比特币合约爆仓会负债吗知乎 比特币合约爆仓会负债吗

『壹』 比特币爆仓会欠钱吗


『贰』 比特币爆仓是不是全亏了

是的,确实如此,如果我们自己手里的资金全压进去了,一旦行情方向相反,我们自己手里资金又有限, 但是实际上开的仓位远远大于我们个人的承受能力,结果只有一个,那就是爆仓了。爆仓意味着你浮亏完的资金全部被二级市场平台方接管了

『叁』 比特币合约已亏百分之160了不知道平不平仓




『肆』 比特币爆仓后欠的钱要还清吗

要还。法律法规上有明确规定。如果是 恶意爆仓 公司有权申请追究刑事责任。欠钱不还它是会把你上征信的,一旦上了征信就会很麻烦的。

『伍』 为什么比特币期权不会像比特币合约那样爆仓


『陆』 比特币合约不亏钱的方法


『柒』 比特币爆仓了要赔钱吗


『捌』 BTC合约如何规避爆仓




『一』Will you owe money if your Bitcoin position is liquidated?

What is liquidation? That is, if your margin is not enough to make a loss, your position will be forcibly closed. Therefore, in principle, no money will be owed. At most, it will be a loss.

『二』Is the Bitcoin liquidation a total loss?

Yes, it is true. If all the funds in our hands are invested, once the market direction is opposite, we will We have limited funds, but in fact the positions we open are far greater than our personal endurance. There is only one result, and that is the position being liquidated. Liquidation means that all your lost funds have been taken over by the secondary market platform

『三』 The Bitcoin contract has lost 160% and I don’t know whether to close the position

< p>The risk of the contract is very high. This thing is highly volatile and your mentality will be affected. It is best not to touch it.
Options are better, there is no liquidation.
Bitcoin options promoted by BitOffer.
The difference between Bitcoin spot and options is as follows:

1. Spot, buying a Bitcoin requires US$10,000
2. Options, buying a Bitcoin option requires a minimum of US$5.

Bitcoin rose from 10,000 to 10,500 US dollars
The spot earned 500 US dollars, and the option earned 500 US dollars
The benefits are the same, but the cost is 2,000 times different

『四』Do I need to pay off the money I owe after the Bitcoin liquidation?

Do I need to pay it back? There are clear provisions in laws and regulations. If it is a malicious liquidation, the company has the right to apply for criminal liability. If you don't pay back the money you owe, it will put you on the credit report. Once you get on the credit report, it will be very troublesome.
Extended information:
What should I do if my Bitcoin position is liquidated?
1. Open a perpetual contract! In this case, it will never be delivered. The money you earn can be delivered automatically at 16:00 every day! With all other trading software and trading contracts, delivery takes at least 7 days, and you cannot withdraw the money you make. In this case, the money you earn can be withdrawn at 16:00 every day.
2.5 times to 50 times, the best choice is 6 times. Double the amount is used to pay the handling fee. In this case, the position will be liquidated after a fluctuation of 20%. Even if you make a mistake, you have a lot of time to correct it slowly! With the perpetual contract, as long as you live long enough, there will always be a day to unwind! It means that it will never happen. Liquidation.
3. The amount of each order cannot be too large, preferably 5,000. Too big and easily excited. It is also easy to be targeted by bookmakers.
4. Under normal circumstances, all are short. The short order rate is about 5% every night! At night, there are very few bidder orders! The main force and bookmakers like to have big waterfalls at night. For example, multiple contracts on Bitcoin, EOS, and Ethereum were short one million! In the middle of the night, 100 Bitcoins were suddenly sold. Lowered by 5% at once. In this case, the loss will be 5 coins, 350,000 yuan. And reap tens of millions of dollars from the contract!
The reasons for losing money in futures are as follows:
1. No stop-profit and stop-loss positions are set
Futures waveThe movement is large and the risk is high. When investors buy futures, they should set up take-profit and stop-loss positions to reduce losses.
2. Unable to reasonably control their positions
Futures have a margin system, which amplifies investors' profitability and also amplifies their risks. If investors do not control their positions reasonably, they will easily be betrayed by the futures company. Forced liquidation or liquidation of positions.
3. Rise and fall is a matter of probability. Many investors operate in the same direction as the market, but they start selling when they make a little money, but once they lose money, they will die. Futures are different from stocks. You will only lose more if you carry it;
4. Since the futures market is a T+0 transaction, and the speculative atmosphere in our country's market is heavy, frequent operations will occur. Frequent operations require payment of handling fees, which leads to possible short-term profits, but There is always a loss after a year.

『Wu』Why Bitcoin options will not explode like Bitcoin contracts

Digital currency contracts are deformations of traditional futures contracts. There are unified risks, a margin is required, and there is a risk of liquidation. What’s even worse about digital currency contracts than traditional futures is that digital currency contracts cannot be physically delivered, which means that once the trend is opposite to the direction of the order and the minimum margin ratio is exceeded, the position must be forcibly closed, and there is no other way. , resulting in greater risks. Now some exchanges, such as Bitoffer, have launched Bitcoin options products, which have no risk of liquidation and can still amplify profits.

『Lu』 How to not lose money on Bitcoin contracts

Any investment risk and return coexist. If you don’t want the risk, there will naturally be no return.

『淒』 Do you have to lose money if your Bitcoin position is liquidated?

It is estimated that all the money will be gone in an instant. Try not to touch friends who cannot afford it in the contract

『捌』How to avoid liquidation in BTC contracts

Set stop loss. Generally, platforms will have corresponding stop loss and profit settings. BTC stop loss is set at about 3% and ETH is set at 5%. You can set your own acceptable take profit and stop loss.

The example is as follows (this is a picture specially taken during the simulation):

When setting, you need to first check the box corresponding to the stop profit and stop loss. Select, and then set your own take profit and stop loss according to your needs.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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