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❶ What are the price limit rules of Bitcoin contracts?

Why are there still people playing with contracts? How many of them are victorious generals? This thing fluctuates too much, both long and short take advantage of it.
The safest options are fixed investment and Bitoffer options.
Options are the best hedging tool for spot prices. How to hedge? For example, if you open a put option on Bitoffer, if Bitcoin falls from US$8,700 to US$8,000, theoretically your spot will lose US$700, but your put option will make a profit of US$700. In this way, you can completely hedge. The risk of falling out of the market.

❷ Does the Bitcoin index move with the spot or the spot with the contract?

Obviously, the contract drives the price changes in the spot market, but the contract risk is extremely high.

What are Bitcoin options?

The so-called Bitcoin options are to predict the future rise and fall of Bitcoin. In terms of operation, if the price is expected to be bullish, then buy the price, and if the price is expected to be bearish, then buy the price. The profit calculation is the same as that of spot prices. When buying up, you will earn as much as the price rises during the cycle. When buying down, you will earn as much as the price falls during the cycle. In short, it is to use a very small principal to bet on the rise and fall of the future range, so as to obtain high returns.

How to play Bitcoin options?

For example, the current price of Bitcoin is 10,000 US dollars, and you think it will rise in the next hour, so you open a 1-hour call option at a cost of 20 USDT. Sure enough, as expected, Bitcoin increased by 1,000 US dollars in 1 hour, and the system automatically settled after 1 hour expired. You received a return of 1,000 US dollars, which is equivalent to a return of 50 times the principal.

If Bitcoin falls in the next hour, you will lose the principal of the 20 USDT options invested. This is the benefit of options with "unlimited returns and limited risks".

❸ The difference between Bitcoin spot and contract

Bitcoin spot means that no matter how much Bitcoin falls or rises, if you have a Bitcoin in your hand, it is a Bitcoin. For contracts, it has economic leverage, and the system will automatically liquidate and liquidate positions, which is very risky.

❹ What is Bitcoin arbitrage trading

Just make money and run. If you need a download address, I can provide it

❺ I want to do contract trading, which platform? You can do Bitcoin contracts with 50 times leverage

Yes, you can do it with Starcoin Global, one of the first compliance platforms of the Seychelles government. I have been playing it for a while, and it is very good

❻ How to avoid losing money on Bitcoin contracts

Any investment risks and returns coexist. If you don’t want the risks, there will naturally be no returns.

❼ Is arbitrage possible between different domestic Bitcoin exchanges? What are the technical difficulties?

Theoretically, arbitrage is possible.
The difficulty is that you withdraw money from the exchange (Bitcoin or cash) is not received in real time. While you are waiting for the payment to arrive (more than ten minutes), the market prices on both sides may reverse.

❽ What is the principle of Bitcoin arbitrage

To put it simply, the principle of arbitrage is: buy low and sell high, buy coins from where the price is low, and sell where the price is high. That is to earn the price difference between different platforms.

But there are three risks in moving bricks:

a. Time difference in currency transfer: Withdrawing or depositing currency requires a certain waiting time, so you may miss the best trading time.

b. Currency price fluctuations: If the currency price fluctuates significantly, the price difference will disappear before the brick-moving process is completed.

c. Platform issues: Some trading platforms may shut down services from time to time or even run away.

Principle: Carry out arbitrage on both platforms at the same time to avoid the risks of "currency transfer time lag" and "currency price fluctuations".

Before moving to Zhuan: The Buzhuan platform must support transactions in the same currency, and the Buzhuan platforms must be able to transfer currencies to each other.

Step 1: Price difference calculation. There are handling fees for currency transactions and currency transfers, so you have to calculate the fees based on your own funds to determine how much the price difference is to make it profitable.

Step 2: Operate simultaneously. Buy BTC on a platform with a low price and sell BTC on a platform with a high price. At this time, the number of BTC held remains unchanged and the number of USDT increases. (Pay attention to transaction fees.)

Step 3: Balance funds. With the emergence of price differences, it is difficult to predict which platform will have a lower price and which will have a higher price. Therefore, both platforms must prepare USDT and BTC. When the price difference appears, it is convenient to continue moving bricks. (Cross-platform currency transfers also require handling fees.)

The above are the principles and steps of risk-free arbitrage using BTC and USDT for transactions. It also has a fancy name: quantitative hedging. The fundamental purpose is to earn USDT, not BTC.

For more details, you can look at this: Web link

❾ How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times a full contract is equivalent to you Use 100 yuan to buy 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin. If it increases by ten points, your income will be 200 yuan (+100). Your account will be 300 yuan the next day. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and increase by ten points, your income will be 600 yuan (+300), and so on,
But if it drops by 5 points, your principal will be gone, which is commonly known as liquidation.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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