冷钱包智能合约系统 冷钱包怎么添加合约地址

『壹』 币圈内的一些专业术语是什么













Proofof Work,是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多。


Proofof Stake,根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在POS模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关。




时间戳是指字符串或编码信息用于辨识记录下来的时间日期。国际标准为ISO 8601。






















楔入式侧链技术(pegged sidechains),它将实现比特币和其他数字资产在多个区块链间的转移,这就意味着用户们在使用他们已有资产的情况下,就可以访问新的加密货币系统。



































K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。













『贰』 波宝钱包没有备份助记如何把观察钱包转换为冷钱包波宝钱包没备份助记,目前只记得账户名和密码!如何才能

摘要导入观察钱包 选择要观察的冷钱包,点击地址,生成地址二维码。

『叁』 四大数字货币交易所有哪些

市场上数字货币交易所比较多的,不过面对社会对数字货币交易的管控,很多数字货币交易所都有所限制。不过有一家合规的数字货币交易所发展势头还不错,近期融资了4.21亿美元,惊动了整个数字货币行业。就是FTX交易所,如果你也是个体育爱好者,一定还知道FTX交易所与迈阿密热火队合作,迈阿密热火队主体育场被命名为FTX体育场,美国职业棒球大联盟 (MLB) 超级巨星 Shohei Ohtani 也成为了FTX的品牌大使。

『肆』 什么是空投糖果









AirdropAlert.com - Never miss a Free Crypto Airdrop again!Airdropalert.Com













这四个站都支持http https,更新及时!

『伍』 比特币在手机冷钱包里,手机掉了怎么办


『陆』 冷钱包、热钱包分别是什么东西啊


『柒』 国内的哪个冷钱包好用








『捌』 区块链如何保证使用安全






随着量子计算机的发展将会给现在使用的密码体系带来重大的安全威胁。区块链主要依赖椭圆曲线公钥加密算法生成数字签名来安全地交易,目前最常用的ECDSA、RSA、DSA 等在理论上都不能承受量子攻击,将会存在较大的风险,越来越多的研究人员开始关注能够抵抗量子攻击的密码算法。




当前的共识机制有工作量证明(Proof of Work,PoW)、权益证明(Proof of Stake,PoS)、授权权益证明(Delegated Proof of Stake,DPoS)、实用拜占庭容错(Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance,PBFT)等。

PoW 面临51%攻击问题。由于PoW 依赖于算力,当攻击者具备算力优势时,找到新的区块的概率将会大于其他节点,这时其具备了撤销已经发生的交易的能力。需要说明的是,即便在这种情况下,攻击者也只能修改自己的交易而不能修改其他用户的交易(攻击者没有其他用户的私钥)。

在PoS 中,攻击者在持有超过51%的Token 量时才能够攻击成功,这相对于PoW 中的51%算力来说,更加困难。

在PBFT 中,恶意节点小于总节点的1/3 时系统是安全的。总的来说,任何共识机制都有其成立的条件,作为攻击者,还需要考虑的是,一旦攻击成功,将会造成该系统的价值归零,这时攻击者除了破坏之外,并没有得到其他有价值的回报。



智能合约具备运行成本低、人为干预风险小等优势,但如果智能合约的设计存在问题,将有可能带来较大的损失。2016 年6 月,以太坊最大众筹项目The DAO 被攻击,黑客获得超过350 万个以太币,后来导致以太坊分叉为ETH 和ETC。




智能合约的安全开发原则有:对可能的错误有所准备,确保代码能够正确的处理出现的bug 和漏洞;谨慎发布智能合约,做好功能测试与安全测试,充分考虑边界;保持智能合约的简洁;关注区块链威胁情报,并及时检查更新;清楚区块链的特性,如谨慎调用外部合约等。


数字钱包主要存在三方面的安全隐患:第一,设计缺陷。2014 年底,某签报因一个严重的随机数问题(R 值重复)造成用户丢失数百枚数字资产。第二,数字钱包中包含恶意代码。第三,电脑、手机丢失或损坏导致的丢失资产。






『玖』 冷钱包退出了助词忘记了怎么办

摘要其实这个问题 并不是一两个人发生过,包括机智的小编也曾遇到过,年初小编注册钱包对助记词进行截图保存,在一次清楚手机内存时无意中将助记词删除,无法恢复!当时小编的钱包里还有十几万的代币,也是心急上火,多方咨询都无解决方法,token钱包使用教程也提示 忘记助记词等于遗失钱包,朋友建议:不要退出,不要更新软件,手机别丢了!

『拾』 火币完蛋heco链会跟着完吗



火币生态链 Huobi ECO Chain (Heco) 是一个去中心化高效节能公链,也是火币开放平台推出的首个产品,在支撑高性能交易的基础上,实现智能合约的兼容。火币生态链Heco的原生数字资产为HT,采用HPoS共识机制。

Heco 的到来足够引人注目。火币开放平台是基于火币集团的技术资源、流量资源和生态资源,向区块链行业陆续全面开放的基础设施统一平台。

愿景之外,市场关心的莫过于这条新链的经济模型。资料显示,Heco 的节点激励为链上交易手续费,交易费为 HT。HT 是 Heco 链的唯一底层通证,后续将为 HT 开辟一条 " 锁仓质押 "、"Gas 手续费 " 应用等全新的使用场景。


区块链行业的基础设施,非公链莫属,公链作为区块链世界的 " 操作系统 ",从 2018 年起,就吸引了各方势力入场布局,其中就包括交易所。不过,相比于以太坊、EOS 等老牌公链,由交易所主导的公链项目从诞生以来就一直备受质疑。有人担心,交易所在公链领域的发力将会带生态的垄断。

『一』What are some professional terms in the currency circle

26 explanations of common terms in the blockchain industry

1. Blockchain——Blockchain< /p>

Blockchain is a new application model of computer technologies such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm. is a shared distributed ledger where transactions are permanently recorded through appended blocks.

2. Block——Block

In the Bitcoin network, data will be permanently recorded in the form of files. We call these files blocks. A block is a set of records of some or all of the latest Bitcoin transactions that have not been recorded by other previous blocks.

3. Node - A copy of the ledger operated by participants in the blockchain network.

4. Decentralization

Decentralization is a phenomenon or structure that must appear or exist in a system with many nodes or in a group with many individuals. The influence between nodes will form a non-linear causal relationship through the network.

5. Consensus mechanism

The consensus mechanism is to complete the verification and confirmation of transactions in a very short time through the voting of special nodes; for a transaction, if the interests are irrelevant If several nodes can reach a consensus, we can think that the entire network can also reach a consensus on this.

6. Pow - Proof of Work

Proof of Work refers to how much currency you get, depending on the workload you contribute to mining. The better the computer performance, the more money will be allocated to you. There will be more mines.

7. PoS - Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake, a system of interest distribution based on the amount and time of currency you hold. In POS mode, your "mining" The income is proportional to your currency age and has nothing to do with the computing performance of your computer.

8. Smart Contract

Smart contract is a computer protocol designed to spread, verify or execute contracts in an information-based manner. Smart contracts allow trusted transactions to be made without third parties, which are traceable and irreversible.

9. Timestamp

Timestamp refers to a string or encoded information used to identify the recorded time and date. The international standard is ISO 8601.

10. Turing completeness

Turing completeness refers to the ability of a machine to perform any calculation that any other programmable computer can perform.

11. Dapp - decentralized application

It is an open source application that runs automatically and stores its data on the blockchain in the form of cryptocurrency tokens. Form incentives and operate with a protocol that displays proof of value.

12. DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization

It can be thought of as a company that operates without any human intervention and hands all forms of control to oneSet of unbreakable business rules.

13. PrivateKey - Private Key

A private key is a string of data that allows you to access a token in a specific wallet. They, as cryptocurrencies, are hidden except from the owner of the address.

14. PublicKey——Public key

It appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address of the currency, so it can be used as a certificate for owning the address of the currency.

15. Mining machine

A computing device or software that attempts to create blocks and add them to the blockchain. In a blockchain network, when a new valid block is created, the system will generally automatically give the block creator (mining machine) a certain number of tokens as a reward.

16. Mining pool

It is a fully automatic mining platform that allows miners to contribute their own computing power to mine together to create blocks and obtain block rewards. And the profits are distributed according to the proportion of computing power contribution (that is, the mining machine is connected to the mining pool - provides computing power - obtains income).

17. Public chain

A completely open blockchain refers to a fully open blockchain that can be read by anyone, anyone can send transactions, and transactions can be effectively confirmed. People around the world can participate in system maintenance, and anyone can read and write data through transactions or mining.

18. Private chain

A blockchain where write permission is only for a certain organization or a specific few objects. Read permissions can be open to the outside world, or restricted to any degree.

19. Alliance chain

The consensus mechanism is a blockchain jointly controlled by a number of designated institutions.

20. Sidechains

Pegged sidechains technology will enable the transfer of Bitcoin and other digital assets between multiple blockchains. This This means that users can access the new cryptocurrency system while using their existing assets.

21. Cross-chain technology

Cross-chain technology can be understood as a bridge connecting various blockchains. Its main application is to realize Atom transactions, asset conversion, and partitioning between blockchains. Information exchange within the blockchain, or solving Oracle problems, etc.

22. Hard fork

The blockchain has a permanent divergence. After the new consensus rules are released, some nodes that have not been upgraded cannot verify the blocks produced by the upgraded nodes. Usually a hard fork happens.

23. Soft fork

When the new consensus rules are released, nodes that have not been upgraded will produce illegal blocks because they do not know the new consensus rules, which will cause Temporary forks.

24. Hash——Hash value

Generally translated as "hash", there are also direct transliterations as "hash". Simply put, it is a function that compresses a message of any length into a message digest of a fixed length.

25. Main chain

The term main chain comes from the main network (as opposed to the test network), which is an officially launched, independent blockchain network.

For those who don’t understand the “jargon” of the currency circle, come and learn it quickly:

1. What is legal currency?

Legal currency is legal tender, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

2. What is token?

Token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and an inherent and intrinsic value;

The second is cryptocurrency. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the token are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network, so that It can be verified anytime and anywhere.

3. What is position building?

Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader’s new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

4. What is stud?

Cryptocurrency stud means investing all the principal.

5. What is an airdrop?

Airdrops are currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

6. What is lock-up?

Lock position generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a new position opposite to their original position. Its name is Butterfly Flying Double.

7. What is candy?

Cryptocurrency candies are digital coins that are distributed to users for free when various digital currencies are first issued and ICO. They are a kind of momentum and promotion for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

8. What is a break?

Break refers to falling below, and hair refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

9. What is private equity?

Cryptocurrency private placement is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

10. How do you look at the K-line chart?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, Yin-Yang lines, stick lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

11. What is hedging?

Generally yesHedging is to conduct two transactions at the same time with related market conditions, opposite directions, equal quantities, and offset profits and losses. In the futures contract market, buy positions of the same quantity but in different directions. When the direction is determined, close the position in the opposite direction and retain the positive direction to gain profits.

12. What is a position?

Position is a market agreement that commits to buying and selling the initial position of a contract. Those who buy the contract are long and are in a position to expect an increase; those who sell the contract are short and are in a position to expect a decrease.

13. What are the benefits?

Good news: It refers to news that a currency has received mainstream media attention, or that a certain technology application has made breakthrough progress, which is conducive to stimulating price increases. This is called good news.

14. What are the disadvantages?

Bad news: news that causes currency prices to fall, such as Bitcoin technical problems, central bank suppression, etc.

15. What is rebound?

The price adjustment phenomenon in which currency prices rebound due to falling too fast in a downward trend. The recovery is smaller than the decline.

16. What is leverage?

Leveraged trading, as the name suggests, is to use small amounts of funds to invest several times the original amount, in the hope of obtaining multiple returns or losses relative to the fluctuations in the investment target.

『二』 There is no mnemonic backup for Bobo wallet. How to convert the observation wallet into a cold wallet? There is no mnemonic backup for Bobo wallet. Currently, I only remember the account name and password! How can

Summary import the observation wallet? Select the cold wallet to be observed, click on the address, and generate the address QR code.

『三』What are the four major digital currency exchanges

There are many digital currency exchanges on the market, but in the face of social control over digital currency transactions, many digital currency transactions All have restrictions. However, there is a compliant digital currency exchange with good momentum of development. It recently raised US$421 million, shocking the entire digital currency industry. It’s FTX Exchange. If you are also a sports fan, you must also know that FTX Exchange has cooperated with the Miami Heat. The Miami Heat’s home stadium was named FTX Stadium, and Major League Baseball (MLB) superstar Shohei Ohtani also became Became the brand ambassador of FTX.

『四』What is Airdrop Candy

Airdrop Candy is actually a stage where many projects obtain token chips at almost zero cost when they are newly launched. It adopts the method of gift distribution, but due to its extreme The excellent publicity effect, diffusion ability and the myth of multiple profits without capital have pushed the concept of airdrop to the altar.

Generally known as airdrop, candy airdrop, virtual currency airdrop, digital currency airdrop, Token airdrop, free mining, currency airdrop, some English regions also classify it as FreeToken, FreeMoney, and Candy.

In particular, airdrops have not only supplemented the income of many marketers, but have even created waves of myths about getting rich.

The world’s four major airdrop websites

1. (English) AirdropAlert:

AirdropAlert (http://AirdropAlert.Com) is the world’s first airdrop website, officially operating in 2017 -8 is a well-known airdrop website in English, ranking first in Google blockchain-related Airdrop keyword searches.

Website: [http://AirdropAlert.Com]

Domain name features: Common double spelling in English grammar style, airdrop friendly. The suffix is ​​.Com (the most popular and oldest in the world), which is a typical portal model operation. ,

AirdropAlert.com - Never miss a Free Crypto Airdrop again! Airdropalert.Com

2. (Chinese/English) Tokenairdrop

Coin Airdrop ( http://Tokenairdrop.org) is the second airdrop website in the world. It was officially operational in 2017-9. It provides both Chinese and English services, mainly in Chinese. It was officially operational in 2017-9 and appeared at the same time as AirdropAlert. The website style is relatively simple and simple, without too much information. The style is stable and always makes people feel at home. It is the second largest airdrop website in the world, ranking first in the number of Chinese airdrop search results on the Internet, Google, and 360.

Website: [http://TokenAirdrop.Org][http://TokenAirdrop.Com][http://CoinAirdrop.Org]

Domain name features: Token/Coin( Coin) + Airdrop (airdrop) double spelling literal translation domain name, Chinese and English airdrop friendly. The suffixes are .Org (the most trusted by search engines) and .Com (the most popular and oldest domain name). Obtaining these domain names shows that the operator is very forward-looking and operates in a novelty-seeking mode.

Coin airdrop - high-quality candy airdrop & virtual currency airdrop & digital currency airdrop & Token airdrop & airdrop coins & free coins all in one place! The most professional candy airdrop network - the Chinese flagship of blockchain airdrop! -TokenAirdrop_OrgTokenairdrop.org

3. (English) AirdropKing

AirdropKing (http://AirdropKing.IO) appeared late, but it suddenly emerged in Telegram and successfully became the third largest in the world. Airdrop website throne.

Website: [http://AirdropKing.IO]

Domain name style AirdropKing’s quite offensive domain name combination, the .IO suffix tells visitors that it is a blockchain technology themed website.

4. (Chinese) CandyAirdrop

CandyAirdrop.Com uses the .com domain name, which is quite satisfactory and mainly updates Chinese airdrop information.

Website: http://CandyAirdrop.Com

These four sites all support http https and are updated in a timely manner!

『Wu』What should I do if my phone is dropped if my Bitcoin is in the cold wallet?

You just need to change your account and log in to the previous account again, as long as you keep the key.

『Lu』 What are cold wallets and hot wallets?

Cold wallets isolate your private keys from the network. Now cold wallets can also be placed in cards. It is safer. I use Kubao cold wallet

『撒』 Which cold wallet in China is easy to use


The quality is very good, and there are three options for mnemonics. If you don’t like English, you can use all-digit or Chinese mnemonics. But the price is also expensive. Very expensive.

Cobo is made from divine fish. Also very expensive. Both Kushen and Cobo represent the supreme craftsmanship of cold wallets. Cobo’s steel plate mnemonics are also well received, but they are still very expensive. The chips are all of the highest grade, military grade.

ImKey is generally enough for everyone to use. fair price. All the functions are available. It is also convenient for Chinese people to use.

Products and Services

Since its establishment, Kushen has focused on the research and development of hardware wallets. Up to now, Kushen has launched a series of smart hardware wallet products (P series professional version, T series card version, E series enterprise version), and the market covers many countries and regions around the world, including China, Japan, South Korea, the United States and Southeast Asia. area.

Kushen hardware wallet uses blockchain technology, separates hot and cold, and establishes an innovative application model of distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, encryption algorithm and other computer technologies in the Internet era. It achieves decentralized, non-tamperable and traceable distributed ledger functions, ensuring the security of digital assets in 360 degrees.

『8』How to ensure safe use of blockchain

One of the characteristics of blockchain projects (especially public chains) is open source. Open source code improves the credibility of the project and allows more people to participate. But the openness of source code also makes it easier for attackers to attack the blockchain system. There have been many hacker attacks in the past two years. Recently, the anonymous currency Verge (XVG) has been attacked again. The attacker has locked a vulnerability in the XVG code, which allows malicious miners to add false times to blocks. Poke, and then quickly dig out new blocks, and find new blocks in just a few hours.Nearly $1.75 million worth of digital currency was withdrawn. Although the attack was successfully stopped, no one can guarantee whether the attacker will attack again in the future.

Of course, blockchain developers can also take some measures

The first is to use professional code audit services,

The second is to understand safe coding standards, Nip problems in the bud.

Security of cryptographic algorithms

With the development of quantum computers, it will bring major security threats to the cryptographic systems currently used. Blockchain mainly relies on the elliptic curve public key encryption algorithm to generate digital signatures for secure transactions. Currently, the most commonly used ECDSA, RSA, DSA, etc. cannot withstand quantum attacks in theory, and there will be greater risks. More and more Researchers are beginning to focus on cryptographic algorithms that are resistant to quantum attacks.

Of course, in addition to changing the algorithm, there is another way to improve security:

Refer to Bitcoin’s handling of public key addresses to reduce the risk of public key leaks. Potential risks. As a user, especially a Bitcoin user, the balance after each transaction is stored in a new address to ensure that the public key of the address where Bitcoin funds are stored is not leaked.

Security of the consensus mechanism

The current consensus mechanisms include Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and Delegated Proof of Stake (PoS). Proof of Stake (DPoS), Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), etc.

PoW faces 51% attack problem. Since PoW relies on computing power, when an attacker has a computing power advantage, the probability of finding a new block will be greater than that of other nodes. At this time, it has the ability to undo transactions that have already occurred. It should be noted that even in this case, the attacker can only modify his own transactions and not the transactions of other users (the attacker does not have the private keys of other users).

In PoS, an attacker can only successfully attack when he holds more than 51% of the token amount, which is more difficult than 51% of the computing power in PoW.

In PBFT, the system is safe when the number of malicious nodes is less than 1/3 of the total nodes. In general, any consensus mechanism has its conditions for establishment. As an attacker, you also need to consider that once the attack is successful, the value of the system will be reduced to zero. At this time, the attacker has nothing to do except destroy it. Get other valuable rewards.

For designers of blockchain projects, they should understand the advantages and disadvantages of each consensus mechanism, so as to choose an appropriate consensus mechanism or design a new consensus mechanism according to the needs of the scenario.

Security of smart contracts

Smart contracts have the characteristics of low running cost and human interventionThere are advantages such as low risk, but if there are problems with the design of smart contracts, it may cause greater losses. In June 2016, The DAO, Ethereum's most crowdfunded project, was attacked. Hackers obtained more than 3.5 million Ethereum coins, which later caused Ethereum to fork into ETH and ETC.

The measures proposed in this regard have two aspects:

The first is to conduct security audits of smart contracts,

The second is to follow the principles of safe development of smart contracts.

The security development principles of smart contracts include: be prepared for possible errors and ensure that the code can correctly handle bugs and vulnerabilities; release smart contracts with caution, do functional testing and security testing, and fully consider boundaries; keep smart contracts concise; pay attention to blockchain threat intelligence and check for updates in a timely manner; be clear about the characteristics of the blockchain, such as calling external contracts with caution.

Security of digital wallets

Digital wallets mainly have three security risks: First, design flaws. At the end of 2014, a serious random number problem (duplication of R values) caused users to lose hundreds of digital assets in a certain lottery. Second, digital wallets contain malicious code. Third, lost assets caused by loss or damage of computers and mobile phones.

There are four main countermeasures:

The first is to ensure the randomness of the private key;

The second is to verify the hash value before installing the software , ensure that the digital wallet software has not been tampered with;

The third is to use a cold wallet;

The fourth is to back up the private key.

『玖』What to do if the cold wallet has been withdrawn and the particle has been forgotten

Summary In fact, this problem has not happened to one or two people, including the witty editor. At the beginning of the year The editor registered a wallet to take a screenshot of the mnemonic phrase and saved it. When clearing the phone's memory, the mnemonic phrase was accidentally deleted and cannot be restored! At that time, I still had hundreds of thousands of tokens in my wallet, and I was very anxious. I couldn’t find a solution after many consultations. The tutorial on using the token wallet also reminded me that forgetting the mnemonic phrase means losing the wallet. My friend suggested: Don’t quit and don’t update the software. , don’t lose your phone!

『Shi』 If Huobi is finished, will the heco chain be finished?

Huobi is just removing mainland users, and it has not disappeared and is finished. It will not end.

The handling fees of public chains such as Heco and OEC are very cheap, but not all coins support withdrawal. Currently, you can withdraw those that can mention Heco, but if you deposit it for two or three years, the lifespan of most coins will be It’s not even that long. If you have to save it for a long time, it’s most reliable to use a cold wallet.

Huobi ECO Chain (Heco) is a decentralized, efficient and energy-saving public chain. It is also the first product launched by Huobi Open Platform. It implements smart contracts on the basis of supporting high-performance transactions. compatible. The native digital asset of Huobi ecological chain Heco is HT, which adopts the HPoS consensus mechanism.

Heco's arrival is notable enough. Huobi Open Platform is an infrastructure unified platform that is gradually open to the blockchain industry based on the technical resources, traffic resources and ecological resources of Huobi Group.

Besides the vision, the market is concerned about nothing more than the economic model of this new chain. According to the data, Heco’s node incentives are on-chain transaction fees, and the transaction fee is HT. HT is the only underlying token of the Heco chain. In the future, new usage scenarios such as "lock-up and pledge" and "Gas fee" applications will be opened up for HT.

The summary is as follows:

The infrastructure of the blockchain industry is none other than the public chain. The public chain serves as the "operating system" of the blockchain world. , since 2018, it has attracted various forces to enter the market, including exchanges. However, compared with established public chains such as Ethereum and EOS, public chain projects led by exchanges have been questioned since their birth. Some people worry that the exchange’s efforts in the public chain field will lead to ecological monopoly.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

① 1pybjib对值人民币是多少961年1月,前苏联卢布的含金量定为0.987412克,对美元的汇价确定为1美元兑0.9卢布。此后近30年这一汇率没有大的变化。即到1991年1美元=0.9卢布.或者