bch冷钱包 bsv冷钱包

A. 吹膜机模头ibc内冷有什么作用


B. IBC桶的安全使用标准是哪些

2、节约占地面积 30% 。

C. 怎么把火币生态链导入钱包同步里



账户名@链名 转账备注


从 EOS主网账户eosuser1转账100 EOS 到 BOS主网账户bosuser2

备注:"bosuser2@bos 这是一笔EOS到BOS的跨链转账"

从 BOS主网账户bosuser2转账100 EOS 到 EOS主网账户eosuser1

备注 "eosuser1@eos 这是一笔BOS到EOS的跨链转账"




账户名@链名 转账备注


从 EOS主网账户eosuser1转账100 EOS 到 BOS主网账户bosuser2

备注:"bosuser2@bos 这是一笔EOS到BOS的跨链转账"

从 BOS主网账户bosuser2转账100 EOS 到 EOS主网账户eosuser1

备注 "eosuser1@eos 这是一笔BOS到EOS的跨链转账"







首先,请明确您的USDT资产是基于哪条链。目前USDT有两类:基于比特币的 USDT (基于 Omni 协议发行) 与基于以太坊的 USDT(基于 ERC-20 协议发行).

在火币钱包内,基于ERC-20 协议发行的 USDT图标下有ETH的角标,而基于omni的则没有。另外您还可以通过地址来判断,基于 Omni 协议发行的地址为 “1” 开头,基于 ERC-20 协议发行的地址为 “0x”开头 。





首先,请明确您的USDT资产是基于哪条链。目前USDT有两类:基于比特币的 USDT (基于 Omni 协议发行) 与基于以太坊的 USDT(基于 ERC-20 协议发行)

在火币钱包内,基于ERC-20 协议发行的 USDT图标下有ETH的角标,而基于Omni的则没有。另外您还可以通过地址来判断,基于 Omni 协议发行的地址为 “1” 开头,基于 ERC-20 协议发行的地址为 “0x”开头 。




D. 上海哪里买衣服便宜


E. 求:国际建筑规范IBC 中文版2006或2009








T50107-2010混凝土强度检验评定标准 BR /> 50108-2008地下工程防水技术规范



> 50202-2002建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收






50208-2002验收地下水 50209-2010建筑地面工程施工质量验收







50354 - 2005着火大楼改造工程施工及验收













T14-2004技术/> 8-2007变形测量规范混凝土小型空心砌块建筑



> 28-1986粉煤灰在混凝土和技术法规砂浆应用






抗震设计和施工T70-的/> 59-99建筑安全检查标准2009建筑砂浆基本性能试验方法



80-91高运行安全技术规范 81-2002建筑钢结构焊接程序













技术法规113-2009建筑玻璃应用 120-99开挖施工技术规程



129 -2000既有居住建筑节能加热技术规范

> T 132-2009居住建筑节能检测标准



136 -2001穿透试验的砌筑砂浆技术指标 137-2001砖石结构技术规范


> 144-2004外墙外保温工程技术规程

146 -2004施工现场环境与卫生标准
















1,03 G101传统的全阿特拉斯(7);

A,03G101-1现浇混凝土框架,剪力墙,框架 - 剪力墙,框肢剪力墙结构





楼08g101-5箱形基础和地下室结构 G,08G101-11 G101系列图集说明施工常见问题

2,11 G101完整版地图集(4,与之间的旧的和新的差额计算);





3,09 G901建筑钢筋混凝土结构的排列在全面详细的规则和Atlas的结构(5);


B,09G901 -2现浇混凝土框架,剪力墙,框架结构布置 - 剪力墙,支撑框架剪力墙结构



F. 吹膜机模头ibc内冷有什么作用


G. 初二上册物理所有知识点归纳还有经典题型!急!!!!

物态变化 专题二
1..用温度计测量烧杯中的温度,图1所示的几种做法中正确的是( )

2.一杯充分混合的冰水混合物,放在100C的房间里,过一段时间后仍有少量的冰,则( )
A .冰的温度不变,水的温度升高B. 冰水温度都升高
C. 冰的温度升高,水的温度不变D. 冰水温度都不变
3.可以用铁锅来熔化锡,而不能用锡锅来熔化铁,这是因为( )
A.铁比锡的硬度大 B.铁比锡容易传热
C.铁的熔点比锡高 D.铁不能被烧化

5.我国首次赴南极考察队于1984年11月20日从上海启程,历时约三个月,横跨太平洋,穿越南北半球,航程二万六千多海里,在南极洲南部的高兰群岛乔治岛,建立了我国第一个南极科学考察基地——中国南极长城站.南极平均气温为-25℃,最低气温达-88.3℃.在那里用的液体温度计是酒精温度计,这是因为酒精的( )
A.凝固点较低 B.凝固点较高 C.沸点较低 D.沸点较高
6.在图3四个图像中,表示海波熔化的图像是( )
7.日本札幌是著名的“温泉之乡”,它位于日本北部,冬天非常寒冷.中央电视台“正大综艺”的记者在札幌看到一个非常奇怪的现象:公路上一点积雪都没有,但是路旁的积雪却足足有两三尺高.这是为什么呢?下面几种解释,你认为最有道理的是( )
A.道路上的车太多了,雪来不及覆盖路面 B.积雪都被风吹到路旁去了
C.道路下面都铺了温泉管道,路面温度较高 D.路面是黑色的,水蒸气不能形成雪
8.如图4,在家中用电热水壶烧水,第一次烧了半壶水直到沸腾,第二次仍用该壶烧了一壶水直到沸腾,(第一次为细线,第二次为粗线)则两次水温随时间变化关系正确的是( )

9.下列各种自然现象形成的过程中,要吸收热量的是( )
A.春天,冰雪融化汇成的溪流 B.夏天,冰箱门口飘出的“白气”
C.秋天,草丛之上晶莹的露珠 D.冬天,天上纷纷飘落的雪花
10.寒冬,自来水管往往因管内水结冰膨胀而破裂.在自来水管外捆扎发泡塑料,可以有效解决该问题,这是因为发泡塑料的( )
A.硬度较小 B.导热性好 C.隔热性好 D.导电性好
11.我国古代的饮器中有一种杯叫“常满杯”,杯中有用上等白玉做成的圆锥体,放在空气中,不断有水滴产生,使其常满。关于此杯,下列说法错误的是 ( )
A 、杯中的水是水蒸气在白玉上液化形成的
B 、杯中的水是空气在白玉上液化形成的
c 、白玉是一种比热较小的物质,相同条件下温度变化显著
D 、利用杯子在缺少水源的崇山峻岭中能自动通过液化方式获得水
12.萘的熔点是80℃,则80℃的萘……………( )
A.一定是固体 B.一定是液体 C.一定是固液并存 D.以上情况都有可能
13. 关于晶体和非晶体的熔化,下面说法中错误的是…………… ( )
A.晶体有熔点,非晶体没有熔点 B.晶体熔化时温度不变,凝固时温度也不变
C.熔化时不断吸热升温的固体一定是晶体 D.非晶体熔化时,是由固态变成液态
14.为研究影响蔬菜和水果水分散失快慢的因素,有A、B、C、D四组同学各自做了研究实验(实验材料是相同的胡萝卜),如图5示,这四组实验中,研究方法不正确的是 (  )

15.根据下表一些物质的凝固点和沸点,在我国各个地区都能测量气温的温度计是( )
A.酒精温度计 B.乙醚温度计
C.水温度计 D.水银温度计
16.日常生活中液化石油气,就是在常温下用 的方法,使它变成液体储存在钢瓶里的。若不小心被100℃ 的水蒸气烫伤,比被同质量的100℃ 的水烫伤厉害,这是因为 。
17. 如图6,观察下方的“水循环状态变化图”,请在空白方框内填上适当的物态变化名称.
18.如图7所示是两种物质的凝固图像,图像中 是晶体(填A或B),从图中的凝固曲线可以看出凝固需要的时 间为 ,物质凝固过程中,其状态处于 ,它需要不断的 ,温度保持 ,图中可以看出其凝固点为 。

19.夏天对着开水杯“吹气”,能使开水变凉,这是因为__ ______,使水温下降。冬天,有的同学在擦眼镜时先向眼镜“哈气”,使眼镜变得潮湿更容易擦干净。这个过程中水蒸气发生了_________现象,此现象是一个_________热过程。
20.如图8,下面两幅图是从某交通宣传栏和某冷饮厂广告宣传片中选取的。请你任选一幅并指出其中违背科学规律之处: 。
21.高空时,水蒸气遇冷__________成大量的小水珠或__________成大量的小冰晶,这就是我们看到的云。在一定的条件下,小水珠和小冰晶越来越大,大到一定程度时就会下落,下落过程中,冰晶__________ 成水滴,与原来的的水滴一起落到地面,这就形成了______。当夜间气温降低时,白天空气中的水蒸气会在夜间较冷的地面、花草、石块上______成小水珠,这就是 。如空气中有较多的浮尘,水蒸气就液化成小水珠附在这些浮尘上面,就形成了 。在秋冬季节,地面温度迅速降到0℃以下,水蒸汽直接________成固态的小晶体,这就是“霜”。
22.如右图9所示,让沸腾产生的水蒸气通入试管A中,水蒸气在试管中遇冷将 ,过一段时间,容器B中的水温 (填“升高”、“降低”、“不变”),这个实验说明了 。
三、简答题 图9
23.阅读下列短文,完成文后问题: 大厅里的雪花


(1)此物质一定属于 体(填“非晶体”或“晶体”)
(2)此物质的熔点是 ,开始加热10min时,物质处于 态。


(1)如图10所示,是小华实验中使用温度计时,不当之处是: ;其中水沸腾时的气泡现象如图11中的 图所描述一样(选填“甲”或“乙”),水在沸腾时吸热,温度会(“继续升高”“降低”或“保持不变”)。
(2)实验中某次温度计读数如图12所示,则此时水的温度是____ ℃。
(4)发现从开始加热到沸腾的这段时间过长,造成这种现象的原因可能是_________(给出一种原因即可),解决的办法是_____ ________ _____。
27.在家庭内,让食物快速降温,一般可以把食物放在空气中冷却;或者把食物放在水中冷却。那么,水和空气哪个的导热性能好呢?(如图13所示)为此,小明用两个相同的牛奶瓶,都装入热牛奶,一个放在温度与室温相同的水中,另一个就放在空气中,为了尽量减少其他因素的影响,他把两个瓶都用木块垫起来,放在同一个桌面上. 如图13.

(1)对甲、乙两个瓶中的牛奶,小明要控制它们哪些量相同? ;
(2)小明通过实验,得到的正确结论是什么? ;
____ ____的影响。
欧姆定律 专题十
1.根据欧姆定律可以得到R=U/I,由此下列判断正确的是( )
A. 导体的电阻跟加在它两端的电压成正比,电压为零时电阻就等于零
B. 导体的电阻跟通过它的电流成反比,没有电流通过时就没有电阻
C. 导体的电阻等于加在它两端电压跟通过它的电流的比值
D. 以上说法都不正确
2.某同学在探究“电流跟电压、电阻的关系”时,根据收集到的数据画出了如图1所示的一个图像,下列结论与图像相符的是( )
A. 电阻一定时,电流随着电压的增大而增大B. 电阻一定时,电压随着电流的增大而增大
C. 电压一定时,电流随着电阻的增大而减小D. 电压一定时,电阻随着电流的增大而减小
3.如图2示,AB和BC是由同种材料制成的长度相同、横截面积不同的两段导体,串联后连入电路中,比较这两段导体两端的电压及通过它们的电流的大小,有( )
  A.电压表读数增大 电流表读数增大  B.电压表读数减小 电流表读数增大
  C.电压表读数不变 电流表读数不变  D.电压表读数增大 电流表读数不变
5.如图4所示,闭合开关S后,将滑动变阻器的滑片P向右移动的过程中,下列关于电路中两只电表的示数变化情况分析正确的是( )
A. 电流表示数增大、电压表示数减小B. 电流表示数减小、电压表示数增大
C. 电流表和电压表示数都增大 D. 电流表和电压表示数都减小

图1 图2 图3 图4
6.在“伏安法测电阻”的实验中,滑动变阻器不能起到的作用是:( )
A.改变电路中的电流; B.改变被测电阻两端的电压;
C.改变被测电阻的阻值; D.保护电路.
7.两个相同的电阻串联起来,总电阻为12欧,若接在某电源上,电路中电流为I1。若则将它们并联起来,接在相同电源上,干路上电流为I2,则I1与I2之比为( ):
A、1:1 B. 1:2 C. 4:1 D. 1:4
8.两根粗细和长短都相同的铜导线和镍铬合线串联起来接入电路中,则( ):
9.如图5所示,当滑动变阻器的滑片由左向右滑动时,安培表和伏特表的示数变化情况是( )

图6--甲 A. B. 乙 C. D.
11.如7图所示,灯泡L1标有“3V、0.3A”的字样,灯泡L2的电阻为8.33Ω,电源电压为6V。当S1闭合,S2断开,滑片P滑至中点C时,灯L1正常发光,正确的说法是:( )
A.通过L1的电流和通过R AC的电流都是0.3A B.灯泡L2两端的电压也是3伏
C.滑动变阻器AC两端,此时的电压是3伏 D.灯泡L1的电阻 10欧
12.如图8滑动变阻器的电阻为200Ω,R2的电阻为50Ω,电源电压为10V保持不变,当滑动变阻器的滑片从a滑到b时,电压表的读数变化范围是:( )
A、2V~0; B、10V~0V;
C、10V~2V; D、5V~1V。
13.如图9所示,电源电压不变,当滑动变阻器接入电路部分电阻为R/,定值电阻R1两端的电压为U;调节P的位置,使定值电阻两端的电压变为U/2,滑动变阻器接入电路的电阻为( )
A、2R/ B、R/ C、2R1+R/ D、R1+2R/

图7 图8 图9 图10
14.如图10所示的电路中,电源电压不变,闭合开关S,电路正常工作,过了一会儿,两电表的示数都变大,则该电路中出现的故障可能是( )
A、灯泡L开路; B、灯泡L短路; C、电阻R开路; D、电阻R短路
16.在图12所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变。当电键S由断开到闭合时,电流表的示数将_____,电压表与电流表示数的比值将______。(均选填“变大”、“不变”或“变小”) 图11
17.如图18所示,电源电压不变,当滑动变阻器滑片P向右移动时,电压表V的示数变(“大”或“小”或“不变”) ,电流表A1的示数变(“大”、“不变”或“小”) ,A2的示数变(“大”或“小”) 。

图12 图13 图14 图15
18.在某一温度下,两个电路元件A和B中的电流与其两端电压的关系如图14所示。则由图可知,元件A的电阻为 ____Ω;将A和B并联后接在电压为2.5V的电源两端,则通过A和B的总电流是 ___ A。
19.如图15所示,电源电压为6V,R2=30Ω,R1为0~120Ω的变阻器,求S闭合后,P从中点向左端滑动时,电流表示数的变化范围为 .
20.若导体两端电压为6V时,通过它的电流强度是0.1 A,若两端电压为零,则该导体的电阻为________Ω
21.在修理电子玩具时,需要用一个75Ω的电阻,现手边有阻值为300Ω、100Ω、60Ω、40Ω、35Ω及15Ω的电阻各一个,他可以选择其中 Ω和 Ω两个电阻 联来获得。
22.一个电铃正常工作时的电流为0.5安,电阻为 9欧姆,现把它接入电压为10伏的电路中,为使电铃能正常工作,应____联一个阻值为______欧的电阻。

A. What is the role of IBC internal cooling in the die head of the film blowing machine

High output. Good product quality. High transparency

B. Safety standards for IBC barrels What are they

1. Comply with the requirements of the "International Maritime Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulations" and are suitable for international and domestic road, railway, ocean and air transportation.
2. Use high-quality materials and steel beams to improve product rigidity and ensure transportation safety.
IBC ton barrel material is mainly made of high molecular weight high density polyethylene (HDPE). Nowadays, it is widely used in various packaging industries. The biggest reason why these industries use this equipment is its advantages.
1. Zibo Jielin IBC barrels have high strength, corrosion resistance, good hygiene, safety and reliability.
2. Save 30% of floor space.
3. The structure is reasonable and firm. It can be loaded and unloaded directly with a forklift and can be stacked.
4. It is convenient and quick to discharge the liquid, and can be used repeatedly, which helps protect the environment.

C. How to import the Huobi ecological chain into wallet synchronization

"In order to ensure a unified user experience, bosibc.io will be used on both the EOS main network and the BOS main network. Account to deploy, users can specify which chain in memo.

Transfer Memo format

Account name@chain name transfer remarks


Transfer 100 EOS from EOS mainnet account eosuser1 to BOS mainnet account bosuser2

Remarks: "bosuser2@ bos This is a cross-chain transfer from EOS to BOS"

Transfer 100 EOS from BOS mainnet account bosuser2 to EOS mainnet account eosuser1

Remarks "eosuser1@eos This is a cross-chain transfer from BOS to EOS"

How to import the Huobi ecological chain into wallet synchronization [Question]

"In order to ensure a unified user experience, the bosibc.io account will be used for deployment on both the EOS main network and the BOS main network. Users can specify which chain in the memo.

Transfer Memo format

Account name@chain name transfer remarks


Transfer 100 EOS from EOS main network account eosuser1 to BOS main network account bosuser2< /p>

Remarks: "bosuser2@bos This is a cross-chain transfer from EOS to BOS"

Transfer 100 EOS from BOS mainnet account bosuser2 to EOS mainnet account eosuser1

Remarks "eosuser1@eos This is a cross-chain transfer from BOS to EOS"

"[Answer 】

Hello, I want to synchronize the wallet in the TP wallet. There is no Huobi Ecological Chain option in the TP wallet. I want to import the Huobi Ecological Chain into the wallet synchronization [Question]

Unlocking method one: Flash the phone and re-enter the ROM. It can eliminate the password lock you set. This method may be a little complicated for those who don’t know how to flash the phone. If you know how to flash the phone, it will be much simpler. Unlocking method two: Double wipe and double wipe again Called double W. From the professional perspective of flashing enthusiasts, it can be considered as an operation of erasing mobile phone data. The more professional answer to what wipe means is: wipe means restoring factory settings, including contacts, Delete all text messages, installed software, etc. Commonly known as hard reboot, restore factory settings. Note: app2sd and root permissions need to be redone after wipe. And the important partitioning steps of app2sd must also be done again. Double wipe means double wipe means clearing the cache and memory data. After understanding the meaning of wipe, you should know about dual clearing. Now that the phone has been restored to factory settings, the set password lock will naturally be cleared. This operation is relatively simple, but if there are important files in the phone, it may There will be an impact. Unlocking method three: Use adb to delete the forgotten lock screen password. Steps: 1. Connect the phone to the computer, do not open the data connection, and perform it in charging mode. 2. After unzipping adb.zip on the computer, put the adb file in In the root directory of the computer's C drive. 3 Perform the operations in the picture and delete the *.key file. 4 Enter adbreboot or manually restart the phone to take effect. [Answer]

When booting to the welcome interface , a prompt box for entering the username and password appears, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, the account window will pop up, enter the username: administrator, and press Enter. 2. If the administrator account also has a password a. Press F8 when the win7 system starts. b. Select "Safe Mode with Command Line". c. Select "Administrator" to jump out of the "CommandPrompt" window. d. Add a user: netuserasd/add. e. Upgrade to an administrator: /add. f. Restart and select asd to enter. Take the Dell computer as an example to unlock. 1. Press F12 when the logo appears on the computer. 2. Use the up arrow keys on the keyboard to select the CD to start and press Enter. 3. The following menu will appear after the CD-ROM drive is running. 4. Select 8 to clear the password . [Answer]

How can I import the Huobi Ecological Chain into the wallet synchronization [Question]

Please answer [Question]

First of all, please clarify your The USDT asset is based onWhich chain. There are currently two types of USDT: Bitcoin-based USDT (issued based on the Omni protocol) and Ethereum-based USDT (issued based on the ERC-20 protocol).

In the Huobi wallet, based on the ERC-20 protocol The issued USDT icon has an ETH symbol under it, but the one based on omni does not. In addition, you can also judge by the address. The address issued based on the Omni protocol starts with "1", and the address issued based on the ERC-20 protocol starts with "0x".

If your USDT is on the Omni chain, then the USDT address is consistent with your BTC wallet address. What you need to back up is the BTC wallet mnemonic phrase and private key, and the USDT mnemonic key is also backed up. Memorize words and private keys.

If your USDT is an ERC20 token, then the USDT address is consistent with your ETH wallet address. What you need to back up is the ETH wallet mnemonic phrase and private key, and the USDT mnemonic key is also backed up. Memorize words and private keys. (Note: Huobi Wallet uses a set of mnemonics to facilitate your unified management of multiple currencies. Of course, you can also back up the private keys of each main chain separately)

Generally speaking, at present, Omni chain's USDT is more common. Please check your USDT type carefully before backing up to ensure proper backup.

2. How to import USDT?

First of all, please clarify which chain your USDT assets are based on. There are currently two types of USDT: Bitcoin-based USDT (issued based on the Omni protocol) and Ethereum-based USDT (issued based on the ERC-20 protocol)

In the Huobi wallet, it is issued based on the ERC-20 protocol. The USDT icon has an ETH subscript under it, but the one based on Omni does not. In addition, you can also judge by the address. The address issued based on the Omni protocol starts with "1", and the address issued based on the ERC-20 protocol starts with "0x".

If your USDT is on the Omni chain, please select the BTC wallet when importing. After entering your backup mnemonic or private key, you will be able to see your USDT on the homepage. If USDT is not displayed on the home page, it is possible that the USDT currency in asset management has not been opened. Please find the stable currency column and turn on the USDT display switch. You can see the USDT currency on the home page.

If your USDT is an ERC20 token, please select the ETH wallet when importing. After entering your backup mnemonic or private key, you can see your USDT on the homepage. If USDT is not displayed on the home page, please search for USDT in the ETH token column in asset management, click the ‘+’ sign to add it to the list, and turn on the display USDT switch to see the USDT currency on the home page. [Answer]

Thank you [Question]

D. Where to buy cheap clothes in Shanghai

There is no such road in Shanghai, it should be called Qipu Road, in Zhabei District of Shanghai. The clothes there are very cheap, and it is the largest clothing wholesale place in Shanghai, but it also sells clothes. The styles are new, but the workmanship is not very sophisticated. There are crowds of people every day. There are many people going north and south, and it is very chaotic. If you are a girl, it is best to find a companion who can look after your wallet for you.
If you want to buy trendy clothes with good quality and affordable prices,
/>1: You can go to the underground famous street near People’s Square. This place is called Dimei Mall. It is located underground. It has a large area, good environment and decoration.
2: There is also Huaihai The Xiangyang Road market near the road is open-air. In these two places, you can bargain and buy accessories that match your clothes.
Nanjing Road is also good, with mid- to low-end consumption.
If you change Idea, if you have extra money on hand, go to the big shopping malls on Huaihai Road and Xujiahui. You can buy high-quality products.
Qipu Road Clothing Market
Address: Zhabei District, Henan North Road, nearby (Haining Road, Tiantong Road)
Main transportation: 1. Get on the Shenchuan Line (Shanghai Railway Station) and get off at (Shanxi North Road Station)
2. Take the 92.. There is no such road in Shanghai. It should be called Qipu Road. It is in Zhabei District, Shanghai. The clothes there are very cheap. It is the largest clothing wholesale place in Shanghai, but it also sells clothes. The styles are new, but the workmanship is not very sophisticated. Every day There are a lot of people coming and going, and it is very chaotic. If you are a girl, it is best to find a companion who can look after your wallet for you.
If you want to buy trendy clothes with good quality and affordable prices,
1: You can go to the underground famous street near People’s Square. This place is called Dimei Mall. It is located underground. It has a large area, good environment and decoration.
2: There is also Huaihai Road The nearby Xiangyang Road market is open-air. In these two places, you can bargain and buy accessories that match your clothes.
Nanjing Road is also good, with mid- to low-end consumption.
If you change your mind , if you have extra money on hand, go to the big shopping malls on Huaihai Road and Xujiahui, you can buy high-quality products.
Qipu Road Clothing Market
Address: Zhabei District, Henan North Road , nearby (Haining Road, Tiantong Road)
Main transportation: 1. Get on the Shenchuan Line (Shanghai Railway Station) and get off at (Shanxi North Road Station)
2. Take the 929 Road (Shanghai Railway Station) and get on the bus at (Haining Road Station)
3. Get on the bus at No. 63 (Hengfeng Road Station) and get off at (Sichuan North Road Station)
Middle The high-end Huai Tai, Xujiahui Pacific, Parkson on Huaihai Road, Paris Printemps, Mellon Town Isetan on Nanjing Road, etc.
If you like Japanese brands, go to Idujin on Nanjing East Road
Personally I prefer Jiuguang from Jing’an Temple and Yidu Jin from Nanjing East Road
Following question:
Thank you very much,
"Xiangyang Street". After I went there, I found it to be pretty good. Let me tell you about it. There is an open-air market, and there are shops one after another. Most of them sell popular clothes and high-quality imitations of so-called A goods. There are women's favorite LV, PRADA, GUUCI... and men's high-quality polo... everything from a suitcase to a small watch. Of course, there are also ordinary clothes without brands, and the workmanship is of course not very fine, but the price of 30-40 yuan will make you feel that it is worth it just to have fun wearing it! Let me tell you a secret about bargaining, that is, you can get a 30-40% discount on the price he mentioned! Because it was better than Beijing, the price he offered wouldn't be so outrageous. Last time I bought a POLO sweater for my friend, he said it was 180, and finally bought it for 60! So it’s up to you how much you end up buying it! !

E. Request: International Building Code IBC Chinese version 2006 or 2009

1. Complete specifications:

There is no "Standard Sharing Network" of the 2005 version yet .

If you want the 2011 or 2012 version, you can choose to summarize the most recently updated specification.

The updates of specifications are faster, this is my latest collection of standards catalog, you can choose some useful ones, go to "Standard Sharing Network", or download for free the net cost of free registration " ”, hope this helps you!

General national standard construction specifications:

50026-2007 Engineering Survey

50086-2001 Anchor Shotcrete Specifications

T50107-2010 Concrete Strength Inspection and Evaluation Standard BR /> 50108-2008 Technical Specifications for Underground Engineering Waterproofing

50119-2003 Technical Specifications for Concrete Admixtures

50134-2004 Civil Air Defense Project Construction and Acceptance specifications

50164-92 Concrete quality control standards
> 50202-2002 Construction quality acceptance of building foundation foundation projects

50203-2011 Construction quality acceptance of masonry projects< br />
50204-2002 Construction Quality Acceptance of Concrete Project

50205-2001 Construction Quality Acceptance of Steel Structure Project

50206-2002 Construction Quality Acceptance of Timber Structure Project< br />
50207-2002 Roofing project quality acceptance

50208-2002 Groundwater acceptance 50209-2010 Building ground project construction qualityAcceptance

50210-2001 Quality acceptance of building decoration projects

50300-2001 Unified civil standards for quality acceptance of construction projects

50325-2010 Building interior Environmental Pollution Control

50327-2001 Construction Specifications for Residential Decoration and Renovation Projects

50330-2002 Technical Indicators for Building Slope Projects

50345-2004 Roofing Projects Technical Specifications

50354 - 2005 Fire Building Renovation Project Construction and Acceptance

T 50362-2005 Standards for Evaluating Residences

50367-2006 Design specifications for performance reinforced concrete structures

T50375-2006 Construction quality evaluation standards

50404-2007 Polyurethane foam insulation and waterproofing

50411-2007 Building energy-saving projects Construction Quality Acceptance

50496-2009 Technical Specifications and Provisions for Mass Concrete Construction

50497-2009 Foundation Pit Monitoring Standard

50621-2010T Steel JGJ used in scene detection technical standards

Construction specifications:

3-2010 Advanced Technical Specifications for Concrete Structure High-rise Building Construction

6-99 Squares and Specification for Raft Foundation

7-2010 Technical Specification for Spatial Grid Structure

T14-2004 Technical Specification/> 8-2007 Specification for Deformation Measurement for Concrete Small Hollow Block Buildings

18-2003 Rebar Welding and Acceptance

NT 23-2001 Rebound Test Technical Regulations Concrete Compressive Strength

T27-2001 Standard Test Method Welded joints
> 28-1986 Application of fly ash in concrete and technical regulations for mortars

T29-2003 Construction and acceptance of post-construction projects

33-2001 Technical Regulations on Safety of Construction Machinery

46-2005 Safety Specifications for Temporary Electricity Use at Construction Sites

55-2000 Ordinary Concrete Mix Proportion Design Regulations

68-90 bricks (KP1 type)

Seismic design and constructionT70-of/> 59-99 Construction Safety Inspection Standard 2009 Basic Performance Test Method of Building Mortar

78-91 Truss Structure Engineering Quality Inspection and Assessment

79-2002 Processing Technical Specification Prescribed construction instructions for building foundation foundation projects

80-91 Technical Specifications for High Operation Safety 81-2002 Construction Steel Structure Welding Procedures

82-91 Steel Structure Design, Construction and High Strength bolt connection

88-2010 Safety specification inspection of gantry and material hoist derrick

Low strain dynamic test 93-95 piles

94 -2008 Technical specifications for building pile foundations

98-2011 Design regulations for mortar mix ratio

102-2003 Construction specifications for glass curtain wall projects

104-2011 Winter construction procedures

106-2003 Specification for inspection of building foundation piles

107-2010 General technical specification for mechanical connection of steel bars with ribs

108-96 Technology Specification for Steel Sleeve Extrusion Connectors

109-96 Technical Regulations for Tapered Threaded Rebar Joints

110-2008 Bonding Strength Test for Decorative Brick Construction

Technical Regulations 113-2009 Architectural Glass Application 120-99 Technical Regulations for Excavation Construction

126-2000 Wall Construction and Acceptance of the Project

Decoration 128-2010 Architectural Bricks & Safety Technical Specifications for Steel Pipe Scaffolding

129 -2000 Technical Specifications for Energy-saving Heating of Existing Residential Buildings

130-2001 Safety Technical Specifications for Construction Fastener Type Steel Pipe Scaffolding
> T 132-2009 Energy-saving testing standards for residential buildings

133-2001 Technical specifications and provisions for stone curtain wall engineering

134-2010 Energy-saving design standards for residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter areas
136 -2001 Technical indicators of masonry mortar for penetration test 137-2001 Technical specifications for masonry structures

T139-2001 Quality inspection standards for glass curtain wall projects

141-2004 Technical Regulations for Pipelines
> 144-2004 Technical Regulations for External Wall Insulation Engineering

146 -2004 Construction Site Environment and Hygiene Standards

149-2006 Technical specifications for special-shaped columns in concrete structures

159-2008 Engineering construction and acceptance of ancient buildings

160-2008 Technical procedures for inspection of machinery and equipment at construction sites
162-2008 Safety Code for Formwork Construction

T175-2009 Technical Regulations for Self-Leveling Floor Engineering

T177-2009 Public Building Energy Saving Testing Standard

T178-2009 Technical regulations for shrinkage-compensated concrete

184-2009 Standards for the use of construction work and labor protection equipment

T187-2009 Tower crane concrete foundation engineering technology Regulations

T180-2009 Safety Specifications for Earthwork Construction

231-2010 Safety Technical Specifications for Disk-type Steel Pipe Supports of Construction Slot Types

237-2011 Technical specifications for building shading projects

2. Enhanced atlas:

Net cost. I've tried it, here goes.

Commonly used ones are:

1,03 G101 traditional full Atlas (7);

A, 03G101-1 cast-in-place Concrete frame, shear wall, frame-shear wall, frame-limb shear wall structure

B, 03G101-2 Cast-in-place concrete floor staircase

C, 04G101-3 Raft foundation

D, 04G101-4 cast-in-place concrete floor and roof

E, 06G101-6 independent foundation, strip foundation, pile cap

Floor 08g101-5 box foundation and basement structure G, 08G101-11 G101 series atlas illustrates construction common problems

2,11 G101 full version atlas (4, with the old one between and new difference calculation);

A, 11G101-1 cast-in-place concrete frame, shear wall, beam, slab

B, 11G101-2 cast-in-place concrete floor stairs

C, 11G101-3 independent foundation, strip foundation, raft foundation and pile cap

D, the difference between old and new

3,09 G901 Construction of reinforced concrete structures and structures in full detail in Atlas (5);

A,06G901-1 Construction of reinforced concrete structures and rules,Detail

B, 09G901 -2 Cast-in-situ concrete frame, shear wall, frame structure layout - shear wall, braced frame shear wall structure

C, 09G901-3 Raft foundation, box foundation, basement structure, independent foundation, strip foundation, pile cap

D, 09G901-4 cast-in-place concrete floor and roof
E, 09G901-5 in-place concrete Floor stairs

F. What is the role of the ibc internal cooling of the film blowing machine die?

High output, good transparency, good opening, the internal cooling must be upward traction and rotation, easy maintenance< /p>

G. A summary of all the knowledge points in the first volume of Physics in the second grade of junior high school, as well as classic question types! urgent! ! ! !

Changes in the State of Matter Topic 2
1. Multiple choice questions
1. .Use a thermometer to measure the temperature in the beaker. Among the several methods shown in Figure 1, the correct one is ( )

2. A cup of well-mixed ice-water mixture is placed in a room at 100C. After a period of time, there is still a small amount of ice, then ( )
A. The temperature of the ice does not change, but the temperature of the water increases B. The temperature of the ice-water Both increase
C. The temperature of ice increases, but the temperature of water remains unchanged. D. The temperature of ice and water remains unchanged
3. You can use an iron pot to melt tin, but you cannot use a tin pot to melt iron. This is because ( )
A. Iron is harder than tin B. Iron conducts heat more easily than tin
C. The melting point of iron is higher than that of tin D. Iron cannot be burned
4. The indoor temperature is 20°C. At this time, cotton soaked in a small amount of alcohol is wrapped around the glass bulb of the thermometer. As the alcohol evaporates rapidly, which picture in Figure 2 below correctly reflects the change in the thermometer reading over time?

5. my country's first expedition to Antarctica set off from Shanghai on November 20, 1984. It lasted about three months, crossed the Pacific Ocean, crossed the northern and southern hemispheres, and traveled more than 26,000 nautical miles. It was established on George Island in the Koland Islands in southern Antarctica. Established my country’s first Antarctic scientific expedition base—China Antarctic Great Wall Station. The average temperature in Antarctica is -25°C, and the lowest temperature reaches -88.3°C. The liquid thermometer used there is an alcohol thermometer. This is because alcohol ( )
A. Lower freezing point b. Higher freezing point C. Lower boiling point D. The boiling point is higher
6. Among the four images in Figure 3, the image representing the melting of sea waves is ( )
Figure 3
7. Sapporo, Japan is a famous "hot spring town". Located in northern Japan, winter is very cold. CCTV "A reporter from Zhengda Variety Show saw a very strange phenomenon in Sapporo: there was no snow at all on the road, but the snow on the side of the road was two or three feet high. Why is this? What do you think of the following explanations? The most reasonable thing is ( )
A. There are too many cars on the road, and the snow has no time to cover the road B. The snow has been blown to the side of the road by the wind
C. Hot springs are paved under the road Pipes and road surface temperatures are higher D. The road surface is black and water vapor cannot form snow
8. As shown in Figure 4, use an electric kettle to boil water at home. The first time, half a pot of water was boiled until it boiled. The second time Still use this kettle to boil a pot of water until it boils (the first time is a thin line, the second time is a thick line), then the correct relationship between the two changes of water temperature with time is ( )

A B C D< br />9. During the formation of the following natural phenomena, what absorbs heat is ()
A. In spring, the stream formed by melting ice and snow B. In summer, the "white air" floating out of the refrigerator door
br />C. In autumn, the crystal dewdrops on the grass D. In winter, the snowflakes falling from the sky
10. In cold winter, water pipes often break due to the freezing and expansion of water in the pipes. Bundle foam plastic outside the water pipes , can effectively solve this problem, this is because foam plastic ( )
A. Smaller hardness B. Good thermal conductivity C. Good thermal insulation D. Good electrical conductivity
11. Ancient China There is a kind of cup in the drinking vessel called the "always full cup". There is a cone made of fine white jade in the cup. When it is placed in the air, water droplets are constantly produced, making it always full. Regarding this cup, the following statement is wrong: )
A. The water in the cup is formed by the liquefaction of water vapor on the white jade
B. The water in the cup is formed by the liquefaction of air on the white jade
c. White jade is a kind of specific heat For smaller substances, the temperature changes significantly under the same conditions
D. Using a cup to automatically obtain water through liquefaction in high mountains lacking water sources
12. The melting point of naphthalene is 80℃, then naphthalene at 80℃ ……………( )
A. It must be a solid B. It must be a liquid C. It must be a coexistence of solid and liquid D. The above situations are all possible
13. Regarding the melting of crystals and amorphous crystals, the following What is wrong in the statement is……………… ( )
A. Crystals have melting points, while amorphous crystals have no melting points. B. The temperature does not change when a crystal melts, and the temperature does not change when it solidifies.
C. It does not change when it melts. A solid that absorbs heat and heats up must be a crystal. D. When an amorphous crystal melts, it changes from solid to liquid
14. To study the effects of vegetables and waterFour groups of students A, B, C, and D conducted research experiments on the factors that determine the speed of water loss in fruits (the experimental materials were the same carrots). As shown in Figure 5, among these four groups of experiments, the research method was incorrect ( )

15. According to the freezing point and boiling point of some substances in the table below, the thermometer that can measure the temperature in various regions of our country is ( )
A. Alcohol thermometer B. Ether thermometer
C. Water thermometer D. Mercury thermometer
2. Fill in the blanks
16. In daily life, liquefied petroleum gas is made into liquid and stored in cylinders at room temperature. If you are accidentally burned by 100℃ water vapor, it will be more serious than being burned by the same mass of 100℃ water. This is because.
17. As shown in Figure 6, observe the "water cycle state change diagram" below, please fill in the appropriate name of the physical state change in the blank box.
18. Figure 7 shows the solidification images of two substances. The image is a crystal (fill in A or B). From the solidification curve in the figure, we can see that the time required for solidification is. During the solidification process of a substance, its state is, it needs Continuously, the temperature is maintained, and the freezing point can be seen in the figure.

19. In summer, "blowing" into a cup of boiling water can make the boiling water cooler. This is because _______ causes the water temperature to drop. In winter, some students "breathe" into their glasses when wiping them, making them moist and easier to clean. During this process, water vapor undergoes a _________ phenomenon, which is a _________ thermal process.
20. As shown in Figure 8, the following two pictures are selected from a traffic bulletin board and a cold drink factory advertising video. Please choose any one and point out the points that violate scientific laws: .
21. When high in the sky, water vapor is cooled and __________ into a large number of small water droplets or __________ into a large number of small ice crystals. This is the cloud we see. Under certain conditions, small water droplets and small ice crystals become larger and larger. When they reach a certain level, they will fall. During the falling process, the ice crystals __________ into water droplets and fall to the ground together with the original water droplets. This forms ______. When the temperature drops at night, the water vapor in the air during the day will evaporate on the ground, flowers and plants that are cooler at night., ______ small water droplets on the rocks, this is . If there is a lot of floating dust in the air, the water vapor will liquefy into small water droplets and attach to the floating dust, forming . In autumn and winter, when the ground temperature drops rapidly below 0°C, water vapor directly _________ into small solid crystals, which is "frost".
22. As shown in Figure 9 on the right, let the water vapor generated by boiling pass into test tube A. The water vapor will be cooled in the test tube. After a period of time, the water temperature in container B (fill in "increase", "decrease", "not change"), this experiment illustrates.
3. Short answer questions Figure 9
23. Read the following passage and complete the questions at the end of the passage: Snowflakes in the Hall
On a cold night in 1779, a hall in the center of Petersburg, the capital of Russia, was brightly lit, with six thousand giant burning candles lighting up the hall. The atmosphere of the dance party was filled with excitement. In the melodious music, ladies, ladies, celebrities and elegant people filled the hall, dancing gracefully, some of them were still sweating. While everyone was dancing like crazy, a young lady suddenly fainted and the people next to her were at a loss. Someone shouted: "Open the window quickly." After opening the window, the biting cold wind poured into the hall, and suddenly a strange phenomenon occurred: snowflakes actually floated in the hall, falling on people's hair and clothes. Everyone present was stunned and looked at each other. At this moment, a gentleman quickly helped the young lady to the door and gave everyone a scientific explanation of what happened.
⑴What is the reason for the snowflakes appearing in the hall? ⑵What was the reason why the lady fainted at the dance;
⑶After reading this article, what is your understanding of physics and life, physics and nature?

24. In the emergency room of a certain hospital, a young child came in and cried in pain because of a high fever. After the initial diagnosis, the nurse followed the doctor's instructions and first gave the child an infusion; then she untied the thick clothes that tightly wrapped the child, and then carefully wiped different parts of the child's body with gauze pads filled with alcohol. -After a while, the child lay quietly in his mother's arms.
Please answer, what physical principles or knowledge are used in the operations underlined above?

4. Experiments and inquiry questions
25. A classmate obtained the following data while doing an experiment to study the melting rules of a certain substance:
Heating time (min) 0246810121416182022
Temperature (℃) 646872768080808084889296
It can be seen from the above table:
(1) This substance must belong to the body (fill in "amorphous" or "crystalline")
(2) The melting point of this substance is that when heating starts for 10 minutes, the substance is in the melting point.
(3) Use a pen line to draw the temperature change with time in the following chart:

Figure 12

26. If Xiaohua starts recording data when the water temperature rises to 90°C, he will record the water temperature every 1 minute until the water boils for 5 minutes.
(1) As shown in Figure 10, it is a thermometer used in Xiaohua’s experiment. The inappropriate points are: ; The bubble phenomenon when water boils is as described in the picture in Figure 11 (optional "A" or "B"), water absorbs heat when it boils, and the temperature will ("continue to rise", "lower" or "remain the same").
(2) A certain thermometer reading in the experiment is shown in Figure 12. Then the temperature of the water at this time is ____ ℃.
(3) In the experiment, Xiao Ming actually measured the boiling point of water is not 100°C. The possible reasons are:
(4) It is found that the time from the beginning of heating to boiling is too long. The reason for this phenomenon may be _________ (just give one reason), and the solution is _____ ________ _____.
27. In the home, to quickly cool down food, you can generally put the food in the air to cool; or put the food in water to cool down. So, which one has better thermal conductivity, water or air? (As shown in Figure 13) To this end, Xiao Ming used two identical milk bottles and filled them with hot milk. One was placed in water with the same temperature as room temperature, and the other was placed in the air. In order to minimize the influence of other factors , he padded both bottles with wooden blocks and placed them on the same table. As shown in Figure 13.
During the experiment, he recorded the readings of thermometers A and B at regular intervals. The data obtained are as follows:

Rating of A/℃ 70605347423937353433
The indication of B/℃70666158555250484644
(1) For the milk in two bottles A and B, Xiao Ming wants to control which quantities are the same? ;
(2) What is the correct conclusion that Xiao Ming got through the experiment? ;
(3) Further analyzing the indication of A in the table, Xiao Ming found that during the cooling process, the speed of cooling the milk was not consistent, and became increasingly ________ (optional "fast", " "Slow" or "Stay the same").
(4) Xiao Ming carefully analyzed the reason why the cooling speed became smaller, and realized that this was because the speed of cooling the milk was also affected by
____ ____.
28. After completing the experiment of "observing the boiling of water", Xiao Ming further explored the temperature changes with time during the natural cooling of boiling water. He recorded the experimental data in the table below
Temperature/ ℃100715545352824222222
Xiao Ming drew the curve of water temperature changing with time as shown in Figure 14 by tracing dots.
(1) According to the experimental data in the table, it can be inferred that the ambient temperature (i.e. room temperature) when Xiao Ming did the above experiment should be around ______℃.
(2) According to the curve of water temperature changing with time shown in the figure on the right, it can be seen that the temperature changing characteristics of boiling water with time during the natural cooling process are_________________________
Figure 14
Ohm’s Law Topic 10
1. Multiple-choice questions (choose one correct answer, 15 questions in total, 2 points each, totaling 30 points)
1. According to Ohm's law, we can get R=U/I. From this, the following judgment is correct: ( )
A. The resistance of a conductor is proportional to the voltage applied to both ends of it. When the voltage is zero, the resistance is equal to zero
B. The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to the current flowing through it. When there is no current flowing through it, there is no resistance
C. The resistance of a conductor is equal to the ratio of the voltage applied across it to the current passing through it
D. Above None of the statements are correct
2. When a student was exploring the "relationship between current, voltage and resistance", he drew an image as shown in Figure 1 based on the collected data. The following conclusion is consistent with the image: ( )
A. When the resistance is constant , the current increases as the voltage increases B. When the resistance is constant, the voltage increases as the current increases
C. When the voltage is constant, the current decreases as the resistance increases D. VoltageAt a certain point, the resistance decreases as the current increases
3. As shown in Figure 2, AB and BC are two conductor sections with the same length and different cross-sectional areas made of the same material. They are connected in series and connected to the circuit. Compare the voltage at both ends of the two conductor sections and the current flowing through them. , with ( )
A. UAB>UBC, IABC. UAB>UBC, IAB=IBC D. UAB=UBC, IAB4. As shown in Figure 3, the circuit is shown. When the slider P slides to the left, the change in the meter reading is ()
  A. The voltmeter reading increases. The ammeter reading increases. B. The voltmeter reading decreases and the ammeter reading increases
  C. The voltmeter reading remains unchanged. The ammeter reading remains unchanged. D. The voltmeter reading increases and the ammeter reading remains unchanged
5. As shown in Figure 4, after closing the switch S and moving the slider P of the sliding rheostat to the right, which of the following analysis of the changes in the readings of the two meters in the circuit is correct ( )
A. Current The number of indications increases, and the number of voltage indications decreases. B. The number of current indications decreases, and the number of voltage indications increases
C. Both the ammeter and voltage indication numbers increase. D. The ammeter and voltage indication numbers both decrease

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
6. In the experiment of "voltammetric resistance measurement", the role that the sliding rheostat cannot play is: ( )
A. Change the circuit The current in the measured resistor; B. Change the voltage across the resistor being measured;
C. Change the resistance of the resistor being measured; D. Protection circuit.
7. Two identical resistors are connected in series, and the total resistance is 12 ohms. If they are connected to a power supply, the current in the circuit is I1. If they are connected in parallel and connected to the same power supply, the current on the main road is I2, then the ratio of I1 to I2 is ( ):
A, 1:1 B. 1:2 C. 4:1 D. 1:4
8. If two copper wires and nickel-chromium wires with the same thickness and length are connected in series and connected to the circuit, then ( ):
A. The current passing through the copper wire is large and the voltage is also large;
B. The current of the two wires is the same, and the voltage at both ends of the nickel-chromium wire is large;
C. The current passing through the two wires is the same, and the voltage at both ends of the copper wire is large;
D. The current passing through the nickel wire is large, but the voltage at both ends of the nickel-chromium alloy wire is small
9. As shown in Figure 5, when the slider of the sliding rheostat slides from left to right, the changes in the indications of the ammeter and voltmeter are ( )
A. The current indication remains unchanged, and the voltage indication becomes smaller
br />B. The number represented by current becomes larger, and the number represented by voltage remains unchanged
C. The number represented by current remains unchanged, and the number represented by voltage becomes larger
D. The number represented by current becomes smaller, but the number represented by voltage remains unchanged.
10. It is known that the resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to the length of the conductor and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor. In the circuit shown in Figure 6-A, ab is a resistance wire with a uniform thickness and length L, The sliding piece P is in good contact with ab and can slide freely. R0 is a fixed value resistor. If the voltage expression number U is used as the ordinate, and the distance x between P and point a is used as the abscissa, when the switch S is closed, the graph of U changing with x should be as shown in Figure 14-B (the power supply voltage remains unchanged) ( )

Figure 6--A A. B. B C. D.
11. As shown in Figure 7, bulb L1 is marked with "3V, 0.3A", the resistance of bulb L2 is 8.33Ω, and the power supply voltage is 6V. When S1 is closed, S2 is open, and the slide P slides to the midpoint C, the lamp L1 will light normally. The correct statement is: ( )
A. The current through L1 and the current through R AC are both 0.3A B. The voltage across bulb L2 is also 3 volts
C. The voltage across AC of the sliding rheostat is 3 volts D. The resistance of light bulb L1 is 10 ohms
12. As shown in Figure 8, the resistance of the sliding rheostat is 200Ω, the resistance of R2 is 50Ω, and the power supply voltage remains unchanged at 10V. When the slider of the sliding rheostat slides from a to b, the reading range of the voltmeter is: ( )
A, 2V~0; B, 10V~0V;
C, 10V~2V; D, 5V~1V.
13. As shown in Figure 9, the power supply voltage remains unchanged. When the sliding rheostat is connected to the circuit part, the resistance is R/, and the voltage across the fixed-value resistor R1 is U. Adjust the position of P so that the voltage across the fixed-value resistor becomes U/2. , the resistance of the sliding rheostat connected to the circuit is ( )
A, 2R/ B, R/ C, 2R1+R/ D, R1+2R/

Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10
14.As shown in Figure 10In the circuit shown, the power supply voltage remains unchanged, the switch S is closed, and the circuit works normally. After a while, the indications of the two meters become larger, then the fault in the circuit may be ( )
A. Light bulb L Open circuit; B. Bulb L is short-circuited; C. Resistor R is open-circuit; D. Resistor R is short-circuited
15. As shown in Figure 11, the power supply voltage remains unchanged. When the switch S is closed and the slider P of the sliding rheostat slides to the right, the voltmeter ()
A. The display of V1 increases, and the display of V2 increases B. The display of V1 decreases and the display of V2 increases
C. The display of V1 decreases and the display of V2 decreases D. The indication of V1 increases, and the indication of V2 decreases
2. Fill-in-the-blank questions
16. In the circuit shown in Figure 12, the supply voltage remains constant. When the electric key S changes from open to closed, the ammeter's indication will be _____, and the ratio of the voltmeter's and current indication will be ______. (Please choose "get bigger", "unchange" or "get smaller") Figure 11
17. As shown in Figure 18, the power supply voltage remains unchanged. When the sliding varistor slide P moves to the right, the indication of the voltmeter V changes ("large" or "small" or "unchanged"), and the indication of the ammeter A1 changes. ("big", "unchanged" or "small"), the display number of A2 changes ("big" or "small").

Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15
18. At a certain temperature, the relationship between the current in the two circuit components A and B and the voltage across them is shown in Figure 14. It can be seen from the figure that the resistance of component A is ____Ω; when A and B are connected in parallel and connected to both ends of a power supply with a voltage of 2.5V, the total current through A and B is ___ A.
19. As shown in Figure 15, the power supply voltage is 6V, R2=30Ω, and R1 is a rheostat of 0~120Ω. After S is closed, when P slides from the midpoint to the left end, the range of changes in the current representation is.
20. If the voltage at both ends of the conductor is 6V, the intensity of current passing through it is 0.1 A. If the voltage at both ends is zero, the resistance of the conductor is ________Ω
21. When repairing electronic toys, you need to use a 75Ω resistor. Now you have one resistor with a resistance of 300Ω, 100Ω, 60Ω, 40Ω, 35Ω and 15Ω. He can choose to connect two resistors Ω and Ω to get it.
22. When an electric bell works normally, the current is 0.5 A and the resistance is 9 ohms. Now connect it to a circuit with a voltage of 10 volts. In order for the electric bell to work normally, a resistance value should be connected ____ A resistance of ______ ohms.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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