门罗币矿池发行量多少 门罗币矿池收益

① 币印矿池的官网是什么

币印矿池网址www.poolin.com,目前支持BTC, BCH, BSV, ZEC, LTC, ETN, DCR, DASH, XMR等多个币种。官方复制过来的

② 有种硬币一面写有门罗两个字另一面是一种图案,这是什么货币值钱吗


③ 现在门罗币1024T 一天能挖多少个币

④ 不挖矿的虚拟货币怎样让它升值


⑤ 想入手一台蚂蚁L3+矿机,每天收益大概有多少呢


⑥ 注册3币印矿池帐户如何绑定矿机

⑦ g ucs是一个什么样的数字货币



比特币是最早诞生的加密货币,2008年,化名中本聪的网络极客发表了一篇论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》,2009年,第一个创世区块由中本聪挖出,一直发展至今。比特币最初的区块大小只有 1M,拥堵问题日益加剧,手续费也不断上升,于是区块扩容被提上了日程,Core开发组主张用隔离见证和闪电网络实现扩容,而大区块派主张直接扩大区块。双方争执不下,最后,2017年8月1日,比特币现金(BCH)从比特币(BTC)上分叉,以扩大区块的方式实现了扩容。这次分叉开了一个分叉币的头,之后,比特黄金、比特钻石、超级比特币、比特上帝等一众分叉币纷纷涌现。到了后来,BCH 自身也碰到了一次分叉,自称中本聪的澳洲人CSW又要继续扩大区块,还要锁死比特币底层协议,他号称要做出一个符合中本聪愿景的比特币,这次分叉的币叫BSV。

除了 BCH 和 BSV 外,其他分叉币大多已经式微,BTC、BCH、BSV 分别代表了对三个不同方向的探索,BTC 最为保守谨慎,BSV 最为激进,BCH 相对温和渐进。目前 BTC 享有事实上的比特币之名,市值也最大。


2013年年末,94年出生的天才程序员 Vitalik Buterin(V神) 发表了以太坊白皮书,提出了可以在加密货币上添加各种智能合约的设想,可以用于社交、交易、游戏等领域,以太坊市值一路飞升,很快就仅次于比特币了,加上了智能合约的以太坊,也被称为区块链2.0。



稳定币一般锚定法币,可以用稳定币向发行方1:1兑换法币,币值比较稳定,但有时交易也会有少量溢价,在加密货币交易中应用很广。现在最常见的稳定币就是Tether公司发行的 USDT,1 USDT =1美元。稳定币一般发行在其他加密货币网络上,有比特币Omni协议、以太坊ERC20协议等好几种USDT。




一些数字货币交易平台往往会发布自己的平台币,使用平台币交易有一定的优惠,比如 OKEx 的 OKB,火币的HT,币安的 BNB 等。







高收益:平台以“让用户的资产增益“ 为经营目标,客户可选择多种衍生品防止系统性风险。





⑧ 区块链项目中的门罗币Monero是什么


⑨ 有没有能同时交易以太坊、达世币和门罗币的交易所


⑩ 门罗币XMR这个未来发展怎么样CellETF平台可以买卖吗




① What is the official website of Biyin Mining Pool?

Biyin Mining Pool website www.poolin.com currently supports BTC, BCH, BSV, ZEC, LTC, ETN, DCR, DASH , XMR and many other currencies. Officially copied
Their service is very good

② There is a coin with the word "Monroe" written on one side and a pattern on the other side. What kind of currency is this valuable?

As for the coin you mentioned, according to my analysis, I feel it is more like the kind of game coins that children play, or the kind of game commemorative coins sold in canteens, just like the word "Monroe" should be The name of a game or the name of a character in the game, so I feel it is worthless and not worth collecting.
In the collection market, the most common coins are Yuan Datou from the Republic of China. According to the casting years, the most popular coins can be divided into three, five, eight and nine years of the Republic of China. If you want to collect coins, I personally recommend that you consider collecting these coins, which are more valuable for collection. Moreover, there are fewer and fewer Yuan Datou coins on the market. It is conceivable that the value will definitely become higher and higher in the future. I have a few Yuan Datou 3-year and 6-year editions in my own collection, so if you are interested in this aspect, you can research it.

③ How many coins can Monero 1024T mine in a day?

④ How to increase the value of virtual currency without mining

Because everyone who comes after mobile mining will be cut off.
Mobile mining is to first hype the value of the mined virtual currency to attract traffic. After obtaining the traffic, monetize it through attached advertisements or colluding with script authors. Through entrustment, yes it is entrustment, purchasing virtual currency or other means to stabilize it. Military morale, stabilize a group of people, and attract others to join the team through high invitation rewards, and the next group of leeks will happily come on their own.
At present, due to the rise of digital currency mining, it is generally necessary to connect to a mining pool. For example, if you want to mine Monero, you need to connect to a Monero mining pool. The other is that some companies develop their own software and then let others hang up their mobile phones to mine. This is almost always a lie. They use the concept of blockchain to hype some worthless coins issued by themselves, such as tokens. Some are even directly similar to the points of traditional websites, which are stored in the database. A number has nothing to do with blockchain technology. This is purely to make money and deceive people.
1. In the past two years, various "get rich overnight" myths about blockchain have continued to be staged. "Mining" cryptocurrency has become a new trend of getting rich. Mobile phone mining Mines are also becoming more popular.
2. Real mining will have special mining machines. After all, every mining machine is not cheap now. Automatic mobile mining can be obtained very cheaply, and the mining is not Bitcoin. Basically, the altcoins you issue yourself are not valuable, and you will still be cut off when the time comes.

⑤If you want to buy an Ant L3+ mining machine, how much will your daily income be?

Now it is almost impossible to mine, the total is only 21 million. We have almost dug them all out. I can’t say how long it will take to find one. I just rely on the computer’s daily and monthly calculations. It's hard to say how soon luck will strike you.

⑥ How to register a 3Biyin mining pool account and bind the mining machine

⑦ What kind of digital currency is gucs

Friends who are new to the cryptocurrency industry are really dazzled when they see the various digital currencies. What are the origins of these cryptocurrencies and what are their characteristics? Here is a brief introduction to some mainstream cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin system

Bitcoin is the earliest cryptocurrency. In 2008, the Internet geek pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper "Bitcoin: A "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System", in 2009, the first genesis block was dug out by Satoshi Nakamoto, and it has been developed to this day. The initial block size of Bitcoin was only 1M. The congestion problem is getting worse day by day, and the handling fees are also rising. Therefore, block expansion is put on the agenda. The Core development team advocates using Segregated Witness and Lightning Network to achieve expansion, while the large block faction advocates Expand the block directly. The two sides continued to argue, and finally, on August 1, 2017, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) forked from Bitcoin (BTC) and achieved expansion by expanding the block. This fork opened the door for a fork coin. After that, a number of fork coins such as Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond, Super Bitcoin, and Bit God emerged one after another. Later, BCH itself also encountered a fork. The Australian CSW, who called himself Satoshi Nakamoto, continued to expand blocks and locked the underlying Bitcoin protocol. He claimed to make a Bitcoin that conforms to Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision. , the currency that was forked this time is called BSV.

Except for BCH and BSV, most other forked currencies have declined. BTC, BCH, and BSV respectively represent the exploration of three different directions. BTC is the most conservative and cautious, BSV is the most radical, and BCH is relatively moderate. Gradually. BTC currently enjoys the title of de facto Bitcoin and has the largest market capitalization.

Ethereum Department

At the end of 2013, Vitalik Buterin (V God), a genius programmer born in 1994, published the Ethereum white paper. It proposed the idea of ​​adding various smart contracts to cryptocurrency, which can be used in social networking, transactions, games and other fields. The market value of Ethereum has soared, and will soon be second only to Bitcoin. With the addition of smart contracts, Ethereum , also known as Blockchain 2.0.

In 2016, Ethereum encountered a serious coin theft incident (DAO) by hackers. Buterin decided to use a rollback method to delete the coin theft record, but some people insisted that the blockchain cannot The tamperers opposed the rollback, so Ethereum also forked.. Unlike Bitcoin, the original Ethereum chain became a minority and was called Ethereum Classic (ETC), while the new chain that was rolled back became a majority and became the de facto Ethereum (ETH).

Stablecoin system

Stablecoins are generally anchored to fiat currency. Stablecoins can be exchanged for fiat currency at a ratio of 1:1 to the issuer. The currency value is relatively stable, but sometimes there will be a small amount of transactions. Premium, widely used in cryptocurrency trading. The most common stable currency now is USDT issued by Tether, where 1 USDT = 1 US dollar. Stablecoins are generally issued on other cryptocurrency networks, including several USDT protocols such as the Bitcoin Omni protocol and the Ethereum ERC20 protocol.

Anonymous currency system

On Bitcoin, every transaction is clearly traceable, although we do not know the corresponding address behind it. Who is the person. Some people think that the privacy of Bitcoin is not enough, so some anonymous coins that can hide user information have emerged, such as Monero (XMR), Dash (Dash), Zcash, etc. Monero uses ring signature technology, Dash uses currency mixing technology, and Zcash uses zero-knowledge proofs, all of which can achieve varying degrees of anonymity.

Platform currency system

Some digital currency trading platforms often release their own platform coins. There are certain discounts for using platform coins for transactions, such as OKEx’s OKB and Huobi’s HT. , Binance’s BNB, etc.

Some other mainstream currencies

Litecoin (LTC) copied the code of Bitcoin, changed the consensus algorithm, and shortened the block time. When Bitcoin needs to be upgraded, it often Let’s also experiment with Bitcoin first. Litecoin is known as “Bitcoin, Litecoin”.

Ripple (XRP) is currently the third largest currency by market value. It is an Internet transaction protocol that allows users to transfer money quickly and cheaply around the world.

Youzi Coin (EOS) is known as blockchain 3.0 and an upgraded version of Ethereum, trying to introduce more functions and application expansion on it.


"Bit Kangaroo" is the first digital company in the world that distributes theoretical income with its own mining machines and never loses power. A currency financial service platform, the platform mainly focuses on cloud computing products. The professional mining pool "1THash" under the strategic partner Wanyou Computing Power allocates theoretical income regularly every day, integrating high income, security, liquidity, transparency and professionalism. Sex is one.

High returns: The platform takes "gaining users' assets" as its business goal. Customers can choose a variety of derivatives to prevent systemic risks.

Security: The team stores backup digital assets in a multi-signature cold wallet, which will be enabled in the event of an accident.The reserve fund distributes income to customers.

Liquidity: The platform distributes income daily, and you can withdraw it at any time after reaching the minimum currency withdrawal standard.

Transparency: Mine data and mine logs are open and transparent, and users can monitor the mining farm’s computing power at any time through the data center monitoring system.

Professionality: The mine is operated and managed by professionals who have been involved in mining for many years. Each unit is professionally disconnected and isolated to prevent virus intrusion. Multiple backup networks are used in the computer room to eliminate non-systemic risks in an all-round way

⑧ What is Monero in blockchain projects

Monero is a typical representative of anonymous currency assets. What are its characteristics? How to achieve anonymity? Monero, referred to as XMR, was born on April 18, 2014, 3 months later than Dash. Its total amount is 18.44 million, and currently (January 2018) 15.62 million have been issued. Monero has no block size limit, so there is no risk of expansion. Monero provides anonymity through ring signatures. What does ring signature mean? In the Monero blockchain network, the network first mixes the signer's public key with another public key, and then signs the message, making it impossible for the outside world to distinguish which public key in the set corresponds to the real signer. Much like when a joint letter was signed in ancient China, in order not to reveal which one was the initiator, it was usually signed by everyone to form a ring, with no order, so that no one knew who was the initiator. The anonymity of Monero can even prevent the person who sends the coins from knowing which address the coins are sent to, and the person who receives the coins does not know who sent the coins just by opening the wallet.

⑨ Are there any exchanges that can trade Ethereum, Dash and Monero at the same time?

Yes, yes!

⑩ What is the future development of Monero XMR? Can the CellETF platform be bought and sold?

Monero (Monero, codenamed XMR) is an open source cryptocurrency created in April 2014. It focuses on privacy, decentralization, and scalability. Unlike many cryptocurrencies derived from Bitcoin, Monero is based on the CryptoNote protocol and has significant algorithmic differences in blockchain obfuscation.
According to the "Announcement on Preventing Token Issuance Financing Risks", there are no approved digital currency trading platforms in my country. According to my country's digital currency regulatory regulations, investors have the freedom to participate in digital currency transactions at their own risk.

Warm reminder:
1. According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, and is not Currency in the true sense does not have the same legal status as currency and cannot and should not be used as currency in the market. Citizens' investment and trading in virtual currencies are not protected by law.
2. Before investing, it is recommended that you first understandThe risks that exist in the project should be clearly understood by the project's investors, investment institutions, on-chain activity and other information, rather than investing blindly or entering the fund by mistake.
3. The above explanation is for reference only. Investors should not replace their independent judgment with such information or make decisions solely based on such information. It does not constitute any investment operation.

Response time: 2021-08-27. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
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本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 比特币交割合约有什么规则吗到交割时间,系统以最近一小时BTC(LTC等其他币种)美元指数的算术平均值作为交割价对所有开仓的当周合约进行交割平仓。交割平仓后产生的盈亏部分加入已实现盈亏。2. 比特