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① 第26届国际科学与和平周全国中小学生江苏地区金钥匙竞赛答案

第26届国际科学与和平周全国中小学生(江苏地区) 金钥匙科技竞赛
一、 (一) 选择题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B C C A C A B B A B C A A B B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
× √ × √ × √ √ × √ √ √ × √ × √
二、综合应用题 1. 答案:
(2)正确选项:B。(高年级做,5分) 2.盐水和酱油(满分10分) 答案:
夏天降温有妙招 参考答案:
5.房间里多挂几条湿毛巾或湿衣服,让水吸热蒸发,降低室内温度。 6.在采用以上办法的同时,不要开任何电器,以免放热升温。

水的“身材”变变变 参考答案:
(1)正确选项:C。(中年级同学答对得10分,高年级同学答对得5分。) (2)(高年级做,5分) ①冰和冷藏室里的水的密度的比较:
②冰和沸水的密度的比较:方法和上面的方法同。 ③沸水和冷藏室里的水的密度比较:


② 如何把照片缩小到能放入钱包的大小




③ 第22届国际科学与和平周全国中小学生(江苏地区)金钥匙科技竞赛中学个人初赛赛题答案

第二十二届国际科学与和平周全国中小学生(江苏地区)金钥匙科技竞赛小学个人初赛赛题答案(满分120分,其中附加题20分) 一、知识题(满分30分)(一)、选择题(每题1分,共15分)123456789101112131415AC BA AB B BCBBBC BA (二)、判断题(每题1分,共15分)123456789101112131415√√×√×√×××√××√√× 二、综合应用题(满分20分)1.瓶子赛跑(10分)答:(1)B。装水的瓶子先到达。(中年级同学答对得10分,高年级同学答对得5分)(2)原因:沙子对瓶子内壁的摩擦力要比水对瓶子内壁的摩擦力大,而且沙子之间也有摩擦。这样装沙子的瓶子下滚时所受到的阻力比装水的瓶子要大。所以,装水的瓶子先到达坡底。(高年级做,5分) 2.巧化糖块(10分)答:(1)B;(中年级同学答对得10分,高年级同学答对得5分)(2)B。这是因为悬挂得比较高的那块糖和下面水形成的对流空间更大些,糖块周围溶液中糖的浓度更稀,所以溶化得也较快一点。 (高年级做,5分) 三、发散思维题(10分)答:只要学生提出的生活方式能直接或间接地减少能源、资源消耗,都是符合要求的,即可以算分。(答出一种得2分,答出5个得10分。多答不加分) 参考答案:1.双面用纸;2.尽量步行、骑自行车或者坐公交车外出,少开私家车;3.洗完衣服的水用来拖地;4.洗澡的时候尽量淋浴而不是泡澡,且速度快一些;5.不用的水电要及时关闭;6.夏天空调不打得太凉,冬天空调不打得太热;7.少购买包装复杂的物品;8.吃饭吃多少盛多少,避免浪费;9.尽量购买当地老农种植的瓜果;10.少寄贺卡和书信,多用电子邮件。 四、奇思妙想题(中、高年级同学都做。满分10分)评分标准:1.想法奇妙,同时又能立足生产生活实际;2.有一定的科学道理,有一定的可行性。 五、研究性学习题(10分)答:1. 结论:种子发芽和有无阳光没有关系。(种子发芽时所需要的营养全部来自种子内部所储存的营养,不需要通过光合作用来获取养料,所以埋在地下的种子依然会发芽。)(中年级同学答对得10分;高年级同学答对得5分)2.如果杯子中的水将种子淹没了,种子将不会发芽,或者发芽后会很快腐烂掉,这是因为缺少氧气的缘故。(高年级做,5分) 六、作文题(中、高年级同学都做,满分20分)评分标准:1.观察仔细,表述清楚(8分)2.有一定科学道理(6分)3.文句通顺(6分)

④ 第二十一届国际科学与和平周全国中小学生金钥匙科技竞赛的答案(江苏区)小学组

(3)1: 钟罩内的水位会上升,因为消耗掉钟罩内的氧气。
2: 选C。由于长蜡烛占据钟罩内体积较大,也就是说钟罩内在燃烧前,该钟罩内的气体较少,亦说明该钟罩内氧气较少,固会先熄灭。
用的是气体热胀冷缩的原理。 选A
(7)a杯(红) b杯 发生的现象
1、热水 冷水 (因为热水密度小,所以 )红色水上升,无色水下沉,迅速混合均匀;
1、冷水 热水 (理由同上,所以)短时间内没有明显变化,(但是分子运动也会进行的,所以)时间长了还是会发生混合均匀的现象;
2、冷水 冷水 (分子运动是永恒的,所以)最后也会混合均匀。

⑤ 初二科学上册金钥匙第一张测试卷

1、我国水资源的空间分布和年降水量都是………………………………………………( D )
A、北多南少、东多西少 B、北多南少、东少西多
C、南多北少、东少西多 D、南多北少、东多西少
2、下列与人关系密切的4种液体中,属于溶液的是………………………………… ( B )
A、“伊利”纯牛奶 B、“娃哈哈”矿泉水 C、肥皂水 D、血液
3、科学知识可以通过对自然的探究而获得。探究下列事实,其中有增大压强作用的是( C )
A、鸭有面积较大的蹼足 B、骆驼具有较大的脚掌
C、啄木鸟有尖尖的喙 D、牛有硕大的牛蹄
4、5月11日-17日是全国城市节约用水宣传周。市里有关部门呼吁市民“像北方缺水城市一样珍惜水资源”。下列做法中有利于节约用水的是…………………………………( D )
A、洗脸、刷牙时,不间断地放水 B、洗澡擦肥皂时不关喷头,任水流淌
C、任由水龙头漏水而不及时修理 D、洗莱、淘米的水用来浇花、拖地、冲厕所
5、正方体铁块的底面积为S,高为h,将这块铁铸成高为2h的长方体,则它的密度将( C )。
A、变大 B、变小 C、不变 D、不能确定
错误的是………………………………………………………………………………( B )
A、夏季丰富,冬季欠缺 B、北纬40°附近的海河流域和华北地区供水充足
C、南多北少,东多西少 D、江河径流量的年际变化大
7、在粗盐提纯中,每步都需用的仪器是………………………………………………( C )
A、蒸发皿 B、烧杯 C、玻璃棒 D、漏斗
8、100克溶质质量分数为8%的食盐水,蒸发掉一定量的水后,溶质质量分数增大为16%,则蒸发水的质量为………………………………………………………………………( A )
A、50克 B、5克 C、80克 D、8克
9、地球上水的状态呈……………………………………………………………………( A )
A、液态、固态和气态 B、液态和气态 C、气态和固态 D、液态和固态
10、如下图两个粗细不同的圆柱形容器,内装质量相同的水,放在水平桌面上,底部有口径相同的阀门,将阀门打开,则有………………………………………………( D )
A、甲先流完; B、乙先流完;
C、甲、乙同时流完; D、无法确定。
11、下列各量中,与水的质量多少有关的是…………………( C )
A、水的密度 B、20℃时氯化钠的溶解度
C、电解水时产生氧气的质量 D、无法确定
12、一金属块的重力为30牛。把它浸没在某液体中时,弹簧秤的示数为22牛,该金属块所受到的浮力是……………………………………………………………………( B )
A、52牛 B、8牛 C、22牛 D、30牛
13、某温度下,向50克水中加入某物质(不含结晶水)W克,恰好形成饱和溶液,则此温度下该物质的溶解度为……………………………………………………………( B )
A、 2W B、2W克 C、W克 D、2W%
14、进行过滤操作所需的仪器是…………………………………………………………( A )
A、铁架台、铁圈、烧杯、漏斗、玻璃棒、滤纸 B、烧杯、漏斗、玻璃棒、温度计
C、铁架台、铁夹、铁圈、石棉网 D、冷凝管、酒精灯、蒸发皿、接收管
15、下列说法正确的是……………………………………………………………………( D )
A、溶液一定是均一、稳定的无色透明液体 B、浓溶液一定是饱和溶液
16、在一定温度下,向一定量的水中不断加入硝酸钾固体,并搅拌。在此过程溶液中溶质的质量分数(b)与加入硝酸钾质量(a)的变化关系如下图所示,其中正确的是( B )

17、下列液体哪种不是悬浊液…………………………………………………………( B )
A、泥水 B、肥皂水 C、血液 D、粉笔灰水
18、同一木块分别放入甲、乙、丙三种不同液体中,静止后如右上图所示,则木块在三种液体中的浮力大小…………………………………… ( D )
A、F浮甲最大 B、 F浮乙最大
C、F浮丙最大 D、一样大
19、如图是用压强计来研究液体内部压强的演示实验装置,A为 压强计的金属盒,B为压强计的U形管,下述说法中错误的是…………………………( D )
20、下列属纯净物的是……………………………………………………………………( C )
A、精制后的盐 B、矿泉水 C、蒸馏水 D、自来水
21、下列做法能改变固体物质溶解度的是………………………………………………( B )
A、增加溶质 B、升高温度 C、增加溶剂 D、增大压强
22、甲、乙两物体的体积之比为3:2,质量之比为3:4,那么甲、乙两物体的密度之比是……( B )
A、3:8 B、1:2 C、9:8 D、2:1
23、关于压强P=F/S,下列说法正确的是…………………………………………………( D )
A、压强跟受力面积成正比 B、压强跟受力面积成反比
C、压强跟压力成正比 D、在压力相同的情况下,压强与受力面积成反比
24、现有M、N两物质在室温下的饱和溶液,升温后,M溶液有晶体析出,而N溶液还可以再溶解N晶体,则能正确表示M、N两种物质溶解度曲线的是…………………………( B )

正确的是…………………………………………………………( A )
A、ρA<ρB<ρC B、ρA>ρB>ρC C、ρA=ρB=ρC D、ρA=ρB>ρC
26、电解水实验中,正极、负极产生的气体的名称是: 氧气 、 氢气 ,它们的体积比为_1:2_______,请你写出验证负极气体的方法___________________点燃的木条放在导管的尖嘴处,若气体能燃烧,且发出淡蓝色的火焰,则为氢气______________。
27、在学完物质在水中的分散后,小明还有点疑问,回家后小明做了一个实验:将少量的食盐溶解在凉开水中,静置一个小时后,小明用吸管分别尝了上层、中层和下层的溶液的味道,你觉得小明会感觉到 一样咸 (选填:“上层最咸”、“下层最咸”、“中层最咸”、“一样咸”),这个实验说明了溶液是 均一 、 稳定 的混合物。
28、2005年6月3日,CCTV在云南抚仙湖一次现场直播了水下考古的过程。这次水下考古使用了我国科学家自行设计制造的现代化“鱼鹰一号”深潜器(原理和潜水艇相同),它的上浮和下潜是靠改变 自身重力 来实现的,深潜器在水面下下潜的过程中,受到水的浮力 不变 ,水对它的压强 增大 。(填“增大”、“不变”或者“减少”)
30、水的密度是 1000 千克/米3= 1 克/厘米3。市场上出售一种“金龙鱼”牌食用调和油,其中一瓶标有“2kg/2714ml”字样,该油的密度是____0.74____克/厘米3(结果保留两位有效数字)。
所示,这表明水对容器的 侧壁 有压强,而且 深度越大,压强越大 。
1密度计 密度计浸入较浅的为盐水
2取相同体积的盐水和水用天平称量 质量较大为盐水

33、如图所示的实验表明,压力作用的效果不仅跟压力的大小有关系,还跟 受力面积 有关系。设实验中所用的小桌桌面面积为200厘米2,小桌重8 牛,

砝码重2 牛,那么图乙中小桌对泡沫塑料的压强为 500 帕。
34、在如图所示的大鱼和小鱼的争论中, 大 鱼的
受浮力的大小与 物体排开液体的体积有关 有关.

35、某学生配制100克质量分数为5%的NaCl溶液,其全部过程如下图所示。 按要求填空:指出该实验的其他二个步骤,指出图中的错误:
①第一步: 计算 ,需要NaCl为 5 克,水为 95 毫升。
②第二步: 量取 ,③第三步: 溶解 。 图中有两处错误,分别是
瓶盖正放在桌面 、 。





⑥ 金钥匙往年考题及答案

市(县) 学校 班级 姓名
校址 邮编 得分

1.( )避雷针的发明者是_______。
A. 伽利略 B.弗兰克林 C.阿基米德
2.( )迄今为止,世界上最大的客机是
A. 空中客车A380 B.波音747 C.波音757
3.( )彗星是由冰和少量岩石组成的小天体,它从内到外分别为:
A. 彗发、彗尾、彗核 B. 彗核、彗发、彗尾 C. 彗发、彗核、彗尾
4.( )猫头鹰的大眼睛只能往前看,但它的脖子又长又柔软,能转动
A. 180度 B. 270度 C. 300度 D.360度
5.( )一些冷水中的食肉鱼类,比如旗鱼,通常会耗费许多热量来维持眼睛的温度,它这样做是什么原因?
A. 获得敏锐的视觉 B.求偶期间的特殊反应 C.冷水鱼的眼睛最怕冷
6.( )把一只猫放进一间没有窗户的黑屋子里,猫的眼睛有什么变化?
A. 依旧会放光 B.刚进去的时候会放光,过段时间光线就消失了
7.( )人的耳朵能听到各种各样的声音,但这些声音都是在一定频率之内的,超出这个范围的声音,我们就听不见了。这个频率范围是:
A. 20~2 000赫兹 B.20~20 000赫兹 C.200~20 000赫兹
8.( )考拉又叫做树袋熊,是一种小型的有袋类哺乳动物。平时,它的水分来源主要是:
A. 桉树的树叶 B.人类为它们提供的淡水资源 C.树叶上的露水
9.( )均衡营养才能保证身体健康。如果有人贫血,他的体内很可能缺乏什么?
A. 维生素B1 B.蛋白质 C.铁元素
10.( )郑和首次下西洋时,当朝的皇帝是:
A. 明宣宗朱瞻基 B.明成祖朱棣 C.明穆宗朱载垕
11. ( ) 在太阳系的九大行星中,有一颗星经常出现在早晨或黄昏的彩霞中,闪耀着银白色的光辉。古希腊和罗马人称它为“最美丽的女神”维纳斯,我国古代称它为“太白”。这颗星指的是:
A. 水星 B.金星 C.火星 D.木星
12.( )《葫芦兄弟》中的穿山甲给同学们留下了很深的印象。穿山甲尖头尖尾,四肢粗短,身上挂覆瓦状的角质鳞片。它属于动物中的那一种呢?
A. 昆虫 B.节肢动物 C.哺乳动物
13.( )海獭喜欢寻找海藻丛生的地方睡觉,睡觉前要在水面上连打几个滚,将海藻缠在身上。它这样做的目的是:
A. 以免被海浪卷走 B.保暖 C.躺在上面比较舒服
14. ( )在弹簧秤的两端,各用6牛的拉力朝相反的方向拉,这时弹簧秤上显示的读数是:
A. 12牛 B.6牛至12牛之间 C.6牛
15.( )2005年又被称为“世界物理年”,这是为了纪念哪位科学家?
A. 牛顿 B.爱迪生 C.爱因斯坦
16.( )美丽的蝴蝶都是由其貌不扬的小毛毛虫变化而来的,在这一个变化过程中,蝴蝶必须经历的演变过程是:
A. 卵-幼虫-成虫 B. 卵-蛹-成虫 C. 卵-幼虫-蛹-成虫 D. 卵-蛹-幼虫-成虫
17.( )2005年,完成太空飞行任务的是哪架航天飞机?
A.“哥伦比亚”号 B.“惠更斯”号 C.“发现”号
18. ( ) 将一个乒乓球埋在米的中间,不断抖动装有米和乒乓球的器皿,乒乓球会如何运动?
A.浮到米的上面 B.沉到米的最下面 C.不上升也不下降
19.( )在山的不同地方,温度是不同的。在下面哪个地方,人们感觉更寒冷呢?
A.山底 B.山顶 C.背着太阳的山腰
20.( )自然环境由阳光、空气、水、土壤和各种生物构成。人们又常常把自然环境分为四个圈,除了大气圈、水圈、生物圈外,另一个是:
A.土壤圈 B.阳光圈 C.岩石圈

1.( )如果一个动物嗅觉灵敏,那它的鼻子往往大而突出,鼻孔大而潮湿,比如狼狗、大象等。
2.( )“蓝血人”只能是科幻作品中的故事,现实世界中,所有动物的血液都是红色的。
3.( )手指上的条纹叫做指纹。指纹是人类所独有的,像人类的近亲——猴子、狒狒都没有指纹。
4.( )昆虫、蛇类、青蛙等动物的体温会随环境温度的变化而变化,这类动物被称为恒温动物。
5.( )鳄鱼吞食完食物后,眼中会流出两行泪水。鳄鱼流泪只是为了把体内的盐分排出体外,以保持身体健康,而不是什么忏悔。
6.( )在太空中,因为失重,人们可以选择任何姿势睡觉。如躺着睡、坐着睡、站着睡或者倒立着睡。
7.( )猎豹是陆地上跑得最快的动物,时速达110千米。也就是说,猎豹在一个小时内跑110千米是没有问题的。
8.( )同样一个物体,它的质量在地球上任何地方都不会改变,但是它所受的重力将随各地重力加速度的变化而变化。也就是说,用同一个弹簧秤在不同地方称同一物体,读数有可能是不一样的。
9.( )蛇大多是紧贴凹凸不平的地面,摆动身体做曲线移动的,在平滑的表面,蛇就难以爬行了。
10.( )日光灯不是普通的白炽灯,它属于冷光源。所以日光灯即使亮了很长一段时间,灯管也不会烫手的。
11.( )郑和下西洋这一壮举,比哥伦布到达新大陆早87年,比达•伽马绕过非洲好望角早96年,比麦哲伦环球航行早114年。
12.( )金的密度比银大,所以,相同质量的金和银,放入水中,金所排开的水的体积较大。
13.( )熟透了的香蕉虽然好吃,但略带青涩的香蕉,更能增强人体的免疫力。
14.( )乙烯是一种神奇的催熟气体,它可以使树木提前落叶,也可以使康乃馨花儿尽早开放。
15.( )在企鹅的世界里,雌企鹅产蛋以后,会立即把蛋交由雄企鹅孵化,而自己则去寻找食物。
16.( )洗澡时间长了手指会起皱,这是因为手指上的皮肤浸水后泡开并伸展。但肚子和背上的皮肤浸水不会伸展,所以很难看到肚子上起皱。
17.( )当你用塑料梳子梳头时,你会发现梳子和头发相互吸引,这其实是静电的作用。
18.( )人类的头发与动物身上的毛发不是同一种东西,因为毛发长到一定的长度后就不再生长,而我们的头发却能够一直长下去。
19.( )海里是计算船只在大海里航行的长度单位,1海里约等于1千米。
20.( )人们常说牛有四个胃,但这种说法并不准确。牛、羊等食草动物的胃,并非是四个,而是分为四个部分,这样更适合将植物纤维完全消化掉。






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1. 题目要求找4个缺点或者使用不便的地方,只要说得有道理,都应酌情给分;每少提一个缺点扣5分,多于4个不加分。
2. 金属球能升空。能否升空不是决定球内有无氢气,而是决定于空气对金属球的浮力是否大于金属球的重力。既然充满氢气的金属球都能升空,抽成真空的金属球比充满氢气的金属球还要轻,当然能升空了。



⑦ 作文 最让我难忘的一句名言(450字) 礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。急!急!急!急!急!
























⑧ 急求第二十二届金钥匙初中组江苏地区比赛赛题,今晚要做。无需答案

(满分150分 时间 90分钟)
市(县) 学校 班级 姓名
校址 邮编 得分
1.( )吃掉植物,窃取其叶绿体,然后像植物一样仅靠阳光持续光合作用便能饱食终日。完成这一壮举的动物是:
A.椰子蟹 B.海蜗牛 C.冬虫夏草
2.( )如果建筑物的一扇窗玻璃被打坏了,而又得不到及时维修,就可能给人以某些暗示性的纵容,去打烂更多的窗户。这种效应叫:
A.印随效应 B.马太效应 C.破窗效应
3.( )有一种物质可以传送光线而不会将能量以热的形式浪费掉,它可以把手机信号放大10倍,让电脑的速度提高1万倍,它是:
A.氧化钾 B.氮化镓 C.氧化钴
4.( )大家都看过汽车的轮胎有各种各样的花纹。关于这些花纹的说法,下列哪项是对的?
5.( )2005年,沃伦和马歇尔荣获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,以表彰他们对胃炎和消化性溃疡疾病的研究。他们发现,绝大部分的十二指肠溃疡和胃溃疡都是由一种病菌引起的,这种菌是:
A.幽门螺杆菌 B.巴氏杆菌 C.大肠杆菌
6.( )有一种气体在空气中的比例约为78%,其氧化物不仅参与地面臭氧的形成,还会导致全球变暖,造成生物多样性减少,这种气体是:
A.二氧化碳 B.甲烷气体 C.氮气
7. ( ) 科学家发现宇宙大爆炸的重要依据之一是:
A.太空温度为2.725K B.宇宙星体都在向一个方向收缩 C.月球逐渐远离地球
8.( )科学技术的每一次发展和变革都会给我们生活带来很大的改变。据专家预测,2020年OLED照明将在市场上占140亿美元的市场值,成为照明的新霸主。你知道OLED是指什么?
A.发光二极管 B.有机发光二极管 C.冷阴极荧光灯
9. ( )现在专家说的氮污染,指的氮是:
A.大气中的氮 B.蛋白质中的氮 C.化学合成和燃烧生成的活性氮
10.( )动物常常在人畜共患的传染病充当媒介作用,造成人类大面积传染,对生命和财产构成重大的威胁。下列疾病会通过蚊子传播的是:
A.乙型脑炎 B.禽流感 C.甲型N1H1
11.( )科学家发现,植物间是通过一种气体荷尔蒙作为媒介相互联络的,它在水果成熟过程中发挥着重要作用,它是:
A.乙烯 B.乙炔 C.乙醇
12.( )我国一些湖泊池塘水体发黑发臭,主要是由以下哪种物质污染造成的:
A.钾肥 B.氮肥 C.有机肥
13.( )夏天一到,家里买的水果越来越多。下列水果可以放入冰箱的是:
A.西红柿 B.葡萄 C.香蕉
14.( )下列哪项是牙齿修复的最新技术?
15.( )关于地球大气含氧量正逐渐减少的说法,以下哪项是错的?
1.( )2009年7月22日上午8时左右,长江流域出现了百年罕见的日全食。当地球绕着太阳转,月球、地球、太阳三个天体成一线时,地球就遮住了太阳光,这就是日食。
2.( )利用减阻效应,在消防水中添加少量聚乙烯氧化物,可使消防车龙头喷出的水柱高度提高1倍以上。
3.( )大多数罪犯都具有反侦察能力,会将作案现场的指纹擦洗一空。但随着科学侦察技术的发展,无论多隐蔽的痕迹,科学家都能让它们重见天日。
4.( )佩戴隐形眼镜的人常常引发眼睛感染,主要原因是不经常用自来水浸泡和冲洗隐形镜片。
5.( )美国科学家在干涸的沙漠盆地湖泊中采集到一些1万多年前的虾卵,虾卵在水中煮沸,取出后放入温水中,不久小虾竟从卵中孵化出来,这种虾是罗氏虾。
6.( )人的脸皮会随着年龄的增长而变厚。
7.( )一种再熟悉不过的水,竟然有我们所不知道的诸多特性:在0℃以下还保持液态的过冷水,-110℃下成为极端黏滞的玻璃水,在500℃才会发生汽化的聚合水。
8.( )会飞的动物有4类:即昆虫、翼龙、鸟类和蝙蝠。后三者分为脊椎类动物的爬行类、鸟类和哺乳类。尽管翼龙也在6 500万年时与恐龙一起灭绝了,它不属于恐龙类。
9.( )血液有不同类型:A型、B型、O型和AB型。最早的O型血液不是英文字母O,而是阿拉伯数字0,意思就是此种血液的反应为0。
10.( )宇宙扩张现象是科学家根据光谱的“多普勒效应”发现的。
11.( )胖人平均每年比瘦人多排放1吨二氧化碳,对温室效应的贡献比瘦人大。
12.( )根据爱因斯坦发现的质能公式E=mc2(m为物质质量,c为光速,E为能量),1千克物质全部转化为能量也是微不足道的。
13.( )西班牙研究人员发现,鸟类有时也会偏心,和毛色平平的雏鸟相比,鸟类父母更偏爱毛色鲜艳的子女。
14.( )世界上已有1/5的人口在夜晚看不到天上的星星,在一些人口比较密集的大城市,这一比例则高达2/3。2009年是国际天文年,主题之一就是唤醒人们的“黑夜意识”。
15.( )地球是太阳系8大行星之一,它的质量不会发生变化。
1. 收音机的困惑(单选题,在选项字母上打“√”)
a.旁边白炽灯打开的瞬间 b.附近的电焊机在工作
c.雷雨天电闪雷鸣时 d.有人在附近用电烙铁焊接电器元件

2. 诗词中的科学
“清明时节雨纷纷, 路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。”这是唐代诗人杜牧的作品。描写了百姓在清明节祭祖、扫墓、踏春的生活情景。请仔细品味诗句,回答以下的问题。


三、发散思维题 ( 30分)

四、研究性学习题 (30分)

Warm water freezes more quickly than cold water. Sir Francis Bacon said that almost four hundred years ago. But few people believed him until 1970. In that year a Canadian scientist George Kill proved the English professor was right. Dr Kill filled an open oil pail(桶) with cold water. He filled another with warm water. He put both in the same low temperature. The warm water froze first. The lack of covers on the pails is the secret. Some of the warm water changed into vapor. This meant that less of the warm water was left to be frozen. And so the warm water froze faster than the cold water even though it had a greater temperature drop to make.
1. Hundreds of years ago, Sir Francis Bacon found _______.
A. the temperature of warm water drops faster than that of cold water
B. warm water is heavier than cold water
C. warm water has the same temperature as cold water
D. warm water is not as useful as cold water
2. What Sir Francis Bacon said was right, but people didn't believe him until _______.
A. late in the 20th century B. early in the 20th century
C. three years ago D. late in the 19th century
3. Leave a pail with warm water and another pail with cold water in the same low temperature, you’ll find that _______.
A. cold water freezes first
B. warm water turns into ice before cold water
C. warm water and cold water freeze at the same time
D. much of cold water is changed into air.
4. Why does warm water freeze first in the same freezing weather?
A. Because some of the warm water turns to vapor, the amount(数量) becomes less than that of cold water.
B. Because warm water is lighter than cold water.
C. Because the temperature of warm water is lower than that of cold water.
D. Because cold water freezes with more difficulty than warm water.

⑨ 我的3DSMAX金钥匙为什么不能用啊

答:看看安装程序对不对,首先对硬件需求是:CPU——Pentium.内存——64MB。 硬盘——200MB 上面说的是最小空间, 3ds MAX 的安装过程与别的Windows应用软件没有大的区别,将光盘放入光驱后,自动运行安装 程序,首先弹出“CHoose Setup Program”(选 择安装程序)对话框, 第一个是安装3ds max 第二个是安装快速插件 第三个是安装资源 第四个是安装“DirectX8” 第五个是安装IE 5。0 第六个是安装一种运动学的免费插件 第一个按钮是真正的安装3dsMAX的选项,单击安装3DS MAX按钮后,弹出“3ds MAX 4Setup”对话框,这个对话框没有什么具体意义,就是欢迎一类的客套话,不理它,单击NextRPV 钮进入下一步,这时弹出Software License Agreement“对话框,这个对话框中是Autodesk公司对软件的一些声明,下面的3个按钮分别是打印、接受、拒绝。有什么好说的/单击”I accept按钮,在NEXT 按钮可用之后,单击这个按钮。这时要求输入序列号和密码,,单击NEXT按钮后这时安装程序要求输入一些使用者的信息,这5项使用者分别是名字、姓、公司、经销商、经销商电话。 下面的两个单选 框分别是 : Anyone who uses this computer任何人可用 ,Only for me 只能我用, 根据自己的需要选中一个后单击NEXT按钮进入下一步,这时安装程序要求输入安装路径,系统会给出一个缺省的安装路径,如果想要改变,可以单出后面的“Browse"按钮,然后选择新的路径。单击NEXT按钮进入下一步,对话框中出现3个单选框,代表3种安装方式: Typical典型, Compact压缩 ,Complete完全 。 选中一个单选框后,单击NEXT按钮,接下来对话框中还可以自定义安装内容,如果不需要单击NEXT按钮继续前进。系统复制信息,几分钏后Finish 完成按钮出现了,单击这个按钮,安装程序最后一次弹出“Installer Information 安装信息对话框,这个对话框是问需不需要现在重新启动计算机。安装虽然完成了,但在使用前还需重新启动计算机. 最后注册:删除在隐藏目录c:\c_dilla中的文件 B0148000.dat,再重新运行3DMAX得到的授权码,用原安装光盘中的算号器算号注册,安装完成。如没有算号器,本站首页( http://china3d.51.net/index000.htm )有下载。

⑩ gkc金钥匙是国际币吗



① Answers to the 26th International Science and Peace Week National Primary and Secondary School Students Golden Key Competition in Jiangsu Region

The 26th International Science and Peace Week National Primary and Secondary School Students (Jiangsu Region) Golden Key Science and Technology Competition
Reference answers to primary school individual preliminary competition questions
1. (1) Multiple choice questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 B C C A C A B B A B C A A B B
(2), true or false questions (each Question 1 point, total 15 points)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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2. Comprehensive application questions 1. Answer:
(1) Correct option: B. This is the result of the pressure inside the film box being less than the atmospheric pressure outside after pressing the card and squeezing out a few drops of water.
(2) Correct option: B. (To be done by senior students, 5 points) 2. Salt water and soy sauce (full score 10 points) Answer:
(1) Correct option: A. The density of soy sauce water is less than that of concentrated salt water, so no obvious convection will occur in two glasses of water in a short period of time. (Intermediate students will get 10 points for correct answers, and senior students will get 5 points for correct answers)
(2) If you put concentrated salt water on top and soy sauce water on the bottom, and pull out the card in the middle, the concentrated salt water will flow down. The soy sauce water will rise and eventually turn into two cups of very light-colored mixed water. This is because the density of concentrated brine is greater than that of soy sauce water. (To be done by senior grades, 5 points)
3. Divergent thinking questions (to be done by both middle and senior grades. Full score is 10 points)
There are tips for cooling down in summer. Reference answers:
1. Close doors and windows during the day to avoid outdoor use. Hot air flows in; close the curtains to prevent sunlight from entering the room.
2. Sprinkle some water on the ground (note: wooden floors and composite floors cannot be sprinkled with water. You can place a basin filled with water indoors). The evaporation of water will absorb heat, thus lowering the temperature.
3. Place some ice cubes high in the room. When the ice cubes melt, they absorb heat and cool down the room.
4. Place a basin of water in front of the fan, which will speed up the evaporation of water and cool the room.
5. Hang a few more wet towels or wet clothes in the room to allow the water to absorb heat and evaporate, lowering the indoor temperature. 6. While using the above methods, do not turn on any electrical appliances to avoid heat generation and temperature rise.
5. Research study questions (Middle-grade students do the first question, and senior students do all of them. Full score is 10 points)
The "body" of water changes. Reference answer:
(1 )Correct option: C. (middleCorrect answers for junior students will be worth 10 points, and senior students will be worth 5 points for correct answers. ) (2) (Senior grade, 5 points) ① Comparison of the density of ice and water in the refrigerator:
Method A: Place ice in water. If the ice sinks below the water, it means the density of the ice is greater. ; If the ice partially floats out of the water, it means that the water is denser;
Method B: Freeze a full cup of water in the refrigerator into ice in the freezer of the refrigerator. If the volume becomes larger, it means that the density of ice is higher than that of water. small; if the volume of ice becomes smaller, it means that the density of ice is greater than that of water;
② Comparison of the density of ice and boiling water: The method is the same as above. ③Comparison of the density of boiling water and water in the refrigerator:
Pour a certain amount of boiling water into the measuring cylinder, remember the scale, cover it, wait for it to cool, put it in the refrigerator to cool to about 4℃, and then observe Changes in volume. If the volume becomes smaller, it means that the density of the water in the refrigerated

chamber is high; if the volume becomes larger, it means that the density of the boiling water is high.

② How to reduce the photo to a size that can fit in a wallet

Two wallet photos must be combined into one six-inch photo before it can be printed.

Set the size of the single image to 7.6X10.16 cm, the resolution is 200 or 300dpi, and then combine it into one image of 15.2*10.16 cm. That’s it.

If the wallet is small, combine two pieces into one five-inch piece
The size of a single piece is 6.35X8.9 cm,
and then combine it into a five-inch size of 12.7X8.9 cm.

③ The 22nd International Science and Peace Week National Primary and Secondary School Students (Jiangsu Region) Golden Key Science and Technology Competition Middle School Individual Preliminary Competition Answers

The 22nd International Science and Peace Week Answers to the primary individual preliminary competition questions of the National Primary and Secondary School Students (Jiangsu Region) Golden Key Science and Technology Competition (Full score is 120 points, including 20 points for additional questions) 1. Knowledge questions (Full score is 30 points) (1), Multiple choice questions (1 point each, total 15 points) 123456789101112131415AC BA AB B BCBBBC BA (2), True or False questions (1 point each, 15 points in total) 123456789101112131415√√×√×√×××√××√√× 2. Comprehensive application questions (full score 20 points) ) 1. Bottle race (10 points) Answer: (1) B. The water bottles arrive first. (Intermediate students will get 10 points for correct answers, and senior students will get 5 points for correct answers) (2) Reason: The friction force of sand on the inner wall of the bottle is greater than the friction force of water on the inner wall of the bottle, and there is also friction between sands. In this way, the resistance of the bottle filled with sand when rolling down is greater than that of the bottle filled with water. Therefore, the water bottle reaches the bottom of the slope first. (Senior grade students, 5 points) 2. Artificial sugar cubes (10 points) Answer: (1) B; (Middle grade students will receive 10 points for correct answers, and senior students will receive 5 points for correct answers) (2) B. This is because it is hung higherThe convection space formed between the piece of sugar and the water below is larger, and the concentration of sugar in the solution around the sugar piece is more dilute, so it dissolves faster. (To be done by senior students, 5 points) 3. Divergent thinking questions (10 points) Answer: As long as the lifestyle proposed by the students can directly or indirectly reduce energy and resource consumption, it meets the requirements and can be counted. (2 points for one answer, 10 points for 5 answers. No points for more answers) Reference answers: 1. Use double-sided paper; 2. Try to walk, ride a bicycle or take the bus when going out, and drive less private cars ; 3. The water used after washing clothes is used for mopping the floor; 4. When taking a bath, try to shower instead of taking a bath, and do it faster; 5. Turn off water and electricity when not in use; 6. Don’t turn on the air conditioner to be too cool in the summer. The air conditioner should not be turned on too hot; 7. Buy less items with complicated packaging; 8. Eat as much as you can to avoid waste; 9. Try to buy fruits and vegetables grown by local farmers; 10. Send less greeting cards and letters and use more emails. 4. Questions about whimsical ideas (all middle and senior students do this. Full score is 10 points) Scoring criteria: 1. The idea is fantastic and can be based on the reality of production and life; 2. It has certain scientific principles and feasibility. 5. Research study questions (10 points) Answer: 1. Conclusion: The germination of seeds has nothing to do with the presence or absence of sunlight. (All the nutrients needed for seeds to germinate come from the nutrients stored inside the seeds. There is no need to obtain nutrients through photosynthesis, so seeds buried in the ground will still germinate.) (Middle grade students will get 10 points for correct answers; senior students will get 10 points for correct answers. Score 5 points) 2. If the water in the cup submerges the seeds, the seeds will not germinate, or they will rot quickly after germination. This is due to the lack of oxygen. (To be done by senior grade students, 5 points) 6. Essay questions (to be done by both middle and senior grade students, full score is 20 points) Scoring criteria: 1. Observe carefully and express clearly (8 points) 2. Have certain scientific principles (6 points) 3 . Smooth sentences (6 points)

④ Answers to the 21st International Science and Peace Week National Golden Key Science and Technology Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students (Jiangsu District) Primary School Group

(3)1: The water level in the bell jar will rise because the oxygen in the bell jar is consumed.
2: Choose C. Since the long candle occupies a larger volume inside the bell jar, it means that there is less gas in the bell jar before burning, which also means that there is less oxygen in the bell jar, so it will be extinguished first.
(4) Get smaller.
The temperature of liquid nitrogen is extremely low, and the air in the balloon shrinks in volume as it cools.
It uses the principle of thermal expansion and contraction of gas. Choose A
(5) Origami; sell scraps; practice calligraphy; light a fire to cook; make handicrafts (paper tubes); wipe pp. :)
(6) Memory alloy: springs, terminal posts, spectacle frames, dental orthopedic wires, bone plates, intramedullary needles, artificial joints.
(7) What happens in cup a (red) cup b
1. Hot water and cold water (because the density of hot water is small, so) the red water rises, and the colorless water sinks, mixing quickly and evenly;
1. Cold and hot water (the reason is the same as above, so) there is no obvious change in a short period of time, (But molecular motion will also occur, so) even mixing will still occur over time;
2. Cold water Cold water (molecular motion is eternal, so) even mixing will occur in the end.
The first case is the fastest to mix evenly, the third is the second, and the second is the slowest.
Principle of solar energy: Utilizing the physical phenomenon that hot water is light and cold water is heavy, cold and hot water are exchanged between the vacuum collector tube and the high-efficiency insulated water tank under the influence of solar radiation and reflector emission.
For other compositions and hands-on questions, please ask parents to help themselves! !

⑤ The first test paper of the Golden Key in the second volume of junior high school science

Eighth grade science chapter one test questions (whole school)
1. Multiple choice questions (2 points each , 50 points in total)
1. The spatial distribution of water resources and annual precipitation in China are both………………………………………………(D)
A. More in the north and less in the south, more in the east and less in the west B, more in the north and less in the south, less in the east and more in the west
C. More in the south and less in the north, less in the east and more in the west D, more in the south and less in the north, more in the east and less in the west
2. Among the following four kinds of liquids that are closely related to people, the ones that belong to solutions are……………………………… (B)
A. “Yili” pure milk B. “Wahaha” mineral spring Water C, soapy water D, blood
3. Scientific knowledge can be obtained through the exploration of nature. Explore the following facts, among which the one that increases pressure is (C)
A. Ducks have larger webbed feet B. Camels have larger soles
C. Woodpeckers have pointed beaks D , Cows have huge hooves
4. May 11th to 17th is National Urban Water Conservation Awareness Week. Relevant departments in the city called on citizens to "cherish water resources like water-scarce cities in the north." Among the following practices, the ones that are conducive to saving water are…………………… (D)
A. When washing your face and brushing your teeth, pour water continuously B. When taking a bath and applying soap, do not turn off the nozzle. Let the water flow
C. Let the faucet leak without repairing it in time D. The water used for washing rice and washing rice is used to water flowers, mop the floor, and flush toilets
5. The base area of ​​the cube iron block is S , the height is h. If this piece of iron is cast into a rectangular parallelepiped with a height of 2h, its density will be (C).
A. Get bigger B. ChangeSmall C. Unchanged D. Uncertain
6. The average annual runoff of my country's rivers ranks sixth in the world, but its distribution in time and space is very uneven. The following description
The incorrect one is…………………………………………………………………………………… (B)
A. Summer is rich , lack of water in winter B. The Haihe River Basin and North China near 40° north latitude have sufficient water supply
C. More in the south and less in the north, more in the east and less in the west D. Interannual changes in river runoff are large
7. In rough In salt purification, the instruments required for each step are…………………………………………(C)
A. Evaporating dish B, beaker C, glass rod D. Funnel
8. 100 grams of salt water with a solute mass fraction of 8%. After evaporating a certain amount of water, the solute mass fraction increases to 16%, then the mass of the evaporated water is…… …………………………………………………(A)
A, 50 grams B, 5 grams C, 80 grams D, 8 grams
9. On Earth The state of water is………………………………………………………………………… (A)
A. Liquid, solid and gaseous B. Liquid and gaseous C , gaseous state and solid state D. liquid state and solid state
10. As shown below, two cylindrical containers with different thicknesses contain water of the same mass. They are placed on a horizontal table. There are valves with the same caliber at the bottom. If the valves are opened, then There………………………………………………(D)
A. A. Finished the flow first; B. B. Finished the flow first;
C. A. B. finished at the same time The flow is over; D. Unable to determine.
11. Among the following quantities, the one related to the mass of water is………………(C)
A. Density of water B, solubility of sodium chloride at 20℃
/>C. The mass of oxygen produced during the electrolysis of water D. Unable to determine
12. The gravity of a metal block is 30 N. When it is immersed in a certain liquid, the spring balance reads 22 N. The buoyant force on the metal block is……………………………………………………………… …(B)
A, 52 N B, 8 N C, 22 N D, 30 N
13. At a certain temperature, add W grams of a certain substance (excluding crystal water) to 50 grams of water to form a saturated solution, then at this temperature the The solubility of the substance is……………………………………………………………………(B)
A, 2W B, 2W grams C, W grams D, 2W%< br />14. The instruments required for filtration operation are………………………………………………………………(A)
A. Iron stand, iron ring, Beaker, funnel, glass rod, filter paper B, beaker, funnel, glass rod, thermometer
C, iron stand, iron clamp, iron ring, asbestos mesh D, condenser tube, alcohol lamp, evaporating dish, receiving tube
/>15. Which of the following statements is correct…………………………………………………………………… (D)
A. The solution must be uniform and stable It is a colorless and transparent liquid B. The concentrated solution must be a saturated solution
C. At t°C, 40g potassium nitrate is dissolved in 100g water, then the solubility of potassium nitrate at this temperature must be 40g
D. When the temperature is constant , the solution after the crystals are precipitated must be a saturated solution of the solute
16. At a certain temperature, continuously add solid potassium nitrate to a certain amount of water and stir. In this process, the relationship between the mass fraction of the solute (b) in the solution and the mass of potassium nitrate added (a) is shown in the figure below. The correct one is (B)

17. Which of the following liquids is not Suspension ……………………………………………………………… (B)
A. Muddy water B. Soapy water C. Blood D. Chalk gray water
18. The same wooden block is placed in three different liquids A, B, and C. After it is stationary, as shown in the picture on the upper right, the buoyancy of the wooden block in the three liquids……………… ……… (D)
A, F float A is the largest B, F float B is the largest
C, F float C is the largest D, the same size
19. The picture is studied using a pressure gauge. Demonstration experimental device for the internal pressure of a liquid. A is the metal box of the pressure gauge, and B is the U-shaped tube of the pressure gauge. The wrong statement in the following statement is……………………(D)
A , When box A is rotated in different directions at the same depth, the height difference of U-shaped tube B remains unchanged
B.When box A is raised, the height difference of U-shaped tube B decreases
C. When box A is lowered, the height difference of U-shaped tube B increases
D. This experiment shows that there is only downward movement inside the liquid. The pressure
20. The following pure substances are…………………………………………………………………… (C)
A. Refined The final salt B, mineral water C, distilled water D, tap water
21. Which of the following practices can change the solubility of solid substances...…………………………………………(B)< br /> A. Increase solute B, increase temperature C, increase solvent D, increase pressure
22. The volume ratio of objects A and B is 3:2, and the ratio of mass is 3:4, then The ratio of the densities of objects A and B is... (B)
A, 3:8 B, 1:2 C, 9:8 D, 2:1
23. Regarding pressure P=F /S, the following statement is correct………………………………………………………………(D)
A. Pressure is directly proportional to the force-bearing area. B. Pressure is directly proportional to the force-bearing area. Inversely proportional
C. Pressure is directly proportional to pressure D. When the pressure is the same, pressure is inversely proportional to the force-bearing area
24. The existing saturated solutions of M and N at room temperature are heated Afterwards, crystals precipitate out of the M solution, and the N solution can also dissolve the N crystals again. The one that can correctly represent the solubility curves of M and N is …………………… (B)
< br />25. As shown in the figure, three balls A, B, and C with the same volume are immersed in the same liquid. Compare the densities of the three balls.
The correct one is…………………… …………………………………… (A)
A, ρA<ρB<ρC B, ρA>ρB>ρC C, ρA=ρB=ρC D, ρA=ρB>ρC< br />2. Short answer questions (1 point for each space, 26 points in total)
26. In the water electrolysis experiment, the names of the gases produced by the positive and negative electrodes are: oxygen and hydrogen, and their volume ratio is _1: 2_______, please write down the method for verifying the negative electrode gas. Place the lit wooden stick at the tip of the conduit. If the gas can burn and emit a light blue flame, it is hydrogen ______________.
27. After learning the composition of matter in waterAfter dispersing, Xiao Ming still had some doubts. After returning home, Xiao Ming did an experiment: dissolve a small amount of salt in cold boiled water and let it sit for an hour. Xiao Ming tasted the upper, middle and lower solutions with a straw. You I think Xiao Ming will feel the same saltiness (optional: "The upper layer is the saltiest", "The lower layer is the saltiest", "The middle layer is the saltiest", "The same saltiness"). This experiment shows that the solution is a homogeneous and stable mixture.
28. On June 3, 2005, CCTV broadcast a live underwater archaeological process in Fuxian Lake, Yunnan. This underwater archeology used the modern "Osprey 1" deep submersible designed and manufactured by Chinese scientists (the principle is the same as that of a submarine). Its ascent and descent are achieved by changing its own gravity. The deep submersible is on the surface of the water. During the dive, the buoyancy of the water remains unchanged and the pressure of the water increases. (Fill in “increase”, “unchanged” or “decrease”)
29. The picture on the right is the solubility curve of solid A. Can you answer the question based on this picture:
(1) At 80℃, The solubility of solution A is ____150_____.
(2) At 80°C, the solute mass fraction of the saturated solution A is ____60%________.
(3) If the above saturated solution is converted into an unsaturated solution, the method that can be used is: ____heating_______.
30. The density of water is 1000 kg/m3= 1 g/cm3. There is a "Golden Arowana" brand edible blended oil on the market. One bottle is marked "2kg/2714ml". The density of the oil is ____0.74____g/cm3 (retain two significant figures for the result).
31. Open three small holes at different heights of the cylinder. When the cylinder is filled with water, water will spray out of each hole as shown in the figure
, which shows that the water affects the side of the container. The wall has pressure, and the greater the depth, the greater the pressure.
32. There are two cups of colorless and pollution-free liquids. One cup is distilled water and the other is saturated salt water. Please use the knowledge you have learned to identify them and briefly describe the operation method and the conclusion reached.
Operation method conclusion
Example: Take a small amount of liquid and evaporate it to dryness. The one that can leave solid particles is saturated salt water
1 Density meter. The density meter that is immersed shallower is salt water
2 Take the same volume Use a balance to weigh salt water and water. The larger the mass, the salt water . Assume that the surface area of ​​the small table used in the experiment is 200 cm2, the small table weighs 8 N,

The weight weighs 2 N, then the pressure of the small table on the foam plastic in Figure B is 500 Pa.
34. In the debate between the big fish and the small fish as shown in the picture, the big fish's
statement is correct. This is because the two fish are immersed in the same kind of liquid. What they
The size of the buoyant force is related to the volume of liquid displaced by the object.

3. Exploration experiment questions (1 point for each space, 12 points in total)
35. A student prepared 100 grams of NaCl solution with a mass fraction of 5%. The entire process is shown in the figure below . Fill in the blanks as required: Point out the other two steps of the experiment and point out the errors in the picture:
① Step 1: Calculate , which requires 5 grams of NaCl and 95 ml of water.
② Step 2: Measure, ③ Step 3: Dissolve. There are two errors in the picture, namely
the bottle cap is placed on the table and .

36. Record the readings of the spring scale and measuring cylinder observed in the experiment shown in the figure in the table, and calculate the corresponding quantities.

The weight of the object/the number of the spring balance of the cow object in the water/the buoyancy force on the cow object/the volume of water displaced by the cow object/cm3 weight of water displaced by the object/cow

Experimental conclusion: An object immersed in a liquid is subject to an upward buoyant force, and the magnitude of the buoyant force is equal to __________________________________________________.
4. Analysis and calculation questions (6 points each, 12 points in total)
37. Xiaogang’s mother bought a box of milk and placed it on the ground. The contact area between the box and the ground is 0.025m2. The total mass of the milk is 5Kg, and each small bag of milk in the box is marked with the words "net content 221ml, 227g" (g=10N/Kg). Try to find:
(1) What is the density of this milk in grams/cm3 (keep two decimal places)
(2) What is the pressure in pascals of this box of milk on the floor?

38. In 2003, the SARS virus spread in my country and some other countries, and humans were engaged in a life-and-death battle with the virus. Peracetic acid is one of the disinfectants that is effective in killing the SARS virus. 0.2% peracetic acid solution is commonly used for air and floor disinfection. A school wants to prepare 50kg of 0.2% peracetic acid disinfection solution, which requires 10% peroxygenAcetic acid solution_______kg, add water_______kg. (Write the process of solving the problem)

⑥ Golden Key previous years’ test questions and answers

The 17th "International Science and Peace Week" National Primary and Secondary School Students (Jiangsu Region) "White Rabbit Fresh" "Lacto" Cup Golden Key Science and Technology Competition
Elementary School Individual Final Closed Book Questions
(The time for this paper is 90 minutes, the full score is 150 points)
City (County) School Class Name
School Address Zip code score

1. Knowledge questions (this question consists of multiple choice questions and judgment questions, a total of 40 questions, each question is 1 point)
(1) Multiple choice questions (single choice questions. Please put the options Fill in the letters in the brackets before the questions. Each question is worth 1 point, 20 questions in total)
1. ( ) The inventor of the lightning rod is _______.
A. Galileo B. Franklin C. Archimedes
2. ( ) So far, the largest passenger aircraft in the world is
A. Airbus A380 B. Boeing 747 C. Boeing 757
3. ( ) A comet is a small celestial body composed of ice and a small amount of rock. From the inside to the outside, it is:
A. Coma, tail, and nucleus B. Nucleus and coma , comet tail C. Coma, comet nucleus, comet tail
4. ( ) The owl’s big eyes can only look forward, but its neck is long and soft and can rotate
A. 180 degrees B. 270 degrees C. 300 degrees D. 360 degrees
5. ( ) Some predatory fish in cold water, such as swordfish, usually spend a lot of heat to maintain the temperature of their eyes. Why does it do this?
A. Obtain keen vision B. Special reaction during courtship C. The eyes of cold-water fish are most afraid of the cold
6. ( ) Put a cat into a dark room without windows. The cat What changes have occurred in his eyes?
A. It will still emit light B. It will emit light when you first enter, and the light will disappear after a while
C. It will no longer emit light
7. ( ) Human ears can hear We can hear a variety of sounds, but these sounds are within a certain frequency. We cannot hear sounds beyond this range. This frequency range is:
A. 20~2 000 Hz B.20~20000 Hz C.200~20 000 Hz
8. ( ) Koala, also called koala, is a small marsupial mammal. Usually, its main source of moisture is:
A. The leaves of eucalyptus trees B. The fresh water resources provided by humans C. The dew on the leaves
9. ( ) Balanced nutrition can ensure good health. If someone is anemic, what is most likely lacking in their body?
A. Vitamin B1 B. Protein C. Iron
10. ( ) When Zheng He first sailed to the West, the emperor of the dynasty was:
A. Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zhanji B. Ming Dynasty Chengzu Zhu Di C. Ming Muzong Zhu Zaihe
11. ( ) Among the nine planets in the solar system, there is a star that often appears in the morning or evening clouds, shining with silvery white brilliance. The ancient Greeks and Romans called it Venus, the "most beautiful goddess", and ancient my country called it "Taibai". This star refers to:
A. Mercury B. Venus C. Mars D. Jupiter
12. ( ) The pangolin in "Calabash Brothers" left a deep impression on the students. Pangolins have pointed heads and tails, short and thick limbs, and imbricate horny scales on their bodies. Which animal does it belong to?
A. Insects B. Arthropods C. Mammals
13. ( ) Sea otters like to find places where seaweed is thick to sleep. Before sleeping, they roll several times on the water to wrap the seaweed around their bodies. The purpose of this is:
A. To avoid being swept away by the waves B. To keep warm C. It is more comfortable to lie on it
14. ( ) At both ends of the spring scale, use a pulling force of 6 N each in opposite directions. Pull in the direction, and the reading displayed on the spring scale is:
A. 12 cows B. Between 6 cows and 12 cows C. 6 cows
15. ( ) In 2005, it was also called the "World "Year of Physics", which scientist is this commemorating?
A. Newton B. Edison C. Einstein
16. ( ) Beautiful butterflies are all transformed from small caterpillars with little appearance. In this process of change, the butterfly must undergo the evolution The process is:
A. Egg-larva-adult B. Egg-pupa-adult C. Egg-larva-pupa-adult D. Egg-Pupae-larvae-adults
17. ( ) In 2005, which space shuttle completed the space mission?
A. "Columbia" B. "Huygens" C. "Discovery"
18. ( ) Bury a ping-pong ball in the middle of the rice, and keep shaking the rice and ping-pong ball. How will a table tennis ball move if it is a container?
A. Float to the top of the rice B. Sink to the bottom of the rice C. Neither rise nor fall
19. ( ) The temperature is different in different places on the mountain. Which place below do people feel colder?
A. Bottom of the mountain B. Top of the mountain C. Mountainside with the sun behind it
20. ( ) The natural environment consists of sunlight, air, water, soil and various Biological makeup. People often divide the natural environment into four circles. In addition to the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, the other one is:
A. Pedosphere B. Sunosphere C. Lithosphere

(2) True or False questions (mark "√" for correct answers and "×" for wrong answers. Each question is worth 1 point, 20 questions in total)
1. ( ) If an animal has a sensitive sense of smell, its nose is often large and Protruding, large and moist nostrils, such as wolfdogs, elephants, etc.
2. ( ) "Blue-blooded people" can only be stories in science fiction works. In the real world, the blood of all animals is red.
3. ( ) The stripes on your fingers are called fingerprints. Fingerprints are unique to humans. Our closest relatives, monkeys and baboons, do not have fingerprints.
4. ( ) The body temperatures of insects, snakes, frogs and other animals will change with changes in ambient temperature. Such animals are called endothermic animals.
5. ( ) After the crocodile has swallowed the food, two lines of tears will flow from its eyes. The crocodile sheds tears just to expel salt from the body to keep the body healthy, not as a confession.
6. ( ) In space, because of weightlessness, people can choose any position to sleep. Such as sleeping lying down, sleeping sitting up, sleeping standing or sleeping upside down.
7. ( ) Cheetah is the fastest animal on land, with a speed of 110 kilometers per hour. In other words, there is no problem for a cheetah to run 110 kilometers in one hour.
8. ( ) The mass of the same object will not change anywhere on the earth, but the gravity it experiences will change with the change of gravitational acceleration everywhere. In other words, if you use the same spring balance to weigh the same object in different places, the readings may be different.
9. ( ) Snakes mostly cling to the uneven ground and swing their bodies to move in curves. On smooth surfaces, snakesIt's hard to crawl.
10. ( ) Fluorescent lamp is not an ordinary incandescent lamp, it is a cold light source. Therefore, even if the fluorescent lamp is on for a long time, the lamp tube will not be hot to the touch.
11. ( ) Zheng He’s voyage to the West was 87 years earlier than Columbus’s arrival in the New World, 96 years earlier than da Gama’s circumnavigation of the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, and 114 years earlier than Magellan’s circumnavigation of the world.
12. ( ) The density of gold is greater than that of silver. Therefore, when the same mass of gold and silver is put into water, the volume of water displaced by gold will be larger.
13. ( ) Although ripe bananas are delicious, slightly green bananas can enhance the body’s immunity.
14. ( ) Ethylene is a miraculous ripening gas that can cause trees to drop their leaves early and carnation flowers to bloom early.
15. ( ) In the world of penguins, after the female penguin lays her eggs, she will immediately hand the eggs to the male penguins for incubation, while she goes to look for food.
16. ( ) Fingers will wrinkle after taking a bath for a long time. This is because the skin on the fingers opens and stretches after being soaked in water. But the skin on your belly and back doesn't stretch when it's soaked in water, so it's hard to see wrinkling on your belly.
17. ( ) When you comb your hair with a plastic comb, you will find that the comb and the hair are attracted to each other. This is actually the effect of static electricity.
18. ( ) Human hair is not the same thing as animal hair, because hair stops growing after it reaches a certain length, but our hair can keep growing.
19. ( ) A nautical mile is a unit for calculating the length of a ship sailing in the sea. 1 nautical mile is approximately equal to 1 kilometer.
20. ( ) People often say that cows have four stomachs, but this statement is not accurate. The stomachs of herbivorous animals such as cattle and sheep are not divided into four parts, but are divided into four parts, which is more suitable for completely digesting plant fiber.

2. Comprehensive questions (2 questions in total, 20 points each, 40 points in total)
1. Among the invention and creation techniques, there is a method called "disadvantage enumeration method", which is It is a method of listing the specific shortcomings or inconveniences of something, and then finding reform plans and inventions. Now please find 4 shortcomings or inconveniences in your schoolbag.

2. If a large sphere is made of a strong yet light metal, it can lift into the air when filled with hydrogen. If the hydrogen gas is extracted and the metal balloon becomes a vacuum, can the metal ball still lift into the air? Why?

3. Research study questions (40 points)
Please analyze the waste of resources in your family in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation. Please give 4 examples and propose saving measures.
Requirements: The examples must be realistic and the saving measures must be practical and feasible.

4. Composition (30 points)
In order to implement the construction of a conservation-oriented society proposed by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, it is necessary for "all people to conserve and act together", which means that conservation requires everyone to start from the little things around them. Please draft a resource-saving convention for your class and let the whole class abide by it.
Requirements: Briefly describe the significance of the establishment of the Convention; the terms of the Convention should be no less than 5; the terms should be of practical significance and feasible.

The 17th "International Science and Peace Week" National Primary and Secondary School Students
(Jiangsu Region) "White Rabbit Fresh Milk Candy" Cup Golden Key Science and Technology Competition< br />Reference answers to closed-book questions for primary school individual finals
(Full score: 150 points)

1. Multiple-choice questions (1 point each, 20 points in total)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2. True or False questions (1 point each, 20 points in total)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
√ × × × √ √ × √ √ √ √ × × × √ × √ √ × √

3. Comprehensive questions (2 questions in total, 20 points each, 40 points in total)
1. The question requires finding 4 shortcomings or inconveniences. As long as it makes sense, points should be given as appropriate; each missing one is mentioned 5 points will be deducted for shortcomings, and no points will be added if there are more than 4.
2. Metal balls can rise into the air. Whether it can lift off does not determine whether there is hydrogen in the ball, but whether the buoyancy force of the air on the metal ball is greater than the gravity of the metal ball. Since a metal ball filled with hydrogen can be lifted into the air, and a evacuated metal ball is lighter than a metal ball filled with hydrogen, of course it can be lifted into the air.

4. Research study questions (40 points)
This question is to guide students to establish awareness of resource conservation and take action. As long as students can cite 4 examples, and there is some truth, and the measures have practical significance, they can be given points as appropriate. If there are not enough examples, 10 points will be deducted for each missing example.

5. Composition (30 points)
At any time and in any country, thrift is regarded as a virtue. The purpose of drafting a resource conservation convention for the class is to hope that students can establish conservation awareness and turn resource conservation into a behavioral habit. They can pay attention to conservation whether at school or at home.
Scoring criteria:
1. The reason and significance of the convention are stated in the text (10 points);
2. The saving measures are feasible (12 points);
3. The language is concise , the sentences are fluent (8 points);
4. 5 points will be deducted for each missing clause.

⑦ Composition The most unforgettable quote for me (450 words) Politeness is the golden key to human coexistence. urgent! urgent! urgent! urgent! urgent!

The most unforgettable quote for me
Everyone has their most unforgettable things in their heart. These things cannot be erased by time or time. They will always be in our hearts. Never forgotten. The most unforgettable thing in my mind is a famous saying by Morimura Seiichi: The more happiness is shared with others, the more its value increases.

The reason why I like this famous saying is because something happened that made me deeply understand this famous saying.

I remember when I was a child, there lived in our community a couple who came to work from out of town, and there were two children younger than me at home. Due to the poor living conditions of the family, the clothes the two children wear are always very shabby. One day, my grandma took me to play in the community and met one of the little girls. It was late autumn. The little girl was wearing very thin clothes and a pair of broken sandals on her feet. Grandma saw me and took me home immediately. She found some of my clothes and shoes and prepared to give them to the little girl. Although these clothes and shoes were a little small, they were still very new, and they were all my favorites. Being naive, I was not happy when I saw that my grandma was going to give them to others, so I snatched the clothes and shoes from my grandma. shoe. When my mother saw it, she told me about Morimura Seiichi’s famous saying: The more happiness is shared with others, the more its value increases. My mother said to me sincerely: "We are so happy to have food to eat when we are hungry and clothes to wear when we are cold. If we share our happiness with others, we will get more happiness. .Isn’t it cold that my sister is still wearing sandals on such a cold day? These clothes and shoes are too small for you to wear. If we give them to those in need, let others enjoy yours. With happiness and warmth, you will be happier and happier. If you don’t believe it, try it?!”

Later, my grandmother and I gave the clothes and shoes to the little girl. Seeing the little girl's smile as if she was wearing new clothes, and hearing the "Thank you!" from the little girl's parents, I really felt that I had an extra happiness and joy.

Since then, the famous saying "the more happiness is shared with others, the more its value increases" often appears in my mind and is unforgettable.

The most unforgettable quote for me

Whenever I encounter difficulties and am ready to give up, my mother often uses the phrase "Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there is a dedicated person." Words encourage me and support me.

Indeed, there are many words that I usually talk about and often use to persuade others, but I never take them seriously. Only when I have truly experienced them can I understand their meaning. The truth.

I remember when I was in second grade, I had just transferred to the school I am currently attending. At that time, what worried me most wasJust English. Because the English textbooks used by the two schools are not the same version, and the previous textbooks were too simple. Although I would not have to face all this until after the summer vacation, from the moment my mother helped me complete the transfer procedures, English became my heartache and made me unable to sleep or eat well.

My mother saw what I was thinking and encouraged me: "You can see that our Yingying is a strong child. Mom believes that you will do as well as before." After hearing this When I heard the words, my eyes lit up and my heart suddenly became enlightened. I made up my mind to make up for the first-grade textbooks of the new school and keep up with everyone's pace.

Since then, I have read English over and over again with the tape recorder every day during the day. At night, my mother also plays the role of a teacher, teaching me phrases and sentence patterns. However, the good times did not last long. Whenever I see my friends go out to play and come back happily, I will be filled with envy. Coupled with the boring and increasing difficulty of English, my enthusiasm for reading began to fade and my progress slowed down. At this time, my mother said something thought-provoking to me: "Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there are people who are determined." "Learning is important in perseverance." After listening to my mother's words, I mustered up the courage to pick myself up again, and finally stuck to this plan. .

With my mother’s encouragement and support, I completed all the textbooks, and the summer vacation ended without me realizing it. In the new semester, I walked into the new school with full confidence...

"Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are determined." Today, I overcame a difficulty. In the future, I will overcome one difficulty after another.

The most unforgettable saying for me

“Haste makes waste, small gain makes great things impossible.” This is a famous saying in the Analects of Confucius. It has always warned me that being too impatient and trying too hard will not achieve my goal. Since learning the flute, I have a deeper understanding of this famous saying.

In my spare time, I started to learn to play the flute. At the beginning, the teacher asked me to hold the flute in front of the mirror for three minutes every day, and then play simple scales. When I practiced at home, I could play the scales in no time. I shouted happily: "I played it, what a genius!" I couldn't help but feel proud, thinking that playing the flute was not difficult. Therefore, I always took advantage of my mother not paying attention and secretly practiced less basic scales. I couldn't wait to take out the music sheet and learn to play the music in it, hoping to play the music as quickly as possible and show off in front of others. Unexpectedly, when I returned the piano, I couldn't play several notes correctly and my fingering was very unfamiliar. As a result, I was severely criticized by the teacher. I was so ashamed that I really wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it. The teacher said sincerely: "You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Learning a musical instrument is not that simple. Don't think about reaching the sky in one step. Only by doing it step by step and practicing the basic skills solidly can you play melodious music."

So, Whenever I have free time, I take out the flute and play it. I start by pressing the keys one by one, practicing the embouchure one by one, and then pressing the keys one by one.practice playing. After a period of practice, I can play several scales accurately. Then, I played the etude repeatedly. At the beginning, I always couldn't play well, especially when I encountered a few legato notes. Either I didn't have enough air or the sound couldn't come out. I became anxious again. When my mother saw her, she quickly comforted me and said, "Don't be anxious, take your time. The teacher didn't say that as long as you practice the basic skills solidly, you can play beautiful music." After listening to my mother's words, I took a deep breath. After taking a breath, I calmed down and continued practicing. In order to improve my own skills, I asked my mother to borrow her mobile phone to record every note and song I played and then play it back. In order to discover my shortcomings and correct them in time, after several weeks of hard practice, I was finally able to play a piece of music completely, and was praised by the teacher. When I saw the word "excellent" on the notebook, I felt really happy!

From then on, I really understood: "Haste makes waste." Whether you are studying or doing things, you should proceed step by step, honestly, and one step at a time. Only in this way can things be done well. My most unforgettable quote is: "Don't be arrogant when you win, and don't be discouraged when you lose." The source of this sentence is "The Book of Shang Jun: The Law of War" in the Warring States Period. The original sentence is "The king's soldiers win without arrogance and lose without resentment." Later it was said that "don't be arrogant when you win, don't be discouraged when you lose", which means don't be arrogant when you win, and don't be discouraged when you lose. When I really realized its profound meaning, it was after that incident -

It was a Saturday afternoon, I went to a small Go class, and I played chess with Song Qingyu. The rules were Best of five.

We laid out the chessboard and the battle began. As soon as the game started, I clearly had the advantage. I used various tricks to kill him until he had no way to escape, and he was retreating steadily. By the middle of the game, he was clearly defeated and could not turn the tide. , had no choice but to throw in the towel and admit defeat. The same happened in the second set. I won two sets in a row.

The third set started, and I clearly showed arrogance on my face. Looking at my opponent’s angry look, I felt so happy. I was so proud that I didn’t take my opponent seriously. Just like the previous two games, after careful consideration, I just went down without thinking. I made bad moves, faint moves, and random moves one after another. My territory was full of flaws. He went straight to Huanglong Mansion and was defeated miserably. In the fourth game, I was unconvinced and greedily took advantage of the opponent's moves. But maybe I was eager to win and acted too hastily, so I lost again. At this time, a famous saying echoed in my mind, "Don't be arrogant when you win, don't be discouraged when you lose." You can't take it lightly if you have won once.

The fifth set began, which was the decisive set. So, I kept my mind calm, thought of a good strategy, and attacked the opponent purposefully. From the beginning to the middle of the game, everyone was evenly matched. Later, I used Shuangfeiyan to shackle his ribs, causing him to admit defeat. In the end, I defeated him three to two.

Although I won this game, I realizedIt turns out that he and I are actually on the same level. If we make a slight mistake, we will be defeated by the other party. At the same time, I have a deeper understanding of the meaning of "Don't be arrogant when you win, and don't be discouraged when you lose." This is true for playing chess, and this should be true for learning. The most unforgettable quote for me
There are many truths in the world that are worth exploring. The famous saying "Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow it" made me understand that I should do what I say.
I often help my mother buy groceries. No, I have to go out to buy groceries again.
The weather is good today, the bright sunshine is shining on me, and I am walking on the way to the vegetable market in high spirits. When we arrived at the vegetable market, there were countless fish and shrimps, and a dazzling array of vegetables and fruits. I wanted to buy some green vegetables, so I walked to the stall. The fresh vegetables made me feel better. When I was paying, I realized that there was a dime missing. Looking at the empty wallet and belt, I made a decision to the stall owner. Promise: I'll pay you back the dime I owe you tomorrow. The stall owner readily agreed, so I went home with my "harvest".
The next day, I actually forgot to pay back the money, as if it had never happened. At night, I thought about the money I owed, but where is anyone buying groceries now? So I'm going to pay it back tomorrow. But on the third day, I got lazy and thought: What else is there! It’s just a dime, so what can I pay back? Don’t you get tired of running all the way here and there? No more. Won’t change it!
So, I put the matter behind me and started reading. As I looked at it, I saw the famous saying "Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow it." Suddenly, I frowned, shame and regret mixed together in my heart. How could I do this? Since I made a promise, I should keep it! Thinking of this, I quickly put down the book and without hesitation grabbed a dime and ran towards the vegetable market.
"Once a word is spoken, it is hard to keep it" This famous saying has been deeply ingrained in my heart. It makes me know: I must do what I say.

⑧ I am urgently looking for the questions for the 22nd Golden Key Junior High School Group Jiangsu Regional Competition. I will do it tonight. No answer required

The 21st "International Science and Peace Week" National Primary and Secondary School Students (Jiangsu Region)
Golden Key Science and Technology Competition
Junior High School Individual Final Closed Book Questions
( Full score 150 points, time 90 minutes)
City (county) School class name
School address zip code score
1. Knowledge questions (this question consists of multiple choice questions and true/false questions, a total of 30 questions, each question 1 point)
(1) Multiple-choice question (single-choice question. Please fill in the letter of the option in the brackets before the question. Each question is 1 point, 15 questions in total)
1. ( ) Eat plants, steal Its chloroplasts then survive on sunlight alone like a plantThrough photosynthesis, you can have enough food all day long. The animal that accomplished this feat is:
A. Coconut crab B. Sea snail C. Cordyceps sinensis
2. ( ) If a window glass of the building is broken and cannot be reached in time Maintenance may give people some suggestive connivance to break more windows. This effect is called:
A. Imprinting effect B. Matthew effect C. Broken window effect
3. ( ) There is a substance that can transmit light without wasting energy in the form of heat. It can amplify mobile phone signals 10 times and increase the speed of computers 10,000 times. It is:
A. Potassium oxide B. Gallium nitride C. Cobalt oxide
4. ( ) Everyone has seen it Car tires have various tread patterns. Which of the following statements about these patterns is correct?
A. These patterns are for decoration
B. The pattern can save rubber without affecting the service life of the tire
C. The pattern is used to increase friction
5 .() In 2005, Warren and Marshall were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their research on gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. They found that most duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers are caused by a kind of bacteria, which is:
A. Helicobacter pylori B. Pasteurella C. Escherichia coli
>6. ( ) There is a gas whose proportion in the air is about 78%. Its oxides not only participate in the formation of ground ozone, but also cause global warming and reduce biodiversity. This gas is:
A. Carbon dioxide B. Methane gas C. Nitrogen
7. ( ) One of the important basis for scientists to discover the Big Bang is:
A. The temperature of space is 2.725K B. The stars in the universe are all moving in the same direction Shrinking C. The moon gradually moves away from the earth
8. ( ) Every development and change in science and technology will bring great changes to our lives. According to expert predictions, OLED lighting will account for a market value of US$14 billion in the market in 2020, becoming the new overlord of lighting. Do you know what OLED is?
A. Light-emitting diode B. Organic light-emitting diode C. Cold cathode fluorescent lamp
9. ( ) The nitrogen pollution that experts are talking about now refers to nitrogen:
A. Nitrogen in the atmosphere B. Nitrogen in proteins C. Reactive nitrogen generated by chemical synthesis and combustion
10. ( ) Animals often play a role in zoonotic diseaseInfectious diseases act as vectors, causing large-scale infections among humans and posing a major threat to life and property. The following diseases are transmitted through mosquitoes:
A. Japanese encephalitis B. Avian influenza C. Influenza A N1H1
11. ( ) Scientists have discovered that plants interact with each other through a gas hormone as a mediator It plays an important role in the fruit ripening process. It is:
A. Ethylene B. Acetylene C. Ethanol
12. ( ) Some lakes and ponds in my country have black and smelly water, mainly because It is caused by pollution from which of the following substances:
A. Potassium fertilizer B. Nitrogen fertilizer C. Organic fertilizer
13. ( ) As soon as summer comes, more and more fruits are bought at home. The following fruits can be put in the refrigerator:
A. Tomatoes B. Grapes C. Bananas
14. ( ) Which of the following is the latest technology in tooth repair?
A. Remove the bad teeth and replace them with all-ceramic dentures
B. If the teeth are broken, use the broken teeth to reattach them
C. Activate stem cells to regenerate teeth
15 . ( ) Regarding the statement that the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere is gradually decreasing, which of the following is false?
A. With the increase of industrialization, a large amount of fossil fuels are burned, and too much oxygen is consumed
B. Green plants are greatly reduced, and the amount of oxygen produced is less
C. In recent years, solar storms have occurred frequently, and oxygen production has been reduced. Was blown away
(2) True or False questions (mark “√” for correct answers and “×” for wrong answers. Each question is worth 1 point, 15 questions in total)
1. ( ) July 22, 2009 At around 8 a.m. on the same day, a total solar eclipse that was rare in a century occurred in the Yangtze River Basin. When the earth revolves around the sun and the moon, earth, and sun are aligned, the earth blocks the sun's light. This is a solar eclipse.
2. () Using the drag reduction effect, adding a small amount of polyethylene oxide to the fire water can more than double the height of the water column sprayed by the fire truck faucet.
3. ( ) Most criminals have anti-reconnaissance capabilities and will wipe away the fingerprints at the crime scene. But with the development of scientific reconnaissance technology, scientists can bring them to light no matter how hidden they are.
4. ( ) People who wear contact lenses often suffer from eye infections. The main reason is that they do not regularly soak and rinse the contact lenses with tap water.
5. () American scientists collected some shrimp eggs from more than 10,000 years ago in a dry desert basin lake. They boiled the shrimp eggs in water, took them out and put them into warm water. Soon the shrimps hatched from the eggs. Come on, this kind of shrimp is shrimp rosenbergii.
6. ( ) People’s skin will become thicker as they age.
7.( ) A very familiar type of water actually has many properties that we don’t know about: supercooled water that remains liquid below 0°C, becomes extremely viscous glass water at -110°C, and vaporizes only at 500°C of polymerized water.
8. ( ) There are 4 categories of flying animals: insects, pterosaurs, birds and bats. The latter three are divided into the vertebrates reptiles, birds and mammals. Although pterosaurs also became extinct with the dinosaurs around 65 million years ago, they are not part of the dinosaur class.
9. ( ) There are different types of blood: type A, type B, type O and type AB. The earliest type O blood is not the English letter O, but the Arabic numeral 0, which means that the reaction of this type of blood is 0.
10. ( ) The phenomenon of universe expansion was discovered by scientists based on the "Doppler effect" of the spectrum.
11. ( ) Obese people emit 1 ton more carbon dioxide per year on average than thin people, and their contribution to the greenhouse effect is greater than that of thin people.
12. ( ) According to the mass-energy formula E=mc2 discovered by Einstein (m is the mass of matter, c is the speed of light, and E is energy), the complete conversion of 1 kilogram of matter into energy is also insignificant.
13. ( ) Spanish researchers have found that birds are sometimes biased. Bird parents prefer their offspring with brightly colored coats over chicks with plain coats.
14. ( ) 1/5 of the world’s population cannot see the stars in the sky at night. In some densely populated big cities, this proportion is as high as 2/3. 2009 is the International Year of Astronomy , one of the themes is to awaken people's "dark night consciousness".
15. ( ) The earth is one of the eight planets in the solar system, and its mass will not change.
2. Comprehensive application questions (2 questions in total, 20 points each, 40 points in total)
1. Confusion about the radio (single-choice questions, put "√" on the option letter)
When we listen to the radio, we often find that the radio has noise. Please answer the following 2 questions:
(1) Which of the following four situations will not cause noise on the radio?
a. The moment when the incandescent lamp next to it is turned on b. The nearby electric welding machine is working
c. During thunderstorms and lightning flashes d. Someone is welding electrical components with a soldering iron nearby
(2) Try to explain what are the essential reasons for the noise on the radio caused by the above three situations.

2. Science in poetry
“It rains heavily during the Qingming Festival, and passersby on the road want to die. If I ask where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village.” This is the poem of Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. work. It describes the life scenes of people worshiping ancestors, sweeping tombs, and enjoying spring outings during the Qingming Festival. Please read the poem carefully and answer the following questions.
(1) Why does it rain mostly during Qingming Festival? (10 points)

(2)I passed by a "restaurant" and I didn't drink, but I could smell the smell of wine. The hotter the weather, the stronger the smell. What is the reason? (10 points)

3. Divergent thinking questions (30 points)
The magnet failed. Clamp the magnet with a clip and put it on the fire. Remove it after 5 minutes. After natural cooling for 15 minutes, the magnet's magnetism will disappear. Is this what is the reason. Can you name 2 methods of degaussing?

4. Research questions (30 points)
Burning flames. The flame of a candle is divided into flame core, inner flame and outer flame. As shown in the picture, fix the candle on the table, light the candle, place one end of the glass tube in the center of the candle flame, and then use a lit match to ignite the other end. At this time, the mouth of the other end of the tube will also emit smoke. A flame emerges. Can you explain this phenomenon? If a glass tube is inserted into the outer flame of the flame, can it still ignite? Why?

5. Science and Technology English Questions (20 points)
Read the materials, complete the following multiple-choice questions, and fill in the letters of the options on the short lines (single-choice).
Warm water freezes more quickly than cold water. Sir Francis Bacon said that almost four hundred years ago. But few people believed him until 1970. In that year a Canadian scientist George Kill proved the English professor was right. Dr Kill filled an open oil pail(barrel) with cold water. He filled another with warm water. He put both in the same low temperature. The warm water froze first. The lack of covers on the pails is the secret. Some of the warm water changed into vapor. This meant that less of the warm water was left to be frozen. And so the warm water froze faster than the cold water even though it had a greater temperature drop to make.
1. Hundreds of years ago, Sir Francis Bacon found _______.
A. the temperature of warm water drops faster than that of cold water
B. warm water is heavier than cold water
C. warm water has the same temperature as cold water
D. warm water is not as useful as cold water
2. What Sir Francis Bacon said was right, but people didn 't believe him until _______.
A. late in the 20th century B. early in the 20th century
C. three years ago D. late in the 19th century
3. Leave a pail with warm water and another pail with cold water in the same low temperature, you'll find that _______.
A. cold water freezes first
B. warm water turns into ice before cold water
C. warm water and cold water freeze at the same time
D. much of cold water is changed into air.
4. Why does warm water freeze first in the same freezing weather?
A . Because some of the warm water turns to vapor, the amount becomes less than that of cold water.
B. Because warm water is lighter than cold water.
C. Because the temperature of warm water is lower than that of cold water.
D. Because cold water freezes with more difficulty than warm water.

⑨ Why can’t my 3DSMAX golden key be used?

Answer: Check if the installation program is correct. The first hardware requirements are: CPU——Pentium .Memory - 64MB. Hard disk - 200MB. The above mentioned is the minimum space. The installation process of 3ds MAX is not much different from other Windows application software. After putting the CD into the CD-ROM drive, the installation program will automatically run. First, the "CHoose Setup Program" will pop up (select the installation program). ) dialog box, the first is to install 3ds max, the second is to install the quick plug-in, the third is to install resources, the fourth is to install "DirectX8", the fifth is to install IE 5.0, the sixth is to install a kinematics The first button of the free plug-in is the real option to install 3ds MAX. After clicking the Install 3DS MAX button, the "3ds MAX 4Setup" dialog box pops up. This dialog box has no specific meaning. It is just a polite greeting. Ignore it. It, click the NextRPV button to enter the next step, and the Software License Agreement dialog box will pop up. This dialog box contains some statements about the software from Autodesk. The three buttons below are Print, Accept, and Reject. What is there to say? /Click the "I accept" button, click this button after the NEXT button is available. At this time, you are required to enter the serial number and password. After clicking the NEXT button, the installation program requires you to enter some user information. These five users are name, surname, company, dealer, and dealer phone number. The following two radio button boxes are: Anyone who uses this computer, Only for me. Select one according to your own needs and click the NEXT button to enter the next step. At this time, the installation program requires you to enter the installation path. , the system will give a default installation path. If you want to change it, you can click the "Browse" button at the back and select the new path. Click the NEXT button to enter the next step. Three radio button boxes appear in the dialog box, representing three installation methods: TypicalTypical, Compact compression, Complete completely. After selecting a radio button, click the NEXT button. In the next dialog box, you can also customize the installation content. If you do not need to click the NEXT button to continue moving forward. The system copies the information. After a few minutes, the Finish button appears. Click this button and the installer pops up the "Installer Information" dialog box for the last time. This dialog box asks whether you need to restart the computer now. Although the installation is completed, But you need to restart the computer before use. Final registration: delete the file B0148000.dat in the hidden directory c:\c_dilla, then re-run the authorization code obtained by 3DMAX, and use the calculator in the original installation CD to register. The installation is complete. If you don’t have a calculator, you can download it from the homepage of this site (http://china3d.51.net/index000.htm).

⑩ Is the gkc golden key an international currency?

< p>gkc Golden Key is not an international currency, but a digital currency, which is more convenient for circulation and transactions. GKC Golden Key is the platform currency of the MGK platform, which is equivalent to the shares of traditional enterprises. Holding the Golden Key can enjoy the profit dividends of the MGK platform. GKC The Golden Key can be used as a payment tool in the future and used in actual consumption scenarios.

In addition to the U.S. dollar, euro, and Japanese yen, the current international currencies include British pound, Australian dollar, Swiss franc, Canadian dollar, and Mexican peso. , RMB and New Zealand dollar.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

A. 中国元宇宙概念股龙头中国元宇宙概念股龙头主要有以下5个,腾讯控股、字节跳动、歌尔股份、全志科技、新易盛1. 腾讯控股(不过腾讯是港股),如果说国内有一家公司能够成为元宇宙领导者,那么这家公司毫无