[Yang]: Hey hey, then I will give you the money

[Song] : Did you see that this is the person who is doing the work? If you touch me, you will pay me quickly without wasting anyone’s time. Since you are so honest, I will introduce you to my charging standard

[Yang]: Ah

[Song]: I usually spend five hundred yuan on my feet, one thousand yuan on my feet, one thousand five hundred yuan on my feet. Now seeing that you have such a good attitude, I think you are half a match or not. Eight hundred yuan is reasonable. No

[Yang]: The price is very reasonable

[Song]: Can you accept it?

[Yang]: I can’t accept it. I asked someone to buy it the day before yesterday I'll pay you a thousand if I touch you. Hehehe

[Song]: Look why I'm so cheap. Because I make small profits but quick turnover

[Yang]: Ah

[Song]: If you know, I will leave as long as I can see the profit

[Yang]: That uncle

[Song]: Ah

[Yang]: I don’t have a penny in my pocket right now

[Song]: It’s useless to talk to me about not having a penny less

[Yang]: No, no I’m not an uncle like you. Just listen to me.

[Song]: Ah

[Yang]: I am a very honest person

[ Song]: Ah

[Yang]: What about me, please give me some time

[Song]: It will definitely be difficult for you to leave

[Yang] :I definitely won’t leave. Just cooperate with me. Just don’t move. We’ll stay here for a while. When I earn enough money, I’ll give it to you, okay?

[Song]: You must be able to get me money. I can cooperate with you in any way

[Yang]: If it’s done, just wait for me for a while

[Song]: But don’t let me work, do you understand?

< p>[Yang]: I can't let you work

[Song]: What do you want

[Yang]: Thank you for being a good man and having a safe life. Thank you

[Song]: Stop it, what are you doing?

[Yang]: Can't I make money for you?

[Song]: I'll use you if you make money like this. The money was given to me. I know it’s not you who pulls it off well, but I’m too pitiful. How about we stop making trouble like this? I’ll give you two hundred yuan and you can leave quickly

[Yang]: Then you are so How can I ask for your money if I can't talk?

[Song]: I can see that I am a porcelain person and you are a porcelain person.

[Yang]: You Ah, listen to me, I won’t give you this money today either.Don't give it to me. There are risks in your business. One day, when your legs are discounted, then you come to me. Can I leave you a business card? There are few people in your area. You go to the small square. There are so many people over there

[Song]: Ah

[Yang]: I’m just talking nonsense over there, and you’re kneeling over there. We both earn 800 yuan a day, just like playing. Like a child

[Song]: Please don't introduce me

[Yang]: Just listen to me, goodbye

[Song]: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, bumping into a person on the sidewalk and bumping into a cyclist is quite embarrassing today. Let me see if a luxury car can come over and let me bump into it. Ah

[Song]: Oops

[Jiao]: Ah

[Song]: Oops, keep going forward. Oops, keep going.

< p>[Jiao]: Ah

[Song]: Oops, my feet are pressed, ouch

[Jiao]: Ah

[Song]: Oops


[Jiao]: Ah

[Song]: Oops

[Jiao]: Ah

[Song]: Oops, female driver< /p>

[Jiao]: Ah

[Song]: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, wait a minute

[Jiao]: ah< /p>

[Song]: Don’t move, don’t come out to the rehearsal, I’m not forcing you to go back

[Jiao]: Ah

[Song]: Oh, come out


[Jiao]: Ah

[Song]: Oops

[Jiao]: Oh my god {say it in English}

[Song]: No more pressing

[Jiao]: Ah

[Song]: Ah

[Jiao]: You Are you okay, uncle?

[Song]: Look, my legs are already broken here. If they were bigger, they would be broken.

[Jiao]: Uncle {Said in English Encore} I just came here from Hong Kong

[Song]: Where are you?

[Jiao]: Hong Kong

[Song]: Oh, from Hegang, Heilongjiang

[Jiao]: Ah, uncle {say encore in English}, what do you want?

[Song]: Take your time and see what you do If the uncle is hit, then you can give me money

[Jiao]: I didn’t bring any RMB

[Song]: Hong Kong dollars are fine too

[ Jiao]: I was in a hurry when I went out.

[Song]: Young people are unreliable if they want to default on their debts. It's useless to talk to me.

[Jiao]: Wow< /p>

[Song]: I have to prepare the scene first

[Jiao]: Oh my God {Say it in English}

[ Song]: Hey

[Jiao]: Oh wow

[Song]: Hey, the scene has been prepared

[Jiao]: Oh

[Song]: You young people, let me tell you the truth, do you know? I don’t believe anyone. Don’t talk to me about that useless thing. You’re in a close-up. Okay

[Jiao]: Oh my god {Say buy it in English}

[Song]: Hey, very professional

[Jiao]: Uncle {Say encore in English} You are so international and so fashionable {Say yes in English and you can turn around}

[Song]: Do you think this kid has a long-term heart? I've been bumped into like this and you still say how can I turn over if I don't turn over?

[Jiao]: I mean, you are very professional when it comes to porcelain. Oh, uncle {says encore in English} I think it’s really problematic for us to communicate like this {says inserting in English}

[Song]: It’s not a problem {says not inserting in English Bao} You are almost making me so angry. Just do this. Find someone who can communicate clearly with me and ask him to bring money to do this. Do you have any friends in Mainland China?

[Jiao] : My husband is from Mainland China

[Song]: Call me quickly

[Jiao]: But my husband fights in UFC kickboxing

[Song] 】: Who are you trying to scare? You can give him UFC whatever C he wants. I have the ability to let him send me back to the west

[Jiao]: Uncle {say the encore in English}, but you will be like this in three seconds. KO you

[Song]: Oh, don’t scare me with KOKO. It’ll be fine when he comes

[Jiao]: I’ll call you then

[Song]: Come on, these young people are unreliable

[Jiao]: Hey husband, I’m in trouble, he’s cheating, come quickly, come to the scene, come and help OKOKOK

[Song]: No KO

[Jiao]: Oh uncle {say encore in English} But I still have to remind you, when my husband comes, you must be careful Don't look into his eyes. He has an occupational disease. Everyone in the circle calls him a little beast. When you look into his eyes, he thinks you are provoking him and he will KO you in minutes

[Song ]: I just can’t look at him

[Jiao]: Don’t look at him

[Song]: Why don’t I believe it? Let him cripple my whole body. If I break my bones, I will have land in the next life

[Tian]: Who is the cheater? Who is the cheater? {Looking at the audience}

[Jiao]: No

[Tian]: {challenge to the audience}Watch what I do. Do you want to challenge me? Believe it or not, I will KO you or something.

[Jiao]: Calm down

[Tian]: Guillotine

[Jiao]: Oh, you are not him, husband, hurry up and admit defeat, slap him three times, hurry up

[Tian]: It's your fault. Fast

[Jiao]: You got the wrong person, husband! The porcelain guy is behind you

[Jiao]: Oh, no, husband

[Tian]: Why do you look at it like that? I'm ahhhhh

[Jiao]: Husband, you are such a tiger, let me go, hurry up

[Tian]: What's wrong

[ Jiao]: Am I cheating on this tiger?

[Tian]: Ah

[Jiao]: Oh, my husband, the cheater is behind you

< p>[Tian]: Oh, honey, I’m sorry, I lost control again. I told you not to look into my eyes

[Jiao]: Behind you, behind you

[Tian ]: Where

[Jiao]: What's behind

[Tian]: Are you touching me

[Song]: Ah

[Tian]: Did you touch porcelain?

[Song]: I didn’t even move, it’s just here

[Tian]: Come out of the circle

[Song]: I can’t get out of this circle

[Tian]: Why

[Song]: Wukong hasn’t come back yet

[Tian]: Are you bullying my wife, who is from Hong Kong?

[Song]: I have evidence

[Tian]: It won’t work if you follow me

[Song]: I have evidence

[Tian]: What evidence

[Song]: I left photos at the scene. I took them just now

[Tian 】: Is this you? Are you confused? Is this you?

【Song】: Look, this is useless. Why don’t you talk about me? Didn’t I just wear glasses? You, you? See if that’s me. Take a look for yourself. Hey, hey, hey.

[Jiao]: Hey, husband [hey, someone is here quickly]

[Tian]: Are you dissatisfied?

[Yang]: Hey, hey, stop

[Tian]: Believe it or not, I will lock you up

[Yang]: Stop, stop, stop, stop. Ouch, ouch, ouch, stop

[Song]: Oops, you are hurting my waist

[Yang]: What are you telling me? His waist is not good, why are you doing so hard?

[Tian]: He looked at my eyes

[Song]: You are such a rude person, why don’t you act like this?

(9) Extended reading of the currency circle sketch:

The cast of the sketch "Porcelain":

1. Song Xiaobao

Song Xiaobao, whose real name is Song Baoli, Born on January 5, 1981, in Guangming Village, Loujie Township, Huinan County, Tonghua City, Jilin Province, he is the 32nd apprentice of Mr. Zhao Benshan, an actor and comedy performance artist from Mainland China.

In 2009, he became famous for participating in the variety show "Benshan Happy Camp".

In 2011, due to participating in the Liaoning Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala, she collaborated with her master Zhao Benshan.He gained more attention for his sketch "Blind Date".

In August 2012, he participated in the 4th New Rural TV Art Festival and won the Best Actor for his TV series "Cherry". On December 10 of the same year, he participated in the 8th Huading Awards and won the Best Actor in the Contemporary category for his TV series "Cherry".

In October 2013, he won the 10th Huading Award for the actor most popular with Chinese media.

In August 2014, he participated in the 13th Huading Awards and won the Best Actor Award for Chinese Contemporary TV Series for his TV series "Cherry Red".

In 2015, he participated in China's first celebrity comedy competition reality show "Happy Comedian Season 1". On November 5 of the same year, he participated in the celebration party of "Let's Time Travel". On December 9 of the same year, he sang the promotional song "The Past Can Only Be Reminisced" for the movie "Detective Chinatown".

On December 13, 2016, he sang the theme song "The whole world is speaking Northeastern dialect" of the movie "Once Upon a Time in the Northeast: Zhang Fei".

2. Jiaojiao

Jiaojiao, female, whose real name is Zhang Yujiao, was born in 1986. She is a member of the "Unknown Group" and an actor under Benshan Media.

Learned to sing duet in 2004. In 2009, he joined the Liaoning Folk Art Troupe and began performing on the "Liu Laogen Stage".

In 2009, he participated in the filming of Liaoning Satellite TV's "New Laughing Forest" and "Star Turn".

The 2010 Liaoning TV Spring Festival Gala skit "Crazy Fans" (playing the role of "Singapore Jiaojiao").

In 2011, he formed the "Unknown Group" with Zhang Yao and won the annual runner-up in CCTV's "Avenue of Stars".

The 2011 Liaoning TV Spring Festival Gala skit "Crazy Tour Group".

In 2012, Jiaojiao participated in the TV series "The 22nd Marriage Rules", playing the role of "Xiaoyue", the sister of the protagonist "Zhang Duo" played by Song Xiaobao.

The 2012 Liaoning TV Spring Festival Gala skit "Crazy Treasure Appraisal Group" (playing the role of "Galaha Expert").

In 2013, she participated in the 2013 CCTV Spring Festival Gala "I Want to Go to the Spring Festival Gala" with Zhang Yao, Zhou Wei, Shitou, Ding Delong, Liu Dacheng, Zhang Xuemin, and Sun Chaoyang (playing the girl who sang "Uneasy" in the cleaning team ).

3. Wensong

Wensong, formerly known as Shi Wensong, was born in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province on June 9, 1986. He is a film and television actor in Mainland China.

In 2014, he completed his first TV series and participated in the rural comedy "Harvest Season" starring Zhao Benshan, Yu Zhenyu, and Xiao Shenyang, thus officially entering the entertainment industry.

In 2015, as an assistant, he participated in the Oriental TV comedy competition program "Happy Comedian" with the Song Xiaobao team of the Liaoning Folk Art Troupe; on October 27, he participated in the urban comedy movie "Mountain Pao Enters" City" premiere.

In 2016, he participated in Zhejiang Satellite TV’s original indoor competitive reality show "Ace vs. Ace";On March 2, the urban comedy movie "Mountain Cannon Enters the City 2" co-starring Xiao Shenyang, Liu Xiaoguang, and Song Xiaofeng was released; on October 17, the costume comedy "Happy Secret Agent" co-starring Bao Beier, Liu Yan, and Wang Ou premiered on In the play, she plays Qiu Qingyue, Long Dinghai’s subordinate.

In 2017, he participated in the Oriental TV comedy reality show "Happy Comedian Season 3" and won the finals championship with the sketch "New Langya Bang"; in April, with Qin Hao, Xie Nan and Leng Zhong Yi co-starred in the comedy film "The Strong Man."

In May 2017, he and his senior brother Song Xiaobao participated in Dragon TV's star challenge competition show "The Legend of Laughter"; subsequently, he co-starred with Cheng Yi and Ala Lei in the action comedy movie "Rescue the Dog".

On September 29, 2017, the comedy movie "Sewing Machine Band" starring Dong Chengpeng was released. Wensong played a member of the Broken Guitar Band in the film; later, he starred in the Republic of China sitcom with Jia Bing and Gu Baoming "Fengtian Hotel", he plays the male lead in the drama, playing Zhu Yiqun, the son of a hotel tycoon.

On January 26, 2018, the comedy movie "S4 Conquering the Demons" starring Liu Xiaoguang was released, in which he played Xiao Niu, the son of security guard Lao Niu; on April 29, with Xiu Rui and The comedy movie "Scream Live" starring Xia Zitong and Chen Ziyan was released. In the film, he plays the male lead, playing the role of "Seven Fairies", a veteran nightclub player with a feminine temperament.

4. Yang Shulin

Yang Shulin, whose real name is Yang Bing, was born in Tieling City, Liaoning Province in 1986. He is the 22nd disciple of Mr. Zhao Benshan, an actor and comedy performance artist in Mainland China.

In 2009, in the Republic of China comedy "Mr. Guandong", he played the role of "Little Dunzi", the bodyguard beside Lord Belle, who is cute, kind, versatile and resourceful.

In 2011, he played the second-in-command of the hotel "Jia Chenglong" in the indoor sitcom "Everyone Is Coming".

In 2012, he gained more attention after participating in the Spring Festival Gala of the Ministry of Public Security and cooperating with master Zhao Benshan in the sketch "Meeting on a Narrow Road". In the same year, in the urban comedy "It's Not About the Money", he played the cute but slightly bad "Zhai Xiaoming", a member of the art team who was about to be disbanded. In the same year, he played the role of "Hou Wenbin" who was blinded by money in the tragic drama "Cherry".

In March 2013, he co-starred with Song Xiaobao and Shen Chunyang in the bitter drama "Cherry Red", playing the role of "Zhao Huzi" who both loves his father and is afraid of his wife.

In 2014, he played the brave and fearless "Little Drum Tower" in the legendary drama "Veterans" of the Republic of China. In the same year, he played the simple rural youth "Li Fengxi" in the rural family drama "Harvest Season".

In 2015, he participated in the first season of the celebrity comedy competition reality show "Happy Comedian". No matter who was the main guest, Xiao Shenyang or Song Xiaobao, there was always Yang Shulin around him. In the same year, he played the role of "driver" in the rural romance drama "Country Love March"t;Yang Guang".

In 2016, he participated in the second season of "Happy Comedian". Because of his high-quality performance in the two seasons of "Happy Comedian", he was recognized by everyone. He is also one of the top two actors in "Happy Comedian" The only comedian who was fully present during the season.

In 2017, he participated in the Beijing Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala skit "Happiness Express". In January of the same year, he participated as a resident guest in the musical comedy variety show "Awesome! My Song" ". In this program, Yang Shulin and Li Yugang jointly sang "Drunk by Drinking". The program was broadcast for half a month, and the total video views exceeded 100 million.

In May of the same year, he participated in the Xingsu Comedy Challenge The competitive show "Legend of Laughter". In May of the same year, Yang Shulin attended the opening ceremony of the soft science fiction movie "Super APP" in Guangzhou as the starring role. In July of the same year, he participated in the second season of "The King of Crossover Comedy". In the fourth program, Transformed into "hip-hop heroes" with Chu Ni and Pan Yang for crazy "embarrassing rap".

In February 2018, he and Wang Bowen participated in the Beijing Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala skit "That Night of Spring", vividly performing a A touching story that happened in a nursing home. In the same month, he and Zhao Haiyan participated in the Jishi TV Spring Festival Gala sketch "The Chariot of Love". In June of the same year, he participated in the action comedy film "Moths Crossing the River" directed by Xiao Shenyang.

Ⅹ About the script of a legal sketch! It’s urgent, I’m offering a reward of 100 points

Book: Invite the prosecutor and defender to the court
Book: Please The presiding judge and judges enter the court
Please sit down.
Book: (turn around) Report to the presiding judge that the prosecutor has arrived in court, the defendant Zhang San has been mentioned as awaiting trial, and the court preparations are ready.
Trial: (beating the hammer) The court is now in session. Defendant Zhang San is summoned to the court.
Zhang San was carried to the court by two people.
Zhang San: Don’t drag me, I will leave , drag, drag, drag, no matter how hard you drag, don’t you see that I am only 1.68 meters and you are 1.86 meters, can the steps be the same?
Zhang San was taken into the dock.
Trial: Defendant Zhang San, please describe your basic situation.
Zhang San: Your honor, my name is Zhang San. I am a simple, law-abiding proletarian farmer in Malipo Australia County. I was born on March 12, 1963. Han nationality, junior high school education, primary school diploma.
Trial: Defendant Zhang San, have you received a copy of the indictment and when?
Zhang San: Received on May 20, 2019.< br />Trial: The Criminal Tribunal of the People's Court of Jiaren District, Maripo City, in accordance with Article 172 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", held a public hearing here today in accordance with the law for the public prosecution initiated by the Procuratorate of Maripo City. The defendant Zhang San is suspected of illegally selling rare and endangered wild animals. According to Articles 154, 159, and 160 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the parties enjoy the following rights during the trial:
(1) Can apply for members of the collegial panel, The clerk and public prosecutor recuse themselves;
(2) You can submit evidence and apply for notification of newWitnesses come to court and new evidence is obtained.
(3) The defendant may defend himself
(4) The defendant may make a final statement after the court argument is concluded.
Has the defendant heard clearly about the above rights?
Zhang San: I heard clearly, but I didn’t understand.
Jian: What didn’t you understand?
Zhang San: I didn’t even understand.
Trial: Don’t worry if you don’t understand, let’s move on to the next step first.
Trial: The court investigation will now begin, and the prosecutor will first read out the indictment.
Public (stand up): Defendant Zhang San, male, born on March 12, 1963, Han nationality, illiterate, native of Malipo, Australia County, was charged with illegally selling precious and endangered wild animals on May 3, 2019. He was criminally detained by the Forest Police Bureau of Malipo Australia County and arrested on May 13 of the same year. This case was detected and concluded by the Forest Police Bureau of Malipo Australia County, and was transferred to this court for review and prosecution on May 20, 2019. It has been found after review that the defendant Zhang San installed a noose at Feitian Mountain in Malipo Australia County on April 12 of the same year. The defendant later contacted the buyer with the help of Liu Degang and sold it to Zhang Quan for his own consumption on April 25, 2019. On May 8, 2019, the Public Security Judicial Identification Center of the State Forestry Administration successively identified the Yishao animals illegally hunted by Zhang San. It was identified that the wild animal was a national II-level key protected animal, the iguana (lie). The main evidence to prove the above facts includes: witness Liu Degang’s testimony, appraisal certificate, defendant’s confession, etc. The facts of this case are clear and the evidence is conclusive and sufficient, sufficient to establish the case. This court believes that Zhang San’s behavior has violated paragraph 1 of Article 341 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China. The criminal facts are clear and the evidence is reliable. According to the provisions of Article 172 of the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", if a public prosecution is initiated, please be sentenced in accordance with the law.
Trial: Defendant, did you hear clearly the indictment just read out by the prosecutor?
Zhang San: Listen clearly.
Trial: Defendant Zhang San, does he have any opinion on the criminal facts alleged in the indictment?
Zhang San: Yes, I have a big opinion.
Trial: Next, the prosecutor will interrogate the defendant.
Mr. Zhang San, did you capture a serow on April 12?
Zhang San: I caught a strange-looking sheep, but who knew it was the hyena or something like that you mentioned.
Mr.: Shouldn’t you report this unusual animal to the country?
Zhang San: Do you think I am a fool? If you report a livestock to the country, then the door of the country will not be trampled down. You guys, if you don't catch more thieves and murderers, what are you going to do with me, a farmer?
Mr.: We arrested you because you hunted a national second-level protected animal
Zhang San: Who knew that it was a national second-level protected animal?
Mr.: This is not an excuse for you to escape responsibility
Zhang San: That’s right, there are so many things I’ve never seenIf you go, then you have to protect me if you don’t see me? Look at the grandson of Old Liu Tou next door to my house. He also told me that he raised a guinea pig. I was so curious that I rushed to his pig pen without paying attention to the meal. As a result, the grandson of the turtle was killed. I took out a mouse and said that the people in the city called it a guinea pig. I said, "Be good." If the mouse is called a pig, then the rabbit will become a fairy?
Public: The presiding judge and the prosecutor have finished asking questions.
Trial: The defender can question the defendant. Defender, do you need to ask a question?
Debate: Yes. Defendant, did you hunt this serow?
Zhang San: It’s me who catches you, but it’s not me who kills you.
Debate: Who killed him?
Zhang San: That guy Liu Degang killed him. He was one of the best pig killers in my village. It is said that he killed pigs because they were eaten by thousands of flowers. Not a single leaf touched him, and there was no blood. But I think this is a lie. Which pig is killed without blood on its body?
Debate: Please describe how you contacted Liu Degang and how you bought the serow to Sun Quan through Liu Degang?
Zhang San: Actually, I just wanted to catch a wild boar that day, but I didn’t know that the thing you mentioned came to my door and hit my trap. I noticed that it looked strange, and I wanted to keep it for a while, or maybe cross it to create a new variety. As a result, when Liu De just came to my house to collect pigs, he saw the thing you mentioned. He said that it was valuable and the people in the city liked to eat it, so he asked me to sell it to him. Of course I won't sell it. That guy Liu Degang is a famous chicken thief. He is really fair-looking but has such a dark heart. He even tried to trick his father-in-law and me, wouldn't he trick me? I'm smart, I just won't sell it, but he told me that this thing is worth tens of thousands, and I can't earn tens of thousands even if I work hard all year round, but this messy-looking sheep is actually worth tens of thousands, you You people in the city have money but no place to spend it. You have no place to give it to me? Look at the hole in my sock that has been torn for several years and has not been patched! (After speaking, he took off his shoes to reveal the holes in his socks, and raised his feet to show everyone.)
Trial: The defendant put his feet down and continued his statement.
Zhang San (putting his foot down): Liu Degang told me that he was looking for a buyer and asked me to pay him a hard-earned fee. I can think about it. After all, I don’t know many people in the city, so he asked me to sell it myself. Maybe the sheep died and I didn't even sell it. Then one day Liu De just brought a man in a suit with a bamboo pole and oily hair to my house, saying he was a buyer. After seeing my sheep, he decided to give me 20,000 yuan on the spot. You don’t know that when I heard this, I was so happy that my heart blossomed. But Liu Degang said no, so he blindsided me. Who knew that the bamboo pole man directly asked for 50,000 yuan? , Oops, I'm such a good boy, no wonder everyone calls Liu Degang a chicken thief, look at this little kid who can't do anything, yet he made me an extra 30,000 yuan.
Debate: The bamboo pole man you are talking about is Sun Quan?
Zhang San: Yes, yes, just Sun Quan, Sun Quan in the Three Kingdoms.
Debate: Keep talking.
Zhang San: Later, when Sun Quan gave me the money, Liu Degang asked me for hard work pay, and said that I should pay more for earning an extra 30,000 to 30,000 yuan. I was happy, so I gave him an extra 100 yuan, but this son of a bitch was actually not happy. This sheep was the result of my hard work.If he is a hunter, he can get 5100 just by talking, and he is not happy about it! It’s really easy to see money.
Defense: Presiding judge, my questioning is over.
Trial: Prosecutor, do you have anything else to ask?
Mr.: Yes.
Public (facing the defendant): His confession said that the 5100 you gave contained a few counterfeit bills.
Zhang San: What happened to the counterfeit money? It was given to me by someone else.
Mr.: What happens next?
Zhang San: This is what happened after that. This turtle son sued me, and then you arrested me, saying that I hunted nationally protected animals, and that I would go to jail. I just caught a sheep, now I have to go to jail?
Public: Yes, according to Article 341 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, you will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years and a fine; if the circumstances are serious, you will be sentenced to not less than five years and not more than ten years. to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than 10 years and to a fine.
Zhang San: Your Honor, I just caught a sheep. I really didn’t know it was a wild animal. As the saying goes, those who don’t know are not guilty. You can’t sentence me to jail.
Public: The law will not punish you just because you say you don’t know.
Zhang San was so frightened that he slumped down on the chair and trembled all over
Jian: Quick, see what happened to him?
The people gathered around to check the situation. Zhang San suddenly raised his head and said: So where is the money I earned?
Public: It will be confiscated.
After hearing this, Zhang San slumped down on his chair.
Trial: Does the defendant feel uncomfortable and needs medical treatment?
Zhang San cried bitterly: I feel uncomfortable, I feel uncomfortable, it’s my money. I will never hunt strange animals again. I will report them to the country if I see them in the future, and ask for mercy. I still have children to raise and a wife to take care of.
Trial: Defendant Zhang San, now you can make a final statement on the facts and evidence of this case, the latest content and severity, your understanding of the crime, and the requirements for conviction and sentencing.
Zhang San: Your Excellency, I have deeply realized my mistake. I promise never to hunt and kill national second-level protected animals in the future. Please also consider that I will not be punished outside the law even though I have elders and younger children. Have mercy, my lord.
Trial: After deliberation by the collegial panel, the oral verdict is now pronounced: Considering that the defendant was a first-time offender who was unclear about the species of nationally protected animals, and also actively cooperated with the investigation afterwards, comprehensively considering the facts of this case, in accordance with Article 3 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China Article 141 stipulates that the defendant Zhang San was sentenced to one year and six months in prison, suspended for two years, and fined 3,000 yuan, and the iron trap used to capture wild animals was confiscated.
Zhang San: Thank you, sir, thank you "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", thank you, thank you.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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