河图宇宙模型 河图洛书宇宙

㈠ 河图洛书是不是暗示着宇宙的形成呢









㈡ 河图洛书与宇宙的关系


㈢ 古代五大天书,《河图洛河》为啥被称为“宇宙魔方”


㈣ 宇宙物质循环理论的1《河图》数理

《河图》以一、三、五、七、九奇数象阳,为天数(1+3+5+7+9=25);以二、四、六、八、十偶数象阴,为地数(2+4+6+8+10=30)。天地阴阳造化五行:水、火、木、金、土。《河图》按古人坐北朝南定位:前朱雀,后玄武,左青龙,右白虎 ,中明堂。
【原文】《易经·系辞上传》:“天一、地二;天三、地四;天五、地六;天七、地八;天九、地十。天数五,地数五,五位相得而各有合。天数二十有五,地数三十,凡天地之数,五十有五,此所以成变化而行鬼神也。” 光子属于玻色子(boson),没有静止质量,在真空中任意指定的点都有且只能是被一个光子占据。太极图是光子内部结构和组成元素最理想的表征图式,即光子有4部分组成:e+,e-,p+,p-。这4部分元素从光子外部观察其质量和电荷都为0。
光子的内部结构图 太极图也可用于表征黑洞(the black hole)的结构和其构成元素,与光子同构。当黑洞吞没环绕其公转的星系物质后,就可以获得巨大的角动量,使其圆周切线速度逼近光速c,这时,黑洞的强大离心力足可以将光子分解为正中子(+n)和反中子(-n):
《易》曰:易有太极,是生二仪。 当黑洞中聚集的物质达到一定量时,正物质和反物质就从相反的切线方向抛向宇宙空间。正中子团形成正物质恒星,反中子团形成反物质恒星。
§5 三生万物
中子、质子和电子通过热核聚变产生氢(H)、氦(He)、碳(C)、氮(N)、氧(O)、铁(Fe)…等各种元素。如:H+H→He。 在太阳系中火星与土星之间有一个小行星带,由于数以万计的小行星的形状都是不规则的,因此可以断定在其形成之初并非是一团“热气球”。这些小行星是原先处于火星和土星轨道的一颗行星与太阳系中的一颗彗星相撞行星解体后产生的。这些小行星散落在附近的行星或卫星后,形成大量的环形陨石坑,也导致地球上恐龙的瞬间灭绝。
§8 大统一理论(The Grand Unified Theories)
§8.1 物质的分类
§8.2 静电场
§8.3 磁场
§8.4 真空(the vacuum)
§8.5 光子的能态
§8.6 光在真空中的传播
§8.7 波粒二象性(wave-particle alism)
§8.8 引力场
§9 《物质循环理论》对现代物理学理论的校正
2.每个星系的核心都有一个黑洞,星系中的恒星是由高速旋转的黑洞将光子分解后形成正中子团和反中子团向宇宙空间抛出所形成。因此,不存在宇宙大爆炸(the big bang)的情形;

㈤ 河图真实资料


㈥ 被誉为“宇宙魔方”的河图洛书,究竟隐藏了什么秘密





㈦ 宇宙魔方,河图洛书究竟在隐藏着什么样的时空秘密



㈧ 介绍一下河图



伏羲对日月星辰,季节气候,草木兴衰等等,有一番深入的观察。不过,这些观察并未为他理出所以然来。一天,黄河中忽然帮出了“龙马”,也就是这一刻,他突然发现自己正处于一种强烈的精神震撼之中,深切地感到了自身与所膜拜的自然之间,出现了一种莫名其妙的和谐一致。他发现龙马身上的图案,与自己一直观察万物自然的“意象”心得暗合,就这样,伏羲通过龙马身上的图案,与自己的观察,画出了“八卦”,而龙马身上的图案就叫做“河图”。在“山海经”中说“伏羲得河图,夏人因之,曰《连山》”。 伏羲的“经卦”是来源于天文现象, 它的“根”是《河图》:































清朝万年淳所定外方内圆之河图图式。其《易拇》说:“盖河图外方而内圆,一、三、七、九为一方,其数二十也;二、四、六、八为一方,其数亦二十也;中十五,共五十五数,中十点作十方圆布,包五数在内,此外方内圆,而五数方布在中者。中一圈即太极圆形,外四圈分布四方,为方形,十包五在内,仍在圆中藏方、方中藏圆、阴中有阳、阳中有阴之妙也。而十五居中,即洛书纵横皆十五之数,是又河图包裹洛书之象。河图点皆平铺,无两折,洛书亦然。旧洛书二、 四、六、八皆两折,不知河洛本二四六八平。亦宜平铺”。“河图已具洛书之体。洛书实有运用河图之妙”。此图六合一为七,二合七为九,三合八为十一,四合九为十三,五合十为十五,总数为五十五,皆为阳数。与洛书对位相合,皆阴数相对,御之以中五,则皆为阳数,说明阴阳相抱、阳生于阴、阴统于阳之理,是对《周易》扶阳抑阴思想的发挥。近人杭辛斋认为“万氏之图,较仅改形式而无意义者,自高一筹。然两数之体用分合,固极明晰,不必改作,意自可见”。并论述万氏河洛的关系:“其实河图为体,洛书为用,河图即先天。洛书为后天,河图为体而体中有用,洛书为用而用中有体,此即万氏图中分圆分方、方含圆、而圆又含方之意也”。(《易楔》)






㈨ 被誉为宇宙魔方和无字天书的《河图洛书》,究竟有什么玄妙之处



㈩ 河图洛书是最早的宇宙地图,神秘无序的图案代表什么


㈠ Does the River Picture and Luo Book hint at the formation of the universe?

"The Book of Changes*" "The river produces pictures, Luo produces books, and the sages follow them."

"He" refers to the Yellow River, "Luo" refers to Luoshui, and "sage" refers to the emperors Fuxi and Dayu who controlled the people in ancient times. Fuxi saw a picture in the Yellow River and copied it in his Bagua; Dayu saw a book in Luoshui and copied it in his "Hong Fan".

Fuxi’s Bagua, modeled after Hehua, is a set of symbols symbolizing philosophical thoughts. Tai Chi generates the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and the four seasons are generated from the heaven and earth. The four seasons generate the Bagua. The Bagua can determine good and bad luck. By pursuing good luck and avoiding bad luck, great achievements can be achieved. "Book of Changes*" "Yi has Tai Chi, which generates two rituals, two rituals generate four images, four images generate Bagua, Bagua determines good and bad luck, and good and bad luck generates great causes."

Sixth: The three virtues are integrity, strength and softness. To govern the subjects, we must be able to correct people's merits, win with hardness, and win with softness.

Seventh: Suspicion. That is to choose someone who is good at divination, and he should be able to use tortoise shells and yarrow for divination.

Eighth: Shu Zheng means to understand the eight different signs, including: rain, sunshine, warmth, cold, and wind, and act according to the rules according to the signs.

Ninth: Five blessings and six extremes. The five blessings refer to: the first is longevity, the second is wealth, the third is health and tranquility, the fourth is good virtue, and the fifth is longevity; the six extremes refer to: first is misfortune, the second is illness, the third is worry, and the fourth is poverty. , Five is evil, Six is ​​weak.

The temple is composed of four directions, up and down, and it has been the universe throughout the ages. The "Book of Changes" talks about the way the heaven and earth move, and the "Hong Fan" talks about the methods of governance in ancient and modern times. If there really is a "He Tu Luo Shu", and if the "Book of Changes" and "Hong Fan" are really based on the "He Tu Luo Shu", then it would be reasonable to say that it talks about the mysteries of the universe.

㈡ The relationship between the Hetu Luoshu and the universe

Some people think that the Hetu is the epitome of the northern starry sky

iii The five ancient heavenly books, "Hetu Luohe" 》Why is it called the "Cosmic Rubik's Cube"

The Hetu and the Luoshu are two mysterious patterns handed down from ancient China. They have always been considered the origin of the Heluo culture, the source of Chinese civilization, and the yin and yang of Tai Chi. The Four Symbols, Five Elements, Eight Trigrams and Nine Palaces can all be traced back to this, which is known as the "Universal Rubik's Cube"

㈣ The Mathematics of the 1 "Hetu" of the Universal Material Cycle Theory

Han Kong Anguo (Confucius The 11th generation Sun) wrote a biography for "Shang Shu·Gu Ming": "Fuxi was king in the world, and dragons and horses came out of the river, so he used the eight diagrams in his writings, which is called "River Picture"."
"River Picture" is based on The odd numbers of one, three, five, seven and nine are like Yang, which is the number of heaven (1+3+5+7+9=25); the even numbers of two, four, six, eight and ten are like the number of yin, which are the number of earth (2+4 +6+8+10=30). The yin and yang of heaven and earth create the five elements: water, fire, wood, metal, and earth. "River Map" according to the ancients, sit north and face southPositioning: Suzaku in the front, Xuanwu in the back, Qinglong on the left, White Tiger on the right, Zhongmingtang.
[Original text] "Book of Changes·Xici Upload": "The sky is one, the earth is two; the sky is three, the earth is four; the sky is five, the earth is six; the sky is seven, the earth is eight; the sky is nine, the earth is ten. The sky is five , the number of earth is five, and the five figures are complementary to each other. There are five in the number of heaven and thirty in the number of earth, and there are five in the number of heaven and earth in fifty. This is why it changes and behaves like ghosts and gods." Photons belong to bosons (boson), has no rest mass, and any given point in the vacuum is and can only be occupied by one photon. The Tai Chi Diagram is the most ideal representation of the internal structure and constituent elements of a photon, that is, a photon is composed of 4 parts: e+, e-, p+, p-. The mass and charge of these four elements are 0 when viewed from the outside of the photon.
The internal structure diagram of photons. The Taichi diagram can also be used to characterize the structure of the black hole and its constituent elements, which are isomorphic to photons. When a black hole swallows the galactic material orbiting it, it can obtain a huge angular momentum, making its circumferential tangential velocity approach the speed of light c. At this time, the black hole's strong centrifugal force can decompose photons into positive neutrons (+n) and antineutrons. Zi (-n):
"Yi" says: Yi has Tai Chi, which gives birth to two rituals. When the amount of matter accumulated in the black hole reaches a certain amount, matter and antimatter are thrown into the universe from opposite tangential directions. Positive neutron clusters form positive matter stars, and antineutron clusters form antimatter stars.
Laozi said: There are two in one life.
The decay of a positive neutron simultaneously produces a positive proton and a negative electron. Antineutrons decay to form antiprotons and positrons.
§5 Three things create everything
Neutrons, protons and electrons produce hydrogen (H), helium (He), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), and iron through thermonuclear fusion (Fe)...and other elements. Such as: H+H→He. There is an asteroid belt between Mars and Saturn in the solar system. Since tens of thousands of asteroids are irregular in shape, it can be concluded that they were not a group of "hot air balloons" when they were first formed. These asteroids were created when a planet originally in the orbit of Mars and Saturn collided with a comet in the solar system and the planet disintegrated. These asteroids scattered behind nearby planets or moons, forming a large number of craters, which also led to the instant extinction of the dinosaurs on Earth.
§8 The Grand Unified Theories
Now let’s discuss basic theoretical issues in physics:
§8.1 Classification of matter
Matter is composed of particles. All particles can be divided into two categories:
●→Bosons, such as photons, neutrinos, etc., have no rest mass and serve as a medium for transmitting gravity, electromagnetic force, and strong and weak forces.
○→Fermions, such as electrons, protons, neutrons, etc., have rest mass and interact with each other through bosons, such as gravity, electromagnetic force, etc..
§8.2 Electrostatic Field
Electrostatic Field
The electrostatic field is a vector field, and its medium is polarized photons. Photons have no mass in the polarized state.
§8.3 Magnetic field
The relationship between the movement of charges and the magnetic field
The magnetic field is generated by a changing electric field. At the same time, a changing magnetic field can also produce a changing electric field. Both Cause and effect. The magnetic field is also a vector field, and its medium is magnetized photons. Photons have no mass in the magnetized state.
As shown in the figure, the optomagnon is a self-closing spin coupling (coupling) composed of two magnetic monopoles, S and N. The direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the spin plane.
§8.4 The vacuum
The vacuum is a "sea" composed of bosons. Any given point is occupied by and only one photon.
§8.5 Energy states of photons
There are only two energy states of photons: 0 and 1. "0" is called the ground state, and "1" is called the excited state.
§8.6 Propagation of light in vacuum
Under normal circumstances, photons are in the "0" state or ground state. When the photon obtains a share of energy h (Planck's constant) through external coupling, the photon changes from the ground state to the "1" state or excited state.
Simply put, the propagation of light in a vacuum is not a process in which photons move from one point to another in a vacuum at the speed of light c or elastic particles transfer momentum or energy through collisions, but a process in which photons transfer energy through external coupling. The apparent motion of a portion of energy h being transferred in a vacuum is exactly the same as that of a photon moving at the speed of light c in a vacuum. This motion of photons can be transferred endlessly in a vacuum, with the transferred energy neither increasing nor decreasing.
§8.7 Wave-particle alism
Any oscillation of an open-loop electric or magnetic field releases light energy into the vacuum:
Here, E is the energy of a beam of light, h is Planck's constant, which represents the energy transmitted by a photon at one time; υ ​​is the frequency of light, which represents the number of light quantum flows passing through a point in vacuum per unit time, that is, the The number of times a point's electric or magnetic field changes per unit time.
"h" represents the particle characteristics of light, and "υ" represents the wave characteristics of light, so light has wave-particle duality at the same time.
§8.8 Gravitational field
The gravitational field is also a vector field, and the medium that transmits gravity is vacuum or photons. The gravitational field can also be called the gradient field of photon density (ρ). When the photon density gradient in two directions at a point in the vacuum is 0, the gravitational field in these two directions is 0.
§9 "Material Cycle Theory" correction of modern physical theory
1. Newtonian mechanics only applies to inertial systems, that is, the physical world composed of fermions with rest mass;
2. There is a black hole at the core of every galaxy, the galaxyThe stars in it are formed by a rapidly rotating black hole that breaks down photons into neutron clusters and anti-neutron clusters and throws them into space. Therefore, there is no such thing as the big bang;
3. There are both positive matter stars and antimatter stars in the same galaxy;
4. Photons are everywhere in the universe, belong to bosons and have no rest mass;
5. When photons serve as the medium of the electric field, the photons show polarity and are called photopoles, which have no mass;
6. When photons serve as the medium of a magnetic field, photons are self-closing spin couplers, composed of N magnetic monopoles and S magnetic monopoles, called optomagnons, which have no mass;
7. A photon can only transfer one amount of energy (h, Planck's constant) at a time. It propagates in a straight line in the vacuum through the external coupling of the photon. During this coupling transfer process, the energy of the photon will neither increase nor decrease. ; Therefore, it denies that photons move in vacuum at the speed of light c and denies the hypothesis that photons are elastic ions that transfer kinetic energy and energy by collision;
8. The propagation speed of light in vacuum is not affected by the energy of a beam of light, nor is it affected by the relative speed of the light source in any inertial system. The speed of light propagating in vacuum is c. However, when the speed of light propagates in a large gravitational field, since the gravitational field itself is the density gradient field of photons, the path and speed of light propagation will be bent or slowed down by the influence of the gravitational field;
9. The wave-particle duality of photons is unified by the formula "E=hυ", "h" represents the particle characteristics of light, and "υ" represents the wave characteristics of light.

㈤ Hetu’s real information

Don’t struggle, a lot of people want to know. If you really like him, just respect him.

㈥ What secrets are hidden in the Hetu Luoshu, known as the "Universal Rubik's Cube"?

The Hetu Luoshu hides information about gossip, numbers, yin and yang, the five elements, and astronomy. , the secret of geography. Throughout the dynasties, many people have studied Hetu Luoshu. Hetu Luoshu is also one of the most influential people in Chinese culture and contains rich ethical and scientific knowledge.

1. The Origin of Bagua

According to ancient legends, during the ancient Fuxi period, a dragon horse emerged from the Yellow River in Luoyang, carrying the Hetu on its back. Later, a magical turtle emerged from the Luo River with Luo Shu on its back. After Fuxi read Hetu Luoshu, he deduced it into Bagua based on this principle, which later became the source of "Zhouyi". Later, many people studied the laws of Hetu and Luoshu, and connected Bagua with Zhouyi. Zhu Xi even made Hetu Luoshu the first volume of Yixue and highly praised it. Therefore, people have reason to believe that the Zhouyi originated from the Bagua, and the Bagua ultimately originated from the Hetu Luoshu.

Dear readers, what do you know about Hetu and Luoshu? What else do you want to know? Welcome to say it in the comment area.

㈦ Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, what exactly is Hetu Luoshu hiding?The Secret of Space and Time

First of all, it needs to be stated that these two things are not comparable at all, and there is no need to study them together. The Cosmic Cube is just a fictional thing created by Marvel, and Hetu Luoshu actually exists in this world. Although Marvel has a lot of fans, things like the Cosmic Cube are groundless, while Hetu Luoshu has a long history. Judging from the secrets of time and space contained in the two, the secrets contained in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube were entirely conceived by the creative staff, while the Hetu Luoshu has a certain connection with natural science.

Therefore, comparing the two, there is nothing comparable between Marvel's Cosmic Cube and Hetu Luoshu, and the two are not of the same level.

㈧Introduce the Hetu

Table of Contents·[Introduction]
·[Source of Hetu]
·[Hetu’s Schema]
·[Types of River Pictures]
·[Lei Siqi’s "Hetu"]
·[Hebo, Hetu, Da Yu]


Fuxi made in-depth observations on the sun, moon, stars, seasonal climate, the rise and fall of vegetation, etc. However, these observations did not make sense for him. One day, a "Dragon Horse" suddenly appeared in the Yellow River. At this moment, he suddenly found himself in a strong spiritual shock. He deeply felt that there was an inexplicable connection between himself and the nature he worshiped. of harmony. He found that the pattern on the dragon and horse coincided with his own "image" of observing the nature of all things. In this way, Fuxi drew the "Bagua" through the pattern on the dragon and horse and his own observations, and the pattern on the dragon and horse was called "Bagua". "River Map". In the "Book of Mountains and Seas" it is said that "Fuxi obtained the river map, and the Xia people named it "Lianshan" because of it." Fuxi's "Jing Gua" is derived from astronomical phenomena, and its "root" is "He Tu":

[Source of He Tu]

He Tu and Luo Shu , which came from the observation of astronomical phenomena, became a precious thing of the emperors during the three generations. The Hetu and Luoshu have a simple structure and are one of the cultural cornerstones of ancient China. Liao Ping, a classics scholar in the Qing Dynasty, repeatedly verified the Book of Songs, the Book of Changes, and the Nei Jing, and confirmed that the theory of the Nei Jing was based on the Yi Jing, and the mathematics of the Yi Jing was derived from Heluo.

[The pattern of the river diagram]

The river diagram combines ten numbers with five directions, five elements, yin and yang, and the symbols of heaven and earth. The diagram uses white circles as yang, sky, and odd numbers; black dots as yin, earth, and even numbers. And the heaven and earth are combined into the five directions, and the yin and yang are combined into the five elements, so the schema structure is distributed as follows:

One and six share the same clan in the north, because the sky creates water, and the earth makes up the six; two and seven are friends. Living in the south, two of the earth produce fire, and the sky produces seventy percent of it; three and eight are friends and live in the east, and because of the three of heaven and earth produce eighty of it; four and nine live in the west, because of the four of the earth and ninety percent of it;Five and ten stay together and are in the center. Because the five in heaven generate earth, the earth becomes ten. The river map was drawn according to the seasons when the five stars appeared. The five stars were called the five latitudes in ancient times. They are the five planets in the sky. Wood is called the Sui Star, Fire is called the Yinghuo Star, Earth is called the Zhenxing, Venus is called the Taibai Star, and Water is called the Chen Star. The movement of the five elements is divided into twenty-eight dormitories. Because its track is not far from the path of the sun, the ancients used it to keep track of the date. The five stars generally appear in the Arctic sky one after another in the order of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each star travels for 72 days, and the five stars combine 360 ​​degrees around the sky. It can be seen that the river map was drawn based on the celestial phenomena of the five stars, which is also the source of the five elements. Because before the winter solstice in November every year, Mercury is seen in the north. When the winter weather comes, everything is dormant, and there is only ice, snow and water on the ground. This is how the concept of water movement was formed. After the summer solstice in July, Mars is seen in the south. Just when the summer weather is coming, the ground is very hot. This is how the concept of the element of fire was formed. At the spring equinox in March, Jupiter appears in the east. When spring is in season, grass and trees sprout and grow. The so-called "spring comes to the world and the grass and trees know it", this is how the concept of the wood element was formed. At the autumnal equinox in September, Venus appears in the west. In ancient times, it represented weapons, to show that the killing power of autumn is in season, and that all things will grow old and wither, and the gold will be formed from this. In May, Saturn appears in the mid-heaven, indicating that the long-summer wet earth air is in season. Wood, fire, metal, and water all use this as the midpoint. The four-season climate changes caused by wood, fire, metal, and water are all observed from the ground. The concept of earth element is Formed this way.


1. The image of the river diagram

The river diagram uses ten black and white dots to represent yin and yang, the five elements, and the four images. The picture shows a square shape. As follows:
North: One white dot inside and six black dots outside, indicating the Xuanwu astrology and the five elements of water.
East: Three white dots inside and eight black dots outside, indicating the astrology of the Green Dragon and the Five Elements of Wood.
South: Two black dots inside and seven white dots outside, representing the Suzaku astrology and the five elements of fire.
Western: four black dots inside and nine white dots outside, indicating the white tiger astrology and the five elements of gold.
Center: Five white dots are inside and ten black dots are outside, representing the singularity of space and time, and the five elements are earth.
(Among them, the white dots in odd numbers are yang, and the black dots in even numbers are yin. Among the four images, each image controls seven constellations, a total of 28 constellations.) The above is the "River Map". Among them, the four images, according to the orientation of the ancient people facing north and south, are: Suzaku in the front, Xuanwu in the back, Qinglong on the left, and white tiger on the right. This is the source of Feng Shui pictograms.

2. Numbers in the River Diagram

1. Numbers in the Heaven and Earth: There are 10 numbers in the River Diagram, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9,10. Among them, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are Yang, and 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are Yin. The sum of yang numbers is 25, the sum of yin numbers is 30, and the sum of yin and yang is 55. Therefore, the ancients said: "The number of heaven and earth is fifty-five", that is, the number of heaven and earth is 55, "the ghosts and gods move through changes". That is the number of all thingsThey are all transformed from the numbers of heaven and earth.

2. The number of survival of all things: the sky produces water, and the earth produces 60% of it; the earth produces fire, and the sky produces 70% of it; the sky of three produces wood, and the earth produces 80% of it; the earth of four produces gold, and the sky produces 90% of it. ; The five heavens give birth to earth, and the earth makes ten percent of it. So one is the birth number of water, two is the birth number of fire, three is the birth number of wood, four is the birth number of gold, and five is the birth number of earth. Six is ​​the number of water, seven is the number of fire, eight is the number of wood, nine is the number of gold, and ten is the number of earth. All things have a number, and they can only be born when they are born; all things have a number, and they can be completed only when they can be achieved. Therefore, all things exist in numbers.

3. The number of the five elements: The number of the five elements is the number of the five elements, which is water one, fire two, wood three, metal four, and earth five. It is also called the number of Xiaoyan. One, three, and five are Yang numbers, and their sum is nine, so nine is the number of Yang pole. Two and four are yin numbers, and their sum is six, so six is ​​the extreme number of yin. The numbers of yin and yang are combined into the number 15, so when it is converted into Luo Shu, the number 15 is both vertical and horizontal, which is the number of yin and yang and the five elements.

4. The number of Dayan: The number of Dayan 50 is the number of five elements multiplied by earth, 10; it is also the number used for the number of heaven and earth. The number of heaven and earth is 55. Subtract the number 5 of Xiaoyan to get the number of Dayan 50. Xiaoyan is the number of heaven and earth, and Dayan is the number of heaven and earth. The so-called "the Dayan number 50 is used for 49" is a divination method that uses the Dayan number to predict: one is the body and forty-nine is the use, so the use is forty and nine.

5. The number of intersections of heavenly stems: The number of tens in the river map is the number of ten heavenly stems. The number of friendships is: one or six share the same clan, two or seven share the same path, three or eight are friends, four or nine are friends, and five or ten share the same virtue. It is the number by which all things survive. Therefore, Jia and Ji are combined into one and six common denominations, Yi and Geng are combined into two and seven together, Bing and Xin are combined into three and eight together, friends, Ding and Ren are combined into four and nine together, and Wu and Gui are combined into five and ten together. After the ten heavenly stems merge together, they become the five elements of the heavenly stems. The body of the five elements of the river map is transformed into the function of the five elements of the heavenly stems.
6. The number of six armors receiving sounds: the number of heaven and earth 55 plus the number of five elements 5, combined into 60 Jiazi the number of five elements receiving sounds. The yin and yang and the five elements of the ten heavenly stems intersect with all things. They seek each other with the same energy, and each produce 12 sounds in response to the same sound. Silent and silent sounds are not included. According to the five elements of the north, east, south, west, and middle of the river diagram, there are 60 sounds in total. It is the number of sounds from the five elements of heaven and earth.

3. The principle of the river diagram

1. The principle of the left-handed river diagram: facing south, left to east and right to west. Water produces wood, wood produces fire, fire produces earth, and earth produces Metal and metal produce water, which is the left-hand rotation of the five elements. The center does not move, one, three, five, seven, and nine are left-handed for yang numbers; two, four, six, eight, and ten are left-handed for yin numbers; they all rotate clockwise, which is the movement of the five elements and all things. We know that all galaxies such as the Milky Way are right-handed when viewed from above, and left-handed when viewed from above. Therefore, "the anger rises like a ram's horn." Therefore, walking in line with the sky is a left-hand rotation, and walking in a circular motion is a right-hand rotation. Therefore, the left-hand rotation governs life.

2. The principle of river pictogram: riverThe map is originally a star map. It is used for geography, so it is an image in the sky and takes shape on the earth. In the sky, the elephants are three walls and twenty-eight constellations; on the earth, they are the green dragon, white tiger, red bird, Xuanwu and Mingtang. The shape of the sky is wind and air, and the shape of the earth is dragon and water, so it is Feng Shui. It is the luck of the stars and the energy of the terrain. Therefore, the four images and four shapes absorb the energy of the heaven and earth and the five elements.

3. The principle of the Five Elements in the River Diagram: The River Diagram determines the innate position of the five elements, with wood in the east, metal in the west, fire in the south, water in the north, and earth in the middle. The Five Elements spin to the left, and the Middle Earth spins. Therefore, the five elements in the river diagram are mutually dependent on each other, which is the reason why all things are mutually dependent on each other. Earth is the middle virtue, so the movement of the five elements has the innate virtue of good health.

4. The principle of yin and yang in the river diagram: earth is in the middle and is yin, and the four images are yang outside. The principle of yin and yang inside and outside; wood and fire are yang, metal and water are yin, which is the combination of yin and yang, water and fire. The principle of Yin and Yang intersecting in each of the five elements, and they are endless, which is the principle of Yin and Yang having the same origin and origin. The earth in the middle is static, and the four external phenomena are moving, which is the principle of movement and stillness of Yin and Yang. If the square shape of the river diagram is transformed into a circle, with wood and fire as yang, metal and water as yin, and yin, earth, and yang earth as black and white fish eyes, it will be a Tai Chi diagram. At this time, water is Taiyin, fire is Sun, wood is Shaoyang, and metal is Shaoyin, which are the four phenomena of Tai Chi. Therefore, the river diagram is the function of yin and yang, and is the source of changing images. Yibu is the manifestation of the three talents of yin and yang.

5. Hetu’s theory of innateness: What is innateness? Man regards heaven as heaven, and heaven regards man as heaven. When man is controlled by heaven, man belongs to heaven, and man is one with heaven. It does not matter what man is. At this time, heaven is the innate nature. Man can recognize the time of heaven and can defy heaven. In practice, man is heaven, and is the heaven of heaven, so it is the day after tomorrow. According to the innate principle, the five elements and all things are mutually reinforcing and controlling each other, and hair growth is the main one. According to acquired principles, the five elements and all things restrain each other, and destruction is the main one. According to the principle of the river diagram, the earth is in the middle and all things are born and combined, and they rotate to the left to create each other. Since the earth is in the middle, they are relatively restrained and blocked, so the innate principle is created by spiraling to the left. Furthermore, the principle of the river diagram is that it is calm, so the river diagram is about tranquility.
The images, numbers, and principles of the river map are extremely simple and easy, yet profound and infinite. Let’s discuss it for now.

[Types of River Pictures]

Liu's River Pictures

Liu Mu in the Northern Song Dynasty called the Nine Numbers River Pictures. The picture can be found in his "Yi Shu Gou Yin Tu", and Zhu Zhen's "Yi Gua Tu Shuo" of the Southern Song Dynasty is the same. Liu developed Chen Tuan's Dragon Picture into two schemas: He Picture and Luo Shu's

. The River Picture is the picture that the dragon and horse bear, that is, the Dragon Picture. It is believed that: "In the past, the Fuxi family had the world. Feeling the auspiciousness of the dragon and horse, bearing the number of the heaven and the earth, they came out of the river. They were those who were in the dragon picture. Wearing one nine shoes, three on the left and seven on the right, two and four are shoulders, six and Eight is the foot, five is the belly and heart. Count them vertically and horizontally, and they are all fifteen. Gai Yi is the so-called reference to the five elements to change, and the number is intricate. Taihao is the symbol, so he determines the number of the five elements because of the four uprights. Using Yang Qi originates from Jianzi and is the source of generation; Yin qi emerges from Jianwu and is the basis for killing. The two qi communicate. Then they change, so all things are born and all things are killed." ("Yi Shu Hook Hidden Picture") In the picture, the white dots are odd numbers, the black dots are even numbers, the sum of odd numbers is 25, the sum of even numbers is 20, the vertical, horizontal and diagonal sums are all 15, a total of 45. Liu believed that this number combinedIn the number of Dayan and the number of heaven and earth, fifty, subtracting five means it is hidden but not revealed. Zong Liuxin and Kong Anguo said that the Eight Diagrams originated from Hetu. "The sky has a bump, the earth is separated, the sky is shaken in three places, the earth is in four places, and the sky is in the middle. This is the number of the five elements. And the solitary yin does not arise, the solitary yang does not Fa, the old son is matched with earth six, the noon is matched with sky seven, the Mao is matched with eight earth, the unitary number is matched with nine heavens, and the middle is matched with ten earth. Now that the five elements are completed into numbers, the signs of the Eight Diagrams are determined, so they are weighted to make sixty-four. Hexagrams, three hundred and eighty-four lines, this is the secret purpose of the sage to set up hexagrams and observe phenomena." ("Yi Shu Gou Yin Tu") Its theory comes from the Han Gua Qi theory, the Five Elements theory and the Han and Tang Jiugong theory. Liu reconciled the Five Elements Theory of Generation with the Nine Palaces Theory to explain that the river map was the source of the Eight Diagrams.

Cai's River Diagram

Cai Yuan of the Southern Song Dynasty decided to call the Ten Numbers Diagram the River Diagram. Contrary to Liu Mu, he and Zhu Xi gave a detailed explanation of this in "Yixue Enlightenment" . It is believed that in the "Number of Heaven and Earth" section of "Book of Changes·Xici", "The Master invented the number of river diagrams. There is only one Qi between heaven and earth. When divided into two, it is Yin and Yang, and the five elements of creation, all things are always there, no matter what happens. Yan. Therefore, the position of the river map is that one and six share the same clan and live in the north; two and seven are friends and live in the south; three and eight share the same path and live in the east; four and nine are friends and live in the west; five

Staying with ten and living in the middle. The reason for the number is just one yin and one yang, just two of the five elements... Accumulate five odd and it will be twenty-five, accumulate five odd and it will be twenty-five. It’s thirty, and the combination of the two makes it fifty-five.” This is the total number of river maps. He admires the Five Elements Generation Diagram and believes that this diagram embodies the order of the Five Elements' mutual generation, starting from the east, then the south, then the middle, then the west, then the north, turning left and starting from the east again. From east to south, wood generates fire, from south to middle, fire generates earth, from middle to west, earth generates metal, and from west to north, metal generates water. It is believed that the numbers in the river map are mainly based on the number of births, that is, one, two, three, four, five, and sixty, seven, eighty, and ninety. The number of births is inside and the number is outside. The ones in the middle are the main ones and the ones outside are the guests. Its orientation: 16 is water in the north, 27 is fire in the south, 38 is wood in the east, 49 is metal in the west, 50 is

earth is in the center, reflecting the year. The qi phase of yin and yang and the five elements is the process of ending and beginning. The theory of hexagram energy is used to explain the diagram of the formation of the five elements, in an attempt to directly derive the symbols of the eight trigrams from this diagram, and then explain that the hexagram symbols come from the numbers of heaven and earth, and the numbers of rivers and Luo. It is believed that Hetu and Luoshu have a relationship between concreteness and use, comprehensiveness and change. "The Hetu uses five numbers to unify five percent of the numbers, and they are all in the same place. They are all covered to show people how to understand them, which is the body of numbers. The Luoshu uses five odd numbers to unify the four even numbers, and each of them lives in its own place. The main thing is to unite the yin with the yang and cause its changes, which is the use of numbers." "He Tu is in charge of the whole, so the extreme is ten, and the positions of odd and even are equal. Judging from its accumulation and reality, then it is seen that it is odd and lacking. Luo Shu is in charge of change, so the extreme is nine, and its position and reality are both odd and weak. But the odd and even are lacking. They must all be empty, and then the number of yin and yang is even at twenty and is biased." (Quoted from "Yixue Enlightenment") Cai's diagram of the generation of the five elements (the ten-number diagram) was the river diagram, which became a popular saying in later generations.

Wan's River Diagram

A river diagram with a square outside and a circle inside, established by Wannian Chun of the Qing Dynasty. The "Book of Changes" says: "The Gaihe Diagram is square on the outside and round on the inside. One, three, seven, and nine are one side, and the number is twenty; two, four, six, and eight are one side, and the number is twenty; Fifteen in the middle, a total of fifty-five numbers. Make ten square circular cloths at the ten points in the middle, including the number five. The outer squares are circles inside, and the square cloth with the number five is in the middle. The middle circle is the Tai Chi circle, and the outer four circles are distributed Four squares are squares, and five are included in the ten. It is still the wonder of hiding squares in circles, hiding circles in squares, yang in yin, and yin in yang. And fifteen is in the middle, which is the number of fifteen in Luoshu both vertically and horizontally. , this is the image of the river map wrapping the Luo book. The river map points are all flat, without two folds, and the same is true for the Luo book. The second, fourth, sixth, and eighth chapters of the old Luo book are all two-fold, but I don’t know that the Heluo version is 2468 flat. . It should also be laid flat." "The river map has the style of Luo Shu. Luo Shu really has the wonderful use of river map." In this picture, six combined into one is seven, two combined into seven is nine, three combined into eight is eleven, four combined into nine is thirteen, five combined into ten is fifteen, the total is fifty-five, all are Yang numbers. Comparing with the Luoshu counterposition, all yin numbers are opposite. If you use the middle five, they are all yang numbers, which illustrates the principle that yin and yang embrace each other, yang is born from yin, and yin governs yang. It is a reference to "Zhouyi" in supporting yang and suppressing yin. The play of ideas. The recent scholar Hang Xinzhai believes that "Wan's drawings are superior to those that only change the form but are meaningless. However, the use of division and combination of the two figures is extremely clear, and there is no need to change it, and the meaning can be seen by itself." He also discussed the relationship between Wanshi and Heluo: "In fact, Hetu is the body, Luo Shu is the use, Hetu is the innate nature. Luo Shu is the acquired nature, Hetu is the body and the body is useful, Luo Shu is the use and there is the body in the use. This is the meaning of the circle and the square in Wan's diagram, the square contains the circle, and the circle contains the square." ("Yi Chuan")

[Lei Siqi's "River Picture"]

Lei Siqi (1231-1302), courtesy name Qixian, lived in Linchuan, Fuzhou (today's Belongs to Jiangxi) people. After the death of the Song Dynasty, he abandoned Confucianism and followed Taoism. He lived in Wushi Temple, read the clouds, and studied metaphysics deeply. In his later years, he was invited by the thirty-sixth generation of Taoist heavenly masters to be a lecturer on metaphysics and preached in Guangxin Mountain. Scholars respectfully called him Mr. Kongshan. There are five volumes of "Yi Tu Tong Bian" and three volumes of "Yi Zhi Tong Bian".

"Yi Tu Tongbian" was written by Gengzi, the great dean of the Yuan Dynasty (1300). At the beginning of the volume, there are "Forty Pictures of the River Map to Conquer Mistakes", and there are also pictures such as "The Picture of Towering Heaven and Two Places Relying on Numbers", "The Picture of Referring to Wu to Change the Complex Numbers" and "The Picture of Referring to Two Complex Numbers to Change the General Picture". Lei's master of the "River Diagram" theory is the number of forty, saying: "The original number of the River Diagram is the four directions and the four dimensions, a total of forty. The round cloth is the body, and the heaven, five, earth and ten are used to make the forty, so it is combined with the number of the heaven and the earth. Fifty has five." It is said that this forty-numbered "River Picture" came from before Fuxi and was a tool for drawing hexagrams by the saint. Lei Shi uses numbers to match hexagrams, and uses the numbers of the eight palaces in the nine palaces to match the directions of the eight trigrams in "Shuo Gua": Tianyi matches Kan, earth eight matches Gen, sky three matches Zhen, earth four matches Sunda, Tianjiu matches Li, and earth. The second pair is Kun, the seventh pair is Dui, and the sixth pair is Qian.

His "River Picture Identification" means that he personally saw the book "Dragon Picture" by Chen Tuan, which contains the "Bentu" of nine-shaped palaces and the "Xingluoshu" of fifty-five figures. Liu Muzong derived fifty-five pictures, but Li Gou "Yuan did not knowThese three books are all one, but they are wrongly analyzed and thought of as three." He said: "What's more, the fifty-five figures are falsely called the river map, and the river map handed down by Tunan is called the Luoshu. . Turn the confusion upside down and stop at the bottom. "Rebuked Liu Mu and Li Gou for taking the number of nine categories and five elements in "Hong Fan" as "Luoshu", "to cover up their delusion", and criticized Zhu Xi and Cai Yuanding for "taking books as pictures and pictures as books, they are also delusional. He is a delusional person." Lei's master "Luo Shu" cannot draw point-and-number pictures, saying: "Yu Te said that pictures can be numbered, while books have categories and categories that can be counted, but they cannot be laid out as pictures. ”

In fact, Lei’s picture of forty black and white dots with Bagua is a summary of Liu Xin’s “River Picture”, which is Bagua theory and Liu Mu’s “River Picture” of nine black and white dots. Zhu Xi's reinterpretation of the "Tai Chi" theory is just an updated picture in the history of the development of the "River Map". Based on the saying that "when the river came out of the picture before Xi, he drew the hexagrams after he was able to do so, and when Luo Zhi published the book after Yu, he could draw the hexagrams again after he came out of the river." The meaning of "The river produces pictures, the Luo produces books, and the sages follow them" seemed to be almost correct at the time. However, today, it is meaningless to divide prayers based on the consensus that "Yi Zhuan" is not entirely composed by Confucius. of. This shows the helpless mentality of literati in feudal society who were fettered by the words of "saints". Lei does not think that the theory in "Xici" is that "sages established religions based on Shintoism", nor does he advocate Liu Mu's nine-number "River Map" theory or Zhu Xi's ten-number "River Map" theory. If we still want illustrations "Xici" states that "He comes out with pictures, Luo comes out with books, and Sheng enters and follows them." There is only one way to summarize all the theories and deduce new pictures and new theories.

㈨ What is the mystery of the "Hetu Luoshu", which is known as the Rubik's Cube of the Universe and the wordless heavenly book?

The "Hetu" and "Luoshu" were created by ancient sages. The two mysterious patterns are known as the source of Chinese civilization. Because they are ancient and have no words, they are shrouded in mystery and are known as the "Wordless Heavenly Book" and "The Rubik's Cube of the Universe". He Tu and Luo Shu are two pictures with black dots and white dots as basic elements, composed of different sequences in a specific way, and arranged into a digital square matrix. They are the epitome of the universe in the human world and a book composed of patterns. The Wordless Heavenly Book was an exclusive reading material for saints in ancient times. Therefore, "Hetu Luoshu" is called "the study of emperors". Except for the saints who "know without doing, understand without seeing, and achieve without doing", ordinary people have no access to and cannot understand "Hetu Luoshu".

It was the source of the "Book of Changes" later created by King Wen of Zhou Dynasty. It is also said that during the time of Dayu, another divine turtle emerged from the Luo River in Luoning County, Luoyang, and carried "Luoshu" on its back as a tribute to Dayu. Dayu successfully controlled the water as shown in the picture, and later used natural boundaries such as mountains, rivers and lakes to control the water. , "Yi Xici 1" says that "the river produces pictures, Luo produces books, and the sages follow them", it is talking about these two things. The sum of the numbers on the horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines on the Luo Book is all 15; the black and white dots arranged on the River Map are the mysteries of the universe. These two seemingly simple figuresA simple graphic is the prototype of ancient Chinese civilization and established the first epic milestone of Chinese culture. Hetu Luoshu Shushu culture opened the source of Yin-Yang and Five Elements Shushu. It first appeared in "Shangshu" and "Yizhuan", and was also mentioned in many works of various scholars. Later, Tai Chi, Bagua, Zhouyi, Liujia, Jiuxing, Fengshui, etc. There are two pictures in each.

㈩ Hetu Luoshu is the earliest map of the universe. What do the mysterious and disordered patterns represent?

Some people say that Hetu Luoshu is the earliest map of the universe. The earliest map of the universe, because there are many mysterious patterns recorded in this book, and the patterns represent some information. At this stage, many of our researchers cannot explain all of these patterns, and cannot fully judge the information they represent. We are only at a basic stage of understanding these patterns. Some people say that the patterns recorded in this book represent some technologies in the universe, some things that we are so-called and even unimaginable, but What do these things actually mean? With our current technological level or cultural level, it is still impossible to conduct a comprehensive analysis, but if one day our cultural level can reach the level of interpreting the information represented by these patterns, it will be of great help to our understanding of the universe and even our understanding of human beings. origin, all have a certain helpful effect.

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❶ 元宇宙概念是什么元宇宙(Metaverse)一词,诞生于1992年的科幻小说《雪崩》,小说描绘了一个庞大的虚拟现实世界,在这里,人们用数字化身来控制,并相互竞争以提高自己的地位,到现在看来,描述的