币圈安迪ANDY是什么人物 币圈andy

① 求英雄无敌3 勇敢的心 攻略


W1D1 维恩一路捡资源打野兵刚好在第一个天鹅湖休息,解散剑士,留下19。安迪下海。
D2 维恩访问集合旗,收僧侣,刚好在第二个湖休息,解散僧侣,只带19。安迪上对岸
D3 维恩打到第三个湖,休息。安迪捡了灯塔后的军团之头(在塔后面),访问塔,下海
D4 维恩向左捡资源在矮人国库后面休息。安迪上岸。
D5 维恩向左捡起矮人国库后面的军团之脚,过湖,访问红帐篷,打野兵进避难所(以后暂时不动他了)。安迪过单向门。
D6 安迪收野兵,下木矿,存盘,下墓(要是下不了或损失太大就暂时不管),进城。
D7 安迪招兵打城下方19学迟缓,下第一个骑兵营,往左上接近恶鬼
W2D1 安迪下恶鬼,占宝石矿,拿斧头(真理之园左上边)(资源和+PK暂时不理),下第二个骑兵营。
D3 下硫磺矿,(我打的时候水井边的20个剑士加入,第二水车旁的蜥蜴人加入)所以直接K了草地之城前的骨龙。
D4 安迪收骑士,赶跑马厩前野兵,升级骑士。沿路向右上打训练场野兵,打僧侣前的野兵,招僧侣。
D5 如果右上宝物好,守宝的七级怪又比较弱,就下了它,不然就直接下19屋,我下的是3天使的(发财罗)。打100矮人拿钱(矮人国库后面)
D6 回头喝井水下独眼屋,回到马厩附近。
D7 打野兵访问魔法神殿学加速,下主城附近的和尚庙(之前因为守兵是牛头王,兵不够多,土系又没到高级,怕损失大就没下)下水晶矿。
W3D1 下水银矿。
D2 招第二个野外骑兵,回到第二个水车前
D3 访问水车,招骑兵回城休息
D4 事件建好荣誉门,升级,升级天使,招天使,骑兵,僧侣,10+神射,三个19各分一队,出城用斧头换生命挂件,打克里斯丁。(在此之前维恩不动,克里斯丁会一直跑到由安迪打开的哨卡前,这样以后就不用专程回来开,之前如果动过维恩,克里斯丁可能就会跑到第一和第二个湖之间,这样要打他必须在红门上面的湖休息两天,浪费时间。之前城里要建到二级魔法,有闪电)打了几次都只剩大天使,骑兵,运气好也许可以剩近十个僧侣。休息。维恩回头到湖休息
D5 安迪访问蓝色帐篷,回城招出2567级兵(钱很紧张),维恩往回走到真理园附近
D6 安迪打下魔幻法师守的金矿,维恩占真理园上面金矿,回走
D7 安迪打下草地之城。有钱就招骑兵准备抢火眼人,维恩拿7500经验和矮人盾
W4D1 安迪抢到火眼人(在金矿后面),回头到马厩附近,维恩打1枪兵,湖边休息。
D2 安迪招出草地之城的256级兵,打城右边金矿,过哨卡。维恩回主城招未升级2567兵,如果有余钱就招些19。
D3 计算所剩的钱是否够升级兵,维恩招野外第一个骑兵,传递到安迪手上(还有手套),安迪捡高山堡垒后的钱,升级士兵。沿路打下19屋,(只有一个天使)收到事件送的兵,打拦路天使,向上走。
D4 安迪带天使下地下,维恩跟在后面到达二级魔法神殿附近
D5 安迪到地下天使,下19屋,开塔。到蓝色门前,维恩跟着下。
D6 安迪学大气神盾,接过维恩送来的神射/19/十字军/僧侣/骑兵/大天使后下云顶左城,如果移动力够可以下右城。这时候三个蓝色英雄一般都在野外。守城战胜塞瑞,收获手套一双D7 下左城(因为前一回合电脑其他两英雄会跑到以上的另一个城去,刚好关门捉贼),维恩带着19往中城跑
M2W1 安迪招出几个灯神/法师往回赶,到高山堡垒升级。维恩下中城,去占野外的云殿。安迪回地面打泰坦,占天使之城,用宝物在右边告知处换树精灵之弓,买船下海,往左上登陆,拿到跑鞋(了望塔左下),水鞋(上面墓地后面),回天使之城,带大天使奍步。维恩一路回到骑士之城招兵准备去打上面野外的荣誉门。
M2W2 安迪招2567兵加上大法师,踏水学复活,到哨卡前休息,第二天过哨卡学失明、遗忘,拿下神木堡。打守城战(身上只带大天使把其他兵扔城里,格鲁就会来攻打)之后下其他两城,到最右边开蓝色哨卡,拿赤龙剑,拿神圣挂件(第二大天使右边),用水神靴开哨卡(神兽堡右下的盗贼巢穴后面),进去拿到三叶草(龙崖和智慧树之间),拿去打开哨卡(神兽堡后面)捡航海帽。维恩打下荣誉门回到红门上面
M2W3 安迪回头,交神圣挂件开哨卡,打龙堡,维恩一路买兵(只要2567)交给安迪。安迪回头从神木堡附近下海。维恩重新回地下战矿和野外兵营。
M2W4 安迪钻漩涡,救航海MM,顺便杀了旁边的地狱英雄玛利斯,之后航海MM下水探路,安迪拿了勇气勋章,回头过漩涡,踏水救阿德拉,攻下花心之地(得硫磺介指和魔介),向上跑到马厩附近.阿德拉接过骑士手套,把抗魔鞋给航海MM,捡幸运鸟(女巫小屋后面)天赐神躯(地道入口后面)跟到地下.航海MM回到草地之城下面的关卡打野外兵营捡海神项链(关卡里面的智慧树后面)
M3W1 安迪杀黑龙,用硫磺介指开哨卡,碰魔幻法师,拿土书,回头从云顶3攻下白云2,升级一部分巨人,一部分因钱不够先留下来.招兵后回到花心之地回地面,杀蒂玛(拿到魔法披风).往上走捡魔力圈(水边的墓室后面),下魔幻之城(大使勋带不要拿去换祭司,最后H/R有用)。阿德拉之前先访问马厩,回到蒂玛前面,然后跟着安迪走,在半路接过土书和幸运鸟拿水书,回到白云2,维恩走回白云2,航海MM招野兵.
w2 维恩接过土书各城招兵(钱不够,只要大天使和泰坦),回到白云2交给阿德拉,阿德拉回到魔幻之城,交换兵和水书。只带灯神去开哨卡,打开后用回城到魔幻之城,去先知处拿钱包。安迪带所有大使/泰坦和5个各分一队的灯神跟着上,在阿德拉才打开哨卡的地方休息。第二天踏水打圣龙,下龙城,碰学者学回城术,原路刚好走回雪地。然后带上和尚/大天使/泰坦/大法师/骑士/魔幻法师回到天使之城,接过三个钱袋,海洋之帽。从水路打下静寂之城(魔幻法师拿去换镜像术)。阿德拉回城接过兵向右过双向门下白云3,回头把大天使和泰坦交给安迪,安迪到花心之地加魔法后从静寂之城上面踏水到马腿处.学召船后向上走.
W3 安迪救舞(先过绿色门捡望远镜,再回头到左上的火山后用它开哨卡,开监狱,舞再往左上一步拿到火球),两个人过绿门打掉青色的英雄罗尼斯(有可能在战马之眼下方打不到),打下战马之眼后往右上跑.维恩用土书回到战马之眼,往下去占战马之嘴.安迪跟舞交换水书先后过水面,打圣龙拿军团手臂,过双向门占狂野之城.维恩过来打下野蛮城后回到战马之嘴.安迪带上567级兵和泰坦/法师到野蛮城守着.阿德拉占白云3周围巢穴,航海MM回主城附近招野外的骑兵天使僧侣.
W4 安迪守城打死科尔格后向左占力之城。阿德拉接过土书打下孤城及周围野兵,还有蛮城旁边的事件拿土球(哨卡后面,之前舞打开哨卡)。舞捡魔力护符(孤城下方山地)和天赐神胯(比蒙崖左下)后交给安迪,并打开白云1的哨卡,占野外云殿,打开蛮城附近哨卡,就近占矿和生物巢穴。安迪带回组件给航海MM合成雕像,跟阿德拉先后从花心之地出发打开褐色关卡(土书留给维恩)。安迪只带大天使跑到半路马厩休息。阿德拉带上其他的兵,准备去捡绳子打矮人。航海MM在主城附近收集军队。维恩在战马之嘴牵制姆拉克。
M4W1 安迪一路跑向故园,占领后带天使占领仙女花园路上可捡到魔力球(第一堆金币左下的山石后面)和龙牙冠(第二堆金币左下的山石后面)。舞碰野兵辙退,在仙女花园先后招出舞和塞恩传魔法,阿德拉捡绳子(矮人上方山地),打矮人,跟着跑到故园。维恩到仙女花园学魔法后回城到故园把书给阿德拉,再回战马之嘴牵
W2 安迪拿下战马之盾1,野战或守城打掉电脑英雄,从战马之嘴下地道。阿德拉过来打下战马之盾2,打下仙女花园后的气球。然后从花心之地走到上面河边.舞捡了故园上面的钱后到花心之地附近准备接应。安迪拿下邪雾雪都,再招剩下的泰坦,然后传给阿德拉,塞恩去访问黑帐篷。阿德拉去打下不死之地,回到战马之嘴或战马之眼防守打掉姆拉克。安迪从不死之地出发准备去打黑龙潭。维恩把泰坦和天使传给他。阿德拉带一些凤凰,所有的骑兵和祭司从战马之盾1出发准备打炼狱城。舞从故园出发去打上面的几个野兵巢穴。
W3 阿德拉打下炼狱,安迪打下黑龙潭后把兵给阿德拉,回到不死之地下海等着。维恩到黑龙潭后面拿龙盾,塞恩从炼狱去打下地狱。然后跟舞到处加指数,在周末去下马肚子的100巨人,打云殿拿巨人换龙胫骨。阿德拉守城打掉瑞斯卡之后把兵传给安迪,自己到处加指数。安迪去打摩莉尔,然后招些大天使并随便加些指数,这时候应该有43级,可以开始访问智慧树升级了(地图上的32个知慧树能让他最后升到88级)。维恩拿齐抗魔宝物去换黑盾,开哨卡拿光明挂件。拿到后交给安迪,安迪从战马之眼出发到地下,接其他英雄传递过来的光明挂件下海上沼泽领地。舞传递宝物后跟着下海去捞火书(仙女花园左下)末日之剑(仙女花园左上盒子)和龙血瓶(仙女花园上面)。其他人暂时加指数去。塞恩从地下龙宫出发去准备拿旅行家之戒和窥镜。
W4 安迪攻下丛林恶堡,维恩接兵攻下左上的沼泽要塞,阿德拉接兵攻下面的沼泽恶潭(泰泽)。舞访问深蓝色帐篷。塞恩拿宝物。兵力和宝物调整之后,安迪带着天使和泰坦从沼泽(丛森恶堡)出发去打德肯,维恩带着凤凰和祭司从炼狱出发打开下面隐藏的双向门,去打熔岩之城。打下后跑到城后面拿隐藏的极速项链并等待。舞也从炼狱出发过双向门走向熔岩之城上面的哨卡,塞恩跟在后面准备传兵。阿德拉加几个指数。安迪打下白云4后把兵和宝物传给舞,在舞打到恶魔之都前可利用时间加些指数,阿德拉可以去拿神奇战甲和圣靴。舞打下恶魔之都。把天使组件和泰坦组件交给安迪,安迪魔法翻倍后从天使之城出发,在下面龙宫往左踏水过单向门,打开出发点右边的了望塔,过河杀孟斐拉后回马厩休息。塞恩跟在后面。阿德拉和舞休息,准备等下周一魔法翻倍后从天使之城出发去太阳城。
M5W1 安迪杀莎克特和约克后把泰坦和大天使交给塞恩,带5个凤凰,所有祭司和几十个大法师继续向前去杀奥格塔维亚。塞恩把兵带回到天使之城交给维恩,维恩带上海洋之帽一路传兵给舞,并且跟舞和阿德拉三个先后走上去太阳城的路。塞恩占还没有占的野兵巢和矿。
w2 安迪打宝屋,等拿过关卡的神目鸟。塞恩和航海MM排队准备接送宝物。舞打潘多拉盒学狂乱魔法、拿禁魔球。传兵给阿德拉打下太阳城。阿德拉之前利用海洋之帽拿到亡灵护身符(绿龙崖后面水里),维恩拿到神目鸟(两个都在太阳城后面)后回天使之城传给航海MM,再传给塞恩,塞恩去追赶安迪。阿德拉合成不死国王斗篷,装备后打下面的比蒙巢和潘多拉盒all+2并招到约3000个排骨。舞下右下云殿,回去占一些矿或有用的野外巢穴。航海MM回城到太阳下水拿加速斗篷。
w3 安迪接过塞恩传来的神目鸟,打开哨卡下海,向左拿到隐藏的黑魔盾,向下走打下宝杯城。这期间阿德拉打完太阳周围的潘多拉盒子,把兵和黑球交到安迪手上,安迪打掉宝杯城上面的圣龙,舞过来接过兵和宝物去打掉紫龙和水晶龙并访问紫龙巢后面的紫色帐篷。安迪先从不死之地下水往上走。打开白色哨卡,这期间阿德拉或舞可利用斗篷去打恶魔之都附近的伏兵换排骨。招出的博丽斯从地下龙宫出发往上打开紫色哨卡。舞过来接应,维恩则跟在安迪后面准备传兵。航海MM经彩虹之路往下走准备回到主城。塞恩回到太阳上面拿神目鸟挖圣杯,放到云顶中城。然后拿神眼鸟到宝杯下面先知处换到黑魔剑。
W4 博丽斯拿到骷髅盔(左路鬼魂的左边)和清醒挂件(最上面墓室的后面)后把宝物和兵传给安迪,安迪一路向上,拿到死神挂件后打开哨卡打下十字架西。塞恩过来打下十字架东,舞打下十字架北,并向下打下十字架南。安迪最后接兵和宝物打下山德鲁把守的鬼谷。阿德拉到处去访问升级树。航海MM在主城附近招兵。
M6W1 安迪和阿德拉到处升级。舞把英雄们身上的没用的宝物拿去卖了。塞恩拿审判之剑,维恩拿神谕之盔。合成天使联盟。卖资源,卖用不死国王斗篷弄到的排骨。招各城的1234级的低级兵,去草地之城下面的高山堡垒升级(地狱、塔、元素、罢蛮、沼泽的一级兵先拿到鬼城变成排骨),然后到野蛮城卖钱。在钱够用之后,博丽斯H/R一次。
M6W2 博丽斯和升到88级的阿德拉轮流H/R邪恶之主。方法大致按重剑介绍的那样,注意给邪恶之方留下100多个45。在电脑剩5000左右龙的时候就可以招兵买马去决战了。决战时把祭司跟投石车放一起,堵门的凤凰只要一个,不复活的话45就会打祭司并打坏攻城车。8000多黑骑就没用了。






总之这个地图要想打快,就要想办法保留副英雄。阿德拉、斯尔维亚和舞都是可以全程投入战斗的(正常流程都会被困住一段时间),楼主的攻略已经说的很详细了。。这个地图整体作战难度其实不大,主要是镜像天使战术太过变态了。。。enjoy it

② 继黄圣依后,让李嘉欣再告诉你:贫穷是怎样限制了我们的想象力。你怎么看

每个人都知道名人非常有钱。基本上,这是一种戏。一场戏可以赚很多钱,是普通人的几十倍。甚至18线名人也比普通人更好。 更不用说大名人了,女名人似乎更喜欢嫁给一个富裕的家庭,嫁给一个富裕的家庭也使我们看到贫穷限制了我们的想象力,一次又一次地刷新了我们的理解。

开始是黄圣依,当黄圣依并记录了“ 妈妈是超人”程序时,出现了媒体黄圣依买了一套300平方米的房子,用来录制节目,因为他们家中最小的房子也是700平方米,因为它被称为“炫耀财富”。

③ 币圈第一人孙宇晨以多少钱拍下的《戴项链的躺卧裸女》和《三幅自画像》


④ 英语作文安迪的春节假期去南京旅游


① Looking for a guide to Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Braveheart

This map can still be said to be a very high level and excellent map. The author has put in a lot of effort and deserves praise.

W1D1 Wayne picked up resources along the way and the jungle soldiers happened to rest at the first Swan Lake. He dismissed the swordsmen, leaving 19. Andy goes to sea.
D2 Venn visited the assembly flag, collected the monks, happened to rest at the second lake, dismissed the monks, and only brought 19. Andy goes to the other side
D3 Wayne hits the third lake and rests. Andy picked up the legion head behind the lighthouse (behind the tower), visited the tower, and went to the sea
D4 Venn picked up resources to the left and rested behind the dwarf treasury. Andy comes ashore.
D5 Venn picks up the legion's foot behind the dwarf treasury to the left, crosses the lake, visits the red tent, and fights the wild soldier into the shelter (he will not be moved for the time being). Andy goes through the one-way door.
D6 Andy collects the wild soldiers, goes to the wood mine, saves the inventory, goes to the tomb (if he can't go down or the loss is too big, leave it alone for now), and enters the city.
D7 Andy recruits troops to attack the city. 19 is slow to learn. Go down to the first cavalry battalion and approach the evil ghost on the upper left.
W2D1 Andy goes down to the evil ghost, occupy the gem mine, and take the ax (top left of the Garden of Truth. ) (Ignore resources and +PK for now), move to the second cavalry battalion.
D3 Go to the sulfur mine, (20 swordsmen by the well joined when I was fighting, and the lizardmen next to the second waterwheel joined), so I directly killed the bone dragon in front of the grassland city.
D4 Andy collects the knights, drives away the soldiers in front of the stables, and upgrades the knights. Go up the road to the right and fight the training ground field soldiers, fight the field soldiers in front of the monks, and recruit the monks.
D5 If the treasure on the upper right is good and the level 7 monster guarding the treasure is relatively weak, then play it. Otherwise, play House 19 directly. I played 3 angels (for fortune). Kill 100 dwarves and get money (behind the dwarf treasury)
D6 Go back and drink the water from the well in the one-eyed house and return to the stables.
On D7, the jungler visited the Magic Temple to learn acceleration, and went to the monk temple near the main city (previously, because the guard was the Tauren King, there were not enough soldiers, and the earth element was not advanced, so I didn't go down for fear of heavy losses). mine.
W3D1 Go down to the mercury mine.
D2 Recruit the second field cavalry, return to the second waterwheel
D3 Visit the waterwheel, recruit the cavalry and return to the city to rest
D4 Event Build the Honor Gate, upgrade, upgrade the angel, Recruit angels, cavalry, monks, 10+ marksmen, three 19s each divided into a team, go out of the city and exchange an ax for a life pendant, and fight Christine. (Before this, if Venn does not move, Christian will run to the checkpoint opened by Andy, so that he does not have to make a special trip back to open it in the future. If Venn has been moved before, Kristen may run to the first and second gates. Between the second lake, if you want to fight him like this, you have to rest in the lake above the red door for two days, which is a waste of time. Before, the city had to be built to level 2 magic, with lightning). After fighting several times, only archangels and cavalry were left. With luck, there might be nearly ten monks left. rest. Wayne comes backRest at the lake
D5 Andy visits the blue tent, returns to the city to recruit level 2567 soldiers (money is tight), Wayne walks back to the vicinity of the Garden of Truth
D6 Andy lays down the gold mine guarded by the magic mage , Venn occupied the gold mine above the Garden of Truth, and walked back
D7 Andy laid down the Grass City. If you have money, recruit cavalry and prepare to grab the Fire-Eye Man. Wayne gets 7500 experience and a dwarf shield
W4D1 Andy grabs the Fire-Eye Man (behind the gold mine). Go back to the stables. Venn fights 1 Lancer. By the lake. rest.
D2 Andy recruits level 256 soldiers from Grassland City, attacks the gold mine on the right side of the city, and passes the checkpoint. Wayne returns to the main city to recruit 2567 soldiers that have not been upgraded. If there is money left, he will recruit 19 more.
D3 Calculate whether the remaining money is enough to upgrade soldiers. Wayne recruits the first cavalry in the field and passes it to Andy (and gloves). Andy picks up the money from the mountain fortress to upgrade soldiers. Take down 19 houses along the road. (There is only one angel). After receiving the soldiers sent by the event, fight the angels blocking the way and go up.
D4 Andy takes the angel down to the underground, and Wayne follows him to the vicinity of the second-level magic temple
D5 Andy goes to the underground angel, goes down to House 19, and opens the tower. When you reach the blue door, Wayne follows.
D6 Andy learns the Atmospheric Aegis, takes the Mark Shot/19/Crusader/Monk/Cavalry/Archangel sent by Wayne, and then goes to the left city of Yunding. If he has enough mobility, he can go to the right city. At this time, the three blue heroes are usually in the wild. After defending the city and defeating Seri, I got a pair of D7 gloves. I went to the left city (because the other two heroes of the computer would have gone to the other city above in the previous round, just in time to close the door to catch the thief). Wayne ran to the middle city with 19
The most difficult month has passed, here is a brief summary
M2W1 Andy recruited a few djinn/mages to rush back and upgrade to the mountain fortress. Wayne went down to the middle city to occupy the Cloud Palace in the wild. Andy returns to the ground and fights the Titans, takes over the Angel City, exchanges the treasure for the Dryad Bow at the notice on the right, buys a boat and goes to the sea, lands on the upper left, and gets running shoes (lower left of the watchtower), water shoes (behind the cemetery above), Go back to the City of Angels and lead the Archangel. Wayne went all the way back to the City of Knights to recruit troops to attack the Honor Gate in the wild above.
M2W2 Andy recruited 2567 soldiers and the Archmage, walked on water to learn resurrection, rested in front of the checkpoint, passed the checkpoint the next day to learn blindness and forgetfulness, and captured the Shenmu Castle. Fight the city defense battle (bring only the Archangel and throw the other soldiers into the city, Gru will attack), then go to the other two cities, go to the far right to open the blue checkpoint, take the Red Dragon Sword, and take the sacred pendant (the second largest To the right of the angel), use the water god boots to open the checkpoint (behind the thieves' lair on the lower right side of the Divine Beast Castle), go in and get the clover (between Dragon Cliff and the Wisdom Tree), use it to open the checkpoint (behind the Divine Beast Castle) and pick up the sailing hat. Wayne opened the honor door and returned to the red door
M2W3 Andy turned around, handed in the sacred pendant to open the checkpoint, and defeated Dragon Fort. Wayne bought soldiers along the way (only 2567) and gave them to Andy. Andy turned back and went into the sea near Shenmu Castle. Wayne returned to the underground war mines and field barracks.
M2W4 AndyDive into the whirlpool, save the sailing MM, and kill the hell hero Maris next to him. Then the nautical MM went into the water to explore the way. Andy got the medal of courage, went back through the whirlpool, stepped on the water to save Adela, and captured the land of flowers (got Brimstone finger and demon), run up to the vicinity of the stables. Adela takes the knight's gloves, gives the anti-magic shoes to the sailing MM, picks up the lucky bird (behind the witch hut) and the God-given body (behind the tunnel entrance) and follows it underground. Navigation MM returns to the level below Grassland City and enters the field barracks to pick up the Poseidon Necklace (behind the Wisdom Tree in the level)
M3W1 Andy kills the black dragon, uses the sulfur finger to open the checkpoint, touches the magic mage, gets the soil book, and turns back Capture Baiyun 2 from Genting 3, upgrade some giants, and some stay because there is not enough money. After recruiting troops, return to the land of flowers and return to the ground, kill Tima (get the magic cloak). Go up and pick up the magic circle (the one by the water) Behind the tomb), go to the Magic City (don't exchange the ambassador's ribbon for the priest, H/R will be useful in the end). Adela first visited the stables, returned to the front of Tima, and then followed Andy. She picked up the earth book and the lucky bird took the water book halfway, returned to Baiyun 2, Wein walked back to Baiyun 2, and Nautical MM recruited wild soldiers. .
w2 Venn took over the soil book to recruit soldiers in each city (not enough money, only Archangel and Titan), returned to Baiyun 2 and handed it over to Adela, Adela returned to the magic city, exchanged soldiers and water books . Only take the Djinn to open the checkpoint. After opening it, use the Return to the Magic City and go to the Prophet to get the wallet. Andy took all the ambassadors/titans and 5 djinn in one team to follow, and rested at the place where Adela had just opened the checkpoint. The next day, I stepped on the water to fight the Holy Dragon, went down to Dragon City, and learned the magic of returning to the city from the scholar. I just walked back to the snow on the original path. Then take the monk/archangel/titan/archmage/knight/magic mage back to the City of Angels and receive the three money bags and the Ocean Hat. Take down the Silent City from the waterway (the magic mage uses it in exchange for the mirror spell). Adela returned to the city to take over the troops and went right through the two-way door under Baiyun 3. Turn back and hand the Archangel and Titan to Andy. Andy went to the Land of Flowers to add magic and then stepped on the water from the Silent City to the horse's legs. Learn to call Go up behind the boat.
W3 Andy rescues Wu (first go through the green door to pick up the telescope, then go back to the volcano on the upper left and use it to open the checkpoint, open the prison, Wu then steps up to the left to get the fireball), the two of them pass Use the green door to kill the cyan hero Ronis (you may not be able to hit him under the eye of the war horse). After knocking out the eye of the war horse, run up and to the right. Wayne uses the earth book to return to the eye of the war horse and go down to occupy the mouth of the war horse. Andy Exchange water books with Wu, cross the water, fight the Holy Dragon to get the legion arm, go through the two-way door and occupy the Wild City. Wayne comes over to capture the Savage City and then returns to the War Horse's Mouth. Andy brings the level 567 soldiers and Titan/Mage. Guard the barbarian city. Adela occupies the lairs around Baiyun 3. Navigation MM returns to the main city to recruit cavalry angel monks in the field.
W4 Andy defends the city and kills Korg and then moves to the left to occupy the city of power. Adela took the earth book and defeated the isolated city and the surrounding wild soldiers, as well as the event next to the barbaric city to get the earth ball (behind the checkpoint, before Wu opened the checkpoint). Wu picks up the magic amulet (in the mountains below Gucheng) and the God-given crotch (bottom left of Behemoth Cliff) and gives them to Andy, and opens the checkpoint of Baiyun 1.Occupy the Wild Cloud Palace, open checkpoints near Man City, and occupy nearby mines and biological nests. Andy brought back the components to Nautical MM to synthesize the statue, and he and Adela started from the land of flowers and opened the brown level (leaving the soil book to Wayne). Andy only took Archangel to the stables halfway to rest. Adela took the other soldiers and prepared to pick up the rope and beat the dwarf. Navigation MM collects troops near the main city. Vann restrains M'rak at the Horse's Mouth.
M4W1 Andy runs all the way to his hometown and takes the angel to occupy the fairy garden. On the way, you can pick up the magic ball (behind the rock on the lower left of the first pile of gold coins) and the Dragon Tooth Crown (behind the rock on the lower left of the second pile of gold coins). Wu encountered wild soldiers and retreated. In the fairy garden, he summoned Wu and Thain to pass on magic. Adela picked up the rope (on the mountain above the dwarf), beat the dwarf, and ran to the hometown with him. Wayne went to the Fairy Garden to learn magic, then returned to the city to give the book to Adela in the hometown, and then returned to the War Horse's Mouth to control Mrak. Adela went to the fairy garden to learn magic. She used her sailing hat to take Andy's pawn to fetch the water element (go through the large green two-way door behind Baiyun 3), and then handed the pawn back to Andy, who went to defeat Baiyun 1. Back to the City of Angels and out to sea. Nautical MM continues to recruit troops. After dancing to the prophet and leveling up, he also followed him to the beach.
W2 Andy takes the War Horse Shield 1, kills the computer hero in field battles or defending the city, and goes down the tunnel from the War Horse's mouth. Adela comes over and takes down War Horse Shield 2, and takes down the balloon behind the Fairy Garden. Then he walked from the Flower Heart Land to the river above. After Wu picked up the money from the Hometown, he went to the Flower Heart Land to prepare for the reception. Andy takes down Evil Fog Snow City, recruits the remaining Titans, and then passes it to Adela and Thane to visit the Black Tent. Adela went to conquer the Land of the Undying, then returned to the War Horse's Mouth or the War Horse's Eye to defend and kill M'rak. Andy sets out from the Land of the Undead to fight the Black Dragon Pond. Venn passed him the Titans and Angels. Adela took some phoenixes, and all the cavalry and priests set off from War Horse Shield 1 to prepare for the attack on Purgatory City. Wu set out from the hometown to attack several wild soldier nests above.
W3 Adela captured Purgatory, Andy captured the Black Dragon Pond and gave his troops to Adela, then returned to the land of immortality and waited in the sea. Wayne went to the back of the Black Dragon Pond to get the dragon shield, and Thain went from purgatory to fight down hell. Then follow the dance to increase the index everywhere, and on the weekends, go to the 100 giants in the belly of the horse, and trade the giants for the dragon tibia in the Cloud Palace. After Adela defended the city and defeated Riska, she passed the troops to Andy and increased her index everywhere. Andy goes to fight Moriel, then recruits some archangels and adds some indexes at will. At this time, he should be at level 43 and can start to visit the wisdom tree to upgrade (the 32 wisdom trees on the map can finally upgrade him to level 88). . Wayne took all the anti-magic treasures to exchange for the black shield, and opened the checkpoint to get the light pendant. After getting it, give it to Andy. Andy goes underground from the Eye of the War Horse, picks up the light pendant passed by other heroes, and goes to the sea swamp territory. After passing the treasures, Wu went into the sea to retrieve the Book of Fire (lower left of the Fairy Garden), the Sword of Doom (the upper left box of the Fairy Garden) and the Dragon Blood Bottle (top of the Fairy Garden). Others will be added temporarily. Thane set off from the Underground Dragon Palace to get the Traveler's Ring and Looking Glass.
W4 Andy captured the jungle fortress, and Wayne took over the attackGo down to the swamp fortress on the upper left, and Adela takes over the troops to attack the swamp Bad Pond (Taize) below. Dance visits dark blue tent. Thane takes the treasure. After adjusting the troops and treasures, Andy took Angel and Titan from the swamp (Jungle Forest Castle) to fight Deken, and Wayne took Phoenix and Priest from Purgatory to open the two-way door hidden below to fight Lava City. After defeating it, run to the back of the city to get the hidden speed necklace and wait. Maiya left Purgatory and walked through the two-way door towards the sentry post above the lava city. Thain followed behind and prepared to send troops. Adela plus several exponents. After Andy defeats Baiyun 4, he passes the soldiers and treasures to Wu. Before Wu reaches the Demon City, he can use the time to add some indexes, and Adela can get the magical armor and holy boots. Wu conquered the Demon City. Give the Angel component and Titan component to Andy. After Andy's magic is doubled, he sets off from the City of Angels. In the Dragon Palace below, walk to the left through the one-way door, open the watchtower on the right side of the starting point, cross the river and kill Memphela. Return to the stables to rest. Thane followed. Adela and Wu rested and prepared to set off from the City of Angels to Sun City next Monday after the magic was doubled.
M5W1 After Andy killed Sact and York, he handed over the Titans and Archangels to Thane, took 5 Phoenixes, all the priests and dozens of archmages and continued forward to kill Ogatavia. Thain brought the troops back to the City of Angels and handed them over to Wayne. Wayne put on the Ocean Hat and passed the troops to Wu, and followed Wu and Adela on the road to Sun City. Thain occupied the unoccupied field nests and mines.
w2 Andy hits the treasure house and waits for the magical bird that has passed the level. Thain and Navigation MM lined up to pick up and deliver the treasure. Dance and fight Pandora's box to learn crazy magic and get the forbidden magic ball. Send troops to Adela to capture Sun City. Adela used the Ocean Hat to get the Amulet of the Undead (in the water behind Green Dragon Cliff), and Wayne got the Divine Eye Bird (both behind Sun City), then returned to Angel City and passed it to Navigation MM, and then passed it on Thane, Thane goes after Andy. Adela synthesizes the Undead King's Cloak, and after equipping it, attack the Behemoth's Nest and Pandora's Box below for all+2 and recruit about 3,000 ribs. Dance down to the right and go down to the Cloud Palace, go back and occupy some mines or useful wild lairs. Sailing MM returns to the city and goes to the water under the sun to get the acceleration cloak.
w3 Andy took the divine eye bird from Thane, opened the checkpoint and went into the sea, went to the left to get the hidden black magic shield, and walked down to take down the treasure cup city. During this period, Adela finished playing Pandora's box around the sun and handed the soldiers and black balls to Andy. Andy defeated the holy dragon on the Cup City, danced over and took over the soldiers and treasures to defeat the purple dragon and Crystal Dragon and visit the Purple Tent behind the Purple Dragon's Lair. Andy first walked up from the Underwater of the Undead. Open the white checkpoint. During this period, Adela or Wu can use the cloak to fight the ambush soldiers near the Demon City for ribs. The recruited Bolis starts from the underground dragon palace and opens the purple checkpoint upwards. Wu Wu came over to respond, while Wayne followed Andy and prepared to send troops. Nautical MM walked down the Rainbow Road to prepare to return to the main city. Thane returned to the sun and took the God-Eyed Bird to dig out the Holy Grail and placed it in Cloud City. Then take the God Eye Bird to the prophet under the treasure cup and exchange it for the Black Demon Sword.
W4 Bolis gets the skull helmet (to the left of the ghost on the left) and the sober hangerAfter passing the treasures and soldiers to Andy (behind the top tomb chamber), Andy went all the way up, opened the checkpoint and laid down the checkpoint on the west side of the cross to get the Death Pendant. Thain comes over and lays the cross to the east, Wu lays the cross to the north, and lays the cross down to the south. Andy finally took the troops and treasures to defeat the Ghost Valley guarded by Sandro. Adela goes everywhere to visit the upgrade tree. Navigation MM recruits troops near the main city.
M6W1 Andy and Adela are upgraded everywhere. Wu took the useless treasures from the heroes and sold them. Thane takes the Sword of Judgment, and Venn takes the Helm of the Oracle. Synthetic Angel Alliance. Sell ​​resources, sell ribs obtained with the cloak of the undead king. Recruit level 1234 low-level soldiers from each city, go to the mountain fortress below the Grassland City to upgrade them (the first-level soldiers from Hell, Tower, Elemental, Barbarian, and Swamp are first taken to the Ghost City and turned into ribs), and then go to the Barbarian City to sell them for money. After enough money, Bolis H/R once.
M6W2 Bolis and Adela, who has reached level 88, take turns H/R the Lord of Evil. The method is roughly as described by Ejian. Be careful to leave more than 100 45s for the evil side. When there are about 5,000 dragons left on the computer, you can recruit troops for a decisive battle. In the decisive battle, put the priest and the catapult together. There is only one Phoenix blocking the door. If it is not resurrected, 45 will hit the priest and destroy the siege vehicle. More than 8,000 black knights are useless.

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A few things that can be used
1. There are three map flaws that prevent the game from being played according to the author's intention.
1 You can tread water to save Adela,
2 You can tread water to fight the holy dragon near the Magic City, and return to the snow that day
3 You can tread water to reach the horse's legs, and you can change Utilize native books in multiple areas
2. The hero flaw is that Maris in Computer Heroes (the one behind the Voyage MM prison) and Rainbow Road do not have magic books. Became an enhanced field soldier.
Three. Fight on as many lines as possible (it’s not a map bug after all)

Several battles
1. When playing Seri,
it seems that he can always learn the water element, and he often teleports. In this case, when the difference in strength is large, defeating him seems to require the following conditions: The heroes on both sides will be dispersed. My playing process below
The computer siege vehicles are required not to break the city within three rounds.
Find a way to let Seri only use dispersal, and then attack the mage first, and then the siege truck. It seems that when he first uses air shield, he uses dispel. When there are fewer mages, he often uses dispel when using Stoneskin (but sometimes he will teleport in to get the queen back, so it seems that he has to load the file). Maybe there is some luck here, I guess At that time, the djinn and mage of the computer were not upgraded
2. Beat Maris,
That guy looks powerful, but he is actually a silver-like wax spear head. If you attack him actively, the donkeys on him will form a team. Of course, it depends on luck to win, and you need about 500 points. magic.my methodIn the first round, blind the big devil, and in the second round, blind the donkey. If that doesn't work, switch to another gear. In the third round, start to cast the light of destruction on the demon. Just lower it to more than 30. Be careful to blind again in the middle. Then slow down/bless/accelerate the monk. .After that, the angels and monks attack and add the blind demon. This process depends on luck. If there is a turn that cannot be blinded before killing the demon, you have to load the save. Then cast the light of destruction on the donkey, leaving more than 50 magic points. , then the marksman/monk/knight ran up to the top, and the archangel was seducing the donkey back and forth below. Because the computer hero did not have a magic book, he watched 7000+ donkeys being shot to death.
3. Defeat Sandro
Someone has said before that if you don’t have enough archangel demons in your body, you can only attack the city by using his tent, because you can’t use his tent to cover the archangels when defending the city. Or Phoenix's.

About how to fight the final battle:

In fact, the process is similar:
1. You don’t have to keep Ryan waiting when you kill Christie. First use the gold mine to hold him back, calculate the upgrade time of the Gate of Glory, get rid of the enemy (there are two positions at the well, you can go wrong) and directly open the red level to escape. Andy got stuck in the Swan Lake next to him and had a decisive battle with Christie. The terrain here was excellent, and I only lost 4x Lancers. In this way, the Destroying Tower Clan will basically have an absolutely superior force later on. . . And you can avoid people directly without passing through Swan Lake.
2. It is absolutely wonderful to walk on the water from the Silent City to the horse's leg. You can leave a native book - I didn't find it at the time. Brothers who are new to the game must pay attention.
3. There is no need to rush to kill Ronis, Big Face likes to give him the Medal of Courage. . . The normal process requires walking through the Eye of the Horse three times. According to my observation, if Ronis is left behind, there is a high probability that the big face can be taken down the second time or even the first time (I killed him the second time). ), no Destruction Ball required.
4. Dais in Black Dragon Tan can be taken down very early with Titan + Force Shield. This city is worth 2,000 oceans and is worth a try.

In short, if you want to play this map quickly, you must find a way to retain the secondary hero. Adela, Sylvia and Wu can all be involved in the battle (the normal process will be stuck for a period of time), and the poster's guide has already explained it in detail. . The overall combat difficulty of this map is not very difficult, mainly because the Mirror Angel tactics are too abnormal. . . enjoy it

② Following Huang Shengyi, let Li Jiaxin tell you again: how poverty limits our imagination. What do you think

Everyone knows celebrities are very rich. Basically, it's a play. A show can make a lot of money, dozens of times that of ordinary people. Even 18th line celebrities are better than ordinary people. Not to mention big celebrities, female celebrities seem to prefer marrying into a wealthy family. Marrying into a wealthy family also makes us see that poverty limits our imagination, refreshing our understanding again and again.

It started with Huang Shengyi. When Huang Shengyi recorded "Mother is"Superman" program, it appeared in the media that Huang Shengyi bought a 300-square-meter house to record the program, because the smallest house in their family was also 700 square meters, because it was called "showing off wealth."

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③ How much did Sun Yuchen, the number one person in the currency circle, pay for the "Lying Nude with Necklace" and "Three Self-Portraits"

In March this year, the world At the well-known art auction house Christie's' first auction of purely digital artworks presented in the form of NFT, Sun Yuchen, as the first person in the currency circle, also participated in the event and obtained $20 million and $2 million respectively. The famous painter Picasso's "Reclining Nude with a Necklace" and the American artist Andy Warhol's "Three Self-Portraits".

④ English composition Andy's trip to Nanjing during the Spring Festival holiday

I have long heard that the subway in Nanjing has been opened. I took it once today. It feels great. It is smoother than the train and very fast. It is really interesting to buy tickets electronically and get change. However, The more interesting thing is yet to come. That is the destination we are going to reach - the Olympic Sports Center.
The Olympic Sports Center is extremely large, covering an area of ​​89.6 hectares. It has two stadiums (stadium and training ground) and two The swimming pool (natatorium, gymnasium) and the second center (tennis center, sports technology center).
The swimming pool has a diving pool and a swimming pool. There are one-meter board, three-meter board, three-meter diving platform, five-meter diving platform beside the diving pool. Eight-meter diving platform and ten-meter diving platform. The water in the pool is very clear and light blue, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.
The gymnasium is also very beautiful, with badminton courts, table tennis courts and basketball courts. It is said that badminton courts The floor of the stadium is worth more than 1.7 million yuan, and the cost of the entire stadium is as much as 1.2 billion yuan.
The observation tower of the Science and Technology Center is a highlight. It is 154 meters tall and is the tallest observation tower in the world. From the tower You can see a panoramic view of the entire Olympic Sports Center. And there is actually water for flushing the restrooms on the observation tower. I really can’t imagine how the staff diverted the water up here.
And among all the buildings, give me The most impressive thing is the main stadium. It is located in the center, has a very large area, can accommodate 80,000 spectators, and has 160 VIP boxes. The architectural design is novel, the workmanship is fine, and it is majestic. Beside the circular track, there are the Crown and Asian Stadiums. , the third place podium, I immediately ran over and stood on the highest podium and walked around and around. Dad asked me how I felt, and I answered with four words, "Easy as a fairy". Dad He smiled and said: "How much hard work and sweat is required behind this 'elegant' thing!" ”
Yes! Behind success and flowers are hard work and countless sweat. Let us strive towards the gold medal in life!

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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