冷钱包在哪里 tbcc冷钱包

⑴ 求Aion可爱精灵星完美捏脸数据,好的话还有200分都给你










按住前,增加伤害图片中的箭头跟攻击力数值后面的加号永恒之塔有月卡吗 同理战斗中出现的方向,图中绿色箭头按住左/右增加临时闪避,这个找怪物去练习吧按住后,增加临时防御力,这个我们就不多去思考了





对手眩晕,纹样刻印,猛兽咆哮 后踢 鞭打。

技能伤害说明不知道怎么回事,一般没有配合效果使用打出的都是6 66 6,而不是60~69让对手眩晕还有一定几率,但是中毒就很简单了。








实惠的消费,还在犹豫什么?赶快批量购买吧!按住Shift 鼠标右键2000个!【NO.2药水】出来混,迟早都要还的无论是打怪升级还是杀人,药水都必不可少不多说。



永恒之塔Aion-【杀星完美攻略】2009-09-02 16:05完美攻略


比如【暗杀】永恒之塔 翅膀 TAG: 永恒之塔捏脸数据

⑵ 永恒之塔天族升级路线






⑶ 跪求aion魔族boss刷新时间列表以及掉落物品

还有 杀BOSS时候不要抱有太大的希望 否则杀完你会很失望
下面是魔族的BOSS代码 你复制到游戏里面的记事本 然后点击就会有BOSS位置和掉落物品的属性!! 希望对你有帮助!


【多玩永恒之塔主题站出品】☆ [魔族] 莫尔海姆30级以下BOSS位置和掉落物品

※[pos:Lv. 22 头目哈莫克;220020000 172 1679 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000573][item: 101500195][item: 100900188][item: 100100181]

※[pos:Lv. 23 石英脑袋嘭嘭;220020000 1014 2706 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001094][item: 115000433]

※[pos:Lv. 25 队长斯巴库;220020000 1095 1723 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600428][item: 111500440][item: 111300402][item: 111100400][item: 101700207][item: 101300186][item: 100500195]

※[pos:Lv. 26 工人纽特产卵场警卫队长;220020000 1722 2555 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000513][item: 114600417][item: 114500448][item: 114300431][item: 114100418]

※[pos:Lv. 26 战斗纽特产卵场警卫队长;220020000 1697 2737 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 1819 2738 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000514][item: 114600417][item: 114500448][item: 114300431][item: 114100418]

※[pos:Lv. 27 哭泣的维加里拉;220020000 1400 1013 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000435][item: 110600457][item: 110500461]

※[pos:Lv. 27 女王斯佩尔;220020000 572 1355 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600425][item: 113500441][item: 100600212][item: 100200290][item: 100100184]

※[pos:Lv. 27 巨大的硫磺史莱姆;220020000 1630 2036 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000455][item: 123000574]

※[pos:Lv. 27 大王兹库克;220020000 897 2169 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000436][item: 100600213][item: 100200291][item: 100100185][item: 100000270]

※[pos:Lv. 27 老练的菲德里奥;220020000 1336 908 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000555][item: 100000269][item: 100900191][item: 101300189]

※[pos:Lv. 27 大王纽顿;220020000 1725 2655 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 1790 2602 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600424][item: 113500440][item: 113300417][item: 113100401]

※[pos:Lv. 27 队长纽特产卵场警卫队长;220020000 1823 2525 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000514][item: 111600430][item: 111500442][item: 111300404][item: 111100402]

※[pos:Lv. 28 奥克塔努的第三;220020000 325 1592 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100200294]

※[pos:Lv. 28 纽特上级护卫队长;220020000 1614 2771 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000554][item: 111600430][item: 111500442][item: 111300404][item: 111100402]

※[pos:Lv. 28 保姆努克;220020000 1673 3014 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 1792 2872 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000485][item: 112600411][item: 112500406][item: 112300367][item: 112100367]

※[pos:Lv. 28 女王塔兰;220020000 1693 2885 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000454][item: 101700209][item: 101500197][item: 100900190][item: 100600211][item: 100000268][item: 110600456][item: 110500460][item: 110300432][item: 110100470]

※[pos:Lv. 29 大治疗师娜塔玛;220020000 945 347 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100500199][item: 101500199]

※[pos:Lv. 29 奥克塔努的第二;220020000 257 1534 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 194 1613 0.0 -1]

※[item: 112300368][item: 112100368][item: 114300432][item: 114100419]

※[pos:Lv. 29 奥克塔努的第一;220020000 91 1540 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 124 1576 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113300418][item: 113100402][item: 111300405][item: 111100403]

※[pos:Lv. 30 守护石像拉科鲁姆;220020000 1822 1111 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000517][item: 111600432][item: 111500444][item: 111300407][item: 111100405]

※[pos:Lv. 30 阿尔卡尼斯草席;220020000 1822 1111 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000516][item: 114600419][item: 114500450][item: 114300434][item: 114100421]

※[pos:Lv. 30 族长齐瓦努努;220020000 1346 394 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600426][item: 113500442][item: 113300419][item: 113100403][item: 110600458][item: 110500462][item: 110300434][item: 110100472][item: 101300190][item: 100900192]

※[pos:Lv. 30 女王奥克塔努;220020000 261 1707 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100200294][item: 100500198][item: 101500198][item: 101700210][item: 110300433][item: 110100471]


【多玩永恒之塔主题站出品】☆ [魔族] 莫尔海姆30级以上BOSS位置和掉落物品

※[pos:Lv. 31 监视者乌里卡;220020000 1822 1111 0.0 -1]

※[item: 110600459][item: 110500463][item: 110300435][item: 110100474][item: 115000439]

※[pos:Lv. 31 刺透灵魂的哈赞;220020000 1559 1340 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600428][item: 113500443][item: 113300420][item: 113100404][item: 100200296][item: 100100189][item: 100600217][item: 100900194]

※[pos:Lv. 32 孤独的多姆博;220020000 1880 2193 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000438][item: 123000577]

※[pos:Lv. 32 吞食露珠的格力玛;220020000 1578 1339 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 1707 1399 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220020000 1848 1450 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220020000 1608 1063 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100500201][item: 123000578]

※[pos:Lv. 32 石拳撒皮罗;220020000 1826 1178 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 1771 1198 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600428][item: 113300420][item: 100000273][item: 101500202][item: 101300192][item: 101700213]

※[pos:Lv. 35 头目哈尔皮亚;220020000 2778 1980 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100900195][item: 101500203][item: 101700214][item: 100500202][item: 121000457]

※[pos:Lv. 37 被放逐的帕尔希尔;220020000 2655 1386 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000519][item: 120000520]

※[pos:Lv. 37 无赖昆内纳尔;220020000 2645 2285 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 2590 2217 0.0 -1]

※[item: 110600462][item: 113600431]

※[pos:Lv. 38 族长哈帕努努;220020000 2303 382 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001117][item: 120000522]

※[pos:Lv. 38 帝王康肖德;220020000 1309 1334 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100000277][item: 100200300][item: 100100194][item: 100900199][item: 101300196][item: 101500207][item: 101700218][item: 100600221][item: 100500206]

※[pos:Lv. 38 被遗弃的克里克;220020000 2358 1081 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000459][item: 122000562]

※[pos:Lv. 38 希尔密丹的提波里德;220020000 2696 2799 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000442][item: 123000580]

※[pos:Lv. 39 女王金特;220020000 2455 2973 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100000278][item: 100200301][item: 101300197][item: 100600222][item: 120000555]

※[pos:Lv. 39 钩子赫姆纳顿;220020000 2546 638 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100000279][item: 100900200][item: 101300198][item: 113600433]

※[pos:Lv. 39 部族长努雅卡;220020000 2419 538 0.0 -1]

※[item: 101500209][item: 100200303][item: 111100410][item: 114100426][item: 111300412][item: 111500449][item: 114300439][item: 114500455]

※[pos:Lv. 39 死亡之眼马卡玛;220020000 2651 609 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100200302][item: 101700219][item: 113300424]

※[pos:Lv. 39 普雷尔觉醒体;220020000 2646 2498 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001112][item: 125001113][item: 125001114][item: 125001115]

※[pos:Lv. 39 建筑家伊凯阿迪;220020000 2854 2965 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100900198][item: 101300195][item: 101500206][item: 101700217]

※[pos:Lv. 39 厨师长基弗巴乌姆;220020000 2652 2938 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001116][item: 100100193]

※[pos:Lv. 40 大祭司长马洛帕帕;220020000 2643 544 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100600223][item: 100500207][item: 113100408]

※[pos:Lv. 40 大治疗师哈米娜;220020000 2505 517 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100100195][item: 101500208][item: 113500447]

※[pos:Lv. 40 大门牙剑齿豹;220020000 2964 688 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000563]

※[pos:Lv. 40 残酷鬃毛雷斯汀;220020000 2576 235 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100600224][item: 100500208][item: 121000462][item: 120000523][item: 100600225][item: 122000564][item: 125001554][item: 125001555][item: 125001556][item: 125001557]

※[pos:Lv. 40 总监视官希尔密丹총;220020000 2984 2708 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001829][item: 100000276][item: 100200299][item: 100100192][item: 100600220][item: 100500205][item: 110300438][item: 110500466][item: 110600463]


【多玩永恒之塔主题站出品】☆ [魔族] 阿尔特盖德BOSS位置和掉落物品

※[pos:Lv. 13 行动队长莫汉;220030000 1268 1114 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000618][item: 100500192][item: 100900184][item: 101700204][item: 101500192][item: 101300183]

※[pos:Lv. 13 古尔勒斯;220030000 1845 1717 0.0 -1]

※[pos:Lv. 17 敏捷之拳努卡卡;220030000 1987 2688 0.0 -1]

※[item: 114600415][item: 114500446][item: 114300429][item: 114100415]

※[pos:Lv. 17 千里眼阿塔拉;220030000 2027 2314 0.0 -1]

※[item: 101500193][item: 100200286][item: 111600427][item: 111500439][item: 111300400][item: 111100399]

※[pos:Lv. 17 族长马努姆姆;220030000 1582 218 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000598][item: 125001190]

※银鬃哈库[item: 114100416]

※pos:Lv. 18 雾风姆巴巴;220030000 2557 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000890][item: 122000599][item: 120000554][item: 110600454][item: 110500457][item: 110300430][item: 110100468]

※[pos:Lv. 17 战栗的伦卡卡;220030000 2150 2386 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000599][item: 123000890][item: 113600422][item: 113500438][item: 113300415][item: 113100399]

※[pos:Lv. 18 残暴的扎哈马;220030000 2219 2350 0.0 -1]

※[item: 101700205][item: 101300184][item: 100600208][item: 122000599][item: 123000890]

※[pos:Lv. 18 流言的托克奇;220030000 2176 576 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220030000 2325 529 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220030000 2063 444 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220030000 2433 652 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100900187]

※[pos:Lv. 18 石甲斯托普;220030000 2465 826 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000493][item: 115000478]

※[pos:Lv. 19 蓝翅纳伊玛斯;220030000 1575 2366 0.0 -1]

※[item: 110500458]

※[pos:Lv. 20 死亡之冷气斯塔雷亚;220030000 2944 1725 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220030000 2926 1500 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220030000 2635 1566 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220030000 2720 1706 0.0 -1] [pos: (5);220030000 2942 1637 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111300401]

※[pos:Lv. 20 族长库姆巴伦;220030000 2460 2597 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001886][item: 122000599][item: 123000890][item: 125001194][item: 125001193][item: 125001192][item: 125001191][item: 100200287][item: 100000266][item: 100100180]

【多玩永恒之塔主题站出品】☆ [魔族] 贝鲁斯兰40Lv以下BOSS位置和掉落物品

※[pos:Lv. 32 伶俐的马西奇;220040000 1047 894 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000666][item: 122000750][item: 122000749]

※[pos:Lv. 33 迷路的里格伊;220040000 208 1367 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000753][item: 112600601][item: 112500593][item: 112300605][item: 112100605]

※[pos:Lv. 36 神圣的阿拉希亚;220040000 1077 481 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000755][item: 115000667]

※[pos:Lv. 36 矿石鉴定师安诺亚;220040000 1599 1367 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000753][item: 113600618][item: 113500643][item: 113300670][item: 113100654]

※[pos:Lv. 36 矿山战斗队长;220040000 1286 1712 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600623][item: 111500633][item: 111300646][item: 111100644][item: 114600609][item: 114500651][item: 114300685][item: 114100672]

※[pos:Lv. 36 吞食灵魂的吉里纳;220040000 788 1072 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100000507][item: 100100389][item: 100600416][item: 114600610][item: 114500652][item: 114300686][item: 114100673]

※[pos:Lv. 37 矿山大法师;220040000 1357 1265 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600623][item: 111500633][item: 111300646][item: 111100644][item: 114600609][item: 114500651][item: 114300685][item: 114100672]

※[pos:Lv. 37 跳舞的十字镐安盖亚德;220040000 1408 1097 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100100391]

※[pos:Lv. 37 失去记忆的罗伊德;220040000 2066 257 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2038 193 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 1959 205 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220040000 1890 223 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000756]

※[pos:Lv. 38 总监督官顿迪斯;220040000 1548 1570 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000700][item: 100200496][item: 100000506][item: 100100388][item: 100500385][item: 100600415][item: 100900382][item: 101300373][item: 101500389][item: 101700401]

※[pos:Lv. 38 伶俐的阿尔菲;220040000 966 1748 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100100390][item: 101700402][item: 113600619][item: 113500644][item: 113300671][item: 113100655]

※[pos:Lv. 38 头目皮斯纳;220040000 218 1819 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000754][item: 112600603][item: 112500595][item: 112300607][item: 112100607]

※[pos:Lv. 38 祭司长佩内兹;220040000 2115 430 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2146 444 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 2101 457 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220040000 2132 472 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000638][item: 111600625][item: 111500635][item: 111300648][item: 111100646]

※[pos:Lv. 39 老卫兵达尔洛奇;220040000 895 2124 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000701][item: 100000508][item: 100900383]

※[pos:Lv. 40 失去母亲的拉姆;220040000 2806 159 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2612 344 0.0 -1]

※[item: 110300690]

※[pos:Lv. 40 冰脚巴扎;220040000 1820 810 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 1864 687 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000755][item: 100500387][item: 101500390]

【多玩永恒之塔主题站出品】☆ [魔族] 贝鲁斯兰40Lv以上BOSS位置和掉落物品

※[pos:Lv. 41 遭到驱逐的塞尼克斯;220040000 2950 1251 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2823 1195 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 2991 1104 0.0 -1][item: 112600604][item: 112500596][item: 112300608][item: 112100608][item: 123000758]

※[pos:Lv. 41 无畏的多尼;220040000 2395 1580 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000702][item: 114600611][item: 114500653][item: 114300687][item: 114100674]

※[pos:Lv. 41 迷恋的贝里贝;220040000 320 2379 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000639][item: 111600626][item: 111500636][item: 111300649][item: 111100647]

※[pos:Lv. 42 传说的马斯托;220040000 2598 354 0.0 -1]

※[item: 152012534][item: 120000703][item: 120000704][item: 121000640][item: 121000641][item: 100200499][item: 100000510][item: 100100393][item: 100500388][item: 100600418]

※[pos:Lv. 42 族长图普;220040000 2375 1738 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000756][item: 100900384][item: 101300375][item: 101500391][item: 101700403]

※[pos:Lv. 42 监视队精锐战斗队长;220040000 2838 2643 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600627][item: 111500637][item: 111300650][item: 111100648][item: 114600612][item: 114500654][item: 114300688][item: 114100675]

※[pos:Lv. 43 族长扎尔奇埃;220040000 2382 995 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2299 954 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 2249 1083 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220040000 2254 1032 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000669][item: 123000759]

※[pos:Lv. 43 族长赞塔拉;220040000 2731 1962 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000705][item: 100200500][item: 100000511][item: 100100394][item: 100600419]

※[pos:Lv. 43 守护神佩内奥;220040000 216 1601 0.0 -1]

※[item: 152012535][item: 113600622][item: 113500647][item: 113300674][item: 113100658][item: 122000758][item: 122000757][item: 115000670]

※[pos:Lv. 43 阿尔奎米亚奇袭队长;220040000 2514 2655 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2737 2941 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600628][item: 111500638][item: 111300651][item: 111100649][item: 114600613][item: 114500655][item: 114300689][item: 114100676]

※[pos:Lv. 44 阿尔奎米亚精锐战斗队长;220040000 2498 2614 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2452 2507 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600628][item: 111500638][item: 111300651][item: 111100649][item: 114600613][item: 114500655][item: 114300689][item: 114100676]

※[pos:Lv. 44 峡谷守护者阿托泰;220040000 2550 1456 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2545 1603 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 2767 1337 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000759][item: 100900387][item: 101300378]

※[pos:Lv. 44 播种的库克西;220040000 700 2770 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 671 2761 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 679 2737 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220040000 691 2702 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600629][item: 111500639][item: 111300652][item: 111100650]

※[pos:Lv. 44 安静的埃拉姆;220040000 635 2908 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000644][item: 121000643][item: 112600607][item: 112500599][item: 112300611][item: 112100611]

※[pos:Lv. 45 暴风之翼德格尔;220040000 1440 2005 0.0 -1]

※[item: 152012538]

※[pos:Lv. 45 指挥官布赫克曼;220040000 1917 2699 0.0 -1]

※[item: 101300380][item: 100000514][item: 100200503][item: 100600422][item: 115000673][item: 100500392][item: 100900389][item: 101700407][item: 100100397][item: 101500395]

※[pos:Lv. 45 峡谷守护者阿赫德麦赫;220040000 2615 1676 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2634 1700 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 2634 1666 0.0 -1][item: 122000762][item: 100600467][item: 100500391]

※[pos:Lv. 45 舞女塞弗拉;220040000 539 2760 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000762][item: 123000761][item: 113600623][item: 113500648][item: 113300675][item: 113100659]

※[pos:Lv. 45 智慧的思奇伦;220040000 772 2681 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 654 2867 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000760][item: 122000761][item: 115000671][item: 152012536]

※[pos:Lv. 45 阿尔奎米亚精锐大法师;220040000 2307 2840 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600628][item: 111500638][item: 111300651][item: 111100649][item: 114600613][item: 114500655][item: 114300689][item: 114100676]

※[pos:Lv. 46 女王阿鲁齐纳;220040000 797 2952 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100200502][item: 100000513][item: 100100396][item: 100500390][item: 100600421][item: 100900388][item: 101300379][item: 101500394][item: 101700406][item: 120000707]

【多玩永恒之塔主题站出品】☆ 布路斯特豪宁新地区BOSS信息

※[pos:肮脏的努特阿姆 Lv. 50;220050000 1834 887 0.0 -1]

※[pos:元老基塔尔帕 Lv. 50;220050000 597 2731 0.0 -1]

※[pos:丛林看守埃盖里亚 Lv. 50;220050000 278 2452 0.0 -1]

※[pos:绿鳞沙巴 Lv. 50;220050000 2704 2766 0.0 -1]

※[pos:仇恨之纳尔卡 Lv. 48;220050000 1509 2938 0.0 -1]

※[pos:一等领航员守护者汉森 Lv. 48;220050000 231 94 0.0 -1]

※[pos: 刺胡须拉图拉图 Lv. 47;220050000 1534 937 0.0 -1]

※[pos:古代治愈师基亚尼尔 Lv. 47;220050000 1362 2579 0.0 -1]

※[pos:Lv. 22 烧熟的普科恩;220050000 2577 1895 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000669][item: 121000668][item: 114600631][item: 114500671][item: 114300705][item: 114100692]

※[pos:Lv. 23 无赖波比;220050000 2022 2117 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113500663]

※[pos:Lv. 24 农场主哈班雅克;220050000 1846 2329 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000783][item: 122000782][item: 100900430][item: 112600620][item: 112500612][item: 112300624][item: 112100624]

※[pos:Lv. 25 植物学家阿埃罗;220050000 2829 1330 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000781][item: 123000780][item: 100200544][item: 100000563][item: 100100440][item: 100600466]

⑷ AION 十二主神的名字叫什么

光之神 Azariel

黑暗之神 Asphel

时间之神 Siel

空间之神 Israphel

正义之神 Nezakan

破坏之神 Jikel

自由之神 Baizel

死亡之神 Triniel

幻象之神 Kaithiel

智慧之神 Luminal

生命之神 Usthiel

命运之神 Markutan

⑸ Aion S(埃安S)新人用车感受,适合自己的才是最好的

在论坛潜水看帖有段时间了,今天我也来发个贴,跟大家分享一下我的“真香”经历。 我工作也有三四年了,因为一直在小城市定居,电瓶车通勤就完全够用,所以虽然大学那会跟风考了驾照但一直没有买车想法。去年考虑到要结婚,总不能没辆车,这才把买车提上日程。 最开始听亲戚朋友说到的都是关于汽油车,而且汽油车毕竟做了很多年,可供选择的范围很广,于是就跟家人商量了一下基本确定了大众朗逸。但是就在我要去4S店看车的时候,我发小跟我说,同一价位不如买广汽新能源Aion S。当时我听到的时候还是挺不以为意的,毕竟你说大众大家都知道,大企业老品牌,口碑都是有的。广汽相比来说就没有那么知名了。而且新能源汽车也算是没发展多久的一个新技术吧,到底好不好使也没经历过时间的检验。谁知我的发小还偏跟我杠上了,说什么买车是大事情要货比三家。得,那就先去试驾一下呗,反正那时候还挺闲的。 那次试驾的好像是朗逸的三厢1.5L自动挡版本。我这个人是个实用主义者,对于外观什么的没有什么挑剔,主要还是倾向于实用的就是好的。所以外观我也没太细看,花了点时间感受了一下内部配置和驾驶体验。总体来说还算中规中矩吧,但是那个变速箱的低速顿挫和刹车的声音让我有点接受无能。有点小失望的我还安慰自己说,毕竟一分钱一分货,对广汽新能源Aion S其实也没抱多大希望,但是试驾结果真的是真香无误了。 对于我来说外观还是没什么好说的,这个还是要看个人喜好,咱就话不多说直接看图。我买的是白色,看起来比较清爽一点,不花里胡哨。
内饰的话本来我也不很注重,但是有对比就有伤害。不得不说,广汽新能源Aion S的内饰比大众朗逸还是要高级不少。一眼看上去就甩了大众朗逸的塑料感满满的配饰好几条街。但是通过实际用车我也发现了一点不足,首先就是这个车的新车异味还是一阵阵的有散发,?尤其是天热闭窗一晚上的时候,所以一般晚上我都会给车玻璃留上一道缝隙。不过也不打紧,车里放个竹炭包,通几天风也就没事了。
广汽新能源Aion S的空间我觉得也挺到位的,我估摸着轴距差不多得有三米边上,平时一车子坐下5位伙伴也是OK的。只是不知是不是电池组对这个后尾箱有影响,这个车的尾箱空间没有想象的那么大,放不下那些较大的行李箱。如果行李比较多的话,可以考虑多带一个小点的箱子。
这个车的舒适性确实对于车内的乘坐人员来说确实是很安逸舒适的,车子的座椅包裹性还是很不错,我老婆也很喜欢翻毛皮座椅和真皮的材质,最开始一两周散味到位前面说到的异味问题基本不是问题 。
广汽新能源Aion S的电耗反正我是亲自体验过的,虽说没有跑到真的只剩下百分之零的电量,但是一样我日常上班,可以做到一周充电一次完全无压力,周末要出去购物或者出行的话就还是建议周五晚上一定要好好充满电才行。
大众朗逸给我的雷点广汽新能源Aion S都有很好避开,这也让我感到尤其满意。

⑹ 当年的永恒之塔公测时有剑灵现在这样火吗 为什么永恒之塔会变得怎么冷了

永恒之塔公测的时候比剑灵更猛,至于为什么会变成这样, 这个要感谢桥哥的运营方式着实给力,各种抽奖,一款好好的游戏就这么给糟蹋了。 永恒之塔可玩性比剑灵要高得多, 可惜了一款好游戏。

⑺ AION里的"上级风之神药"在什么情况下可以使用呢用什么用途的呢哪里有介绍的

如果想了解永恒之塔,大家可以到盛大官网合作媒体K O 1 8 0游戏网参考下相关资讯。里面的任务写得非常精彩,据说是官方站队写得。。。

⑻ 常温续航出色,低温一般,这样的广汽新能源Aion S靠什么打动你









⑼ 永恒之塔荨麻采集分布,请问永恒之塔里水苏在哪里采







⑽ 永恒之塔 AION 祭师转职的问题













⑴ Ask for the perfect facial pinching data of Aion’s cute elf star. If it’s good, I’ll give you 200 points.

I copied it. If it works, I’ll give you points. If it doesn’t, I’ll take it down! There is a problem with the skill description. The next physical attack skill damage will be increased by 50 points.
The hit bonus is 500 points, which lasts for ten seconds (as long as you use a skill, this BUFF will disappear, regardless of whether it is hit or not, it is a let-go type). It is demoralizing but takes too long... But as a cold-blooded series The BUFF is already very satisfying. With the concentration below, it’s a fatal blow! explosive force! As soon as the cooling is completed, use [Find Gap] 3 immediately.
About the choice of the killing star's brand

The difference between the CD and the duration is 1 minute. Once the CD is ready, just use it.
Long-term maintenance, not much to say [Concentration]

There is a problem with the skill description: This skill lasts for 30 seconds, and the skills (including skill actions) cast during this period and the normal attack speed are all Increased by 20%. Let’s talk about the action of the skill again... The mage can use jumping to cancel the instant hard kill star? Is it possible to jump back and forth?... Do you want to learn frog? Even if you jump back and forth, what about the skill action? It is canceled, but the normal attack But it doesn’t come out... This is a misunderstanding! Serious misunderstanding! A 30-second violent attack is definitely enough for you to kill a person! But if your skills are too slow and your movements are too slow, your enemy will probably run away! Or seize an opportunity to make a comeback! Trust me, insert the Speed ​​Pact brand.
Try your lightning attack! [About the pattern of giving up] [Question 1] Regarding the issue of skill casting, this mark is the most heated debate. Detailed explanation

The advantage of these two skills is that they can be cast, and the benefits are huge... Huge is in contrast...

If there are only three slots, insert the preferred Speed ​​Pact, then Pact of Evasion, and finally Assassination. If there are four slots, insert the Venomous Speed. The contract is the cheapest, well, I guess it is like this in every server.
Everyone calls him rubbish, but they actually mean that a deer is a horse.

It’s been a long, long time since I recalled it, so long that I don’t know when I became a killer. I only know that I have killed so many people that I can’t even remember the appearance of the last person who died in my hands. I looked down at my hands that were soaked in the enemy's blood. They were already black and purple... Next, who will die? I have to recount the nonsense at the beginning...

I learned this skill at the beginning I found it very cool when I was in college, but later I found out... It seems that other professions have it... It's just that the duration is different... Well, I won't say much, I'm sad. [DP Skills] [Holy Strike] [Shadow Cloak]

Excellent in chasing land enemies! Coupled with the scroll that increases the movement speed, do you want to run? Let’s talk about it in the next life with longer legs. 5. Consumables [NO].1 Soul Sealing Stone】

I won’t tell you how to create a beautiful or handsome face... (As a killer, why should you be so beautiful? The uglier the better, it’s best to be so ugly that it scares people. Dead Enemies ORZ); it won’t tell you how to deal with various tasks; it won’t tell you how to upgrade or obtain fast equipment. But this article is still a perfect guide for killing stars 1. Understanding Aion’s combat system 2. BUFF description 3. Brand selection 4. Description of some special skills 5. Consumables 6. Questions about weapons As a killing star, you The first thing you need is to bring all the effects of one unit to the middle.
The frame rate is a computer that maintains around 30 FPS... This is a prerequisite, if you can only go to the corner to fight monsters or pick flowers.
Then there is no need to look down.

[Speciality of movement during combat] During combat.
Press and hold to increase the damage. The arrow in the picture and the plus sign behind the attack power value. Is there a moon card in the Tower of Aion? In the same way as the direction in the battle, press the left/right green arrow in the picture to increase temporary dodge. Find a monster to practice this. After pressing and holding it, it will increase the temporary defense. We won’t think too much about this.

This is the second stage of a continuous skill.
The first stage is [Pattern Engraving]

The Pattern Engraving skill and the chain skill can only be imprinted up to three levels.
In other words, at most, if you cast it in a loop, it will be three levels. Each skill of the beast's set can be engraved with the highest five-level pattern. [Victory of Data] Regarding the engraving probability of the pattern, this is very high. More than 90%, that is to say, if you cast it once, there will be a 90% chance of engraving a layer. However, the probability of triggering stun after detonating the pattern depends on the number of layers of the pattern and the level of the enemy. This probability is different.
According to my statistics (I am a data streamer), the statistics exceed 1,000 times. [The test subject is an enemy of the same level] The data shows.
The probability of triggering dizziness with patterns on the fourth layer is over 90%, and the probability of triggering dizziness on the third layer is about 80%.
The triggering probability of the two layers is less than 50%, and 50% is a hurdle.
So I don’t have statistics on the first level. I can guess that it won’t exceed 10% without statistics. Although I don’t like guessing, I just skipped it if there was no need to do it. Another skill that requires layers of patterns is [Air Explosion]

The translation is a bit inaccurate.
Each attack has a 2% chance of making the opponent fall into a coma. Two weapons have a 4% chance.
Although my calculation method is very wrong, is there any better method for driving wooden piles? Please explain in detail about the advantages and disadvantages of imprinting

YesLet me share some tips on increasing attack power.
You can run forward by pressing the left and right mouse buttons together in the direction. This is an alternative method of pressing the forward button. You can try it. When you press the left and right mouse buttons together, you will find your attack. There will be a plus sign after force if you want to increase dodge.
Press left/right during battle, it’s very simple, just run in circles, not much to say. 2. BUFF Description (Buff Magic = Buff) [Apply Poison]

Roaring - Back Kick - Whipping are all immovable, which means you cannot move to cast this skill.
Although they are all cast instantaneously...but the action, uh, is another frustrating action problem.
In actual combat, will your opponent stand still and let you attack? Absolutely not, so the casting time of this set of combos is after the secret attack is successful.
The opponent is stunned, imprinted with patterns, the beast roars, kicks and whips.
Four layers of patterns, detonating! (You can decide the time of detonation by yourself. You don’t need to detonate it immediately. You can see the situation by yourself. It’s your only field control skill.) Of course, I am referring to the mage, bow star, long-range, etc. If the enemy is also melee, then Simple. [Question 2] Regarding the number of layers of the pattern and the probability of triggering stun after detonation

The opponent can only deal damage when he is poisoned. This is not a missing word.
But it is indeed the case. If there is no dizziness or poisoning effect, the damage is not even 30. If a skill at level 30 or above can't produce 30 damage, it is not called damage. Ming Tichi.
I don’t know what’s going on in the description of skill damage. Generally, when used without coordination effects, the result is 6 66 6, instead of 60~69. There is still a certain chance that the opponent will be stunned, but poisoning is very simple.
Although it also requires RP (RP=luck), each attack has a 20% chance, and it is two one-handed weapons. If the enemy is not poisoned after you kill half of the blood... Then go and burn some incense [Maximizing Killing Intent]

It is also a pattern engraving, with three stages of the beast's combo

Used in conjunction with maximizing killing intent. Then watch the gorgeous critical damage

1. Understand Aion’s combat system

The soul-sealing stone can increase the damage of normal attacks. It is a flat slash, don’t be too small. Look at the level cut, in fact, in all professions.
Only the Killing Star, using the Sealing Stone is the most practical.
Other occupations.
The Magic Star Elf Star has very few normal attacks. The attack speeds of the Guardian and Sword Stars are too slow. I won’t say much about the Guardian and Healing.
Bow? Ask yourself. killstar.
The attack speed of a dagger is 1.2s, and the attack speed of a one-handed sword is 1.4s. Generally, a dagger is used. Just to stab it 0.2 seconds faster, you can do a lot of things. After releasing a skill, two knives will go out. The damage caused is very considerable. In general economic conditions, it is recommended to use the normal one when leveling up, and use the most advanced one when you see an enemy. Therefore, there are usually two types in the package, one for upgrading and one for killing...if you are rich Not much to say.
Put 2000 top-level soul-sealing stones on it. [Victory of Data] Using weapons

One requires 2000DP, the other requires 3000DP...but the former is very practical.
The latter... is too difficult to get, 3000 DP... just to disappear once in the battle... the setting is too sad. It is recommended to just save DP.
The usefulness of the shadow cloak is not proportional to the DP consumption. This is how the system is set.
Default. [Sprint]

The cooling time and effect of this FC (FC=useless) skill are completely rubbish among rubbish... Cast before combat? How many meters can you see the enemy? 100 meters? For example, me, When you are in the abyss or leveling up to fight monsters, the perspective is pulled back and forth. As long as you can see me, I will find you.
So, usually a little bit is used, but I hate it.
Very annoying! There should be no duration.
The cooling time must also be shortened, otherwise it will be an extremely useless skill [Attack Slash] [Secret Attack]

Regarding this skill, the data of successful testing is only more than 200 times, but more than 200 times The success result is very similar to the stun chance of pattern detonation.
I didn’t do much testing, so we chose the third layer, which has an 80% chance of triggering stun (by the way, an aerial explosion is an aerial binding.
The condition is 2 meters, which means you need to be close, and the pattern The explosion is within ten meters, which is far enough.) 4.
Explanation on some special skills [Stealth]

The statistics are more than 500 times. The monsters tested are at the same level as me. The data shows that basically they can kill without critical hits. Using the soul-sealing stone, the damage range is 60-120, and the average damage is 80. Using the advanced soul-sealing stone, the damage range is 100-150, and the average damage is 130, which is a considerable value.
Affordable consumption, what are you still hesitating about? Hurry up and buy in bulk! Hold down Shift and right-click the mouse for 2000! [NO.2 Potion] When you go out to hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. Whether you are fighting monsters, upgrading or killing people, potions are indispensable.
Killing Star has a lot of blood.
If you want to use it, use the higher-level one. Don’t use the mid-level one. The price of perfunctory is a black and white screen. If you think clearly, it will increase the flight time.
You should have bags that increase life and restore abnormal status at all times. Don’t let accidents become a regular occurrence. 6. The question of weapons. The choice of weapons is very important. Is it a dagger or a sword? A dagger, it’s a question that you don’t have to think about. Weapons must not be improvised. If you decide to improvise, don't look down at the weapons. Under normal economic conditions, choose green and it must be strengthened. It is a must. Someone also posted an article saying that regarding the leveling of the Tower of Eternity 31 Bow Star, the secret to strengthening the weapon is to fill the hole first, that is, first smash a few more deadly stones... as a test.
If you have tested it, please PM me.
I will add the conditions for items to be strengthened without failure [White equipment] The strengthening stone is higher than the item level [Level 5] and there will be no failure [Green equipment] The strengthening stone is higher than the item level [Level 9] or above There will be no failure if the strengthening stone is higher than the item level [Level 12] or above. [Gold equipment] The strengthening stone is higher than the item level [Level 20] or above. There will be no failure. By the way, about fatal The probability and critical damage are left to you... no matter you are an expert or a newbie who has just penetrated into the world.
Just keep at it.
The killing star will shine brightly in your hand! Believe in Killing Star, believe in yourself, you are the strongest!

Skill description problem, every normal attack has a 20% chance of poisoning the enemy. This is a permanent BUFF. At the beginning, some newcomers don’t know where to get the casting materials [Scorpion Beast’s Venom]. Every miscellaneous item Inside business supplies. This buff lasts for 2 minutes, and the CD (demoralization time = CD) is also 2 minutes, so it is permanent. Please don’t be stingy with that little money. As long as the BUFF no longer exists, apply it immediately. As long as you are in the wild, you will Be ready for battle at any time, and there are also skills that require the enemy to be poisoned to superimpose damage.

Why are we talking about them together? These two are [Public CD] skills. That is, if you use Attack Slash, your secret attack has been used and is also on cooldown.
The opposite is the same.
So, after having [Secret Attack], [Attack Slash] can be used as a skill, and you can throw it as far as you want... [Related Issues] After a skill similar to teleportation is successfully cast, it returns to casting. The location of the skill is often changed. When using Secret Attack, or when using Attack Slash when the level was not high, after casting it, it instantly reaches the place where it should be, and instantly, whoosh..., it is back to casting the skill again. Where... not only the killing star, but also the time and space reversal of the magic star often happens. Don't say that it is caused by my computer configuration is garbage or the Internet speed.Who is a thief or mage who uses Shadow Step or Blink and then appears where he should appear and then automatically returns to the place where he cast the skill? I have never had this happen before.) So this is a problem with Aion itself, not RP.
Consider it bad luck if you show up.
Let’s burn incense again [Eye of Recognition]

What I’m describing here are all the skills and needs in PVP, so I haven’t inserted other brands to defeat monsters and upgrade.
It is still recommended to insert [Apply Poison]
Tower of Eternity Aion-[Perfect Strategy for Killing Stars] 2009-09-02 16:05 Perfect Strategy

First of all, you need to understand I'm writing something.
Otherwise, you don’t know whether this article is useful to you. After reading it, you will criticize me and say that I am boring and a waste of your energy and time.

For example, [Assassination] Aion Wings TAG: Aion Face-Pinching Data

⑵ Aion Celestial Clan Upgrade Route

Level 1-10 Follow the mission. From 11-20, you can form a team to clear the map. From 20-30, you can clear Little Kaidan. From 25-30, you can enter the Nohsina Training Center FB in OBS. If you clear both of them, you can upgrade to level 2. From 30-35, you can gain fire every day. God, 35-40 brush Kaidan, 40-45 brush the elite dragon in the dragon zone and the single copy nightmare.

If you are well equipped, you can try the Dragon Cave. Remember to complete the Dragon Passage mission first. The first NPC mission in the Hall of Knowledge is the potion named Krall.

You can play the Magic Book and the Sky Book at 45-50. The Magic Book is deep in the Dragon Zone, and the Sky Book is in Teo Mobos. The Sky Book requires all Theo’s missions to be cleared before you can enter. There is a certain limit. The probability of explosive expansion will increase. 50-51 can be ALK, black book and magic book, and can also enter single player FB. 51-55 Big Cabin will be opened twice, and a total of 6 hours will take you to the full level.

World view

In the game "Tower of Eternity", simply speaking, it is a world established by the three forces of "Celestial Clan, Demon Clan, and Dragon Clan" A brand new mythical world. In this world, the Heavenly Clan and the Demonic Clan are two opposing races, and the Dragon Clan is a race that is opposed to these two major races. Therefore, when the Dragon Clan attacks, perhaps the Celestial Clan and the Demonic Clan will be reunited. Work together to fight the dragons. The world where these three races operate is called Atrea.

⑶ Please beg for the refresh time list and dropped items of the aion demon boss

The refresh time is uncertain
When killing the BOSS, don’t have too much hope, otherwise you will kill him You will be very disappointed
Generally speaking, the BOSS explosion rate is not high
The following is the BOSS code of the demon clan. You can copy it to the notepad in the game and click it to see the BOSS location and the attributes of the dropped items! ! Hope it helps you!

Detailed usePlease refer to the reference post for the method

The location and dropped items of BOSS below level 30 in Morheim
[ Produced by Duowan Aion Theme Station】☆ [Demons] Morheim BOSS locations and dropped items below level 30

※[pos: Lv. 22 Boss Hammock; 220020000 172 1679 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000573][item: 101500195][item: 100900188][item: 100100181]

※[pos: Lv. 23 Quartz Head Bang bang;220020000 1014 2706 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001094][item: 115000433]

※[pos: Lv. 25 Captain Sparkle;220020000 1095 1723 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600428][item: 111500440][item: 111300402][item: 111100400][item: 101700207][item: 101300186][item: 1 00500195]

※[pos: Lv. 26 Worker Newt Spawning Ground Guard Captain;220020000 1722 2555 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000513][item: 114600417][ item: 114500448][item: 114300431][item: 114100418]

※[pos: Lv. 26 Battle Newt Spawning Ground Guard Captain;220020000 1697 2737 0.0 -1] [pos: (2) ;220020000 1819 2738 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000514][item: 114600417][item: 114500448][item: 114300431][item: 114100418]

※[pos:Lv. 27 Crying Vigarila;220020000 1400 1013 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000435][item: 110600457][item: 110500461]

※[pos:Lv. 27 Queen Speer;220020000 572 1355 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600425][item: 113500441][item: 100600212][item: 100200290][item: 100100184]

※[pos: Lv. 27 Huge Sulfur Slime Mu;220020000 1630 2036 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000455][item: 123000574]

※[pos:Lv. 27 King Zikuk;220020000 897 2169 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000436][item: 100600213][item: 100200291][item: 100100185][item: 100000270]

※[pos :Lv. 27 Experienced Fidelio;220020000 1336 908 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000555][item: 100000269][item: 100900191][item: 101300189]

※[pos:Lv. 27 King Newton;220020000 1725 2655 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 1790 2602 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600424] [item: 113500440][item: 113300417][item: 113100401]

※[pos:Lv. 27 Captain Newt Spawning Ground Guard Captain;220020000 1823 2525 0.0 -1]
< br />※[item: 120000514][item: 111600430][item: 111500442][item: 111300404][item: 111100402]

※[pos: Lv. 28th Octanu's Three;220020000 3251592 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100200294]

※[pos: Lv. 28 Newt’s senior guard captain;220020000 1614 2771 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000554][item: 111600430][item: 111500442][item: 111300404][item: 111100402]

※[pos: Lv. 28 Nanny Nook; 220020000 1673 3014 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 1792 2872 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000485][item: 112600411][item: 112500406][item: 112 300367] [item: 112100367]

※[pos:Lv. 28 Queen Taran;220020000 1693 2885 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000454][item: 101700209] [item: 101500197][item: 100900190][item: 100600211][item: 100000268][item: 110600456][item: 110500460][item: 110300432][item: 110100470]

※[ pos: Lv. 29 Great Healer Natama;220020000 945 347 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100500199][item: 101500199]

※[pos: Lv. 29 Octanu's second;220020000 257 1534 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 194 1613 0.0 -1]

※[item: 112300368][item: 112100368 ][item: 114300432][item: 114100419]

※[pos:Lv. 29 Octanu's first;220020000 91 1540 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 124 1576 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113300418][item: 113100402][item: 111300405][item: 111100403]

※[pos: Lv. 30 Guardian Stone statue Lacorum;220020000 1822 1111 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000517][item: 111600432][item: 111500444][item: 111300407][item: 111100405]

※[pos:Lv. 30 Alcanis Straw Mat;220020000 1822 1111 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000516][item: 114600419][item: 114500450][ item: 114300434][item: 114100421]

※[pos:Lv. 30 Chief Qiwanunu;220020000 1346 394 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600426 ][item: 113500442][item: 113300419][item: 113100403][item: 110600458][item: 110500462][item: 110300434][item: 110100472][item: 101300190][ item: 100900192]

※[pos:Lv. 30 Queen Octanu;220020000 261 1707 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100200294][item: 100500198][item: 101500198][item : 101700210][item: 110300433][item: 110100471]

Morheim level 30 or above BOSS location and dropped items

[Play more Aion Theme Station Produced]☆ [Demon] The location and dropped items of BOSS above level 30 in Morheim

※[pos: Lv. 31 Watcher Urika;220020000 1822 1111 0.0 -1]

※[item: 110600459][item: 110500463][item: 110300435][item: 110100474][item: 115000439]

※[pos:Lv. 31 Soul-piercing Hazan;220020000 1559 1340 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600428][item: 113500443][item: 113300420][item: 113100404][item: 100200296][item: 100100189][item: 100600217][item: 10090 0194]

※[pos:Lv. 32 Lonely Dombo;220020000 1880 2193 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000438][item: 123000577]

※[pos: Lv. 32 Dew-Eating Grima;220020000 1578 1339 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 1707 1399 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220020000 1848 1450 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220020000 1608 1063 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100500201][item: 123000578]

※[pos:Lv. 32 Stone Fist Sapiro;220020000 1826 1178 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 1771 1198 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113600428][item: 113300420][item: 100000273][ item: 101500202][item: 101300192][item: 101700213]

※[pos:Lv. 35 Leader Harpia;220020000 2778 1980 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100900195][item: 101500203][item: 101700214][item: 100500202][item: 121000457]

※[pos: Lv. 37 Banished ParrHill;220020000 2655 1386 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000519][item: 120000520]

※[pos: Lv. 37 Rogue Quinnenal; 220020000 2645 2285 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220020000 2590 2217 0.0 -1]

※[item: 110600462][item: 113600431]

※[ pos:Lv. 38 Chief Hapanunu;220020000 2303 382 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001117][item: 120000522]

※[pos:Lv . 38 Imperial Conchold;220020000 1309 1334 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100000277][item: 100200300][item: 100100194][item: 100900199][item: 101300196] [item : 101500207][item: 101700218][item: 100600221][item: 100500206]

※[pos: Lv. 38 Abandoned Creek; 220020000 2358 1081 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000459][item: 122000562]

※[pos:Lv. 38 Tibrid of Hermidan;220020000 2696 2799 0.0 -1]
※[item: 100000278][item: 100200301][item: 101300197][item: 100600222][item: 120000555]

※[pos: Lv. 39 Hook Hemnaton; 220020000 2546 638 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100000279][item: 100900200][item: 101300198][item: 113600433]

※[pos: Lv. 39 Tribe Chief Nuyaka;220020000 2419 538 0.0 -1]
< br />※[item: 101500209][item: 100200303][item: 111100410][item: 114100426][item: 111300412][item: 111500449][item: 114300439][item: 114500 455]

※[pos:Lv. 39 Purell Awakened Body;220020000 2646 2498 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001112][item: 125001113][item: 125001114][ item: 125001115]

※[pos: Lv. 39 Architect Ikaiadi;220020000 2854 2965 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100900198][item: 101300195 ][item: 101500206][item: 101700217]

※[pos:Lv. 39 Chef Kiefer Bawum;220020000 2652 2938 0.0 -1]

※[ item: 125001116][item: 100100193]

※[pos:Lv. 40 High Priest Malopapa;220020000 2643 544 0.0 -1]

※[item : 100600223][item: 100500207][item: 113100408]

※[pos:Lv. 40 Great Healer Hamina;220020000 2505 517 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100100195][item: 101500208][item: 113500447]

※[pos:Lv. 40 Saber-toothed Leopard;220020000 2964 688 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000563]< br />
※[pos:Lv. 40 Cruel Mane Restin;220020000 2576 235 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100600224][item: 100500208][item: 121000462][item: 120000523][item: 100600225][item: 122000564][item: 125001554][item: 125001555][item: 125001556][item: 125001557]

※[pos:Lv . 40 Chief Inspector Sirmidan총;220020000 2984 2708 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001829][item: 100000276][item: 100200299][item: 100100192][item: 100600220][item: 100500205][item: 110300438][item: 110500466][item: 110600463]

Altgard BOSS location and dropped items

[Multiple Produced by Play Aion Theme Station】☆ [Demon] Altgard BOSS location and dropped items

※[pos: Lv. 13 Action Captain Mohan; 220030000 1268 1114 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000618][item: 100500192][item: 100900184][item: 101700204][item: 101500192][item: 101300183]

※[pos :Lv. 13 Gurles;220030000 1845 1717 0.0 -1]

※[pos:Lv. 17 Agile Fist Nukaka;220030000 1987 2688 0.0 -1]
< br />※[item: 114600415][item: 114500446][item: 114300429][item: 114100415]

※[pos:Lv. 17 Clairvoyant Atala;220030000 2027 2314 0.0 -1]

※[item : 101500193] [item: 100200286] [item: 111600427] [item: 111500439] [item: 111300400] [item: 111100399]
※ [POS: Lv. 17003000000 1582 218 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000598][item: 125001190]

※Silver Mane Haku[item: 114100416]

※pos: Lv. 18 Kirikaze Mbaba;220030000 2557 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000890][item: 122000599][item: 120000554][item: 110600454][item: 110500457][item: 110300430][item: 110100468]

※[pos:Lv. 17 Trembling Lenkaka;220030000 2150 2386 0.0 -1]

※[ item: 122000599][item: 123000890][item: 113600422][item: 113500438][item: 113300415][item: 113100399]

※[pos: Lv. 18 Brutal Zahama; 220030000 2219 2350 0.0 -1]

※[item: 101700205][item: 101300184][item: 100600208][item: 122000599][item: 123000890]

※ [pos: Lv. 18 Rumored Tokchi;220030000 2176 576 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220030000 2325 529 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220030000 2063 444 0.0 -1][pos: (4);220030000 2433 652 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100900187]

※[pos:Lv. 18 Shijia Stop;220030000 2465 826 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000493][item: 115000478]

※[pos: Lv. 19 Blue-winged Naimas;220030000 1575 2366 0.0 -1]

※[item: 110500458]

※[pos:Lv. 20 Death's Air Conditioner Starrea;220030000 2944 1725 0.0 -1] [pos : (2);220030000 2926 1500 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220030000 2635 1566 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220030000 2720 1706 0.0 -1] [pos: (5);220030000 2942 163 7 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111300401]

※[pos:Lv. 20 Chief Cumbarun;220030000 2460 2597 0.0 -1]

※[item: 125001886][item: 122000599][item: 123000890][item: 125001194][item: 125001193][item: 125001192][item: 125001191][item: 100200 287][item: 100000266] [item: 100100180]

BOSS location and dropped items in Beluslan below 40Lv
[Produced by Duowan Aion Tower Theme Station]☆ [Demon] Beluslan below 40Lv BOSS location and dropped items

※[pos: Lv. 32 Smart Masiqi;220040000 1047 894 0.0 -1]

※[item: 115000666][item : 122000750][item: 122000749]

※[pos:Lv. 33 Lost Rigoi;220040000 208 1367 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000753][item: 112600601][item: 112500593][item: 112300605][item: 112100605]

※[pos :Lv. 36 Holy Alashia;220040000 1077 481 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000755][item: 115000667]

※[pos:Lv. 36 Ore appraiser Annuoya;220040000 1599 1367 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000753][item: 113600618][item: 113500643][item: 113300670][item: 113100654] < br />
※[pos:Lv. 36 Mine Combat Captain;220040000 1286 1712 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600623][item: 111500633][item: 111300646][ item: 111100644][item: 114600609][item: 114500651][item: 114300685][item: 114100672]

※[pos: Lv. 36 Soul-eating Girina;220040000 788 1072 0.0 - 1]

※[item: 100000507][item: 100100389][item: 100600416][item: 114600610][item: 114500652][item: 114300686][item: 114100673]

※[pos:Lv. 37 Mine Archmage;220040000 1357 1265 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600623][item: 111500633][item: 111300646][item: 111100644 ][item: 114600609][item: 114500651][item: 114300685][item: 114100672]

※[pos:Lv. 37Dancing Pickaxe Angayard;220040000 1408 1097 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100100391]

※[pos:Lv. 37 Lloyd who lost his memory; 220040000 2066 257 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2038 193 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 1959 205 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220040000 1890 223 0.0 -1] < br />
※[item: 123000756]

※[pos:Lv. 38 General Overseer Dondis;220040000 1548 1570 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000700][item: 100200496][item: 100000506][item: 100100388][item: 100500385][item: 100600415][item: 100900382][item: 10130037 3][item: 101500389][item: 101700401 ]

※[pos:Lv. 38 Smart Alfie;220040000 966 1748 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100100390][item: 101700402][item: 113600619][item: 113500644][item: 113300671][item: 113100655]

※[pos:Lv. 38 Boss Pisner;220040000 218 1819 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000754][item: 112600603][item: 112500595][item: 112300607][item: 112100607]

※[pos: Lv. 38 Chief Priest Penez; 220040000 2115 430 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2146 444 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 2101 457 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220040000 2132 472 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000638][item: 111600625][item: 111500635][item: 111300648][item: 111100646]

※[pos :Lv. 39 Old Guard Dalloch;220040000 895 2124 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000701][item: 100000508][item: 100900383]

※ [pos: Lv. 40 Ram who lost his mother;220040000 2806 159 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2612 344 0.0 -1]

※[item: 110300690]

※[pos: Lv. 40 Ice Foot Bazaar;220040000 1820 810 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 1864 687 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000755][item: 100500387][item: 101500390]

Beluslan 40Lv or above BOSS location and dropped items
[Produced by Duowan Aion Tower Theme Station]☆ [Demon Race ] Beluslan BOSS location and dropped items above Lv 40

※[pos: Lv. 41 Senix, who was expelled; 220040000 2950 1251 0.0 -1] [pos: (2); 220040000 2823 1195 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 2991 1104 0.0 -1][item: 112600604][item: 112500596][item: 112300608][item: 112100608][ite m: 123000758]

※[pos:Lv. 41 Fearless Dhoni;220040000 2395 1580 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000702][item: 114600611][item: 114500653][item: 114300687][item: 114100674]

※[pos:Lv. 41 ObsessionBelibei;220040000 320 2379 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000639][item: 111600626][item: 111500636][item: 111300649][item: 111100647]

※[pos:Lv. 42 Legendary Masto;220040000 2598 354 0.0 -1]

※[item: 152012534][item: 120000703][item: 120000704][item : 121000640][item: 121000641][item: 100200499][item: 100000510][item: 100100393][item: 100500388][item: 100600418]

※[pos: Lv. 42 Long picture Pu;220040000 2375 1738 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000756][item: 100900384][item: 101300375][item: 101500391][item: 101700403]

※[pos:Lv. 42 elite combat captain of the surveillance team;220040000 2838 2643 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600627][item: 111500637][item: 111300650][item: 111100648] [item: 114600612][item: 114500654][item: 114300688][item: 114100675]

※[pos:Lv. 43 Patriarch Zalchiai;220040000 2382 995 0.0 -1] [pos : (2);220040000 2299 954 0.0 -1] [pos: (3);220040000 2249 1083 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220040000 2254 1032 0.0 -1]

※[ item: 115000669][item: 123000759]

※[pos:Lv. 43 Patriarch Zantara;220040000 27311962 0.0 -1]

※[item: 120000705][item: 100200500][item: 100000511][item: 100100394][item: 100600419]

※[pos : LV. 43 Guardian God Pernet; 220040000 216 1601 0.0 -1]
※ [ITEM: 152012535] [Item: 113600622] [Item: 113500647] [Item: 113300674] ][item: 122000758][item: 122000757][item: 115000670]

※[pos: Lv. 43 Alquamian Raid Captain;220040000 2514 2655 0.0 -1] [pos: (2 );220040000 2737 2941 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600628][item: 111500638][item: 111300651][item: 111100649][item: 114600613][item: 11450 0655][item ) 1]

※[item: 111600628][item: 111500638][item: 111300651][item: 111100649][item: 114600613][item: 114500655][item: 114300689][item: 114100676 ]

※[pos:Lv. 44 Canyon Guardian Atotay;220040000 2550 1456 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2545 1603 0.0 -1] [pos: (3) ;220040000 2767 1337 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000759][item: 100900387][item: 101300378]

※[pos: Lv. 44 Sowing Cooksey;220040000 700 2770 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 671 2761 0.0 -1] [pos : (3);220040000 679 2737 0.0 -1] [pos: (4);220040000 691 2702 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600629][item: 111500639][item: 111300652] [item: 111100650]

※[pos:Lv. 44 Quiet Elam;220040000 635 2908 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000644][item: 121000643] [item: 112600607] [item: 112500599] [item: 112300611] [item: 112100611]
※ [POS: Lv. 45 Storm Wing Diger; 220040000 2005 2005 0.0 -1 ]

※[item: 152012538]

※[pos:Lv. 45 Commander Buchkman;220040000 1917 2699 0.0 -1]

※[item: 101300380][item: 100000514][item: 100200503][item: 100600422][item: 115000673][item: 100500392][item: 100900389][item: 10170040 7][item: 100100397][item : 101500395]

※[pos: Lv. 45 Canyon Guardian Ahdemeh;220040000 2615 1676 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 2634 1700 0.0 -1] [pos : (3);220040000 2634 1666 0.0 -1][item: 122000762][item: 100600467][item: 100500391]

※[pos: Lv. 45 Dancing Girl Severa;220040000 539 2760 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000762][item: 123000761][item: 113600623][item: 113500648][item: 113300675][item: 113100659]

※[pos: Lv. 45 Wisdom Siqilun;220040000 772 2681 0.0 -1] [pos: (2);220040000 654 2867 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000760][item: 122000761][item: 115000671][item: 152012536]

※[pos: Lv. 45 Alquimea Elite Archmage;220040000 2307 2840 0.0 -1]

※[item: 111600628][item: 111500638][item: 111300651][item: 111100649][item: 114600613][item: 114500655][item: 114300689][item: 11410 0676]

※[pos:Lv. 46 Queen Aruzina;220040000 797 2952 0.0 -1]

※[item: 100200502][item: 100000513][item: 100100396][item ) Location and dropped equipment
[Produced by Duowan Aion Tower Theme Station] ☆ BOSS Information of Buluesthauning New Area

※[pos: Dirty Nut Arm Lv . 50;220050000 1834 887 0.0 -1]

※[pos: Elder Kitalpa Lv. 50;220050000 597 2731 0.0 -1]

※[pos: Jungle Warden EgeriaLv. 50;220050000 278 2452 0.0 -1]

※[pos:Green Scale Saba Lv. 50;220050000 2704 2766 0.0 -1]

※[pos:Hateful Narka Lv. 48;220050000 1509 2938 0.0 -1]

※[pos:First Class Navigator Guardian Hansen Lv. 48;220050000 231 94 0.0 -1]

※[ pos: Spiny Beard Ratulatu Lv. 47;220050000 1534 937 0.0 -1]

※[pos: Ancient Healer Chianir Lv. 47;220050000 1362 2579 0.0 -1]< br />
※[pos: Lv. 22 Cooked Pukorn;220050000 2577 1895 0.0 -1]

※[item: 121000669][item: 121000668][item: 114600631 ][item: 114500671][item: 114300705][item: 114100692]

※[pos:Lv. 23 Scoundrel Bobby;220050000 2022 2117 0.0 -1]

※[item: 113500663]

※[pos: Lv. 24 Farmer Habanyak;220050000 1846 2329 0.0 -1]

※[item: 122000783][item : 122000782][item: 100900430][item: 112600620][item: 112500612][item: 112300624][item: 112100624]

※[pos: Lv. 25 Botanist Aero; 220050000 2829 1330 0.0 -1]

※[item: 123000781][item: 123000780][item: 100200544][item: 100000563][item: 100100440][item: 100600 466]

⑷ What are the names of the twelve main gods of AION

Azariel, the God of Light
The most important person in charge of the south in the past era of the 12 godsGao Shen is now the leader of the five gods who lead the heaven. His gentle nature and his foresight led him to lead the gods. What special abilities he has, few people know about him compared to other great gods.

Asphel, God of Darkness
The highest god in charge of the north in the past era of 12 gods, and now the leader of the five gods who lead the demon world. The strict character believes that the weak God of Light is the main cause of the great destruction. Gives people a feeling of supremacy.

Siel, the God of Time
In the era of the 12 Great Gods, he was responsible for the east and the guardian of the Tower of Eternity. In order to end the thousand-year war, he has always agreed with the idea of ​​peace between the dragons of the God of Space. However, Only when he saw the dragons attacking the Tower of Eternity did he realize his stupidity and sacrifice himself to prevent the collapse of the world.

Israphel, the God of Space
In charge of the West in the Age of the 12 Great Gods, the guardian of the Tower of Eternity .Advocated that the God of Time signed a treaty with the Dragon Clan. During the Great Destruction, he and the God of Time prevented the collapse of the world and disappeared together.

Nezakan, the God of Justice
The great god of heaven, is The patron saint of the Sword Star and the Guardian Star. He has a very decisive character and has always followed the God of Light. He is very physically capable and has strong physical strength and strength that can block any attack. The shield he always holds in his left hand is his symbol. < br />
Jikel, the God of Destruction
The great god of the demon world, is the patron saint of the Sword Star and the Guardian Star. He can skillfully use all weapons, especially the ability to use swords, which is unparalleled. He has an arrogant personality. , like fire, sometimes it becomes very violent when it cannot be controlled. He cut off the right hand of the God of Justice, which became the trigger for the first demon war.

The God of Freedom, Baizel < br />The great god of heaven, the patron saint of the Bow Star and the Killing Star. He is outgoing but very calm. He has excellent bow ability and transformation ability. He likes to wander around after transformation and observe human life.

Triniel, the God of Death
The great god of the demon world, the patron saint of the Bow Star and the Killing Star. His personality is as cold as ice. He will never lose his cold heart under any circumstances. He will find the opponent's weaknesses and hide them very well. His specialty is to get close until he delivers a fatal blow to the opponent.

Kaithiel, the God of Illusions
The great god of heaven, the patron saint of the Elf Star and the Mill Road Star. His introverted personality makes other great gods It is difficult to get close to him. His ability is to freely manipulate ODE and transform it into any form. It is the greatest shame to lose to the God of Wisdom in the first demon war.

The God of Wisdom, Luminal < br />The great god of the demon world, the patron saint of the Elf Star and the Demonic Star. Perhaps out of curiosity, in order to understand the nature of ODE, he studied it in depth, and finally became the magical power among the gods.The most powerful god. In the past 12 great god eras, he has the best relationship with the God of Light.

The God of Life Usthiel
The great god of heaven, the patron saint of the healing star and the protector star. He has a gentle personality , I have always believed that the lives of both our enemies and ours are precious. I am very troubled by the current division into heaven and demon world, and want to go back to the era before the great destruction.

Markutan, the God of Destiny
The great god of the demon world, The patron saint of the Healing Star and the Protector Star. He has a very good relationship with the Guardian of the Tower and the God of Space, and is opposed to the God of Destruction. His strong and steady character makes him always expressionless. He has a way of making others suffocate when he sees them. Feeling of physique.

⑸ Newbie’s experience with Aion S, the one that suits you is the best

I have been reading posts on the forum for a while, today I also want to post a post to share with you my "really fragrant" experience. I have been working for three or four years. Because I have always settled in a small city, a battery car is enough for commuting. So although I followed the trend in college and took the driver's license test, I have never thought about buying a car. Last year, I considered getting married and couldn't live without a car, so I put buying a car on my agenda. At first, all I heard from relatives and friends was about gasoline cars. After all, gasoline cars have been made for many years, and there is a wide range of options to choose from, so I discussed it with my family and basically decided on the Volkswagen Lavida. But just when I was going to the 4S store to look at the car, my friend told me that it would be better to buy the GAC New Energy Aion S at the same price. When I heard it at the time, I still didn’t take it seriously. After all, you said everyone knows it, and big companies and old brands have good reputations. GAC is not that well-known in comparison. Moreover, new energy vehicles can be considered a new technology that has not been developed for a long time. Whether they work well or not has not been tested by time. Unexpectedly, my childhood friend actually got into trouble with me, saying that buying a car is a big deal and requires comparison shopping. Okay, let’s go for a test drive first. Anyway, I’m quite free at that time. The test drive seemed to be the 1.5L automatic version of the Lavida sedan. I am a pragmatist, and I am not picky about appearance. I mainly prefer practical things that are good. So I didn’t look too closely at the exterior, and spent some time feeling the interior configuration and driving experience. Generally speaking, it's quite satisfactory, but the low-speed squelch of the gearbox and the sound of the brakes make me a little unable to accept it. I was a little disappointed and comforted myself by saying that after all, you get what you pay for. I didn’t really have much hope for the GAC New Energy Aion S, but the test drive result was really good. For me, there is nothing much to say about the appearance. This still depends on personal preference, so I won’t say much and just look at the pictures. I bought the white one, which looks more refreshing and not flashy.
I don’t pay much attention to the interior, but the comparison is harmful. It has to be said that the interior of GAC New Energy Aion S is much more advanced than that of Volkswagen Lavida. At first glance, it looks like Volkswagen Lavida’s plastic-filled accessories.several streets. However, I also discovered some shortcomings through actual use of the car. First of all, the new car smell of this car is still emitted intermittently, especially when the weather is hot and the windows are closed all night, so I usually leave a gap in the car glass at night. . But it doesn’t matter, just put a bamboo charcoal bag in the car and ventilate it for a few days and you’ll be fine.
I think the space of the GAC New Energy Aion S is quite adequate. I estimate that the wheelbase is about three meters wide. It is OK to seat 5 people in one car. I just don’t know if the battery pack has an impact on the trunk. The trunk space of this car is not as big as expected and cannot accommodate those larger suitcases. If you have a lot of luggage, you may consider bringing an extra smaller suitcase.
The comfort of this car is indeed very comfortable for the passengers in the car. The seats of the car are very wrapped. My wife also likes the suede seats and the genuine leather material. The odor problem mentioned earlier is basically not a problem after the odor dispersion is in place in the first week or two.
After driving for a while, I still prefer the battery temperature control technology of this electric vehicle of GAC New Energy, because when I bought this car, I experienced the cold weather and the hot road congestion on May Day. I think The battery life of this car is as good as it looks. It only lasts about ten kilometers for commuting to and from work. This car is more than enough for a week without charging.
And for working class people like us, new energy vehicles are really more economical than fuel vehicles. Even if you don’t have your own parking space to install a dedicated charging pile, you can just find a charging pile on the roadside and fast charging will only take one hour. And a recharge usually only costs 70 or 80 yuan, which is much better than refueling which often costs 200 or 300 yuan. But the problem that comes with it is that in places where charging piles are not that popular, battery life still needs to be calculated.
Personally, I feel that the steering is relatively gentle for me, not as cumbersome as I imagined. After all, it is equipped with an electric power steering wheel, and the car is mainly driven by electric motors. But my wife feels it's a little heavy, but it's not hard to drive.
I have personally experienced the power consumption of the GAC New Energy Aion S. Although it has not really reached 0% of the power left, I can still charge it once a week when I go to work. Pressure, if you are going shopping or traveling on the weekend, it is still recommended to fully charge it on Friday night.
What I like most is that it is smooth enough and there is no sense of frustration when passing speed bumps. And the mute aspect is also very good.
The GAC New Energy Aion S that Volkswagen Lavida gave me was well avoided, which made me feel particularly satisfied.
Today we will stop here and provide you with a lesson. When buying a car or anything else, you must shop around. See you in the comment area!

⑹ When the Aion was in public beta, was Sword and Soul so popular now? Why has the Aion become so cold?

When the Aion was in beta More powerful than the sword spirit, toAs for why this happened, I have to thank Brother Qiao for his really powerful operation method. With various lottery draws, a good game was ruined like this. The playability of Aion is much higher than that of Blade and Soul, which is a pity for a good game.

⑺ Under what circumstances can the "Superior Wind Medicine" in AION be used? For what purpose? Where is the introduction?

If you want to know about the Tower of Eternity, you can Go to Shanda’s official website and its cooperative media, KO 1 8 0 Game Network, for relevant information. The tasks inside are very wonderfully written, and it is said that they were written by the official team. . .

⑻ With excellent battery life at normal temperatures and average low temperatures, what makes the GAC New Energy Aion S impress you?

And I think I can classify myself into Among the "more picky customers". Of course, as said before, everyone can express their own opinion on any car. The above only represents my personal attitude towards AionS.

Written at the end

From the perspective of normal temperature driving, the performance of GAC New Energy AionS is excellent. However, driving at low temperatures does have a certain impact on cruising range. In this regard, perhaps this car is really not very suitable for online ride-hailing drivers who rely on operations to make money regardless of weather conditions all year round.

However, for ordinary users who "can only" buy pure electric vehicles, AionS is a good choice.

After all, from now on, the greatest significance of any pure electric vehicle is still transportation. Therefore, AionS can still meet the needs without traveling far. And under normal temperature driving conditions, it can still run basically the same cruising range as NEDC.

In addition, even if "no one wants to happen" happens occasionally, GAC New Energy's service policy can make users feel considerate.

As for the control, comfort, convenience and quality of this car, from the perspective of truly experiencing this car, I think it deserves praise.

This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

⑼ Nettles are collected and distributed in the Tower of Eternity. Where are the stachys collected in the Tower of Eternity?

"Tower of Eternity" nettles are collected and distributed in the dark wetland, and the dark wetland is located in the dark wetland. Next to the Tertica Boundary Tower; in "Tower of Eternity", Sui Su was on the road when he ran out of the Intertika Fortress and ran to the "Inteltika Boundary Tower".

The Holy Guardian Association requires the guardian to collect medicinal herbs to Pallas, a member of the Intertica branch, and the name of the medicinal herbs required is 3 Stachys. It is not difficult to obtain the things. The task can be said to be very simple.

Flight system

The flight of Aion is not a simple means of movement, but a must-have system for strategic combat and movement to specific areas. . Players can enjoy the thrill of flying in the sky in areas where they can fly, and can do it in the airFighting gives people a different kind of fun.

Flying in the Tower of Aion is not only a means of movement, but has become a strategic element. It can only be flown in specific areas. Whether it can fly in the relevant area can be confirmed by the flight icon. Areas that can fly are colored blue, while areas that cannot be flown are gray.

The time you can fly continuously is initially limited to 1 minute. However, after using flight-related skills and props, the flight time will increase or decrease accordingly. After all the flight time is consumed, it will take about 2 minutes until the next flight. Cooling time. For reference, there is a 10-second delay between starting a flight and flying again. You cannot fly again within 10 seconds after starting a flight.

⑽ Problems with the job transfer of the Aion priest in the Tower of Eternity

I am 20 healers. I used to play Killing Star and Dharma Protector, but gave up on both.

Let me first analyze healing.

Fighting monsters: Healing can be said to be a profession with high attack output, which subverts everyone’s past views on nannies. Since AION adopts a continuous skill mode, it is very powerful that a starting skill can be followed by a powerful follow-up skill. In terms of healing skills, it has all the advantages. It can be restrained, stunned, summoned, has ranged attacks, and has close attacks. You can also add status to yourself. It also has the most powerful recovery skills, continuous and continuous recovery skills. In addition, healing has the ability to restore mana. Although you will lose health when you restore mana, it doesn't matter. You have to fill up your health before returning mana, then give yourself a continuous recovery skill, then start to restore mana, and then sit down, so that the mana will return. It's faster than drinking medicine. When the mana is full, the blood will be about 70% full after recovery. Therefore, healing is the most effective in killing monsters. I killed 7 monsters at level 20 and level 23 before I self-mutilated and returned to mana. When playing Kill Star, not only is it a problem to defeat monsters beyond the level, but to kill up to two monsters of the same level, you have to sit on the floor.

PK advantages, strong battery life, we all wear chain armor, which is the second highest defense equipment in the game. How about full health stones, we use sticks and shields, although it is unsightly, but We guard against heights. Another state. We are the overlord of the war of attrition. In a 1VS1 situation, if we are not stupid, we are invincible. Even if it is a demon, we are not afraid. As long as we stun him, the battle can basically be over (because we can only stun him when we are close). Even if he can't faint, we can just summon the elves to grind him while we leisurely add blood to ourselves.

Disadvantages, not in good condition. Only adding blood is our kingly way! (If you are in good condition, you don’t need to protect the Dharma). In addition, before 30, healing alone was the best! The upgrade is drastic. It’s still unknown after 30. Furthermore, it does not work when healing a group of P. We are one-on-one overlords, but when it comes to a group, it is difficult for us to resist, because the chant that adds blood will be interrupted. Group P, we can only stand behind obediently, maybe we can also sneak attack when the opponent's health is low, after all, the continuous burst of healing skills is still quite scary.of.

Defender Star
Fighting monsters: Attack is not as good as healing, there is nothing good about it, Dharma Protector's long-distance attack is not his strong point, but it does not mean that it is useless. The Guardian will simply heal, and it is the king of status. With high defense, high physical attack, high movement, etc., the Guardian has been armed into a mobile fort. Although we kill monsters slowly, we are absolutely safe, and our mortality rate is the lowest. We rely on the defense of the chain armor and the bloody stones we smashed, and relying on our extreme BN state, we can fearlessly charge at the monster and kill him one by one. We are the turret... We are the turret... < br />
PK: The purpose of our PK is to add good status, order good treatment, come and fight ghosts, come and kill gods. Even if you can’t kill you, you can’t kill me. I can run out of blood. You can't run out of blood. If you run out of blood, go home and replenish your blood! !

Disadvantages: The attack input is relatively low, and single brushing is very slow. It is difficult for us to bully others in PK, but it is also difficult for others to bully us. We are treated as mistresses when we form a team, and we basically have nothing to do with the extra play status. All monsters that need to be killed by forming a team must be very difficult to kill. It is difficult for others to kill, and we can’t kill it, so we can only follow. The nanny is silently acting as the mistress behind the scenes. It’s so sad to think about it! It is an unpopular profession, but it is indispensable. I really want to roar: "If you need me so much, why do you ignore me?" Sad ING! !

There are no attribute points for upgrading, this is not a point-adding game. Everything is doomed when the character is born.

I used to be a member of Scorpion, but now I have switched to Lubao. There are too many guilds in Scorpion.

Single training and group training are the lifeblood of Quandui. In other words, even in the toilet, there are places where we prick our feet.
Single training of the Guardian is very tiring, and after the team training completes the status increase, it is of no use to us. In other words, we are a one-time investment, and it will be useless after the return. Maybe it can be used to fight monsters and replace the human shield. Battery, it's always us who get hurt.

Also, where are the playing birds downstairs? As of April 10th, AION’s top ranking was only 30. Is that good? Do you have any experience in level 35 PK?

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